Thursdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm (EDT)
The audience will get an account of one man's journey from depression, anxiety, trauma and addiction to recovery by working with our inner spirit and soul.
Levy draws on his personal experience with depression, trauma, suicidal ideation, addiction and recovery to guide you toward a better way to deal with conflict. He breaks down complex and confusing concepts and shows you how to apply a new way of being to your life.
Among the ideas to be discussed in the episode:
1. Goal Setting vs. Soul Setting: Swap goal setting, which is rooted in external outcomes, for soul setting and learn how to live with purpose and intent without artificial deadlines.
2. Why People Struggle: Adopt a different perspective that will lead to inner peace by leaving behind past decisions based on poor information.
3. How to Start Your Journey: Learn how to shifting your patterns and focus can change your life.
4. The Joy of Inner Peace: Reach your own highest potential by releasing the negative energy that comes with painful thoughts.
This episode will also discuss the book Soul Setting: Listen to your soul instead of your mind.
Tune in for this healthy conversation at
00:00:33.310 --> 00:00:54.090 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody, and welcome to a new episode of Frank about health. The date is October 24, th 2024, and we are here to talk about soul setting. That's the name of this episode. If you recall on last week's show we had Linda, who has her show the a train to Sedona right here on Talkradio, dot Nyc.
00:00:54.090 --> 00:01:05.509 Frank R. Harrison: And I closed it by saying, now that we've talked about spirituality, we're going to talk about the soul something I have never done on Frank about health before. So that's why I'm proud to introduce
00:01:05.530 --> 00:01:12.839 Frank R. Harrison: the man with the one name Levi, who has a book out there that will be released in January 2025, called
00:01:13.450 --> 00:01:14.610 Frank R. Harrison: Soul Setting.
00:01:14.860 --> 00:01:20.740 Frank R. Harrison: and there is a disclaimer. Listen to your soul instead of your mind. Now one may ask what
00:01:20.810 --> 00:01:24.600 Frank R. Harrison: we're not used to that. Well, we'll find out why, during the next hour.
00:01:24.750 --> 00:01:31.599 Frank R. Harrison: basically, what is important to understand is that while we have heard on various episodes of Frank about health.
00:01:31.630 --> 00:01:43.799 Frank R. Harrison: that it's all about my body, mind, spirit, and obviously soul. It's all within us. It's within our person, and we have to manifest or master those aspects of us that
00:01:43.930 --> 00:01:45.999 Frank R. Harrison: give us a good quality of life.
00:01:46.100 --> 00:01:50.660 Frank R. Harrison: But you're going to hear on this particular episode about one person's story.
00:01:50.670 --> 00:02:06.760 Frank R. Harrison: and I'm going to let him completely tell it where he was dealing with challenges such as trauma, depression, anxiety, addiction, and all other kinds of aspects that we have featured on Frank about health before. But we're not going to take the medical point of view.
00:02:06.790 --> 00:02:13.420 Frank R. Harrison: We're going to take what he dubs soul setting point of view and contrast it with traditional goal setting.
00:02:13.520 --> 00:02:21.480 Frank R. Harrison: So there's a lot to unpack on this episode of Frank about health. And normally, while I have all the segments broken down in my mind.
00:02:21.510 --> 00:02:23.529 Frank R. Harrison: I'm going to make this your show levy
00:02:23.710 --> 00:02:33.369 Frank R. Harrison: just the way you wrote your book. So from segments 2 on. It's all about you, but I will issue my formal disclaimer, as I normally do.
00:02:33.430 --> 00:02:39.080 Frank R. Harrison: This particular show does not represent the views of frank about health or talkradio dot Nyc.
00:02:39.110 --> 00:02:57.239 Frank R. Harrison: But they do represent the views of one individual, one man who has chosen a path that is working for him, and his quality of life. Therefore you may choose to agree or disagree with them, and that is fine. Also, by reading his book. After you've seen this show.
00:02:57.906 --> 00:03:16.359 Frank R. Harrison: You may even get a bigger picture of it. It's a very unique episode. We are not advocating for any religious belief system out there. We are just looking at one person's view that works best for him. Because in essence this is a health program, frank about health.
00:03:16.450 --> 00:03:30.730 Frank R. Harrison: We look at mental health issues. We look at also the physical manifestations of troublesome symptoms among other issues. But we're not looking at the medical solutions in this particular episode. We're looking at soul setting.
00:03:31.010 --> 00:03:40.909 Frank R. Harrison: so that, all being said, that was a very creative disclaimer. I think I was also setting the stage for you to really talk about your story and talk about your book.
00:03:41.030 --> 00:03:47.419 Frank R. Harrison: So that being said, when you unmute welcome to Frank about health, and by all means
00:03:47.560 --> 00:03:48.830 Frank R. Harrison: start your story.
00:03:51.010 --> 00:03:54.620 Levy: Thank you, Frank. I really appreciate the opportunity to talk to you and your audience.
00:03:55.085 --> 00:04:02.250 Levy: I guess my story starts out as a child. I had a very good childhood. From ages of 0 to 27.
00:04:02.260 --> 00:04:08.730 Levy: Everything was fine. I was promoted at a young age, and in management I had a great teenage life. I had a great childhood
00:04:09.009 --> 00:04:14.969 Levy: and then, at age 27, I got married young. I had 2 children at age of one and 3 at the time.
00:04:15.040 --> 00:04:19.519 Levy: and at age 27 of 6 years of marriage. My wife decides that
00:04:19.610 --> 00:04:24.609 Levy: she decides she wants to leave me, and she wants to experience lesbianism.
00:04:24.880 --> 00:04:26.579 Levy: So she wanted to be a lesbian.
00:04:26.850 --> 00:04:43.759 Levy: I was mortified and shocked. We had no problems as far as what we're separating or divorcing over, and I was a weekend, probably a weekend alcoholic, but not abusive one, but just drank, you know, at a young age 20 is your party or whatnot.
00:04:43.940 --> 00:05:00.839 Levy: So she left me. And I just that's when my roller coaster really started. I went into a deep depression, not understanding, and over the course of the next 10 years I end up becoming a full fledged alcoholic drinking every day. All the time
00:05:00.840 --> 00:05:15.309 Levy: I really had an addiction I was suicidal. I had massive depression, massive anxiety. I've done a lot of medications seeing psychiatrist. My life just wasn't going the way I wanted to go.
00:05:16.010 --> 00:05:31.860 Levy: and I remember the the last one of the last sessions. And actually it was the last session. My psychiatrist at the time said, you know, Levy, we've gone as far as we can go with your situation, and I think you might have to just learn to deal with that. You are going to have a lot of ups and downs in your life.
00:05:31.880 --> 00:05:43.079 Levy: You're going to be depressed, have low depression at some point, and very high depressions at some point. And so what we can do is we can teach you some coping mechanisms, some techniques, and some methods.
00:05:43.600 --> 00:05:47.939 Levy: And I remember looking at him, and I thought to myself, I never said this to him, but I thought.
00:05:48.560 --> 00:05:56.550 Levy: like hell. I'm going to be dealing with this all my life. If that's just my life, then I'm going to go out, and I'm just done.
00:05:56.850 --> 00:06:06.699 Levy: And at that point I never went back to him, and I thought, there has to be a better way than this. There's no way. My life is supposed to be like. No human is supposed to go through this.
00:06:06.840 --> 00:06:11.566 Levy: So I started my research and went from there and
00:06:12.520 --> 00:06:24.980 Levy: failed on some of the research that I applied and started looking at my my inner self. My soul standpoint, because I was always working on my mind, and it just wasn't working.
00:06:25.570 --> 00:06:26.220 Frank R. Harrison: Hmm!
00:06:26.930 --> 00:06:34.219 Frank R. Harrison: Interesting. So at 1 point did you realize that you were able to break through that vicious cycle
00:06:34.310 --> 00:06:45.369 Frank R. Harrison: and start to determine a better path for yourself, because from what I've read, you did not other than a psychiatrist which you mentioned, you did not go through
00:06:45.390 --> 00:06:51.430 Frank R. Harrison: a specific trauma that really woke you up. What was your turning point?
00:06:52.410 --> 00:07:05.860 Levy: I I guess. I had a night in jail because of alcoholism, and then my my family decided to have an intervention. And that's what changed things. And I I just remember saying to my family like, No.
00:07:06.060 --> 00:07:22.080 Levy: forget it. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine, and I left within 3 days. I remember calling my father crying, and then we got the ball rolling, for my sister helped me out getting into an alcohol, reprogramming things like that. And that's where the change was.
00:07:22.850 --> 00:07:32.089 Frank R. Harrison: Oh, so you didn't really hit Rock bottom. You just reached a tough point, but it was strong enough for you, or painful enough for you to really seek help.
00:07:32.320 --> 00:07:47.879 Levy: It was pretty much rock bottom for me, because I was again. I was suicidal, so it I don't know if we can get much of a better lower than that, because I had it all planned. And then, 2 days before I was gonna do it, my friend committed suicide himself.
00:07:49.050 --> 00:07:51.080 Levy: and he left behind a 12 year old boy.
00:07:51.160 --> 00:08:08.979 Levy: I knew that boy since he was a baby since he was born, and then he moved away at 6 years old. So then he had to come back to our city with his mother because they separated, and he moved away 3, 4 h away. So I lost track of him from probably the age of 3 to 6, I guess 3 to 12 I lost track of him.
00:08:09.090 --> 00:08:10.690 Levy: so he
00:08:11.080 --> 00:08:20.679 Levy: I became part of his life again, and he is actually the one that actually probably saved my life because I went into his world, and we became, you know.
00:08:20.810 --> 00:08:28.000 Levy: you know a a father figure, I guess, or whatever you want to call it, and we only play basketball and swim and things like that. So for the next 6 months.
00:08:28.040 --> 00:08:30.590 Levy: You know, I wasn't worried about my problems.
00:08:31.700 --> 00:08:37.769 Frank R. Harrison: That's interesting. So it sounds like you were hitting rock bottom, but the actual suicide of your friend.
00:08:37.780 --> 00:08:42.840 Frank R. Harrison: And then the the son he left behind, which you ended up being parental towards
00:08:42.960 --> 00:08:46.920 Frank R. Harrison: was the lifeline that was given to you to actually prevent
00:08:46.950 --> 00:08:49.660 Frank R. Harrison: the suicide that you had planned out.
00:08:49.670 --> 00:09:00.559 Frank R. Harrison: and that being said, I can actually see a spiritual component to that which can make awaken you into focusing on your soul rather than addictive issues, that you were focused on.
00:09:00.720 --> 00:09:25.469 Levy: Exactly. That's exactly what happened, Frank. Anyone going through a suicidal situation, you know, if you can do the best you can to support other people I know during that time. The last thing you want to think about is somebody else. But it's a small part of you that wants to die, not a large part of you that wants to die. And unfortunately, we look at the physical world.
00:09:25.470 --> 00:09:44.129 Levy: And that's what that's what us humans look at is the physical world, our reality. And we have what we call a non-physical world, which is our soul. And we don't look into that nearly enough. But I'm telling you, through the research and the applications of my life and working on my inside and my soul.
00:09:44.190 --> 00:10:03.739 Levy: I haven't suffered from any addiction problems in over 20 years any medications for over 15 years, no depression in 15 years, anxiety, suicidal thoughts. And I've had a lot of rough things happen over the course of the last 2, 3, 4 years, that if I was my old levy
00:10:03.790 --> 00:10:07.340 Levy: I probably would have cashed myself in by then I would have said, enough's enough.
00:10:07.490 --> 00:10:14.319 Levy: but it didn't. It didn't flinch on me. I it's just. It is a totally different peace of mind per se.
00:10:14.810 --> 00:10:17.970 Levy: because I don't think with my mind anymore. I think through my soul.
00:10:19.000 --> 00:10:32.719 Frank R. Harrison: You know. That's so. That's so ironic. The word Levy. You're the name levy is is perfect for you. That's why I was wondering if that was your I know you said it was your nickname, but I thought it was your soul name, because your soul is levying you up
00:10:32.860 --> 00:10:39.319 Frank R. Harrison: and keeping you balanced and focused while facing ongoing challenges rather than retreating back.
00:10:39.680 --> 00:10:43.509 Levy: So maybe, Frank, what I'll do is I'll change it to my sole name instead of my nickname.
00:10:45.132 --> 00:10:51.057 Frank R. Harrison: Well, I'm always being frank about health. So no.
00:10:51.990 --> 00:10:54.930 Frank R. Harrison: this is very cathartic for me, as I'm listening
00:10:55.000 --> 00:10:59.560 Frank R. Harrison: to your experience, and how you have been able to reach into
00:10:59.982 --> 00:11:07.049 Frank R. Harrison: the parts of yourself that most people have access to. But they're limited for society reasons, probably, or
00:11:08.750 --> 00:11:13.490 Frank R. Harrison: the the openness that you did by watching your friend
00:11:13.560 --> 00:11:38.380 Frank R. Harrison: commit suicide and leave his son behind for you to end up taking care of being a guardian for a mentor supporter. That sounds like the whole thing was designed for your benefit through God or through Spirit, or whatever anyone would would believe. Again, I'm also trying to remain unbiased into other people's belief systems. I consider myself spiritual but
00:11:38.790 --> 00:12:07.789 Frank R. Harrison: cerebral than I need to be. It just depends upon what I'm specifically talking about. I think you, being on this episode of Frank about health is actually tapping into me to harness my soul much better as I go through challenges. A lot of people have seen episodes over the last month where I'm dealing with an ongoing challenge over a cousin that is dealing with Alzheimer's disease. But the various guests I've had over the previous weeks have all been helping me
00:12:07.880 --> 00:12:09.529 Frank R. Harrison: and leverage me
00:12:09.800 --> 00:12:22.940 Frank R. Harrison: to deal with the circumstances I've had to deal with. And now, going forward, I'm really eager to learn during the remainder of the show, how your book, or even your story, can help me going forward as well.
00:12:22.980 --> 00:12:27.808 Frank R. Harrison: you know. So I'm I'm very excited to see what else we uncover.
00:12:28.440 --> 00:12:40.529 Frank R. Harrison: I think we're a few minutes out before our 1st break, but I guess the other question I would have for you is what motivated you to start writing the book. Was it more of a reflection.
00:12:40.580 --> 00:12:44.139 Frank R. Harrison: or was it more of a guide for people to learn from.
00:12:44.660 --> 00:13:01.769 Levy: Yeah, no, it was. I figured when I went through all of this I wanted to make sure that what I was applying was going to work, so I didn't want to apply it for a month and think, oh, it worked. But it's worked for years. And I finally thought, you know what I know that this can help millions of people
00:13:01.770 --> 00:13:20.320 Levy: because we do. We just we talk about. You know we have a triangle, the mind, body and soul, and all we talk about is about the mind and the body, and I think people are missing the bigger part, which is the soul, because I no longer use my mind because I don't have to. My mind automatically follows my soul. Now.
00:13:21.240 --> 00:13:25.959 Frank R. Harrison: Interesting. I mean, I always hear people saying, mind, body, and spirit.
00:13:26.250 --> 00:13:31.370 Frank R. Harrison: But I guess I just don't understand why they don't use.
00:13:31.510 --> 00:13:32.970 Frank R. Harrison: Okay.
00:13:35.070 --> 00:13:35.930 Frank R. Harrison: close the.
00:14:00.030 --> 00:14:00.660 Frank R. Harrison: That
00:14:02.440 --> 00:14:04.340 Frank R. Harrison: that was a slight hiccup
00:14:04.720 --> 00:14:05.399 Levy: All right.
00:14:05.640 --> 00:14:08.603 Frank R. Harrison: I guess, because it is a pre record. We're good
00:14:09.010 --> 00:14:11.569 Frank R. Harrison: Did you hear the last part of what I said?
00:14:11.880 --> 00:14:17.279 Levy: I don't think so. You would just try to know about Alzheimer's and learning about the book, or.
00:14:18.350 --> 00:14:31.630 Frank R. Harrison: Oh, yeah, no. I I was saying that people say mind, body, and spirit. But I guess a lot of people overlook the soul, because when they see spirit spirit sounds like energy doesn't sound like.
00:14:32.540 --> 00:14:47.090 Frank R. Harrison: okay, I've been told we go to break. So that being said, I'm going to go to our 1st break, and then I will ask you my question when we return. So everyone please stay tuned right here on Talkradio, dot Nyc. And our social media platforms, Youtube, Linkedin Twitch and Facebook. We'll be back in a few.
00:16:58.690 --> 00:17:10.529 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody, and welcome back. That being said, I had a question for Levi before the 1st break, and that was while he was mentioning that a lot of people have the triangle of body, mind, and spirit.
00:17:10.880 --> 00:17:27.879 Frank R. Harrison: he refers to it as body, mind, and soul. And my question, and maybe, Levi, you can provide me with clarity on this. Is that a lot of people don't look at the soul aspect, and a part of me is thinking it's because it's not dubbed the soul. It's dubbed the spirit, and I guess the common view on spirit is energy
00:17:28.119 --> 00:17:33.219 Frank R. Harrison: or positivity, or just not as deep focused as you have learned
00:17:33.350 --> 00:17:34.620 Frank R. Harrison: to tap into it.
00:17:34.620 --> 00:17:54.049 Levy: Again again. We're just playing with language, I think here, spirit and soul, I'm not too hung up on the differentiality of spirit or soul. But but the soul is energy, just like the spirit is. It is all based on energy and frequency and vibration as well. So I think they're interchangeable in my world, anyway.
00:17:54.290 --> 00:17:57.130 Frank R. Harrison: No, no, I understand. I'm just saying that a lot of people
00:17:57.514 --> 00:18:05.200 Frank R. Harrison: probably overlook it for this, maybe based on language itself. I guess if a lot of people are living through Western medicine thinking
00:18:05.250 --> 00:18:08.380 Frank R. Harrison: or through their belief system, whatever that is.
00:18:08.410 --> 00:18:32.230 Frank R. Harrison: they're anchoring on to those already set norms, that without taking a time to self-reflect, and as a result they probably did not face the challenges you did to actually realize that there's something within yourself like you say in one of your chapters, your inner voice. So people not being trained, or not being able to to tap into what God gave them.
00:18:32.230 --> 00:18:53.400 Frank R. Harrison: to really sustain them. That's a misfortune. And I gather I really want to know more about your book in this section of the show, because I think a lot of people need to look at. Your book is almost like a not a training manual, but a Pre. Wake up call so that hopefully they don't have to go through a downward spiral 1st before they actually tap into what they already have.
00:18:54.000 --> 00:19:10.789 Levy: And it's a perspective book. It's my perspective. And I'm not here to change people's perspective. But what I'm asking them to look at is that if they're in a depression suicidal going through a trauma and they can't get through it. That's where my book can perhaps alter your perspective.
00:19:11.121 --> 00:19:27.369 Levy: We can only go with what we know. So when you say people don't look at the the spirit part or the soul part, they just look at the mind and the body. Well, it's more than likely they don't know how or they weren't aware. They weren't aware.
00:19:27.550 --> 00:19:28.720 Frank R. Harrison: Correct, correct.
00:19:28.720 --> 00:19:40.660 Levy: This book's about is to nail the soul part. Because I tell you, my mind is created so many issues, and we live 90% of our life in our mind.
00:19:40.950 --> 00:19:54.629 Levy: And, like I said before, Albert Einstein had a saying, we cannot create a solution to a problem to the same degree that we created that problem. So, Frank, I'm going to ask you a question. Where does depression come from?
00:19:56.070 --> 00:20:22.720 Frank R. Harrison: Well being that I've had psychological training, meaning neuropsychological training. I would look at it. Those with clinical depression. It comes from increases of dopamine and serotonin in the brain for those that have clinical depression, but those that are just depressed because they're disappointed, or whatever it comes from, probably their mind resorting to the default defense of being, whether it's being abandoned or their trauma response from a past trauma that they just
00:20:22.800 --> 00:20:28.210 Frank R. Harrison: they learn to react accordingly, whenever they're disappointed again. So it's a bad, learned habit
00:20:28.440 --> 00:20:51.350 Frank R. Harrison: that I guess a lot of people just either accept or or somehow work with a therapist or religious belief system or something to enable them to cope with it. They I mean, that's what I've understood it to be. But I'm really interested in a lot of how you are able to tap in to your soul, to to change it without those other interventions.
00:20:51.580 --> 00:21:06.709 Levy: And that's what I was saying about Einstein. We can't create the problem, because, like I asked you the question, and you answered it properly. As far as I'm concerned, depression is in the mind, you know. Addiction is in the mind, and anxiety is in the mind. Anxiety is based. Fear based in the future
00:21:06.800 --> 00:21:12.310 Levy: fear of the unknown. And that's from the mind. So we're creating all these issues
00:21:12.340 --> 00:21:28.500 Levy: ourselves. So like when you start taking. And you have to start taking 100% responsibility for your life, for your past, for your future. If you want to play the victim in the blame game, you know. Well, I could have blamed my wife for 40 years until my death.
00:21:28.500 --> 00:21:43.859 Levy: And where would that have gotten me? I wouldn't be here. I know that for sure. But I played the victim for 10 years, and enough is enough. So this book is to try and help people to get out of their mind and into your soul. Because when you start
00:21:44.140 --> 00:21:56.290 Levy: thinking with your soul, you don't have to worry about your mind. Your mind now is available for opportunities, creativity, imagination, and that's what your mind is for. But because we have an ego.
00:21:56.320 --> 00:22:11.609 Levy: the ego always wants to be right, and it feeds you garbage to your mind as a child, and it starts right from childhood. I'm not good enough. We're all born. Our soul is incarnated to our human body.
00:22:11.610 --> 00:22:27.600 Levy: With these 3 primal traits, inadequacy, insecurity, and scarcity. And it's up to us, and it's up to us to get through those. But unfortunately they're built up over the course of your life, and it becomes your belief system.
00:22:28.810 --> 00:22:50.649 Frank R. Harrison: You know it's funny I'm mirroring what you're saying from my own schematics that I operate under, and I could see I still need help, or need work rather to expand beyond what I already know. But, like, for example, I've been reading a book recently the power of now I'm sure you've heard of that book right? And it's just telling me that
00:22:50.820 --> 00:23:06.660 Frank R. Harrison: people who are in the now are not listening to the past triggers, or are subscribing to the fear of the future that pretty much a lot of people do. So it's that past, present, future, dynamic. So
00:23:06.810 --> 00:23:19.580 Frank R. Harrison: excuse my excuse what I'm about to say, because it may sound totally ignorant. But if a person is to fully integrate in the soul perspective that you talk about, not just in your own life. But in the book
00:23:19.680 --> 00:23:38.270 Frank R. Harrison: that is accepting that the ego represents the past, the fear is fear of the future. But to live in the now you engage with your soul that allows your mind to act in its own agency, and not let the past or the future completely undermine them
00:23:38.310 --> 00:23:40.360 Frank R. Harrison: by tapping into the soul.
00:23:40.530 --> 00:23:42.669 Frank R. Harrison: That is how you're living in the now.
00:23:43.010 --> 00:23:47.480 Levy: That's correct, because you can't. And you you weren't ignorant at all. It was perfect.
00:23:47.480 --> 00:24:12.349 Frank R. Harrison: I mean, I sometimes I feel like I'm flying blind. But in this particular case what I just came up with was from what you said, and I was able to equate what I've been believing, along with what you've said to come up with. I guess that would be my hopefully, a good hypothesis for me to operate my life in going forward. I really want to engage with my soul more than I have been, and I can honestly say that I haven't been.
00:24:12.570 --> 00:24:25.960 Levy: But that's human. But that's human, Frankie. You've got to cut yourself some slack and realize. Okay. And with soul setting, though you have to live life with intention. This is something. This is something that's not just a 1 time thing, a quick fix.
00:24:25.990 --> 00:24:36.650 Levy: This is something that I will be working on for the rest of my life because it alters the rest of your life. When you start looking at the outside factors versus your inside factors.
00:24:36.790 --> 00:24:57.479 Levy: That's where anger comes from. You're you're usually angry. Somebody said something that you didn't like. Somebody's done something that you didn't like. Well, now, your inside is not matching your outside. It will never like it very seldom will match when you're in an anger state. So you have to realize. Okay, wait a minute, and you got to catch yourself. Why am I getting upset?
00:24:57.860 --> 00:25:06.229 Levy: 10 out of 10 times is a control issue. Your outside world isn't matching your inside world, meaning this shouldn't be happening.
00:25:06.450 --> 00:25:15.309 Levy: The the thing is, Frank does. The outside world is going to happen the way it's going to happen, and you have no control over that.
00:25:15.360 --> 00:25:27.779 Levy: And once you relinquish that and realize, okay, I'm letting the outside go, and I'll start living with my inside, but expecting very little as far as expectations of the outside world.
00:25:29.050 --> 00:25:32.380 Frank R. Harrison: Wow! So then, the big driver in one's life.
00:25:32.740 --> 00:25:36.420 Frank R. Harrison: when anyone who has goals in their life
00:25:37.090 --> 00:25:39.030 Frank R. Harrison: can be manifested.
00:25:39.080 --> 00:25:47.870 Frank R. Harrison: I wouldn't say better, but more quicker or more spontaneously. If you have as much engagement with your soul
00:25:48.370 --> 00:25:49.859 Frank R. Harrison: than other people might.
00:25:50.790 --> 00:26:18.359 Levy: Yeah, like I have. I have some troubles with manifestation to be honest with you, because we're looking at the outside world. But it's but it's not. It's not a huge problem. But we're looking at the outside world, and they're not teach. I don't believe they're teaching. Some majority of people aren't teaching about the soul with manifestation. And and you were talking about the now, and that's where the soul setting is. It's based on now, because time is an illusion like I can't go back to last Saturday's party, because it was a great time.
00:26:18.460 --> 00:26:22.309 Levy: Likewise I can't go to next Saturday
00:26:22.340 --> 00:26:29.670 Levy: to do whatever is gonna happen then. I can only deal with today and write this minute, because this minute's gone is seconds gone. Type of thing.
00:26:29.700 --> 00:26:34.730 Levy: So you deal with the now and the worry, the anxiety.
00:26:34.790 --> 00:26:50.130 Levy: the outside world, and and for for me, my Creator is God. But again, I'm not here to judge people, your your your Creator could be the universe, or Manifestation, or the Law of Attraction whatever. And that's fine again, no judgment here.
00:26:50.140 --> 00:27:09.100 Levy: but your outside world is looking for your best intentions, and will align things up once your energies line up. If you're living from a negative standpoint, you're at a low frequency, so your energy is going to be low, and that's from the inside. So you're projecting that on the outside. What is the outside going to bring you back?
00:27:09.300 --> 00:27:12.599 Levy: Whatever your inside is dishing out negativity.
00:27:13.090 --> 00:27:18.610 Frank R. Harrison: Correct. So is it safe to say that those that are negative thinkers are predominantly living in the past.
00:27:19.830 --> 00:27:33.330 Levy: No, I don't. I think what they're they're not living. They're just programmed that they're going on their experiences, which have all been negative. So they're predicting their future, based on their past.
00:27:33.490 --> 00:27:43.499 Levy: which is ridiculous because it's got to be so exhausting that you, you feel that you have 0 control over your future when you have full control over your future.
00:27:43.540 --> 00:27:46.569 Levy: But you have to have patience and time. Obviously.
00:27:47.480 --> 00:27:48.600 Frank R. Harrison: Incredible.
00:27:48.620 --> 00:27:53.968 Frank R. Harrison: Well, I mean, I just want to do not just yourself, but also
00:27:54.390 --> 00:28:11.230 Frank R. Harrison: Merrill Moss media a service as far as promoting the book before we take our next commercial break. I just want everyone out there to know that some of the key chapters that some of which we've actually discussed in this last segment include goal setting versus soul setting.
00:28:11.370 --> 00:28:13.190 Frank R. Harrison: Why people struggle.
00:28:13.410 --> 00:28:15.280 Frank R. Harrison: how to start your journey.
00:28:15.830 --> 00:28:19.770 Frank R. Harrison: learning how to shift your patterns and focus and change your life.
00:28:19.940 --> 00:28:21.750 Frank R. Harrison: the joy of inner peace.
00:28:22.130 --> 00:28:23.670 Frank R. Harrison: and basically
00:28:23.840 --> 00:28:25.600 Frank R. Harrison: to listen to your soul
00:28:25.840 --> 00:28:51.689 Frank R. Harrison: instead of your mind. I gather first, st you're obviously going to listen to your mind, but you want your soul to drive you, not your mind. Hence we want to avoid ruminations for one, but simultaneously we want to enable creativity, spontaneity, and, of course, happiness, a better way of life. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we will be back for segment. 3 of this episode of Frank about health in the next few minutes. Please stay tuned.
00:30:57.310 --> 00:31:13.939 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody, and welcome back, as you just saw during the commercial break for those of you watching this on our Youtube channel, or Linkedin or Twitch, or Facebook, you saw exactly on where you can pre-order this book, which is due for release in January 2025,
00:31:13.990 --> 00:31:15.190 Frank R. Harrison: soul setting.
00:31:15.360 --> 00:31:19.920 Frank R. Harrison: Listen to your soul instead of your mind by levy. Now.
00:31:20.260 --> 00:31:41.250 Frank R. Harrison: also, you're in Canada, so I'm sure it's available on Amazonca, so I don't. Wanna I just don't want to say it's available in America only, but of course it's the Internet. You can get it orca, no matter where you are but that being said I promise even the little that I've read thus far. It's an eye opener, as they always say. It's a page, Turner.
00:31:41.250 --> 00:31:53.780 Frank R. Harrison: but it's very inspirational. So for this section of Frank about health, Levy, I'd like you to pretty much run through the key points you mentioned in the various chapters, because I think
00:31:54.000 --> 00:31:56.940 Frank R. Harrison: it's more for me a guidepost.
00:31:57.020 --> 00:32:17.149 Frank R. Harrison: I know you didn't write it as a training manual. You were sharing your story. I liked your introduction, and how you talked about your character, your identity, the people in your life, your grandfather. You're a father, you were a husband, but at the same time you're now showing that you're not advocating for belief systems you're just advocating
00:32:17.150 --> 00:32:34.799 Frank R. Harrison: for one's inner voice and stuff like that. But why don't you, since you obviously have lived it, and are also the writer of that book, break down the various chapters, and how they can help people with goal setting how they can help people with living their best life listening to their inner voice.
00:32:35.220 --> 00:32:39.090 Frank R. Harrison: Just take the next 10 min or so and run through the book.
00:32:40.840 --> 00:32:42.370 Frank R. Harrison: Oh, unmute.
00:32:43.240 --> 00:32:44.080 Frank R. Harrison: Okay.
00:32:47.970 --> 00:32:48.650 Frank R. Harrison: -
00:32:49.550 --> 00:32:51.483 Levy: Sorry about that. Thank you.
00:32:51.910 --> 00:33:09.520 Levy: yeah, no, I am. By the way, I am happily married. I have a second wife. We've been married 10 years. We've known each other for over 2025 years now, I guess. And so yeah, no, it's great this time, because it's a different different mentality, where I don't have to think with my mind. I think with my soul.
00:33:09.520 --> 00:33:24.449 Levy: and she does it as well that, you know we have issues with people. The thing to think about is that when you have depression, anxiety, even if you're going through a suicidal tendency or some thoughts right now.
00:33:24.660 --> 00:33:33.279 Levy: it is a gift, and people don't understand when I say that that it's a gift, and they say, Well, some gift. But it's it's telling you something
00:33:33.300 --> 00:33:36.939 Levy: your soul is telling you you're going into the wrong direction
00:33:37.070 --> 00:33:40.790 Levy: when you're going through a suicidal ideation or planning.
00:33:40.850 --> 00:33:44.249 Levy: It's only a small part of you that wants to die
00:33:44.300 --> 00:34:04.110 Levy: again. We look at it from a physical standpoint in our 3D world, our 3D. Reality, and we only have a certain perspective of our life based on our environmental factors, based on our experiences and on our past, the way we were raised, our morals and our values and our belief system
00:34:04.180 --> 00:34:11.240 Levy: and our belief systems are based on. You know how how people have talked to you over over the years. You perhaps had a lot of failures.
00:34:11.429 --> 00:34:19.900 Levy: So you may think that you're a failure, but it has nothing to do with your future, but because you're programmed to think you're a failure for so many years.
00:34:19.940 --> 00:34:24.159 Levy: Then that's what your your narrow vision is, and your narrow perspective.
00:34:24.300 --> 00:34:43.869 Levy: Our perspectives are based on our 5 perceptions of feeling, thinking, feeling, seeing, hearing, touching and feeling and and that creates our perspective. But it is a gift that you should take a look at, and it's telling you something and be observant of that
00:34:44.210 --> 00:34:50.319 Levy: I I'm not sure, Frank, where you want me to go as far as like the goal setting part of things.
00:34:51.000 --> 00:35:04.060 Frank R. Harrison: And make a comparison make a comparison between soul setting and goal setting as just a general overview, because I gather that could be a a teaser. As to those people who want to really explore more in your book.
00:35:04.530 --> 00:35:16.819 Levy: And and the goal setting and mindsetting kind of go together. The mind setting is, creates, issues as well because with as well as with goal setting like sometimes your goals are very narrow.
00:35:17.525 --> 00:35:21.624 Levy: And and perhaps you can have too many goals.
00:35:22.380 --> 00:35:34.209 Levy: when you start setting a inappropriate time horizons with goal setting. You're looking for the future. You're looking at the future outcome. You're not looking at the actual journey itself.
00:35:34.230 --> 00:35:54.069 Levy: So again, goal setting is very limiting. It can create depression. When you don't reach your goal, it can create anxiety because you're now comparing yourself to where other people are versus, where you think you should be, and you're exactly where you should be. But people don't understand that.
00:35:54.822 --> 00:35:56.187 Levy: There's also
00:35:57.220 --> 00:36:23.660 Levy: It creates competition amongst other people which can be a danger when you're starting to compete with other people. You don't need to run their journey, run your own journey, and I found that in my own life. I was looking at people that were a lot more financially advanced than what I was at the time, and I thought, How are they doing it? Well, they were partnering up with investors and partnerships.
00:36:23.690 --> 00:36:52.180 Levy: and I didn't want to have a partner per se, and they all kept telling me you've got to get a partner. You got to get a couple of partners and then you'll be able to get bigger. We're in the real estate development field as an acquisition, and I just didn't want to do that. Then, you know, when I take a look at their net worth and divide it by 4 people. I was still a little bit higher than those 4 people when they're both singular. So it's funny. Run your own race, basically, and don't look at other people.
00:36:53.140 --> 00:37:09.350 Frank R. Harrison: Yeah, what I took from that explanation is that when people do a lot more goal setting than soul setting is that like you said. They're only focused on the goal. They're not focused on setting the aspects of the journey that they need to take to get to that goal. I gather. That's what soul setting is about correct.
00:37:09.350 --> 00:37:17.079 Levy: Exactly because, like when, when you get into goal setting, you're you're setting yourself up like you said for anxiety. Well, then, how do you. How do you deal with that anxiety?
00:37:17.120 --> 00:37:40.850 Levy: Well, you're not dealing with it because you're probably dealing with it from an outside stimulus, which is alcohol pills, drugs or something. So we deal with the anxiety part of things. There's no reason why you can't succeed, because you'll succeed even further than what you believe with soul setting versus mindsetting or goal setting, because those 2 are very limiting, which is with soul setting.
00:37:40.890 --> 00:37:50.310 Levy: I I have. I have no expectations. I accept life as it comes. And this is the problem that people
00:37:50.470 --> 00:38:01.530 Levy: come into play with is that when you resist life as it comes, you will suffer. If you accept life as it comes, then you won't suffer, and you you will
00:38:01.940 --> 00:38:03.500 Levy: propelled to success.
00:38:03.960 --> 00:38:04.370 Frank R. Harrison: Yes.
00:38:04.370 --> 00:38:15.270 Levy: I say, accept life. I don't mean you love it like, you know, there's going to be some bad times, but accept it. I have a motto or a mantra in my book, and it is it just? Is.
00:38:15.670 --> 00:38:16.910 Frank R. Harrison: Yes.
00:38:16.910 --> 00:38:27.799 Levy: If you can keep that in your mind, it just is I had something bad happen this afternoon on one of our job sites 5 min before I had an interview before yourself.
00:38:27.840 --> 00:38:28.950 Levy: and
00:38:28.980 --> 00:38:31.950 Levy: the old levy would just be enraged.
00:38:31.970 --> 00:38:48.210 Levy: And it was, you know, because I had to cut Drywall out now and on these 4 apartments that we're building and move a receptacle over because it's out a half an inch, and it won't be covered, and it would go. Oh, but I didn't. And I was okay. And again, it just is
00:38:48.420 --> 00:38:51.290 Levy: so. And this is where the soul setting, you know, helps me.
00:38:52.060 --> 00:39:03.300 Frank R. Harrison: So, therefore, with soul setting, they accept life by accepting the challenge as that a challenge. So you can use your skills. And of course, the energy from within
00:39:03.460 --> 00:39:12.999 Frank R. Harrison: to be able to adapt make changes where necessary instead of looking at well, this is not what I expected, therefore I'm just going to be unhappy the rest of the day.
00:39:13.520 --> 00:39:14.919 Levy: Or rest of the week.
00:39:16.060 --> 00:39:16.839 Frank R. Harrison: So that.
00:39:16.840 --> 00:39:23.699 Levy: Going to come back to you. It'll just funnel down more and more things will come because you're you're projecting negative energy.
00:39:23.820 --> 00:39:28.440 Levy: And so that negative energy will come back. Another thing will happen. Another thing will happen.
00:39:28.540 --> 00:39:30.320 Levy: But no, you're right, Frank.
00:39:30.500 --> 00:39:58.290 Frank R. Harrison: And it's all the brain that's doing that. It's doing the denial. It's doing the rejection, as you called it. It's doing the resistance and therefore fostering the anxiety which would calm down once you've accepted it, and just realize that life continues, even if you're faced with this one roadblock, as I call it bottleneck sometimes, but once you're faced with that, you look at your other pathway that you can pivot like on a freeway. If you miss the exit. Go to the next one.
00:39:58.330 --> 00:40:13.119 Frank R. Harrison: You know that limited thinking or that limited view is, I think, part of the enabler. I don't know if that's the right word or part of the reason. I think, that people don't learn to dig within or to search within, to really understand the power of their own soul.
00:40:13.910 --> 00:40:42.460 Levy: We can heal ourselves, and our body is phenomenal. But when you use the mind you unfortunately have the ego that always wants to be right, and it will feed. The mind lies all the time. So when I get in a position again, I'm not perfect. I'm still human. I'm not walking on water yet, or anything. So, and I know I'll still continue to have issues that arise that maybe I won't live life intentionally. I might get upset about.
00:40:42.460 --> 00:41:00.989 Levy: And then I realized I blew it there. But for the majority of parts of my life, right now I can get things, accept them, even though I don't like them, but realize what's triggering me. What am I getting upset about again? We go back to that. My outside world isn't matching my inside world.
00:41:01.560 --> 00:41:02.020 Frank R. Harrison: Right.
00:41:02.020 --> 00:41:03.289 Levy: Be happening there.
00:41:03.320 --> 00:41:08.610 Levy: But yeah, it should be happening. Because that's the way the world is working right now. The outside world is gonna work the way it's gonna work.
00:41:08.760 --> 00:41:27.930 Frank R. Harrison: Exactly. Well, I guess that tells me. And everyone out there who's listening to this show right now, or watching it, that people, if they really want to engage with their soul more. One step is is to carve out. I don't know if you call it an hour each day, or maybe even in the morning, before you start your day. Just take a brisk walk.
00:41:28.280 --> 00:41:31.830 Frank R. Harrison: set your sole agenda for the day. Come back.
00:41:31.960 --> 00:41:39.290 Frank R. Harrison: get to work because you've already had your time of self-reflection, your own space that you've carved out for yourself.
00:41:39.320 --> 00:41:55.220 Frank R. Harrison: and therefore you have the window that you were not normally seen, because maybe you didn't have enough space, or you were never taking the time for yourself. You were looking outside yourself, as you said earlier, predominantly, and therefore providing people with that feeling of being stuck.
00:41:55.470 --> 00:41:56.170 Frank R. Harrison: Yep.
00:41:56.350 --> 00:42:24.539 Levy: You're listening to people, and it's just language. If people are saying you're a loser, you're unworthy, or any of those things. It's just language, that's all it is. But because you've lived the past, you know childhood, and you've been raised that way through environments or experiences teachers, or whoever it doesn't matter. You believe that in your mind, and it is a lie. And so that's why, if you go to your soul, you realize, okay, my ego is just beating me. Live, that's all they're doing.
00:42:25.100 --> 00:42:28.259 Levy: Your soul will never lie, your soul never lies.
00:42:28.980 --> 00:42:35.049 Frank R. Harrison: You did mention earlier about the 5 senses. But I know that in your book you talk about the 6th sense, 6th
00:42:35.140 --> 00:42:46.930 Frank R. Harrison: sense, not the movie. But what I'm trying to figure out is ken before we go to our final break. Do you want to define, as you do in your book what the 6th sense is.
00:42:46.930 --> 00:43:07.960 Levy: It is the soul. So the 6th sense is the soul, and people don't realize that we do have the 6th sense to rely on, and if you do tend to rely on that, then everything your health, it changes. Because when you're under anxiety, you're under stress, and when you're under stress cortisol rises. You know all about that.
00:43:08.600 --> 00:43:11.989 Levy: Then what happens? Your your mind will make you sick.
00:43:12.000 --> 00:43:26.960 Levy: You know the depression will make you sick with soul setting. A lot of illnesses will go. You can trigger yourself, I believe, into cancer. And so a lot of autoimmune issues through your mind because you get yourself all worked up. So
00:43:27.000 --> 00:43:29.440 Levy: yeah, no. The 6th sense to me is the soul.
00:43:30.350 --> 00:43:39.440 Frank R. Harrison: So, ladies and gentlemen, before we take our final break, I want everyone out there to realize that this book has tremendous value and based on the fact
00:43:39.450 --> 00:44:06.190 Frank R. Harrison: that you're creating soul setting and being more in touch with what is already within you. Everyone is going to have their own individual experience that might differ from the experience that Levi has had, or that I will be using as I move forward through my life, and I hope out there, you viewers out there actually get this book, and hopefully it will give you either a fresh perspective or for some
00:44:06.190 --> 00:44:20.620 Frank R. Harrison: it'll be a manual to work from while you're rehabilitating, or at the same time it's something to share with your family and friends during the holiday season. All right, that all being said, everybody. Please stay tuned as we're being frank about health
00:44:20.640 --> 00:44:28.659 Frank R. Harrison: with Levy and doing some soul setting right here on Talkradio, dot Nyc. And on our social media platforms. We'll be back in a few.
00:46:31.960 --> 00:46:53.990 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody, and welcome back, as you saw during the commercial break, I gave a rundown of all of our shows on the network. I hope you guys have had a chance to enjoy the A. Train to Sedona which debuted yesterday at 12 noon, again, based on the book of the same name. I think I'm going to talk about during this segment all about the various books that are out there, especially
00:46:54.450 --> 00:46:55.630 Frank R. Harrison: soul setting.
00:46:55.780 --> 00:47:11.880 Frank R. Harrison: If you heard during our last segment. I was talking with Levy about the power of now by Eckhart Tolle. That definitely has been very instrumental for me over the last few weeks. But I think now, to be honest with you, Levy, I'm going to incorporate your book into that other reading
00:47:11.950 --> 00:47:22.440 Frank R. Harrison: going through challenges as I am, I must admit, thanks to the various resources that I've been tapping into, including your book, and not to mention doing this show.
00:47:22.790 --> 00:47:27.290 Frank R. Harrison: I've been coming through these challenges much better than I even anticipated.
00:47:27.833 --> 00:47:32.820 Frank R. Harrison: So definitely, there's a lot of value in what your experience has
00:47:33.010 --> 00:47:43.670 Frank R. Harrison: allowed you to put on paper for everyone out there and I just am grateful out there for us. Looking at these issues from a dynamic perspective.
00:47:43.890 --> 00:47:54.880 Frank R. Harrison: one could say, it's a mental health perspective. But I I'm now beginning to kind of disagree. I think mental health is the goal in order to have a good quality of mental health.
00:47:54.950 --> 00:48:04.710 Frank R. Harrison: But it is on this journey called life. It is really developing a strong relationship with your soul. It's not anyone else's but yours.
00:48:04.790 --> 00:48:07.059 Frank R. Harrison: and it was given to us
00:48:07.270 --> 00:48:12.440 Frank R. Harrison: by our God out there, who, whatever their individual's belief system, is
00:48:12.490 --> 00:48:26.070 Frank R. Harrison: but to be more aware of it, because, like the phrase to thine own self, be true, or know yourself first, st before you know other people. In other words, people are just simply saying, Be in touch with your soul.
00:48:26.730 --> 00:48:31.119 Frank R. Harrison: That's that's my big takeaway from what we've been talking about the last 45 min.
00:48:31.320 --> 00:48:31.810 Frank R. Harrison: Green.
00:48:31.810 --> 00:48:33.170 Levy: Great takeaway.
00:48:33.390 --> 00:48:43.829 Frank R. Harrison: Yeah. Yeah. And and for that reason alone, I have a feeling you'll be on frank about health again soon. At some point, definitely after January your book comes out January 2025, I think.
00:48:43.970 --> 00:48:45.239 Levy: Yeah. Yes. Yup.
00:48:45.240 --> 00:48:50.089 Frank R. Harrison: You know, so definitely want to hear, what the feedback will be from.
00:48:50.410 --> 00:48:57.649 Frank R. Harrison: You know your your agency, or even your viewers, not not viewers your readers, I gather you probably have
00:48:58.062 --> 00:49:04.550 Frank R. Harrison: well, your website, I mean, I gather you have a receptacle out there for people to make comments on what they read right.
00:49:04.550 --> 00:49:06.999 Levy:, yes.
00:49:07.260 --> 00:49:11.860 Frank R. Harrison: Okay. But that isn't active yet. It's gonna be active when the book comes out.
00:49:11.860 --> 00:49:12.990 Levy: Correct. Yes.
00:49:13.090 --> 00:49:16.279 Levy: I'm trying to get it going a little bit sooner if we can, so.
00:49:16.660 --> 00:49:46.249 Frank R. Harrison: Understood, understood. At least it's a good target date. Of course, before we had met for this show I had told you about a special project that I've been working on with Talkradio, Dot, Nyc. And our engineer out there about an upcoming documentary on what Frank about health has been all about on the network for the last 3 years. But, more importantly, what my story is with respect to becoming an advocate for various healthcare issues, epilepsy being one of them, because I
00:49:46.250 --> 00:49:52.280 Frank R. Harrison: have a history of living life with epilepsy. There was Covid itself that we all went through about 3 or 4 years ago.
00:49:52.280 --> 00:50:07.110 Frank R. Harrison: and then, of course, dealing with my cousin's Alzheimer's disease, as well as my father recovering from cancer, but becoming on that journey for the last 3 years, has allowed me to generate a track record
00:50:07.120 --> 00:50:16.760 Frank R. Harrison: to generate a role that I've become more familiar with on Talkradio, Dot, Nyc. And on other platforms that I'm developing. But
00:50:17.120 --> 00:50:35.209 Frank R. Harrison: at the end of the day that couldn't have happened unless I was already in some fashion engaging with that part of myself that we are calling the soul. But I wasn't fully aware. I think I'm gonna really be more in touch with that over the next 2 months before your book comes out so that I can really be on that same
00:50:35.290 --> 00:50:52.869 Frank R. Harrison: higher level, higher functioning level that will benefit everyone that comes on the show, or or even that is watching the show, because I really want not just to be an advocate. But I want everyone to really understand that there is a better way of living life given whatever our challenges are.
00:50:53.040 --> 00:51:01.210 Frank R. Harrison: you know. So I wanna thank you for that reason on being on this particular show was totally unexpected. But I think it was meant to be so.
00:51:01.540 --> 00:51:03.840 Levy: Good. Thank you, Frank. Appreciate the opportunity.
00:51:03.970 --> 00:51:15.149 Frank R. Harrison: No problem, no problem. So, ladies and gentlemen, the book that I was talking about Eckhart Tolle, the power of now that is a must have, and then, of course, soul setting by Levy.
00:51:15.160 --> 00:51:27.909 Frank R. Harrison: But next week, on Frank about health, I'm going to have a returning guest about his book, the potentialist, Mr. Ben Lytle, who, I believe, came from your agency, by the way. But, more importantly, he has his second book.
00:51:28.060 --> 00:51:45.050 Frank R. Harrison: which has to do with the power of wisdom which we're going to talk about. I think Frank, about health has become a receptacle for new books that are out in the marketplace, but I think everyone out there should be fully aware of not just
00:51:45.420 --> 00:51:46.940 Frank R. Harrison: that, your soul.
00:51:46.960 --> 00:51:51.989 Frank R. Harrison: but and your spirituality, as as evidenced by Linda Marsonigo last week.
00:51:52.210 --> 00:52:04.779 Frank R. Harrison: But stay tuned next week for the potentialist and learn more about how to use your wisdom over the next 30 years, as we go through a continual evolution with technology and AI and other aspects in healthcare.
00:52:04.810 --> 00:52:11.449 Frank R. Harrison: That being said, I want to ask you, you are in the real estate business, as you mentioned, and at the same time
00:52:11.640 --> 00:52:16.509 Frank R. Harrison: you have been in touch with with all as your book and your life story has indicated.
00:52:16.590 --> 00:52:38.440 Frank R. Harrison: But what is your view on the value that AI can bring to people as a guidepost when dealing with questions that they don't seem to have the answers. But somehow, by the miracle of Chat Gpt, you can find solutions to think about that most people have never really been able to engage with. Do you think AI plays a powerful role in understanding your soul.
00:52:40.290 --> 00:52:46.349 Levy: If you look up, chat, gpt, and and you look over soul setting, there's not a lot on there, so
00:52:46.520 --> 00:52:57.710 Levy: I I don't know. To be honest with you. I haven't really looked into the AI aspect of this whole setting, but I've looked into, you know, the conversations or topics, and they're just very, very seldom, if any. So.
00:52:58.390 --> 00:53:21.140 Frank R. Harrison: Yeah, I imagine, because AI is still also pretty new itself. It's been around for a couple of years, but it continues to evolve over time, and of course I use it, especially when it comes to healthcare information. But I found myself literally my own rumination cycles this past weekend, and when I was using it to help me, and guiding me with certain strategies that I needed to do.
00:53:21.170 --> 00:53:34.849 Frank R. Harrison: I found myself with an overriding com. I don't want to say that my experience with AI was giving me what you've been speaking about. I don't think so in any way, because that's a piece of technology that it takes me to input the data to get the result I'm seeking.
00:53:34.920 --> 00:53:50.340 Frank R. Harrison: But at least it has a framework of knowing that you have your own agency, no matter what your problems are. And I guess another big lesson from your book and from this particular episode of Frank about health is that
00:53:50.870 --> 00:54:04.169 Frank R. Harrison: you want people to learn that it all, everything, your experience, your your traumas, your your solutions, everything begins with ourselves 1, st 1st and foremost, and
00:54:04.190 --> 00:54:09.709 Frank R. Harrison: I guess, getting into the habit of starting with yourself 1st before each day goes by.
00:54:09.770 --> 00:54:12.370 Frank R. Harrison: will create as part of that journey.
00:54:12.450 --> 00:54:15.729 Frank R. Harrison: the understanding that when life's challenges continue to come
00:54:15.970 --> 00:54:18.740 Frank R. Harrison: that you can somehow be resilient through them.
00:54:18.790 --> 00:54:22.089 Frank R. Harrison: I think the whole focus of soul setting
00:54:22.300 --> 00:54:35.279 Frank R. Harrison: manifest other kinds of conflicts and situations people run into that could actually, by association be resolved quicker if it's understood how their soul is generating their reality.
00:54:36.050 --> 00:54:37.790 Levy: Exactly. That's right. Yes.
00:54:38.410 --> 00:54:42.759 Frank R. Harrison: Wow! I'm hitting. I'm I'm what is that? I'm batting a thousand.
00:54:43.070 --> 00:55:06.859 Levy: Yeah, 300. Anyway. The thing is too frank that people have to understand. It's a different perspective. So if your perspective is this big. We're giving you an opportunity to to widen your perspective. And by widening you can learn some things a lot of people think. Well, that's a lot of work and things. But I disagree because what you are doing now through suffering
00:55:06.880 --> 00:55:17.319 Levy: is a lot more work. So you're staying in your familiar, which is based on your past, and you don't know any different. So you continue your life like a robot, and you're trying to.
00:55:17.450 --> 00:55:24.460 Levy: you know, cope with depression, cope with anxiety, and that has got to be more work and so exhausting
00:55:24.530 --> 00:55:30.959 Levy: through soul setting. I don't have to cope anymore like I, it's gone, and I don't want it back.
00:55:31.080 --> 00:55:45.769 Levy: and it's going to take something like I said. I've had a couple of things in the last 2, 3 years that have been really horrific that I think I probably would have cashed my chips in, and probably committed suicide because I would have had enough of it. But I didn't. It didn't even affect me as far as
00:55:45.900 --> 00:55:51.320 Levy: to the to the 10th degree that it would have, because again I went through soul setting.
00:55:52.270 --> 00:56:03.410 Frank R. Harrison: It's incredible! I'm I'm still amazed how I gather a majority of people. Just look at the future with fear and dread when it should be looked at with anticipation and
00:56:04.070 --> 00:56:10.699 Frank R. Harrison: and possible growth, and and joy and other aspects. I mean, that could be generalizing, because everybody has different experiences.
00:56:10.710 --> 00:56:12.790 Frank R. Harrison: but to be conditioned.
00:57:00.600 --> 00:57:04.820 Levy: Frank's having some technical difficulties. We're going to end the show.
00:57:05.930 --> 00:57:09.750 Levy: gonna ensure, enjoy the show, and have a wonderful evening.
00:57:09.970 --> 00:57:25.430 Frank R. Harrison: I'm back again. I just wanted to say to everybody that thanks, for I don't know what part of what I just said, yeah, I'm gonna end the show right now. Thank you, Logan. What I just I don't know if you heard the entirety of what I said, or if it just blocked off. Okay.
00:57:26.460 --> 00:57:46.069 Frank R. Harrison: okay, all I was pretty much saying is that everybody should learn to be in touch with the future, with positivity and energy, and it's through the soul that I believe one can reach that objective. So, ladies and gentlemen, I already showed you what the shows are coming up. So thanks for being here, and we'll see you next week. Thank you again, Levi, for being here.
00:57:46.070 --> 00:57:47.369 Levy: Thank you, Frank. Appreciate it.
00:57:47.370 --> 00:57:51.619 Frank R. Harrison: Thank you, Logan, for dealing with all the tech issues. Take care, bye-bye.
00:57:51.620 --> 00:57:52.160 Levy: Bye, bye.