Frank About Health

Thursday, September 12, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/09/12 - Stage of Epilepsy: Impact on Self Image

Facebook Live Video from 2024/09/12 - Stage of Epilepsy: Impact on Self Image


2024/09/12 - Stage of Epilepsy: Impact on Self Image

[NEW EPISODE] Stage of Epilepsy: Impact on Self Image

Thursdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm (EDT)


The audience will hear about 2 individuals that have become warriors by enhancing their self-image one as a model and the other as a pageant contestant.

One of the stages in living life with epilepsy is overcoming this neurological challenge with a sense of awareness of it's impact on your reputation, esteem and professional and personal relationships. We have covered alternative treatments, co-morbidities and recently different examples of individuals with quality of life issues. 

This week we see two individuals that have gone to the extent of exposing themselves professionally while living with epilepsy and we will hear how they improved their self image.

Tune in for this healthy conversation at

Show Notes

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4


00:00:35.650 --> 00:00:41.580 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody, and welcome to a new episode of a stage of epilepsy version of Frank about health.

00:00:41.810 --> 00:00:48.790 Frank R. Harrison: It is currently live streaming. On Thursday, September

00:00:48.930 --> 00:01:02.679 Frank R. Harrison: However, we are here also potentially waiting for an additional guest to join us who's actually coming in from South Africa 6 h ahead of time, but because of the nature of this show being about

00:01:02.680 --> 00:01:22.299 Frank R. Harrison: epilepsy and understanding the various stages of epilepsy, we wanted to coordinate it in a very controlled way, because anything is possible when dealing with epileptic patients, including myself. Those of you who've seen the show before. I've actually dropped out during the middle of the show. But that would be because of zoom, not because of a seizure.

00:01:22.667 --> 00:01:25.709 Frank R. Harrison: That all being said, we're actually going to take

00:01:25.720 --> 00:01:30.210 Frank R. Harrison: a narrative view of how living with epilepsy

00:01:30.440 --> 00:01:35.640 Frank R. Harrison: has a lot of pain elements to it, mental pain and physical pain, which we've discussed

00:01:35.710 --> 00:01:41.230 Frank R. Harrison: on many episodes of Frank about health, especially with Jeff Demitrik and the various stages we've uncovered.

00:01:41.360 --> 00:01:49.850 Frank R. Harrison: But we're going to have conversations with 2 special guests of Jeff's. 1 is with us right now, Kelly Falk and the other one.

00:01:50.314 --> 00:01:56.160 Frank R. Harrison: We will remain nameless until she shows up, but they're both showing how they've been using their pain

00:01:56.250 --> 00:02:04.789 Frank R. Harrison: to live up their self image, lift up their self esteem, be warriors, and use their epilepsy as

00:02:05.230 --> 00:02:06.270 Frank R. Harrison: part of their

00:02:06.280 --> 00:02:09.949 Frank R. Harrison: strategy of having a decent high quality of life.

00:02:09.960 --> 00:02:16.400 Frank R. Harrison: We will look at the pain elements, because it is also I mean, September is also pain awareness month.

00:02:16.510 --> 00:02:21.590 Frank R. Harrison: But at the same time we're going to show how we use the pain for the greater good.

00:02:21.780 --> 00:02:24.109 Frank R. Harrison: So let me 1st issue my disclaimer.

00:02:24.320 --> 00:02:32.370 Frank R. Harrison: All of the conversations you will hear today with myself, Jeff, Demetrick, Kelly, Falk, and our other guest.

00:02:32.410 --> 00:02:33.800 Frank R. Harrison: named Aaron.

00:02:34.410 --> 00:02:40.919 Frank R. Harrison: are basically food for thought, and not the views of Talkradio, Nyc. Or of Frank about health

00:02:41.130 --> 00:02:45.939 Frank R. Harrison: or of stages of epilepsy. They are conversations with

00:02:45.980 --> 00:02:57.189 Frank R. Harrison: various individuals who all have been living their lives with epilepsy, myself included. And we're just looking at this stage of your self esteem and self image, which

00:02:57.520 --> 00:03:08.650 Frank R. Harrison: promises to be a good conversation from what I've already heard from Jeff about. So that being said, Welcome, Kelly, and welcome back, Jeff, and I know it's been about 3 months, I think, since our last show, but.

00:03:08.650 --> 00:03:11.369 Jeffrey Demitrack: Yeah, 3 months. It's been a long time. Yeah.

00:03:11.860 --> 00:03:25.219 Frank R. Harrison: I would. I would like to just say, I'm giving you the floor for segment. One. Introduce Kelly. Let's go right to the meat of the issues that I know that you've been fighting for on your own with your platform. So

00:03:25.790 --> 00:03:26.850 Frank R. Harrison: welcome back.

00:03:32.510 --> 00:03:33.240 Frank R. Harrison: Well.

00:03:35.090 --> 00:03:49.579 Jeffrey Demitrack: Yeah, well, thank you for coming perception, and how epilepsy might distort our perception or or seizures in general might distort our how we perceive reality.

00:03:49.720 --> 00:04:08.580 Jeffrey Demitrack: And we sometimes society has made us all sensitive about what we say and or how we say things in a certain way, and so we don't always express our thoughts exactly how we are thinking them.

00:04:08.770 --> 00:04:22.859 Jeffrey Demitrack: And I believe the the same thing goes for how beauty is perceived, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, of course, but society definitely plays a part on

00:04:22.970 --> 00:04:31.399 Jeffrey Demitrack: what people perceive to be beautiful when and one of you.

00:04:31.410 --> 00:04:38.810 Jeffrey Demitrack: You go to a photographer, or do you have it in your mind of what? You

00:04:39.272 --> 00:04:53.979 Jeffrey Demitrack: is is beautiful, or or what what beautiful poses you, or what move movements might be brilliantly choreographed, or something like that. Yeah, so that's a just a question for you. Yeah. So.

00:04:54.980 --> 00:04:56.150 Frank R. Harrison: Okay, so.

00:04:56.740 --> 00:04:57.493 Kelly Falk: Go ahead!

00:04:58.030 --> 00:05:04.959 Frank R. Harrison: No, I I was gonna say so, Jeff, you're referring to perception as a way that one who lives with epilepsy

00:05:05.010 --> 00:05:10.159 Frank R. Harrison: goes through their own trauma and their own pain that their perception shifts.

00:05:10.360 --> 00:05:12.260 Frank R. Harrison: Is that what you're basically saying.

00:05:12.790 --> 00:05:40.400 Jeffrey Demitrack: Yes, yeah. And I think, you know, when it comes to like, you know, someone who is a model, or you know, that is. You know my 1st question of you know how it, how it perceives how someone you know might you know. Think of themselves. Think of how society is perceiving them as well. So you know. And do you have any thoughts on that? Kel?

00:05:40.670 --> 00:05:41.570 Kelly Falk: Oh, yeah.

00:05:41.570 --> 00:05:43.430 Frank R. Harrison: 1st of all, introduce Kelly.

00:05:44.170 --> 00:05:47.210 Frank R. Harrison: yeah. Or Kelly. Feel free to introduce yourself.

00:05:47.590 --> 00:05:50.330 Jeffrey Demitrack: Yes, introduce yourself, Kelly.

00:05:51.220 --> 00:06:01.549 Kelly Falk: Oh, my name is Kelly Falk, and I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 15, and I'm now 35. So going at it for 20 years.

00:06:01.620 --> 00:06:07.379 Kelly Falk: which in some ways is discouraging. That this is still a thing for me, that I'm not.

00:06:07.410 --> 00:06:16.379 Kelly Falk: you know, haven't find the end. All get all solution. But also feel like I've become a stronger woman because of it. You know, when you deal with

00:06:16.760 --> 00:06:33.093 Kelly Falk: all of this, you know epilepsy, that is, that is not well controlled. You definitely learn to be strong, to keep powering on, and, you know, to live, to live your best life, and I feel like, you know, some days it's easier than other others, that's for sure. But

00:06:33.490 --> 00:07:03.399 Kelly Falk: This is where I am, and as far as the the perception of beauty. I think in one way, it's it's tough, because, you know, I look like an average normal person. And so people don't necessarily understand that there's a lot more going on below the surface inside of my brain and things that are really challenging to deal with, and as far as being a model I've also been on sets before and had seizures.

00:07:03.530 --> 00:07:14.280 Kelly Falk: and it can be really, really discouraging. And I I say, I'm not ashamed of my epilepsy, but at the same time to be on a job

00:07:14.290 --> 00:07:26.400 Kelly Falk: and have to put everything on hold until my seizure is over, until I am recovered and able to press on. It's not a good feeling, and generally, though I have found

00:07:26.560 --> 00:07:41.320 Kelly Falk: that people care, they would much rather be good, be helpful, and make sure that I am okay. And it's it's a really positive way to see our world and people and and just appreciate that

00:07:41.390 --> 00:07:43.670 Kelly Falk: that I can count on others to help me out.

00:07:44.520 --> 00:07:45.440 Frank R. Harrison: Awesome.

00:07:45.800 --> 00:07:46.730 Frank R. Harrison: So then.

00:07:46.730 --> 00:08:09.972 Jeffrey Demitrack: Yeah, I mean, you say that seizures have made you stronger and really epilepsy is an illness that comes with a lot of weakness. You feel tired and weak all the time. So you know, when you have to go to some of these things that you do you sometimes feel like you need to portray a sense of strength. And you know,

00:08:10.330 --> 00:08:18.123 Jeffrey Demitrack: yeah, maybe you'll feel like you may be a persona that you don't

00:08:18.680 --> 00:08:20.730 Jeffrey Demitrack: or aren't feeling at the time.

00:08:22.521 --> 00:08:25.970 Kelly Falk: You know, in all honesty I am very

00:08:26.350 --> 00:08:39.609 Kelly Falk: straightforward with people who I'm working with. I let everybody know ahead of time. Hey? I have epilepsy. Something could happen if you, you know, are uncomfortable with that I understand. Because

00:08:39.679 --> 00:08:41.440 Kelly Falk: for me to

00:08:41.700 --> 00:08:57.729 Kelly Falk: be on a set, be working with somebody to be doing that sort of stuff. I would much rather just have everybody know that having a seizure is a possibility. But, on the other hand. Yes, I I like to come across as a strong person

00:08:58.060 --> 00:09:09.050 Kelly Falk: as somebody who is there, and will work just as hard as anybody else to accomplish the goals of the day to make sure that things go well. Sometimes things

00:09:09.360 --> 00:09:21.599 Kelly Falk: don't go well and seizures happen, but for the most part it is. It is my goal to be a strong person, and I think I am a strong person to be able to deal with those things, to get back up, to keep going. And

00:09:21.620 --> 00:09:26.009 Kelly Falk: and yeah, it's just a part of who I am these days. But I'm a strong woman

00:09:26.030 --> 00:09:28.321 Kelly Falk: who sometimes has some issues.

00:09:29.320 --> 00:09:30.780 Frank R. Harrison: Understood. So I mean.

00:09:30.780 --> 00:09:58.160 Jeffrey Demitrack: Well, and I know another person with epilepsy, and they say that the people that they know with epilepsy are some of the strongest people they know, because you know it really living with this illness for a long time and having seizures, you know it just makes you strong, just having injuries, and and recovering from those injuries having to heal, you know all the time it just there is a resilience that comes with it. Yeah.

00:09:58.450 --> 00:09:59.180 Jeffrey Demitrack: yeah.

00:09:59.800 --> 00:10:00.189 Frank R. Harrison: I mean I.

00:10:00.190 --> 00:10:00.570 Kelly Falk: Yes.

00:10:00.570 --> 00:10:14.949 Frank R. Harrison: Clearly what he was talking about in the beginning of the show. With respect to pain and perception. Because you're also talking about, you're on a job. You're being a model, you're on sets. And then there's a humiliation you feel when you're having a seizure in front of people.

00:10:14.950 --> 00:10:33.029 Frank R. Harrison: and that in itself starts to not create hurt or pain, but it creates lower self esteem. You feel embarrassed, you feel a little bit of loss of confidence, and you probably, then take other roles or other job opportunities with a little trepidation that would be safe to say.

00:10:33.700 --> 00:10:58.770 Kelly Falk: Sure. Yeah, I think you know, and every every job is different. I've certainly had to turn down jobs because I I can't get there. I don't drive you know, if things are too far away, if if it's just doesn't have the access, and I don't have the people to help me out to get there. That happens sometimes. And but yeah, like, sometimes there is just like, Oh, my gosh! I really really hope I can get through this without there being a problem. And sometimes it's.

00:10:58.820 --> 00:11:05.199 Kelly Falk: you know, stress can cause seizures. And so there is finding that balance of confidence and

00:11:05.360 --> 00:11:24.659 Kelly Falk: trying not to let the anxiety the paranoia take over. But yeah, it's certainly finding finding a balance, letting people know what is necessary for them to know. But also, you know, being strong, coming across as strong, and, you know, hoping, hoping for the best.

00:11:25.000 --> 00:11:26.310 Frank R. Harrison: Awesome. Yeah.

00:11:26.310 --> 00:11:45.630 Jeffrey Demitrack: I mentioned about the paranoia, because really I talk about anticipatory anxiety all the time. And really, you know, I think that affects your confidence. So when you're you're thinking about, when I'm going to have that next seizure, it's hard not to be

00:11:45.630 --> 00:11:56.599 Jeffrey Demitrack: paranoid about. You know. What what is my environment like, what is a you know? Is it a safe environment? Am I, you know? Am I safe here.

00:11:57.930 --> 00:11:58.630 Kelly Falk: yeah.

00:11:58.630 --> 00:12:08.730 Frank R. Harrison: Okay? No, I mean what I, what I'm interested also is that when you 1st developed epilepsy at 16, when did you become a model before your 1st seizure, or afterwards.

00:12:10.550 --> 00:12:29.289 Kelly Falk: right around the same time. So I was. I was 15, and I had just I had either just gotten into it or gotten into it a little bit later. One of the hard things for me is that I have a lot of a lot of memory loss because of my epilepsy. And so, even looking back 20 years ago.

00:12:29.390 --> 00:12:37.060 Kelly Falk: can be really challenging a lot of my memories that I have are not actual memories. They are what people have told me

00:12:37.140 --> 00:12:45.220 Kelly Falk: has happened, and so I remember what they told me. But I don't actually remember those events for myself, but it was around the same time, and.

00:12:45.220 --> 00:12:51.650 Jeffrey Demitrack: And I, I can relate to that, 80% of people with epilepsy can relate to that.

00:12:52.620 --> 00:12:54.379 Kelly Falk: yeah, it's no good. Go on.

00:12:54.380 --> 00:12:55.670 Jeffrey Demitrack: Sorry to interrupt you. Yes.

00:12:55.670 --> 00:12:56.400 Kelly Falk: Sorry.

00:12:57.040 --> 00:13:05.759 Frank R. Harrison: Well, we're about to take our 1st break. But I did want to say, Kelly, that I think that in our second section I want to hear more about how you

00:13:05.860 --> 00:13:10.679 Frank R. Harrison: obviously dealt with the embarrassment and the pain, even the physical pain from your seizures.

00:13:11.100 --> 00:13:31.909 Frank R. Harrison: And turned yourself into a warrior. I think that's now gonna be the positive spin in how you've enhanced your self image. I gather from what I saw on your website and the artwork you've done, you definitely have a different frame of reference in terms of your epilepsy. Now, 20 years later versus when it 1st happened correct.

00:13:31.910 --> 00:13:44.040 Kelly Falk: Yeah, definitely, I mean, life changes for everybody. And I think people with epilepsy and other health conditions, we find a way to make our lives fulfilling and amazing in spite of the stuff that we deal with.

00:13:44.410 --> 00:13:59.630 Frank R. Harrison: So everybody, please stay tuned as we're being frank about a self image right here on a stage of epilepsy version of Frank about health on talk, radio, Nyc and on our social media platforms, Youtube, linkedin, Facebook and Twitch. We'll be back in a few.

00:16:11.430 --> 00:16:19.790 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody, and welcome back now, before we started the show, you actually started to talk about a procedure that you had. Do you want to share that, and then

00:16:19.800 --> 00:16:32.900 Frank R. Harrison: pivot the conversation towards how you've been able to live your life with your seizure, disorder, and the procedure and the effects of the procedure, in addition to become more successful at what you do, as as an artist and a model.

00:16:33.320 --> 00:16:54.646 Kelly Falk: Sure. Yeah. So I guess it was in 2022 that I had brain surgery. I had an intracranial Eeg 1st a couple of months before the the main surgery. I mean, they are all surgeries. When you are opening up somebody's head and putting wires deep in their brain. They're all surgeries, and so it can be a little bit scary.

00:16:54.980 --> 00:16:55.530 Frank R. Harrison: Right.

00:16:55.530 --> 00:17:00.910 Kelly Falk: So after my intracranial Eeg, they decided that I needed well

00:17:00.960 --> 00:17:22.629 Kelly Falk: that I could choose to have what is called a responsive responsive neurostimulator placed in my brain with some wires going deep down into the brain itself to help recognize abnormal brain activity, to stimulate my brain and to try to stop the seizures from happening before they really started.

00:17:22.710 --> 00:17:26.369 Kelly Falk: And so that is what I did. I had that surgery

00:17:26.640 --> 00:17:42.446 Kelly Falk: over 2 years ago. Now it took a while to see any changes or anything really happening. But ultimately I I have been in New in November. I will have been 2 years grand mal seizure free, which is a big improvement for me.

00:17:43.270 --> 00:17:50.593 Kelly Falk: not to say that things are perfect because I still have simple and complex partial seizures pretty frequently

00:17:51.110 --> 00:17:53.079 Kelly Falk: but have to have made that big

00:17:53.340 --> 00:17:58.719 Kelly Falk: big step in my. In my epilepsy life has been amazing.

00:17:58.860 --> 00:18:02.940 Frank R. Harrison: The simple and complex partials, though you're conscious throughout, most of them correct.

00:18:03.260 --> 00:18:22.400 Kelly Falk: So. Yes, with the simple partial seizures, I'm totally conscious I know what's going on. I might not be able to talk clearly, or even find the magnet that I use to swipe over my device to mark these spots. When the seizure happens. But the complex partial seizures.

00:18:23.050 --> 00:18:35.219 Kelly Falk: the definition of consciousness is kind of vague because I'm not there. I'm I haven't passed out. I haven't necessarily fallen over, but I'm no longer there. If somebody were to try to talk to me

00:18:35.230 --> 00:18:44.619 Kelly Falk: I wouldn't be able to respond. Sometimes I make strange noises, sometimes I scream, which, if you're out in public, that's definitely something that's

00:18:44.670 --> 00:18:47.014 Kelly Falk: embarrassing and hard to

00:18:47.670 --> 00:18:57.803 Kelly Falk: to handle. But thankfully, I'm not the one dealing with it in the moment, because, like I said, I'm not there. Which makes it also a little bit more dangerous.

00:18:58.120 --> 00:19:11.420 Frank R. Harrison: No, I understand. But by the same token, do you want to give a shout out to the name of your surgeon or hospital system you used, and I gather it was relatively successful for you to have been removed from grand mal seizure, activity, correct.

00:19:11.420 --> 00:19:21.100 Kelly Falk: Sure. Yeah. So everybody who I see and who has been part of this process is through the University of Virginia. I live in Charlottesville, Virginia, and

00:19:21.470 --> 00:19:36.860 Kelly Falk: and it's really been they've been good to me, I it's nice, too. I live just a mile away from the hospital. So when I have appointments. It's easy for me to walk there. You know, for a long time I was anti hospital anti doctors everything.

00:19:36.930 --> 00:19:53.860 Kelly Falk: because it was a frustrating thing. And and as I've gotten older, I've realized that these people are here to help me and and they've done a good job. It's, you know, not perfect, because I'm not seizure free, but I've made it further than I really ever thought that I would be able to.

00:19:54.270 --> 00:19:55.170 Frank R. Harrison: Right right?

00:19:55.680 --> 00:20:04.070 Frank R. Harrison: Oh, no congratulations! And now I see we have been joined by Aaron Bailey, who you're at almost

00:20:04.430 --> 00:20:07.689 Frank R. Harrison: 1030 pm. Your time correct.

00:20:11.440 --> 00:20:11.970 Frank R. Harrison: Eric.

00:20:11.970 --> 00:20:12.919 Jeffrey Demitrack: Can you hear us?

00:20:20.060 --> 00:20:24.890 Frank R. Harrison: Well, she ladies and gentlemen, she's actually in South Africa, so we may have.

00:20:24.890 --> 00:20:25.700 Erynn Bailey: No.

00:20:25.700 --> 00:20:26.410 Frank R. Harrison: Oh!

00:20:26.410 --> 00:20:28.119 Erynn Bailey: Yes, I can hear you guys.

00:20:28.120 --> 00:20:30.580 Frank R. Harrison: Oh, great, great, so.

00:20:30.580 --> 00:20:47.929 Erynn Bailey: Yes, my time is a bit of time for you guys. But thanks for considering me, I was just had a problem with connecting and etc. But I'm here now. I didn't forget, and yes, my time is very hectic, being your time, but, thanks for considering me, I appreciate the dearly.

00:20:48.300 --> 00:21:14.950 Frank R. Harrison: Oh, you're very welcome. I was interested to know pretty much what we've just been discussing with Kelly about her history, with epilepsy and seizures, and and how she was able to turn the embarrassment, or the physical or the traumatic pain into her superpower, and become a successful artist and and a model. And you I've seen pictures of you involved in pageants.

00:21:15.060 --> 00:21:26.840 Frank R. Harrison: So I'd like to know exactly how you probably have a similar story in terms of how your epilepsy has affected you, whether it's emotionally or physically, and how you've been able to use it

00:21:26.880 --> 00:21:28.350 Frank R. Harrison: to your advantage.

00:21:28.560 --> 00:21:30.510 Frank R. Harrison: Do you want to take the time to share.

00:21:30.910 --> 00:21:31.760 Erynn Bailey: Yes.

00:21:31.760 --> 00:21:32.450 Frank R. Harrison: I'll.

00:21:32.450 --> 00:21:41.539 Erynn Bailey: I will do so like like for me is I was 12 years old when I was diagnosed with epilepsy. I was still a child.

00:21:41.620 --> 00:21:46.899 Erynn Bailey: and my mom didn't know what it, what it, what it was before.

00:21:47.030 --> 00:21:53.029 Erynn Bailey: because I used to fall and etc. And so she said, No, it's not normal, because I was in a deep sleep.

00:21:53.110 --> 00:21:54.439 Erynn Bailey: you know. Wake up.

00:21:54.510 --> 00:21:56.198 Erynn Bailey: and I don't know

00:21:56.760 --> 00:22:06.579 Erynn Bailey: how it was because I was in a sleep. And so she took me to the doctor with an MRI scan, and they said, It's epilepsy. So I have been living with this since I was 12 years old.

00:22:07.160 --> 00:22:08.540 Erynn Bailey: and so.

00:22:08.540 --> 00:22:09.819 Frank R. Harrison: Did you say? 12,

00:22:10.400 --> 00:22:11.120 Frank R. Harrison: 12 years.

00:22:11.120 --> 00:22:12.760 Erynn Bailey: That was diagnosed. Yes.

00:22:12.760 --> 00:22:14.999 Frank R. Harrison: Okay. But it sounds like an external.

00:22:15.000 --> 00:22:17.360 Jeffrey Demitrack: You were having nocturnal seizures.

00:22:20.380 --> 00:22:21.160 Erynn Bailey: Yes.

00:22:21.340 --> 00:22:22.460 Erynn Bailey: I do.

00:22:22.980 --> 00:22:37.750 Frank R. Harrison: Okay? And so, but at this point, you're you're no longer having the seizures while you're sleeping, because you now have them under control with medication or some other procedure. I know Kelly was talking about a brain surgery she had. Do you have something simple.

00:22:37.750 --> 00:22:45.540 Erynn Bailey: Like for me. like mine come in different stages, number one. Sometimes I'll fall on the floor.

00:22:45.550 --> 00:22:56.419 Erynn Bailey: and my leg will get lame. The the left leg, like the doctor said, is also part of a Caesar, and I can't get up, and somebody must help me up. I sometimes get that.

00:22:56.540 --> 00:23:01.229 Erynn Bailey: but not like it was before, because I also made my medication list

00:23:01.700 --> 00:23:06.080 Erynn Bailey: like they tell me I must take 800 gram a day. I break it in half.

00:23:06.170 --> 00:23:13.960 Erynn Bailey: so I've been taking this medication, but I do take it every day. I can't skip, but I do that, and my glands used to swell

00:23:14.080 --> 00:23:15.250 Erynn Bailey: up a lot.

00:23:15.780 --> 00:23:16.870 Erynn Bailey: and

00:23:17.010 --> 00:23:18.579 Erynn Bailey: it came out nicely.

00:23:19.590 --> 00:23:25.149 Frank R. Harrison: Wow! Wow! So what medications do you take for to control your seizure? Activity.

00:23:26.050 --> 00:23:27.685 Erynn Bailey: My meditation is

00:23:28.600 --> 00:23:30.280 Erynn Bailey: I can't say this name.

00:23:31.050 --> 00:23:34.439 Erynn Bailey: It's with a it's with the it's with the L.

00:23:34.940 --> 00:23:36.339 Erynn Bailey: The medication.

00:23:36.810 --> 00:23:38.730 Erynn Bailey: So weird. Name, so.

00:23:38.730 --> 00:23:39.580 Kelly Falk: Prepared. If you don't.

00:23:39.580 --> 00:23:41.560 Frank R. Harrison: Levitrices, Levitrice, attend.

00:23:41.560 --> 00:23:44.219 Erynn Bailey: Yes, yes, yes, my tablets.

00:23:44.220 --> 00:23:45.099 Kelly Falk: I'm sorry I was like.

00:23:45.540 --> 00:23:47.459 Frank R. Harrison: That's like. I take that, too.

00:23:47.780 --> 00:23:49.120 Erynn Bailey: Okay, I was frozen, but

00:23:49.820 --> 00:23:50.930 Erynn Bailey: and so they

00:23:51.180 --> 00:23:52.489 Erynn Bailey: that that put me.

00:23:52.490 --> 00:23:54.260 Jeffrey Demitrack: Was that ketcher there, or.

00:23:55.340 --> 00:23:58.360 Frank R. Harrison: The the generic Kepler, Levitra Satam.

00:23:59.230 --> 00:23:59.730 Erynn Bailey: Yes. Yeah.

00:24:00.960 --> 00:24:02.859 Frank R. Harrison: Okay? And and Kelly, yeah.

00:24:02.860 --> 00:24:03.380 Jeffrey Demitrack: Okay. Well.

00:24:03.380 --> 00:24:04.529 Frank R. Harrison: Like medications.

00:24:04.947 --> 00:24:16.371 Kelly Falk: I do. I take several medications. I'm currently on Riviax, which is a cousin to Kepra, because Kepra used to work for me. I'm on Vimpat and

00:24:17.310 --> 00:24:19.560 Kelly Falk: What is the name of the other one?

00:24:22.190 --> 00:24:25.219 Kelly Falk: one more. You know, this is part of the problem.

00:24:25.220 --> 00:24:27.300 Frank R. Harrison: Lamictal, Lamotrigen.

00:24:27.589 --> 00:24:31.349 Kelly Falk: I've been on all of those. I've been on about 30 different medications.

00:24:31.350 --> 00:24:31.830 Jeffrey Demitrack: Perfect.

00:24:31.830 --> 00:24:50.386 Kelly Falk: Things on under control. Aptium Apdm is the other one. So I'm on those 3 currently and ATM definitely helped get some of my complex partial seizures under control. I have seen a decrease in those numbers when I started taking that in 2,019. But yeah.

00:24:50.750 --> 00:24:51.170 Frank R. Harrison: Oh, well.

00:24:51.170 --> 00:24:54.670 Jeffrey Demitrack: How have your experiences with impact been.

00:24:54.670 --> 00:25:05.600 Kelly Falk: I don't know that them pets doing anything. It's 1 of those medications that I'm currently on, not sure that it's helping, but a little too afraid to just go off of it, especially.

00:25:05.600 --> 00:25:13.210 Jeffrey Demitrack: Yeah, yeah, I mean, you don't just go off of it. But you want to find a replacement. I guess right.

00:25:13.210 --> 00:25:30.725 Kelly Falk: Well, I mean, since I'm on 3 it's possible that I could start decreasing, but I am a little bit afraid if I go off of something that I could start having grand mal seizures again. And I actually have a wonderful thing that happened to me when I became grand mal seizure free.

00:25:31.160 --> 00:25:35.039 Kelly Falk: I had. I was able to have surgery on both of my shoulders, because

00:25:35.140 --> 00:25:53.799 Kelly Falk: one of the things that happened to me because of my grandma seizures is that I started dislocating my shoulders over and over and over again because of the seizures, and they got to be so loose that they would dislocate when I rolled over in bed, when I went to tie my shoes, and once I became grandma seizure free.

00:25:53.810 --> 00:26:11.349 Kelly Falk: I was able to have surgery on my shoulders just this past year and December of last year. So they are. They are fixed, and I am able to do things like kayaking and fun stuff that I never, ever thought that I would be able to do again because of of my shoulders. So afraid of.

00:26:11.350 --> 00:26:31.710 Jeffrey Demitrack: And I can relate to that. Actually, I I have, you know, dislocated both my shoulders. I've broken one of my shoulders, and I've had, you know, a surgery on on both of my shoulders, so I can relate to that a lot of people with seizures. They they end up having surgeries on their shoulders, so.

00:26:31.710 --> 00:26:41.310 Kelly Falk: Yeah, no, totally. It's I mean, it's hard to have one problem like the epilepsy itself is enough. But then other stuff happens because of the.

00:26:41.310 --> 00:26:41.799 Frank R. Harrison: Home, or.

00:26:41.800 --> 00:26:44.216 Kelly Falk: Things go downhill. Yeah.

00:26:44.820 --> 00:26:57.759 Frank R. Harrison: So, Erin, what kind of circumstances have you faced? Did you have any fractures or dislocations similar to what Kelly and Jeff were talking about? Or have you been able to keep yourself physically contained.

00:26:58.380 --> 00:27:03.560 Erynn Bailey: Like for me. Number one, I used to suffer a lot of depression.

00:27:03.620 --> 00:27:17.910 Erynn Bailey: that's my thing. And since I also been doing modeling. Now it's a new chapter for me. So it's been helping me a lot. So I model for ice. Dublinville International. And since I've been doing this I love my photo shoots.

00:27:17.950 --> 00:27:25.470 Erynn Bailey: It's been helping me a lot, but sometimes I have my moments. But since I've been doing something, what I want to do, and it keeps me busy.

00:27:26.760 --> 00:27:33.840 Frank R. Harrison: Very nice. Now, I guess. Are you doing that in South Africa, or are you available on the Internet? You are you global? Yet.

00:27:34.196 --> 00:27:54.489 Erynn Bailey: I'm doing it in South Africa. It's a school so like that that trains us. And we are going to National conference in in October. So it's international competition days. I'm I'm I'm in a lot of training now at the moment, and I'm enjoying it's a pathetic. But I'm pulling through every day.

00:27:55.700 --> 00:28:23.649 Frank R. Harrison: Impressive, impressive. So either way, I'm seeing from both you, Kelly, and you, Erin, that once you did activate change in your case, it was the brain surgery, Kelly, and in your case you've been able to get things analyzed in terms of how your seizures were starting, and you started taking the Levitra satam slash kepra but you then said, Okay, enough with the in your case depression, or in your case, fracturing

00:28:23.670 --> 00:28:28.670 Frank R. Harrison: practically your shoulders and stuff. Now I'm going to make this into a talent.

00:28:28.760 --> 00:28:46.619 Frank R. Harrison: And so that's your way of fighting. Whatever emotional pain that you were experiencing as a result of living with the seizure disorder, or even being post operative. I'm sure, Kelly, that may have had some impact as well. So when we return, because we're about to take another break. I want to hear

00:28:46.820 --> 00:29:03.050 Frank R. Harrison: about you, Kelly, and you, Erin, and what your careers are doing for you right now. I want to hear about. You know your modeling, your artwork, your your school, and and just show everyone out there that in this stage of epilepsy that

00:29:03.150 --> 00:29:05.359 Frank R. Harrison: obviously there is a lot of pain.

00:29:05.420 --> 00:29:12.469 Frank R. Harrison: How do you turn to teach the viewers and listeners out there? How you turn that pain into strength? All right.

00:29:12.610 --> 00:29:20.159 Frank R. Harrison: So stay tuned everybody right here on Frank, about health, on talk, radio, Nyc. And on our socials. We'll be back in a few.

00:31:20.900 --> 00:31:29.400 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody, and welcome back segment. 3 is about seizures and confidence. Now, as we've already spoken with Jeff over the past year and a half.

00:31:29.470 --> 00:31:42.269 Frank R. Harrison: He has a book out there about psychotic breaks. Obviously that does deteriorate confidence. I have talked about a lot of burdens that I go through while living with epilepsy that have made me go through burnout.

00:31:42.290 --> 00:32:07.219 Frank R. Harrison: We heard about Kelly talking about how, during seizure activity, she would be dislocating her shoulders. Erin has mentioned that she was dealing with depression. However, each of us has found a way to turn our comorbidity from living with epilepsy in a confident way into a superpower. And so I want to spend this time right now that during segment, 3, hearing about Erin and Kelly's

00:32:07.340 --> 00:32:16.720 Frank R. Harrison: challenge to turn their seizure history into a confident path. So let's start with you, Erin, and then wrap up with Kelly.

00:32:17.860 --> 00:32:18.590 Erynn Bailey: Okay.

00:32:19.350 --> 00:32:30.269 Erynn Bailey: Since I've been joining this morning school in January I found myself. What what can I do to keep me busy? Because with the depression. I used to suffer a lot

00:32:30.450 --> 00:32:39.780 Erynn Bailey: anxiety. But I don't know but I have my moments, but since I've been reading the Bible and doing modeling. Now that I've been

00:32:39.790 --> 00:32:54.159 Erynn Bailey: thinking I I sometimes forget that I used to cry a lot every day for no reason, because my friends are busy. Nobody have time for me. Then. My mom was the only one that had time for me and my grandmothers. But sometimes you also need people in your own Age group to keep you busy with.

00:32:54.370 --> 00:33:20.529 Erynn Bailey: and I made friends at the modeling, but not friends. Acquaintances I can speak with, and my coach is a very nice person, and the shoots keeps me busy, and I just love doing what I want to do, because I always wanted to to do modeling, and people used to say, No, no, you can't do it. You are. You're a chubby because I'm a thin, I'm a chubby person, and in this world they say anybody can do anything. It doesn't matter if you have a

00:33:21.328 --> 00:33:23.370 Erynn Bailey: disability, you can do anything.

00:33:24.260 --> 00:33:26.050 Frank R. Harrison: That's right. That's right.

00:33:26.130 --> 00:33:48.749 Frank R. Harrison: I mean, basically, what you do is you look at. Okay, you've got a condition that is disabling you from living life like what they consider the norm. But you use it to your advantage that you actually differentiate yourself, and you can stand out and really create influence to others that may be looking for direction, especially in the path that you're doing.

00:33:48.780 --> 00:33:59.980 Frank R. Harrison: And then, Kelly, with your artwork and your website, and how? How? What was the pivot point for you in how you took your emotional insecurities with

00:33:59.990 --> 00:34:06.409 Frank R. Harrison: epilepsy and the surgery and everything, and just decided to really commit to being your best artistic self.

00:34:07.560 --> 00:34:23.400 Kelly Falk: So when I gosh! It was probably maybe 20 or 21. When I had to stop working, I had to stop driving. Things really went downhill for me, and so I am technically disabled. My my epilepsy keeps me from working a regular job, and

00:34:24.040 --> 00:34:26.030 Kelly Falk: I I

00:34:26.120 --> 00:34:27.500 Kelly Falk: ultimately

00:34:27.719 --> 00:34:28.250 Kelly Falk: start.

00:34:28.250 --> 00:34:29.659 Erynn Bailey: Yeah, for more.

00:34:31.199 --> 00:34:32.229 Kelly Falk: Sorry. What was that?

00:34:33.300 --> 00:34:34.170 Erynn Bailey: Claudi!

00:34:34.300 --> 00:34:34.880 Erynn Bailey: Oh.

00:34:35.202 --> 00:34:41.660 Kelly Falk: Anyway. So so I started painting. It was you know, it was something that just kind of gave me

00:34:41.770 --> 00:35:05.080 Kelly Falk: something to look forward to something to do to spend my time and something that that I realized that you know. Hey, I'm I'm okay at this this can. This doesn't have to be my full time job. This doesn't have to be a career necessarily, but it gives me a purpose, and and that's what I've been doing. I love painting. So I create beautiful things. And it really, you know, filled the space

00:35:05.080 --> 00:35:18.650 Kelly Falk: for me that that needed filling. When I when I wasn't working, when I, when what I was able to do was really restricted and limited. And yeah, that's it. Came. It came at the right time for me. Really, when I needed something.

00:35:19.210 --> 00:35:20.599 Frank R. Harrison: What was the point? I'm thinking.

00:35:20.600 --> 00:35:23.539 Jeffrey Demitrack: Do you get that? Oh, sorry, Frank.

00:35:23.540 --> 00:35:24.110 Frank R. Harrison: No go ahead!

00:35:25.460 --> 00:35:36.019 Jeffrey Demitrack: When? You have seizures, does your inspiration come before or after some of your seizures for your art work, or.

00:35:36.750 --> 00:35:58.406 Kelly Falk: Not necessarily, you know, in the frustrating thing is that if I have a seizure while I'm painting, I at least have to stop momentarily. Sometimes I cannot keep going. It's like, Okay, that really hard. It's time for a nap instead. And so, you know, it changes day to day. Sometimes I wait it out. Okay, I'm done. I'm really excited to get back to my painting.

00:35:59.210 --> 00:36:07.120 Kelly Falk: but I wouldn't say that necessarily that and a seizure inspires the painting, or that anything along those lines, it's.

00:36:07.130 --> 00:36:13.850 Kelly Falk: you know, certainly feel determined to to power on, to keep creating and to keep doing

00:36:14.270 --> 00:36:14.709 Erynn Bailey: It's not cold.

00:36:14.710 --> 00:36:16.965 Kelly Falk: So it's there's that.

00:36:18.439 --> 00:36:18.969 Erynn Bailey: Okay.

00:36:18.970 --> 00:36:24.090 Frank R. Harrison: Okay. So, Kelly, can you tell me what what came first? st The modeling or the painting.

00:36:24.240 --> 00:36:27.600 Kelly Falk: The modeling. Yeah, you know, I I started painting.

00:36:28.490 --> 00:36:32.759 Kelly Falk: I think, after after the seizures for sure, and after I

00:36:32.770 --> 00:36:47.170 Kelly Falk: became disabled, it's it was something that that really, that I needed to fill my time and to to give me a purpose. In my life, you know. And it was, it was just challenging to be

00:36:47.190 --> 00:37:03.650 Kelly Falk: disabled. Not have anything to do. There's there's guilt there when you're not working a full time job and actually having a normal income. And so when I was able to to start painting, when I discovered that as part of my life it it definitely filled a hole that

00:37:03.830 --> 00:37:04.920 Kelly Falk: that just

00:37:05.360 --> 00:37:07.039 Kelly Falk: the epileps. And what about the.

00:37:07.040 --> 00:37:08.040 Jeffrey Demitrack: Smells of the.

00:37:08.040 --> 00:37:09.480 Kelly Falk: Continues to leave.

00:37:10.180 --> 00:37:13.760 Jeffrey Demitrack: Is that a trigger at all the smells of the paints.

00:37:14.690 --> 00:37:17.335 Kelly Falk: No, I don't have any trouble with that thankfully

00:37:18.130 --> 00:37:18.610 Kelly Falk: which.

00:37:18.610 --> 00:37:31.179 Frank R. Harrison: One is driving income for you. Now that is your job or your I mean, you're not working for anyone else right now, based on your disability, but which has been your driver for your income, your your life?

00:37:31.200 --> 00:37:36.729 Frank R. Harrison: Has it been the the website and the artwork? Or has it been the modeling, or an equal mix of both.

00:37:37.120 --> 00:38:00.369 Kelly Falk: Well, in all honesty I get a disability payment every month, and that is, that is the main thing that gets me by. But you know, when I when I sell a painting, it's amazing. It brings a little more income, same thing with modeling, you know, to to have those those bits of extra are are really fulfilling and helpful for my self esteem, because accepting a disability payment every month.

00:38:00.740 --> 00:38:28.749 Kelly Falk: It's hard, like everybody wants to feel independent and like they can make their own way in this world, and at the same time just accepting things that the way, the way they are not feeling guilty, I mean, like I spoke about earlier, like, I look very much like your average person. You don't look at me and think, Oh, wow! Like I feel so sorry for her. She's disabled, and she should absolutely take the money that she's given and and live off of it. And so.

00:38:28.890 --> 00:38:38.360 Kelly Falk: being able to do some other things like painting and modeling when the jobs come around like it can be helpful and fulfilling for self esteem. That's for sure.

00:38:38.680 --> 00:38:46.140 Frank R. Harrison: So you you're really owning your your talent to keep yourself confident, even with some of the limitations that you face.

00:38:46.450 --> 00:38:46.840 Kelly Falk: When.

00:38:46.840 --> 00:38:54.000 Frank R. Harrison: Say, a disabled person. And you're right. You don't look the traditional disabled. But I myself collect a disability check, and I'm not.

00:38:54.480 --> 00:39:17.999 Frank R. Harrison: Ashamed to admit it. But the way that I keep myself focused is this very show this show really was gonna be called 3 and a half years ago, Frank, about epilepsy, but because of Covid and the rest of the gamut of health crises that we all go through, it's become a platform for various healthcare issues. You, although I've been leaning on the mental health aspects. So what Erin was saying about her depression

00:39:18.000 --> 00:39:33.670 Frank R. Harrison: that could be a real impact in terms of what epileptic people living with epilepsy end up going through. You know their mental health becomes the real driver of how they cope or how they actually seek the positive out of what they're coping with.

00:39:33.890 --> 00:39:35.289 Kelly Falk: Yeah, absolutely.

00:39:35.990 --> 00:39:42.029 Frank R. Harrison: And so overall Jeff, I think you've done the same thing. I mean, I know the last time we spoke you had already been

00:39:42.050 --> 00:39:46.870 Frank R. Harrison: talking about setting up another book. Are you actually in the process of writing another book.

00:39:48.140 --> 00:40:05.730 Jeffrey Demitrack: Yeah, I mean, I'm working on it. But it takes time. And I I want to get it right. Some of you know the details of it. And it's gonna be very different than my last book. So it's there's a no.

00:40:05.830 --> 00:40:27.534 Jeffrey Demitrack: a lot of things that. I want to get different from my last book. So and a lot of things I want to focus on more like family dynamics and and epilepsy. So maybe I have to be a little bit tactful with that, so it could take a little bit more time than I I wanted, so.

00:40:27.890 --> 00:40:48.789 Frank R. Harrison: Well, I do understand how family dynamics can sometimes either stall your plans or delay them. They eventually come out, but they come out later than you expected, but I understand that that's why I I can identify with what you were saying. I guess of of the 3 of you, I mean, even though Erin and Kelly, you are both the

00:40:49.180 --> 00:41:04.380 Frank R. Harrison: role models of what it's like to turn your epilepsy into a path of towards confidence. But what would you say is like your plans between now and the end of the year, to realize some of that vision, to be

00:41:05.160 --> 00:41:06.753 Frank R. Harrison: much more

00:41:08.520 --> 00:41:13.550 Frank R. Harrison: You know of what's the right word, much more profitable, much more productive for you.

00:41:16.414 --> 00:41:19.690 Kelly Falk: Well, that's an interesting question, you know, for me.

00:41:20.350 --> 00:41:43.019 Kelly Falk: it's just to keep powering on I. So when I started this drug riviax, not that long ago I went 43 days seizure free, and was super excited. I was like already making plans to buy a car, to go to school to become a massage therapist. Those are my, those are my ultimate goals. And then, you know a lot of times the epilepsy says, Nuh, not let me.

00:41:43.020 --> 00:41:43.410 Frank R. Harrison: Now.

00:41:43.410 --> 00:42:02.270 Kelly Falk: Yet. And so really for me, a lot of times. It is just day to day like let me just make it through. Enjoy the seizure. Free days, and, you know, keep powering through. There's certainly days where I break down, where I cry, where I need family and friends to say, hey! Look how far you've come! Like.

00:42:02.270 --> 00:42:03.739 Frank R. Harrison: The support system, active.

00:42:03.740 --> 00:42:21.640 Kelly Falk: Yes, it's like I've I've done things like the shoulder surgeries, and you know, kayaking a new river like I I never thought that was possible. But I've had really great support from my boyfriend, from my mom, from my family, just saying, Hey, you're strong. You can do this. Just keep powering on.

00:42:21.760 --> 00:42:30.420 Frank R. Harrison: Exactly. And so, Erin, how do you keep yourself powering on towards the end of the year? What are some of your goals that you are looking to accomplish.

00:42:31.120 --> 00:42:36.020 Erynn Bailey: Okay for me. Number one is I would love to drive a car. I can't drive yet.

00:42:36.210 --> 00:42:50.789 Erynn Bailey: and I would love to get my license. That's the main goal, and if for me is, I've been joined. The modeling school is, I see myself in the next 5 years, maybe asthma's essay or go model in magazines and etc. That's not my goal.

00:42:51.250 --> 00:43:00.030 Erynn Bailey: And I did. I did a hospitals modeling in Weinberg, Brantic, the in South Africa, the International. I model in the

00:43:00.980 --> 00:43:15.460 Erynn Bailey: in the Sorry in the hospital way, and it was lovely, and that's me. And I'm also a beauty therapist that I am doing part time. That's my full time job doing feet and nails before I started modeling. So.

00:43:15.460 --> 00:43:20.559 Frank R. Harrison: Oh, okay, any any plans to do modeling in in Europe, or even in the United States, or.

00:43:20.560 --> 00:43:23.999 Erynn Bailey: Yes, I would love to go overseas. Yes.

00:43:24.000 --> 00:43:24.360 Frank R. Harrison: Perfect.

00:43:24.360 --> 00:43:28.129 Erynn Bailey: That's my main goals. If people want me, I'll do that. Yes.

00:43:28.860 --> 00:43:43.209 Frank R. Harrison: Okay? Well, when we we're about to take our final break. But when we return, let's find out how people can get a hold of both of you through social media or your website or emails and stuff like that. And I guess we'll just also

00:43:43.320 --> 00:43:52.170 Frank R. Harrison: promote. And if anything else that's going to be happening on Frank about health as well as on stages of epilepsy. All right, we'll be back in a few.

00:45:56.380 --> 00:46:18.749 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody, and welcome back during out the last. Throughout the last 45 min you've had a chance to meet Kelly, Falk and Erin Bailey, 2 individuals, both suffering or living life with epilepsy. We're not suffering from it. We're learning how to fight the urge to go into the depressed zone and feel like that. Life is over, and everyone just gives you the spiral of negativity.

00:46:18.750 --> 00:46:26.889 Frank R. Harrison: Trust me, I've been there, and I don't subscribe to that anymore. What I am happy to hear are both how Kelly and Erin

00:46:26.910 --> 00:46:55.659 Frank R. Harrison: have made it into their strength, towards their vision, towards living a normal life. You heard words from Kelly like just powering on, and you've heard from Erin about how, if anybody wants me, I am there, so that includes her modeling, whether it's in South Africa or in Europe, or maybe the United States one day. Either way, the lesson learned in this in this particular episode is that whatever your disability is. And we've talked about others. We've talked about down syndrome. We've talked about

00:46:55.990 --> 00:47:06.300 Frank R. Harrison: autism. We've talked about different types of neurological and mental health disorders, but epilepsy obviously very much a a mainstay for me.

00:47:06.892 --> 00:47:09.850 Frank R. Harrison: The one aspect to understand is that

00:47:09.940 --> 00:47:13.980 Frank R. Harrison: the pain is not is more mental than physical.

00:47:14.020 --> 00:47:33.440 Frank R. Harrison: and is the challenge of those living with epilepsy not to be worried about the seizures, especially if you have them under control, with medication or treatment, or like in Kelly's case, some surgery, and you mentioned some neurological device that you place over your head. You know she is in control of her disability.

00:47:33.440 --> 00:47:56.779 Frank R. Harrison: The way that you have to manage all of your expectations is that you might not be able to live the full potential that those not suffering with epilepsy have to deal with or contend with, but you can actually do things a little better by finding out those things that really grab you and motivate you and keep you focused so that you can have a positive outlook

00:47:56.850 --> 00:48:15.979 Frank R. Harrison: while living with epilepsy. Kelly's talked about how her artwork has been very motivational for her while still collecting a check I have mentioned for the last 3 and a half years, that I I also collect a check, but I have also been doing now 124 episodes of Frank about health, and then Jeff himself

00:48:16.000 --> 00:48:37.480 Frank R. Harrison: has been powering on with his Instagram, following on stages of epilepsy, doing walks, doing kinds of exhibits and book promotions and other kinds of things with the various guests that we've had here on the show. And we're gonna see more of Erin in the coming months, maybe even years, as she continues to learn her lessons from the school that she's in right now

00:48:37.880 --> 00:48:46.989 Frank R. Harrison: and become as successful as a model that she can be. The point of the matter is is that don't give in to the depression. Don't give in to the anxiety.

00:48:47.010 --> 00:48:56.059 Frank R. Harrison: Remember to take your medication if you need to, but always look for the positive door or the positive light that your epilepsy is

00:48:56.220 --> 00:48:57.790 Frank R. Harrison: leading you towards.

00:48:57.810 --> 00:49:09.110 Frank R. Harrison: If you always worry about what you don't have versus what the others do, you will never get out of that cycle. Therefore, I have always said, is on my show, and you've heard it on my commercials.

00:49:09.350 --> 00:49:30.540 Frank R. Harrison: You are your own best advocate. When you are living life with epilepsy, you have the ability to see things that a lot of other people with typical conditions don't exactly see unless they have the guidance of a medical professional. So, being your own advocate to have the best quality of life possible is the big takeaway from this particular episode of Frank about health.

00:49:30.760 --> 00:49:35.079 Frank R. Harrison: so that, all being said, I want to know. Starting with you, Kelly.

00:49:35.110 --> 00:49:44.190 Frank R. Harrison: how can people reach out to you so they can learn more about your artwork. They can learn more about where you're modeling, or where you can be seen modelling or anything else you'd like to share.

00:49:45.370 --> 00:50:07.099 Kelly Falk: So as an artist, I do have a a website, and I can say it now. I wrote it down so that it would be easy for me. It's Kelly Falk, KELL YFAL k dot wix site WIXS. slash artist. And so that's where you can see all of my work. The things I've been working on

00:50:07.210 --> 00:50:16.239 Kelly Falk: for a very long time now, and I also can be seen on Instagram. If you're interested, it's Kelly, dot Marie dot Falk.

00:50:16.390 --> 00:50:30.670 Kelly Falk: And so I've got all my art there. When I'm doing modeling. I I post some things on there as well, and I'm always always open to talking about my epilepsy. It's not something I'm ashamed of. If there's somebody who needs someone you know to talk to.

00:50:31.020 --> 00:50:46.970 Kelly Falk: I do that. I I would much rather be be honest, open, and helping other people in a similar condition, because sometimes, that is, you know what Helps is talking to somebody who actually understands somebody who has been there, somebody who gets it. So please

00:50:47.040 --> 00:50:51.783 Kelly Falk: reach out if you need somebody, or just to say Hi! And check out some mark.

00:50:52.080 --> 00:51:01.170 Frank R. Harrison: Exactly. And you, Jeff, how would you like to add to that? Because I've seen all your stuff on Instagram as well. Is there anything else you'd like to share about how you keep yourself

00:51:01.230 --> 00:51:02.490 Frank R. Harrison: an advocate.

00:51:04.420 --> 00:51:27.310 Jeffrey Demitrack: Well, I I think it's so important that people find a way to improve their self esteem, improve their confidence, you know, and you know, once you get into that mentality, then you are lifted up into a different realm of maybe overcoming you.

00:51:27.769 --> 00:51:48.829 Jeffrey Demitrack: I would say. You're you're coping with the emotions that are are left over from past seizures. You know, negative emotions. And you're not as sensitive to that those negative emotions that were well, maybe were from seizures, you know, old seizures. So

00:51:49.560 --> 00:51:50.120 Jeffrey Demitrack: hmm.

00:51:50.120 --> 00:52:00.070 Frank R. Harrison: And then I guess you, Erin, other than what you've already said in the last Segment. Is there anything you're working on right now that you wanted to give a hint to everybody to look out for.

00:52:00.750 --> 00:52:02.332 Erynn Bailey: Okay for me.

00:52:03.110 --> 00:52:08.830 Erynn Bailey: I am Miss Western Province, Western Cape now, so I would like people to vote for me.

00:52:08.860 --> 00:52:10.709 Erynn Bailey: It only cost one ran.

00:52:11.170 --> 00:52:28.779 Erynn Bailey: It's on my Instagram page. You can ask Jeff. You can follow me there, Insta, he's following me, and it costs wondering the packet details. Is there because our patient thing is now gonna be in November. Then then the the base with the most votes will be crowned like I do my community work.

00:52:28.900 --> 00:52:34.299 Erynn Bailey: And I give people that's enough food as both my community works. I would like, people can vote for me.

00:52:34.710 --> 00:52:36.540 Erynn Bailey: I'm as wasting problems now.

00:52:36.850 --> 00:52:41.239 Frank R. Harrison: So people can see your pageant work online and vote for you. So you can win

00:52:41.820 --> 00:52:51.659 Frank R. Harrison: all right. Can can you spell out or type in the chat box, the actual website. I'll even say it out loud for everyone so they can vote for you.

00:52:52.290 --> 00:52:55.919 Frank R. Harrison: And in the meantime, I guess everyone should just know that

00:52:56.030 --> 00:53:19.060 Frank R. Harrison: I'm still working on that that project with talk radio, dot Nyc and with Shulman Media that is about to be released in several weeks, and it's pretty much showing how that frank about health is an advocacy platform for a lot of people, not just those living with epilepsy, but definitely anything related to mental and other kinds of physical health problems.

00:53:19.611 --> 00:53:24.209 Frank R. Harrison: Erin has told me, Mr. And Mrs. Western Cape.

00:53:24.370 --> 00:53:27.059 Frank R. Harrison: I guess that's the pageant that she's in.

00:53:28.960 --> 00:53:31.309 Frank R. Harrison: Let me see. Exactly. Is there?

00:53:33.590 --> 00:53:36.209 Frank R. Harrison: All right? Is that the Instagram handle.

00:53:37.470 --> 00:53:39.790 Erynn Bailey: I'm I'm not gonna trace it in.

00:53:42.300 --> 00:53:47.690 Frank R. Harrison: Mr. And Mrs. Western Cape is what they search on Google. And then they find the website to vote for you.

00:53:47.690 --> 00:53:53.770 Erynn Bailey: No it's it's on my Instagram page. I'm now going to type my Instagram Page name. Then you can find the.

00:53:54.380 --> 00:53:55.660 Frank R. Harrison: Okay, perfect.

00:53:55.770 --> 00:54:00.870 Frank R. Harrison: perfect. So either way, all of us here are continuing to

00:54:00.930 --> 00:54:23.180 Frank R. Harrison: fight through our challenges with epilepsy, while at the same time making the best lives that we can for ourselves. The whole focus of this episode was to show how you can improve your self image by looking at it again as your weapon or as your gift, that you would be able to then turn into a productive or profitable

00:54:23.300 --> 00:54:26.500 Frank R. Harrison: motive. Oh, so Aaron

00:54:26.710 --> 00:54:29.020 Frank R. Harrison: Ray Bailey 2

00:54:29.060 --> 00:54:34.179 Frank R. Harrison: is the Instagram handle, where you can vote for her and her pageant.

00:54:34.180 --> 00:54:34.625 Erynn Bailey: Now.

00:54:35.510 --> 00:54:51.299 Erynn Bailey: on my instagram page is the most recent photo of me, and the and the banking details is is there, and the and the code is there. To. To like like the code is to, is to is to represent my name, to put that code in, and then

00:54:51.630 --> 00:54:53.490 Erynn Bailey: they they know how it works for me.

00:54:54.020 --> 00:54:58.870 Frank R. Harrison: So, by the way, is your accent, Africans, is that what you speak.

00:54:59.610 --> 00:55:06.419 Erynn Bailey: No, I am English, but but my granny is Africans. Me, my mom is English. Sorry, vice versa.

00:55:06.913 --> 00:55:11.349 Frank R. Harrison: So you have both Africans and English. Okay? Well.

00:55:11.350 --> 00:55:14.890 Erynn Bailey: Mommy's English. But grandmother is Africans completely.

00:55:15.620 --> 00:55:22.405 Frank R. Harrison: Interesting. Well, you're representing the international segment of this show, because for you it is almost

00:55:22.980 --> 00:55:24.900 Frank R. Harrison: I think, 11 o'clock or.

00:55:24.900 --> 00:55:28.419 Erynn Bailey: Almost 11 o'clock for us. Yes, and by you. Now, what time is for you guys?

00:55:29.130 --> 00:55:29.820 Frank R. Harrison: Yeah, I mean.

00:55:29.820 --> 00:55:33.119 Jeffrey Demitrack: Well, thank you for coming on so late, Aaron. I really appreciate it.

00:55:33.120 --> 00:55:50.130 Erynn Bailey: Fine. Thank you so much for including me. I had a problem with my network, and we had load cheating. That's why I came on so late. So I so I thought myself, no, I don't wanted to miss this talk, but don't. And and if you ever talk again, always let me know I'm always here to join.

00:55:50.280 --> 00:55:56.970 Erynn Bailey: Whatever it takes. It will mean a lot to me. If you want to talk again, you can always invite me. I will come up.

00:55:57.370 --> 00:56:01.669 Frank R. Harrison: Alright, I'll keep that in mind. So, ladies and gentlemen,

00:56:02.200 --> 00:56:04.149 Frank R. Harrison: This week's slate of shows.

00:56:04.640 --> 00:56:34.209 Frank R. Harrison: I really can't even think of them out loud right now, because, according to our engineer, Logan Pethel, out there, we're adding shows to the network in the coming weeks. So I just want to say to everybody that stay tuned for at least tomorrow's slate of shows which are stephen Fry's always Friday, beginning in the morning with philanthropy and focus, and Tommy D. And then, after next Thursday after what? After next Thursday's episodes of

00:56:34.736 --> 00:56:37.713 Frank R. Harrison: the conscious consultant hour, and then

00:56:38.290 --> 00:56:45.699 Frank R. Harrison: go ahead, Logan, tell me the name of that show. That's afterwards, so I can say it correctly. There'll be another episode of Frank about health.

00:56:45.900 --> 00:56:58.540 Frank R. Harrison: and the one before me is mind, body, health, and politics. So thank you, Kelly and Erin, all the way out in South Africa. And of course, to you, Jeff, for being on this episode of Frank about health.

00:56:58.902 --> 00:57:18.090 Frank R. Harrison: I will be able to have this again. The if you're watching this on Youtube or Linkedin, please answer questions or ask questions that you want either one of us to answer for you and we'll just be back next week. So everybody thanks for being here, and we'll see you at all. Next week.

00:57:18.240 --> 00:57:18.780 Frank R. Harrison: 18.

00:57:18.780 --> 00:57:20.320 Kelly Falk: You keep powering on.

00:57:20.320 --> 00:57:21.020 Erynn Bailey: You, yeah.

00:57:21.600 --> 00:57:22.180 Frank R. Harrison: Scouring.

00:57:22.180 --> 00:57:23.449 Erynn Bailey: Thank you. So.

00:57:23.450 --> 00:57:24.210 Jeffrey Demitrack: Much.

00:57:24.210 --> 00:57:24.660 Frank R. Harrison: Alright!

00:57:24.660 --> 00:57:25.130 Erynn Bailey: Wow!

00:57:25.130 --> 00:57:26.540 Frank R. Harrison: Bye, bye.

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