When we start on our healing path there is a lot to work through.

Our years of living brings with it trauma and pain to process.

After we have been on the path for a while we find there is something more to work on.

Beyond our own personal experience.

For as we dig into the deeper levels of healing we find that is something we might not have expected.

Something deeper that resides in our cells or our DNA.

And that is the work of ancestral healing.

For we are not an isolate being who came out of nothing.

We carry within us the history of our lineage, of our ancestors.

If they did not survive and reproduce, we would not be here.

This is easy to understand, yet there are deeper implications.

Ones that are not apparent in our daily lives.

The pain and suffering our not just our parents, but their parents, and those who come before them are passed down to us.

We might look like a grandparent or a great grandparent, yet we inherited more than just their looks.

Our inheritance includes the extreme emotions they may have felt as well.

Emotions like fear, anguish, pain, loss, grief, as well as their suffering.

Sometimes we might notice that we feel sad when there is nothing to feel sad about in our lives.

Or we are fearful of something that we've never had any experience with.

These may all be things that someone in our lineage had reason to fear, and that fear was passed down to us.

Our bodies are the record-keepers of that which has come before us.

So when we start to peel away the layers of pain, guilt, and shame from our own lives, we might find even more challenges lie beneath them.

It can be very surprising to us.

Especially if we don't feel a personal connection to those who came before us.

Even if we don't know much about our family history or what happen a few generations ago.

When we do come upon these deeper layers of healing, it can feel overwhelming.

As if the sadness or grief or pain will never end.

Confusion can set in because it is not our pain or sadness or grief.

Yet our bodies still hold these emotions.

Keeping the emotional record of our elders.

When we dive in and have the courage to face these emotions and process them, we do it not just for ourselves.

For in some way, we are healing the pain for our ancestors as well.

And by healing that pain, we prevent it from being passed on to future generations.

Not only do our children and grandchildren v=benefit from the bravery of our healing work.

Energetically, our ancestors are benefiting from it as well.

So facing these deep wounds that are not even our own helps many people.

Not just ourselves, but our whole lineage.

Is that not worth the discomfort and pain we go through to heal these ancient wounds?

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

Host of The Conscious Consultant Hour