We form relationships with everything.

A new project, a career, a partner.

It is not just about the people in our lives.

For we are relationship making creatures.

Yet we often don't give thought to how we form relationships.

To who we are in relationship to the other.

And what that relationship means to us.

All of this creates the tone and feeling of the relationship.

Though there is one factor we usually do not think about.

It can be the most important aspect of the relationship.

For it can govern how the relationship develops and unfolds over time.

And that is how do we enter into the relationship.

How we start a relationship will determine a lot about the relationship.

Do we enter into it timidly?

Or thoughtlessly?

Are we in a position of strength?

Or of weakness?

I there an element of love in how we enter?

Are we listening to our inner voice about how this relationship will feel?

All of these factors and more will govern how the relationship will evolve and grow over time.

Normally, the energy around how we start a relationship will be the energy throughout the life of the relationship.

It does not matter whether it is a relationship with a new lover, a new business, or a new diet.

The energy of how we start carries on throughout it.

Yet so often we mindlessly enter into a relationship with something new and do not pay attention to how we are starting it.

If we are coming from a place of fear, there will be a lot of fear in the relationship.

When we come from a place of empowerment and confidence, the relationship will evolve to further support our growth.

Most importantly, when we enter into a relationship with awareness and consciousness, we will not encounter any surprises along the way.

Thinking about why we are entering into the relationship and what we are contributing and receiving from the relationship is important to do from the veery beginning.

The more unclear and fuzzy we are about the relationship, the more it will go in directions we never expected.

Being clear about all of these aspects of a relationship from the start will serve us throughout the entire life of the relationship.

Especially in our relationship with ourselves.

We have entered into it without awareness, but now we make a new choice.

To start a new relationship with ourselves that supports our growth and our joy.

Regardless of how we have been with ourselves int he past.

Each day is a new opportunity to start a new relationship with everything.

Let's start it in a mindful and conscious manner.

So what relationships did you enter into without enough consideration?

Can you now start a new phase of that relationship that will serve you better?

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

Host of The Conscious Consultant Hour