Frank About Health

Thursday, September 19, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/09/19 - Your Inner Critic vs Your Inner Coach

Facebook Live Video from 2024/09/19 - Your Inner Critic vs Your Inner Coach


2024/09/19 - Your Inner Critic vs Your Inner Coach

[NEW EPISODE] Your Inner Critic vs Your Inner Coach

Thursdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm (EDT)


Evan Mestman returns to Frank About Health to talk about a lot of the research and programs that he is involved in in his practice with ProAttitudes. When he first appeared on the show he spoke of how he learned how to make the Neural Pathways expand and develop through retraining your thinking about food and nutrition.

His business has developed into other areas especially with stress management, looking at what your wins are each week and how to use breathing, meditation and other techniques to change your perspectives and view all your challenges as opportunities.

Tune in for this healthy conversation at

Show Notes

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4


00:00:52.430 --> 00:01:18.379 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody, and welcome to a new episode of Frank about health. The date is September 19, th 2024. And why am I specifying that because 6 months ago this time my special guest today was here to talk about nutrition for a healthier heart. It was cardiac awareness, month at the time, but that was only his second visit. His 1st was when he introduced me, and the listeners and viewers out there to his company pro

00:01:18.380 --> 00:01:44.480 Frank R. Harrison: which we will learn more about again, especially on this episode, because we're gonna be talking a lot about what his methodology focuses on, which is your inner critic, and the name of this episode is looking at a comparison between your inner critic and your inner coach. Yes, I've been working with him and pro attitudes. I have to say he definitely has had a positive influence on my own nutrition, as well as my own ways of looking at

00:01:44.480 --> 00:01:56.669 Frank R. Harrison: life. As I move forward through Frank about health as well as that secret project that is about to be unveiled in about 30 days. But I did want to point out that I will issue my official disclaimer.

00:01:56.670 --> 00:02:25.819 Frank R. Harrison: These are not the views of Frank about health or talk radio. Nyc, but they are solutions that can help those out there listening to this show to find a better way to manage your nutrition as well as your mental health, and probably all at once. At the same time. One of the aspects that he talks about is how you can open your neural pathways to possibilities. And that's why I've had him come back on the show. For those of you who have been listening to my last 3 shows.

00:02:25.930 --> 00:02:35.709 Frank R. Harrison: Everyone has heard about a recent story involving my cousin, who is now ready to go into a nursing home. But while it has stressed me out.

00:02:35.710 --> 00:02:58.609 Frank R. Harrison: there's no bones about that. I have been able to look at it differently, and somehow maintain some form of homeostasis. And that is why I thought it was opportune for Evan to come on today and pretty much explain just the processes that I've gone through. But a lot of his clients go through in order to really live a balanced life mentally and physically.

00:02:59.040 --> 00:03:11.749 Frank R. Harrison: That being, said Evan, I think I did justice that just came out of my mind. I did not script it, I did not even prepare it, or or rehearse it. But that's how I genuinely feel so welcome back to Frank about health.

00:03:11.750 --> 00:03:31.060 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Wonderful. Thank you. I really appreciate you having me. I'm grateful for having another time to to kind of talk about this wonderful inner critic that sits on our shoulder and whispers lies in our ear. I've had one for most of my life. I've just learned to shrink them down from 6 feet tall down to 8 and a half inches.

00:03:31.150 --> 00:03:34.340 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: And you know, part of the challenge today is.

00:03:34.650 --> 00:03:46.520 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: people think they need to do this, do that, do that, and and you know, hey, go on a diet, lose weight, improve their their exercise, or improve their business.

00:03:46.710 --> 00:03:55.520 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: whatever it might be, their relationships. But it all comes down to the relationship you have with yourself. When the doors close and you're alone. It's like

00:03:55.880 --> 00:04:09.550 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: character is determined by what you think and what you say to yourself, and that to me was, I think, the biggest roadblock for me, and also the biggest breakthrough, and it's been the biggest breakthrough for my clients, because I really I want to help them

00:04:09.560 --> 00:04:17.049 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: to really find a life that's full of more joy. And it's not joyful to listen to that inner critic right.

00:04:17.050 --> 00:04:44.260 Frank R. Harrison: No, not at all, not at all. But I guess if anything, you just kind of pointed out something that I observed, if everybody is, or if everybody tends to focus on improving their business for their relationship, or whatever circumstances going on, it's still an issue of what I say or what they say in psychological terms. Splitting, they're not focused on the inner core of who they are. They're focused on the environment outside of themselves, which is why, they're always out of balance. Would that be safe to say.

00:04:44.760 --> 00:04:48.589 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I think that the challenge is that it's about enlightenment.

00:04:48.600 --> 00:04:56.410 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: What I mean by that is self-awareness is a is a very important tool that many of us don't have, and it's

00:04:56.430 --> 00:05:03.270 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: sometimes people don't wake up and live their life until they have that moment of clarity that says, Wow.

00:05:03.380 --> 00:05:06.590 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I'm not my thoughts. I'm not my feelings.

00:05:06.720 --> 00:05:13.459 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I'm the witness to that thought or feeling, and it doesn't rule me. And it's all about emotional regulation.

00:05:13.560 --> 00:05:15.270 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: We, as children

00:05:15.300 --> 00:05:31.070 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: don't have emotional regulation. We determine our emotional regulation based on our parents, based on our siblings based on our life experience. And sometimes that experience doesn't really provide healthy.

00:05:31.600 --> 00:05:40.329 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: a healthy, neural pathway. You don't create a way of connecting. This happens, and this is how I I am, because.

00:05:40.330 --> 00:05:40.920 Frank R. Harrison: Right.

00:05:41.170 --> 00:05:44.920 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: For me. I grew up with very critical parents.

00:05:45.020 --> 00:05:57.220 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: My, my dad, it was his way, or the wrong way. So I know as a kid when I was trying to help him. He was very handy. He's a dentist, but he loved to build things. If I helped him

00:05:57.670 --> 00:06:00.449 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I would always be self-conscious because

00:06:00.490 --> 00:06:03.860 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I either would hold it the wrong way, and he'd criticize me

00:06:03.960 --> 00:06:19.560 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: as a child. I don't have the ability to say, Oh, Dad, you know I'm I'm I understand that. You know. You're being hypercritical for me. I'm hearing in my head. I don't trust what I'm feeling. I'm not really good at this. I don't know how to do this.

00:06:19.900 --> 00:06:29.109 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and then my father chimes in. Oh, you're doing it the wrong way. Well, now I must. I must must be something wrong with me that I'm doing it the wrong way.

00:06:29.230 --> 00:06:31.549 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: And that's how the inner critic gets.

00:06:31.880 --> 00:06:33.259 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: It gets born.

00:06:33.470 --> 00:06:35.810 Frank R. Harrison: So is that a majority of everybody.

00:06:35.810 --> 00:06:36.670 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Oh, yes.

00:06:36.870 --> 00:06:49.980 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I'm not a psychologist, but the idea of I've studied neurobiology and neuroscience for 35, 40 years, and it's part of becoming a nutrition therapist is what I am

00:06:50.030 --> 00:06:56.479 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: learning how to listen and understand. Be an active listener and be empathetic.

00:06:57.760 --> 00:06:59.689 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Part of the challenge is that

00:06:59.910 --> 00:07:08.529 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: when we are children, we are developing, and our parents are learning. They don't know how to parent. Nobody gave you a book and said, Hey, here's how you parent

00:07:09.580 --> 00:07:14.309 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and sometimes somebody might say something. A parent might say something, and

00:07:14.410 --> 00:07:23.649 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: child's fine. Another child might take it away in a certain way, depending on how they're developing, depending on their ability to cope. And it's

00:07:23.800 --> 00:07:34.519 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: might be a micro trauma, or it might be a a leaning or a pushing towards saying, you know what I don't trust, what I'm thinking. I don't. Don't trust what I'm feeling.

00:07:34.530 --> 00:07:36.419 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and a child.

00:07:36.510 --> 00:07:40.599 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: if they don't have the ability to learn that, hey?

00:07:40.680 --> 00:07:44.650 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: The parent made a mistake. Because we're adults. We're good people.

00:07:44.680 --> 00:07:54.620 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: but having challenges sometimes, like my father would blow up and yell. It wasn't just that, he said. You're doing it the wrong way. Do it in a certain way. I'm gonna take that a certain way.

00:07:55.050 --> 00:08:00.860 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and if it's if it's as Becky Kennedy. She's a wonderful psychologist. She wrote a great.

00:08:00.880 --> 00:08:03.179 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: a book called Good Inside. She says

00:08:03.320 --> 00:08:09.400 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: there's a rupture that occurs when that happens, and children need to know that parents make mistakes.

00:08:09.440 --> 00:08:12.689 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and that you come back and go. Hey? I'm sorry

00:08:13.170 --> 00:08:26.240 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I didn't mean to come out, or I didn't mean to say those things in that way. You know I was having a bad time. I'm good inside, but I'm having a bad time, and I apologize, and then the child can process it and learn that. Oh, I can trust my feelings.

00:08:27.020 --> 00:08:32.130 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: We weren't. And you think about how we've evolved. We're not as self-aware

00:08:32.390 --> 00:08:37.189 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: as when you think about hundreds, thousands of years as we've evolved.

00:08:37.679 --> 00:08:58.870 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Things have changed in in our in our world. And you think about 100,000 years ago, right? This, didn't. We didn't have the challenges we have now. We just had to worry about waking up and making sure that we could get a meal that we could protect ourselves from the tribe down the street or down, you know, around the corner, or really bad weather that we needed to survive.

00:08:59.130 --> 00:09:09.490 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: That doesn't necessarily happen now life is has changed dramatically in the last, even 125 years, let alone the last 50 years, even the last 5 years.

00:09:09.520 --> 00:09:12.110 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I mean, just take Covid right? Well.

00:09:12.110 --> 00:09:12.450 Frank R. Harrison: Yeah.

00:09:12.450 --> 00:09:17.669 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Our brain has an ability to cope. That's what neuroplasticity is about. It's about learning.

00:09:17.670 --> 00:09:18.740 Frank R. Harrison: Right, right.

00:09:18.740 --> 00:09:22.860 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: But we're prediction machines. Our brain wants to predict what happened

00:09:23.060 --> 00:09:27.410 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: so that it can focus on what it needs to focus on survival

00:09:27.890 --> 00:09:30.719 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: most importantly and procreation.

00:09:31.130 --> 00:09:31.570 Frank R. Harrison: Her name.

00:09:31.570 --> 00:09:34.400 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Human existence. Right? That's what we're here for.

00:09:34.470 --> 00:09:37.159 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: But yeah, I don't believe we're just humans

00:09:37.210 --> 00:09:45.940 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: having an existence here in life with everybody else. I believe we're spiritual beings, having a human existence. And this part of us

00:09:46.000 --> 00:10:00.050 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: you mentioned the inner critic versus the inner coach. The inner critic is that human side of us. I believe the inner coach is that true sense of who we are? I like to call it the spiritual being that's inside of us.

00:10:00.520 --> 00:10:01.130 Frank R. Harrison: Okay.

00:10:01.130 --> 00:10:10.689 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: You can call it whatever you like, that energy that's out there. I do believe there's something greater than ourselves, but that part of us wants to grow, wants to have

00:10:11.360 --> 00:10:19.300 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: conflict and pain and suffering, to learn and grow, not to embrace it, but to say, You know what I don't want to stay in my comfort zone.

00:10:19.850 --> 00:10:25.300 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: whereas the human part of you wants to stay in the comfort Zone. And so you have this duality of.

00:10:25.300 --> 00:10:25.770 Frank R. Harrison: Yes.

00:10:25.770 --> 00:10:30.310 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Human side of us, saying, Oh, keep me safe. Keep me in my comfort. Zone versus

00:10:30.470 --> 00:10:34.590 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: the other part of you that says, Yeah, but I want to grow. I want to learn. I want to have.

00:10:34.790 --> 00:10:41.719 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I want to make a difference in this world. I want to have agency. I want to be able to experience all there is and and give back.

00:10:42.230 --> 00:10:46.319 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I think that that's really how I've come to understand.

00:10:46.610 --> 00:10:54.750 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: This inner critic is developed right from a human perspective. But the inner coach is something we need to tap into and develop.

00:10:55.440 --> 00:11:03.830 Frank R. Harrison: And I guess what we're saying is that overall, while we are continuing to evolve generation after generation, you still have the elders

00:11:03.870 --> 00:11:29.620 Frank R. Harrison: that maybe didn't individuate or didn't develop that inner coach well enough that they just resort to the very primal instinct and how to raise their children, bringing them inner critics that also have them struggle through life. I don't want to know. Use the word struggle, let's say, be challenged through life with this duality, and I guess people who really fight tooth and nail for their individual spirituality per se.

00:11:29.930 --> 00:11:40.819 Frank R. Harrison: They probably can become masters at being able to deal with the challenges, but also look at it from the point of view that's really more meant to be, especially as our society has evolved.

00:11:41.320 --> 00:11:49.249 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: And we can go back thousands of years, and from the beginning of time there have always been sages. There have always been

00:11:49.723 --> 00:11:57.430 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Yogis, there have been monks that have been enlightened. Well, what's enlightenment if some people can just

00:11:58.020 --> 00:12:11.870 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: kind of rationalize it away? But I believe that this self awareness. That's where it starts is becoming self aware of who you are and that you are not the thoughts and feelings that are going on in your mind you're the witness to them, and that

00:12:12.330 --> 00:12:18.560 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: you can regulate yourself. It's not about how what happens to you. It's how quickly you recover.

00:12:18.670 --> 00:12:30.220 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: That's how I look at life, and that's what I really, when I work with the business owners and leaders that are out there that are struggling as they've climbed that ladder to success, but they left their health on the bottom rung.

00:12:30.280 --> 00:12:37.800 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: My goal is to 1st let them become aware that they're exactly where they've chosen to be.

00:12:38.230 --> 00:12:42.310 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: They don't believe me, they don't agree right. But the initial

00:12:42.360 --> 00:12:52.629 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: real, that wonderful. I love that when that epiphany happens when they they really get it to go. Wow! Yes, this is I'm in my I'm choosing this.

00:12:53.080 --> 00:13:00.790 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I am very confident in my incompetence and managing my health. I'm great at managing my business, but I'm not taking care of my health.

00:13:01.060 --> 00:13:05.310 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Well, yeah, if you have the skill set, though, to take care of your business, guess what

00:13:05.650 --> 00:13:13.620 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I can teach you how to translate that skill into taking better care of yourself, and it has to do with challenging those neural pathways.

00:13:13.670 --> 00:13:14.790 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: changing

00:13:15.080 --> 00:13:17.559 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: changing right? That's what it's all about.

00:13:17.830 --> 00:13:25.930 Frank R. Harrison: Yeah, but it's also telling me. And I have. I'm always learning from you every time we talk. What it's also telling is that you know how they say it all starts with you.

00:13:26.140 --> 00:13:31.450 Frank R. Harrison: It's like you can have all the plans you want in this world. Family, business.

00:13:31.470 --> 00:13:32.580 Frank R. Harrison: friends.

00:13:32.690 --> 00:13:41.699 Frank R. Harrison: hell, even enemies. For that matter. The point of the matter is is that none of it is sustainable unless you are fully aware of your inner self and your vision

00:13:42.180 --> 00:13:42.740 Frank R. Harrison: correct.

00:13:42.740 --> 00:13:54.769 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: You hit the nail on the head. The private victories that I work with with my clients that happen behind the closed doors leads to the public victories. There are so many business owners and leaders

00:13:54.850 --> 00:13:58.069 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: who are so successful in business.

00:13:58.430 --> 00:14:13.500 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: but they're really not because they're sitting lonely. They have no connection with their family. They're overwhelmed by all the things that they have to manage, and for all the lies that they've been avoiding, and they're feeling disconnected from

00:14:13.700 --> 00:14:18.510 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: their health. They're feeling disconnected from their family. They're feeling disconnected from life

00:14:18.630 --> 00:14:23.090 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and missing out on the most important thing in life, which is Mojo.

00:14:23.180 --> 00:14:26.839 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: More moments of spontaneous joy. I don't believe in

00:14:27.060 --> 00:14:36.269 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: like I I love happiness. Happiness is great, but it's transactional. A lot of people look at happiness like oh, I'm going to go out partying on Friday. It's gonna make me happy.

00:14:36.500 --> 00:14:47.989 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: But Joy joy is something that's internal, and you can even have joy when you're you're suffering, just knowing. Let's say somebody died. But you're surrounded by the people you love. There's joy in that.

00:14:48.210 --> 00:14:54.960 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: That's not happiness, it's joy. So it's a distinction. And it's it's something that I think that discernment

00:14:55.110 --> 00:15:02.010 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: is part of the reframe of what I work with my clients, because part of this is understanding. What are the lies that the inner critics telling you?

00:15:02.150 --> 00:15:03.650 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: What are you hearing

00:15:03.680 --> 00:15:08.519 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: in the ear that that you're hearing? It whispered in your ear, hey!

00:15:08.530 --> 00:15:13.289 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: You're not good enough. You're not strong enough. You're not fast enough. You're just not good enough.

00:15:13.450 --> 00:15:15.430 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: That's not healthy.

00:15:15.620 --> 00:15:17.900 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: No, but some people think that's

00:15:18.120 --> 00:15:26.589 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: what you need to listen to that. That's what got me successful. And I'm going to tell them I'm going to challenge them. You don't need to live that way anymore. Absolutely not.

00:15:27.080 --> 00:15:37.978 Frank R. Harrison: Well, we gotta take our 1st break so we can surround ourselves with some talk radio dot nyc joy and then come back and learn more about pro attitudes, because I think you've just described

00:15:38.350 --> 00:15:50.420 Frank R. Harrison: in the last 1012 min, that it is being pro about your own attitude muscle, which I think you refer to it as which can then drive the ship forward rather than retreat into all of these

00:15:50.830 --> 00:16:03.759 Frank R. Harrison: challenges that in many cases are not even necessary. So, ladies and gentlemen, please stay tuned right here on talk radio, Nyc and on our social media pages, Youtube, Facebook, Linkedin and Twitch. We'll be back in a few.

00:18:15.910 --> 00:18:28.730 Frank R. Harrison: Everybody and welcome back. I'm here with my guest, Evan Mesman, from pro attitudes. Llc. I believe, is the official name of the company, as you heard in the last 15 min. We've basically been discussing how

00:18:28.730 --> 00:18:48.589 Frank R. Harrison: we are always facing the duality of listening to our inner critic versus our inner coach. The inner coach, as he mentioned earlier, is really our spiritual being or our spiritual side of our existence as human beings. Yet we seem to live in a society that likes to keep the inner critic more active than the inner coach.

00:18:48.590 --> 00:19:08.479 Frank R. Harrison: So I believe we're gonna hear more about how pro attitudes and how Evan works with his company and his clients to really make you learn who your inner coach is, and work with that inner coach internally to keep yourself balanced and focused and nutritionally as well as regulated in all areas that are important to sustain.

00:19:09.260 --> 00:19:13.689 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Yes, thank you for that. You know, I work with people who

00:19:13.850 --> 00:19:31.419 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: really are so focused on being driven to succeed. And when that happens. You know, you're constantly making your decisions based on something that's outside of yourself. So what I like to do when I work with my clients to help them understand. This difference between the inner critic and the inner coach is

00:19:31.530 --> 00:19:34.020 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: taking the inner critic quiz

00:19:34.100 --> 00:19:49.129 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: to identify who is loudest in their head, and it depends on what it's motivated by, whether it's self reliance or self acceptance. But there are different motivators depending on how you develop your neural pathways. As a child

00:19:49.260 --> 00:20:15.930 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: for me. I have a an overdrive samurai, which means I need to work work. I'm externally motivated, and I've been working on being internally motivated. I also am a harmony enthusiast, which means I really like to avoid conflict. I had a lot of conflict in my house, and I was always a mediator. So it's my way of saying, Hey, let's make everybody happy at whose expense

00:20:16.330 --> 00:20:35.640 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: mine. So there's a challenge there, and you're always a little upset because you're never feeling like you're getting what you need. You're saying yes to everybody except yourself. Well, there's 10 inner critics that I've identified, and once you identify who's loudest. Then what we can do is to find out

00:20:35.980 --> 00:20:41.649 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: based on that inner critic. You take a lifestyle challenge assessment, and I can identify

00:20:41.830 --> 00:20:47.479 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: the top. 3 things that are the inner critic is really

00:20:47.780 --> 00:20:49.709 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: messing up in your life.

00:20:49.750 --> 00:21:07.560 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and it's it has to do with their 7 key areas of your lifestyle that I look at everything from your eating habits, your exercise habits to your inner outer connection to your relationships. Some of those are just some of the categories. And literally, we can look at the top 3 to 5.

00:21:08.130 --> 00:21:13.470 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: If we focus on those which is a great way to kind of hone in on what the problems are.

00:21:13.480 --> 00:21:15.380 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Everything else falls into place.

00:21:15.530 --> 00:21:16.190 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and when.

00:21:16.190 --> 00:21:16.560 Frank R. Harrison: It's a.

00:21:16.560 --> 00:21:20.940 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Happening is I help develop which you said the inner coach.

00:21:20.990 --> 00:21:22.480 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I call it the attitude muscle.

00:21:23.030 --> 00:21:41.689 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: right? I've been working with business owners and leaders for 35 years, and the inner critic is loudest when you're not self aware when you wake up every day and you just wing it. And most people, I'd say 85% of the world wakes up every day and just

00:21:42.020 --> 00:21:43.049 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: do you just do.

00:21:43.050 --> 00:21:44.370 Frank R. Harrison: So, yeah.

00:21:44.370 --> 00:22:00.860 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: They blindly imitate what they did the day before and the day before and the day before. But there are 15% of people out there that are self aware. Well, what if we could create a world of people who are even more self aware? What does that mean? It just means being able to be intentional.

00:22:01.410 --> 00:22:02.120 Frank R. Harrison: Yes.

00:22:02.430 --> 00:22:09.440 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: That's why my program's called Intentional health. I want to help people to wake up and go.

00:22:09.760 --> 00:22:12.820 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Hey? I intentionally did this.

00:22:12.900 --> 00:22:17.599 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I had a morning routine that I know is a standard for me.

00:22:17.660 --> 00:22:28.710 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: because I I can aspire to my goals. But I'm going to fall to a standard which is that system that we create? What are the habits that you are going to do that are non-negotiable every day?

00:22:28.820 --> 00:22:46.400 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Right? And because I have a my, my foundation is in nutrition. I have a master's in clinical nutrition. I'm a diabetes educator, but I worked in corporate America for 20 years and years in sales management leadership. I have this affinity towards working with leaders, because I

00:22:46.520 --> 00:22:50.750 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: know firsthand working with them and being one myself, that

00:22:51.760 --> 00:22:55.160 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: it can suck the joy out of everything that you do.

00:22:56.040 --> 00:22:56.590 Frank R. Harrison: I hear you.

00:22:56.590 --> 00:23:01.809 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: That's not a healthy place to be, and when you wake up in the morning

00:23:01.950 --> 00:23:03.359 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and you get out of bed.

00:23:03.810 --> 00:23:10.639 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: do you really want to live your life to a point where you're at a place of regret, when all of a sudden you're

00:23:10.710 --> 00:23:19.090 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: not able to bend down and play with your kids, your grandkids, or you can't go to the dinners that you want to go to, because

00:23:19.270 --> 00:23:23.040 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: you've got a health problem that prevents you from eating what you want to eat.

00:23:23.280 --> 00:23:24.070 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Hmm!

00:23:24.390 --> 00:23:27.450 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Or you can't travel the world because you're not able.

00:23:27.600 --> 00:23:43.979 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: You're not just. You're just not capable. There are lots of things that lead to optimizing your health. And I look, I break. I break it down into 3 categories. The 3 pillars that I work with. One is attitude. That's why my business is pro attitudes. We've got to work with the mindset.

00:23:44.170 --> 00:23:49.100 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Yeah, changing those neural pathways. Because if you change the way you believe

00:23:49.200 --> 00:23:52.630 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: by feeding different information. We do reframing.

00:23:52.660 --> 00:24:03.120 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: You're going to think differently. Which means you're going to act differently. Those thoughts lead to feelings and those feelings lead to actions, and those are your habits. When you do them day in, day out.

00:24:03.120 --> 00:24:28.539 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: You can't just change your habits without changing your belief system because you're gonna go back to the old ones, which is why diets don't work and crazy exercise programs don't work. And that's why most 95% of people who go on a diet or try to change? Don't most people wake up and do the same thing over and over again? That's why manufacturers and marketing companies. They just love to market because they know that people can do the same thing if they make them aware of it.

00:24:28.830 --> 00:24:35.470 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: They're going to. Oh, I like this. I'm going to do it, and they'll do it over and over and over again, no matter how bad

00:24:35.510 --> 00:24:37.119 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: it might be for them.

00:24:37.290 --> 00:24:45.359 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Why are 9. Nearly. I think it's close to 75% of Americans are overweight and obese.

00:24:46.530 --> 00:24:49.790 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Does that. That statistic is just astronomical.

00:24:49.900 --> 00:24:58.680 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Over 50% of Americans have either prediabetes or diabetes, and then half of the people who have diabetes don't even know they have it.

00:24:58.700 --> 00:25:07.900 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: And that's dysregulation of their metabolism. That's strictly by what they're eating. The lack of exercise which they do not understand. The most important

00:25:08.540 --> 00:25:11.320 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: drug in the world is exercise.

00:25:12.120 --> 00:25:23.030 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: It can cure the world. But we are so inactive, and we're eating and drinking and exposing ourselves to things that are really affecting our health. So instead of

00:25:23.040 --> 00:25:28.400 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: thriving, we're surviving, and healthcare is really sick care, managing symptoms.

00:25:28.870 --> 00:25:29.200 Frank R. Harrison: Online.

00:25:29.200 --> 00:25:37.140 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: That's my goal is to help people manage through this to say, How do I would? That seems overwhelming. Right? Well, how do I?

00:25:37.460 --> 00:25:46.259 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: How do I identify my inner critic? What are the key things that I can identify, that I can pinpoint and target? If I work on this? This is going to help me

00:25:46.620 --> 00:25:50.240 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: make changes. And if I see these little changes.

00:25:50.330 --> 00:26:03.139 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I get my little dopamine dose because I feel good about these changes. It'll create momentum, because I'm going to be living my life in forward motion. And that is where we start tiny, tiny habits that we can work on.

00:26:03.320 --> 00:26:05.850 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: That will have the most impact on you.

00:26:06.070 --> 00:26:09.299 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and it leads to those 3 pillars are

00:26:09.480 --> 00:26:13.680 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: attitude, nutrition, and total fitness. Body, mind, spirit.

00:26:14.250 --> 00:26:27.369 Frank R. Harrison: Incredible. I mean, if anything, when you make when you put out the number 60 to 70% are prediabetic or diabetic, and don't even know, or and some don't even know it. That also means that that same rate of people are not self aware.

00:26:27.830 --> 00:26:33.889 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Exactly, and those that are that there are people that are in a place of denial. They're like.

00:26:34.030 --> 00:26:44.490 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I'm not the problem. Everybody else's. Leave me alone. I just need to come home and relax. I want to eat what I want to eat. I want to drink what I want to drink. I want to sit and watch my shows

00:26:44.600 --> 00:26:45.740 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: right, which

00:26:46.190 --> 00:26:51.259 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: that's fine, that's all willing. And what do they watch? They watch things like the news.

00:26:51.280 --> 00:27:18.160 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: They read things like newspaper and social media that understand psychology and understand that raising that boil in people's in their heads by giving them stress and anxiety, creating this division between people and saying, it's us versus them. Everyone gets this underlying stress and anxiety that we are not designed as animals. Humans are not designed to be in that stress response all the time.

00:27:18.200 --> 00:27:19.790 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: And that leads to

00:27:20.220 --> 00:27:23.220 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: really dysfunction in our immune systems.

00:27:23.240 --> 00:27:32.499 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: It leads to dysregulation with our blood sugars, metabolic disease. It's not just the stress but the stress leads to. I mean, think about it. What do you like to do when you're stressed.

00:27:33.800 --> 00:27:43.029 Frank R. Harrison: Well, eating would be one probably getting drunk for those that drink. I don't drink, but I mean, among other kind of hedonistic behaviors. Who knows? I mean.

00:27:43.030 --> 00:27:43.450 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Yeah.

00:27:43.450 --> 00:27:57.449 Frank R. Harrison: Reality. The reality is is that I'm just, seeing that the pattern is is that we do live in a system, whether you call it society or political environment, or whatever, or or way out of habitual upbringing that tries to keep you

00:27:57.460 --> 00:28:01.880 Frank R. Harrison: just repeating the same old bad habits. Maybe it's too.

00:28:01.910 --> 00:28:11.590 Frank R. Harrison: have that percentage of people who are more self-aware maintain their their control or can maintain their their place in this world, which in itself is not

00:28:11.840 --> 00:28:24.599 Frank R. Harrison: normal behavior. It's like, there, that's kind of like the divide that we're seeing in our media and in society today. That middle ground is what we're all striving for, but at the end of the day it all begins

00:28:24.660 --> 00:28:36.500 Frank R. Harrison: with ourselves. Wow! I got a comment. I like ice cream and cheese fries when I'm stressed. I know it's bad, but comfort food is called at it it as it is for a reason.

00:28:36.500 --> 00:28:37.520 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Agree. And

00:28:37.560 --> 00:29:03.579 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: look at those foods. Ice cream is not a food group. It's not a problem. I don't look if ice cream is bad. But I want people to realize that if they're like this all day long, stressed like err, just everything stress stress. I'm taking care of that person. I'm taking putting this fire out. I I can't. This person just quit. I don't know what I'm gonna do with this responsibility over there. And then I get a call. Oh, my son just sprained his ankle. You gotta come and pick him up.

00:29:03.680 --> 00:29:07.869 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: And oh, what are we doing for dinner? And you come home, and you need this.

00:29:09.200 --> 00:29:14.169 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Well, it's immediate gratification you need to release. I have a client who

00:29:14.190 --> 00:29:19.829 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: he comes home every night, and he eats until when he 1st came to me eats until he's literally

00:29:20.040 --> 00:29:22.650 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: in pain. He eats till he's so full

00:29:22.690 --> 00:29:34.419 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: he doesn't do that anymore, because we worked on self-awareness, but he does come home because he knows now self awareness. He's like this. He wants his ice cream and cookies, but now he's self aware that oh, I'm feeding

00:29:34.520 --> 00:29:37.160 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: something that can't be fed with food.

00:29:37.760 --> 00:29:59.749 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: The ice cream and cookies is not solving that underlying problem. But Cookie I and I had another client that just texted me. She had a birthday. She's had a lot of weight to lose, and she still has more weight to lose. She says it's my birthday, and I wanna I'm going away, and I want to eat this cake. And she sent me a picture of the cake. She texted it to me. She said I had one bite. It was great, but it really didn't.

00:29:59.830 --> 00:30:08.080 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: you know, satisfy me that much? And I stopped, and she took a picture of it, and she said, I feel great, and that to me that self awareness of going, hey?

00:30:08.500 --> 00:30:20.550 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: It's self regulation, that's what it's about. So it's you know. I love French fries maybe not as much as the cheese fries that the person mentioned, but I don't. I know that they don't make me feel good.

00:30:20.810 --> 00:30:34.690 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and I also will get skin breakouts, and my digestion won't do well, so I I will ask myself if I'm going to eat one. I might steal one from my son or my wife if they want it. But I'm not going to sit there and eat a plate of French fries just because I know what it feels like.

00:30:35.060 --> 00:30:59.909 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and I love when my clients come to me in the beginning, and they've been really on point and really helping themselves by eating better quality food, and then they have. They call it an off weekend, and they go, and I don't like to think of it as off or on it. Just they, they know, but they were self aware, and they come back. They say I woke up. I said I felt so terrible. I've forgotten how bad I felt

00:31:00.200 --> 00:31:08.320 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: this is what happens. We just get so complacent, and I think the people who have diabetes right now are so unaware of how

00:31:08.670 --> 00:31:10.160 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: sick they feel

00:31:10.280 --> 00:31:34.380 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: they don't know how good they feel. If we could get their self regulation of their mitochondria and their cells, their just getting those cells to respond that blood sugar to get the insulin resistance to improve, and and also just reduce the inflammation and the oxidative stress on your body. Get rid of the brain fog and just feel

00:31:34.440 --> 00:31:35.940 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: amazing again.

00:31:36.250 --> 00:31:38.129 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: People forget what it feels like.

00:31:38.800 --> 00:31:48.139 Frank R. Harrison: You know, the thing is, we have to take our next break. But when we get back I want you to answer this one question, which is my takeaway from what you've just said, it seems as though, while people have problems

00:31:48.150 --> 00:32:01.359 Frank R. Harrison: and they want to change them when they're about to experience the change. They put up, the deniability. They make up the excuses. They're actually afraid to see change. And I want to know why that is, it's like they're lying to themselves. So

00:32:01.390 --> 00:32:03.870 Frank R. Harrison: stay tuned as we're here, being

00:32:03.890 --> 00:32:06.229 Frank R. Harrison: frank about health with Evan, messman.

00:32:06.340 --> 00:32:18.999 Frank R. Harrison: and about your inner coach and inner critic. And we're going to learn now about the lies that we tell ourselves to keep the deniability active and therefore avoid changing when we actually need to. We'll be back in a few.

00:34:20.340 --> 00:34:24.690 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody, and welcome back. So, as I was saying, Evan, apparently.

00:34:25.105 --> 00:34:41.859 Frank R. Harrison: While you have talked about 60 to 70% of the people living under the guise of, however, they were programmed and negatively reinforced in order to have these bad habits that are not good for their physical or mental health, or even striving to reach the point of awareness.

00:34:42.300 --> 00:34:51.950 Frank R. Harrison: It seems as though, when they're on the brink of making that awareness they pull back, or they're denying. No, no, I don't want to go there. I don't want to experience pleasure. I don't know what it feels like.

00:34:52.040 --> 00:35:01.750 Frank R. Harrison: Can you explain? What what are they doing? Are they? Are they lying to themselves, or are they just literally afraid of the unknown? I mean, give me a picture of that.

00:35:04.520 --> 00:35:05.982 Frank R. Harrison: Oh, unmute!

00:35:07.740 --> 00:35:14.610 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Sorry about that. So it's a great question. I understand that if people have challenges

00:35:15.190 --> 00:35:16.950 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: when it comes to

00:35:17.490 --> 00:35:41.869 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: change right. But you know some neural pathways work great, you know. You wake up and you brush your teeth every day because you learned how to brush your teeth. So that's an easy one, right? You do it without even thinking. But our brains are prediction machines. So we're waking up every day, and we're trying to make habits out of everything. If you think about the 1st time you learned how to ride a bike or drive a car, it was really challenging, and you fell down, but

00:35:42.099 --> 00:35:53.130 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and hopefully not in the car when you're driving. But you know it wasn't easy. Now. I know my wife has told me she's driven to work, and didn't even know how she got there, because it was so automatic. She was so busy thinking about other things.

00:35:53.130 --> 00:35:53.860 Frank R. Harrison: Yes.

00:35:54.410 --> 00:36:03.529 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: What I'm talking about is the way the brain functions is it does this because it can't focus on everything, can only focus on one thing at a time.

00:36:03.965 --> 00:36:04.170 Frank R. Harrison: And.

00:36:04.170 --> 00:36:16.909 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: There are so many things out in. If you think about right now in your field of vision, that if you had to focus on everything our brains would just shut down. Couldn't handle all the information, but it does. How does it do that?

00:36:16.920 --> 00:36:30.469 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: How does it know that your microphone is there. You don't hit it with your hand like you don't right. It's amazing how our brains function. How does it? How does it know where your phone is so you can pick it up when you want to check it. Right? It's like.

00:36:30.870 --> 00:36:33.469 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: there's so many things that are automatic. That's

00:36:33.780 --> 00:36:35.080 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: habit. Now.

00:36:35.310 --> 00:36:41.979 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I work with people to identify which habits are self-defeating. But there's plenty of habits that are effective in our lives right.

00:36:42.270 --> 00:36:43.000 Frank R. Harrison: Right.

00:36:43.000 --> 00:36:45.329 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: But you asked the question of How

00:36:45.730 --> 00:36:55.919 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: do you deal with somebody who is constantly afraid of change, that they're constantly reverting back to an old habit. The way I look at it is, if you think about

00:36:56.070 --> 00:37:14.110 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: like this is your comfort zone, right? This is where you're comfortable. Nothing good ever comes out of your comfort zone. But we live in our comfort zone because the human part of us, the human part of our brain, wants to stay safe. That's the immediate response to the brain. Because why? We're hardwired for safety

00:37:14.220 --> 00:37:15.730 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and for survival

00:37:16.940 --> 00:37:18.899 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: outside the comfort zone

00:37:19.160 --> 00:37:23.459 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: just outside the Comfort zone. Through this barrier. There is

00:37:23.480 --> 00:37:26.239 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: what I like to call the suck zone.

00:37:27.100 --> 00:37:29.050 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: It's when things suck.

00:37:29.370 --> 00:37:34.260 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: But to get to the suck zone you need to push past the fear zone.

00:37:34.930 --> 00:37:43.510 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: And there's this layer of fear. It's miles and miles wide. I want you to pretend that you're walking up to the ocean.

00:37:43.540 --> 00:37:51.839 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and it's that's how big it is. Everything that's in the ocean is fear, and you take a step into it. You don't know how deep it is. You're afraid

00:37:51.870 --> 00:37:57.849 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: this fear. Well, what if I told you that the fear was only an inch deep, that if you took a step into it

00:37:58.480 --> 00:38:00.369 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: you hit solid ground.

00:38:01.740 --> 00:38:03.870 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: What's next is pain.

00:38:04.220 --> 00:38:09.180 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Now, what's the pain from? That's why I call it sucking when when you want to learn a new skill.

00:38:09.470 --> 00:38:20.460 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: when you had to, you know, getting when you started a new job, or when you started the podcast or you had to learn how to you know ride a bike or play a sport whenever it happens, something new.

00:38:20.570 --> 00:38:22.130 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: It's really challenging.

00:38:22.320 --> 00:38:24.330 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: And you're not good at it.

00:38:24.510 --> 00:38:26.830 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Your brain has to focus.

00:38:27.010 --> 00:38:29.109 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and some people don't like that

00:38:29.300 --> 00:38:30.800 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: because it's uncomfortable.

00:38:30.910 --> 00:38:33.139 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: It's the discomfort zone.

00:38:33.320 --> 00:38:39.340 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: That's the the suck zone is the discomfort zone. But it's also something else. It's called the learning zone.

00:38:39.960 --> 00:38:46.300 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Your brain now, when you feel the fear and you feel the pain, the reframe is, oh.

00:38:46.460 --> 00:38:48.270 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I'm in the learning zone.

00:38:48.890 --> 00:38:51.129 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I'm now learning something new.

00:38:51.180 --> 00:38:59.459 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Usually. It's also having difficult conversations where you might be in a situation where you're having a conversation that you're not really used to.

00:39:00.730 --> 00:39:13.619 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and that's like for me. The the Harmony enthusiast doesn't like that doesn't like conflict. So when I feel conflict because my inner critic, you know, I keep him up here, he's only 8 and a half inches tall now. Used to be 6 feet tall.

00:39:14.860 --> 00:39:16.570 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: What I do is I

00:39:16.980 --> 00:39:22.609 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: acknowledge him because it's not that I want to get rid of my inner critic. He's part of who I am.

00:39:22.920 --> 00:39:23.250 Frank R. Harrison: Right.

00:39:23.250 --> 00:39:34.329 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Want to say, Hey, you don't serve me anymore. Thanks for getting me where I am today. But you don't serve me anymore. And I push. Let the thoughts and feelings go past, because what happens?

00:39:34.510 --> 00:39:36.309 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: That fear is only an inch deep

00:39:36.650 --> 00:39:41.719 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: right now, how do I get more confident with something that I suck at.

00:39:43.430 --> 00:39:51.069 Frank R. Harrison: You need to learn who your inner coach is, because that person can work with you at going through from the suck zone to the learning zone.

00:39:51.070 --> 00:40:04.030 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: How do you get there? Though? You go from the learn? It's it's called 10,000 reps. Right? When you want to learn how to do something. You 1st you want to learn how to play tennis. It'll take you to like 20 min.

00:40:04.280 --> 00:40:10.299 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: but once you learn the skill of tennis it's not easy to become an expert.

00:40:10.390 --> 00:40:11.810 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: How do you master it?

00:40:11.920 --> 00:40:21.699 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I mean, there's only a few people in the world who can, you know, be the top stars out there. It's the same with anything. But when you look at ordinary people.

00:40:22.500 --> 00:40:26.079 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: there are people out there that have extraordinary talent.

00:40:26.300 --> 00:40:27.790 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: they don't develop it.

00:40:28.010 --> 00:40:29.399 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: And then there are other people.

00:40:30.010 --> 00:40:32.800 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Who have extraordinary skills

00:40:33.250 --> 00:40:38.540 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: that are just ordinary talent, but because they did the 10,000 reps.

00:40:40.130 --> 00:40:41.460 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: They're successful.

00:40:41.740 --> 00:40:55.780 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: And that's where I work with people, I said, Listen, you don't. You may not have the talent. I don't have the talent to play, you know, like the basketball. I can do 10,000, you know shots. But if I'm going to get a lot better, though, if I practice 10,000 times

00:40:56.120 --> 00:40:58.969 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: now, I'm not telling you. Do 10,000 reps now.

00:40:58.970 --> 00:40:59.690 Frank R. Harrison: Yeah, when I.

00:40:59.690 --> 00:41:02.389 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Want you to do is to realize, if you don't do it.

00:41:02.520 --> 00:41:13.949 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: you'll never get better. So when you're in that frame of mind which wants to take you back to your comfort zone. You need to embrace. Well, if I'm feeling fear or I'm feeling pain.

00:41:14.500 --> 00:41:18.789 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I need to know that I need to push past that. With what

00:41:19.310 --> 00:41:20.320 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: courage

00:41:21.000 --> 00:41:22.580 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: courage is a choice.

00:41:22.800 --> 00:41:23.740 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Beer.

00:41:24.170 --> 00:41:25.699 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Beer is a reaction.

00:41:26.000 --> 00:41:28.449 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: but courage is a choice. You choose

00:41:28.640 --> 00:41:32.650 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: to do what you need to do to say I'm going to make a commitment and keep it.

00:41:32.750 --> 00:41:34.410 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: even if I suck at it.

00:41:34.540 --> 00:41:57.009 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: But then, when you do it, once that mountain becomes a molehill. Oh, that wasn't so bad, you know, when you do the 1st workout right? I don't want you to go to the gym for an hour lifting, you know, heavy, heavy weights. Just go to the gym and do a little workout. It's 5, 10 min, that's it, really. Yeah. Get in the habit of going there, and now that mountain becomes a molehill, and then you feel

00:41:57.880 --> 00:41:59.779 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: well. I feel confident.

00:42:01.320 --> 00:42:04.360 Frank R. Harrison: Interesting. So what I'm hearing and what I'm picking up

00:42:04.480 --> 00:42:16.030 Frank R. Harrison: is that a lot of people who like to stay in that comfort zone because they don't want to feel the unease of learning. They call it the pain, the suck zone, and everything that we've been discussing.

00:42:16.470 --> 00:42:30.019 Frank R. Harrison: They're not fully aware of who they are, to begin with, which is why they they kind of engage in the fear, and don't want to take the risk as easily as those that probably have an understanding of what their skill sets can do

00:42:30.120 --> 00:42:36.289 Frank R. Harrison: to reinforce the confidence. I know, I think the secret ingredient is courage, as you said.

00:42:36.290 --> 00:42:37.230 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Distancing

00:42:37.750 --> 00:42:45.720 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: because you need the 10,000 reps. So you have a commitment you make. You have a courage to now keep it.

00:42:46.140 --> 00:42:47.250 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: You have

00:42:47.310 --> 00:42:48.460 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: you feel

00:42:48.920 --> 00:42:51.889 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: more confidence because you

00:42:51.940 --> 00:42:55.160 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: completed it? You did it right. And now

00:42:55.570 --> 00:43:01.579 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: you have the confidence to take on more. And so you make another commitment. You need courage, though, to do

00:43:01.630 --> 00:43:05.090 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: 20 min of a workout instead of 10 min. So now.

00:43:05.090 --> 00:43:16.550 Frank R. Harrison: Kind of goes back. This kind of goes. I'm sorry this kind of goes back to people who didn't develop the courage were people who were probably raised by people who didn't have it themselves, so they really didn't know what it was like. A foreign entity.

00:43:16.990 --> 00:43:24.519 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: And it could be that. You know, you had a helicopter parents. I mean, think about the kids we're raising today. We're not encouraging self

00:43:24.580 --> 00:43:27.399 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: efficacy. We're not encouraging

00:43:27.640 --> 00:43:47.520 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: kids to have agency to feel like I can make a contribution. I mean, how many kids do you know that are young, that fold their own laundry, or do like they should be able to do the things like clean up the kitchen, and they have to have chores, but the chores are meant to give them agency to make them feel that they're capable.

00:43:47.840 --> 00:43:59.569 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Most parents today, though, will they want to protect their like? Oh, I didn't have this when I was younger. So here, like you don't have to do that. I'll do it for you, or they have

00:43:59.580 --> 00:44:04.689 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: somebody else in the house that does it for them. I had a nanny for my kid.

00:44:04.690 --> 00:44:05.310 Frank R. Harrison: Yeah.

00:44:05.310 --> 00:44:11.369 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: And unfortunately we didn't know that the Nanny was brushing his teeth for him till he was a little too old.

00:44:11.560 --> 00:44:14.110 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and I'm like, well, wait a second. We just didn't know

00:44:14.300 --> 00:44:17.450 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: now. He does obviously does it now. But

00:44:17.540 --> 00:44:21.480 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: you created neural pathways there that didn't have to exist

00:44:21.640 --> 00:44:30.269 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: right? And so we had to teach him his own agency. This is part of it is. It's about letting people know that, hey? They can

00:44:30.330 --> 00:44:31.809 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: be successful.

00:44:31.990 --> 00:44:34.850 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: How do you do it. You make commitments and keep them

00:44:35.070 --> 00:44:40.780 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: right. You have the courage when you say I don't really want to do it. You say you know what though

00:44:40.950 --> 00:44:42.220 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I'm disciplined.

00:44:42.330 --> 00:44:44.139 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and what is discipline.

00:44:45.050 --> 00:44:52.169 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: highest form of self love? When you wake up in the morning, no one's gonna tell you you're going to be motivated to get up and exercise like I did this morning.

00:44:52.220 --> 00:44:58.800 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: knowing the crazy day I had. But I got up and I did it. And how do you feel after doing a workout when you really don't want to.

00:44:59.540 --> 00:45:10.515 Frank R. Harrison: Like you can breathe again. I mean, I've I've had that moment this past week, although it was also another moment where I did more sleeping than I should have, which also gave me a positive outlook. The next day.

00:45:10.790 --> 00:45:38.689 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Because sleep's important in health, you need to have sleep in order to be able to to do all the other things. It's so important to reset the body with sleep, just like it's re really important in that morning ritual to get sunlight to reset your Circadian rhythm, to drink water, to make sure you're properly hydrated and make sure there's electrolytes in there to make sure you're getting the right mix of electrolytes. There's so many little things that make a big difference that add up. And sometimes

00:45:38.790 --> 00:45:49.669 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: some people just get it. It's easy for them other people. They trip on the smallest of things, and their inner critic gets in the way, and what I try to do is focus on helping them

00:45:49.690 --> 00:45:52.459 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: develop their inner coach and stop

00:45:52.470 --> 00:45:55.750 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: letting this the inner critic be the CEO of their life.

00:45:56.030 --> 00:46:07.149 Frank R. Harrison: So is it safe to say, before we take our final break for everyone out there, that if you want to learn who your inner coach is, they can come to you at pro attitudes to develop courage.

00:46:07.380 --> 00:46:13.220 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Absolutely. That's what pro attitudes is all about building better leaders for a better world.

00:46:13.890 --> 00:46:28.479 Frank R. Harrison: Cool cool. So now we're going to hear some of talk radio Nyc's commercials and then come back and learn more about pro attitudes and how you can become involved as I have. So thanks for. Listening to this episode of Frank about health, we'll be back in a few.

00:48:33.710 --> 00:48:43.650 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody, and welcome back for the last 45 min. You've heard again from Evan, Messman, about all the aspects of our own ability to really take

00:48:43.880 --> 00:49:02.019 Frank R. Harrison: initiative and take the right choices in our life to have the best quality of life, whether it's through your mental health or your nutritional health. In a previous episode we talked about our cardiac health. But, more importantly, it is about your agency. It is about courage. It is about trying to do your best

00:49:02.030 --> 00:49:03.210 Frank R. Harrison: to stop

00:49:03.380 --> 00:49:05.339 Frank R. Harrison: combating with the

00:49:05.380 --> 00:49:27.479 Frank R. Harrison: old habits and old neural pathways, and try to learn better ones, to have even whatever your visions are, of having a better career, a better relationship, just a better life for yourself included. Now that being, said, Evan, this is your platform to talk all about pro attitudes also make reference to your commitment log, which I do use every day.

00:49:27.480 --> 00:49:39.329 Frank R. Harrison: and has definitely sustained me this past week. As I can say, I have minimized our discussion during the for during the last 3 segments about what's been going on, because you pretty much already know what that is. But

00:49:39.440 --> 00:49:44.369 Frank R. Harrison: I will have to say that it's the work that we've been doing together that allowed me

00:49:44.390 --> 00:49:54.860 Frank R. Harrison: to relatively succeed over what was a very turbulent day. So thank you for that. I'd like you to now share with everyone out there after you have unmuted how you can help all of them

00:49:55.250 --> 00:49:56.660 Frank R. Harrison: learn from.

00:49:56.680 --> 00:49:58.449 Frank R. Harrison: There's situations like I have.

00:49:58.790 --> 00:50:06.109 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I'm grateful that I've been able to help you. You know any. I work with anybody who's really struggling when it comes to

00:50:06.320 --> 00:50:18.270 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: taking better care of themselves. I mean, most business leaders and owners are struggling with. They're they're afraid of change, like you had mentioned before. They're overwhelmed with the everyday

00:50:18.400 --> 00:50:20.240 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: putting the fires out of

00:50:20.400 --> 00:50:24.389 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: whether it's managing too many things, leading people.

00:50:24.430 --> 00:50:36.529 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and they're just missing out on the small things in life. So what I end up doing with these business leaders is I help them lose weight with their minds, not their mouth. And that's the weight on their shoulder that I'm talking about, not just around the middle.

00:50:36.540 --> 00:50:42.969 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I help them be intentional with their health, and most importantly, I help them to tame their inner critic.

00:50:43.020 --> 00:50:52.379 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and the best way for people to come. Work with me is to schedule some time and see if we're good fit, because the 1st session is complementary.

00:50:52.770 --> 00:50:53.110 Frank R. Harrison: And.

00:50:53.499 --> 00:50:58.170 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: You can reach forward, slash! Follow.

00:50:58.470 --> 00:51:04.539 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Some of my great tools. Are there like the inner critic, quiz. If people want to take it, or lifestyle challenge assessment or

00:51:04.870 --> 00:51:19.440 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: signing up for my intentional health newsletter on Linkedin. I'm on all the channels, too. I'm on Tiktok every day I'm on Linkedin. I'm on Facebook, I'm on Instagram, and I write monthly the intentional health Newsletter.

00:51:19.450 --> 00:51:25.110 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: And I'm here to really help build better leaders for a better world, starting

00:51:25.260 --> 00:51:31.460 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: with private victories. It's all about your attitude to me. If we can change the way you think

00:51:31.610 --> 00:51:37.839 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: you're going to start living the life you've always dreamed of, and it really makes a difference when you wake up one day

00:51:38.760 --> 00:51:44.830 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and everything that's happened to you. You can't really change. But you can change your perspective.

00:51:45.350 --> 00:51:57.270 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: And that's really what it's about. And it really changes your world. And that's what I love to do with my clients. It's what I did with myself. 1st I learned how to do it when I was a kid. My nickname was heavy, heavy.

00:51:57.340 --> 00:52:13.099 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and I learned how to change my habits one at a time, and it led to a transformation. And that's what I want to do with your anybody out there that's interested. Just please reach out and know that this isn't just a commitment log. This is 35 years of experience distilled into this wonderful

00:52:13.110 --> 00:52:25.560 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: simple tool that it makes a difference when you work with me, but it is available on Amazon. If anybody wants, as well as my method for eating, which is called the habits of healthy eating book that I have out there on

00:52:26.490 --> 00:52:28.129 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: on Amazon. Also.

00:52:28.560 --> 00:52:36.589 Frank R. Harrison: Yes, now I I know you did begin your career as a nutritionist, and and I think you even did Emt work at 1 point. Am I correct.

00:52:36.590 --> 00:52:44.650 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: No, no, I never did, Emt, but I was a an adjunct professor, teaching nutrition and performance, nutrition and disease. For 10 years

00:52:45.075 --> 00:53:04.899 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: I worked in the hospital as a nutrition support dietician. With critical care I worked as a diabetes educator. I worked in my master's thesis in cardiac rehab, and I also worked as a personal trainer and getting being certified as a personal trainer and managing in a health club. And that's where my office was was in a health club.

00:53:05.605 --> 00:53:09.069 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Because I wanted to really understand wellness.

00:53:09.660 --> 00:53:11.080 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: critical illness.

00:53:11.890 --> 00:53:21.299 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: chronic illness, and being in school, I don't really feel like they taught us everything we need to know. I got a couple of pieces of the puzzle.

00:53:21.330 --> 00:53:24.250 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: but I said, there's still so much more that needs to be known.

00:53:24.320 --> 00:53:36.180 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: and that's what I've been on a quest for. And this year, more than any other year, in the last 2 to 3 years, there's been such an explosion of knowledge that's out there where actual

00:53:36.220 --> 00:53:44.359 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: investigators, the actual scientists are coming first, st hand to us through Youtube and podcasting. It's just amazing. And

00:53:44.480 --> 00:53:53.910 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: there's really a wealth of knowledge now that the stuff that I was working on 30 years ago, it's now was all theory. Now there's science behind it all. So I'm real excited about

00:53:53.920 --> 00:53:55.500 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: how to get

00:53:55.750 --> 00:53:57.070 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: back to health

00:53:57.330 --> 00:54:03.350 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: because we need it. My God, we are an epidemic right now in the United States, with people sick and

00:54:03.600 --> 00:54:05.200 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: not enjoying life.

00:54:05.960 --> 00:54:12.149 Frank R. Harrison: Right, but also they have to learn that everything in life, everything, the good, bad, and ugly.

00:54:12.160 --> 00:54:20.800 Frank R. Harrison: all begins with ourselves, first, st regardless of what we learned, or where we came from, or how we were raised. We have to master the art of owning

00:54:20.870 --> 00:54:22.030 Frank R. Harrison: ourselves.

00:54:22.160 --> 00:54:27.050 Frank R. Harrison: which most people are just blindsided to, probably because of lack of experience.

00:54:27.250 --> 00:54:50.930 Frank R. Harrison: deniability, or they're just not motivated because of the people that they're around that are also living in that mindset. So that challenge of getting to know yourself. I mean, we could all say we want to learn who our inner coaches, but you really want to know what your intentions are, and you have to remember it all begins with this thing you've actually referred to as a piece of meatloaf, but I know you really meant.

00:54:50.930 --> 00:54:52.870 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Spicy meatloaf. Yes, yes.

00:54:52.870 --> 00:54:56.389 Frank R. Harrison: Spicy meatloa, right? But at the same time it's also

00:54:56.450 --> 00:55:03.279 Frank R. Harrison: it's our brain trust. It's it's what it's our car. It's our engine, you know when this shuts down, everything shuts down.

00:55:03.280 --> 00:55:26.120 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: This is the brain, but our mind is so much more than that. And when you think about when you get like a gut punch, not physical, but you feel it's in your body, your your whole body is your mind. It's everywhere. And people are just beginning to realize that there are different parts of memory that are held in different parts of the body.

00:55:26.120 --> 00:55:42.300 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: that that's why meditation and mindfulness and non sleep. Deep breaths is so important because you're regulating and relaxing and releasing this hold on the body, the mind on the body, and it gives you permission to be just. You

00:55:42.320 --> 00:55:42.860 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: mean.

00:55:42.860 --> 00:55:43.200 Frank R. Harrison: I want to.

00:55:43.200 --> 00:55:47.589 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: That's the challenge. That's part of the challenge. Right? Just just be you and embrace it.

00:55:47.820 --> 00:56:12.109 Frank R. Harrison: Correct. And and when people are anxious or having panic attacks, it's actually the brain saying, Hey, I'm starving. I don't. I? I need information that I'm not getting right now. I need help. But you get the symptoms. And then most people react to sick care. Let's let's control the symptoms, but not understand where where it came from. So everybody you must look into pro again when he was 1st on the show I joined within a month. So

00:56:12.110 --> 00:56:28.850 Frank R. Harrison: I I definitely am. What? What do they say? I'm a testimonial survivor. No, that would be. I. I can definitely testify to how good he is at what he does. Now we're about 2 min to ending. I just want to let everyone know that it has been a challenging.

00:56:28.850 --> 00:56:52.700 Frank R. Harrison: actually, the last few months has been challenging for me, but this week in itself, I think, has been the apex of it all, but it will be uncovered in an upcoming documentary where Evan is featured. In addition to all of the individuals that you have seen over the last few months, including Aretha Gray, Phyllis Quinlan. You've also seen Karen Ross. You will hear narration by

00:56:52.700 --> 00:57:13.920 Frank R. Harrison: a very illustrious Who I will leave nameless until you hear this documentary, it will be coming out in about a month's time, more information to follow. As we are finishing up the the pre-production on it. I also want to say that without talk radio dot. Nyc.

00:57:13.960 --> 00:57:25.140 Frank R. Harrison: I do not think I would have been able to sustain myself during this past few weeks. I want to thank Sam Liebowitz out there. I always thank him on every occasion. But.

00:57:25.180 --> 00:57:29.460 Frank R. Harrison: Evan, you are basically a referral from him. I think that's how we 1st met. To begin with.

00:57:29.460 --> 00:57:31.280 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Exactly. It's all Sam's fault.

00:57:31.602 --> 00:57:51.920 Frank R. Harrison: But he also is featured in the documentary. Everyone will begin to understand what Frank about health has been about and where it's going, and I can't wait to share that with all of you, because, if anything, it's almost like a therapeutic overview of my intentions, and how I'm gonna manifest them in a much more productive way in the coming year.

00:57:52.000 --> 00:58:20.979 Frank R. Harrison: So that's the way I'm ending. Today's show. I'm not going to promote what's going on in in talk radio, dot. Nyc, because you can all find out by looking at the website. But there will be a new episode of Frank about health next week. And I guess that's when I will see you all then. So we are now also available on apple podcasts. So if you want to look at this episode when it posts on Monday or any of the other 74 episodes that are also on our Youtube channel, feel free to go into app

00:58:21.950 --> 00:58:28.320 Frank R. Harrison: up. Health. All right, everybody. Thanks for being here. Thanks again, Evan, for coming in, and we'll see you all next week.

00:58:28.600 --> 00:58:29.560 Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes- Elevate Your Success!: Thanks. Frank.

00:58:30.030 --> 00:58:31.650 Frank R. Harrison: Alright, take care!

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