Mind, Body, Health & Politics

Thursday, October 10, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/10/10-Sean Lawlor on Psychedelic Bypassing and Confronting the Shadow Side

Facebook Live Video from 2024/10/10-Sean Lawlor on Psychedelic Bypassing and Confronting the Shadow Side


2024/10/10-Sean Lawlor on Psychedelic Bypassing and Confronting the Shadow Side

[PREMIERE] Sean Lawlor on Psychedelic Bypassing and Confronting the Shadow Side

“The mission of Mind Body Health & Politics is to expand consciousness, stimulate thought, enhance mental and physical health, and encourage community.” — Dr. Richard L. Miller

Navigating Risks, Ethics and Adverse Effects of Psychedelic Medicines

I'm thrilled to share my empowering dialogue with Sean Lawlor, a licensed counselor and author of the forthcoming book Psychedelic Revival who joined me from Fort Collins, Colorado. His master's research focused on mindfulness, psychedelic therapy, and training in MDMA-assisted psychotherapy.

As a long-time advocate for the healing potential of psychedelics, I strive to paint an honest picture of both their benefits and risks. That's why Sean's work immediately resonated with me. He's written about the concerning trend of "psychedelic bypassing" - when our movement ignores adverse effects or unethical behaviors to protect psychedelics' public image.

Sean bravely calls out the tendency to avoid transparent discussion of psychedelic risks – along with their tremendous healing potential. His article covers disturbing examples like facilitators justifying abuse, dismissive reactions to those who question microdosing claims, and the role of spiritual bypassing and "guru syndrome" in covering up harms.

Tune in for this healthy conversation at

Show Notes

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4


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