Nourish the Soul

Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/10/01-Success From Hard To Easy

Facebook Live Video from 2024/10/01-Success From Hard To Easy


2024/10/01-Success From Hard To Easy

[NEW EPISODE] Success From Hard To Easy


Perspective is key to shaping our reality. When we approach life from a heart-centered perspective, we can manifest with greater ease. In contrast, when we allow our mind to run and we get caught up in our own criticism and judgment, our path becomes more difficult. We end not only being hard on ourselves but everyone around us too. Yet, our fears of failure and making mistakes are not here to hold us back and cause us suffering—they are here to teach us how to believe in ourselves. 

Join us as we explore how to shift our beliefs about success, embrace the soul lessons the judgements we pass upon ourselves can teach us and design a life that feels deeply fulfilling and aligned with our true purpose.















Tune in for this empowering conversation at

Show Notes

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4


00:00:40.570 --> 00:00:48.620 elizabeth tripp: Welcome. Are you ready to discover a new way to understand yourself?

00:00:48.900 --> 00:00:55.260 elizabeth tripp: I'm Elizabeth Tripp, your host of nurse the soul, and I invite you to sit back, relax

00:00:55.350 --> 00:01:14.680 elizabeth tripp: and join me on this journey of self discovery this evening we're going to drop into our bodies. We're going to come out of our thinking minds, and really step into a whole new way of being

00:01:14.730 --> 00:01:16.010 elizabeth tripp: tonight.

00:01:16.030 --> 00:01:28.539 elizabeth tripp: And I have a really amazing show for all of you. And I want to remind you. If you ever miss an episode of nourish the soul as we go, live on Facebook and Youtube and Linkedin.

00:01:28.590 --> 00:01:40.280 elizabeth tripp: you can always check me out on apple podcast Amazon. I'm on spotify iheartradio. And you can download our episodes.

00:01:40.660 --> 00:01:45.219 elizabeth tripp: So tonight, we're gonna talk about success

00:01:46.050 --> 00:01:52.760 elizabeth tripp: and shifting our understanding, our paradigm of success from hard.

00:01:52.770 --> 00:01:54.140 elizabeth tripp: Be easy.

00:01:55.090 --> 00:01:58.150 elizabeth tripp: How many of us out there that are listening

00:01:58.390 --> 00:02:04.580 elizabeth tripp: have something they want to be successful at, to see themselves achieve.

00:02:04.870 --> 00:02:08.289 elizabeth tripp: whether that's greater prosperity.

00:02:08.389 --> 00:02:11.310 elizabeth tripp: a healthy, loving relationship.

00:02:11.660 --> 00:02:13.070 elizabeth tripp: Maybe it's

00:02:13.330 --> 00:02:19.690 elizabeth tripp: a purchasing of a new home or relocating to a place that you can easily afford.

00:02:20.030 --> 00:02:24.879 elizabeth tripp: Or perhaps it's regarding your health and well-being.

00:02:26.050 --> 00:02:32.829 elizabeth tripp: I know many of you have something in your heart you truly want to see happen in your life.

00:02:33.180 --> 00:02:38.999 elizabeth tripp: and I want to ask you if you could put an end to this

00:02:39.020 --> 00:02:44.859 elizabeth tripp: process of achieving this from being hard and really

00:02:45.060 --> 00:02:47.919 elizabeth tripp: implement an easier.

00:02:48.180 --> 00:02:50.020 elizabeth tripp: more flowing.

00:02:50.130 --> 00:03:01.099 elizabeth tripp: absolutely less stressful way of being to arrive at a new space within your life, where you feel proud of yourself, you feel excited and fulfilled and content.

00:03:01.470 --> 00:03:12.780 elizabeth tripp: Would you right? What if we could unlock the answer to this from making things so hard? Right? Especially if you're, you know, kind of like

00:03:13.000 --> 00:03:20.910 elizabeth tripp: a high achiever, like we've been talking about in our previous episodes, and you know you can have this tendency to be very hard on yourself.

00:03:21.110 --> 00:03:38.939 elizabeth tripp: You kind of criticize yourself a lot to motivate yourself to reach new horizons, or, you know, feel like you have to use that as a motivator, to be able to even get yourself to get going on your plans or ways in which you're trying to figure out to get from A to B.

00:03:39.450 --> 00:03:41.989 elizabeth tripp: What if we could change all of that?

00:03:42.880 --> 00:04:00.049 elizabeth tripp: Well, the 1st step. Let's start tonight by dropping into our heart. Right? That's the very 1st step to anything we want to really create with intention and harness, the power we have within ourselves

00:04:00.180 --> 00:04:02.749 elizabeth tripp: to change our reality.

00:04:02.830 --> 00:04:04.850 elizabeth tripp: Our heart knows the answer.

00:04:05.100 --> 00:04:06.840 elizabeth tripp: it is our presence.

00:04:06.860 --> 00:04:08.850 elizabeth tripp: it is our awareness.

00:04:09.150 --> 00:04:15.500 elizabeth tripp: and it is the part of us that takes us out of being the interpreter of our life.

00:04:16.060 --> 00:04:20.029 elizabeth tripp: and it allows us to be the observer of life.

00:04:20.579 --> 00:04:22.840 elizabeth tripp: And as an observer

00:04:23.530 --> 00:04:30.309 elizabeth tripp: you have the option to decide how you want to see and understand life.

00:04:30.910 --> 00:04:36.210 elizabeth tripp: including the circumstances that arise in your life that are unexpected.

00:04:36.680 --> 00:04:40.300 elizabeth tripp: 2 things not working out the way that you may have planned

00:04:40.580 --> 00:04:45.140 elizabeth tripp: to even the experience of physical aches, pains, and disease.

00:04:46.060 --> 00:04:53.279 elizabeth tripp: we can come into our heart, and we can access a presence within us that has far more wisdom.

00:04:53.900 --> 00:04:55.600 elizabeth tripp: that is far more

00:04:56.040 --> 00:04:57.590 elizabeth tripp: expansive

00:04:57.610 --> 00:04:59.460 elizabeth tripp: ways of seeing.

00:04:59.990 --> 00:05:02.970 elizabeth tripp: then our mind can even

00:05:03.160 --> 00:05:05.970 elizabeth tripp: begin to start to tap into.

00:05:06.460 --> 00:05:10.619 elizabeth tripp: But as we learn to bring our attention to our heart

00:05:10.800 --> 00:05:17.249 elizabeth tripp: and come into the space and connect with it, we can teach our mind and our bodies.

00:05:17.440 --> 00:05:21.169 elizabeth tripp: You open up to this beautiful flow of energy

00:05:21.480 --> 00:05:29.879 elizabeth tripp: and begin to start to make decisions and choices in our life from that perspective, from that vantage point.

00:05:30.920 --> 00:05:36.190 elizabeth tripp: because, like I've said in many of my other shows, everything in life is perspective.

00:05:37.750 --> 00:05:41.459 elizabeth tripp: Everything in life is dependent on how we see it

00:05:41.710 --> 00:05:47.689 elizabeth tripp: to one good to the other, bad to one right, the other wrong.

00:05:48.330 --> 00:05:53.440 elizabeth tripp: So we want to understand. That's the way our world is designed.

00:05:53.540 --> 00:05:58.899 elizabeth tripp: and that a lot of our thinking is black and white, and things appear very linear.

00:05:59.310 --> 00:06:08.560 elizabeth tripp: But indeed we have way, more options and possibilities to entertain than what we may have been taught

00:06:08.570 --> 00:06:11.910 elizabeth tripp: what we may have previously accepted.

00:06:12.730 --> 00:06:19.599 elizabeth tripp: and that at any given moment we're actually just one choice away from a new reality.

00:06:21.520 --> 00:06:22.560 elizabeth tripp: So

00:06:22.910 --> 00:06:26.199 elizabeth tripp: let's all take a deep breath together.

00:06:26.220 --> 00:06:28.030 elizabeth tripp: breathing in

00:06:29.040 --> 00:06:30.649 elizabeth tripp: filling our lungs.

00:06:31.412 --> 00:06:33.187 elizabeth tripp: Letting it go

00:06:35.390 --> 00:06:38.670 elizabeth tripp: one more time breathing in, and this time

00:06:38.720 --> 00:06:43.500 elizabeth tripp: focusing our attention on our heart, perhaps placing a hand there.

00:06:44.160 --> 00:06:48.819 elizabeth tripp: and letting it all go on.

00:06:50.900 --> 00:06:53.459 elizabeth tripp: and with your attention on your heart.

00:06:54.470 --> 00:06:56.730 elizabeth tripp: affirm to yourself. Now

00:06:57.700 --> 00:07:01.320 elizabeth tripp: I now am connected to my heart.

00:07:02.310 --> 00:07:04.720 elizabeth tripp: I am now open

00:07:05.100 --> 00:07:06.620 elizabeth tripp: to the wisdom

00:07:06.810 --> 00:07:08.320 elizabeth tripp: of my heart.

00:07:10.000 --> 00:07:11.869 elizabeth tripp: I am now willing

00:07:12.510 --> 00:07:14.289 elizabeth tripp: to see my life.

00:07:14.980 --> 00:07:17.390 elizabeth tripp: myself and others

00:07:18.040 --> 00:07:19.629 elizabeth tripp: through my heart.

00:07:22.010 --> 00:07:23.310 elizabeth tripp: I am ready

00:07:23.920 --> 00:07:25.210 elizabeth tripp: this evening

00:07:25.370 --> 00:07:26.440 elizabeth tripp: today.

00:07:26.900 --> 00:07:28.700 elizabeth tripp: and this experience

00:07:29.780 --> 00:07:32.060 elizabeth tripp: to let my mind rest.

00:07:33.110 --> 00:07:34.949 elizabeth tripp: and for my heart

00:07:35.030 --> 00:07:37.519 elizabeth tripp: to show me what it needs to show me.

00:07:38.830 --> 00:07:49.250 elizabeth tripp: to allow me to see what I need to see and release what I need to release, to step into the highest version of me

00:07:49.930 --> 00:07:54.810 elizabeth tripp: that would benefit all I reach in my life

00:07:55.330 --> 00:07:56.240 elizabeth tripp: now.

00:07:59.040 --> 00:08:03.429 elizabeth tripp: and as you step into that place you welcome this energy.

00:08:03.450 --> 00:08:06.039 elizabeth tripp: I want to read a passage from the book.

00:08:06.250 --> 00:08:08.269 elizabeth tripp: It's called The Way of the Heart.

00:08:11.430 --> 00:08:12.900 elizabeth tripp: and as you.

00:08:13.030 --> 00:08:14.500 elizabeth tripp: as the soul.

00:08:14.600 --> 00:08:17.830 elizabeth tripp: the individual divine spark.

00:08:18.600 --> 00:08:22.609 elizabeth tripp: begin to choose to withdraw the attention.

00:08:23.430 --> 00:08:27.720 elizabeth tripp: to withdraw the value have placed upon all things.

00:08:28.200 --> 00:08:33.150 elizabeth tripp: and as you learn to simplify the nature of your own consciousness

00:08:34.020 --> 00:08:40.840 elizabeth tripp: is, you begin to realize you can surrender into something that seems beyond you.

00:08:42.190 --> 00:08:47.300 elizabeth tripp: that you can entertain the insane thought of trusting the invisible.

00:08:48.910 --> 00:08:53.520 elizabeth tripp: you come more and more to be less and less.

00:08:54.420 --> 00:08:58.870 elizabeth tripp: and as you become less and less of what you thought you were.

00:08:59.610 --> 00:09:02.889 elizabeth tripp: Conversely, you become more and more

00:09:02.960 --> 00:09:04.710 elizabeth tripp: of what your Father.

00:09:04.750 --> 00:09:06.970 elizabeth tripp: the Creator, the universe.

00:09:07.300 --> 00:09:08.870 elizabeth tripp: designed you to be.

00:09:09.860 --> 00:09:13.349 elizabeth tripp: The thought of perfect love in form.

00:09:14.070 --> 00:09:15.520 elizabeth tripp: a channel

00:09:15.770 --> 00:09:17.460 elizabeth tripp: a simple vehicle

00:09:18.050 --> 00:09:21.900 elizabeth tripp: through which love of the spirit can shine forth.

00:09:23.150 --> 00:09:27.840 elizabeth tripp: and your only task becomes the cleaning of your windows.

00:09:27.890 --> 00:09:32.479 elizabeth tripp: the polishing of your floors, and the weeding of your garden.

00:09:32.880 --> 00:09:36.290 elizabeth tripp: so that light can pour forth

00:09:36.430 --> 00:09:38.260 elizabeth tripp: unimpeded.

00:09:43.350 --> 00:09:46.760 elizabeth tripp: We are far more powerful

00:09:46.990 --> 00:09:49.600 elizabeth tripp: than our minds can comprehend.

00:09:52.310 --> 00:09:55.009 elizabeth tripp: So, just coming out of this space

00:09:55.190 --> 00:10:04.870 elizabeth tripp: and returning to your space, perhaps opening your arms, stretching your hands, or just becoming more tuned. Now

00:10:05.060 --> 00:10:10.059 elizabeth tripp: we're going to shift into introducing this concept that I prepared for tonight?

00:10:10.550 --> 00:10:19.970 elizabeth tripp: What if we could shift out of hard and into easy when it comes to creating the things we truly desire in life?

00:10:20.410 --> 00:10:25.610 elizabeth tripp: What if we could unattach ourselves from one way of thinking

00:10:25.910 --> 00:10:41.810 elizabeth tripp: that we've known? Perhaps our entire life right? Life is hard. What is this woman saying? She has no clue. What she's talking about. She's probably had it easy. I can imagine. Some people might say that about this message.

00:10:42.180 --> 00:10:44.479 elizabeth tripp: but it's far from the truth.

00:10:45.830 --> 00:10:51.390 elizabeth tripp: because on our journey of exploration of our inner worlds we come to realize

00:10:51.490 --> 00:10:54.030 elizabeth tripp: that there are many things

00:10:54.340 --> 00:10:55.720 elizabeth tripp: we face

00:10:55.860 --> 00:11:09.089 elizabeth tripp: that we have created to be challenges that we must humble ourselves to overcome in order to realize more of who we are, and authentically express that out into the world

00:11:09.870 --> 00:11:12.439 elizabeth tripp: that is, a journey for the most committed.

00:11:12.950 --> 00:11:16.590 elizabeth tripp: and the ones who are most dedicated to shining their light.

00:11:17.600 --> 00:11:19.939 elizabeth tripp: And I know many of you are.

00:11:21.360 --> 00:11:26.460 elizabeth tripp: so we don't have to necessarily plug in this

00:11:26.550 --> 00:11:33.899 elizabeth tripp: construct that we so all very well know that success in our life means it's an uphill battle.

00:11:34.190 --> 00:11:40.880 elizabeth tripp: right? Has anyone ever felt like when they want to grow. Their prosperity when they want to, you know.

00:11:41.070 --> 00:11:46.580 elizabeth tripp: expand their health and well-being, maybe reach a certain physical shape, weight, or size.

00:11:46.670 --> 00:12:03.979 elizabeth tripp: or perhaps even bring forward a love in their life, or expand their new business into a a new level of being right, that they haven't known, that it's like you anticipate. You need to climb up this really steep mountain.

00:12:04.270 --> 00:12:10.530 elizabeth tripp: and it can be arduous. And there's a lot of pushing, and there's a lot of force, and there's a lot of effort.

00:12:10.920 --> 00:12:36.799 elizabeth tripp: and it's like you finally reach this moment where you've gotten to the top and you get this moment of being at peace and the celebration. This feeling of being proud of yourself, you know your bank account has risen. You finally met that person. You know you've reached that goal weight. You have that big event you're attending right? You've attracted new employees. Everything's flowing. And yet

00:12:37.170 --> 00:12:39.319 elizabeth tripp: you pause there up at the top.

00:12:39.570 --> 00:12:40.980 elizabeth tripp: and you wonder

00:12:42.720 --> 00:12:47.600 elizabeth tripp: what next climb? Are you going to have to embark on?

00:12:48.230 --> 00:13:05.289 elizabeth tripp: What next steep challenge are you going to have to, you know, exhaustingly climb up to be able to achieve the next thing that is on your mind's, you know, eye for you to be able to

00:13:05.370 --> 00:13:10.969 elizabeth tripp: feel that feeling of being proud again, and as though you have peace.

00:13:11.270 --> 00:13:18.890 elizabeth tripp: and as though you feel in yourself accomplished right, and often along the way we look for our cheerleaders.

00:13:19.400 --> 00:13:28.050 elizabeth tripp: our peers, or family or friends to kind of boost our confidence, to give us this validation. You can do it. All this hard work will pay off.

00:13:28.980 --> 00:13:35.410 elizabeth tripp: And essentially, we're just training ourselves and ingraining ourselves that this is what life is.

00:13:36.270 --> 00:13:38.259 elizabeth tripp: I'll be very blunt.

00:13:38.930 --> 00:13:42.960 elizabeth tripp: I have lived this paradigm, and I know it.

00:13:43.360 --> 00:13:51.440 elizabeth tripp: I've lived it in my prosperity world. I've lived it in my relationship world. I've lived it in my spiritual evolution.

00:13:52.510 --> 00:13:59.729 elizabeth tripp: I've lived it in the ways in which I thought I needed to be in order to be a mentor for others, right?

00:14:00.060 --> 00:14:05.420 elizabeth tripp: And even in my health I mean, many of you know the stories about my health.

00:14:05.540 --> 00:14:09.199 elizabeth tripp: The struggles I've had with my own body image.

00:14:09.450 --> 00:14:19.200 elizabeth tripp: So this is a paradigm I know very well, and why I can successfully bring people who are high achieving by nature, like me.

00:14:19.340 --> 00:14:28.319 elizabeth tripp: into a new realm of operating, where we don't necessarily have to use this perception

00:14:28.900 --> 00:14:32.829 elizabeth tripp: to create and source our life from.

00:14:33.090 --> 00:14:37.570 elizabeth tripp: we can create something completely different.

00:14:38.090 --> 00:14:44.590 elizabeth tripp: So we're going to take a quick break and dive deeper into the subject when we get right back.

00:16:59.170 --> 00:17:10.409 elizabeth tripp: Shifting out of hard and into easy. I am Elizabeth Tripp, your host of nurse, the soul talk, radio show, and podcast

00:17:10.460 --> 00:17:18.640 elizabeth tripp: and tonight, we're talking about totally transforming our paradigm, of how we achieve our heartfelt desires in life.

00:17:18.920 --> 00:17:40.970 elizabeth tripp: how we actually, you know, grow and expand into bigger new experiences. Right. It's the expansion and the feeling of being proud and happy and content that we all so crave. But we actually make the experience of getting there very hard

00:17:41.480 --> 00:17:45.670 elizabeth tripp: right. How many of us have ever found ourselves saying

00:17:45.830 --> 00:17:51.499 elizabeth tripp: it requires hard work to achieve anything. Life is hard, right.

00:17:51.670 --> 00:18:02.149 elizabeth tripp: and I totally totally have given my brainpower to these opinions and constructs, and I like to form them in that way, because.

00:18:02.260 --> 00:18:18.739 elizabeth tripp: as an observer of life, from the point and perspective of my heart. I have options to decide how I want to experience life. I'm not just the interpreter, but I am the awareness of myself in life, the awareness of my interactions with others

00:18:18.870 --> 00:18:24.319 elizabeth tripp: and my world. And I get to decide. And that's what I love to teach my clients.

00:18:24.870 --> 00:18:30.100 elizabeth tripp: We get to decide because I used to think life was supposed to be hard

00:18:31.070 --> 00:18:44.249 elizabeth tripp: success in my career and my relationships and health and prosperity. I had to push myself work really long hours sacrifice important parts of my life and always do more.

00:18:44.810 --> 00:18:52.670 elizabeth tripp: I know you guys can relate, because this mindset creates so much frustration, exhaustion, and suffering

00:18:53.560 --> 00:19:10.059 elizabeth tripp: and our bodies take the brunt right on our journey here on this podcast we're always coming back to our sacred temples, because our body speaks our mind, and through the awareness of our heart we can change the story we tell

00:19:10.150 --> 00:19:13.420 elizabeth tripp: and the experiences we have.

00:19:14.320 --> 00:19:18.069 elizabeth tripp: because success doesn't have to be hard.

00:19:18.650 --> 00:19:29.319 elizabeth tripp: What if it could be something else. What if we could let go of those beliefs, particularly this belief? Life is hard.

00:19:29.330 --> 00:19:31.860 elizabeth tripp: I have to work hard

00:19:32.110 --> 00:19:33.080 elizabeth tripp: right.

00:19:33.880 --> 00:19:42.100 elizabeth tripp: because if we know that our perception is our source of creation, if we use that as the material in which we're going to construct our reality.

00:19:42.130 --> 00:19:44.710 elizabeth tripp: that will be the reality.

00:19:45.460 --> 00:19:48.500 elizabeth tripp: and we have so much power to

00:19:48.510 --> 00:19:58.839 elizabeth tripp: entertain an infinite possible possibility of different alternative realities. At any point we can come and decide. We want things to be different

00:19:58.870 --> 00:20:02.179 elizabeth tripp: again. We're one choice away from new realities.

00:20:02.400 --> 00:20:04.199 elizabeth tripp: Because what if

00:20:05.040 --> 00:20:07.509 elizabeth tripp: success in life.

00:20:08.390 --> 00:20:34.400 elizabeth tripp: and gaining that feeling of feeling content and fulfilled? And you know, a sense of being proud of ourselves could be the experience that we have as we achieve something because we step into a deeper trust, we actually surrender to this invisible energy we can't see yet has created everything that surrounds us. Right? If we just look out in nature, we can see

00:20:34.430 --> 00:20:37.809 elizabeth tripp: that there is some sort of creative intelligence

00:20:38.030 --> 00:20:39.170 elizabeth tripp: that has

00:20:39.370 --> 00:20:47.569 elizabeth tripp: allowed for the trees to come out of the ground and blossom and and bear branches and leaves.

00:20:47.650 --> 00:20:55.039 elizabeth tripp: and the flowers to bloom and be bright and vibrant colors, and for the bees and the butterflies to

00:20:55.080 --> 00:20:56.720 elizabeth tripp: split around.

00:20:57.080 --> 00:21:05.159 elizabeth tripp: What if success is being able to really lean into this, you know, trust and step into this flow.

00:21:05.470 --> 00:21:17.780 elizabeth tripp: that life could be easy, that all is in balance, that things are flowing to me, that I can surrender, let go, and give it to this higher intelligence. To take care of me

00:21:19.194 --> 00:21:23.140 elizabeth tripp: takes a weight off our shoulders when we start to

00:21:23.720 --> 00:21:28.970 elizabeth tripp: allow ourselves to entertain that possibility and live by that possibility

00:21:28.980 --> 00:21:32.589 elizabeth tripp: more and more and more as we let go

00:21:32.680 --> 00:21:38.200 elizabeth tripp: of the ways we thought we had to be and do and think in this world.

00:21:40.200 --> 00:21:41.999 elizabeth tripp: So let's begin

00:21:42.070 --> 00:21:49.910 elizabeth tripp: by getting clear about. I want to ask you, you know, and and this to be an interactive experiential type, like

00:21:50.770 --> 00:21:53.280 elizabeth tripp: part of our discussion.

00:21:53.670 --> 00:21:56.089 elizabeth tripp: I want you to get present.

00:21:56.380 --> 00:22:02.269 elizabeth tripp: What are you really wanting to achieve in your life that would make you feel successful.

00:22:02.730 --> 00:22:09.429 elizabeth tripp: that feeling of being proud, that feeling of taking the weight off your shoulders, the feeling of not having that pressure anymore.

00:22:10.650 --> 00:22:15.440 elizabeth tripp: that feeling of just like peace and contentment.

00:22:17.180 --> 00:22:20.060 elizabeth tripp: Take a moment, maybe close your eyes.

00:22:20.350 --> 00:22:26.149 elizabeth tripp: maybe bring your hand back into your heart. As this is your place of presence, your truth.

00:22:27.180 --> 00:22:28.999 elizabeth tripp: the truth of who you are.

00:22:30.650 --> 00:22:32.910 elizabeth tripp: and take a few breaths

00:22:33.510 --> 00:22:35.119 elizabeth tripp: and really get present.

00:22:36.350 --> 00:22:39.489 elizabeth tripp: What is it that I want? Let your heart show you?

00:22:41.240 --> 00:22:43.569 elizabeth tripp: Is it a greater prosperity.

00:22:43.940 --> 00:22:44.759 elizabeth tripp: is it?

00:22:44.930 --> 00:22:45.843 elizabeth tripp: You know,

00:22:46.430 --> 00:22:48.510 elizabeth tripp: partnership, that's very loving.

00:22:49.900 --> 00:22:51.639 elizabeth tripp: Is it better health?

00:22:53.700 --> 00:22:56.480 elizabeth tripp: Is it more freedom in your business?

00:22:56.670 --> 00:23:02.990 elizabeth tripp: So, employees that take the the responsibilities that you carry

00:23:03.170 --> 00:23:05.729 elizabeth tripp: easily from you.

00:23:07.700 --> 00:23:10.030 elizabeth tripp: Is it a new house or apartment?

00:23:11.330 --> 00:23:13.540 elizabeth tripp: Maybe it's to expand your family.

00:23:16.940 --> 00:23:28.069 elizabeth tripp: I want you to really tap into. How that would make you feel how proud you would be, how happy you'd feel, how fulfilled you'd feel if you could see yourself holding what you want.

00:23:28.390 --> 00:23:30.120 elizabeth tripp: because your eyes are closed

00:23:30.270 --> 00:23:31.520 elizabeth tripp: in your heart.

00:23:34.590 --> 00:23:36.680 elizabeth tripp: That's what you're thinking.

00:23:37.920 --> 00:23:40.160 elizabeth tripp: That's the feeling

00:23:40.390 --> 00:23:41.790 elizabeth tripp: you're looking for.

00:23:43.750 --> 00:23:46.239 elizabeth tripp: But the process of getting there.

00:23:47.990 --> 00:23:50.809 elizabeth tripp: What have you learned that it needs to be.

00:23:51.340 --> 00:23:55.039 elizabeth tripp: because if we can see it in our hand.

00:23:56.110 --> 00:23:59.249 elizabeth tripp: with our eyes closed, connected to our heart.

00:23:59.960 --> 00:24:01.360 elizabeth tripp: it is living

00:24:01.460 --> 00:24:08.989 elizabeth tripp: in a dimension that is only one thought away from where we are right now.

00:24:12.610 --> 00:24:14.070 elizabeth tripp: That is a truth.

00:24:16.040 --> 00:24:19.490 elizabeth tripp: and I feel very strong in sharing that.

00:24:20.650 --> 00:24:31.619 elizabeth tripp: because we, as a cohort of people living in this world right now, as a shared collective humanity, as we call it, need to remember

00:24:32.250 --> 00:24:33.350 elizabeth tripp: our power.

00:24:38.300 --> 00:24:39.810 elizabeth tripp: Want to ask you.

00:24:39.950 --> 00:24:42.039 elizabeth tripp: what have you been taught.

00:24:43.540 --> 00:24:46.149 elizabeth tripp: as you start to let go of the vision.

00:24:47.420 --> 00:24:50.170 elizabeth tripp: we start to release it from the heart center.

00:24:50.250 --> 00:24:54.640 elizabeth tripp: letting go of what you want to achieve. You just want to get present to in this podcast

00:24:55.000 --> 00:24:57.940 elizabeth tripp: what have we been taught to accomplish? Something?

00:25:00.050 --> 00:25:05.279 elizabeth tripp: What have been the ways in which we've understood how we get from A to B,

00:25:07.000 --> 00:25:17.919 elizabeth tripp: you know. Generally humans learn by exposure and repetitive patterns and by experience. Right?

00:25:18.210 --> 00:25:25.749 elizabeth tripp: So if we all just kind of. Take a moment and think, okay, what was I exposed to growing up?

00:25:25.790 --> 00:25:28.840 elizabeth tripp: What were the kinds of patterns that I saw?

00:25:29.930 --> 00:25:34.100 elizabeth tripp: What were the kinds of experiences that I

00:25:34.110 --> 00:25:35.310 elizabeth tripp: had

00:25:35.840 --> 00:25:42.269 elizabeth tripp: that could possibly shape the way in which I understand how to accomplish something

00:25:43.000 --> 00:25:45.399 elizabeth tripp: which could have possibly

00:25:45.540 --> 00:25:48.450 elizabeth tripp: created an opinion. I've held that

00:25:48.590 --> 00:25:51.749 elizabeth tripp: it takes a lot of work to achieve

00:25:51.880 --> 00:26:09.390 elizabeth tripp: something you truly desire. It requires a lot of effort and force. It means you have to sacrifice some important element of your life. It means you have to miss out on important things parties, games.

00:26:09.670 --> 00:26:11.820 elizabeth tripp: Seeing a child grow up.

00:26:12.170 --> 00:26:13.700 elizabeth tripp: you have to be at work.

00:26:15.270 --> 00:26:19.140 elizabeth tripp: Did anybody ever see any of this.

00:26:19.430 --> 00:26:26.180 elizabeth tripp: or, in fact, when they were growing up, watched any of their own parents or grandparents

00:26:26.750 --> 00:26:32.879 elizabeth tripp: going through these kinds of experiences, holding these kinds of constructs unknowingly.

00:26:33.840 --> 00:26:34.760 elizabeth tripp: just

00:26:34.910 --> 00:26:38.269 elizabeth tripp: doing it because it was a normal for them.

00:26:40.040 --> 00:26:43.920 elizabeth tripp: because we're also coming out of a generational

00:26:45.670 --> 00:26:47.909 elizabeth tripp: cohort of people that

00:26:48.190 --> 00:26:51.749 elizabeth tripp: experienced very real challenges

00:26:52.110 --> 00:26:53.090 elizabeth tripp: from

00:26:53.380 --> 00:26:55.840 elizabeth tripp: World War one to World War, 2

00:26:57.010 --> 00:27:00.049 elizabeth tripp: to, you know, civil unrest

00:27:00.400 --> 00:27:02.470 elizabeth tripp: in the sixties and seventies

00:27:02.530 --> 00:27:03.890 elizabeth tripp: to the Cold War.

00:27:05.500 --> 00:27:35.029 elizabeth tripp: A lot of these things were very real to inflation, to things, you know, completely, economically going downhill. Well, we're in really no different times. It's just that we have in many ways been able to expand our reach for information and our understanding of what this world is versus many of these generations did not. They just knew I had to put my head down, get to work and do what I needed to do to be able to survive.

00:27:35.630 --> 00:27:37.390 elizabeth tripp: which is very real.

00:27:39.440 --> 00:27:41.800 elizabeth tripp: But if we look around right now.

00:27:42.130 --> 00:27:48.370 elizabeth tripp: Yes, there are a lot of people who are still striving to survive. But there is a plenty of people that

00:27:48.900 --> 00:27:51.929 elizabeth tripp: are not necessarily needing

00:27:52.150 --> 00:27:56.510 elizabeth tripp: to survive because they have shelter, they have access to food.

00:27:56.560 --> 00:27:58.310 elizabeth tripp: they have a vehicle.

00:27:58.360 --> 00:28:01.789 elizabeth tripp: they have a means of work that can provide for them.

00:28:03.020 --> 00:28:10.270 elizabeth tripp: Yet how did we understand life? What did we interpret? Even as we went off to school.

00:28:11.340 --> 00:28:15.219 elizabeth tripp: our teachers probably gave us a list of spelling words

00:28:16.070 --> 00:28:23.539 elizabeth tripp: and said, Okay, memorize these words. There's about 15 of them. And then tomorrow you're going to be time tested.

00:28:24.110 --> 00:28:26.559 elizabeth tripp: Whoever experienced that right?

00:28:26.970 --> 00:28:44.000 elizabeth tripp: And suddenly, now there's all this pressure you have to go and study the words you have to make sure you memorize them. There's all this stress. You have to force yourself to do it not easy, and then you have to sit down the next day, and you have to remember everything. And the measure is, if you get

00:28:44.330 --> 00:28:49.330 elizabeth tripp: these many words, right? You pass, and if you get these many words wrong, you fail.

00:28:50.590 --> 00:28:53.710 elizabeth tripp: And how many of us maybe had

00:28:53.850 --> 00:28:58.529 elizabeth tripp: a couple of times, if not at least one where we didn't get

00:28:58.710 --> 00:29:02.760 elizabeth tripp: the number correct of spelling words needed to pass.

00:29:03.120 --> 00:29:08.279 elizabeth tripp: or we felt like we wouldn't, and it was like, Oh, my God, this is so hard.

00:29:08.470 --> 00:29:09.480 elizabeth tripp: right?

00:29:10.360 --> 00:29:17.780 elizabeth tripp: And we did that time and time and time and time again, because our culture reinforces this.

00:29:18.840 --> 00:29:19.820 elizabeth tripp: that

00:29:20.040 --> 00:29:27.339 elizabeth tripp: we need to be under a state of pressure and stress, and force ourselves to learn something and spit it back out

00:29:27.530 --> 00:29:33.010 elizabeth tripp: to know the facts of things versus in the intuitiveness of life.

00:29:33.980 --> 00:29:38.929 elizabeth tripp: None of our teachers, maybe some of you did, were bringing us out in nature and teaching us how to

00:29:39.340 --> 00:29:40.320 elizabeth tripp: plant

00:29:40.430 --> 00:29:43.770 elizabeth tripp: gardens and grow our own food were they?

00:29:44.210 --> 00:29:50.950 elizabeth tripp: And the flow that occurs when we put a seed in the ground, and something comes out of it that we can eat.

00:29:51.590 --> 00:29:55.400 elizabeth tripp: and the lack of control we have over that process.

00:29:57.120 --> 00:30:04.469 elizabeth tripp: So we're gonna dive more into this in the next segment. So we're gonna take a quick break and we'll be right back.

00:32:08.770 --> 00:32:16.210 elizabeth tripp: Welcome back. This is Elizabeth Tripp. You're listening to nourish the soul, talk, radio, show, and podcast

00:32:16.250 --> 00:32:26.229 elizabeth tripp: and I want to remind you, if you're in in a seeking mode of a community of your tribe, right a place where you can call home.

00:32:27.230 --> 00:32:33.399 elizabeth tripp: We have created a special place called the inner light tribe, where we are awakening our heart

00:32:33.420 --> 00:32:41.050 elizabeth tripp: and stepping into and embracing our true power. This is a safe place where you can actually experience

00:32:41.180 --> 00:33:08.560 elizabeth tripp: a library of meditations and different types of activations and ways in which you can shift in real time anywhere, in any place in the world. Your own perception of yourself and step into a greater authentic expression, so that you can be the light this world truly means visit us at

00:33:08.950 --> 00:33:24.469 elizabeth tripp: So today we are talking about success from hard to easy, and in the last segment I was just talking about, you know, where's our exposure to this construct that life is hard that requires a lot of effort to achieve. You know

00:33:24.790 --> 00:33:30.549 elizabeth tripp: our health and well-being, you know, to be a certain shape, size, and and you know

00:33:31.580 --> 00:33:33.359 elizabeth tripp: fitness. Right?

00:33:33.510 --> 00:33:48.530 elizabeth tripp: That's a great example. We'll go more into that in a little bit. But like, where did we learn that things have to be such a struggle because it is a collective paradigm. And that means it's a very strong belief and real for a lot of people.

00:33:48.750 --> 00:33:56.300 elizabeth tripp: And I'm not saying it's not real, because opinions, when believed, materialize, they become real.

00:33:56.620 --> 00:34:03.000 elizabeth tripp: What I'm saying is that we have options. We have the power to decide differently

00:34:03.040 --> 00:34:04.310 elizabeth tripp: and to

00:34:04.470 --> 00:34:05.590 elizabeth tripp: help

00:34:05.880 --> 00:34:09.120 elizabeth tripp: our mind from a compassionate awareness.

00:34:09.310 --> 00:34:16.009 elizabeth tripp: Understand where we may have had these experiences, whether it's at home watching our parents having to work and go to

00:34:16.817 --> 00:34:21.193 elizabeth tripp: their job way longer hours than you know.

00:34:22.710 --> 00:34:31.340 elizabeth tripp: they, you know, other people maybe they had known were right. How many parents had to work overtime? How many people experienced both parents working.

00:34:31.480 --> 00:34:38.609 elizabeth tripp: You know how many people maybe struggled, even watching parents, not even being able to pay the bills on time.

00:34:39.219 --> 00:34:47.230 elizabeth tripp: or seeing parents maybe struggle to get an education, to be able to pay for it, having to do work and school

00:34:47.260 --> 00:34:50.430 elizabeth tripp: work during the day, and get a degree at night

00:34:50.699 --> 00:34:57.239 elizabeth tripp: right? How many of us maybe watched a parent really struggle with their body, their health, their fitness, and

00:34:57.310 --> 00:35:02.850 elizabeth tripp: put a lot of time and money and energy into diets and fitness programs

00:35:02.940 --> 00:35:08.759 elizabeth tripp: that left them feeling less than excited about the results. They've gotten right

00:35:08.770 --> 00:35:15.210 elizabeth tripp: as we flip through shape, magazine, and glamour and see all these really fit men and women

00:35:15.240 --> 00:35:22.769 elizabeth tripp: as our model of success in life. Right? Or we go to the movies and we watch, you know

00:35:23.120 --> 00:35:33.350 elizabeth tripp: the kinds of partnerships we think we should be in, because it's like Disney, right? There's a princess in a tower, and there's a prince on a white horse riding up to save her.

00:35:33.370 --> 00:35:35.610 elizabeth tripp: to bring her out of the dark. Misery.

00:35:35.670 --> 00:35:40.259 elizabeth tripp: Wasn't my husband or my boyfriend supposed to be doting all of me all the time

00:35:40.650 --> 00:35:46.120 elizabeth tripp: saving me from my troubles and taking care of me. So I can just sit back and relax right.

00:35:46.310 --> 00:35:58.930 elizabeth tripp: These are real cultural paradigms that you know, when we accept and plug in what happens when we we go down to, you know, sit with ourselves intimately, because we all reach these crossroads in our life. And we're like.

00:35:58.950 --> 00:36:08.899 elizabeth tripp: Okay, I'm ready for something new. Or I, I really don't like the way this is going where I'm you know, I'm actually sick and unhealthy. And I have this health issue. So I have to make a change.

00:36:08.960 --> 00:36:17.749 elizabeth tripp: or you know, I'm really struggling to pay my bills, and I'm sick and tired of it. So I need to, you know, manifest something greater. I have to go back to school.

00:36:17.820 --> 00:36:22.399 elizabeth tripp: We all are faced with different points in our life. But we have to decide

00:36:22.680 --> 00:36:25.189 elizabeth tripp: right, and from that point

00:36:25.480 --> 00:36:32.250 elizabeth tripp: we source our decision through a perception. Remember, everything is perception.

00:36:32.500 --> 00:36:34.329 elizabeth tripp: So we use what we know.

00:36:34.800 --> 00:36:42.600 elizabeth tripp: and we may use what we have seen, what repetitive patterns have been very familiar for us.

00:36:42.830 --> 00:36:45.780 elizabeth tripp: Well, it's it. It's really hard to make money.

00:36:45.830 --> 00:36:47.720 elizabeth tripp: It's difficult to lose weight.

00:36:47.850 --> 00:36:53.409 elizabeth tripp: Being in a relationship is really painful. It never works out. He's not the knight in shining armor.

00:36:53.800 --> 00:36:57.889 elizabeth tripp: or she says one thing and does another. I can't trust her.

00:36:58.870 --> 00:37:02.425 elizabeth tripp: I've done so many workshops on these subjects.

00:37:02.940 --> 00:37:08.219 elizabeth tripp: and I've looked at them in my own personal life very, very, very deeply.

00:37:08.340 --> 00:37:11.429 elizabeth tripp: And I've come to realize that

00:37:12.000 --> 00:37:22.900 elizabeth tripp: our minds, because this is a mental universe, have the strength to shape and create anything that we put our focus our awareness towards.

00:37:23.680 --> 00:37:24.990 elizabeth tripp: because.

00:37:25.370 --> 00:37:29.449 elizabeth tripp: as I was reminding you, our heart is the present.

00:37:30.390 --> 00:37:36.360 elizabeth tripp: it is the I am, and whatever we put there after it, it is the awareness in which we

00:37:36.420 --> 00:37:38.830 elizabeth tripp: experience life through

00:37:39.250 --> 00:37:42.259 elizabeth tripp: that we can create life

00:37:42.580 --> 00:37:43.510 elizabeth tripp: from.

00:37:45.050 --> 00:37:55.190 elizabeth tripp: And when we know that right, we can become the awareness towards our mind and tell, help our mind from a compassionate place, and say.

00:37:55.510 --> 00:38:01.820 elizabeth tripp: this isn't necessarily true. It it can be what I've known, and it can be what's very familiar.

00:38:02.520 --> 00:38:11.580 elizabeth tripp: But actually, if I keep telling myself that this doesn't have to be my reality, it doesn't have to be what I have to give my focus to. And I

00:38:11.800 --> 00:38:19.760 elizabeth tripp: reclaim my sovereignty over deciding what is real or not, even despite the circumstance.

00:38:20.800 --> 00:38:25.430 elizabeth tripp: Right? We can overcome some very challenging things.

00:38:27.200 --> 00:38:34.969 elizabeth tripp: So where do we learn that life is hard? I think you guys get a pretty good gist of this right

00:38:35.460 --> 00:38:39.679 elizabeth tripp: family socially, culturally, environmentally.

00:38:40.440 --> 00:38:49.589 elizabeth tripp: And it teaches us that anything in life that we want. It's a sacrifice, including, you know, if we want to be in a partnership means we have no more autonomy.

00:38:49.710 --> 00:38:55.280 elizabeth tripp: We have to do what our partner wants to do. We don't get to travel or have our own space and time

00:38:55.390 --> 00:38:57.560 elizabeth tripp: becomes, you know, codependent.

00:38:57.740 --> 00:39:02.389 elizabeth tripp: Who's ever had those fears that that would be what they end up in. And then they do.

00:39:03.580 --> 00:39:05.829 elizabeth tripp: We want to watch how our mind

00:39:05.920 --> 00:39:11.090 elizabeth tripp: makes assumptions and interprets things and uses our past to do that.

00:39:11.560 --> 00:39:20.310 elizabeth tripp: because if we saw our parents go through these struggles, and we say we don't want that, and we put all our hard work and effort avoiding it.

00:39:21.130 --> 00:39:25.170 elizabeth tripp: We are actually giving the thing that we avoid more power.

00:39:25.370 --> 00:39:29.080 elizabeth tripp: We're giving the past experience so much more weight

00:39:29.280 --> 00:39:33.449 elizabeth tripp: to then become the reality in which we live.

00:39:33.480 --> 00:39:40.549 elizabeth tripp: and until we face it we'll keep getting experiences that are very, very similar to what we've had in the past.

00:39:41.650 --> 00:39:48.179 elizabeth tripp: and that's our inclination. That's our our bell in our head. That we want to start to realize is

00:39:48.370 --> 00:39:51.349 elizabeth tripp: we have a lesson here to learn.

00:39:52.140 --> 00:39:59.670 elizabeth tripp: We have a choice to make. We can either do the same thing we've done in the past over and over again, thinking we'll get a different result.

00:40:00.590 --> 00:40:02.799 elizabeth tripp: Einstein called that insanity.

00:40:04.070 --> 00:40:08.530 elizabeth tripp: or we can change how we do things and see what happens.

00:40:09.390 --> 00:40:11.370 elizabeth tripp: That's intelligence.

00:40:12.770 --> 00:40:30.880 elizabeth tripp: So we want to start to see. And what I want to point out. Is that what I've been talking about this energy of do to be to achieve, to arrive, to force, to push, to finally feel that exalting energy of proudness and feeling fulfilled. Short lived, though it's like a drug

00:40:31.250 --> 00:40:38.579 elizabeth tripp: only for the next challenge to come in is a very Yang energy, meaning it's very masculine.

00:40:39.190 --> 00:40:55.499 elizabeth tripp: and there's nothing wrong with that. But the thing is is that it's been overly used. It's been an overly focused type of way of being. It's been, you know, something that has been ingrained in a part of our society in a way that is to an extreme.

00:40:57.270 --> 00:41:07.599 elizabeth tripp: We live in a society where exhaustion is glorified. I mean, I've had clients who have told me. You know I'm in my busy season. I can't. I can't make it to this session.

00:41:07.890 --> 00:41:16.920 elizabeth tripp: and so they are glorifying the work that they think they need to do versus their own intimacy with themselves.

00:41:18.210 --> 00:41:24.630 elizabeth tripp: to achieve something that in their mind they have made important or valued.

00:41:26.440 --> 00:41:34.729 elizabeth tripp: and bring themselves to the brink of exhaustion, where they sacrifice their own mental health, a time and space with someone that could help them feel better

00:41:35.630 --> 00:41:41.399 elizabeth tripp: in order to get what they think they need or want is important at the cost

00:41:41.640 --> 00:41:46.040 elizabeth tripp: of their own mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

00:41:49.350 --> 00:41:51.559 elizabeth tripp: How many of us have ever done that?

00:41:55.400 --> 00:41:57.240 elizabeth tripp: I'll be the 1st to admit it.

00:41:58.620 --> 00:42:03.620 elizabeth tripp: because I don't have shame anymore about the choices that I've made. I own them all.

00:42:03.950 --> 00:42:08.789 elizabeth tripp: because I am utterly responsible for every single thing in my life.

00:42:09.480 --> 00:42:10.540 elizabeth tripp: everything

00:42:11.490 --> 00:42:22.370 elizabeth tripp: I'm responsible for, how my relationships are. I'm responsible for the boundaries or lack thereof that are in my in my life, with family or friends, I'm responsible for my health and well-being.

00:42:22.560 --> 00:42:25.420 elizabeth tripp: I'm responsible for my prosperity or not.

00:42:25.830 --> 00:42:27.549 elizabeth tripp: There's no excuse.

00:42:27.950 --> 00:42:29.940 elizabeth tripp: because I know

00:42:30.830 --> 00:42:32.410 elizabeth tripp: that my heart

00:42:33.530 --> 00:42:35.850 elizabeth tripp: it sees everything as neutral.

00:42:36.160 --> 00:42:43.589 elizabeth tripp: and it knows I have the power to decide whatever I want to experience in this life.

00:42:45.910 --> 00:42:47.529 elizabeth tripp: It's very powerful.

00:42:49.660 --> 00:42:50.760 elizabeth tripp: So

00:42:52.720 --> 00:42:55.559 elizabeth tripp: what are we going to do to

00:42:56.030 --> 00:42:58.240 elizabeth tripp: transform this right.

00:42:58.590 --> 00:43:16.769 elizabeth tripp: this masculine energy? How do we balance it? How do we come into what we call more of like this right brain type of being right. We have a left brain and a right brain. The left is very logical. It's very black and white. It's very thinking, and the right brain is actually

00:43:17.220 --> 00:43:19.260 elizabeth tripp: considered to be more

00:43:19.280 --> 00:43:31.829 elizabeth tripp: heart connected. You could call it the the bridge. To the truth, the heart center, the presence, the awareness that I've been talking about in this session, this conversation. It's intuitive.

00:43:32.930 --> 00:43:40.400 elizabeth tripp: It's intuitive, like the seed we put into the soil, that, without even any of our effort except the natural sunshine and the rain

00:43:40.470 --> 00:43:45.469 elizabeth tripp: coming down and nurturing it, it pops open out of the soil and becomes

00:43:45.680 --> 00:43:47.670 elizabeth tripp: a flower.

00:43:47.930 --> 00:43:49.550 elizabeth tripp: becomes

00:43:49.670 --> 00:43:52.160 elizabeth tripp: a bean or a tomato.

00:43:53.710 --> 00:44:04.630 elizabeth tripp: My brain didn't do that. I just planted it right. So this intuitiveness, how do we embrace this more. And how can we let go of this old paradigm?

00:44:04.970 --> 00:44:07.809 elizabeth tripp: How can we release these limited beliefs?

00:44:07.990 --> 00:44:12.839 elizabeth tripp: Life is hard. I have to work hard to achieve what I want. It's not easy

00:44:13.630 --> 00:44:30.730 elizabeth tripp: plug that into prosperity relationships, health, a new home, a new apartment. You know, having expanding your family. Maybe going on a trip right? What will be your experience if everything is perception?

00:44:31.340 --> 00:44:34.650 elizabeth tripp: If our perception is a source of our creation?

00:44:35.830 --> 00:44:40.460 elizabeth tripp: Well, when we get back. We're gonna learn about how we can let this go

00:44:41.070 --> 00:44:44.020 elizabeth tripp: and understand what we can invite in instead.

00:44:44.680 --> 00:44:46.470 elizabeth tripp: All right, let's take a quick break.

00:46:52.690 --> 00:47:19.120 elizabeth tripp: Welcome back. This is Elizabeth Tripp, your host of nourish the soul, and we're going on a journey of deep self discovery. We're transforming our understanding of success from hard to easy, and you know what we don't have to believe everything we think right, because if we do, we certainly then would have a whole lot of monkeyness going on, and guess what our bodies would let us know.

00:47:19.140 --> 00:47:46.459 elizabeth tripp: We're not on the right path. We're actually working against ourself, and especially when we hold a paradigm. Life is hard. What we set out to achieve requires hard work. We get, then, the experience of pressure, anxiety, burnout. Then we feel like, you know, we might as well give up, and then we find bursts of energy and we lose lack of focus and all of our body, our sacred temple, this vehicle in which we're expressing ourselves right.

00:47:46.480 --> 00:47:49.660 elizabeth tripp: go through it goes through it all, all of that.

00:47:49.750 --> 00:48:04.619 elizabeth tripp: And if we don't process these emotions and mentally change our constructs. The flow of energy actually becomes stagnant in our bodies, and when stagnant energy doesn't move, it becomes diseased

00:48:04.710 --> 00:48:16.359 elizabeth tripp: because the stagnant energy actually isn't of a light frequency. And so naturally, our cells begin to interact with the unprocessed emotion

00:48:16.800 --> 00:48:27.980 elizabeth tripp: and begin to start to change. And that's how we get chronic illness and disease. That's how we come down with these aches and pains and things that cause us so much suffering.

00:48:28.840 --> 00:48:30.679 elizabeth tripp: So we want to remember that

00:48:31.210 --> 00:48:33.190 elizabeth tripp: because my mentor once said.

00:48:33.500 --> 00:48:36.570 elizabeth tripp: everything we think has been planted in our mind

00:48:37.040 --> 00:48:42.639 elizabeth tripp: going back into the beginning of this podcast and thinking about. Where did you learn that life was hard?

00:48:42.950 --> 00:48:44.390 elizabeth tripp: Life isn't easy.

00:48:44.910 --> 00:48:50.110 elizabeth tripp: It requires, you know, a lot of effort. Where did this mentality come from?

00:48:51.590 --> 00:48:54.209 elizabeth tripp: Because we can decide right now

00:48:54.820 --> 00:48:57.970 elizabeth tripp: that we don't want to keep holding on to this.

00:48:58.330 --> 00:49:07.290 elizabeth tripp: we can decide. We don't have to believe. Relationships are hard. We don't have to believe it's hard to lose weight. We're never going to reach that, you know, goal that we have.

00:49:07.500 --> 00:49:15.529 elizabeth tripp: We don't have to believe prosperity that we desire is out of our complete realm. It's unobtainable without a lot of sacrifice.

00:49:16.060 --> 00:49:22.110 elizabeth tripp: We don't have to believe that, you know, in a partnership that we won't be valued or respected.

00:49:23.910 --> 00:49:27.719 elizabeth tripp: we can actually get present. We can come into our heart.

00:49:27.770 --> 00:49:29.670 elizabeth tripp: and we can ask ourselves.

00:49:30.560 --> 00:49:34.350 elizabeth tripp: What is this thinking, costing me?

00:49:36.620 --> 00:49:39.269 elizabeth tripp: What is it costing me to think this way.

00:49:40.430 --> 00:49:47.859 elizabeth tripp: What am I missing out in my life by thinking like this? What am I? How am I living by holding on to this belief.

00:49:48.550 --> 00:49:50.670 elizabeth tripp: What purpose is it serving me.

00:49:53.900 --> 00:49:56.830 elizabeth tripp: and really feel that

00:49:59.350 --> 00:50:02.340 elizabeth tripp: so, by holding on to this, I deserve

00:50:03.130 --> 00:50:13.459 elizabeth tripp: to live in limitation, to feel anxiety, to feel frustration, to put, feel all this pressure, and for my body to take the brunt, my heart to have to pump harder.

00:50:13.870 --> 00:50:18.039 elizabeth tripp: you know, for me, then to stress, eat, or, you know, find

00:50:18.330 --> 00:50:26.109 elizabeth tripp: the caffeine throughout the day to get me pumped up and stay focused, to feel exhausted at night, to lose, then connection with my loved ones.

00:50:27.310 --> 00:50:33.649 elizabeth tripp: So you call that a fulfilling life to get on top of that mountain and have all of that, as the affect

00:50:35.990 --> 00:50:37.669 elizabeth tripp: some people do.

00:50:39.700 --> 00:50:40.830 elizabeth tripp: or

00:50:40.950 --> 00:50:42.850 elizabeth tripp: we can come up with

00:50:43.480 --> 00:50:45.459 elizabeth tripp: a new paradigm.

00:50:46.350 --> 00:50:59.879 elizabeth tripp: Because what if success truly is flow just like the seed in the soil, the sunshine, and the rain that over time allows for that seed to propagate and become a flower.

00:51:00.080 --> 00:51:04.530 elizabeth tripp: to become the bean, to become the tomato, to become the cucumber.

00:51:04.760 --> 00:51:16.589 elizabeth tripp: It's just in flow, and it accepts what is. It goes through the rainstorms, it goes through the dry spouts, it goes through each element that it is in the condition of and just the perfect condition.

00:51:16.820 --> 00:51:22.730 elizabeth tripp: The divine conditions we can't control often sometimes allow it for it to sprout, to come to life.

00:51:23.740 --> 00:51:27.309 elizabeth tripp: What if success could mean that life is easy.

00:51:27.340 --> 00:51:31.029 elizabeth tripp: It feels so odd for so many people to say that.

00:51:32.240 --> 00:51:41.580 elizabeth tripp: What if life could be easy? What if that's the intuitive right brain. What if manifesting what we desire? Is that ease in knowing

00:51:41.970 --> 00:51:50.560 elizabeth tripp: what we saw at the center of our heart, and the feeling we had is living in another dimension. That's only one thought away from where we currently are vibrating.

00:51:52.400 --> 00:51:58.570 elizabeth tripp: Life is easy. Is that vibrational shift into that dimension

00:52:00.010 --> 00:52:05.390 elizabeth tripp: I am flowing is that vibrational shift into that reality.

00:52:06.130 --> 00:52:11.560 elizabeth tripp: My life is flowing, things are in natural flow.

00:52:12.490 --> 00:52:20.579 elizabeth tripp: Success is here in these opinions, and the energy that exudes from them when you allow them to be your truth.

00:52:23.600 --> 00:52:32.259 elizabeth tripp: But as a culture we get fed the opposite, and we're in a lot of constructs that keep us limited from even entertaining that.

00:52:32.510 --> 00:52:38.990 elizabeth tripp: and that is why it is so important to get intimate with the story that you tell.

00:52:39.020 --> 00:52:42.839 elizabeth tripp: and I do that with a lot, a lot, a lot of people.

00:52:42.910 --> 00:52:52.570 elizabeth tripp: I slow them down to their thinking, and I help them start to see that what they've been telling themselves is actually a lie.

00:52:53.550 --> 00:53:01.630 elizabeth tripp: because it's something that they decided to think based off of something they experienced, that they misunderstood

00:53:02.230 --> 00:53:05.770 elizabeth tripp: and didn't truly know the true meaning of.

00:53:06.270 --> 00:53:11.269 elizabeth tripp: and then made a conclusion about themselves that changed their whole life.

00:53:12.760 --> 00:53:18.679 elizabeth tripp: If I had never plucked out of my guard in my mind that I was ugly.

00:53:19.550 --> 00:53:23.049 elizabeth tripp: I don't even know where I would be in life.

00:53:26.150 --> 00:53:29.450 elizabeth tripp: I could possibly still be abusing alcohol.

00:53:29.670 --> 00:53:42.950 elizabeth tripp: maybe even prescription medication, like I did in college. Yo-yo! Dieting, always battling myself, maybe going through different types of plastic surgeries, being in abusive relationships, never feeling valued or seen.

00:53:44.980 --> 00:53:51.399 elizabeth tripp: It takes one opinion to be let go of to change an entire reality.

00:53:53.400 --> 00:53:59.050 elizabeth tripp: We are always one choice away from our new world, our new life

00:54:00.130 --> 00:54:09.390 elizabeth tripp: from I can't to. I am. It is the belief in ourselves that actually creates a whole new paradigm in which we exist.

00:54:11.250 --> 00:54:27.859 elizabeth tripp: and when we can compassionately help our mind release the ways in which we've known how to live and give ourselves away. Surrender, release the control like we've been talking about these couple episodes and allow this divine intelligence to support us.

00:54:28.830 --> 00:54:29.889 elizabeth tripp: just like

00:54:30.430 --> 00:54:36.899 elizabeth tripp: mothers in the wild, the bears and the wolves, and the and the whales and the ocean when they give birth.

00:54:38.970 --> 00:54:53.669 elizabeth tripp: They don't expect anybody's going to be there to support them through the process. They just naturally tap into their instincts and let go and trust that this new Life Force is going to flow out and through them

00:54:54.110 --> 00:54:55.750 elizabeth tripp: and come alive.

00:54:56.470 --> 00:54:59.310 elizabeth tripp: We, as human beings, have lost

00:54:59.380 --> 00:55:02.730 elizabeth tripp: touch with that intuitive instinct

00:55:03.430 --> 00:55:12.260 elizabeth tripp: that, knowing that everything is gonna be okay, even if it doesn't work out the way we expect

00:55:13.110 --> 00:55:15.809 elizabeth tripp: that it could be even better

00:55:16.710 --> 00:55:18.689 elizabeth tripp: than what we could have imagined.

00:55:20.590 --> 00:55:30.280 elizabeth tripp: Imagine living life like that. Imagine allowing yourself to live a life full of that kind of

00:55:30.990 --> 00:55:33.299 elizabeth tripp: thinking and being.

00:55:34.150 --> 00:55:37.959 elizabeth tripp: because in that then there's so much more rest.

00:55:38.420 --> 00:55:40.759 elizabeth tripp: you know. Work becomes joyful.

00:55:41.020 --> 00:56:07.679 elizabeth tripp: Life effortlessly starts to flow. Clients come in. Employees with new skill, sets. People start to show up that want to give you new opportunities that are opening bigger and wider doors. Suddenly success is now prosperity flow. Success is now a healthy relationship. Success is. Now you feel like you can get to the gym, and you feel fit, and you feel good about your eating, and you now are in your clothes, feel fitting like they're looser and better.

00:56:07.820 --> 00:56:09.540 elizabeth tripp: and it's fun.

00:56:09.550 --> 00:56:12.770 elizabeth tripp: You don't have the pressure and the hard work.

00:56:13.100 --> 00:56:19.180 elizabeth tripp: and you certainly don't have the resentment. And you're not passing the same kind of heavy judgment.

00:56:20.510 --> 00:56:27.919 elizabeth tripp: and these fears you once held about making a mistake or failing, you start to see they were just something you made up in your head.

00:56:28.170 --> 00:56:29.560 elizabeth tripp: anticipating

00:56:29.710 --> 00:56:33.420 elizabeth tripp: a past outcome that you've once experienced or saw

00:56:33.740 --> 00:56:36.929 elizabeth tripp: someone else had, and you didn't want it for yourself

00:56:37.480 --> 00:56:42.820 elizabeth tripp: that has limited you in your future that you haven't even experienced yet.

00:56:45.660 --> 00:56:46.660 elizabeth tripp: So

00:56:46.860 --> 00:56:50.040 elizabeth tripp: I offer you this shift tonight to think about.

00:56:50.820 --> 00:56:56.909 elizabeth tripp: If you were your heart looking through the eyes of your heart, looking through the mind of your heart, the truth of yourself.

00:56:57.660 --> 00:57:05.070 elizabeth tripp: and there's an infinite way to understand this life. There's no one fixed construct that we all need to live by right, wrong, good, bad!

00:57:05.360 --> 00:57:08.070 elizabeth tripp: What would you like to create

00:57:09.520 --> 00:57:11.490 elizabeth tripp: what could be possible for you?

00:57:14.040 --> 00:57:20.160 elizabeth tripp: And in that, could you choose to put your focus towards life being easy.

00:57:22.240 --> 00:57:26.320 elizabeth tripp: life being for flow, success being flow

00:57:26.460 --> 00:57:27.960 elizabeth tripp: from here on out.

00:57:30.400 --> 00:57:33.269 elizabeth tripp: Thank you. Everyone for tuning into this

00:57:33.380 --> 00:57:36.519 elizabeth tripp: and being a part of this wonderful experience

00:57:36.780 --> 00:57:41.059 elizabeth tripp: until we see each other next time. Namaste.

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