On our healing path, there is one thing we often ignore.

When we help others, we can get lost in our process.

Sticking to our steps and our way of helping.

It can be easy to forget one of the most important elements.

When we are looking to help other, we need to focus on what they need.

And more than some process or procedure, they need something fundamental from us.

It is so fundamental that it is also easy t forget and brush over.

For in order to truly help others, they must feel safe with us.

Yet in order to feel safe with us, we have to exhibit one important trait.

When someone is going through a hard time they need to know that we will take care of them.

They need to know that we care.

So how do we show that we do?

Through one important experience.

We have to help them feel heard.

To feel that when they have a concern or a challenge that we can really hear them.

That we have their best interests at heart.

And that we are there for them when they really need us.

This is no small feat.

To be there in a way that makes them feel supported.

Not in the way we think they should be supported.

But in the way they need to feel that they are being supported.

It makes all the difference in the world.

This is true no matter what way we work with people.

Whether it is in business or a more humanitarian cause.

And if we are in the healing arts, it is paramount.

For we can only take people as deep in their process as they feel safe with us.

The surest way to help someone feel safe is making sure they feel heard.

Just listening to them in a way that they know we are hearing them is worth everything to them.

It is just that simple.

So who in your life can you support by learning to listen to them in a profound way.

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

Host of The Conscious Consultant Hour