As humans, we think of ourselves as individuals.

We consider things from our own perspective.

Not really looking at the past.

Although sometimes we do consider where we come from.

Yet there is often something deeper that we miss.

A perspective that we do not often consider.

For our individualistic mindset causes us not to consider other factors.

It allows us to ignore the impact of those who came before us.

Who lived and survived in different times.

Indeed, they lived in a completely different world than we do.

So we discount any affect they may have on us today.

It is as if we are cutting ourselves off from our lineage and our ancestors.

When we do this we lose a big part of who we are.

And we then miss a big opportunity.

The opportunity to benefit from all those who came before us.

Because when we do not honor those who lived a long time ago, we are neglecting a piece of who we are.

Of where we truly come from.

And all the qualities that we have inherited through the generations.

Perhaps we do not have a relationship with our ancestors because we didn't really know our grandparents.

Or maybe they were not even alive when we were born.

Yet even though we may never had a personal relationship with them, their DNA courses through our veins.

Their histories are recorded in the cells of our being.

And their energy, in some subtle fashion, is part of our energetic field.

By not honoring who they were and how their lives re directly impacting our lives, we are missing out on some truly rich material that we can use in our daily life.

We are hampering our own progress.

Even making it harder for us to do our own deep inner work because we only focus on the immediate in our lives.

Our ancestors gifted us with tremendous prizes and challenges.

By ignoring those challenges we make our own work more difficult.

And by cutting ourselves off from their gift, we are missing a huge opportunity to tap into something greater than ourselves that can actually support us in our journey.

This is not necessary.

We can find a balance where we both honor and recognize our ancestors for the gifts and challenges they have given us, and honor who we are as individuals as well.

There is a balance we can strike that will serve us at the deepest levels.

Yet that balance can only be found if we truly investigate how our lineage is affecting us in both positive and challenging ways.

Honoring all who came before us, and all who will come after us.

Seeing this moment in time in context of a much larger picture.

History can inform us so we can make better choices.

And it can serve us in ways we have yet to imagine.

Can you find ways to honor your own ancestors?

How can you give a broader perspective to your own life?

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

Host of The Conscious Consultant Hour