This week, on The Conscious Consultant Hour, Sam welcomes Speaker, Artist, Writer and Medicine Woman, Tricia Eastman.
Tricia Eastman, a lineage-honoring medicine woman and founder of nonprofit Ancestral Heart, bridges worlds rooted in her mestiza ancestry with profound insights from a decade of Bwiti initiations and training.
A renowned speaker, artist, and writer, Eastman has been privileged to engage with audiences at Stanford University’s and the World Economic Forum and on GAIA TV’s Psychedelica.
Eastman has curated transformative retreats worldwide with plant medicines as well as facilitated the psychospiritual program with Ibogaine and 5-MeO-DMT at Crossroads Treatment Center in Mexico. Her wellness retreat center, Hu Azores, is scheduled to open in 2025.
In her latest book, Seeding Consciousness: Plant Medicine, Ancestral Wisdom, and Psychedelic Initiation she presents a deep dive into the world of psychedelic initiation and ancestral wisdom. Tricia demonstrates the power of plant medicine and psychedelic journeys for planting new beliefs, healing trauma, and cultivating latent gifts within us—an inner alchemical process she calls the “seeding of consciousness.”
Tune in and share all of your questions and comments about psychedelics and ancestral wisdom on our YouTube livestream or on our Facebook page.
Sam Liebowitz opens this episode of The Conscious Consultant Hour by exploring how attachment to our desires often leads to disappointment and suffering, reminding us that the key lies in holding our desires lightly and staying open to life’s unexpected flow. He emphasizes the importance of practicing non-attachment in small ways to gradually build the flexibility and resilience needed to navigate bigger life challenges consciously. Sam then introduces his guest, Tricia Eastman, a lineage-based medicine woman and author, who shares her profound journey of healing generational trauma through plant medicine, ancestral wisdom, and initiations, illustrating the powerful intersection of ancient traditions and modern consciousness work.
In this segment of The Conscious Consultant Hour, Tricia Eastman discusses the challenge of integrating ancestral plant medicine wisdom into the fast-paced, distraction-filled modern world, emphasizing the need for intentional grounding practices like sauna, prayer, and meditation to stay connected. She shares how her book, Seeding Consciousness, was divinely guided during a seven-day initiation, despite her initial resistance to writing it, and how it ultimately became a tool to help others reconnect authentically with themselves and the earth. Both she and host Sam Liebowitz highlight the importance of stewardship of nature and conscious choices, reminding spiritually conscious individuals that these times offer a pivotal opportunity to align with higher values for the well-being of the planet and humanity.
In this enlightening segment, Tricia Eastman shares how the title Seeding Consciousness reflects the idea of awakening innate wisdom within us, much like sacred art transmits divine energy through intention and devotion. She emphasizes the importance of viewing our lives as creative expressions, where integration of mystical experiences happens continuously through reciprocity and grounding practices. Tricia also warns against common misconceptions in today’s psychedelic renaissance, reminding spiritually conscious individuals that true transformation requires patience, reverence for indigenous wisdom, and a commitment to long-term integration, rather than seeking quick fixes or overexpansion.
In this closing segment, Tricia Eastman emphasizes the importance of inner alchemy—transforming our pain and stagnation into growth by fully facing and softening what challenges us, rather than distracting ourselves. She and Sam reflect on how much of today's psychedelic movement overlooks the deep spiritual, mystical aspect of these medicines, focusing too heavily on clinical healing while missing the opportunity for inner transformation and self-love. Tricia concludes by encouraging each of us to commit to both inner and outer work during these uncertain times, highlighting the vital role of reconnecting with nature, purpose, and ancestral wisdom to co-create a more conscious and vibrant future.
00:00:45.820 --> 00:01:00.999 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Good afternoon, my conscious co-creators. Welcome to another edition of the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. I am very, very pleased that you are all here with me today.
00:01:01.150 --> 00:01:10.620 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We've got another wonderful show in store for you, with an amazing human being who I'm truly looking forward to bringing on in just a moment.
00:01:11.340 --> 00:01:19.179 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But of course, 1st we start off with my blog post, and this one next up in the rotation is
00:01:19.810 --> 00:01:26.929 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when we become attached to our desires, we set ourselves up for disappointment.
00:01:27.630 --> 00:01:30.240 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It is normal to have desires
00:01:30.400 --> 00:01:33.679 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to want to do something or be someone.
00:01:34.050 --> 00:01:38.079 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Our desires pull us to a certain direction.
00:01:38.260 --> 00:01:41.779 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: They are our motivation and our intentions.
00:01:42.190 --> 00:01:45.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: There is nothing wrong with having these desires.
00:01:46.170 --> 00:01:49.239 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: yet there is a big challenge with them.
00:01:49.910 --> 00:01:55.660 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: for in order for us to still be open to what life may bring us.
00:01:56.080 --> 00:01:59.630 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We still have to remain open.
00:02:00.680 --> 00:02:03.479 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: open to the twists and turns of life.
00:02:03.990 --> 00:02:10.139 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: or just open to things not quite working out the way we intended.
00:02:10.910 --> 00:02:14.899 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: However, when we want something so much.
00:02:15.520 --> 00:02:21.579 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we can become very attached to the desire without even realizing it.
00:02:22.500 --> 00:02:30.769 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: for as a desire grows within us, we can find ourselves making up all kinds of stories about it.
00:02:31.070 --> 00:02:34.519 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: how it should look, or how things should work out.
00:02:34.800 --> 00:02:36.949 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And that's when we get in trouble.
00:02:37.630 --> 00:02:42.149 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: for things rarely work out exactly the way we expect.
00:02:42.500 --> 00:02:49.410 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: More often than not things happen in ways that are completely outside of our imagination.
00:02:50.190 --> 00:02:55.509 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Our attachment to the desire then, causes us pain and heartache
00:02:55.620 --> 00:02:59.740 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: because things did not happen the way we expected.
00:03:00.900 --> 00:03:04.720 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So our suffering is actually of our own creation.
00:03:05.420 --> 00:03:10.590 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: If we can see when we are becoming too attached to something.
00:03:10.710 --> 00:03:14.840 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: then we can step back and remember to hold it lightly
00:03:15.330 --> 00:03:22.710 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to remind ourselves that things rarely turn out exactly as we expect.
00:03:23.150 --> 00:03:29.129 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so we can be more flexible and hold open other possibilities.
00:03:29.920 --> 00:03:33.599 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: There was nothing wrong with our desire. To begin with.
00:03:34.010 --> 00:03:45.409 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the challenge comes in when we hold the desire so tightly that if anything happens in a way we didn't expect or want, we feel crushed
00:03:46.500 --> 00:03:47.810 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: or hurt.
00:03:48.640 --> 00:03:52.859 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Maybe we even blame others for their part in it.
00:03:53.430 --> 00:03:56.930 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and that's when we disempower ourselves.
00:03:57.450 --> 00:04:03.689 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: For once we slip into blame either of others or ourselves.
00:04:03.930 --> 00:04:09.139 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We make ourselves a victim, and we stop being a Creator.
00:04:10.100 --> 00:04:22.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yet victimhood does not serve us, and it is only when we step back and release our attachment even to the way things worked out or didn't.
00:04:23.310 --> 00:04:26.370 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Only then can we reclaim our power.
00:04:27.310 --> 00:04:33.460 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: This is not to say that it is easy to release our attachment once it has gotten so strong.
00:04:34.010 --> 00:04:41.300 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Of course it is not, but if we have practiced non-attachment in little things.
00:04:41.460 --> 00:04:45.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: then it becomes easier to be non-attached to the big things.
00:04:46.320 --> 00:04:51.279 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Still, we are human and we will make mistakes.
00:04:51.390 --> 00:04:55.010 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We will become attached to things in our lives.
00:04:55.190 --> 00:04:56.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: That's okay.
00:04:57.070 --> 00:05:03.000 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: As long as we work to become more conscious of our attachments.
00:05:03.770 --> 00:05:11.959 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: for when we are conscious of them we can start to work to hold those attachments with a lighter grip
00:05:13.330 --> 00:05:22.399 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: over time, and with practice we can learn to catch ourselves when we start to become attached to something
00:05:22.590 --> 00:05:24.620 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: before it goes too far.
00:05:25.420 --> 00:05:31.400 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and all of this work and effort will pay off as we begin to live, a more joyful.
00:05:31.570 --> 00:05:33.430 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: more effortless life.
00:05:34.690 --> 00:05:40.009 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Can you recognize when you were starting to become attached to something.
00:05:40.240 --> 00:05:46.020 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Do you know how to lighten your grip and begin to release that attachment?
00:05:48.180 --> 00:05:55.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Oh, this is a good one. Yeah, I wrote this a couple of years ago, and I forget exactly what it was
00:05:56.470 --> 00:06:01.900 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that that brought it to my mind. But I know it was around me being attached
00:06:02.030 --> 00:06:04.520 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to a certain outcome to something.
00:06:04.770 --> 00:06:10.660 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it's showing up a certain way. And it didn't. It showed up, you know, kind of differently.
00:06:10.850 --> 00:06:19.140 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And it's been a real practice of mine, especially with the work I do with helping people with the radio station, with all kinds of stuff
00:06:20.580 --> 00:06:29.300 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that, like everyone else, I get attached to this desire that things need to be a certain way and show up a certain way.
00:06:29.550 --> 00:06:32.790 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and then it doesn't happen, and I get disappointed.
00:06:33.790 --> 00:06:38.269 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and disappointment never feels good, at least not for me.
00:06:39.900 --> 00:06:53.189 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And and so just that whole Buddhist philosophy of non-attachment, I mean, it's something I've known about for years. I'm sure many of you have have had the
00:06:54.584 --> 00:06:59.440 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: non, you know. Heard of non-attachment, have heard of practices around it.
00:07:00.180 --> 00:07:02.669 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But it's 1 thing to hear about it.
00:07:02.900 --> 00:07:05.989 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It's another thing to actually live it.
00:07:06.180 --> 00:07:12.400 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It's another thing to actually deal with that that internal tug.
00:07:13.880 --> 00:07:17.070 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Pulls us in that direction.
00:07:20.110 --> 00:07:23.329 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and so I've learned over time.
00:07:23.640 --> 00:07:27.821 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know, beating my head against the wall once too many times.
00:07:29.100 --> 00:07:32.359 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to take it a little step at a time.
00:07:32.760 --> 00:07:37.959 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I always facilitate people this way, and I'm a big believer in baby steps
00:07:38.540 --> 00:07:43.480 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: just a little bit at a time. What's something small, something little.
00:07:43.610 --> 00:07:45.740 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We can be less attached to.
00:07:48.070 --> 00:07:57.919 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know. Maybe it's, you know, going to your favorite restaurant, and and they change chefs. And now suddenly, the way they used to cook a certain dish is different
00:07:58.690 --> 00:08:03.189 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: now. It might not be to our tastes as much. But okay, it's different.
00:08:04.610 --> 00:08:16.590 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Or or maybe it's, you know we go on a vacation or a trip, and and we wanted to have good weather, so we can enjoy being outside or seeing the beauty of nature.
00:08:17.650 --> 00:08:24.700 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and we get there, and it's raining, or it's foggy, and it's just not the way we wanted or expected.
00:08:25.230 --> 00:08:28.079 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Well, maybe we can see the beauty in that, too.
00:08:31.120 --> 00:08:39.889 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: for everybody. It's different, you know, for for everybody there's certain things we're very not attached to. And then there are other things we're very attached to.
00:08:41.909 --> 00:08:50.070 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so I guess what this blog post is really all about is just learning to be more aware
00:08:50.240 --> 00:08:53.899 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: of those things that we are holding tightly.
00:08:57.120 --> 00:09:05.430 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and seeing what we can do to just lighten that grip, not hold it so tight, not be so
00:09:05.650 --> 00:09:10.890 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: pulled in one direction that we can't be open to other possibilities.
00:09:13.340 --> 00:09:18.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I just for myself, personally, I find that when I do
00:09:20.050 --> 00:09:23.129 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: hold the my grip lightly, when I do
00:09:23.740 --> 00:09:28.260 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: have an intention or a desire without being overly attached to it.
00:09:28.470 --> 00:09:35.549 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that oftentimes life will bring me something even beyond my imagination that's even better than I could have
00:09:35.650 --> 00:09:41.920 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: imagined, and that worked out wonderfully. Not necessarily all the time.
00:09:43.130 --> 00:09:45.529 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: not not every single time, but
00:09:45.810 --> 00:09:48.089 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: more times than I can count.
00:09:48.870 --> 00:09:49.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So
00:09:49.830 --> 00:10:16.000 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that's my blog for this week. The title again is when we become attached to our desires, we set ourselves up for disappointment. That's me. Set myself up for disappointment many times, and if you like that blog post. There you can find many, many more on my website at, or, of course, on the radio slash, blog as well.
00:10:16.140 --> 00:10:40.730 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And don't forget, if you do like these blog posts that I read every week. My book Everyday Awakening is out there on Amazon, and all the major booksellers filled with little tidbits like this. So thank you. All right. Well, now, it is my extreme pleasure to welcome to the show speaker, artist, writer, and medicine woman, Tricia Eastman
00:10:41.060 --> 00:10:56.349 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Trisha is a lineage honoring medicine woman and founder of the nonprofit ancestral heart that bridges worlds rooted in her Matisa ancestry and profound insights from a decade
00:10:56.650 --> 00:11:00.960 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: of I'm not going to say this right witty
00:11:01.260 --> 00:11:02.460 Tricia Eastman: Bui t
00:11:02.460 --> 00:11:19.649 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Booty, initiations, and training. Thank you. A renowned speaker, artist, and writer, Tricia, has been privileged to engage with audiences at Stanford University's D school and the World Economic Forum, as well as on Gaia TV's psychedelic psychedelica.
00:11:19.760 --> 00:11:39.290 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Eastman has curated transformative retreats worldwide with plant medicine as well as facilitated the psycho spiritual program with Ibogaine and five-meo Dmt. At Crossroads Treatment Center in Mexico. Her Wellness Center huazores is scheduled to open sometime later this year. Right trish
00:11:40.070 --> 00:11:53.500 Tricia Eastman: Actually, we're a little behind schedule. When I wrote that bio, I think it's gonna be more like end of 2026. But that's Portugal. Portugal is very slow with everything. I've learned a lot from the experience
00:11:53.500 --> 00:12:17.819 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Wonderful, wonderful. And in your latest book, Seeding, Consciousness, plant medicine and ancestral wisdom and psychedelic initiation, she presents a deep dive into the world of psychedelic initiation and ancestral wisdom. Trisha demonstrates the power of plant medicine and psychedelic journeys for planting new beliefs, healing trauma, and cultivating latent gifts within us
00:12:17.850 --> 00:12:25.179 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: an inner alchemical process. She calls the seeding of consciousness welcome to the conscious. Consult now, Tricia.
00:12:25.510 --> 00:12:49.889 Tricia Eastman: Oh, such an honor to be here and to connect with you! I really love the work that you're doing, and I feel like we have like a deep like. I'm surprised we haven't connected sooner, because I feel like we're both kind of in so many different fields at the same time, you know, doing contributions back to, you know, this type of community doing consciousness work, writing books.
00:12:49.890 --> 00:12:58.229 Tricia Eastman: And yeah, I just felt like connecting with you before the show. We're like, we're like soul family. We are so family
00:12:58.230 --> 00:13:03.619 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Absolutely absolutely 100%, 100%. So
00:13:04.090 --> 00:13:22.689 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know, we've both been in these worlds for a while now. But I always like to to start off with just a little background for our audience. So what sort of pulled you into this direction of psychedelic work and and indigenous, transformational lineages.
00:13:23.210 --> 00:13:27.749 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know. That's not something. Quote unquote, normal for most people, is it
00:13:28.610 --> 00:13:54.320 Tricia Eastman: Yeah, I mean, it's interesting, because on one side of the coin my dad, you know, was a pot smoker since I was in the crib. And then, you know, when I came of age, I started experimenting with Lsd. Mdma worked at a counterculture bookstore called Raver Books on Pike Street, in Seattle when I was in college.
00:13:54.320 --> 00:14:16.059 Tricia Eastman: and was testing people's mdma at our parties, that we would throw up the street at the Artificial Limb Company. So on one side of the coin. This has been my life for a whole like, you know, since I was really young, also on my mother's side of the family as I shared, or as you read in my bio.
00:14:16.220 --> 00:14:33.239 Tricia Eastman: I come from a long lineage of Corenderas, and my great great grandmother, Jesus, was a mestiza. She had a combination of, you know more of the Mexican South American
00:14:33.530 --> 00:14:58.489 Tricia Eastman: cultural mestizo working with herbs and prayer. And then she had a boarding house. She's originally from Oaxaca, moved to Jalisco and then snuck across the border in Texas. And that's how we came to America, and when she had these boarding houses, she would, you know, have people from all over the world. She was widowed.
00:14:58.710 --> 00:15:21.409 Tricia Eastman: and she got introduced to Santeria, and so the practice that she passed down to my great grandmother Maria, and to my grandfather Richard was this kind of Afro Mestizo, which is why it's so interesting that you know here I am 34,
00:15:21.410 --> 00:15:31.040 Tricia Eastman: you know. I'm almost 45 now. So a little over 10 years ago, I meet this guy, Martin Polanco. I'm in Mexico.
00:15:31.190 --> 00:15:47.710 Tricia Eastman: and I do abigaine for the 1st time, and it is one of the most potent experiences I connect with my ancestral lineage from Mexico as I'm in Mexico, you know, having this experience.
00:15:47.760 --> 00:16:13.910 Tricia Eastman: And like, really, you know, healing and holistic therapy have been a big part of my life, like, you know, the 1st decade of my career. All the way into my thirties I was doing wellness, consulting and working with aromatherapy and different healing modalities, like more like physical therapy and body therapy and Spa consulting.
00:16:13.910 --> 00:16:32.949 Tricia Eastman: And then, you know, I had this this kind of trauma that came up due to a traumatic brain injury that got me taking mdma again, and I had taken about, maybe, like from age 22 to like
00:16:33.270 --> 00:16:47.289 Tricia Eastman: 28, and didn't really do much with any psychedelics during that time. And when this traumatic brain injury happened, it really got me on the path of like really wanting to heal.
00:16:47.290 --> 00:17:11.359 Tricia Eastman: and it was the abigain that kind of was that catalyst of that final cycle of healing which was really just like generations of ancestral trauma that I needed to really get into these altered states of consciousness to understand what they were, because they weren't connected to trauma in this lifetime they were epigenetic.
00:17:11.720 --> 00:17:18.900 Tricia Eastman: And so, after I had this experience at crossroads, I asked the medicine.
00:17:18.950 --> 00:17:47.860 Tricia Eastman: how can I be of service to you? And of course humbly, not knowing, you know, before going to Africa, getting initiated in the Buiti tradition, Ingabon, which I've studied for the last 10 years. What that really meant, like being of service to, you know, something as powerful as the spirit of medicine.
00:17:48.040 --> 00:17:52.900 Tricia Eastman: and was asked to work at crossroads like within 3 weeks to facilitate
00:17:52.900 --> 00:17:53.290 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Take.
00:17:53.290 --> 00:17:55.519 Tricia Eastman: Psycho spiritual program. And
00:17:55.750 --> 00:18:25.110 Tricia Eastman: honestly, even with all my background in healing, you know, and understanding, you know, basic understanding of trauma like a good foundation of trauma. I still felt like I knew nothing. And and luckily, you know, going to Africa getting initiated, going through all of these initiations, I've done 6 initiations in in the Buiti. Tradition
00:18:25.160 --> 00:18:31.810 Tricia Eastman: has really helped me in my growth and understanding of who I am.
00:18:31.870 --> 00:18:43.279 Tricia Eastman: who the cosmos is, who who we are all together, and you know the purpose that we have. And so you know, I mean, what greater to be of service to
00:18:43.280 --> 00:18:56.390 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, yeah, absolutely absolutely beautiful. Beautiful. I have a million one questions. We could go on for hours. But we do have to take a break when we come back. I want to talk about just
00:18:56.970 --> 00:19:03.409 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: how you sort of integrate sort of these indigenous traditions with
00:19:03.620 --> 00:19:13.880 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: living in the United States and sort of living in modern culture, because it can be challenging for many people, and so
00:19:14.000 --> 00:19:21.640 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: bridging. That gap is something. I think you've done very well, and I think it's something that would be helpful to talk about when we come back. Okay.
00:19:22.380 --> 00:19:24.570 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: yes, thank you. I'm looking forward to it.
00:19:24.570 --> 00:19:43.570 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Wonderful, wonderful. So everyone, please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. We do this every Thursday 12 noon to one Pm. Eastern time right here on Talkradio, Dot, Nyc. And all over social media, and we'll be right back with our guest, Tricia Eastman, in just a moment.
00:21:29.130 --> 00:21:51.459 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And welcome back to the conscious, consultant hour awakening humanity. We're talking this hour with Tricia Eastman, author of the book, Seeding Consciousness. So, Tricia we talked about in the 1st segment sort of about your background, how you got into working with plant medicine work and all the different psychedelic medicines and your lineage.
00:21:52.850 --> 00:21:57.889 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But one of the things I find can be challenging for people engaging in this work is
00:21:58.340 --> 00:22:08.639 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: either we sort of lose the connection to the lineage to the past, to where it comes from, or it can be challenging to sort of
00:22:08.890 --> 00:22:13.800 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: integrate these these lessons into our day-to-day life, living in
00:22:14.550 --> 00:22:24.349 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: cities like New York, or San Francisco, or Los Angeles, or Houston, or wherever we are in the United States, not to mention, you know, other Western countries as well
00:22:25.150 --> 00:22:34.360 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when you, when you really started to get a deep dive into this and feel the pull of the medicine, and and started to to dedicate your life towards this?
00:22:34.980 --> 00:22:42.819 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Was it challenging at all for you to kind of live in the Western world, but be so much a part of these indigenous traditions
00:22:43.990 --> 00:23:08.590 Tricia Eastman: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, on one side of the coin. I feel like all of us have such a mix of DNA now. And so we're pulled in so many directions. As it is, you know we are. You know you were talking about the idea of attachments and the victim consciousness, and all of these things. Well, we were.
00:23:08.590 --> 00:23:23.239 Tricia Eastman: We've been everything, you know, when you really look back like in my ancestral tradition of Buiti, we've really, you know, reincarnated many times where we've we've been many different things, and I feel like.
00:23:23.350 --> 00:23:30.370 Tricia Eastman: you know, the the idea of living in this world in this day is really
00:23:30.370 --> 00:23:54.079 Tricia Eastman: being able to utilize our resources in word, really, this world is the world of distraction with social media, with artificial intelligence, with electromagnetic frequencies, with all of these chemicals in food that are meant to essentially dirty our system. And when you go back
00:23:54.220 --> 00:24:23.109 Tricia Eastman: to these ancient inititic frameworks, it's always 1st about purification, and that could be through bathing rituals, through sweating rituals such as temez call. And so for me, the way that I stay alive in these times, especially because I feel like the more that you go deep into this work, the more sensitive you become, the more empathic you become.
00:24:23.110 --> 00:24:47.060 Tricia Eastman: And it's not about masking those things, and I would say, like in my past world, like as a child even, it would be disassociating or numbing those things. But instead of you know, grabbing a drink of alcohol. I have to face them. So you have to have other tools. So I love doing, Sauna. I love to do really hot, sauna, and just
00:24:47.060 --> 00:24:59.089 Tricia Eastman: sweat all that stuff out things that really give me a deep reset. I pray every morning I do cha dao practice, which is a Taoist tea
00:24:59.090 --> 00:25:07.739 Tricia Eastman: meditation. I've been doing that for about 15 years now, and I really think the deepest tool
00:25:07.740 --> 00:25:32.639 Tricia Eastman: and gift that we have in these times of distraction is really like orienting the attention inward. So I spend a lot of time just giving myself time to slow down, because I feel like when you are bombarded with so much information. And we just have this ability of moving at a speed. And it's gonna just keep getting faster and faster.
00:25:32.770 --> 00:25:40.210 Tricia Eastman: We need these things to really ground ourselves. And we need to take conscious time where we're breathing
00:25:40.210 --> 00:25:40.540 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: This one.
00:25:40.540 --> 00:25:41.630 Tricia Eastman: Going down.
00:25:41.630 --> 00:25:46.440 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. It's actually one of the things I talk about on the show
00:25:46.550 --> 00:26:00.469 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: lately a lot which is, just take a breath. Just take a moment like it doesn't have to be a half hour meditation even necessarily. But just take a moment before you start, whatever the next thing is that you're going to be doing
00:26:01.810 --> 00:26:05.609 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Just take a moment to center, to breathe, to be present.
00:26:06.330 --> 00:26:12.090 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Just so we can be a little more aware, a little more conscious, before we engage in. The next thing
00:26:13.130 --> 00:26:14.680 Tricia Eastman: Exactly. Yeah.
00:26:15.340 --> 00:26:16.330 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Beautiful.
00:26:18.020 --> 00:26:29.799 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So when did you feel called to actually write a book about all of this? Because you've you've been in the world for so long. What was it that made you say like, Oh, I think I want to put pen to paper and actually
00:26:29.990 --> 00:26:32.850 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: put things down and and share with people
00:26:33.270 --> 00:27:03.269 Tricia Eastman: It was actually quite the opposite. I was in Gabon in 2018, in an initiation, and essentially in this Chamber for 7 days. In this inititic process, and was given very specific instructions on what to write. What order to write it in, you know, like a layout of what this book is, and
00:27:04.790 --> 00:27:30.649 Tricia Eastman: It took me a while to finish it, because I had a lot of resistance around it. I mean, as I was writing, it was during Covid. People were very polarized at the time, and you know, I was just like, you know, this is really hard being someone who's mixed race going out there talking about indigenous wisdom, even though I do a ton
00:27:30.650 --> 00:27:49.330 Tricia Eastman: of work reciprocity work with my nonprofit ancestral heart. I just felt like I was like, you know, really exposing myself. And so I finally got it finished. Inner traditions, accepted it.
00:27:49.330 --> 00:28:00.720 Tricia Eastman: had shopped it before I had finished the transcript, and I had this idea in my head that it had to be bought by a publisher.
00:28:00.720 --> 00:28:23.910 Tricia Eastman: And so I had these doubts like, is this even is this a waste of my time. And now you know, I mean, it came out in November like end of November, just getting so much incredible feedback of the impact that it's already making in people's lives. And I've been in tears multiple times. Because really, that's what I wanted is I was like.
00:28:23.910 --> 00:28:46.249 Tricia Eastman: how can I share some of the things that have come through that are really incredible sacred teachings that I've worked really hard and sifted through a lot of Bs. And I would say, like a lot of the New Age movement is kind of a psyop to distract us and not actually go inward and do the real work.
00:28:46.290 --> 00:29:07.810 Tricia Eastman: And so, you know, to help direct people in a way, point people you know, to to where the authentic work is, and and really give a nice scaffolding to the kind of wild West craziness that's happening in the psychedelic movement, you know. So
00:29:07.980 --> 00:29:13.810 Tricia Eastman: I really hope to get it out there to more people to to receive that
00:29:14.020 --> 00:29:20.939 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, i i, 1 of the things that from my own background, my own spiritual studies that has
00:29:21.660 --> 00:29:27.999 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: shifted like 180 degrees from doing plant medicine work for the last 10 years
00:29:28.820 --> 00:29:44.190 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: was I used to study with people who would talk about spiritual ascension, that the whole idea was to ascend so that you didn't have to reincarnate anymore. And now I really believe that we're here to descend the energies
00:29:44.580 --> 00:29:53.699 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so that we can make this world the beautiful garden that that is is potential and has been for so long, and that it's not about
00:29:53.930 --> 00:30:01.400 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: escaping life. It's about bringing an energy to life that's more
00:30:01.690 --> 00:30:09.280 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: supportive, more empowering, more alive, and and that there's just tremendous things that we can do in this world
00:30:09.790 --> 00:30:31.360 Tricia Eastman: A 100%. And that's why our relationship to nature is essential. So if there was anything that would be remotely considered dogma in the book, because I try not to. You know I just give examples and references. But I'm not like this is a spiritual path or dogma, none of that whatsoever.
00:30:31.780 --> 00:30:52.249 Tricia Eastman: But I would say one thing, and I don't say it this way in the book. I talk about it very lightly, but I will say it this way on the podcast if you're not directing yourself back towards stewardship of nature. In doing this work, you're probably not doing it correctly. And I say that with love meaning that
00:30:52.700 --> 00:31:11.370 Tricia Eastman: nature is our ultimate teacher, and the gift of reciprocity and understanding the pureness of it, the innocence of it, and how great of a gift it is. Why wouldn't we want to protect it with everything we can? We can give?
00:31:11.986 --> 00:31:18.370 Tricia Eastman: So you know, I think in these times that we're in where we're at this really important moment. Where.
00:31:18.840 --> 00:31:44.499 Tricia Eastman: like you said, you know, we could. We can make a choice collectively. Is the earth going to, you know, make it through this this time period, which we've, you know, in my tradition of Buiti, you know, and I've seen this in my initiations. My Buiti father, who has passed the Tumur Benga, has has talked about, and also I've seen in my visions of different initiations these times of Atlantis and Lumeria, where
00:31:45.220 --> 00:31:52.199 Tricia Eastman: Life was wiped out on the planet, and we are at that precipice again. A lot of the indigenous elders
00:31:52.200 --> 00:31:52.580 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It's
00:31:53.440 --> 00:31:57.469 Tricia Eastman: Are saying that. So we have. We have some choices to make
00:31:57.470 --> 00:32:00.943 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, yeah, absolutely, absolutely. It is a.
00:32:01.700 --> 00:32:04.869 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know, a time of chaos is
00:32:05.020 --> 00:32:13.469 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: a very uncertain time, but it's also a time of great opportunity. And so we we probably have the ability to make
00:32:14.480 --> 00:32:19.670 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: different choices and better choices. The only question is, will we or not in time?
00:32:21.240 --> 00:32:40.610 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I hate to take a break at this point, but I do want to take a break right now, and when we come back I just want to ask you more about your book and the different chapters of your book, and you have so much good stuff in there, like about ego death about soul repair. And and now, understanding that
00:32:41.030 --> 00:32:42.749 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: this whole thing was kind of
00:32:43.390 --> 00:32:47.580 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: downloaded, what surprised you about the book
00:32:48.240 --> 00:33:00.369 Tricia Eastman: So everyone, please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. We'll be right back with our guest, Tricia Eastman, author of the book seeding consciousness in just a moment
00:34:35.920 --> 00:34:48.040 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So, Tricia, I'm curious. The title of your book seeding Consciousness. Did that come when you got like the whole outline for the book in that initiation? Or is the title something that came afterwards
00:34:48.850 --> 00:35:09.630 Tricia Eastman: Yeah, it was interesting because I was with Alex and Allison Gray and we became friends. We were all at the World Economic Forum together most random place on the planet. A few years ago this was as I was working on the book.
00:35:09.630 --> 00:35:19.050 Tricia Eastman: and we were in this conversation, and I was learning and really following his work, and actually read his book
00:35:19.270 --> 00:35:21.449 Tricia Eastman: and Alex's book.
00:35:21.980 --> 00:35:39.979 Tricia Eastman: And interestingly, he talks about in one of actually was on a social media post about this idea of, you know these sacred pieces of art like you think about the statues in the Buddhist temples, where the eyes they almost are alive
00:35:39.980 --> 00:35:40.579 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: There's like a
00:35:40.580 --> 00:35:47.399 Tricia Eastman: Transmission of something you can feel viscerally coming through that artwork, and I feel like
00:35:47.400 --> 00:36:11.809 Tricia Eastman: also of modern day artists. Alex Gray is probably one of the few people that has been able to to translate that same type of consciousness through his art which is like really been through his own journeys into those realms through meditation Lsd. And other psychedelics. And you know
00:36:11.810 --> 00:36:24.810 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Into his Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, up in Chappaqua, and like standing in front of these life size paintings, where he has the energetic lines. You can just feel the energy coming off of the paintings. It's amazing
00:36:25.160 --> 00:36:54.780 Tricia Eastman: I mean, there isn't a detail missed in terms of, you know, really, the underpinnings of these mystical concepts of these different worlds, and the understandings, and especially, you know, being someone who has visited them many times myself, you know, seeing you know, that affirming matching of the experience, there's something about that. But then, people who have never.
00:36:54.780 --> 00:36:58.429 Tricia Eastman: you know, connected to that also being able to receive
00:36:58.430 --> 00:37:09.239 Tricia Eastman: that wisdom. And so I truly believe that as humans, you know our, you know, rather than attachment, because you were talking about attachment.
00:37:09.980 --> 00:37:35.729 Tricia Eastman: You know we have this essence of devotion that is within us. Which is this. This intentional, you know, kind of like arrow, or whatever you want to call it, like. It's not necessarily a fixed point, but it's this directional holding, non, holding, holding, of pointing towards the divine.
00:37:35.730 --> 00:38:00.289 Tricia Eastman: And that's how we bring it on earth, as you were stating earlier. And so how do we make ourselves that instrument? What are some of the tools and ways that we connect to our intuition? And how do we truly become artists like using our lives as a canvas
00:38:00.680 --> 00:38:23.520 Tricia Eastman: using our expression, whatever that is, a podcast or a book, or whatever to be, that what the word is called sponge crawl, which is that Tibetan word for the seeding of consciousness within that individual that when you know it's just like one word you say, Sam.
00:38:23.520 --> 00:38:43.050 Tricia Eastman: you know, triggers. This spiritual journey. This this rabbit hole it creates a portal of, you know, learning and within, within an individual. And it's like those those points of connection are are key. And so the more that we.
00:38:43.050 --> 00:38:58.759 Tricia Eastman: you know, really refine that aspect within ourselves which you know no one. Really, we're not really seeding consciousness. It's already there. You know, there's actually no action. It's a it's a non action
00:38:58.760 --> 00:39:01.789 Tricia Eastman: action. It's just the
00:39:02.420 --> 00:39:23.580 Tricia Eastman: pointing towards that understanding and embodying that. And again, it goes back to the word integration. Integration seems like a sense of completion when we have a psychedelic experience or a mystical experience, it's a continual integrating
00:39:23.580 --> 00:39:24.180 Tricia Eastman: like
00:39:24.180 --> 00:39:51.180 Tricia Eastman: forever, you know, like you're always going to be receiving from it. And that again goes back to the reciprocity, because the more that we are in reciprocity with anything, whether it's human in human or plant, and human or divine and human, that allows for that energy to be free and to receive more
00:39:53.690 --> 00:40:04.990 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: There is now what's going on. They call it the renaissance of psychedelics. And I'm curious, with all of your experience and your connection to these different lineages.
00:40:05.230 --> 00:40:07.289 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What do you see as some of the big
00:40:07.610 --> 00:40:14.280 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: misconceptions that people have when they start to engage in these very powerful substances?
00:40:15.300 --> 00:40:38.119 Tricia Eastman: I mean, I think the 1st misconception that I saw early on, which maybe is starting to change a little bit. But I think more in people talking about it. Rather, I don't know if I necessarily see people doing it is this understanding that if you take a psychedelic it's going to end your suffering
00:40:38.320 --> 00:40:41.650 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, people, come.
00:40:42.250 --> 00:40:51.929 Tricia Eastman: Like after they do the experience. You know, they they work with the psychedelics they're like, Oh, my God! I'm still suffering, or I'm even suffering more.
00:40:51.940 --> 00:40:52.730 Tricia Eastman: And it's like
00:40:52.730 --> 00:41:17.099 Tricia Eastman: there isn't really a true conform or informed consent happening where the it's like warning, you know. Like, if you put this through the FDA. They're like on some of you know, the medications like, let's say, Viagra, it's like may cause diarrhea and headaches on this one. It's like may cause existential crisis
00:41:17.100 --> 00:41:29.630 Tricia Eastman: split personality. You know, it's like all these things, and I think it's really important that these things are approached carefully
00:41:29.630 --> 00:41:30.190 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah.
00:41:30.870 --> 00:41:32.909 Tricia Eastman: The more integrating.
00:41:33.090 --> 00:41:33.630 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Can happen.
00:41:33.630 --> 00:41:36.400 Tricia Eastman: Then that starts and see in the preparation.
00:41:36.660 --> 00:42:05.070 Tricia Eastman: but also in the post experience, the more you get out of the experience. So I think it's also frequency frequency, you know people doing it. Every weekend is unnecessary. I think the reason people do it. Every weekend is because our culture is so devoid of true community that they just want a sense of connection. So just have a potluck. You don't have to necessarily drink ayahuasca
00:42:05.190 --> 00:42:12.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Right? Right? Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah. Whenever people ask my advice, I always say.
00:42:12.280 --> 00:42:23.140 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: if you're really working on something difficult, okay, maybe once a month. But if you're not like once, every 3 or 4 months, if you just want to tune up like, it doesn't need to be any more
00:42:23.300 --> 00:42:38.880 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: frequent than that. Because really, if you're not giving yourself the time to integrate and to take these insights, these feelings, these experiences, and applying them to our day-to-day life, then it's not really doing us much good, is it?
00:42:39.170 --> 00:42:48.229 Tricia Eastman: Exactly. And and you know you need time to see like the world reflect back you.
00:42:48.730 --> 00:42:51.740 Tricia Eastman: And that's how you know you've changed right.
00:42:51.740 --> 00:42:54.400 Tricia Eastman: Don't take that time to interact
00:42:54.750 --> 00:43:15.329 Tricia Eastman: with the world and see how your consciousness has shifted. There isn't really like I feel like, that's such a fundamental part of the experience of the integration. So if you're like one thing after a next, and I would say, like the 3rd thing, Mom, if I hope I have enough time to to share
00:43:15.330 --> 00:43:16.210 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah. Go ahead.
00:43:16.210 --> 00:43:19.390 Tricia Eastman: Is that just
00:43:20.050 --> 00:43:43.099 Tricia Eastman: in our culture, we're so separated from inititic ways of doing things. And in, you know the way that we are, and our understanding of consciousness, which still is, very heavy in materialistic concepts. If you see the conversations that are happening in the mainstream
00:43:44.233 --> 00:43:48.780 Tricia Eastman: I would say that, you know, like in the Buiti tradition.
00:43:48.940 --> 00:44:07.810 Tricia Eastman: when you get initiated, it's not like you do the initiation. And now I'm an enlightened being. I'm a Buddha. It's just like when Buddha was under the Bodhi tree that was like day one. And so in witty after you're initiated. You're called a banzi, which means hatchling. It's a new
00:44:07.810 --> 00:44:09.310 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Newborn. It takes
00:44:09.650 --> 00:44:29.789 Tricia Eastman: A minimum of 10 years to be a Nima, the person who gives initiation. So you go from beginning hatchling, and then to like, you know, like our Buiti father, and and in the lineage of Fang Buiti we call the Nima. We'll call them masters, you know, like
00:44:29.790 --> 00:44:30.170 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Master.
00:44:30.170 --> 00:44:39.720 Tricia Eastman: A tomb. So you know, I truly believe that you know, being that we are this very young culture. I feel like
00:44:40.130 --> 00:44:58.739 Tricia Eastman: making decisions from that context, like about the future of psychedelics, about, you know, healing trauma, especially not including elders of indigenous traditions in these conversations, is really detrimental and
00:44:58.740 --> 00:44:59.080 Tricia Eastman: and
00:44:59.080 --> 00:45:16.780 Tricia Eastman: very odd to me, because it's like, you know, like I would. I would want the Instruction Manual, like, you know, you find this Peyote plant. And then, you see, someone who knows, you know, has known it for thousands of years. And you're like, Oh, you have the instruction Manual for this. I definitely want that
00:45:16.780 --> 00:45:21.830 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Right? Right? Exactly exactly like, why ignore the obvious
00:45:22.770 --> 00:45:50.340 Tricia Eastman: Exactly. Yeah. So it's it's I feel like, I feel like, you know, we're still very young. And I think, like there is something to really holding that sacred and taking the time to digest that. And I do see like this this eagerness of people going out. And it's great, but it's also like.
00:45:50.610 --> 00:46:10.360 Tricia Eastman: you know, like, when you understand the mystical concepts of, you know, different deities and different things like the idea of overexpansion in the New age movement is actually Lucifer, which is the light bearer. It's not necessarily like this evil Satanic force
00:46:10.360 --> 00:46:11.290 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But it's like
00:46:11.290 --> 00:46:26.590 Tricia Eastman: When you expand too quickly, and you're not grounding and integrating. And so I think we just need to like, bring ourselves back to earth and bring in that eldership. And and I think that's going to be really important for us. Moving forward
00:46:26.590 --> 00:46:34.590 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Absolutely absolutely which which you kind of touched upon. And when we come back from break, I would like to finish up our conversation around
00:46:34.810 --> 00:46:42.989 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: spirituality and psychedelics, because so much of the movement today feels to me like it's all just about healing, healing, healing.
00:46:43.200 --> 00:46:43.740 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But there
00:46:43.740 --> 00:46:57.050 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: actually a much deeper aspect to it which you talk about in your book. So when we come back, let's let's talk about the alchemy and the the spiritual side of working with plants. Okay.
00:46:57.270 --> 00:46:58.870 Tricia Eastman: Yeah, thank, you.
00:46:59.330 --> 00:47:12.339 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Awesome. So everyone, please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. We've been speaking this hour with Tricia Eastman, author of the book seeding consciousness, and we'll be right back to wrap it all up
00:47:12.800 --> 00:47:13.390 Tricia Eastman: Hmm.
00:48:53.740 --> 00:49:02.730 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So tricia, in your book seeding consciousness, you talk about alchemy in it, which is really kind of
00:49:02.890 --> 00:49:07.379 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: a topic that I personally love, because the idea
00:49:08.200 --> 00:49:13.210 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: of bringing to of the alchemist the turning, the the
00:49:13.850 --> 00:49:19.380 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the spiritual aspect of turning lead to gold. Right? It's it's it's it's
00:49:19.550 --> 00:49:43.889 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: creating a formula that helps us to connect to our higher self. That's all really about sort of the spiritual side of stuff. Yet in the psychedelic movement it seems like, everything's going towards medicalization, mental health. And and there's not necessarily a lot in there about. Well, the spiritual aspect of psychedelics is there
00:49:45.010 --> 00:49:55.009 Tricia Eastman: Yeah. And and the word spiritual. I just want to say, like, you know, when I think of spirituality, I think of like the more Gnostic idea of
00:49:55.010 --> 00:49:57.350 Tricia Eastman: yeah, which is that
00:49:57.420 --> 00:50:27.039 Tricia Eastman: within ourselves is a unique truth, and that comes through the expression of knowing ourselves and our purpose. You know who we are, and you know the idea of alchemy is, you know, really, this understanding of how we connect to receive insight and information and understand that there are mystical forces that are supporting us all the time.
00:50:27.520 --> 00:50:43.390 Tricia Eastman: That's ancestors that's our own soul, our own intuition, at least in maps, mdma, therapy. They have written into the therapy protocol to direct the person into their inner healer.
00:50:43.580 --> 00:51:13.020 Tricia Eastman: And I think that's a really important concept, because it's again, rather than taking a pill and thinking the pill is the thing that's going to solve the problem. The mdma, it's actually the inner healer and the therapeutic modality of directing the person into their pain, to feel the trauma, to feel the emotions, and then also to inner resource. That insight and the idea of inner alchemy
00:51:14.000 --> 00:51:24.789 Tricia Eastman: necessarily about this mental process of like, okay, if I receive all this information and I get enough information, it's going to change.
00:51:25.266 --> 00:51:42.229 Tricia Eastman: Really what it is is. It's a form of self-love, because, mystically, when that thing that stagnated in you think of it like a lead stone when you give it your full attention versus running away from it.
00:51:42.230 --> 00:51:57.590 Tricia Eastman: taking drugs, taking alcohol, you know, distracting it with Netflix, your cell phone social media versus like just sitting with this thing that has been like a thorn in your paw, essentially
00:51:58.200 --> 00:52:01.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Way. It's creating some suffering in your life.
00:52:01.490 --> 00:52:02.030 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Mean
00:52:02.030 --> 00:52:15.710 Tricia Eastman: And through like being curious about it. It's not like we necessarily have to get this like revelation, like, Oh, this is connected to when I was 3 years old. That can happen
00:52:15.710 --> 00:52:16.060 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah.
00:52:16.060 --> 00:52:20.570 Tricia Eastman: But but it's like sometimes without the attachment which
00:52:21.010 --> 00:52:27.700 Tricia Eastman: you were talking about earlier today. It just kind of softens up and decides to
00:52:28.520 --> 00:52:31.080 Tricia Eastman: make its way and metabolize
00:52:31.080 --> 00:52:43.329 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Right? Right? Exactly. Exactly. Sometimes it. It's just some part of ourselves that just wants to be heard, wants to be acknowledged and just needs to be held tenderly
00:52:43.790 --> 00:52:44.990 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so that
00:52:45.100 --> 00:52:53.130 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it can feel safe. We can feel safe with ourselves, and when we can feel safe with ourselves, then we can be safe with other people.
00:52:53.440 --> 00:52:58.050 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I'm curious with all the work you've done with all the initiations.
00:52:59.820 --> 00:53:05.679 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What challenges you today, what still is difficult for you
00:53:08.510 --> 00:53:09.300 Tricia Eastman: Well, there's been
00:53:09.300 --> 00:53:10.340 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Or is that a tech
00:53:10.380 --> 00:53:28.500 Tricia Eastman: I would say, like, you know, like working on this project in Azores in the very beginning it felt like there was a lot of flow, designing it, working really closely with the architects, getting it to the point of, you know, going through all the approvals, getting
00:53:28.500 --> 00:53:28.969 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: All the
00:53:28.970 --> 00:53:31.929 Tricia Eastman: Approval letters. But I would say, like.
00:53:32.460 --> 00:53:42.100 Tricia Eastman: it's gotten a little bit past my pay grade in like doing these really complex financial modeling spreadsheets.
00:53:42.320 --> 00:53:48.090 Tricia Eastman: And you know, I would say, like, like administrative stuff is really
00:53:48.090 --> 00:53:48.510 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Really.
00:53:48.510 --> 00:54:01.379 Tricia Eastman: Hard for me, and I tried to be like good about doing all of that. But I just I just don't think it's my archetype. I'm not that I'm not supposed to do it, because I don't want to, spiritually bypass
00:54:01.730 --> 00:54:05.639 Tricia Eastman: Ua myself, but it's just been like.
00:54:06.162 --> 00:54:11.800 Tricia Eastman: sometimes feels like trudging through mud, and and also like just getting help, because
00:54:11.800 --> 00:54:14.550 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I know people who can help you with that
00:54:14.550 --> 00:54:15.180 Tricia Eastman: Really.
00:54:15.180 --> 00:54:16.400 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, absolutely.
00:54:17.010 --> 00:54:21.556 Tricia Eastman: Oh, I bow. I I definitely want to meet them. Because
00:54:22.090 --> 00:54:28.530 Tricia Eastman: yeah, I mean, I just feel like I oh, and taking on too much, because I love creating things. And so.
00:54:28.530 --> 00:54:34.049 Tricia Eastman: yeah, what happens is when I take on too much. Then that's when I start to get overwhelmed
00:54:34.190 --> 00:54:47.860 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I can understand that completely. They call it a multi hyphenate. Like, I have interesting capabilities in all kinds of different areas, and I could spread my energies in a million different places. But then
00:54:48.160 --> 00:54:56.579 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: there's not enough energy in any one place. So nothing really grows that far. So I can definitely relate to that.
00:54:59.290 --> 00:55:06.670 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: How are you feeling about the future these days? Are you optimistic, pessimistic, or just, totally uncertain?
00:55:08.630 --> 00:55:16.770 Tricia Eastman: I'm doing everything I can to make a difference. And I think each of us have to. And that's the inner work and the outer work.
00:55:17.497 --> 00:55:29.119 Tricia Eastman: I still think there's multiple timelines that could play out. I think it's going to be a longer journey than a lot of the indigenous prophecies.
00:55:29.650 --> 00:55:32.109 Tricia Eastman: bogey talk about. You know, this
00:55:32.820 --> 00:55:42.689 Tricia Eastman: period between now and 2027 kind of being the most difficult. But I don't. I don't think we're going to be completely out of the woods, but I also believe
00:55:42.870 --> 00:55:57.539 Tricia Eastman: we chose to be here during this time, and so I mean, I guess it's really the time where those who have been doing work are. Gonna see? Did the work work
00:55:57.910 --> 00:56:16.099 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, yeah, it's interesting. I've asked this question to many, many guests I've had on the show I've had on Christopher Bates, who wrote the Lsd. In the mind of the universe. I've had on David J. Brown, I mean lots of different people in this area and in very many spiritual teachers.
00:56:17.070 --> 00:56:21.610 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and most of them seem to say a diff similar thing, which is
00:56:22.370 --> 00:56:24.870 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It's going to get worse before it gets better.
00:56:25.060 --> 00:56:25.640 Tricia Eastman: Yeah.
00:56:25.640 --> 00:56:38.350 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: There's probably going to be a lot of suffering in the process. But what's on the other side of this is something very beautiful, and that we do that we do actually make it. But
00:56:38.900 --> 00:56:41.970 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it's not going to be what we look or think, or
00:56:42.330 --> 00:56:43.010 Tricia Eastman: Yeah.
00:56:43.010 --> 00:56:44.970 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We're not necessarily going to get there that way.
00:56:46.290 --> 00:56:51.964 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Tricia. It has been such a pleasure to have you on my show. Truly.
00:56:52.690 --> 00:56:57.409 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I could speak with you for hours and hours. Unfortunately, we only have an hour on the show
00:56:57.520 --> 00:57:15.620 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: definitely would be happy to have you come back on, and and when you get your retreat, center up and running. So we can talk about the launch of that. If people want to learn more about you, learn about your nonprofit. What are the websites? Where would they go to find more information?
00:57:16.390 --> 00:57:42.079 Tricia Eastman: Oh, thank you so much, Sam, for having me. It's just been such a gift to connect with you, and I can't wait to come back on again. It would be really fun to continue this conversation. And my main website that I want to direct people to is, which is my nonprofit, where I'm doing really some important work. That was
00:57:42.080 --> 00:57:49.080 Tricia Eastman: task to me, related to the Kogi Kagaba, who are in La Sierra Nevada, the Mom cruise.
00:57:49.230 --> 00:58:18.770 Tricia Eastman: spend 9 years in darkness, and they are the ones that have been bringing through these prophecies and so supporting that work which you can learn more about because we're out of time, and then also, to please pick up my book seeding consciousness. You can get it on Amazon. Please be kind and leave a review. If you love it, we'd really appreciate that. And yeah, just super grateful
00:58:19.010 --> 00:58:35.120 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, beautiful, beautiful. Thank you so much, Tricia. We'll make sure to have those links in the show notes. Truly a pleasure to have you. I wish you the best of luck, and and I look forward to meeting you one day in person, when our paths and the stars align, and we can cross
00:58:35.260 --> 00:58:36.370 Tricia Eastman: And oh!
00:58:36.710 --> 00:59:00.559 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Absolutely. And and of course, thank you, my loyal listeners, for tuning in each week without you there is no show, and don't forget if you did miss any part of today's show, please remember that you can always catch the replay on talkradio, dot, Nyc or on all the major podcasting platforms, apple, spotify Pandora Iheartradio. Wherever you love to listen to podcasts, you can find the conscious consultant hour.
00:59:00.870 --> 00:59:06.880 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Thank you all for tuning in. Take care. We will talk to you all next week