The Conscious Consultant Hour

Thursday, December 12, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/12/12 - Raise Your Frequency

Facebook Live Video from 2024/12/12 - Raise Your Frequency


2024/12/12 - Raise Your Frequency

[NEW EPISODE] Raise Your Frequency

This week, on The Conscious Consultant Hour, Sam is pleased to welcome Lecturer, Author & Spiritual Teacher, Selina Maitreya.

Selina is widely known for her own unique approach to living one’s truest daily life, called Practical Spirituality.

In 2013, Selina experienced a life-changing moment that reinforced the work she had done to live in love.

A serious car event left her severely impaired and brain damaged. Despite enormous challenges, Selina continued to feel blessed, and was never concerned for her fate.

Unable to sustain conversations, or fully use her brain for tasks, she focused on constant meditation and rest. During this time, she was visited continuously by Spirit. Messages were downloading daily and she was informed that her life had shifted forever.

It was clear that her practice of responding to all from love, was the reason supporting her total certainty and positivity during this catastrophic period.

At that point, Selina Maitreya became entirely committed to life as a spiritual teacher, devoted to helping others respond to life as love. Selina has experienced the teachings of Practical Spirituality under truly devastating conditions.

Her latest book is entitled, Raise Your Frequency Transform Your Life.

Tune in and share your questions and comments about Practical Spirituality on our YouTube livestream or on our Facebook page.

Show Notes

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4


00:00:45.530 --> 00:01:04.420 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Good afternoon, my conscious co-creators. Welcome to another edition a very special edition of the conscious Consultant hour awakening humanity. I am thrilled because I have an old dear friend joining me in my home studio today, my 1st

00:01:04.629 --> 00:01:23.099 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: in in Home studio guest I've had since the pandemic, and I will introduce her to you in just a moment. But first, st of course, I have my blog post from a couple of years ago, and I think this one is rather apropos, one which again, I did not cherry pick this. This is just what was next on the list.

00:01:23.210 --> 00:01:32.210 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and this post is entitled, Trusting in life is the most important kind of trust there is

00:01:33.050 --> 00:01:38.420 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: when we speak of trust, we often only think in terms of trust between people.

00:01:39.240 --> 00:01:41.319 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: trust between a husband and wife.

00:01:41.670 --> 00:01:44.390 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: or maybe trust between business partners.

00:01:44.830 --> 00:01:48.940 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: But there's another kind of trust that is far more important.

00:01:49.350 --> 00:01:54.180 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: a kind of trust that is far more fundamental to our lives

00:01:54.500 --> 00:01:57.840 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: the sort of trust that makes everything easier.

00:01:58.120 --> 00:02:02.409 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: It is not the sort of trust we normally think of. In fact.

00:02:02.440 --> 00:02:06.600 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: we often don't think it even exists at all.

00:02:07.270 --> 00:02:10.970 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: It is the trust in life itself.

00:02:12.380 --> 00:02:14.910 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: the sort of trust that light

00:02:15.190 --> 00:02:19.480 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: that life is taking care of us, even when we can't tell.

00:02:19.970 --> 00:02:24.790 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Trust that even though we might be in a difficult spot at the moment.

00:02:24.820 --> 00:02:27.369 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: things will work out for us in the end.

00:02:27.960 --> 00:02:32.200 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: It is a trust that there is a reason why we are here.

00:02:32.250 --> 00:02:36.710 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and that life will reveal it to us when we are ready.

00:02:37.500 --> 00:02:43.390 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Trust in life, of course, does not mean that everything always goes our way.

00:02:43.820 --> 00:02:46.969 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Some pretty big challenges may come into our life.

00:02:47.190 --> 00:02:50.939 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: We may be pushed to our limits at times.

00:02:51.560 --> 00:03:01.230 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: There might be times when everything feels so out of control, when it feels like life is against us.

00:03:01.630 --> 00:03:04.980 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and that is when we need trust in life.

00:03:05.230 --> 00:03:11.810 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: The most, for life would not have brought us into being.

00:03:12.090 --> 00:03:27.519 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: if that if it, if that was all there was for us, our lives are too precious for that to be the case, and trusting that life has something more in store for us, is the surest way to get there.

00:03:28.350 --> 00:03:30.560 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: for now that we are born.

00:03:30.680 --> 00:03:33.079 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Now that we are alive.

00:03:33.210 --> 00:03:36.410 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Now that we still have our breath.

00:03:36.940 --> 00:03:41.489 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: we have an opportunity for things to change.

00:03:42.480 --> 00:03:45.509 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Life doesn't want us to suffer.

00:03:46.660 --> 00:03:49.709 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: That doesn't mean that we never suffer

00:03:50.410 --> 00:03:54.500 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: just that. There is more to life than our own suffering.

00:03:55.600 --> 00:03:58.639 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and as long as we keep trusting in life

00:03:58.810 --> 00:04:02.179 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: we will find the end to that suffering.

00:04:02.920 --> 00:04:12.320 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: That's when our trust in life pays off, and when we suddenly go from suffering to thriving.

00:04:13.140 --> 00:04:17.620 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: our trust in life is not something for others.

00:04:17.829 --> 00:04:22.929 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: It is something to help ourselves live our life.

00:04:24.230 --> 00:04:26.710 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and the more we trust in life.

00:04:27.740 --> 00:04:30.509 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: the more that trust is rewarded.

00:04:31.790 --> 00:04:36.659 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So where in your own life. Can you trust in life a little bit more?

00:04:37.420 --> 00:04:42.240 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: How can trusting more in life, change your life?

00:04:43.880 --> 00:04:46.589 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So I wrote this a couple of years ago.

00:04:47.890 --> 00:04:53.230 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And and trusting in life is something I often talk about with clients

00:04:53.440 --> 00:04:56.039 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and and with people that I work with

00:04:58.830 --> 00:05:01.990 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and and I guess I was reflecting back upon just

00:05:02.380 --> 00:05:12.779 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: all the craziness in my life, because I've lived such a bizarre, twisty, turny life that

00:05:13.700 --> 00:05:18.039 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: that the only way to kind of get through all that.

00:05:18.560 --> 00:05:28.030 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: because I couldn't see what was coming next. I I didn't always feel like I had the support under my feet. I didn't always know which direction I was going.

00:05:28.300 --> 00:05:31.959 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: The only way for me to survive all that was trust.

00:05:34.980 --> 00:05:40.679 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And so it's something I really try to imbue upon

00:05:41.430 --> 00:05:48.110 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: you, my listeners, my my clients, that I that I work with both from my

00:05:48.880 --> 00:05:51.689 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: in my coaching practice and my ceremonial work.

00:05:52.510 --> 00:05:55.760 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: that, trusting in life, is really

00:05:56.600 --> 00:05:59.130 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: what makes everything a little bit easier.

00:06:00.060 --> 00:06:08.800 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And again, trusting in life does not mean everything goes according to plan, does not mean we're not going to feel pain. We're not going to have loss.

00:06:09.850 --> 00:06:12.759 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Things aren't going to be challenging at times.

00:06:15.460 --> 00:06:17.719 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: but what it does mean is

00:06:20.730 --> 00:06:28.640 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: that we have some kind of belief, some kind of a story

00:06:29.090 --> 00:06:32.169 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: that we're making a more empowering meaning.

00:06:34.120 --> 00:06:36.529 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: that when we trust in life.

00:06:39.560 --> 00:06:46.979 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: that we're trusting that there's a reason why we're here, but things will get better.

00:06:48.020 --> 00:06:52.499 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and at the very least, if we don't like where we are, that things will change.

00:06:54.590 --> 00:07:00.060 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and for me, I've found that level of trust has

00:07:00.560 --> 00:07:04.579 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: served me the most, and it's something I try to

00:07:04.760 --> 00:07:08.120 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: share with people as I did in this blog post.

00:07:08.130 --> 00:07:13.199 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and I bet my guest will have something to say about this very shortly.

00:07:14.093 --> 00:07:16.359 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So that's my blog post.

00:07:16.450 --> 00:07:21.400 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and I think at this time of year it's important to remember.

00:07:21.650 --> 00:07:27.840 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and the title of that, again is trusting in life is the most important kind of trust there is.

00:07:27.900 --> 00:07:38.879 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and of course you can always find my slash, blog, or on my personally branded website, the conscious consultant.

00:07:39.370 --> 00:07:50.890 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And now it is my extreme pleasure to welcome back to the show lecturer, author, and spiritual teacher, and someone I'm honored to call my friend

00:07:51.280 --> 00:07:52.880 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Selena Matreya.

00:07:53.050 --> 00:08:01.930 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Selena is widely known for her own unique approach to living one's truest daily life called practical spirituality.

00:08:01.950 --> 00:08:14.509 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And so, you know, she's into practical spirituality. She's my kind of folks. In 2013 Selena experienced a life changing moment that reinforced the work she had done to live in love.

00:08:14.520 --> 00:08:26.040 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: A serious car event left her seriously impaired and brain damaged. Despite enormous challenges, Selina continued to feel blessed, and was never concerned for her fate.

00:08:26.140 --> 00:08:33.779 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Unable to sustain conversations or fully use her brain for tasks, she focused on constant meditation and rest.

00:08:34.039 --> 00:08:37.989 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: During this time she was visited continuously by spirit.

00:08:38.159 --> 00:08:43.729 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Messages were downloading daily, and she was informed that her life had shifted forever.

00:08:43.909 --> 00:08:55.400 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: It was clear that her practice of responding to all from love was the reason supporting her total certainty and positivity. During this catastrophic period.

00:08:56.010 --> 00:09:05.120 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: At that point Selina became entirely committed to a life as a spiritual teacher devoted to helping others, responding

00:09:05.220 --> 00:09:06.970 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: to life as love.

00:09:07.240 --> 00:09:13.770 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: She's experienced the teachings of practical spirituality under truly devastating conditions.

00:09:13.830 --> 00:09:20.950 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and she also has come out with a book recently called, Raise your frequency, transform your life, which we will talk about.

00:09:21.040 --> 00:09:45.549 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Welcome back. Thank you, Sam. It's so wonderful to be here with you today. It's wonderful to have you. We just have a few minutes before the break, but I'm wondering for those who maybe haven't didn't catch your previous interview on my show, which I can't even remember how long ago it was a long time ago. You probably have to.

00:09:45.550 --> 00:09:53.384 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Yeah, wow, so you probably have to catch that episode on one of the podcasting platforms.

00:09:54.010 --> 00:10:07.109 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and I'm pretty sure it's entitled Practical Spirituality. But for those who haven't heard that episode. Maybe. Just give us a little thumbnail sketch of what happened to you.

00:10:07.230 --> 00:10:12.299 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: You know the the car accident was a huge transformation in your life. But you had already

00:10:12.810 --> 00:10:35.900 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: been working on sort of your spiritual practice for many years, even before that, didn't you? Yeah, for sure. My name, Selina Metraya was given to me when I was 16 years old by my 1st spiritual teacher, and I'm going to be hold on to your seat. I'm going to be 70 this year. So by the time 2013 came around, which is, when the car event happened. I had

00:10:35.900 --> 00:10:43.880 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: been a student for many years, but it wasn't really until my thirties where I met my current spiritual teacher

00:10:44.230 --> 00:10:58.620 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and learned how to embody my spiritual practices and embodying is really very different than just reading about spiritual practices or entering through prayer or yoga. It's using our daily life

00:10:58.650 --> 00:11:07.509 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: as the indication of where we're out of alignment with our spiritual practices. So I began that in my late thirties early forties.

00:11:07.570 --> 00:11:18.430 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and was a single parent of my 2 kids for many years, and I was a consultant to photographers around the world, and I did some spiritual teaching out of my house.

00:11:18.430 --> 00:11:44.529 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: but very little, and spirit had always said to me, When your kids are older and you sell the house. That's your time to let go of the consulting business and go full time in teaching. So my connection to source was very, very strong before 2013, and I've been a channel since the 3rd visit with my teacher, so I had. By the time the car event happened. I had been a channel for at least 10 years.

00:11:44.710 --> 00:11:59.869 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: When I sold my house it was my time to move on. My kids were off with the women they're now married to. I had done my job successfully and gratefully, and I moved to New York City, and I had worked for a year with my accountant to get it all set up.

00:11:59.920 --> 00:12:22.840 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and on the way to set to clean my house for the very last time, I had an audi convertible small car woman came through a red light with a large van 70 miles an hour and hit my little sports car, and I was left with a traumatic brain injury. I had a visit in the car through source. I was knocked out on impact, and when I came to

00:12:22.840 --> 00:12:35.759 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: a source, explained to me the purpose of this event, and they told me that I'd be taken out of my life for several years, so they could shift my energetic frequencies and download material to me.

00:12:36.040 --> 00:12:49.279 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and I didn't know then what was ahead. But that was what happened, and I was left in a fairly, you know, in the 3rd dimensional world. Not a great place, yeah, yeah, but in the other other higher octaves, in a phenomenal spot.

00:12:49.480 --> 00:12:56.509 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Right? So so you had again, you. You had already been a channel, you'd already had a deep spiritual practice.

00:12:56.600 --> 00:13:18.110 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And then this this accident happened. I mean, you were in the hospital for how long? Not at all. I was. Yeah, and that's the surprising thing they had to use the jaws of life to get me out of the car. I was taken to a local hospital there for 5 h, and everybody was kind of blown away because I didn't have a cut or a broken bone.

00:13:18.110 --> 00:13:34.199 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: which was actually part of the message that spirit gave to me in the car. They told me that they said, You'll you'll go to the hospital. Nothing will be wrong with you, but in a few days you'll not be able to have a normal life. And sure enough, 3 days later I'm walking down a hall not well.

00:13:34.350 --> 00:13:38.030 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and it continued to get very bad until

00:13:38.130 --> 00:13:50.319 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: for the next 5 years I basically had to have more rest than anything. And if I ever wanted to have people in my house if you would come or wanted to go out and do a teaching. When I moved to New York city.

00:13:50.390 --> 00:14:00.429 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: I literally had to be in bed all day to be able to converse with people, because for the 1st 5 years I couldn't handle light or noise or a lot of energy.

00:14:00.450 --> 00:14:09.009 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and carrying on a conversation for more than an hour or 2 was extremely difficult.

00:14:09.140 --> 00:14:21.770 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Yeah, so really, that required living from a lot of trust. Well, it was trust and faith. And for me that was that was automatic already, because of my deep spiritual commitment. But this

00:14:22.660 --> 00:14:25.320 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: took it to another level, because

00:14:25.330 --> 00:14:32.490 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: in the car, when I was knocked out I experienced nothing.

00:14:32.600 --> 00:14:52.459 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: but I have the experience as I look back on what that was, and and there are really no words to describe how amazingly peaceful and what an incredible place it was! So I now know, when I look back, Sam, that I was actually in oneness the field that we all go to when we're just breath.

00:14:52.690 --> 00:15:04.570 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So it was an exquisite experience. And so that that opportunity continued on and still is. Now I have to work harder because my brain is healed, and when we have a healed brain.

00:15:04.620 --> 00:15:12.709 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: I discovered when my brain was was ill, that and not well, that the brain creates all kinds of

00:15:12.750 --> 00:15:39.010 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: barriers between all the energy fields, so that we could actually even move through them, and now that I'm healed, you know it, I now I need to go into meditation to experience oneness where before it was. It was just close my eyes, and I was there. So that's where I spent the majority of my time. That's where the book was downloaded through all those times right right now. The book you just came out with.

00:15:39.010 --> 00:15:51.659 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: but the the messages behind the book are something that had come through a long time ago. Correct. The the ability to channel sources. Wisdom

00:15:51.830 --> 00:15:55.220 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: came through in my 3rd

00:15:55.390 --> 00:16:11.460 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: my 3rd visit with my teacher, that ability. But when you become a channel, there's there's shifts in your external life that you need to make to stay in integrity in order to be a vessel so that continued to shift and change.

00:16:11.540 --> 00:16:39.369 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and then, once about a year, into my recovery spirit started downloading the book, the actual specific material. So everything my connection to source is clearly consistent with the material in the book for sure. But the book, really the material they downloaded which I couldn't. I couldn't type. So I 5 years recorded it on my phone. And then it took 2 years when I was able to type

00:16:39.370 --> 00:17:02.530 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: to transcribe those 5 years. This has been a project of many years. Yeah, so it is all consistent. But the book is is instructional. It's a workbook. So it has teachings, and it has practices that go with the teachings to teach people how to do what they say. So it is a much deeper dive. Wonderful, wonderful.

00:17:02.540 --> 00:17:30.109 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Okay. It's time for us to take our 1st break. So when we come back we'll talk about what really the book is about. What's the main message behind the book, and maybe we'll get into some practical tips for our audience for what they can do. So everyone, please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. We do this every Thursday 12 noon to one Pm. Eastern time, right here on Talkradio, dot Nyc.

00:17:30.110 --> 00:17:36.790 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And we'll be right back with our guest. Selena Matreya, author of the book. Raise your frequency, transform your life.

00:17:36.820 --> 00:17:38.619 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and we'll be back in just a moment.

00:19:24.340 --> 00:19:40.120 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And welcome back to the conscious consultant hour, awakening humanity with my 1st in studio guest since the pandemic Selena Matreya, author of the book, raise your frequency, transform your life. Really good book, make sure you get it.

00:19:40.280 --> 00:19:49.319 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So, Selena, you said before that that you know you had gotten sort of the ideas and the material of the book years ago.

00:19:49.330 --> 00:19:55.660 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and and it just it took a long time. Took a number of years for you to sort of bring it together, and actually be able to publish it

00:19:56.340 --> 00:20:00.800 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: when you got sort of the downloads or the the ideas for this book.

00:20:01.220 --> 00:20:03.099 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: what did you feel was like

00:20:03.860 --> 00:20:08.409 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: the main purpose for the book, like, what is it designed to help people with?

00:20:08.630 --> 00:20:27.549 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Well, it's interesting. It's a great question. I want to answer the question, but I also want to share that. I had no idea the purpose of the book, the contents even, and and certainly not the importance of it

00:20:27.550 --> 00:20:44.939 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: until it got published. Because, you know, I talk about trust Sam, I since my car event, I don't sit down and create plans for my life. My life is totally directed by source. And so when they said, Move, I moved.

00:20:44.940 --> 00:21:02.190 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and I moved 8 times in 10 years, and after living in one place for 24 years, and and that's you know you wouldn't. That takes a lot of trust. So when the book finally got picked up by inner traditions, and they published it. And and when you have a book

00:21:02.290 --> 00:21:14.249 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: that gets published you're going over and over and over it. Each time I read it, I realized, oh, my God, what an amazing body of work this is because this book teaches us

00:21:14.290 --> 00:21:38.330 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: how to take any daily difficulty, any piece of stress any irritation, and literally utilize it, to expand our consciousness and create more peace in our life. That's what the book is about. And as we all think about the world today and our world. We know how much chaos there is in the world and in our world.

00:21:38.330 --> 00:21:47.839 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And so this book teaches us how to transform all of the difficulty with practices and teachings.

00:21:47.910 --> 00:22:02.070 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And that way each time we respond, because the book works on responding from love, our our natural inheritance and talk about trust again, we're trusting in the divine within us. So in the book.

00:22:02.350 --> 00:22:27.359 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: we're introduced to our different multidimensionalities because we're not one dimension where we're bodies and we're brains. But we're also energy fields, and it introduces us to the low frequency, energy of the ego, our pain body and the high frequency energy of the divine within us, and then it teaches us how to access the high frequency. When the low frequency shows up.

00:22:27.360 --> 00:22:36.979 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: so we become aware, we become conscious of how we move in the world through the practices in the book, and then we have steps to transform

00:22:36.990 --> 00:22:52.460 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: in the moment that we recognize we're in low frequency. So we can go right out of that. And that's important, not only for our world, but for the field, because in the field of oneness, which is the high frequency within us, and outside of us.

00:22:52.460 --> 00:23:14.660 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: everything we do, everything we think, every emotion, we have, every action we take also puts a vibration into the field. So at the same time that we're shifting our energy, we're shifting the energy in the field. So students often ask me, you know, or come to teachings, or to groups such as lectures.

00:23:14.850 --> 00:23:21.819 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And they're so concerned about the state of the world. And they say, What can I do to serve? And I always say.

00:23:21.970 --> 00:23:44.469 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Where's your consciousness? How are you bringing your consciousness to your everyday life? Because the 1st place that we all can start to not only serve ourselves, but serve. The collective is in our vibrational response to any chaos that lands. So let's give like a really simple, practical example. Let's just say

00:23:44.890 --> 00:23:51.179 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: I mean, I don't drive. I mean, I drive, but I don't drive a lot living in Manhattan. But let's just say someone's driving a car.

00:23:51.530 --> 00:24:00.319 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: One of my favorite examples. Someone cuts you off. Yeah, that's it. Right? Right? Someone cuts you off. Road. Rage comes up.

00:24:00.560 --> 00:24:18.669 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: What do you do? How do you stay conscious? How do you still connect with love when this anger boils up such a great, such a great example? I love that one because it's 1 that everybody can relate to. Exactly so. One of the 1st things that you learn in the book is that the breath we breathe

00:24:19.000 --> 00:24:27.580 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: is actually the physical manifestation of the soul. Spirit talks about how, when we come into bodies.

00:24:27.740 --> 00:24:49.049 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: the breath is the 1st thing that comes out of our body, and we're as little infants. We're we're welcomed by the doctors, by our parents because we're alive, and the breath is the last thing that leaves the body before the body is there and the spirit is gone. So the breath that keeps us alive that we take for granted every day

00:24:49.060 --> 00:24:52.549 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: is actually the physical manifestation of the soul.

00:24:52.590 --> 00:24:54.680 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So when you're driving

00:24:55.190 --> 00:25:11.460 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and you're happy, or you're just quiet or you're distracted by whatever you're doing, and somebody comes and cuts you off. The reason, and it's important to understand what happens. The reason people respond with with

00:25:11.670 --> 00:25:39.670 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: the middle finger or cursing, or is because they're afraid they're startled. So the ego, which is one part of our manifestation, the low frequency energy within us is really meant for that moment for the fight flight moments. But our egoic Pain body, unfortunately, has a lot of influence on the other parts of our lives until we seek to shift it with the information in the book and our our intention.

00:25:39.720 --> 00:26:06.579 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So when that happens, when somebody is cutting you off, you immediately go into that fight flight, and in addition, we're conditioned to respond to any low frequency with more of the same. That's how we're brought up in society. And so what happens now is we're learning a new lifestyle. We're learning how, when something happens that startles us, we stop and we breathe.

00:26:06.610 --> 00:26:09.400 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: we just invest in the breath

00:26:09.510 --> 00:26:24.029 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and you start to breathe. Keep your eyes open. If you're driving. Normally, we close it, but you're driving. You don't want to close your eyes. You could still do this practice, and you just breathe in and out of your nose, not your mouth, nose. Breathing.

00:26:24.120 --> 00:26:49.029 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: gets the parasympathetic nervous system, the physical nature slow, it slows it down, but when you just simply breathe in and out through your nose, you bring yourself back down to a level where you're not in the ego. So what happens really through the work, to use the language of the book, is when an event happens and you breathe.

00:26:49.030 --> 00:27:07.829 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: you're going from low frequency of that fear and your breath, because it's that physical manifestation of the soul is your high frequency, and you can't be in the 3rd dimensional world here, sick and well at the same time you can't go upstairs and down, and you can't be in fear of that moment

00:27:07.880 --> 00:27:17.719 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and love. So as soon as that moment of fear happens and you go to breath. You're going. You're activating your highest frequency because your attention on the breath

00:27:18.040 --> 00:27:27.860 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: activates the high frequency within you, and then your body calms down, and you can bless them and send them on their way, and you can

00:27:27.880 --> 00:27:37.809 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: continue on yours much more comfortably. You know it's so funny because I get interviewed, too, on other people's show. I just did an interview last night.

00:27:37.960 --> 00:27:44.530 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and and I often get asked. You know what's the one tip or tool you offer to people, and I always say your breath.

00:27:44.860 --> 00:27:58.180 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And I didn't have that language of how the breath is the physical manifestation of the soul, or how it brings us to a high frequency. I'm just like, just take a breath and and give yourself the moment to

00:27:58.180 --> 00:28:17.870 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: to take a pause, and to give yourself some time and space. But now, hearing you say what you just said, it now helps to add even more to the importance of just taking a breath. And you know, I think that's really important, because when we understand why it works, then we're able to take that

00:28:18.010 --> 00:28:47.969 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: from the breath to the other practices that are offered in the book, and all of the practices do the same thing. They give us the steps to be in an emotional moment, because when you're in an emotional moment, we don't necessarily think about how do I stop this or know that it's even possible. But if we know beforehand that it's possible to shift, and we know how to shift. And we know, Sam, how simple it is.

00:28:47.970 --> 00:29:03.919 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Our breath costs us nothing. Our breath is always with us, and once we understand that the high frequency within us is activated not only through the breath but through other actions. We take that the book points out.

00:29:03.920 --> 00:29:33.349 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Then you're prepared for these moments because everybody would love to be responding to difficulty from love, everybody right? And but we need to know how. So it's the behind. It's the understanding of how we actually work vibrationally, because we're told all about our emotions. We're told all about our brain. We're told all about fear. In fact, fear is just what we're we're shoved down our throats all the time, but we're never

00:29:33.350 --> 00:29:33.980 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: for it

00:29:33.980 --> 00:29:46.590 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: educated until we ask, or we have the intention to learn about our vibrational systems. So what we're doing here in this new lifestyle is, we're we're learning how to be responsible

00:29:46.590 --> 00:30:05.990 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: for staying in high frequency, because we now have the tools to be able to do that. Yeah, wonderful, wonderful. That's great. And it's so important today, because there's so much tension. There's so much anxiety out there that just learning to

00:30:06.310 --> 00:30:35.300 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: give ourselves that moment to take that breath. It helps in so many ways and so many things, and really well, you know it does, and it goes beyond the breath, because there are times that other practices are called for to be able to respond from love when we're not necessarily in fight or flight mode. But we recognize at the end of the day that we end every day, and we're just tense, or people aren't sleeping well, or people's relationships are falling apart.

00:30:35.300 --> 00:31:00.209 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: There are so many places in our lives that we work from fear instead of love. And what the book offers are different situations through stories and different teachings and practices, because we all really have the opportunity in this upcoming age of Aquarius. Here, astrologically, to make major changes and be positive forces in the collective.

00:31:00.210 --> 00:31:16.140 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: as we create wonderful, peaceful, and loving lives for ourselves. That's the choice we have. And now we have the tools to do that wonderful, wonderful. Okay, we're going to take another quick break when we come back. I want to talk about

00:31:16.200 --> 00:31:44.370 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: sort of for you the process of creating the book a little bit, and this maybe some surprises around, because you just said, like you didn't realize something until the book came out. So I'd like to talk about that a little bit wonderful. So everyone, please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious, consultant hour awakening humanity. We're talking this hour with Selena Matreya, author of the book. Raise your frequency, transform your life, and we'll be right back in just a moment.

00:31:45.580 --> 00:32:11.850 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Hey, everybody! It's Tommy D, the nonprofit sector connector coming at you from my attic each week here on talkradio, dot Nyc. I host a program philanthropy and focus nonprofits impact us each and every day. And it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen each week at 10 Am. Eastern Standard time until 11 Am. Eastern Standard time right here on Talkradionyc.

00:33:19.560 --> 00:33:23.355 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And welcome back to the conscious consultant hour.

00:33:23.950 --> 00:33:34.839 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So, Selina, you said that when you published the book you were kind of surprised a little bit about the importance of the book that you now saw, and I'm curious

00:33:35.390 --> 00:33:40.649 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: in creating the book, in in publishing the book and talking to people about the book.

00:33:42.420 --> 00:33:50.930 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Really, what what surprised you, or what kind of growth did you have to undergo to really bring this

00:33:51.040 --> 00:34:14.249 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: child, as us authors like to look at our books. They're almost like the children for us. Bring it into being. What was the challenge for you? Well, you know it was interesting. I had been published twice before in my past career, and I had never thought about writing a book, especially when I was brain injured. So being when spirit came through on one of their teachings and said, We're giving you a book. I was shocked.

00:34:16.120 --> 00:34:19.999 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So that was the 1st surprise was that I was going to be writing a book.

00:34:20.060 --> 00:34:45.449 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And as I took 5 years to download the material onto my phone because I couldn't type, and then a while to transfer it, and then it took a couple of years before it was sold to a publisher and a major publisher. So when I was trying to sell it. Spirit said, put it down and start a work study group. We'll decide when to

00:34:45.449 --> 00:34:55.350 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: publish and and I am fully directed by source. So I did. And I created work study groups where I took people through the 10 chapters in 10 months.

00:34:55.370 --> 00:35:02.970 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and each we 10 people a group. So there was 30 people who went through this before the book was picked up by inner traditions.

00:35:03.260 --> 00:35:17.040 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and it was amazing to see what they got out of it as well. And so in each step of the way to answer your question directly each step of the way I was being sourced

00:35:17.250 --> 00:35:24.020 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: to be patient, to not have my ego drive the book to

00:35:24.391 --> 00:35:53.360 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: to continue to follow as I did the spirits direction. And I'm very transparent with my students and with my friends and podcast hosts. I am still a work in progress. We all are, we all are. And I always say to my students, any teacher that tells you. They're completely evolved run in the other direction because they'd be off the planet right? So I continually learned, I learned what a phenomenal book this was. I learned

00:35:53.570 --> 00:35:59.240 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: all of the things I had been doing in my life that I had been taught that I had embodied

00:35:59.330 --> 00:36:09.079 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: had much larger practical application for other people and not just for my own life. So I have a quick question. And then I want to get into the embodiment piece.

00:36:09.240 --> 00:36:32.100 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So you did workshops based on the 10 chapters of the book. I'm curious if maybe you can relate a small story of maybe a student who came through and what was the transformation they went through from going through the workshop. Yeah, and it wasn't a workshop. It was. It was 10 months. Every every month we would get on a call together for 2 to 2 and a half hours.

00:36:32.100 --> 00:36:54.790 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and I would introduce a chapter of the book, and then the new chat. Actually, we would come onto the call first, st and people would talk about the work from the previous chapter that they did, because it's a workbook. You need to use the information, and we would all hear all these changes people were making. And then I teach new work. So one of my students is a woman who is a CEO of a company.

00:36:54.790 --> 00:36:59.320 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and she started the company with her husband, and they worked on it together.

00:36:59.650 --> 00:37:29.579 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And she really came into this program, not knowing what she would discover, but discovered her contributions to the relationship that weren't serving the relationship. And she had thought it was all about her other partner who wasn't serving the relationship. And what she got to discover through the work on the program is she got to see where she could create changes in her life that greatly affected not only her life, but their relationship.

00:37:29.580 --> 00:37:36.480 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and she just expressed how much freedom there was when she realized her responsibilities.

00:37:36.480 --> 00:37:50.100 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and she was able to use the practices to shift them in the moment, and she's still. She's now in my master class, and she comes on to the class, and shares with us very often how

00:37:50.420 --> 00:38:04.949 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: how her life has continued to change in so many other ways, but how this one particular way is now showing the fruits of all of the labors. So when we part of the philosophy of the book

00:38:05.070 --> 00:38:14.849 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: is that really we, we are seeking to shift into high frequency energy, which means we're we're seeking to work from love

00:38:14.850 --> 00:38:36.389 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and and to accept the responsibility for ourselves and the shifts we make. However, what we see with this work over and over. I see this is when we make shifts in ourselves, the people that are in our lives very often, whether they know it or not start to make shifts. And what also happens is as we shift

00:38:36.650 --> 00:38:48.209 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and change the frequencies over and over, around any particular relationship or situation in life that we have difficulty around. We find over time, Sam.

00:38:48.300 --> 00:38:56.509 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: that those situations don't bother us at all, so that it's it's it continually blows my mind

00:38:57.110 --> 00:38:59.169 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: wonderful, wonderful. So

00:38:59.220 --> 00:39:07.350 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: you know, a big piece of of what you talk about is the embodiment aspect of this, and I think we all know people who

00:39:07.440 --> 00:39:21.579 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: they may sit and meditate and have a good practice, but then they're constantly late for appointments. They're not very grounded having a hard time. So so how do people really embody these these

00:39:21.750 --> 00:39:41.949 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: kind of practices and make it practical? You know your your body of work is called practical spirituality. So how do we take these very spiritual, energetic practices and make them truly practical in our lives? That is such a great question. And what is so brilliant about this particular body of work

00:39:41.970 --> 00:40:06.039 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: is that it asks us to use our daily life as our practice. So it's how we're bringing this energy into our lives that has everything to do with the ability to make these shifts, because when, if you go to meditation and I love to meditate, but I love to meditate because it takes me out of here.

00:40:06.180 --> 00:40:30.110 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and I'm able to go to a place of quiet. I'm able to leave the 3rd dimension. But when you come off the map when you come out of the Yoga studio, when you come out of the mosque, the Temple, the church. What is your behavior like? So this is work that teaches us that it's our daily life that we learn how to be aware of how we show up. We learn to see how, where we're showing up

00:40:30.733 --> 00:40:35.870 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: where our response, where our response when we show up.

00:40:35.890 --> 00:40:48.229 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: is from fear or from love. And then the bigger piece of responsibility is. Once you recognize that you choose in that moment to shift your frequency.

00:40:48.310 --> 00:41:03.569 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and when you shift your frequency, it is a very real thing. You are shifting your frequency and your your thoughts and your emotions change. What do you really mean by shifting your frequency? You know. Sometimes we use these words, and we think everybody knows what we're talking about.

00:41:03.570 --> 00:41:20.149 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: But what do you mean? Shift? Your frequency frequency is energy, and science says to us that the brain does not create a new. The brain recognizes that which it knows and creates structure around it.

00:41:20.170 --> 00:41:40.690 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and the structure it creates are our thoughts or feelings. So if we are in a place of stress, we are creating low energy. If we're open and expansive, if we're relaxed, if we're kind, if we're generous, it feels different inside. We're in high frequency. We're working from love.

00:41:40.690 --> 00:42:04.350 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So whatever frequency is there, the brain creates structure around, so frequency can be experienced just by how you feel if you're coveting something. If you're angry, if you're stressful, if you're furious, if you're impatient, if you're unkind, you're in low frequency, if you're expanded. If you're warm, if you're sharing, if you're generous, you're in high frequency.

00:42:04.400 --> 00:42:10.819 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: I've heard it, and I think it came from the Heartmath Institute, I'm not sure. But I've heard that

00:42:10.910 --> 00:42:35.730 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: when they actually measure different frequencies, or like you know what the body generates electromagnetically, that actually, gratitude is one of the highest frequencies that we can be in, and it's 1 of the many faces of love you know, of the high frequency. So it's it's patience and tolerance and kindness and gratitude and and grace, you know, giving yourself.

00:42:35.730 --> 00:42:42.899 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: giving yourself grace, and in my world, because there's so many different definitions of grace in my world, Grace is. I've done my best.

00:42:42.910 --> 00:42:55.380 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: I didn't quite make it. I'm going to lay it down and try again tomorrow, and we can all benefit from having a lot more grace. So that's what I mean by vibration. You can feel it.

00:42:55.570 --> 00:43:10.630 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: you can. Your emotional body is meant to be that messenger. So the emotional body is not meant to be a landing pad where you feel fearful and you dive in. It's meant to be an alert. So you know whether you're out of alignment with the energy of love or not.

00:43:11.290 --> 00:43:12.110 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and

00:43:12.740 --> 00:43:26.169 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: you know, because of some of the work that I do, and my wife does as a therapist and doing ketamine assisted psychotherapy. And and we come across a lot of people with trauma. You know. They say that you know, I think

00:43:26.240 --> 00:43:27.729 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: the UN

00:43:28.280 --> 00:43:34.659 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: unverified statistically, that something like a 3rd of the population has experienced sexual trauma sometime in their life.

00:43:34.770 --> 00:43:45.890 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: You know, people experience emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse as children. And so then we grow up as adults. And if we haven't really processed or worked on that trauma, we start

00:43:46.040 --> 00:43:50.859 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: responding from a very instinctual traumatic way.

00:43:52.210 --> 00:43:56.269 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: How can we sort of use these these

00:43:56.772 --> 00:44:01.399 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: practices to shift when we're we're stuck in our trauma.

00:44:01.830 --> 00:44:06.900 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Well, I think that's a great question. I think these working, especially with the Brack.

00:44:07.030 --> 00:44:29.760 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: is a very important place, because when we've experienced trauma and being in a car event was incredibly traumatic, especially not seeing her, and having no idea that it was going to happen. And then afterwards, my entire life changed. You know I went from working 100 miles an hour to not working.

00:44:29.760 --> 00:44:44.299 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and I went from being more than financially comfortable to claiming bankruptcy. And I'm just now building my took 5 years before I could do anything. So the breath is the 1st place I would send people because that

00:44:44.320 --> 00:44:45.780 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: creates such

00:44:46.214 --> 00:45:07.749 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: an experience of relaxation. So just even in the moment to give yourself when you're feeling anxious, or perhaps the memory comes back and you just are thrown off. Go right to the breath. There's not one person I have ever shared this practice with that hasn't felt differently within 5 min

00:45:07.750 --> 00:45:23.339 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: of breathing. But if you're that person, give yourself another 5 min, so something as simple as the breath. And there, as I said, there are like 8 or 9 other techniques and practices more than that, probably in the book, but they bring you to equanimity

00:45:23.340 --> 00:45:38.549 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: when you're spiraling or you're anxious. I have a lot of students that come to me for for anxiety when you're anxious or depressed. You want to bring yourself back to neutrality, and the breath is a beautiful way to do that. Wonderful, wonderful.

00:45:38.810 --> 00:45:43.530 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Okay, my friend, it's time for us to take our last break of the show when we come back.

00:45:43.913 --> 00:46:08.630 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: You're kind of using the book as a launching pad for your mission. So let's let's talk about your mission. When we come back. All right, everyone, please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. My guest this hour has been. Selena Matrea, author of the book, raise your frequency, transform your life, and we'll be right back in a moment to wrap it all up.

00:46:08.810 --> 00:46:09.899 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: See you in a minute.

00:47:51.550 --> 00:48:07.529 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So, Selena, you mentioned how you kind of have a mission now that the book has come out, why don't you share that with our audience. Yeah. Once again, being totally directed by source. Last April I came out of a movie after watching a movie about the mother Cabrini.

00:48:07.600 --> 00:48:18.109 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: because I used to go to the church. I used to sit in the church during my my brain injury days, and I wanted to learn about her, and she turns out to be the 1st American saint.

00:48:18.400 --> 00:48:30.510 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: It's a fabulous movie, anybody should see. At any rate, I walked out and I got channeled a channeled message for 7 HI was up all night writing down and recording.

00:48:30.530 --> 00:48:36.709 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and spirit said that you know it's not just a book. It's a mission, and that the rest of my life. My job

00:48:36.840 --> 00:48:58.810 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: is to take this body of work, to teach people how to transform any difficulty through their conscious awareness, through the specific practices into love is my life's work, and then I was to create. They downloaded the whole workshop an all day workshop to offer spiritual centers and spiritual churches across the country

00:48:58.810 --> 00:49:12.469 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: in order for the workshop and the night before would be a community event as well around consciousness. To have this weekend event be not only educational for the community, but a fundraiser for the center.

00:49:12.470 --> 00:49:36.990 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So I'm offering spiritual centers the opportunity to have a night before book event and an all day workshop for free. There's no, there's no charge on my end. I pay for all the expenses to get myself there and back, and their job is to work with me to create an event, and they get to keep the financing because our spiritual centers and churches need help to get people back in.

00:49:36.990 --> 00:49:42.790 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and so we've already had one at the Hope Interfaith Center in Mankato. We raised

00:49:42.790 --> 00:50:01.129 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: a few $1,000 for them, educated the community had a great book event. I'm heading out to San Diego for the Universal Spirit Center out in San Diego, back to Minnesota in May. So if anyone is associated with an organization, and they can just check that out.

00:50:01.130 --> 00:50:10.330 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Happy to talk with. Yes, so I'm calling on you, my loyal listeners to, you know. I'm sure there are places you go that are spiritual centers around the country.

00:50:10.330 --> 00:50:33.389 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Get in touch with Selina, and let her know if you can put her in touch with any director or manager of a spiritual center across the country, and you'd be willing to go to Canada right? Oh, anywhere. Yeah. Because, you know, it's all synergistically set up, so that everyone, from people who can't afford to come to the workshop, they can come the night before

00:50:33.390 --> 00:50:59.910 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and learn a technique and either purchase the book or just hear about this and learn the technique to shift their lives. So they're served. The people in the workshop are served by your deeper dive, and the center is served by having this opportunity to share with their with their network their community, but also make some considerable money for the center. And then I will eventually get students from this because people are going to want to dig in more, because this is a body of work that

00:50:59.910 --> 00:51:05.910 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: we need to continue to work on and and shift our frequency. Yeah.

00:51:06.010 --> 00:51:09.179 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: yeah, I think before you said.

00:51:09.650 --> 00:51:16.360 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: you're still a work in progress, and that if any teacher says they're not running the other direction, I totally totally agree with that.

00:51:16.890 --> 00:51:19.849 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So I'm curious. Now you you live

00:51:20.000 --> 00:51:31.200 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: really like. So in alignment with my blog post, trusting in life, trusting in source what challenges you today like, what kinds of things

00:51:31.510 --> 00:52:00.420 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: cause you? A pause for a moment or step back, because sometimes I feel like people think you get to a certain level. And then, like, everything's rosy and you never have any challenges. Such a great question. Yeah, I will tell you that I am very excited because I have made some tremendous progress in one place that I've really articulated that has always been difficult for me, and that is the desire to always want more showed me so long ago. Selena.

00:52:00.580 --> 00:52:12.050 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: You know, everyone who comes into form comes into form, because the soul has come into a body to accomplish something, and to accomplish a shift on on the earth

00:52:12.110 --> 00:52:33.539 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and your piece, and and you each have individually pieces that are consistent, that you'll see through your lifetime that you're working on and yours clearly, Selena is. Wait. Years ago I didn't have as much gratitude for what was, and I was always wanting more when I was a kid. I wanted to be a teenager, a teenager. I wanted to leave home.

00:52:33.570 --> 00:52:44.079 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and on and on and on, and and I've gotten really good now at being in gratitude, and every once in a while I find myself wanting more

00:52:44.210 --> 00:52:58.109 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: than what what's happening, or wanting something to happen more quickly, wanting something to happen in a different way, wanting something in my life that's not there, and when I do it I recognize it, and I transform it.

00:52:58.110 --> 00:53:22.530 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So that is the piece for me. I think that I've made so much progress with and continually work on. And I think that's so important that we can be transparent like that because everybody has stuff, and maybe even some people listening will recognize within themselves not being in gratitude. And so I go there all the time. Now I just love it. I think it's so helpful.

00:53:22.530 --> 00:53:24.190 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: That's wonderful. That's wonderful.

00:53:24.270 --> 00:53:28.199 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So your book, raise your frequency, transform your life.

00:53:29.550 --> 00:53:52.719 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: What do you personally hope people take away from the book like, what what do you feel like, if if people just got this one thing out of the book, it would have made all the effort worthwhile for you. Yeah, to use it as a workbook to know that this is this. Sure, you can go through this book and open it and get a message. Sure you can read it through, and there'll be pieces of wisdom. You'll find yourself

00:53:53.240 --> 00:54:18.230 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: highlighting things and post it, noting all through it, and all of that is great. But I'd love you to use it, start from chapter one and start using the book and or look and see which chapter really speaks to you more, and start with that chapter because you can do that. You don't have to do it chronologically anywhere you start is great, but use it as a workbook. You can also go on my website.

00:54:18.230 --> 00:54:42.250 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Practical Spirituality with Selena and put your name out there for our next work study group, which starts in July. We just started one in October, and you can work with me directly on it. But if that's not of interest, or you don't want to wait. Get the book now, and use it as a workbook, do the work. That's that's what transformation is. You know that that's how we truly make changes is when we learn

00:54:42.250 --> 00:54:45.830 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: how to shift in the moment. Wonderful, wonderful!

00:54:47.330 --> 00:54:53.370 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: So just one last question kind of a big question, because I feel

00:54:54.060 --> 00:54:56.640 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: for my audience and for most people

00:54:57.400 --> 00:55:04.049 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: the world is such a crazy place. Now we're facing more polarization than ever before.

00:55:04.700 --> 00:55:16.550 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: It feels like there's more war going on than ever before, more violence, their families being split apart because of political beliefs, or whatever

00:55:17.049 --> 00:55:25.799 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: climate change is affecting more. I mean, we we just had the longest running drought in New York State in a hundred 50 years.

00:55:26.602 --> 00:55:34.007 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And now the people are concerned about artificial intelligence taking away their job and other things.

00:55:36.410 --> 00:55:58.930 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: How do you feel about like kind of where we're going as humanity as a race. Are you concerned? Are you hopeful? Do you see a way through? What can you give people to when they're thinking about these big things that maybe can help people to be able to shift when they're feeling a little concerned. Great question. I think

00:55:59.090 --> 00:56:22.310 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: if we read the news, and we just take a note on where humanity is at by media, we're not going to get the same result as meeting people, one on one. People are good, you know. We have people who have suffered quite a bit, and they make choices that aren't good. We have people who are mentally ill. No doubt about it. People are good for the most part nobody is born bad.

00:56:22.510 --> 00:56:38.360 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: and I think that's important. I also think it's important to assume the responsibility of our own actions. How we show up in the world. I think when we see a lot of difficulty, I remember the Rabbi, who was going around when I, before I moved to New York

00:56:38.360 --> 00:57:03.289 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: offering workshops, and he would draw a circle and ask somebody to come up to draw, and he'd say he'd give him a challenge. He'd say, Create a yin without a yang being created. And you can't. As soon as you create the Yin, you create the Yang his lesson. He was a Kabbalistic rabbi was. When you create light, you create dark like dark doesn't exist without light. So if you see dark, you know that there's that much light, and if you want to contribute to that light, learn how to

00:57:03.290 --> 00:57:14.869 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: be that light, and put that light into your world in the collective. And that means granularly looking at your life, and where you're not showing up as light and being committed to shifting that

00:57:14.870 --> 00:57:39.859 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: beautiful, beautiful? Yeah, it's really taking the piece that we are creators, and that we can contribute to the world in a in a way that we like by just how we show up. What's the energy we show up with? What's the the love, the gratitude? It's true, because we not only are we creators. But but we're also manifestors, and we're energetic receivers. And

00:57:39.860 --> 00:57:44.539 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: we're energetic projectors. And so there is no greater work

00:57:44.580 --> 00:58:02.490 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: to shifting the world. And to make sure we're showing up, as you just so beautifully said from positive vibration. I believe there's no greater work than that beautiful, beautiful Selena. Thank you so much for taking the time to come over today and and thank you for being my 1st in studio guest since the pandemic.

00:58:02.490 --> 00:58:17.770 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: And thank you, my loyal listeners, for tuning in Selena real quick, I forgot. If people want to get in touch with you, learn more about A practical spirituality with Selina SELI, And just write me an email. Love to talk.

00:58:17.770 --> 00:58:39.679 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Yep. And the book. Raise your frequency, transform your life available from all major booksellers. Oh, yeah, all over the world, all right. Wonderful. And of course, thank you, my loyal listeners, for tuning in without you there is no show. And don't forget if you missed any part of today's show, you can always catch the replay on talkradio dot Nyc. And on all the major social media. All the major podcasting platforms.

00:58:39.680 --> 00:59:03.670 Sam Liebowitz and Selina Maitreya: Please stay tuned coming up next. It's mindbody, health and politics with Dr. Richard Lewis Miller. Later today, frank about health and tomorrow Tommy Demisa and his show philanthropy and focus. Thank you all for tuning in. We will talk to you all next week. Don't forget. Next week is the last live show of the year, and then we go dark for a couple of weeks and take a break at the end of the year. Talk to you all next week.

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