Tuesdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm (ET)
Listeners will gain insights around navigating change and how to set boundaries, prep your people for change, and provide effective feedback. Listeners will also be provided with access to a free resource: a checklist for evaluating the readiness for feedback giving within a given situation.
If you are a seasoned leader who is facing a critical transition who must lead your department through, and you are facing both external resistance as well as internal tensions for how to best manage it, this might be the episode for you. In this episode Dr. Brancu talks through a current client scenario in which the leader and has done some fantastic things to set the team up for success, but wonders (a) about how to manage employees who are having a hard time accepting the change and (2) how to balance empathy, logic, and accountability. She especially wonders if this second part is a gendered issue.
Dr. Mira Brancu is a leadership consulting and coaching psychologist, founder of the Towerscope and Towerscope Leadership Academy, Associate Professor, Psychology Today columnist, author of the Millennials Guide to Workplace Politics and the associated recently published Workbook version, and had a leadership career before transitioning to helping teams and high-achieving women navigate their leadership complexities.
Tune in for this empowering conversation at TalkRadio.nyc
In this episode of The Hard Skills, Dr. Mira Brancu discusses navigating leadership challenges, focusing on change management, boundary-setting, and feedback strategies. She highlights the success of her company, Towerscope, in fostering women’s leadership through impactful initiatives, including scholarships and leadership transitions. Dr. Brancu emphasizes the importance of aligning personal goals with professional growth, embracing flexibility in leadership, and continuously reflecting to achieve meaningful outcomes.
Dr. Mira Brancu emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability in leadership by sharing her company's annual business impact reports, highlighting growth, impact, and social responsibility. She encourages leaders to recognize how high-stress situations, like workspace transitions, can reveal hidden leadership derailers and suggests proactive strategies to manage both personal and team responses. Additionally, she offers accessible leadership development opportunities through workshops, cohort-based courses, and one-on-one coaching to help leaders maximize their impact and navigate challenges effectively.
In this segment, Dr. Mira Brancu discusses how leaders can effectively manage challenging team dynamics during organizational change. She emphasizes the importance of understanding individual responses to change, balancing empathy with logical decision-making, and setting clear boundaries to avoid overpromising. Leaders are encouraged to engage with team members through active listening and vulnerability, fostering trust while maintaining accountability to organizational goals.
Dr. Mira Brancu emphasizes the importance of boundary setting in leadership, distinguishing personal responsibilities from others' emotions to prevent burnout and enhance decision-making. She introduces a Feedback Readiness Checklist from her new workbook on navigating workplace politics, designed to help leaders approach feedback effectively by assessing readiness and fostering constructive conversations. Dr. Brancu invites growth-oriented leaders to engage with her coaching programs and resources to build clarity, resilience, and impact in complex organizational environments.
00:00:53.240 --> 00:01:16.059 Mira Brancu: Welcome welcome to the hard skills. Show where we discuss how to develop the most challenging and soft skills to navigate leadership complexities. I'm Dr. Mira Branco, your host, and the founder of Towerscope, a social impact company focused on helping leaders and teams navigate the complexities of today and lead better tomorrow you can find us@gotowrascope.com.
00:01:16.170 --> 00:01:22.210 Mira Brancu: and the best way to keep track of all the opportunities is to subscribe to our newsletter. So
00:01:22.840 --> 00:01:48.110 Mira Brancu: we're about halfway through season 6. And so I'm doing another one of those client grab bag of questions like I didn't did. In seasons 4 and 5, and there's some topics that I get asked so often that I thought it would be a good idea to record a response that folks can go back to often, and that I can refer my clients to as an additional supplementary resource. So
00:01:48.350 --> 00:01:54.269 Mira Brancu: since Season 6 is all about positive politics, workplace politics.
00:01:54.510 --> 00:02:03.000 Mira Brancu: since I just published a new millennials workbook for navigating workplace politics on Amazon. Check it out.
00:02:03.170 --> 00:02:12.090 Mira Brancu: I figured we dig in around some of those things in season 6. And today and today I can also share a few free resources.
00:02:12.710 --> 00:02:17.960 Mira Brancu: So today we're gonna talk about client. We're going to call her Gloria.
00:02:18.500 --> 00:02:23.430 Mira Brancu: And she is trying to help her large department go through a significant change.
00:02:23.850 --> 00:02:30.279 Mira Brancu: She's a seasoned leader, and has done some fantastic things to set the team up for success.
00:02:30.480 --> 00:02:33.899 Mira Brancu: But she's wondering about 2 things.
00:02:34.010 --> 00:02:40.539 Mira Brancu: One, is there any way I could do a better job dealing with this one person, John.
00:02:40.660 --> 00:02:48.549 Mira Brancu: who seems to just escalate and escalate this issue, and even sometimes trying to work around me with this issue?
00:02:49.750 --> 00:02:53.090 Mira Brancu: 2. A broader question she has is, how do I stick
00:02:53.210 --> 00:02:58.240 Mira Brancu: to communicating. What makes logical sense about this change.
00:02:58.540 --> 00:03:03.919 Mira Brancu: when I feel so bad for some of the people when they're coming to me so upset about this.
00:03:04.270 --> 00:03:15.579 Mira Brancu: And she kind of added, I feel like this is something I see women struggle with more than men. Is that true? If so, why, how can I let go of that? Are there resources about that?
00:03:15.690 --> 00:03:20.179 Mira Brancu: So these are such great questions. And I get these kinds of questions often.
00:03:20.450 --> 00:03:26.329 Mira Brancu: So we're going to cover some aspects of change management which this is a lot about change management.
00:03:26.710 --> 00:03:33.590 Mira Brancu: boundary setting. I know. Maybe you're not hearing much about boundary setting within the scenario, but definitely there.
00:03:34.070 --> 00:03:43.279 Mira Brancu: prepping your people for change and feedback giving. Yes, even in this scenario, feedback giving is important.
00:03:43.390 --> 00:03:49.730 Mira Brancu: And there's going to be like I mentioned a free resource at the end for those who are committed to sticking around for all of this.
00:03:50.160 --> 00:04:04.169 Mira Brancu: So before we get to the client questions and the free resource. I also wanted to share some really really cool stats and outcomes from 2024 from my social impact company towerscope.
00:04:04.470 --> 00:04:11.190 Mira Brancu: So looking back at the year is one of my favorite activities, because by the end of the year
00:04:11.590 --> 00:04:16.120 Mira Brancu: I sometimes feel lost like
00:04:16.360 --> 00:04:21.609 Mira Brancu: I went off course, or I did too much of the wrong things or not enough of the right things.
00:04:22.460 --> 00:04:27.160 Mira Brancu: And then I look at my initial 2018 business vision
00:04:27.670 --> 00:04:29.420 Mira Brancu: at the end of every year.
00:04:29.690 --> 00:04:35.229 Mira Brancu: and I look at my past year's goals, and I'm always surprised
00:04:35.700 --> 00:04:44.239 Mira Brancu: that I actually did stay true to my goals and surpass them usually, even though sometimes it felt
00:04:44.890 --> 00:04:50.050 Mira Brancu: honestly a little meandering, and I think that also reflects how I think and do things.
00:04:50.320 --> 00:05:01.560 Mira Brancu: This is probably going to resonate for anyone who has either Adhd or lots of interests, or both, since there is an overlap.
00:05:02.490 --> 00:05:07.949 Mira Brancu: Neither neither my career nor how I meet my goals is ever a straight path.
00:05:08.400 --> 00:05:14.930 Mira Brancu: I take it like a good vacation. Okay? So as opposed to a trip. And I went on a trip
00:05:15.280 --> 00:05:22.279 Mira Brancu: with my family. We call it a vacation. It's a trip. There's an end goal destination, right? As opposed to a trip.
00:05:22.830 --> 00:05:31.050 Mira Brancu: A good vacation is where you set some intentions of like some general things you love to experience.
00:05:31.760 --> 00:05:35.340 Mira Brancu: maybe a couple of things you want to achieve right.
00:05:35.620 --> 00:05:40.180 Mira Brancu: But then you let your interests and your energy guide how you get there.
00:05:40.390 --> 00:05:55.029 Mira Brancu: and how much time you spend exploring each random pit stop, and whether you reprioritize each day doing something different, depending on your energy level and your interest level, or how everybody's feeling how you're feeling right.
00:05:56.550 --> 00:06:03.629 Mira Brancu: You can do the same thing for your business. That's how I do for my business. So ultimately, that also means
00:06:03.790 --> 00:06:10.849 Mira Brancu: it might take me longer to reach my goals than somebody who is like hyper focused on just a couple of things.
00:06:11.280 --> 00:06:16.049 Mira Brancu: But I end up becoming more knowledgeable in more areas
00:06:16.370 --> 00:06:20.469 Mira Brancu: that enhance both the journey and the outcome.
00:06:20.880 --> 00:06:23.949 Mira Brancu: And I even reach goals I never initially set.
00:06:26.030 --> 00:06:33.189 Mira Brancu: but in order to balance my desire to stay focused and on track with my goals while also enjoying the journey of learning.
00:06:33.340 --> 00:06:40.350 Mira Brancu: This end of year review process is absolutely critical for me because it creates a ritual
00:06:40.750 --> 00:06:43.580 Mira Brancu: to help me slow down, reflect.
00:06:43.880 --> 00:06:48.760 Mira Brancu: and hold me accountable to the promises that I've made to myself and to the public.
00:06:50.070 --> 00:06:56.020 Mira Brancu: plus, I get to gather and play with data and create pretty things. 2 things that I really like to do.
00:06:56.380 --> 00:06:58.163 Mira Brancu: So I'm gonna
00:06:58.860 --> 00:07:09.169 Mira Brancu: I actually share all of this stuff in my newsletter. By the way, at the end of the year, I share all of this and on my website under the social impact section. So you can check that out.
00:07:09.997 --> 00:07:21.480 Mira Brancu: And I can share a little bit more if you're watching right now. In real time, the video, or later on the recording. I will also share a few of those things.
00:07:21.600 --> 00:07:24.679 Mira Brancu: Okay, but a few things I wanted to share is, first, st
00:07:25.180 --> 00:07:38.019 Mira Brancu: I completed the 1st full year of the Tower Scope Leadership Academy. It feels like it's been a long time since I started. It hasn't. It's only been a year, and I can't honestly believe it's only been a year. So that feels really good.
00:07:38.590 --> 00:07:42.030 Mira Brancu: I also finished one year of this podcast.
00:07:42.190 --> 00:07:47.130 Mira Brancu: And every week producing new content is kind of crazy.
00:07:47.860 --> 00:07:49.700 Mira Brancu: I didn't think that I could do it.
00:07:49.910 --> 00:07:59.399 Mira Brancu: but it all of this led us to reaching the top 10 global ranking by, listen notes. So that is amazing.
00:07:59.920 --> 00:08:09.589 Mira Brancu: And personally, I was also named a fellow of the American Psychological Association for my National impact and contributions. Only 5% of psychologists reach that status
00:08:09.690 --> 00:08:13.249 Mira Brancu: which again is crazy to even think about.
00:08:13.782 --> 00:08:22.590 Mira Brancu: I do want to deeply thank the society of Consulting Psychologists, which is Division 13 of Apa for nominating and believing in me.
00:08:22.700 --> 00:08:28.139 Mira Brancu: I really could not have imagined that for myself, so I'm deeply appreciative of that.
00:08:29.540 --> 00:08:38.830 Mira Brancu: I didn't, and I did not intend any of this right but
00:08:39.740 --> 00:08:44.150 Mira Brancu: well, I should say I didn't intend the apa fellow, and I didn't intend what I'm about to say
00:08:46.080 --> 00:08:51.859 Mira Brancu: As I mentioned, I published a second book, technically a workbook version of the original, but it still took time.
00:08:52.520 --> 00:08:56.180 Mira Brancu: and I started writing a 3rd book.
00:08:57.180 --> 00:09:00.326 Mira Brancu: I didn't intend any of those things. Okay.
00:09:00.830 --> 00:09:07.540 Mira Brancu: but all of that was me. Allowing myself to explore and pursue interests that were not part of the original plan.
00:09:08.400 --> 00:09:11.059 Mira Brancu: and I do think that that helped me
00:09:11.620 --> 00:09:18.279 Mira Brancu: improve the content that I put out there already. Improve how I thought about things, improve my thought leadership.
00:09:18.706 --> 00:09:23.459 Mira Brancu: It did a lot, and and it all sort of like connects to each other.
00:09:25.182 --> 00:09:36.489 Mira Brancu: I also did a lot more leadership group coaching this year, in addition to the kind of one on one and team development that I already do, and that actually made me really happy. I really enjoyed the group coaching.
00:09:37.560 --> 00:09:44.040 Mira Brancu: Perhaps the thing that I'm most proud about is that
00:09:45.200 --> 00:10:00.750 Mira Brancu: every year I evaluate my gender equity commitments. Again, my company's a social impact company, and the goal is to contribute 20% every year in time and money to supporting
00:10:02.680 --> 00:10:10.990 Mira Brancu: efforts or individuals around women's career and leadership, development and economic development.
00:10:11.800 --> 00:10:13.429 Mira Brancu: So I looked at my data.
00:10:13.680 --> 00:10:22.650 Mira Brancu: 91% of our hired contractors were women-owned businesses, which is amazing.
00:10:22.850 --> 00:10:32.089 Mira Brancu: 45% of them were minority and women owned businesses very happy about that.
00:10:32.240 --> 00:10:39.270 Mira Brancu: And with our leadership Academy, which is already a 100% women identifying community.
00:10:40.030 --> 00:10:46.720 Mira Brancu: 40% of them receive scholarships and 50%, 50% experienced
00:10:47.030 --> 00:10:50.229 Mira Brancu: a major leadership, transition or growth
00:10:50.940 --> 00:10:53.460 Mira Brancu: which was aided or supported by the Academy.
00:10:54.000 --> 00:10:57.989 Mira Brancu: That to me is probably the most fulfilling.
00:10:58.250 --> 00:11:01.710 Mira Brancu: When I looked at that that was just absolutely incredible.
00:11:04.166 --> 00:11:18.030 Mira Brancu: A few other like little tidbits. Some of you might know that I write a blog series called A New Look at women's Leadership for psychology. Today. In 2023, I published 18 posts.
00:11:18.160 --> 00:11:32.509 Mira Brancu: and 3 of them were promoted to essential reads by psychology today which was really validating. I mean, it's not easy to be picked by psychology today among all of their contributors
00:11:32.740 --> 00:11:34.589 Mira Brancu: for them to choose
00:11:35.590 --> 00:11:49.289 Mira Brancu: you know what to promote as an essential read, and so in 2023, 3 of them out of 18, were promoted to essential reads this past year in 2024. I only published 7 posts.
00:11:49.790 --> 00:11:53.849 Mira Brancu: That's the best I could do this year, right? I mean, I did write
00:11:54.130 --> 00:11:57.740 Mira Brancu: one book, published it, and started writing a second book. So
00:11:58.250 --> 00:12:04.839 Mira Brancu: to to, you know, really balance that out right. I only published 7 posts for psychology today, but among them
00:12:05.540 --> 00:12:12.720 Mira Brancu: 3 more were promoted to essential reads, which makes me feel like I am getting better and better
00:12:13.110 --> 00:12:17.679 Mira Brancu: at identifying important trends and providing value, which is super cool.
00:12:18.110 --> 00:12:21.470 Mira Brancu: If you were curious and want to read them.
00:12:21.870 --> 00:12:26.880 Mira Brancu: I'm going to share on my screen. But I'm also going to sort of read this off to you.
00:12:27.580 --> 00:12:28.380 Mira Brancu: Okay?
00:12:29.745 --> 00:12:34.620 Mira Brancu: This is the new look at women's leadership is the blog series that I write.
00:12:34.720 --> 00:12:37.159 Mira Brancu: the ones that were promoted.
00:12:37.550 --> 00:12:41.660 Mira Brancu: We're navigating invisible emotional labor at work.
00:12:42.620 --> 00:12:47.250 Mira Brancu: That was very high interest among people.
00:12:48.153 --> 00:12:57.690 Mira Brancu: Another one was why, high potential women are ambivalent about leadership.
00:12:58.590 --> 00:13:02.089 Mira Brancu: That was a big one. Why, high potential. Women are ambivalent about leadership.
00:13:02.770 --> 00:13:20.400 Mira Brancu: And then the final one. Technically, it came out December 29.th But I'm going to take credit for this year because I didn't promote it until the following year, which is 2024, the transformative impact of sponsorship. And that was an interview with a sponsorship expert.
00:13:20.630 --> 00:13:37.889 Mira Brancu: And that sponsorship expert Lynn B. Miller, who serves as a leadership solutions partner with the center for creative leadership. And that was a really interesting interview. So I was excited about that reaching essential reads.
00:13:38.800 --> 00:13:45.619 Mira Brancu: okay, so with all of that in mind. This coming year, I would love
00:13:45.830 --> 00:13:56.930 Mira Brancu: to continue growing the ecosystem of thought, leadership and the social impact work that I do through towerscope leadership, Academy through the podcast the hard skills.
00:13:57.030 --> 00:14:00.030 Mira Brancu: through psychology, today and book publishing.
00:14:00.970 --> 00:14:05.880 Mira Brancu: And like I mentioned. I prefer intentions versus goals.
00:14:06.040 --> 00:14:14.030 Mira Brancu: because you usually surpass your goals when you have intentions that don't constrain you. So my intention words for the year
00:14:14.200 --> 00:14:18.280 Mira Brancu: our streamline refine and reach.
00:14:18.540 --> 00:14:25.669 Mira Brancu: streamlining and refining the ecosystem of thought, leadership and social impact work while reaching more audiences.
00:14:27.700 --> 00:14:28.640 Mira Brancu: So
00:14:28.920 --> 00:14:39.590 Mira Brancu: when we come back, I'm going to reflect back like, what does that mean for me? And then we're going to talk about like, what does that mean for me in 2025.
00:14:40.010 --> 00:14:52.509 Mira Brancu: And then we're going to get into these. Really, this really meaty client question, okay, so you are listening to the hard skills with me. Dr. Mira Branku.
00:14:53.177 --> 00:15:13.070 Mira Brancu: We air on Tuesdays at 5 pm. Eastern, and show up later on your favorite podcast app. If you're joining us today right now, at 5 Pm. Eastern on the live stream. You could join us on Linkedin or Youtube. And you can even submit questions that I can answer in real time and simply or simply say, Hi.
00:15:13.720 --> 00:15:25.110 Mira Brancu: okay. So the best way to keep in track of all these opportunities, of course, is to subscribe to the newsletter. You can go to gotowrascope.com. Otherwise we'll be right back in just a moment.
00:17:09.450 --> 00:17:19.939 Mira Brancu: Welcome back to the hard skills with me, Dr. Mira Bronku. Now again, if you are watching live, I'm going to share with you
00:17:20.372 --> 00:17:27.560 Mira Brancu: where you can find the information. And then, if you're not watching, live, that's okay. I'm going to describe it to you. Okay.
00:17:27.819 --> 00:17:36.559 Mira Brancu: I was talking about the business reports that business impact reports and the scorecards that I create for my company. So
00:17:36.780 --> 00:17:44.150 Mira Brancu: if you go to gotowrascope.com back backslash social hyphen impact.
00:17:44.610 --> 00:18:02.538 Mira Brancu: And this is going to be in the show notes as well. The links to these. You can see all about like how I focus on social impact, and then you'll see links to every business review and scorecard since I started. Which was, I think, around 2020 and
00:18:03.620 --> 00:18:17.420 Mira Brancu: every single year. As well as some some awards based on the the social impact that my company has achieved. And if you click on, let's say, 2024 business review. You'll be able to see
00:18:17.570 --> 00:18:31.150 Mira Brancu: all of the juicy, nitty, gritty information about like what I saw as growth, impact, recognition, visibility, influence, momentum expansion. What I focused on each year
00:18:31.350 --> 00:18:36.569 Mira Brancu: you'll see what I thought, you know was on track and off track.
00:18:36.930 --> 00:18:51.169 Mira Brancu: You'll see changes over time in my revenue and operating expenses. You'll see revenue by service type, my pay it forward impact. And how I split it up. And my reflections! What did I learn? What does this mean for the future?
00:18:51.350 --> 00:19:01.739 Mira Brancu: And then you'll see the scorecard with you know my thought leadership. You know how I paid it forward, and my gender, equity, commitments, and all of that
00:19:02.130 --> 00:19:30.399 Mira Brancu: is really to be as transparent and hold myself accountable to the things that I promise. I expect companies to be able to do this, and not a lot of companies do this. They don't hold themselves accountable. They're not transparent. And so that means that the goals that they set for themselves, especially when it comes to gender equity, and things like that are going to fall off the radar, and they're not going to meet it. So part of this is just showing you that.
00:19:32.020 --> 00:19:38.430 Mira Brancu: it's easy to do. It's not that hard. We can all do it. All business owners can do it right? Okay.
00:19:38.540 --> 00:19:44.570 Mira Brancu: so let me go back to like I I sort of reviewed 2024 and my reflections.
00:19:44.690 --> 00:19:51.309 Mira Brancu: And as I reflect on what's to come. What's been, you know, sort of developed. And what's happening in 2025.
00:19:51.960 --> 00:19:59.230 Mira Brancu: 1st of all, I continue to be deeply grateful and fortunate to the work that I have with the clients that I love
00:19:59.710 --> 00:20:08.120 Mira Brancu: talented, introspective people and organizational misfits who want to make a difference and positively impact the world.
00:20:08.880 --> 00:20:24.429 Mira Brancu: It looks like I have a message from Jesse who says Hi, Mira, checking in on on the road, almost home to take back the engineering back over awesome. So Jesse, our engineer, has been
00:20:25.240 --> 00:20:46.859 Mira Brancu: you know, driving and listening. And Emily, who is technically our operations manager, has been helping out that this is her you know, initial love and background and so I have a lot of people who I'm grateful for, and they are some of them as well as the clients. That I work with.
00:20:47.410 --> 00:20:58.989 Mira Brancu: and I see my role as helping you connect to your greatest strengths so you can achieve the highest levels of impact I know you have within you to make
00:20:59.511 --> 00:21:11.559 Mira Brancu: and if you haven't had the chance to work with me, but you want to reach out. It's easy reach out so we can talk about how I can support you this coming year. There are a few exciting opportunities that I want to share. That's coming up
00:21:12.400 --> 00:21:37.270 Mira Brancu: number one through our towerscope Leadership Academy. I want to have more guest panel discussions and workshops that are open to the public for a nominal fee. So even if you're not a member, you can access it through a nominal fee. Our next one is on upscaling your Linkedin profile. It's on January 16.th Find out more and register the information is on Linkedin, or through our Newsletter
00:21:37.630 --> 00:21:59.540 Mira Brancu: number 2 more ways to gain affordable time. Sensitive leadership, development support. That is the entire point of the social impact arm of our company is affordable leadership, development, accessible leadership, development for people who normally do not have access or or sufficient support. But I want to add the time sensitive piece to it.
00:21:59.770 --> 00:22:08.899 Mira Brancu: So we're planning to hold about 2 to 3 cohort-based courses this year and trying to be sensitive to people's needs around limited time.
00:22:09.890 --> 00:22:28.240 Mira Brancu: Of course, the bread and butter is the one-on-one leadership and career, coaching and team development, the one-on-one leadership and career coaching. These are 6 to 12 month engagements. I do have space every year for about 10 to 15 people per year. Spots do fill up by September.
00:22:29.257 --> 00:22:40.019 Mira Brancu: and then team development and group coaching. I work with about 5 organizations and teams each year to help them become more effective reach out to me if you're interested in that. And finally
00:22:40.540 --> 00:22:53.389 Mira Brancu: advising and consulting, I work with up to 3 leaders and organizations to help them create healthier workplaces and teams, think through change management strategies and be more intentional and strategic in their work.
00:22:54.250 --> 00:23:06.680 Mira Brancu: Today, I'm going to talk about one of those clients and specifically focus on the change management strategies, but combined with some of the sort of personal issues that come up around that
00:23:08.110 --> 00:23:24.120 Mira Brancu: now, like I said, most of my availability for all the programs and services fill up by September every year. So don't wait. If it's been on your mind. Just reach out even if you're not ready to start. It's better to reach out now than wait till September, because at that point my calendar pretty much starts closing up.
00:23:24.400 --> 00:23:29.660 Mira Brancu: Okay, let's dive in with the client questions super excited about this.
00:23:31.140 --> 00:23:34.719 Mira Brancu: There's a new client that I'm working with. We're going to call her Gloria.
00:23:35.130 --> 00:23:39.159 Mira Brancu: and she has held multiple leadership positions within Academia.
00:23:39.510 --> 00:23:43.760 Mira Brancu: So she is a seasoned, experienced leader.
00:23:45.420 --> 00:23:47.850 Mira Brancu: and that means she's now leading other leaders
00:23:47.990 --> 00:23:51.599 Mira Brancu: and a large department with multiple areas of focus.
00:23:52.440 --> 00:23:56.710 Mira Brancu: And she is navigating what personally, I think.
00:23:57.270 --> 00:24:01.129 Mira Brancu: is one of the most stressful transitions for a department
00:24:02.030 --> 00:24:05.509 Mira Brancu: which is transitioning or adjusting space.
00:24:05.750 --> 00:24:08.610 Mira Brancu: That's right, I said. That space.
00:24:09.280 --> 00:24:11.380 Mira Brancu: It sounds so simple.
00:24:12.290 --> 00:24:14.830 Mira Brancu: You're like, what's the big deal? Right?
00:24:15.030 --> 00:24:19.200 Mira Brancu: But let me tell you, in the academic world, especially
00:24:19.530 --> 00:24:27.100 Mira Brancu: transitioning people's spaces, is probably like the best Rorschach test you can give.
00:24:28.490 --> 00:24:30.780 Mira Brancu: Okay, I
00:24:30.980 --> 00:24:39.070 Mira Brancu: did it myself several times when I was in a leadership role. Thank God, I had a great team of administrators to help me.
00:24:40.330 --> 00:24:46.290 Mira Brancu: And boy did it bring out people's interesting personalities.
00:24:47.710 --> 00:24:51.299 Mira Brancu: I mentioned before on this podcast that people's worst traits.
00:24:51.910 --> 00:25:05.259 Mira Brancu: They are leadership. Derailers sometimes do not appear until they are under extreme stress and somehow space transitions
00:25:05.930 --> 00:25:09.260 Mira Brancu: fall under the category of extreme stress.
00:25:10.440 --> 00:25:22.609 Mira Brancu: And frankly, that doesn't necessarily completely surprise me, because if you think about like, there's a very old study that offers like a list of, I think 50 top stressors.
00:25:23.202 --> 00:25:29.539 Mira Brancu: That even if they're like positive and good in your life, still add extreme stress.
00:25:29.780 --> 00:25:33.050 Mira Brancu: Moving is one of them.
00:25:33.300 --> 00:25:40.240 Mira Brancu: and that is technically moving space. You're moving from where you are to a different space, both
00:25:40.480 --> 00:25:42.870 Mira Brancu: housing-wise and location-wise.
00:25:44.370 --> 00:25:50.940 Mira Brancu: So going back to like an employee moving spaces and
00:25:51.090 --> 00:25:56.359 Mira Brancu: also like how to think about extreme stress, and how these derailers come out.
00:25:56.520 --> 00:26:05.230 Mira Brancu: I use several assessments like the Hogan assessment suite, the Cdr assessment suite, the disk and other tools
00:26:05.820 --> 00:26:11.430 Mira Brancu: to look at people's strengths, but also to see what could happen when they are at their worst.
00:26:12.080 --> 00:26:19.360 Mira Brancu: And these things can be real blind spots for folks, or sometimes they are strengths.
00:26:19.750 --> 00:26:22.409 Mira Brancu: But then over utilized
00:26:23.090 --> 00:26:35.139 Mira Brancu: people overuse their strength. Sometimes when they're under high stress thinking if I just keep digging in with my best strengths and the things that always work for me. I will get what I want. That is not true, but people believe that.
00:26:36.060 --> 00:26:41.340 Mira Brancu: So with space issues, if you've either been told
00:26:42.400 --> 00:26:46.780 Mira Brancu: great news, we have funding to move you to a new space
00:26:47.470 --> 00:26:53.600 Mira Brancu: or bad news, we need this space for other needs. We need you to move.
00:26:53.980 --> 00:26:55.840 Mira Brancu: Take it as your opportunity
00:26:57.070 --> 00:27:03.630 Mira Brancu: that you now get to have a Rorschach of everybody's worst traits when they're stressed out.
00:27:04.720 --> 00:27:08.310 Mira Brancu: Okay? And if if you've received this yourself.
00:27:10.330 --> 00:27:18.689 Mira Brancu: watch out for your own worst tendencies to come out as well, so think about yourself first, st and then think about how you can help your people.
00:27:18.860 --> 00:27:19.650 Mira Brancu: No.
00:27:20.070 --> 00:27:25.940 Mira Brancu: why could they be stressed out, even if it's good news? Well, I mentioned that list of like 50.
00:27:26.090 --> 00:27:37.630 Mira Brancu: Marriage is on there. Moving is on there, having a baby is on there. All of that stuff is technically good. News. Getting a new job is is good news. But you know,
00:27:39.000 --> 00:27:45.560 Mira Brancu: good stress still is stress, right still is stress.
00:27:45.790 --> 00:27:48.710 Mira Brancu: And when it comes to like moving space.
00:27:49.680 --> 00:27:59.839 Mira Brancu: people get very territorial about what they think is theirs. And unlike a house where sometimes we actually do own it
00:28:00.860 --> 00:28:05.730 Mira Brancu: within an organization, even though the organization technically owns the space.
00:28:07.160 --> 00:28:11.000 Mira Brancu: because many people negotiate for the space they have.
00:28:11.120 --> 00:28:15.580 Mira Brancu: especially in the academic world over time. They think it's theirs.
00:28:15.840 --> 00:28:17.269 Mira Brancu: and no one can touch it.
00:28:18.290 --> 00:28:21.320 Mira Brancu: Not true, but that's how they see it.
00:28:21.780 --> 00:28:25.096 Mira Brancu: and they also see the situation as
00:28:26.730 --> 00:28:29.119 Mira Brancu: I negotiated for this.
00:28:29.230 --> 00:28:31.509 Mira Brancu: I worked hard for this.
00:28:32.454 --> 00:28:36.200 Mira Brancu: This was my recognition. You can't take that from me.
00:28:36.550 --> 00:28:42.679 Mira Brancu: I bring money to the university. You can't take it from me right? Or I need to hold onto this space. So I'm ready
00:28:42.940 --> 00:28:46.930 Mira Brancu: for when that one big grant hits and I can't. I can hire more people
00:28:47.670 --> 00:28:50.920 Mira Brancu: right? So people's space is a proxy
00:28:51.310 --> 00:28:53.240 Mira Brancu: for how they see their value.
00:28:53.790 --> 00:28:59.049 Mira Brancu: recognition in the ire, the eyes of other people, other important people.
00:28:59.420 --> 00:29:03.630 Mira Brancu: and so many other things tied to emotions about self-worth and success.
00:29:04.620 --> 00:29:06.810 Mira Brancu: Right, even though it's not their house.
00:29:07.230 --> 00:29:10.960 Mira Brancu: It's kind of the same thing since they work there
00:29:11.110 --> 00:29:14.839 Mira Brancu: in that space most of their days and lives.
00:29:15.080 --> 00:29:15.800 Mira Brancu: Right?
00:29:16.450 --> 00:29:19.370 Mira Brancu: Okay? So we're reaching an ad break.
00:29:19.540 --> 00:29:24.180 Mira Brancu: You're listening to the hard skills with me, Dr. Mirabranku. When we come back
00:29:24.450 --> 00:29:30.969 Mira Brancu: we'll talk about like what she was seeing, what was coming out, what were the behaviors that she was very concerned about.
00:29:31.170 --> 00:29:34.589 Mira Brancu: and what she wanted help with, and how we helped her.
00:29:34.880 --> 00:29:41.969 Mira Brancu: We'll be right back in a moment, and you're welcome to ask any questions or share anything in. Live in the live chat.
00:29:42.390 --> 00:29:43.690 Mira Brancu: We'll see you in just a moment.
00:31:15.010 --> 00:31:25.139 Mira Brancu: Welcome. Welcome back to the hard skills with me, Dr. Mira Branku. We've been talking through a client scenario of a change
00:31:25.270 --> 00:31:26.420 Mira Brancu: process.
00:31:27.224 --> 00:31:38.839 Mira Brancu: Focus on moving people's space. And what comes out? The stressors that come out related to that. So, Gloria? Our client, my client.
00:31:39.070 --> 00:31:50.090 Mira Brancu: was dealing with a few people who were really bringing out some rough freights, entitlement, passive aggressiveness, narcissism.
00:31:50.420 --> 00:31:53.010 Mira Brancu: You see it all come out in these moments.
00:31:53.250 --> 00:31:56.840 Mira Brancu: Now, Gloria, I mentioned, she's a seasoned leader.
00:31:57.210 --> 00:32:00.259 Mira Brancu: and she did all of the right things in managing it.
00:32:00.530 --> 00:32:02.390 Mira Brancu: But she did wonder.
00:32:02.710 --> 00:32:03.989 Mira Brancu: Number one.
00:32:04.760 --> 00:32:10.550 Mira Brancu: is there any way I can do a better job dealing with this one person, John, who seems to just escalate it so much.
00:32:11.020 --> 00:32:19.430 Mira Brancu: and number 2 more generally. How do I stick to what makes logical sense when I feel so bad
00:32:19.640 --> 00:32:23.139 Mira Brancu: for people when they're coming to me. So upset about this.
00:32:23.470 --> 00:32:27.989 Mira Brancu: so her concern was less about the logistics, or even the strategy.
00:32:28.290 --> 00:32:31.070 Mira Brancu: which was already very well thought out.
00:32:31.350 --> 00:32:34.309 Mira Brancu: It was really more about people management.
00:32:35.370 --> 00:32:40.689 Mira Brancu: And isn't it always? I mean, if you were to move.
00:32:40.870 --> 00:32:49.319 Mira Brancu: I don't know tortoises or fish from one place to another. This wouldn't be an issue. Okay, but humans
00:32:49.770 --> 00:32:51.259 Mira Brancu: are territorial.
00:32:51.440 --> 00:32:53.479 Mira Brancu: They settle into a place.
00:32:53.780 --> 00:33:03.409 Mira Brancu: and then they design the place to be an image of their value and identity, and then they show it off to others as part of who they are.
00:33:04.330 --> 00:33:13.929 Mira Brancu: and I'm not sure most other species are this obsessed with value and identity, but it is part of human life.
00:33:14.380 --> 00:33:17.710 Mira Brancu: and so we can't ignore it as leaders.
00:33:18.270 --> 00:33:20.739 Mira Brancu: If we want to be effective and supportive
00:33:20.990 --> 00:33:24.820 Mira Brancu: of the humans we lead and their needs. Right?
00:33:25.100 --> 00:33:32.459 Mira Brancu: So we discussed the importance of 2 things, one, knowing your people and prepping for what they need of you.
00:33:33.230 --> 00:33:39.610 Mira Brancu: and 2 knowing where you stop and they start.
00:33:40.220 --> 00:33:51.509 Mira Brancu: So you don't over promise or sabotage your efforts. So I'm going to explain what all of this means. Let's 1st look at knowing your people and prepping them for based on like what you know about them.
00:33:53.140 --> 00:33:56.640 Mira Brancu: we know from change management principles that every person
00:33:56.820 --> 00:33:59.520 Mira Brancu: will have a different reaction to change.
00:34:00.310 --> 00:34:01.610 Mira Brancu: Remember, in
00:34:02.980 --> 00:34:18.689 Mira Brancu: In this episode, earlier in this episode, I mentioned the analogy of moving like literally moving locations from one place to another. I often use that analogy because it's very relatable, right? So imagine you have 4 people in a household, a grandma, a son, a daughter, a mom.
00:34:19.690 --> 00:34:30.289 Mira Brancu: and the mom got a great promotion. But that means moving to a new state, changing houses, location schools, community. It's going to affect every person
00:34:31.409 --> 00:34:32.590 Mira Brancu: but differently.
00:34:33.320 --> 00:34:39.099 Mira Brancu: One child might find this super exciting because they always wanted a bigger room, and finally, to get a bigger room.
00:34:39.639 --> 00:34:45.620 Mira Brancu: One child might find this devastating because they lose their friends their
00:34:45.980 --> 00:34:49.877 Mira Brancu: a year out from going to college. They have
00:34:50.510 --> 00:34:54.000 Mira Brancu: boyfriend or girlfriend, and this is devastating to them.
00:34:56.230 --> 00:35:00.130 Mira Brancu: The grandparent might feel they're not going to be able to establish a new community.
00:35:00.240 --> 00:35:05.869 Mira Brancu: New routines, their health care that they need in this new place, and they're worried
00:35:07.800 --> 00:35:11.420 Mira Brancu: instead of fighting or defending your position
00:35:12.280 --> 00:35:26.379 Mira Brancu: like, if you are the parent in that family, instead of fighting or defending your position like this is going to be great for us. And this is so awesome and like you're going to get this. And I'm going to get this, and I'm going to have more money for this, which is what most people do. They try to convince. They try to persuade, they try to influence.
00:35:26.920 --> 00:35:33.350 Mira Brancu: You've got to always start with listening and validating and hearing concerns, because those concerns are real and they're legitimate.
00:35:34.460 --> 00:35:41.930 Mira Brancu: So going back to like having a high performing faculty or other employees. Right?
00:35:43.550 --> 00:35:49.429 Mira Brancu: If you have a high performing faculty member worried about the impact on their grants
00:35:49.960 --> 00:35:52.260 Mira Brancu: and keeping the recognition of their work.
00:35:52.990 --> 00:35:57.650 Mira Brancu: and how hard it was to negotiate, in the 1st place, to have that kind of space. For example.
00:35:58.050 --> 00:36:00.320 Mira Brancu: the 1st step is to talk it through.
00:36:01.070 --> 00:36:03.060 Mira Brancu: What is your greatest worry?
00:36:03.300 --> 00:36:07.080 Mira Brancu: How can we address and minimize that worry? Given that.
00:36:07.220 --> 00:36:10.390 Mira Brancu: we need to make these moves right?
00:36:10.920 --> 00:36:21.670 Mira Brancu: What can we do to try to make this fair across faculty members. But within constraints
00:36:22.520 --> 00:36:24.659 Mira Brancu: here's the criteria I'm using.
00:36:26.520 --> 00:36:30.210 Mira Brancu: What can I do with this criteria and your constraints
00:36:30.350 --> 00:36:34.500 Mira Brancu: to help. I'd love to work with you on this. I'd like to partner with you
00:36:35.830 --> 00:36:39.519 Mira Brancu: now it's up to them whether they feel they can trust you
00:36:39.790 --> 00:36:46.140 Mira Brancu: and agree to work together with you within those constraints, or if they choose to still lean on their stress response.
00:36:46.290 --> 00:36:57.909 Mira Brancu: But at least you have offered them a 1 on one opportunity to explore it. Now, you don't have to offer one on one opportunity to every single person. But if you know, somebody has a stress response around
00:36:58.420 --> 00:37:06.029 Mira Brancu: space or other sort of visible proprietary experiencing things.
00:37:06.230 --> 00:37:10.089 Mira Brancu: Then those are the people that you want to reach out to and bring them in sooner.
00:37:11.360 --> 00:37:11.760 Mira Brancu: Okay.
00:37:12.260 --> 00:37:25.340 Mira Brancu: so that's 1 way of knowing your people and prepping right? We talked about her 1st question, is there any way I can do a better job dealing with this one person, John, who seems to just escalate it. Most people
00:37:25.660 --> 00:37:46.329 Mira Brancu: escalate because they don't feel like they can successfully address their concern in any other way. They don't know if they have a window of opportunity. They don't know that you are ready and willing and open to discuss it. And so you want to sort of preemptively let them know that there is a window there. You've opened the door
00:37:46.480 --> 00:37:48.159 Mira Brancu: and you want to talk it through.
00:37:48.710 --> 00:37:54.599 Mira Brancu: Okay. Now, what about her broader question, how do I stick
00:37:55.050 --> 00:38:00.730 Mira Brancu: to what makes logical sense about the space like
00:38:01.300 --> 00:38:05.157 Mira Brancu: deciding the amount of space per, you know?
00:38:05.800 --> 00:38:15.989 Mira Brancu: new faculty versus seasoned faculty. Those who bring in more grants versus less grants, those who need more equipment versus less equipment, all of those things right.
00:38:17.590 --> 00:38:21.629 Mira Brancu: But how do you stick to that logical stuff when it when you feel bad
00:38:21.960 --> 00:38:25.660 Mira Brancu: for people when they're coming in upset?
00:38:26.410 --> 00:38:28.370 Mira Brancu: Right? They're in their feelings about it.
00:38:28.870 --> 00:38:38.299 Mira Brancu: And Gloria added, I feel like this is something I see women struggle with more than men. Is that true? If so, why, why, how can I let go of that
00:38:39.200 --> 00:38:40.140 Mira Brancu: now
00:38:40.430 --> 00:38:52.130 Mira Brancu: on the outside she did very well. Okay, again. I'm just going to keep repeating. She's very seasoned, successful leader. So on the outside. I feel like she did very well so often. This is more of an inside job
00:38:53.000 --> 00:38:59.100 Mira Brancu: then. Yes, for many, many women. We are socialized to take
00:38:59.210 --> 00:39:07.659 Mira Brancu: on this sort of persona of caring for people, nurturing them, not causing harm, not causing discomfort.
00:39:08.200 --> 00:39:14.820 Mira Brancu: That said, there are many men who aren't necessarily socialized in this way, but are simply empathetic people.
00:39:15.090 --> 00:39:19.079 Mira Brancu: So this next part just applies to anybody
00:39:19.570 --> 00:39:21.669 Mira Brancu: who might be a high achiever
00:39:22.170 --> 00:39:27.299 Mira Brancu: results oriented, but also empathizes and cares about their impact and cares about others.
00:39:28.860 --> 00:39:37.809 Mira Brancu: And of course this is a great characteristic to have right. It's a great characteristic for leaders to have.
00:39:38.450 --> 00:39:44.630 Mira Brancu: You know, most of the time focused on supporting other people, but
00:39:45.450 --> 00:39:53.650 Mira Brancu: it can cause some inner tension when you have to deliver hard news and hold yourself or others accountable to sticking to it.
00:39:55.000 --> 00:39:58.600 Mira Brancu: So for people who have a lot of empathy
00:39:59.530 --> 00:40:10.720 Mira Brancu: delivering tough news or hard feedback can range anywhere from. Oh, this is stressful, challenging all the way
00:40:11.030 --> 00:40:20.220 Mira Brancu: to excruciatingly painful, which can lead to avoiding the topic or white knuckling it.
00:40:22.020 --> 00:40:24.100 Mira Brancu: Now, neither is ideal.
00:40:24.560 --> 00:40:43.420 Mira Brancu: though frankly, if you white knuckle through enough times. It is like exposure therapy. You can get better and better, and the stress lowers over time as you get better at it. But there are ways to lean into your empathy strengths while doing this in order to make the feedback giving easier.
00:40:44.100 --> 00:40:52.129 Mira Brancu: There are also other contextual issues that you should be looking at for feedback readiness, and I will get to that in just a moment.
00:40:55.250 --> 00:41:05.669 Mira Brancu: The best way to start with that conversation is, start with an empathy sentence.
00:41:10.540 --> 00:41:14.640 Mira Brancu: start with an empathy sentence, followed by
00:41:14.780 --> 00:41:21.660 Mira Brancu: sharing a little bit of your own fear or desire to avoid the conversation as a little vulnerable moment.
00:41:22.610 --> 00:41:23.999 Mira Brancu: and then get into it.
00:41:24.440 --> 00:41:27.449 Mira Brancu: Okay, so this is what it sounds like.
00:41:28.910 --> 00:41:32.519 Mira Brancu: I feel like I need to have an important discussion with you that
00:41:32.850 --> 00:41:35.549 Mira Brancu: might leave you pretty disappointed or frustrated.
00:41:35.810 --> 00:41:41.209 Mira Brancu: which I know is not great timing given how you just shared with me.
00:41:41.740 --> 00:41:45.640 Mira Brancu: Your mother is in the hospital, and it's adding a lot of stress and worry.
00:41:46.300 --> 00:41:49.610 Mira Brancu: So I'm not pleased to have
00:41:49.870 --> 00:41:51.659 Mira Brancu: to get into this right now.
00:41:51.940 --> 00:41:56.660 Mira Brancu: and as much as I really really wanted to find a good reason to just put it off or avoid it.
00:41:56.800 --> 00:41:58.880 Mira Brancu: I also don't think that
00:41:59.290 --> 00:42:08.049 Mira Brancu: would be in your best interest, or that that would be at all helpful to you and I know that what you don't want is for me to sort of like.
00:42:08.370 --> 00:42:15.610 Mira Brancu: get patronizing or overprotective when there's information that you need to know. So here's what's going on.
00:42:16.570 --> 00:42:17.270 Mira Brancu: Okay.
00:42:17.490 --> 00:42:23.219 Mira Brancu: So after that, don't sugarcoat it. Just
00:42:23.560 --> 00:42:48.549 Mira Brancu: be straight with people because most people appreciate it. And most people will. Once they hear that preemptive stuff, they'll appreciate that you made efforts to think through the impact that this could have on them, and that you were like really trying to be intentional about what they needed, and that you were trying to empower them with information and not overwhelm them, but at the same time. You are sort of working through like how to do it in the best way.
00:42:50.450 --> 00:42:57.449 Mira Brancu: And then, whatever feelings they have, the next most important thing
00:42:57.820 --> 00:43:01.739 Mira Brancu: is to not absorb their feeling.
00:43:02.660 --> 00:43:06.530 Mira Brancu: Those feelings are theirs. They do not belong to you.
00:43:06.880 --> 00:43:15.150 Mira Brancu: and you are not responsible for taking someone's feelings and hiding their feelings, or babying their feelings, or smoothing away their feelings, or anything.
00:43:15.410 --> 00:43:18.520 Mira Brancu: But you can be of great help sitting with them.
00:43:19.080 --> 00:43:25.170 Mira Brancu: coaching them, or mentoring them about how to manage the feelings that they have about the information you just shared.
00:43:25.950 --> 00:43:27.509 Mira Brancu: and that sounds like this.
00:43:28.520 --> 00:43:34.020 Mira Brancu: Yes, I am sure that it is incredibly difficult to hear this.
00:43:34.300 --> 00:43:35.730 Mira Brancu: What would be helpful?
00:43:36.480 --> 00:43:39.530 Mira Brancu: Let them guide what to do with their feelings.
00:43:39.860 --> 00:43:48.259 Mira Brancu: and if they stand up and slam the door, or shut off zoom, that is them dealing the best that they can with their feelings. You still did the best you can.
00:43:49.170 --> 00:43:52.779 Mira Brancu: You can't take those feelings and hold on to them for somebody else.
00:43:54.320 --> 00:44:00.410 Mira Brancu: This is all technically about understanding where you stop and someone else starts
00:44:00.940 --> 00:44:05.449 Mira Brancu: and then setting boundaries about what makes sense for you to take on or not.
00:44:06.110 --> 00:44:11.940 Mira Brancu: It's where some of us were not trained well enough on how to be understandable.
00:44:12.820 --> 00:44:21.059 Mira Brancu: understanding, supportive, helpful, empathetic, yet not accept responsibility for someone else's feelings or taking on someone else's burden.
00:44:21.840 --> 00:44:27.310 Mira Brancu: You can hold on to your strength of empathy without allowing it to suffocate you.
00:44:28.830 --> 00:44:36.090 Mira Brancu: Okay, so I'm going to stop there for now, because we're reaching an ad break when we come back.
00:44:36.500 --> 00:44:42.940 Mira Brancu: Let's talk about one tool that I can offer you to take with you
00:44:43.060 --> 00:44:51.069 Mira Brancu: to work through some of this. It's going to be called a feedback readiness checklist. When we come back from the break. I'll talk about that
00:44:51.540 --> 00:44:56.460 Mira Brancu: you're listening to the hard skills with me, Dr. Mira Branku, and I'll be right back in just a moment.
00:46:34.070 --> 00:46:50.440 Mira Brancu: Welcome. Welcome back to the hard skills with me, Dr. Mira Branku. And we're talking about helping clients with change management and specifically kind of the second part of my client scenario, which is focused on kind of
00:46:50.840 --> 00:46:59.280 Mira Brancu: identifying where you, you and your feelings and your contribution to an interaction stops, and someone else's
00:46:59.460 --> 00:47:04.340 Mira Brancu: contribution and feelings and needs and responsibility starts.
00:47:04.680 --> 00:47:08.502 Mira Brancu: And that's all about boundary setting and identifying
00:47:09.090 --> 00:47:17.110 Mira Brancu: kind of the differentiation between individuals, right? And not taking on someone else's
00:47:17.550 --> 00:47:25.809 Mira Brancu: not accepting responsibility for someone else's feelings, or taking on someone else's burden to the point of allowing it to suffocate you
00:47:26.200 --> 00:47:31.630 Mira Brancu: or hamstring right now, whether your challenge is too much empathy
00:47:32.380 --> 00:47:36.330 Mira Brancu: or too much focus on results with not enough empathy or something else.
00:47:36.670 --> 00:47:42.609 Mira Brancu: One thing that I would like to share with you. That might be useful is a feedback readiness checklist.
00:47:43.270 --> 00:47:51.559 Mira Brancu: It's 1 of the main active one of the many, many activities that we have in our new workbook for navigating workplace politics.
00:47:51.690 --> 00:47:52.600 Mira Brancu: And
00:47:52.870 --> 00:48:07.130 Mira Brancu: this is part of Chapter 21, which is all focused on feedback giving and receiving, which I think, is one of the greatest challenges most leaders have, or at least one of the things they seek coaching for. Often right
00:48:07.450 --> 00:48:09.669 Mira Brancu: here is how the chapter starts
00:48:10.780 --> 00:48:16.670 Mira Brancu: a lot of the problems that we struggle with related to workplace politics are related to our difficulty. Giving and receiving feedback.
00:48:16.990 --> 00:48:24.699 Mira Brancu: Giving feedback is a common source of difficulty, because it would typically remind us of the bad experiences we've had
00:48:24.930 --> 00:48:30.429 Mira Brancu: when it goes wrong without feedback problems go unaddressed
00:48:30.670 --> 00:48:36.669 Mira Brancu: and continue to fester, serving as embers, waiting to fuel conflict.
00:48:37.770 --> 00:48:47.000 Mira Brancu: Feedback can be used as a mechanism for constructive action. Once you have done your due diligence by surveying and clarifying the root of the potential conflict.
00:48:47.590 --> 00:49:00.359 Mira Brancu: So the chapter works you through like identifying, surveying, clarifying the root of the potential conflict. And then there's a 3rd activity in there after you do those things
00:49:00.870 --> 00:49:06.219 Mira Brancu: which is a checklist to help you determine feedback readiness. An important step
00:49:06.690 --> 00:49:12.440 Mira Brancu: is to evaluate how ready you are to have a feedback discussion.
00:49:13.040 --> 00:49:19.749 Mira Brancu: So the goal is to review the criteria for effective feedback in the feedback readiness checklist.
00:49:20.070 --> 00:49:27.729 Mira Brancu: Think of a current scenario and consider whether it's ready for prime time, ready for feedback giving.
00:49:28.020 --> 00:49:33.860 Mira Brancu: And then consider whether there are actually additional steps you need to take first, st
00:49:34.260 --> 00:49:39.779 Mira Brancu: in order to create the right setting for effective feedback to occur.
00:49:41.230 --> 00:49:43.989 Mira Brancu: If you want to access that checklist.
00:49:44.130 --> 00:49:49.809 Mira Brancu: I got permission from the publisher and the co-authors to make it freely available.
00:49:50.160 --> 00:49:54.549 Mira Brancu: So you just go to gotowerscope.com
00:49:54.920 --> 00:50:00.860 Mira Brancu: under other free stuff. I'm going to share my screen for those of you who
00:50:01.160 --> 00:50:06.164 Mira Brancu: are able to visually see this and just walk you through
00:50:06.890 --> 00:50:10.399 Mira Brancu: using audio for those of you who are not able to see this.
00:50:10.880 --> 00:50:12.880 Mira Brancu: So go towerscope.com.
00:50:13.530 --> 00:50:15.810 Mira Brancu: You can do gotowrascope.com
00:50:16.498 --> 00:50:19.969 Mira Brancu: backslash other hyphen free hyphen stuff.
00:50:21.170 --> 00:50:24.979 Mira Brancu: or just go to ourscope.com go under resources
00:50:25.250 --> 00:50:28.840 Mira Brancu: and go under other free stuff, hey?
00:50:28.980 --> 00:50:30.729 Mira Brancu: And under other free stuff.
00:50:32.500 --> 00:50:37.940 Mira Brancu: You scroll down and look for the checklist right here.
00:50:38.490 --> 00:50:40.323 Mira Brancu: Okay, and
00:50:41.420 --> 00:50:44.120 Mira Brancu: You will sign up to receive it for free
00:50:44.650 --> 00:50:51.369 Mira Brancu: signing up does mean that you're signing up for my newsletter. You can always unsubscribe, but sign up to receive it for free.
00:50:51.890 --> 00:51:21.400 Mira Brancu: And if you're listening to this like several months from now, like from today's airing, it is possible that I end up moving it to my book section right? Because this is related to my new book. I have not added the new book to my book section of my website. My assistant Maria, is helping me right now to add that right now. It only has the Millennials Guide to workplace politics, but it doesn't have the workbook in there. But
00:51:22.002 --> 00:51:28.560 Mira Brancu: until we move it over there, it's going to be on located under other free stuff, we might, you know, keep it in both sections. Okay?
00:51:28.690 --> 00:51:32.809 Mira Brancu: All right. So what you will see.
00:51:33.280 --> 00:51:36.729 Mira Brancu: I'm going to stop sharing, and I'm gonna quickly share
00:51:38.140 --> 00:51:42.650 Mira Brancu: the what you'll see. And again, I'm just gonna describe it.
00:51:43.400 --> 00:51:56.749 Mira Brancu: So it's going to be the feedback readiness checklist, and it starts off by describing a little bit about why you use feedback readiness checklist. Why, you don't just jump right into feedback giving.
00:51:56.970 --> 00:52:07.190 Mira Brancu: and then it'll have a checklist, and you, you know, score it one to 5 for each item. Not at all ready, somewhat ready, completely ready.
00:52:07.300 --> 00:52:11.160 Mira Brancu: and that will give you insight into what to do next.
00:52:12.590 --> 00:52:20.900 Mira Brancu: Okay, so I'm super excited to share that with you. And I'll be really curious to hear what you think about this?
00:52:21.970 --> 00:52:22.730 Mira Brancu: Okay.
00:52:22.990 --> 00:52:34.708 Mira Brancu: So we talked about 2024 and insights that I've had. And you know, kind of the
00:52:35.720 --> 00:52:39.759 Mira Brancu: reflections that I do. At the end of the year.
00:52:41.280 --> 00:52:46.360 Mira Brancu: and how you can do that for yourself as well. We talked about how I hold myself.
00:52:46.960 --> 00:52:58.880 Mira Brancu: you know, accountable, and how I can be transparent as a business owner to my constituents and stakeholders who are interested in the social impact of my company, and how you can do that as well.
00:52:59.460 --> 00:53:03.350 Mira Brancu: And we talked about how to think about
00:53:03.960 --> 00:53:09.270 Mira Brancu: one example of a change management process where
00:53:09.710 --> 00:53:18.480 Mira Brancu: you're not just thinking about, like the actual change which the actual change is not change management. That's project management, right? That's the logistical part.
00:53:18.940 --> 00:53:22.110 Mira Brancu: But change management is more about like the people side.
00:53:22.880 --> 00:53:28.159 Mira Brancu: Why is this one person escalating things, you know. How do I?
00:53:28.968 --> 00:53:34.949 Mira Brancu: Stick to a consistent communication? How do I balance
00:53:35.100 --> 00:53:39.620 Mira Brancu: my worry, my concern for people who
00:53:39.910 --> 00:53:52.619 Mira Brancu: are upset about this change. Given that I'm an empathetic person. How do I deal with that? We talked about boundary setting. We talk about prepping for feedback? We talked about preemptive conversations.
00:53:53.330 --> 00:54:00.510 Mira Brancu: lots and lots of things. Okay, hopefully, you will get at least one take away from today.
00:54:01.020 --> 00:54:03.020 Mira Brancu: And if and when you do.
00:54:03.500 --> 00:54:06.139 Mira Brancu: please share it with us on Linkedin.
00:54:06.815 --> 00:54:17.810 Mira Brancu: Which is where I live. You can share any other place that that I have an account. There's lots of places. But Linkedin is where I live. I would love to hear your one takeaway, and
00:54:18.360 --> 00:54:19.600 Mira Brancu: what you'll do with it.
00:54:19.860 --> 00:54:23.679 Mira Brancu: What's the one thing that you will change about your change management processes.
00:54:24.670 --> 00:54:25.800 Mira Brancu: Right? Okay.
00:54:26.650 --> 00:54:29.189 Mira Brancu: If you want to keep learning and growing with me.
00:54:29.970 --> 00:54:35.045 Mira Brancu: I am a leadership, consulting and coaching psychologist and
00:54:36.230 --> 00:54:44.610 Mira Brancu: I bring many, many years and ex, you know, lots of expertise. I'm an associate professor of psychology today. Columnist columnist.
00:54:45.140 --> 00:54:51.760 Mira Brancu: you know, I've I've had my own leadership career before transitioning to helping teams and high achieving women navigate their own leadership complexities.
00:54:52.020 --> 00:55:00.020 Mira Brancu: And if you want to work with me, one on one like I mentioned, or team or group coaching, or with the Towerscope Leadership Academy
00:55:03.260 --> 00:55:09.000 Mira Brancu: or any other way, in terms of advising and consulting, reach out to me
00:55:09.740 --> 00:55:26.940 Mira Brancu: find me on gotowrascope.com. There's a link where you can just schedule some time with me to just talk it through, and if I think that I can help you. I will kind of describe how and what the cost would be, and what that would look like, and
00:55:27.361 --> 00:55:38.580 Mira Brancu: investment and all of that stuff, and if I don't feel like I can help you, I will refer you, or I could recommend resources, or point you to, you know, other options. Right?
00:55:38.990 --> 00:55:44.579 Mira Brancu: So I love working especially with organizational misfits
00:55:45.210 --> 00:55:53.559 Mira Brancu: and socially conscious growth, oriented high achieving women leaders in disrupted industries, looking to find their leadership path and make a greater impact.
00:55:54.070 --> 00:56:02.680 Mira Brancu: My company offers research-based programs to help leaders and teams avoid being blindsided by missteps, workplace politics
00:56:02.780 --> 00:56:08.759 Mira Brancu: or problematic team dynamics gain more clarity and agency to become more effective leaders.
00:56:09.520 --> 00:56:11.670 Mira Brancu: And if you're interested in working with me.
00:56:12.060 --> 00:56:21.470 Mira Brancu: go to gotowrascope.com the best way to track all these opportunities is also to subscribe to the Newsletter, which is also an option on that website. Okay.
00:56:21.790 --> 00:56:26.949 Mira Brancu: so in addition to being a live show. We're on itunes or apple
00:56:27.110 --> 00:56:38.029 Mira Brancu: podcast they call it. Now spotify. So many other places, go, subscribe, leave a review, share with others to help increase our visibility reach and impact.
00:56:38.320 --> 00:56:49.040 Mira Brancu: Thank you to talkradio dot Nyc. For hosting. I'm Dr. Mira Branku, your host of the Hard skill show. Have a great rest of your day wherever you're tuning in from. Thank you. Everyone. Bye.