Sometimes we fall.
We can fall in many different ways.
In our relationships, our business, or our health.
Falling is not the problem.
It is a part of life.
The possibility of making mistakes and having things fall apart on us.
We have all experienced this.
Like the loss of a job, or a partner, or a financial set back, or even an actual physical fall.
When we fall, we can feel lost, out of control, and helpless.
The future is completely unknown and that can be very scary.
Not knowing if we will survive the fall is the scariest part of all.
Will we be able to recover from the loss?
Can we get back on our feet after we hit the ground?
Our mind faces all of these fears in a split second.
Sometimes, when the fall take longer to happen, we can be distraught will all the possible outcomes constantly circling around inside of us.
We almost can not help but to dwell on the worst possible result from our current fall.
This is all normal and not something to judge as bad or wrong.
Then we hit the ground.
It can be a hard landing, a soft landing, or all varieties in between.
That has to happen eventually.
When we hit the ground we can now feel the earth beneath us.
We can start to assess the damage and figure out how to stand up again.
The moment of impact can be painful.
For the impact is over in a moment.
And once the impact happens, now the real work begins.
The work of dusting ourselves off and trying to stand back up.
If we are fortunate, we didn't break anything in the fall.
Though many times we do break things things when we fall.
It might be a financial fall that breaks our relationship.
Or a relationship fall that breaks our health.
How do we stand up after falling and take our first next step.
That will determine a lot.
Just the act of standing up itself is a big first step.
For if we just lie there and not try to get up again out of fear and pain, then we have really fallen far worse than the initial fall.
Even if we break a bone or injure ourselves as a result of the fall, we can always heal.
Of course, the path of healing can be difficult and painful.
Yet that path is far less painful and staying down and not recovering.
Staying in that place of victimhood and and defeat.
We have an opportunity for healing.
An opportunity for growth.
And as we heal from the fall and we learn to walk again, we can be stronger than before.
We can find new ways to live, love, and be productive.
Our creative nature can find different ways to express itself than it did before.
How we respond to the fall and get back up is always the most important aspect of any fall.
It may not be an easy or obvious oath forward.
Yet if we allow ourselves to learn from the fall we have gained something precious.
Something that no one can ever take away from us.
And that is the most valuable lesson indeed.
Have you fallen in your life lately?
Can you learn how to stand up and be stronger from that fall?
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant
Host of The Conscious Consultant Hour