Rediscovering New York is a weekly show that showcases New York City’s extraordinary neighborhoods. Each week we focus on a particular neighborhood; we explore its history, its vibe, its feel and its energy, really what makes the neighborhood special.
We will do that mostly through interviews, with urban historians, local business owners, artists, and interesting neighborhood personalities. As I head a team in residential real estate at Halstead, occasionally we will pepper the show with a little real estate content!
Occasionally we host a show about an interesting part of the City that is not neighborhood-centric: an urban park, a great Museum, the history of our transit system, the City in the time of a particular social or political movement or musical genre, or a unique New York architectural phenomenon, like Rockefeller Center.
The episodes will be informative, entertaining, illuminating, and of course fun!
So join us each week as we take you on a journey showcasing a unique New York neighborhood, and on occasion explore some other unique part of the great urban fabric we see, experience and live in New York.