Successful relationships are dependent on a few things.Yet there is one aspect that is more important than any other.It is the key to all forms of relationships.And that is communication.Healthy relationships cannot exist without constant and clear communication.Honest communication is at the very heart of so many things.It builds trust.It demonstrates engagement.It displays care and concern.Communication is not just about talking.It is also about listening.It is about being present for the conversation, no matter how difficult it might be.It is about doing our personal work.We can only show up as well as we have worked on ourselves.We can only communication as honestly as we are honest with ourselves.Yet when we do, magic happens.What seems like an end can be a new beginning.What starts off feels like a painful interaction turns in a beautiful connection.What we were afraid to say can be exactly what the other person needs to hear.This is true in all types of relationships.From business to personal, from friends to partners.Humans have this in common.We all need quality communication to thrive.We all desire to be understood.We all just want to be heard.The trick is in order to be heard we have to listen first.To come to the conversation fully, not looking to justify ourselves.When we show up in the truest sense, the other person feels it.When we show up in a distracted manner, it is also quite obvious.Can we learn to show up and be present?Absolutely!Can we learn to be better communicators?Yes, although it does take work.And as we works on ourselves, learning to be more honest with ourselves, our relationships with other improves.

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant