Tiffany Cano is the CEO of the Highly Perceptive People Academy. She guides highly sensitive people to honor their gifts, to set boundaries, to love themself. She's been a professional healer since she was eight years old.
Tiffany has a wealth of experience that can benefit our listeners: she helps her clients to become authentic and self-loving.
Tiffany and I will discuss her journey to clairvoyance, the role of spirituality in her life, how she actually works with her clients to move them to self-love, her exciting participation in three upcoming A-List films.
We will discuss the discovery of her extraordinary gifts; and the story of her becoming a paid healer at the tender age of eight.
Music: The tune is "My Relaxing Piano."
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Linda Marsanico: Hello, everyone!
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Linda Marsanico: I'm Linda Marasanico. Welcome to the A. Train to Sedona. Broadcast.
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Linda Marsanico: The A. Train to Sedona is also the name of a book I wrote
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Linda Marsanico: a memoir about my journey to love and compassion. I share my trials and tribulations, my failures, my successes.
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Linda Marsanico: in the hope that my journey will inspire yours to make your journey easier.
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Linda Marsanico: You can purchase a signed copy of my book
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Linda Marsanico: on my on. Buy the book page. You can also purchase it from retail and bookstores.
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Linda Marsanico: Now let's remember that in New York City the A. Train is an express train. So hop on board.
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Linda Marsanico: I have a free gift for you.
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Linda Marsanico: the sheet for high vibration, living
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Linda Marsanico: a series of 7 exercises designed to help you bring your energy to where you want it in this chaotic world. It's a lovely
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Linda Marsanico: strategy to put in your toolkit. There's a walking meditation, a regular meditation, and a prompt to surround yourself with violet light and more.
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Linda Marsanico: you can download it on my
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Linda Marsanico: I have 2 disclaimers.
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Linda Marsanico: One is that this broadcast does not establish a professional relationship.
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Linda Marsanico: and the second disclaimer is that the opinions expressed on the broadcast do not reflect or represent talk radio. New York City.
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Linda Marsanico: Today I have as my guest Tiffany Cano
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Linda Marsanico: Tiffany is the CEO of highly perceptive people. Academy.
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Linda Marsanico: She has been getting paid for healing since she was 8 years old.
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Linda Marsanico: Many empaths, intuitives, transformational workshop leaders, and coaches hire her to help them see and heal their blind spots, to be better at holding space and boundaries, because most are overwhelmed, subconsciously guarded.
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Linda Marsanico: They take things personally and contract when feeling, fear and negativity, so she helps
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Linda Marsanico: you own your sense of self
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Linda Marsanico: in essence. Tiffany gets you even more aligned
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Linda Marsanico: and congruent, so that you can be even better at receiving more money, love and joy.
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Linda Marsanico: Tiffany will be featured in 3 upcoming A-list, transformation, movie documentaries, frequency of miracles, pillars of power
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Linda Marsanico: and rise of the lioness.
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Linda Marsanico: I love that title. She is also creator of soul of an empath. Podcast the knowing, you show
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Linda Marsanico: embodiment program, conscious creation, love and empowerment. And the highly perceptive people, online program, welcome tiffany.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Thank you so much. I appreciate the invite to be here.
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Linda Marsanico: I think we're going to play and have fun.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: I like it. Life should have some play.
00:04:18.380 --> 00:04:18.829Linda Marsanico: If it's not.00:04:18.839 --> 00:04:21.581
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Not fun? Then why bother?
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Linda Marsanico: So I was wondering. When you look back at your childhood and adolescence.
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Linda Marsanico: tell us about the influences that bring you to where you are as a woman today.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Gosh!
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Well, as a kid I was. I spent most of my time at the barn.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: My dad was a horse trainer. My mom
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: did that as well. Part-time, and I just talked to all the animals. I talked to all the horses I talked to Nature. I assumed everybody could.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: really wasn't until later in life that I understood that seeing clairvoyantly and being intuitive wasn't in everybody's wheelhouse.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So you know, I think I had a little bit of an interesting upbringing in that sense.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: but I've always just had this passion for anything that was spiritual, anything that was divine, anything that was healing, related
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and started learning from different healing masters from 13 years onward
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: to hone and refine my skills. And
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: I've been trained in many many modalities. It's been fantastic.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Please excuse my my voice. All the fires in La. My respiratory system has just been on the Fritz. And
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: yeah, I'm between just all the emotional physical loss and grief and smoke and bad air. My system's trying to catch up, but I feel, you know, energetic, but my voice doesn't match it. So I'm here, though, and I'm happy to share
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: on the show today.
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Linda Marsanico: You had mentioned to me that you know people 24 people who lost their homes.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: At least 27 of people that I know lost their homes. One person died in her home.
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Linda Marsanico: It's quite something to.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: It's been tragic.
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Linda Marsanico: Yes, it's quite a tragedy. I feel so pleased that you were able to get yourself to the broadcast. Given all that's happened, and your throat.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Thank you.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Thank you.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: I as hard as it is sometimes when there's that
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: kind of a calamity happening, we also have to remember to still bring our love, bring our light, bring some positivity. It can't always be doom and gloom. There's moments being with that kind of loss, and then there's also moments to say, Hey.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: you know, let's let's also remember that we are spirit.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: We are of a divine nature, and let's bring that into the space so that it can help elevate, transmute, transform.
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Linda Marsanico: Yes, love is very powerful, so I'm sending love
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Linda Marsanico: as we speak, and in my prayers, and as I sleep, and all of that.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Thank you.
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Linda Marsanico: So you've had all these influences. Were your parents clairvoyant.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: No, my my mom was always interested in spirituality, and she's had moments of intuition, but more from like a claircognizance that inner knowing versus seeing, and then it wasn't until maybe the last
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: 1015 years that my dad started seeing some stuff energetically. But Prior, he was very, very closed off from his Catholic upbringing, was kind of afraid of all this, and judged it, and
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: was not supportive. Once he realized what I was doing, but he does not remember that when I was 8 I was at his barn, and he saw me doing something that looked like massage
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: on his barn clients, and he pulled me aside and he said you should charge a dollar for 10 min, so I did like. I literally started my healing career, receiving money at age 8 and
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: I attribute that to him.
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Linda Marsanico: He was an entrepreneur.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Yes, yeah. Him and my grandpa, both
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Linda Marsanico: Wonderful influence.
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Linda Marsanico: What would you say? The role of spirituality is in your life.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: It's everything. I do my best to bring the presence of the divine within my thoughts, my words, my deeds.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Though you can't hear it, because it's in my mind. You know I'm thinking, you know, thoughts like I love you. Lord.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: thank you! God.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Guide me. I need to help, you know it's like this constant inner dialogue, because I think
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: God, if we allow for that, can be the best friend, more so than even anybody here at you know, at this human level.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So it's my
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: spiritual practice to just as much as I can be in that presence. Awareness, gratitude, and dialogue.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: whatever you know, whatever someone deems as God, universe, spirit, you know,
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Linda Marsanico: So I pray all day long the way you're describing your thoughts. God help me with this! I don't get this. Could you send me a sign or
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Linda Marsanico: so much for this or that. It's an ongoing conversation, and I love that kind of prayer.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Yeah, we share that.
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Linda Marsanico: I was also wondering in your clairvoyance.
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Linda Marsanico: what kinds of things do you see?
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Linda Marsanico: How do you? How does it operate with you? We're all so different.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: I have been able to see a lot of different things. So people may come to me because maybe they need more money, or they want to have a more loving relationship
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: or a stronger spiritual connection, or they have a health problem.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So that's that's like the surface level. But I go deeper than that. I look at what is subconsciously blocking them from attaining that goal. And so sometimes that means.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: you know, I'll get glimpses of their timeline that you know, when they were 3 years old, you know, mommy or daddy said this thing.
00:11:38.670 --> 00:11:39.160Linda Marsanico: No.00:11:39.160 --> 00:11:46.869
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Hurt their feelings and had them feel unloved. And then, now that's affecting their relationships and their money.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Or sometimes I'll get glimpses of
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: negative family legacies, like things that have been passed down from generation to generation to generation. At this, you know, subconscious cellular level.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Sometimes I'll see things from a past life that's just kind of bleeding over and affecting things in the present.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: I can also see energies between people.
00:12:15.090 --> 00:12:15.520Linda Marsanico: No.00:12:15.520 --> 00:12:40.820
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So let's say someone really likes somebody else. But I'm looking energetically, and I'm like, that connection is pretty much only at the sex Chakra area. It's not at the heart level, right? That means there's lots of physical attraction, but maybe not so much of a of a love and generosity and caring, or the chords.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: you know, in a friendship might be more in the throat and the head a little bit in the heart, and that's more of a communication kind of a
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: you know connection. And so, you know, there's there's just a lot of different things that I can see. But I always try to get to the core wound like whatever is the core thing that started the block.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: whatever's getting in the way of them manifesting their goal and then transmute that.
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Linda Marsanico: If a person is wanting their soulmate to come in, what Chakras would ideally be aligned for that.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Multiple. I mean, in addition to the obvious heart, Chakra, we also have to get the sex. Chakra lined your throat, Chakra, the front and back solar plexus chakras. When there's any kind of hurt betrayal. You know old traumas, they can really
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: fester in those places. If you want a more spiritual conscious relationship. You got to get the upper chakras engaged even the heart, the 3rd eye right and so, and the crown.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So it's multiple.
00:14:04.060 --> 00:14:04.730Linda Marsanico: I'm flat.00:14:04.730 --> 00:14:05.200
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: One.
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Linda Marsanico: We're complex. We're complex spiritual beings.
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Linda Marsanico: We are at a time for a break now, and when we come back
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Linda Marsanico: I'm going to ask you about your summit balance.
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Linda Marsanico: ask you to give a demonstration based on a
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Linda Marsanico: a question that we discussed prior to broadcast.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Sure I'll help you get aligned with your goals. Absolutely.
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Linda Marsanico: Thank you so much, so we can take it away.
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Linda Marsanico: Hello, everyone! Welcome back to the A. Train to Sedona with my guest, Tiffany Kano.
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Linda Marsanico: So, Tiffany, I'm excited.
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Linda Marsanico: How should we begin.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Okay? So first, st
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: when you get your subconscious and your conscious mind aligned and congruent, that's when the magic happens. That's when whatever you want to manifest and materialize has space to do so.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: And I'm trained in many, many modalities.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: I've also channeled quantum empowerment technique which is another way to get your subconscious mind aligned, but I felt guided just to do a little fun, quickie kinesthetic exercise.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and what we'll do.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and I invite all of our listeners to follow along is, get out a pen and a paper and write down a simple.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: present, tense goal statement.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: simple present, tense goal statements. So let's say. For example, you want some more money in your life. Maybe you write something down like
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: I'm open and receptive to abundance or money loves me, or
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: I easily receive, you know, $15,000 and more every month, or whatever your monetary goal is.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: If you are looking for more love, maybe your goal statement is, I'm in a loving partnership or
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: my marriage is getting even more loving every day.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: If you need some health, maybe the goal is around. My body is filled with health and vitality, or I easily sleep the whole night.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So just pick one simple sentence, and then I'm going to guide you through a kinesthetic process that is super fun and easy.
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Linda Marsanico: Shall I tell you what we discussed? Yes, okay. With your help I created the following statement, I am calm in the presence of a live audience.
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Linda Marsanico: I am calm while speaking in the presence of a live audience.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Okay, I'm calm while speaking in the presence of a live audience. Okay, that's good.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Yes. And, by the way, while those of you who are watching and listening. If you want me to look over your goals, you're welcome to put them in the comments. Section
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: you can also ask me in a
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: free 15 min session call with But for now we're going to work with your goal, Linda, I'll let you kind of be the the representative of the moment, and
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: whatever goal you as audience just wrote down, that's the one you're going to work with. Okay, so go ahead and cross your arms at your chest.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Okay, it doesn't matter which arm is on top, right or left it.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: We're going to be using both. So with your arms crossed, feet flat on the floor, eyes closed mentally, silently. Repeat your goal statement in your mind over and over
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: for the next minute or so.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Keep breathing and repeating it.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Good, uncross, and recross. So your other arm is on top.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Continue mentally, silently repeating that same goal statement over and over again for another minute or so.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Very good.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Now
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: put your hands in front of your chest about 6 inches from your chest, with your fingertips touching as if there's like an energy ball between your palms. And now you're going to start tapping your fingertips together like this. Tap, tap, tap, and continue mentally, silently repeating that same goal statement in your mind.
00:22:54.650 --> 00:22:55.690Linda Marsanico: Eyes closed.00:22:55.690 --> 00:22:57.070
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Eyes closed.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: No more tapping. Just touch, so keep your fingertips together. It still looks as if there's an energy ball between your palms.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and you're going to continue for another minute or so mentally, with your eyes closed, silently repeating that same goal.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Very good.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: You can go ahead and relax. Put your hands down. If you have water nearby, take a sip of water.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and it's important to rehydrate your brain.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: because, as new neural pathways are being created by the technique that we just did. It produces heat in the brain.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Okay, so now let me muscle test. So
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: something that I forgot to verbally share before we started. It tested weak. Your goal statement tested Week.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: And now verbally, say your your statement out loud. The I am calm. While speaking in the presence of a live audience.
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Linda Marsanico: I am calm, speaking in the presence of a live audience.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Now it has strong good job.
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Linda Marsanico: Thank you for your assistance.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Yeah, absolutely. Let me do a little group test.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Okay for the audience. All right. High. 10. Good job, everybody. Good job. Pat yourselves on the back. Now there's 1 final step to anchor it in, and that's an action. So what is one or more actions that you can take to anchor in this goal statement. Now.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: maybe an action for you. Linda, is doing something like
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: a set of deep breathing exercises before you go live, or a mini meditation or
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: like doing some extra deep breaths when we're on a commercial break like those are just a couple of ideas. And some people might want to
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: do this goal statement as a mantra.
00:27:19.360 --> 00:27:19.830Linda Marsanico: Yeah.00:27:20.000 --> 00:27:21.699
Linda Marsanico: Make a nice mantra.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Right if you had a health goal. Maybe your action includes some sort of physicality like going on a walk, or, you know, getting your booty to the gym. If it's money related, perhaps it's well doing your books, or.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: you know, having a little money dance like doing a little ka-ching money dance right? So.
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Linda Marsanico: Creates great energy.
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Linda Marsanico: - advance is going to create loving, loving.
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Yeah. Yeah.
00:27:54.980 --> 00:28:10.100
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So you want to follow through on that action. Step ideally within the next, like one to 3 days. Like, Don't dilly dally. We don't want an energy of procrastination, because that affects your energy.
00:28:10.310 --> 00:28:14.889
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: We want you to be like, aligned and ready
00:28:16.710 --> 00:28:19.520
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and manifesting your goal quickly and easily.
00:28:20.480 --> 00:28:28.529
Linda Marsanico: So I'm very interested in the muscle testing. One of my favorite scientists is David Hawkins, who was a major presence in Sedona.
00:28:28.770 --> 00:28:44.239
Linda Marsanico: and he did a lot of he did muscle testing, and has a protocol for it. When we get back from our commercial we have a little bit of time. But when we get back, would you share how you pick up the muscle testing in your mind.
00:28:46.170 --> 00:28:46.870
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Sure.
00:28:47.510 --> 00:28:51.227
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Yeah, I will do what I can.
00:28:51.905 --> 00:29:05.040
Linda Marsanico: And then also I will be asking you how you help people with their blind spots. What are you actually doing? I think that would be of interest, certainly to me. But perhaps our listeners would find that
00:29:05.210 --> 00:29:07.360
Linda Marsanico: very, very interesting.
00:29:07.930 --> 00:29:09.559
Linda Marsanico: So we'll come back to do that
00:29:10.480 --> 00:29:13.709
Linda Marsanico: all right, so we can take it away on a break.
00:30:52.340 --> 00:30:56.889
Linda Marsanico: Hello, everyone! Welcome back to the A. Train to Sedona.
00:30:57.170 --> 00:31:05.500
Linda Marsanico: my guest, Tiffany Kano, is going to tell us about how she brings in muscle testing, and some other
00:31:06.000 --> 00:31:09.859
Linda Marsanico: very interesting aspects of her work. Tiffany.
00:31:09.860 --> 00:31:17.289
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Thank you. Muscle testing. I actually learned back in college when I was studying Kinesiology.
00:31:17.730 --> 00:31:25.140
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Lot of the chiropractors do muscle testing these days many healers.
00:31:25.180 --> 00:31:42.469
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: It's part of their modality, because our body has this innate intelligence and wisdom, and we can literally ask our body. Yes, no questions, and it will give us answers. Every single muscle in our body
00:31:42.470 --> 00:32:00.340
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: could be used theoretically for muscle testing. When you go to the chiropractor you're going to hold out an arm, and the chiro is going to be pushing down on your arm, and you know, if your arm stays up, it's strong, and that's a yes, if it falls down, it's a no.
00:32:01.090 --> 00:32:04.380
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: but I was doing muscle testing
00:32:04.850 --> 00:32:13.570
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: for myself with myself. I didn't need a second, you know, person to to do it on so
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: sometimes I'll I'll just use the sticky finger, you know, like, Show me a yes, and it sticks together. Show me a no, and it glides
00:32:27.550 --> 00:32:42.230
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: For years I did this one where it's like, you know, my thumb and my first, st my thumb and pointer finger, and I, you know, give me give me a yes, and it stays together. Show me a no
00:32:42.420 --> 00:32:46.340
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: right, and it pops and it pulls apart. And so
00:32:47.040 --> 00:32:53.750
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: when you're doing muscle, testing a couple of things you want to for sure have in mind
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: hydrate. Your body is electrical. You have to have enough hydration.
00:33:00.350 --> 00:33:12.340
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So be unattached to the outcome. If you're attached. Well, you might be skewing things, and you can also test for other people.
00:33:12.520 --> 00:33:12.890Linda Marsanico: Sure.00:33:12.890 --> 00:33:18.519
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: And they can test for you, assuming that there's the facility and accuracy.
00:33:18.960 --> 00:33:46.160
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: But I've I've used muscle testing. I've also used scanning of energy like literally scanning. Let's say I'm in a grocery store. And there's all these oranges. It's like, Okay, well, which Orange has the highest vitality. Okay? And the one with the biggest energy, you know, that has the highest vitality. That's the one you want to buy, or if you're trying to decide on
00:33:46.850 --> 00:33:54.479
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: a vitamin, you know, you can again muscle test, or you can scan it. The one with the strongest energy
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: is usually the one that you want to purchase.
00:33:57.810 --> 00:33:58.430Linda Marsanico: Hmm.00:33:58.720 --> 00:34:09.179
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: But you know you can also use it for everyday things when you're trying to decide. Should I, you know.
00:34:09.540 --> 00:34:15.179
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: buy this product? Should I send out this email?
00:34:17.110 --> 00:34:32.949
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: would it be helpful for me to call this client at this time? Right? You you get really granular and specific. I remember in college, I was muscle testing for test answers.
00:34:35.920 --> 00:34:37.420
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: yeah, I.
00:34:37.429 --> 00:34:37.939Linda Marsanico: Clever.00:34:38.170 --> 00:34:43.170
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: I did. I studied, but I got to this final.
00:34:43.580 --> 00:34:52.370
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and I just I looked at the test, and it looked like a foreign language. So I was underneath the desk, and I was just testing.
00:34:52.480 --> 00:35:06.219
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: scanning for is the answer A, BCD, you know. And and I ended up getting an A minus for the class. So I must have done well on the final, because I only had, like a B minus going into it.
00:35:06.550 --> 00:35:09.489
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: But that was the wisdom of my body.
00:35:09.854 --> 00:35:10.219Linda Marsanico: Yes.00:35:10.220 --> 00:35:14.569
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Knew it knew more so than my mind.
00:35:16.990 --> 00:35:25.879
Linda Marsanico: Think it's fascinating. I wanted to ask you also, you help people with their blind spots. What do you actually do
00:35:26.520 --> 00:35:28.559Linda Marsanico: to do that.00:35:30.500 --> 00:35:34.350
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Blind spots are often right. Next to our brilliance.
00:35:34.560 --> 00:35:42.820
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: blind spots are the things that are more in our subconscious mind. So for every 100
00:35:42.980 --> 00:35:51.799
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: to 200 conscious thoughts. There's 11 million subconscious thoughts. Well, that 11 million, you know, is
00:35:52.060 --> 00:36:09.269
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: often the parts that are wreaking havoc, because consciously, you might be repeating that mantra of oh, it's super easy to make money, but underneath the surface, at this subconscious level there's thoughts of I'm not worthy. I'm not deserving. I'm not good enough.
00:36:09.470 --> 00:36:12.629
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: you know. Nobody's gonna buy from me
00:36:13.297 --> 00:36:16.160
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and then I could also look.
00:36:16.530 --> 00:36:26.060
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: when's the earliest time in your life that you didn't feel worthy and deserving. Oh, when you were 4 years old, you know
00:36:27.180 --> 00:36:42.349
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: your parents picked your sibling over you for the thing that you wanted, and it had. You feel unworthy, undeserving, like a failure less than, and that energy
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: has been vibrating.
00:36:44.970 --> 00:36:45.350Linda Marsanico: Yeah.00:36:45.350 --> 00:36:52.910
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Within you ever since. And so then I'll pull out one of my energetic tools, and I have many, many.
00:36:54.050 --> 00:37:04.260
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and help to release that transmute it, and then install a more empowering, uplifting.
00:37:04.410 --> 00:37:14.829
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: impactful kind of a messaging, a new belief that will support you in your area of success, that you're aiming for.
00:37:16.300 --> 00:37:18.499
Linda Marsanico: Sounds wonderful, Tiffany.
00:37:19.520 --> 00:37:22.670
Linda Marsanico: Now, another thing you talk about is congruence.
00:37:22.870 --> 00:37:26.129
Linda Marsanico: Would you tell us a bit about it, and why it's so important.
00:37:27.050 --> 00:37:27.830
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Yes.
00:37:28.790 --> 00:37:40.599
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So let's say you have a goal of manifesting $25,000 in the next, you know.
00:37:41.060 --> 00:37:48.699
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: 30 days. I'm just making up a number here, and your belief system
00:37:49.680 --> 00:37:59.059
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: is so when I'm when I'm looking at different people, let's say I've got, you know, person number a person a, and
00:37:59.370 --> 00:38:02.240
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: their beliefs are a mixture of
00:38:02.410 --> 00:38:10.850
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: oh, I could never manifest that money so fast. Oh, I don't know, and their level of congruence is like
00:38:11.080 --> 00:38:20.509
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: 23% out of a hundred right? And then you've got, you know, person B, and their mix is maybe a little bit more like.
00:38:21.380 --> 00:38:30.999
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: you know, 55% congruence. And then you've got person C, and they're, you know, 92% congruent.
00:38:31.750 --> 00:38:54.990
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: And then there's person D, that's 100% congruent. That's really the only person that has the highest likelihood of actually manifesting all $25,000 within that 30 days. So it doesn't mean that A, B and C won't manifest anything. But it's likely only a sliver
00:38:55.250 --> 00:39:01.919
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: of what their true potential is. So even if someone's 2% off.
00:39:02.440 --> 00:39:10.880
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: that 2% could be the difference between landing that sale or not fast.
00:39:11.660 --> 00:39:20.050
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: that 2% could be the difference between attracting the love of your life and feeling worthy and deserving and ready for that.
00:39:20.620 --> 00:39:23.869
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and not and missing that opportunity.
00:39:24.920 --> 00:39:26.530
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Was self-sabotage.
00:39:26.730 --> 00:39:27.380Linda Marsanico: Thank you.00:39:27.530 --> 00:39:28.780Linda Marsanico: Wow.00:39:29.010 --> 00:39:32.279
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So I try to get people to 100.
00:39:32.670 --> 00:39:34.669
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: I I'm a
00:39:35.260 --> 00:39:44.979
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: I like to go deep with people, and the more open and receptive they are, the faster and quicker and easier it is to get there.
00:39:45.600 --> 00:39:54.550
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Some people who are really, really open and receptive and have enough good karma, I mean, maybe it only takes one session or 2 sessions.
00:39:54.900 --> 00:40:17.270
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: And then with other people who have, you know, a long, long history of trauma. Well, it might require a series, and we're just releasing, you know, a few layers at a time until we get to the true essence of who they are. Because imagine you're in a car.
00:40:17.880 --> 00:40:43.219
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: And you're you know you're looking through the windshield, but the windshield's dirty. Well, you're not going to have the same amount of clarity and ease with driving down the road as if you just took your car through a car wash. So I'm basically taking your aura, your body, your chakras, you know all of that through an energetic car wash and giving you, you know.
00:40:43.410 --> 00:40:46.314
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: a detailed, deep cleaning.
00:40:47.040 --> 00:40:48.050Linda Marsanico: Shiny vehicle.00:40:48.050 --> 00:40:49.170
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: And yes.
00:40:49.820 --> 00:40:55.380
Linda Marsanico: Giving you a polish. And yeah.
00:40:56.080 --> 00:40:59.260
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So from head to toe, right.
00:40:59.260 --> 00:41:04.069
Linda Marsanico: You also talk about a healthy space that you work with people
00:41:04.300 --> 00:41:08.049
Linda Marsanico: to have them develop a healthy space? Could you say something about that?
00:41:08.420 --> 00:41:13.980
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Yes, so to have the best capacities
00:41:14.320 --> 00:41:21.640
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: for love, for joy, for money. We really need to be aware of
00:41:21.810 --> 00:41:25.220
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: the various types of spaces that we have.
00:41:25.400 --> 00:41:28.579
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and then also have healthy boundaries.
00:41:29.040 --> 00:41:38.739
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So space in general is like the space around us that we need. You could think of it
00:41:38.840 --> 00:41:41.320
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: visually kind of like an aura.
00:41:42.190 --> 00:41:43.770
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: But we have
00:41:44.120 --> 00:42:01.500
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: spiritual space which is needed to connect with the divine, to get still, to meditate, to receive intuition and messages. We need mental space to communicate, to write a cohesive email to, you know.
00:42:02.370 --> 00:42:06.199
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: be able to even do some artwork.
00:42:06.440 --> 00:42:13.520
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: We need emotional space to process and be with our emotions, other people's emotions.
00:42:14.570 --> 00:42:22.770
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Physical space, not only for our physical body but also our home and work. Environment.
00:42:23.220 --> 00:42:25.650
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: We also have a money space.
00:42:25.650 --> 00:42:26.080Linda Marsanico: Hmm.00:42:26.080 --> 00:42:41.239
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Have relationship, space, we have life space. So when we have really clean, expansive, healthy spaces, then our capacities for greatness
00:42:41.440 --> 00:42:43.660
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: just appear.
00:42:45.310 --> 00:43:04.220
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and when our spaces are small, dirty, chaotic, usually because of fear, like we'll fear some sort of contamination. Negative beliefs like we'll shrink down our our self and playing small.
00:43:04.360 --> 00:43:09.569
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and that small, dirty, dim capacity
00:43:09.940 --> 00:43:36.179
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: absolutely gets in the way of us being congruent, successful, able to easily manifest. And so I actually teach people a lot about spaces and boundaries, and how to actually have clear, healthy, firm, appropriate space and boundaries, so that you know what to be a yes for and what to be a no, for.
00:43:36.180 --> 00:43:38.530
Linda Marsanico: Yes, no is an important word.
00:43:39.630 --> 00:43:40.510
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Absolutely.
00:43:40.510 --> 00:43:50.460
Linda Marsanico: And I'm wondering when people have, as you call dirty small spaces. Does it show up in the chakras and the aura? How does it.
00:43:50.460 --> 00:43:51.120
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Yes.
00:43:51.120 --> 00:43:52.109
Linda Marsanico: And it's a manifest.
00:43:52.110 --> 00:43:54.220
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Oh, both!
00:43:55.820 --> 00:44:15.629
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Yeah, dirty small, diminishing your capacities. You'll feel edgy, irritated, foggy brain, low energy. Maybe more irritated. So all of that happens when we collapse our own space.
00:44:15.630 --> 00:44:16.050Linda Marsanico: And.00:44:16.050 --> 00:44:29.099
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: And it's important to identify it. As I collapsed my space, not just they collapsed my space, because then you can take your power back, and we can talk. You know more about that if you like.
00:44:29.860 --> 00:44:36.720
Linda Marsanico: Personal responsibility is such an important concept and an important attitude because we are always creating.
00:44:37.040 --> 00:44:45.179
Linda Marsanico: I think of us as broadcast journalists. We're thinking, feeling, and acting and sending out energy to everybody who feel it.
00:44:45.720 --> 00:44:49.920
Linda Marsanico: Now we're getting ready for a break when we come back.
00:44:50.650 --> 00:44:54.209
Linda Marsanico: I want to talk about the movies you've just filmed.
00:44:55.090 --> 00:45:08.759
Linda Marsanico: I'm really excited, because when we 1st spoke about your being on the show, you were off to to do that early in January, the 1st 2 weeks we talked about. No, no, you said, I'm filming so. Oh, I want to talk about that.
00:45:08.930 --> 00:45:12.370
Linda Marsanico: When we come back we can go on a break now.
00:46:55.690 --> 00:47:09.120
Linda Marsanico: I've just unmuted myself. Hello, everyone! Welcome back to the A. Train to Sedona and my guest, Tiffany Cano. I do want to say hello to Gwen, who has given me a clap of a hand.
00:47:09.350 --> 00:47:11.549
Linda Marsanico: Thank you so much for listening in
00:47:11.790 --> 00:47:14.779
Linda Marsanico: Gwen. I'm so pleased to have you in the live audience.
00:47:15.630 --> 00:47:18.480
Linda Marsanico: Tiffany, you've been involved in
00:47:19.980 --> 00:47:33.120
Linda Marsanico: 3 a-list transformation movie documentaries, frequency of miracles, pillars of power, rise of the lioness. Will you share what it's like? What your experiences have been.
00:47:35.055 --> 00:47:36.380
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Absolutely.
00:47:36.510 --> 00:47:53.289
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: You know. The funny thing is, is, I had 0 desire to be in any movies when 2 different people were talking to me about being in an upcoming transformation movie. I thought it was the same movie.
00:47:53.890 --> 00:48:07.160
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: I actually found out. Nope, 2 different movies, 2 different production companies, 2 different pay to play opportunities. And and I had this conversation with God.
00:48:07.240 --> 00:48:29.259
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: It was more. My inner child had this tantrum with God. If I'm being honest where I was just like God, I don't. Wanna. I don't want to do it. I'm happy where I'm at. I don't want to be that public. I don't want to, you know. Be that visible. I just want to stay the way things are right. And
00:48:29.770 --> 00:48:53.459
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and so I had my tantrum, and then I let it go. And then I said, and you know I'm here to serve. I'm happy to serve. If this would be helpful for humanity, helpful for me on my spiritual path. Then I surrender. I'm a yes, just work it out. I mean every detail. God, I'm talking about
00:48:53.560 --> 00:49:05.130
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: time, money, wardrobe, everything. I give it all to you. And then I got the clarity, about a day or 2 later to be a yes.
00:49:06.100 --> 00:49:14.920
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: for one of the movies pillars of power that was being that is being produced by the Los Angeles Tribune. And
00:49:15.760 --> 00:49:39.820
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and so I invested in that, and and then, like more clients just started pouring in, and it was that universal demonstration of Hey, I'm being in alignment right? I got the the divine message to do it. I took that action, and now the universe is like rewarding me with
00:49:39.820 --> 00:49:46.870
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: with goodness. And then I got the Yes for frequency of miracles.
00:49:49.260 --> 00:50:07.790
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: And so I said yes to that, and was able to pay that off in full, and I got even more clients. And then that was the 1st one that I was actually filming, which I filmed last year last fall, and I was scared, you know, in getting
00:50:08.130 --> 00:50:17.370
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: ready for it and trying to find outfits, and and I had a lot of mental preoccupation going into it.
00:50:20.260 --> 00:50:40.949
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: And then afterwards I was like check. I did it. So so then, these other movies. I didn't have any more nervousness because I had already done it. Once I'd been on the set. I had had hair and makeup and all the cool things that go into making a movie and
00:50:41.190 --> 00:50:53.230
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and being that, it's a documentary, you know. People just ask me questions, and then I just allow whatever answers are meant to flow out in the moment, and that's what I did.
00:50:53.700 --> 00:50:56.450
Linda Marsanico: So you channeled the answers.
00:50:56.790 --> 00:51:06.639
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Yeah, to the best of my ability. Some of the questions I didn't quite resonate with in both of the movies, but I figured.
00:51:07.020 --> 00:51:16.839
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: you know, it's not about me. It's about what could be helpful for other people. So maybe this, whatever is being said is is exactly what somebody needs to hear.
00:51:17.170 --> 00:51:17.670Linda Marsanico: Yeah.00:51:17.670 --> 00:51:18.610
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: And
00:51:19.920 --> 00:51:29.239
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So I just completed, you know, filming the second movie, and that one was exquisite because the La Tribune
00:51:29.380 --> 00:51:56.680
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: had it set up where we had the area to film the movie. But then we also had an area for producer interviews. And I'm actually one of the producers with the La Tribune films. So I switched hats. And I got to actually do some producer interviews with many of the cast. And then there was an area for podcast interviews and an area for hair and makeup, and an area for for taking photography and pictures. And
00:51:56.880 --> 00:52:17.659
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and then we had a press event at the grove, and then the next day we had an awards ceremony at a winery, and the cast got an award. And so it was this, this really great way to get publicity, pr visibility.
00:52:17.900 --> 00:52:19.820
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: And so
00:52:20.200 --> 00:52:32.339
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: that's that. That's what I just got back from. And then I'm going to do it all again with the La Tribune for rise of the lioness, the power of feminine leadership.
00:52:32.800 --> 00:52:53.869
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and that one we're going to be filming in a couple of months, and there's still space for anybody out there who feels like Oh, my gosh! I resonate with that. Just reach out to me,, and we can have a conversation about it. But it's it's been an incredible journey.
00:52:54.020 --> 00:53:01.919
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So that inner child of mine that was afraid of being so visible. Well, she received a lot of healing
00:53:02.120 --> 00:53:11.119
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: and doors opened, because, even though there was fear, I did my inner work, I.
00:53:11.120 --> 00:53:11.640Linda Marsanico: Said.00:53:11.640 --> 00:53:14.819
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Yes, and then, you know
00:53:15.090 --> 00:53:23.720
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: now the universe is providing in ways that I never, ever would have had opportunities to receive if I had stayed in fear.
00:53:24.050 --> 00:53:27.230
Linda Marsanico: Yes, you pushed past your comfort zone, and you're exactly.
00:53:27.230 --> 00:53:29.350
Linda Marsanico: It's lighter and brighter. And you're
00:53:29.830 --> 00:53:34.269
Linda Marsanico: so. Do you think you're going to be doing additional movies, Tiffany?
00:53:35.163 --> 00:53:39.630
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Well, I am
00:53:40.550 --> 00:54:06.240
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: likely going to be in the producer role again, creative producer for the entire series for pillars of power. So there's actually 6 movies for that and rise of the lioness. We have 8 or 9 movies coming up. So for the next 3 years every quarter. My plan is to be involved in this producer role
00:54:06.430 --> 00:54:10.549
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: for those movies. And it's exquisite
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: for the coaches and healers and transformation leaders who've been wanting to create a bigger impact. This is one way to do it, because film
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: is the most
00:54:25.270 --> 00:54:36.669
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: watched medium out there. Right? I mean, it's it's how a lot of our society likes to bring in information these days.
00:54:37.100 --> 00:54:39.719
Linda Marsanico: Very frustrated, very frustrating.
00:54:40.140 --> 00:54:40.920
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Yeah.
00:54:42.280 --> 00:54:43.569
Linda Marsanico: You were going to say.
00:54:43.570 --> 00:54:48.130
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Well, let me. You know, most people would rather watch a movie than like, read a book.
00:54:48.370 --> 00:54:57.999
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Right? I mean, there's still some that like both. And, by the way, we will have a book coming out for the movies as well. Everyone gets a chapter in in a book.
00:54:58.340 --> 00:55:01.829
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: So there's just lots of of
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: incredible things that manifest for me for my clients when the
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: transmute that fear and they step into their power.
00:55:16.410 --> 00:55:35.960
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: You know I think of it as yes, living in the yes, I am living in the Yes and YE. Dollar sign. Yes, right. And I even made a song about it. And it's just fun. Life is incredible that way.
00:55:35.960 --> 00:55:38.409
Linda Marsanico: It's an adventure, and it makes me think of a
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Linda Marsanico: header in a book, and I don't remember which book.
00:55:42.180 --> 00:55:47.430
Linda Marsanico: So this mother bird is with her young birds.
00:55:48.220 --> 00:55:58.808
Linda Marsanico: and she's saying, Fly! No, we're not ready. No, we're not. She pushes them, and they fly so. Yes, to being in flight.
00:55:59.250 --> 00:56:15.800
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Yeah, divine mother kicked me out of the tree. Actually, it was my meditation cave. I was really quite happy in my meditation cave and and I loved it. But you know there's a time to serve in ways that
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: are beyond our personal comfort zone.
00:56:19.460 --> 00:56:26.200
Linda Marsanico: Absolutely. And I think that the need for feminine leadership is so
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Linda Marsanico: essential right now. And I think that also I believe that men and women have a female side on the left and a masculine side on the right. So we need to be operating ideally with both, so that we're not going like this. We're not acting from here, but we're acting from a congruent self.
00:56:46.280 --> 00:56:54.579
Linda Marsanico: an integrated personality. So we can really achieve and create and co-create. So.
00:56:55.420 --> 00:57:12.450
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Absolutely. We both have masculine forms of power and feminine forms of power. It's not one good, one bad. It's what are the right energies and frequencies for this particular task in this particular moment.
00:57:13.400 --> 00:57:14.510Linda Marsanico: Precisely00:57:15.580 --> 00:57:28.080
Linda Marsanico: as we come to the end of our time together. I wanted to ask you to tell our listeners how they can reach you now. All of your social media are on the show notes. But why don't you tell our listeners.
00:57:28.720 --> 00:57:29.380
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Okay.
00:57:30.510 --> 00:57:36.089
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: is my website.
00:57:36.210 --> 00:57:44.259
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: If you want a free 15 min Blind Spot strategy session with me, call with
00:57:45.320 --> 00:57:58.550
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: And you know, I I have ton of free stuff, free healings, blog posts, articles, journal prompts in my cell phone, app.
00:57:59.400 --> 00:57:59.930Linda Marsanico: I see that.00:57:59.930 --> 00:58:02.110
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: Hpp Academy app.
00:58:02.310 --> 00:58:06.979
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: And that's a wonderful way to
00:58:08.480 --> 00:58:23.850
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: learn more, and I have a ton of free content. And then I have hidden paid content on there. So I would say, those are probably the fastest and easiest ways that you can.
00:58:24.740 --> 00:58:28.120
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: you know, start working with me.
00:58:29.070 --> 00:58:33.239
Linda Marsanico: Thank you so much for being here. It has been a joy.
00:58:34.000 --> 00:58:41.160
Linda Marsanico: So I want to say to our listeners that I will see you next time. Have a very beautiful rest of your day.
00:58:42.250 --> 00:58:43.609
Linda Marsanico: and we'll see you soon.
00:58:44.070 --> 00:58:45.680
Linda Marsanico: Thank you again, Tiffany.
00:58:46.010 --> 00:58:53.839
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: My pleasure, Linda, much love and blessings to everyone who's listening and watching.
00:58:54.370 --> 00:58:57.590
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: I'm just so happy to be here, and
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Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: may we all be that light.
00:59:01.480 --> 00:59:02.270Linda Marsanico: Yes.00:59:02.270 --> 00:59:03.829
Tiffany Cano I Blind Spot Healer: That were meant to be.
00:59:03.980 --> 00:59:08.029
Linda Marsanico: Indeed, as we say, bye, for now.