Sometimes we separate our spiritual practice from our daily life.

Our practice is just something we do when we have time.

We make it another task to accomplish.

Not allowing it to affect other aspects of our lives.

This is a fragmented approach to spiritual practice.

Those who have truly integrated their practice know there is a better way.

For spirituality is not about just doing something when we have time.

It is not about making sure we have checked off something on a list.

And our practice does not have to look a certain way.

Meditation is just one practice, and it is not the only practice.

Regardless of how the practice looks, it is about cultivating our mindfulness and presence.

Yet doing so in a vacuum does not truly serve us.

It does not help us to evolve.

Only when we make our practice an integrated part of our lives does it truly have impact and meaning.

Bringing us more peace and more joy.

Most importantly, giving us more internal space to handle life's challenges.

Our spiritual practice is not meant to take us away from our lives.

It is meant to serve us and help us to have a better life.

To give us the tools we need to handle a crisis or a loss.

And show us how to be present to our deepest fears and pain.

If we allow it to take us out of our lives and not deal with what life has put in our path, then it is a hinderance and not a service to us.

Making our spiritual practice something that guides us, that informs us, and that allows us to be more of who and what we really are, is the best kind of spiritual practice there is.

Helping us to be more grounded in our life, not less.

Allowing us to feel more of our true emotions, not avoid them.

Giving us the grace to face life's challenges, not run away from them.

That is the essence of a true spiritual practice.

Are you using your spiritual practice to serve your life or to avoid it?

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

Host of The Conscious Consultant Hour