Nourish the Soul

Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/09/10-Self-Worth: The True Source Revealed

Facebook Live Video from 2024/09/10-Self-Worth: The True Source Revealed


2024/09/10-Self-Worth: The True Source Revealed

[NEW EPISODE] Self-Worth: The True Source Revealed


The audience will gain a deeper understanding of the origins of self-worth, exploring how it’s shaped by internal beliefs versus external validation. They’ll walk away with insights into how to cultivate genuine self-worth from within, empowering them to embrace their true value and live more confidently. 

This episode will provide practical insights and spiritual wisdom to help listeners break free from the need for external validation, empowering them to build a stronger, more authentic sense of self. It's a chance for the listener to shift perspective, awaken to their heart and embrace their true power. 

 #SoulAwakening #DivineTruth #EmbraceYourTruth #InnerWisdom #SelfRealization #SpiritualJourney #HigerSelf #SoulGuidance #NourishTheSoul #Podcast #SpiritualPodcast #SelfHelpPodcast 

Tune in for this empowering conversation at

Show Notes

Segment 1

Elizabeth kicks off the show by welcoming her audience to the show and introducing the topics for the episode. She also informs her audience that Nourish the Soul will soon be found on all major podcasting platforms. What if you miss the live show you can always go back and watch older episodes. Elizabeth dives into the theme of this episode which is self-worth. She also gives a chance for her audience to get present by taking a moment and slowly breathing in and out. Elizabeth talks about reactivity and how it can affect our confidence. When we don’t have our power, we don’t have a sense of safety. 

Segment 2

Elizabeth and Nicole continue their discussion on how Nicole connects to a divine source of love and how it shows up in her work. Nicole shares examples of some of the spiritual work she has done. One note to tComing back from the break, Elizabeth continues this discussion about reactivity and how it affects our self-worth. She also explains how changing your perspective and being present with your emotions can help with your reaction. Even though it is hard, it’s best not to take things personally. It’s important to recognize when we are making a judgment about another person’s mood. Elizabeth talks about situations where someone might feel mad at you. She explains that you can’t take it personally because people have lived experiences that have built the foundation for their ideas. ake away is the sacred space setting. That is when we connect into love or oneness, we become a frequency for others to match. Elizabeth and Nicole discuss aspects of the process that can be difficult because it triggers traumas.   

Segment 3

Elizabeth continues to discuss why we shouldn’t take things personally. She also helps us change our perspective and think less emotionally. Elizabeth reminds her audience not to judge someone when they are upset. Instead, look at it from an empathic perspective and see that it’s their pain that is crying out. It’s about looking at anger or upset through compassion and understanding its pain crying out for help

Segment 4

In the last segment, Elizabeth discusses how we should source our value from the light in our hearts rather than the feedback we get from the outside world. We can respond and not constantly react. 


00:00:45.530 --> 00:00:56.689 elizabeth tripp: Are you ready to awaken to true well-being, and unlock a deeper understanding of who you really are?

00:00:57.020 --> 00:01:05.559 elizabeth tripp: Well, welcome. This is your chance to sit back, relax, and go on an extraordinary journey of self discovery.

00:01:05.830 --> 00:01:35.009 elizabeth tripp: I'm Elizabeth Tripp, your host of nurse the soul, and it is a blessing, a true honor to be here this evening. Thank you so much for joining me, and thank you for going on this adventure with me. The last couple of weeks have been amazing, and we've had some pretty incredible guests, and I wanted to let you know that within the next week or 2 we're actually going to be getting nurse the soul up on

00:01:35.010 --> 00:01:40.799 elizabeth tripp: all major podcasting platforms in case you missed the live

00:01:41.010 --> 00:01:42.130 elizabeth tripp: active

00:01:42.580 --> 00:01:51.120 elizabeth tripp: performance. We'll call it on Tuesdays at 6 pm. So that will be your chance to catch everything and to catch up on everything.

00:01:51.420 --> 00:02:07.569 elizabeth tripp: So today today, we have an amazing solo show. I'm going to be talking about a really powerful subject. I think it's something very important and really necessary for our world today. And that subject is

00:02:07.950 --> 00:02:19.190 elizabeth tripp: our self worth and the true source revealed. But before we dive into all of that, I really want to invite all of you to get present.

00:02:19.340 --> 00:02:31.590 elizabeth tripp: like, I've shared on my other podcast being solo. Here, I like to really bring you guys as guests into a deeper space of presence before we begin

00:02:31.780 --> 00:02:41.530 elizabeth tripp: and our presence just to remind you, our presence is our superpower. It's where we actually operate from our heart

00:02:41.550 --> 00:02:48.680 elizabeth tripp: the true light within ourselves, and we start to express the truth of who we are.

00:02:48.750 --> 00:03:01.490 elizabeth tripp: So our presence doesn't come from, you know, pining for our future, and it doesn't come from being chained to our past. Our presence comes from the here and now.

00:03:01.810 --> 00:03:14.330 elizabeth tripp: and the quickest way we can get into the here and now, and get present to our sacred temples. These vessels in which we live life through is through our breath.

00:03:14.980 --> 00:03:36.620 elizabeth tripp: So our breath is our way home. And you'll hear me say that probably every single time I share a solo podcast but it is essential in connecting to our bodies and really awakening to the wisdom within ourselves and embracing our true power.

00:03:36.680 --> 00:03:40.880 elizabeth tripp: Because our breath brings us out of our head.

00:03:40.900 --> 00:03:53.139 elizabeth tripp: and allows for us to then be the observer of our life, as it unfolds before us as we become the Maker and creator of how we choose to be and do

00:03:53.370 --> 00:03:56.910 elizabeth tripp: so. Let's take this nice opportunity

00:03:57.000 --> 00:04:05.569 elizabeth tripp: together to take a nice big, deep breath, and it simply begins by counting in with me to the count of 4,

00:04:05.580 --> 00:04:13.750 elizabeth tripp: breathing in through our nose, 1, 2, 3, 4, and holding it for account of

00:04:14.050 --> 00:04:21.970 elizabeth tripp: 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, and letting it all go. Huh!

00:04:22.019 --> 00:04:23.819 elizabeth tripp: 3, 2,

00:04:24.000 --> 00:04:24.980 elizabeth tripp: one.

00:04:25.310 --> 00:04:33.370 elizabeth tripp: That is a simple way to connect back in so doing it one more time, intentionally breathing, in

00:04:35.630 --> 00:04:37.120 elizabeth tripp: holding

00:04:39.160 --> 00:04:41.970 elizabeth tripp: and letting it all go.

00:04:42.510 --> 00:04:43.710 elizabeth tripp: Oh.

00:04:46.340 --> 00:05:08.969 elizabeth tripp: know that as you venture into tonight's, podcast you are going to awaken, to exactly what you need to in order to shift exactly what needs to be shifted on your journey, to be able to let go of exactly what needs to be let go of. So you can walk on the path of your highest good.

00:05:09.620 --> 00:05:13.109 elizabeth tripp: so allow, for as you breathe in again with me.

00:05:14.030 --> 00:05:21.850 elizabeth tripp: no space within yourself for your soul self to do the driving of the experience

00:05:22.180 --> 00:05:27.430 elizabeth tripp: gently. Tell your mind mind you can sit back. You can just

00:05:27.580 --> 00:05:34.130 elizabeth tripp: take a back seat here as my true self. The light within me begins to

00:05:34.270 --> 00:05:35.310 elizabeth tripp: dying.

00:05:35.670 --> 00:05:37.880 elizabeth tripp: and as it shines

00:05:38.120 --> 00:05:49.010 elizabeth tripp: you are going to be transformed and discover the wealth of well-being that occurs as you slow down and come in this space.

00:05:49.950 --> 00:05:52.919 elizabeth tripp: So what an intention to set right?

00:05:53.810 --> 00:05:58.790 elizabeth tripp: So tonight, we're talking about self-worth. And we're talking about the true source

00:05:58.870 --> 00:06:01.929 elizabeth tripp: where it's revealed right, the true source revealed.

00:06:02.240 --> 00:06:03.210 elizabeth tripp: So

00:06:03.550 --> 00:06:08.399 elizabeth tripp: I wanted to pose these questions for you to get you guys thinking.

00:06:08.730 --> 00:06:12.790 elizabeth tripp: because in a couple of my posts today, before really

00:06:12.990 --> 00:06:20.320 elizabeth tripp: getting into the night show. I was getting you guys really aware or present to of reactivity.

00:06:20.520 --> 00:06:23.830 elizabeth tripp: you know. Have you ever found yourself

00:06:23.860 --> 00:06:29.360 elizabeth tripp: reacting to somebody's upset their anger and frustration.

00:06:29.570 --> 00:06:33.160 elizabeth tripp: And suddenly you're taking it personally.

00:06:33.240 --> 00:06:40.319 elizabeth tripp: you know. All of a sudden you find yourself feeling like their behavior towards you is a reflection of you.

00:06:40.560 --> 00:06:43.749 elizabeth tripp: and you might even say things to yourself like.

00:06:43.890 --> 00:06:55.369 elizabeth tripp: Oh, my gosh! I made them so upset! Or what did I do that was so awful, or how come? I can't get anything right, or you may feel like you're just not enough

00:06:56.830 --> 00:06:58.710 elizabeth tripp: on the flip side of that.

00:06:59.000 --> 00:07:11.660 elizabeth tripp: Have you ever reacted to somebody's frustration or anger, and thought, or said out loud, now, what's this person's problem? Why are they being such a jerk?

00:07:11.910 --> 00:07:19.319 elizabeth tripp: Why are they judging me so harshly. What's up with all this criticism? Can't they just back off a little

00:07:20.470 --> 00:07:31.459 elizabeth tripp: either way? I want us to see tonight that there's nothing wrong with either of these ways to interpret someone's reactivity.

00:07:31.640 --> 00:07:41.400 elizabeth tripp: But what's happening is is that we've taken their reactivity personally, and we have now lost our confidence.

00:07:41.440 --> 00:07:43.900 elizabeth tripp: or rather our power.

00:07:44.310 --> 00:07:52.719 elizabeth tripp: and something I really want you to hear and be very present to you is that when we don't have our power

00:07:53.440 --> 00:07:56.740 elizabeth tripp: we don't have a sense of safety within ourselves.

00:07:57.060 --> 00:08:00.339 elizabeth tripp: We actually feel like we're under attack.

00:08:00.980 --> 00:08:02.050 elizabeth tripp: And

00:08:02.100 --> 00:08:06.210 elizabeth tripp: it's in that state of feeling as though we're under attack

00:08:06.230 --> 00:08:22.969 elizabeth tripp: in that fight or flight response, where our body knows no difference between a bear chasing us in the woods and somebody getting irately upset because you disagree with their opinion, or you haven't done something that they've wanted.

00:08:23.270 --> 00:08:26.429 elizabeth tripp: Our physical temples are sacred. Vessels

00:08:26.540 --> 00:08:44.339 elizabeth tripp: don't know the difference until we train them, and our mind can absolutely start to make conclusions about ourselves, as it relates to how somebody is behaving.

00:08:44.580 --> 00:08:52.820 elizabeth tripp: If we're not in our power and create a story that can actually lead to us shutting down

00:08:53.340 --> 00:08:59.420 elizabeth tripp: and or becoming equally, if not more, reactive.

00:08:59.590 --> 00:09:06.579 elizabeth tripp: And so in these 2 situations, what really becomes the outcome?

00:09:06.820 --> 00:09:11.730 elizabeth tripp: How then, do we really start to experience life.

00:09:11.790 --> 00:09:15.719 elizabeth tripp: And if this becomes habitual for us.

00:09:16.070 --> 00:09:20.090 elizabeth tripp: what is life like in the long term

00:09:20.400 --> 00:09:39.089 elizabeth tripp: when circumstances show up, when things don't go as planned? When people react because they will, who will we choose to be? And how will we choose to do, or rather act?

00:09:39.200 --> 00:09:47.230 elizabeth tripp: If all we know is this feeling of powerlessness and sense of unsafety within us.

00:09:47.780 --> 00:09:52.009 elizabeth tripp: And wouldn't we want to be able to

00:09:52.380 --> 00:10:07.650 elizabeth tripp: train our bodies to get out of that fight or flight mode and out of that feeling within us, as though we're being attacked when someone's reactive and be able to then feel calm

00:10:07.700 --> 00:10:09.600 elizabeth tripp: and centered

00:10:09.660 --> 00:10:18.710 elizabeth tripp: and clearly seeing the situation for its truth and the value it has for us and the other person.

00:10:19.620 --> 00:10:26.869 elizabeth tripp: Imagine what kind of outcomes we'd be able to have in our life if we were choosing this more frequently

00:10:26.890 --> 00:10:29.229 elizabeth tripp: over the latter.

00:10:29.390 --> 00:10:30.260 elizabeth tripp: Right?

00:10:30.700 --> 00:10:39.920 elizabeth tripp: So in today's show, we're going to really break down. You know how to recognize when you're taking things personally.

00:10:40.200 --> 00:10:43.929 elizabeth tripp: how to understand the emotional consequences of that.

00:10:44.870 --> 00:10:50.590 elizabeth tripp: we're going to talk about the effect of taking on other people's energy.

00:10:51.030 --> 00:10:57.789 elizabeth tripp: And we're also going to really address how to stay confident and empowered.

00:10:58.200 --> 00:11:05.190 elizabeth tripp: I'm going to give you some practical tools for empowerment throughout the podcast and really

00:11:05.200 --> 00:11:19.799 elizabeth tripp: beautiful, enlightened or really kind of leveled up perspectives of how to look at others when they're reactive and understand yourself, to create more of a pause and a place for you to be

00:11:20.070 --> 00:11:21.530 elizabeth tripp: responsive

00:11:21.720 --> 00:11:27.679 elizabeth tripp: because there is this really beautiful quote that I love. I'm just gonna read it here.

00:11:28.320 --> 00:11:32.480 elizabeth tripp: The space between stimulus and response

00:11:32.860 --> 00:11:37.450 elizabeth tripp: is the space where people have the power to choose their response

00:11:37.880 --> 00:11:41.949 elizabeth tripp: rather than just reacting to their circumstance.

00:11:42.300 --> 00:11:48.849 elizabeth tripp: And this space is important because it's where freedom lies

00:11:48.910 --> 00:11:53.939 elizabeth tripp: that is in itself such a powerful statement.

00:11:54.230 --> 00:12:13.399 elizabeth tripp: Our freedom really is in our response. And yet we have so much more of our power being given to reactivity and the real sticker is is, how does this interplay with our self worth?

00:12:14.060 --> 00:12:36.599 elizabeth tripp: How does our ability to respond interplay with our self worth? And how does our reactivity really speak to where we stand in our understanding of our self worth, of our value in our life? So all of these things are really going to be covered. And it's gonna be an amazing opportunity for

00:12:36.600 --> 00:12:45.980 elizabeth tripp: us to really dive deep into this subject and start to uncover where within ourselves, we may have a story about

00:12:45.980 --> 00:12:48.719 elizabeth tripp: people's anger. People's upset

00:12:48.720 --> 00:13:07.620 elizabeth tripp: people lashing out and and acting out of that more reactive space rather than seeing it for what it truly is, and how we can ultimately learn to stand in our power and decide through response how we want to navigate

00:13:07.740 --> 00:13:27.380 elizabeth tripp: experiences just like that. Because, let me tell you. And I know you know this. It's going to happen. Gonna happen. If you have a family, it's gonna happen if you have a spouse or a boyfriend or girlfriend gonna happen even if you're in a friendship or with colleagues or bosses.

00:13:27.480 --> 00:13:36.120 elizabeth tripp: So it's an inevitable subject that I feel is a really really strong one to cover and get you guys equipped with navigating.

00:13:36.230 --> 00:13:41.309 elizabeth tripp: So we're going to take a quick break. And when we return, dive deep back into this.

00:15:55.000 --> 00:16:05.730 elizabeth tripp: Welcome back. Did you know that your body has been designed on a soul level to awaken you? To who you truly are?

00:16:05.780 --> 00:16:17.680 elizabeth tripp: Your body is a sacred temple and one full of wisdom to empower you on this journey, to discover new truths about yourself and about life.

00:16:17.680 --> 00:16:36.290 elizabeth tripp: So today we are really diving into our self worth and discovering the true source and revealing it. And as we do that we're exploring the subject of reactivity, and how we interpret other people's reactivity

00:16:36.330 --> 00:16:41.270 elizabeth tripp: and how it's really common. When someone gets upset and angry or mad

00:16:41.540 --> 00:16:44.730 elizabeth tripp: that we can find ourselves in 2 positions.

00:16:44.840 --> 00:16:57.380 elizabeth tripp: we can either shut down and feel as though we have done something pretty bad or wrong, or feel as though we're ashamed, for, you know, causing this, or at the fault.

00:16:57.470 --> 00:17:24.720 elizabeth tripp: or we can actually start to think we need to defend ourselves and fight back. And you know, conclude with our words of reactivity themselves that they're wrong. What's their problem? How come they're acting this way? And they're such a XY, and Z. Right? So no need to reiterate at all, you know in terms of what we can say about someone else who who may be just.

00:17:24.720 --> 00:17:36.320 elizabeth tripp: you know, upset and irate right? But we're looking at this as to you, know how to understand how to change. You know ourselves.

00:17:36.320 --> 00:17:57.059 elizabeth tripp: and come from a place of our power and our confidence, which is a place of response. And it does take some exercising of this meaning. You know it. It takes like when we go to the gym and we start a new program. You know, we don't just jump into Pilates, you know, 1 0 1

00:17:57.120 --> 00:18:15.039 elizabeth tripp: and do it for a week. We actually wanna take maybe Pilates, you know point 2 right. I'm just giving an example off the top of my head and and do that every 3 or 4 days before we start taking the 1 0 1 course, so that we can build our muscle in this.

00:18:15.360 --> 00:18:28.409 elizabeth tripp: So essentially. Don't be hard on yourself if you know you're in a space of in between or learning how to gain your confidence in your power back, especially in the face of reactivity.

00:18:28.660 --> 00:18:51.749 elizabeth tripp: all normal. And it's all okay. But the point is is that when we slow down and start to get present to what the true lesson is for us, how we can, you know, create a shift when we change our perspective of reactivity and what it is and how to respond to it with the right tools, we can change our whole life. So

00:18:51.960 --> 00:19:07.650 elizabeth tripp: how do we recognize when we're taking things personally? Right? Well, that's the 1st step to recognizing. 1st of all, right, reactivity is gonna happen. We've already. We've already noted that people are gonna get angry. They're gonna get mad.

00:19:07.820 --> 00:19:33.620 elizabeth tripp: Have you ever been, you know, in the grocery store? And the person who's checking you out, you know, is is unable to even put even a a tiny bit of a smile on their face. Right? And it's natural. It's actually natural for your body to sense their, you know their uncomf, you know, discomfort, whatever is, you know.

00:19:33.620 --> 00:20:02.140 elizabeth tripp: causing them to be grumpy, or to be in what we call maybe a a lower mood or vibration. Your body's been engineered to sense that even without words, so we naturally interpret our world through senses. So it's natural for us to be able to feel that their mood, that may appear as grumpy, or low, or disgruntled and upset, is uncomfortable.

00:20:02.460 --> 00:20:16.770 elizabeth tripp: It's actually very natural. And for those who are very empathic, this natural ability is actually just part of who they are and what makes them up and how they operate. So they're in tune in touch with

00:20:16.770 --> 00:20:37.450 elizabeth tripp: all the spectrums of people's moods and emotions. And so in recognizing this, we can actually accept that this is a part of the body's process of sensing what's happening and interpreting somebody's energy, their vibration, their mood, their emotional state of being.

00:20:37.830 --> 00:20:46.140 elizabeth tripp: But what generally has happened next, especially when it comes to a child right?

00:20:46.250 --> 00:21:12.919 elizabeth tripp: Who's interpreting, you know. Somebody's mood and emotion is that our mind will come up with a conclusion, and we've all been children before, by the way, and so we want to recognize this, our mind will conclude that uncomfortable feeling that we're sensing their mood that feels maybe lower their emotional state, that feels more gloomy, or sad, or or frustrated

00:21:13.500 --> 00:21:18.630 elizabeth tripp: because it feels uncomfortable. The mind will go to the next step right and conclude.

00:21:18.790 --> 00:21:40.510 elizabeth tripp: oh, something bad must be going on. Something wrong must have happened. And you know we'll start to if we're in a close relationship or know this person want to try to understand or figure out what that is, or how we have maybe somehow contributed to that, or

00:21:40.680 --> 00:21:53.969 elizabeth tripp: have been a part of creating. You know this, this experience for them. It's just very natural. Our mind will say, you know. Oh, what happened? What caused this? Was it me. Is this my fault?

00:21:54.130 --> 00:22:12.800 elizabeth tripp: And so we want to start to recognize that's the moment we start to personalize somebody's mood, somebody's emotional state of being. And we start to make in an, you know, an internal personalization about ourselves as it relates to them.

00:22:13.000 --> 00:22:28.289 elizabeth tripp: And it's really important for us to know that because we can start to feel maybe really bad, right? We can feel you know, guilty like what we've done, or because what we haven't done has caused it.

00:22:28.712 --> 00:22:52.499 elizabeth tripp: We can also feel like we're not enough. And so, to give the other example of, you know, in within a friendship, let's say your friend is in a mood, and they're not happy, and you go to hang out with them, and they barely really want to talk, and they're not giving you a lot of answers as to why, and it feels very uncomfortable for you, because you can sense there's something really off.

00:22:52.650 --> 00:23:00.570 elizabeth tripp: but their lack of communication leaves it open for interpretation. And suddenly, now your mind is kind of jumping in different

00:23:00.660 --> 00:23:10.320 elizabeth tripp: arenas, doing gymnastics. What have I done? What's going on? What could be happening? Did something awful happen? Is it something that I did that contributed to this?

00:23:10.950 --> 00:23:21.049 elizabeth tripp: And in the opposite your mind could also be jumping around and thinking, God, what's their problem? Why don't they just get it out? How come they're putting me through this?

00:23:21.130 --> 00:23:23.500 elizabeth tripp: Why do I have to deal with this all the time.

00:23:23.640 --> 00:23:26.179 elizabeth tripp: And so we can make a lot of judgment.

00:23:26.570 --> 00:23:42.220 elizabeth tripp: We can make a lot of judgments about a person's mood, about their emotional state of being. If it doesn't feel physically comfortable for us. It's a natural part of the way the mind starts to kind of categorize and understand it.

00:23:42.340 --> 00:23:44.829 elizabeth tripp: And this is what we want to interrupt.

00:23:45.180 --> 00:23:50.110 elizabeth tripp: This is what we want to start to bring awareness to

00:23:50.440 --> 00:23:55.699 elizabeth tripp: is like, Hey, listen! We are all

00:23:56.320 --> 00:23:57.430 elizabeth tripp: dolphren.

00:23:57.730 --> 00:24:00.450 elizabeth tripp: We all have the ability

00:24:00.740 --> 00:24:01.910 elizabeth tripp: to

00:24:02.120 --> 00:24:09.010 elizabeth tripp: choose how we want to think, and therefore how we feel, no matter what.

00:24:09.240 --> 00:24:16.110 elizabeth tripp: And many people could argue about that, and say that there are certain circumstances that

00:24:16.150 --> 00:24:24.230 elizabeth tripp: are out of our control, that can impact us and create a a state within us that

00:24:24.270 --> 00:24:27.900 elizabeth tripp: can cause us to feel very angry or upset.

00:24:28.060 --> 00:24:33.060 elizabeth tripp: But I would say that that is not true, because

00:24:33.140 --> 00:24:35.700 elizabeth tripp: we then give our power to

00:24:35.720 --> 00:24:47.049 elizabeth tripp: circumstance to be far greater than our own ability to be able to be in control of how we perceive or understand ourselves, others and the world.

00:24:47.380 --> 00:24:56.170 elizabeth tripp: Everything is happening for a greater purpose. And so what we really want to hone in on. Is that

00:24:56.390 --> 00:25:04.680 elizabeth tripp: because somebody's in a mood because they're having an emotional reactivity, whether that be anger or upset.

00:25:05.740 --> 00:25:11.760 elizabeth tripp: that that really, even if we've had a part in

00:25:11.770 --> 00:25:14.209 elizabeth tripp: that out. Playing

00:25:14.350 --> 00:25:17.070 elizabeth tripp: has nothing to do with us.

00:25:17.590 --> 00:25:23.550 elizabeth tripp: because they have the ability to choose how they want to understand

00:25:23.560 --> 00:25:28.519 elizabeth tripp: their themselves, their life, including us.

00:25:28.720 --> 00:25:38.869 elizabeth tripp: And this takes a higher level of awareness. It definitely takes, you know, a practice of recognizing

00:25:38.980 --> 00:25:41.830 elizabeth tripp: what somebody has going on for them

00:25:42.310 --> 00:25:49.340 elizabeth tripp: doesn't necessarily personally mean something about my value

00:25:49.470 --> 00:25:55.780 elizabeth tripp: in their life. The value I bring to their life, who I am in their life

00:25:56.010 --> 00:26:11.629 elizabeth tripp: because people are also coming from their own experience, and in that experience their own stuff that has built their perception of themselves, of others, of life.

00:26:11.770 --> 00:26:20.149 elizabeth tripp: And so we want to really be aware of that. And so we want to start to spot. Okay, when we're taking something. Personally, we're

00:26:20.210 --> 00:26:29.890 elizabeth tripp: most generally noting that we feel self doubt. Maybe we feel as though, you know, we're questioning. If we've done something bad.

00:26:29.970 --> 00:26:35.750 elizabeth tripp: we feel guilty like we've done something wrong, or we suddenly just feel like we're never measuring up.

00:26:35.890 --> 00:26:39.399 elizabeth tripp: and that we can't right. So we want to be aware of that.

00:26:39.700 --> 00:26:46.609 elizabeth tripp: We also want to be aware of the impact this directly has on our self-worth.

00:26:46.640 --> 00:26:50.609 elizabeth tripp: because as soon as we start to take their emotional state.

00:26:50.640 --> 00:26:57.320 elizabeth tripp: you know whatever is going on with them, however, they've interpreted, and going back to the example with the friend.

00:26:57.460 --> 00:27:09.069 elizabeth tripp: Let's say they had a fight with their dad in the morning, and it really upset them because they feel like they have no power in the relationship. They just always have to do what they're told.

00:27:09.250 --> 00:27:13.949 elizabeth tripp: And they don't have good communication skills. And so they keep everything in.

00:27:14.020 --> 00:27:20.100 elizabeth tripp: And so they show up to that meeting with you, that gap, that little date that you have together, and

00:27:20.230 --> 00:27:25.820 elizabeth tripp: they're down and out, and they're mad, and they don't even know how to express it.

00:27:25.880 --> 00:27:32.289 elizabeth tripp: And you're with them. And going through the gymnastics we've talked about thinking it's all about you

00:27:32.360 --> 00:27:41.180 elizabeth tripp: when it has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with their personal experience at home, with their family and their inability to

00:27:41.440 --> 00:27:46.449 elizabeth tripp: have the tools or skills to be able to communicate that healthfully and lovingly.

00:27:47.150 --> 00:27:54.239 elizabeth tripp: and it can cause so much conflict, because that other person can then.

00:27:54.340 --> 00:27:56.380 elizabeth tripp: on the front side, be like.

00:27:56.540 --> 00:28:11.779 elizabeth tripp: well, why don't they just say something to me? And on that person's side start to feel like, why can't they just be here for me? And so now, there is so much going on and so much reactivity

00:28:12.060 --> 00:28:16.660 elizabeth tripp: that we can often get lost in the emotion of what's happening.

00:28:16.790 --> 00:28:32.260 elizabeth tripp: and that can really start to impact our confidence and our ability to stand in a steady centered place within ourselves. When stuff happens because it will stuff will happen.

00:28:33.110 --> 00:28:44.970 elizabeth tripp: So how do we start to navigate this? Well, we, before we learn about how to navigate this, we want to learn about the emotional consequence of this.

00:28:45.210 --> 00:28:48.169 elizabeth tripp: And so we're going to take a big.

00:28:48.360 --> 00:28:58.650 elizabeth tripp: quick break. And when we get back we're going to start to explore the emotional consequence of taking things personally, and how it starts to really affect us.

00:31:01.750 --> 00:31:20.969 elizabeth tripp: Welcome back to nurse the soul, your chance to sit back, relax, and go on an extraordinary journey of self discovery. Tonight we're talking about self worth and the true source revealed. And as we explore this subject, we're starting to deep dive into

00:31:21.280 --> 00:31:34.370 elizabeth tripp: taking things personally when someone becomes reactive when someone gets upset when someone has frustration, or when someone experiences, you know, a mood or a change in their emotional state of being.

00:31:34.730 --> 00:31:52.210 elizabeth tripp: And what you guys are starting to really realize is that, you know, physically, we can often interpret someone's mood as uncomfortable even before they get a chance to even explain it, or we even get a chance to ask, you know, what is it that caused their mood.

00:31:52.210 --> 00:32:14.680 elizabeth tripp: and something that's very common, or really a part of the process is that our our brain starts to categorize that that sense that we have physically, that uncomfortableness in their mood, their vibration being maybe lower or not in a state that feels exactly good for ourselves

00:32:14.680 --> 00:32:32.999 elizabeth tripp: as possibly something bad, as wrong as as though we're at fault that, you know. Maybe we're being criticized that we need to defend ourselves, or that perhaps we've been a disappointment. There's a whole lot of monkeyness that can start to come up, and we want to learn

00:32:33.240 --> 00:32:38.590 elizabeth tripp: how to navigate this, because we want to also understand

00:32:38.700 --> 00:32:59.619 elizabeth tripp: as we start to feel this way and start to think these things like I'm I can't do anything right, or I'm always doing something wrong, or I'm somehow responsible for how they feel. So I need to make sure that they're happy, or that I do everything you know, to kind of make sure that it's right or I don't

00:32:59.670 --> 00:33:01.589 elizabeth tripp: upset them right.

00:33:01.680 --> 00:33:10.710 elizabeth tripp: The emotional consequence of this is all of a sudden. Then we're on eggshells, right? We're on a constant defense. We're on the lookout.

00:33:10.970 --> 00:33:38.770 elizabeth tripp: We're kind of, you know, shape shifting ourselves in the face of other people's emotional states of being and presenting a version of ourselves that we think they need, in order for ourselves, to feel safe in order for ourselves to feel like we can manage what we sense is uncomfortable and then compensate for what we think we lack.

00:33:39.170 --> 00:33:45.789 elizabeth tripp: And there's no self-confidence there. And there's really only when we think about it.

00:33:45.910 --> 00:33:49.909 elizabeth tripp: one version of ourselves being presented to that person.

00:33:50.030 --> 00:33:52.820 elizabeth tripp: And so they really only

00:33:53.010 --> 00:33:57.510 elizabeth tripp: get to see that small fraction. And now.

00:33:57.730 --> 00:34:01.800 elizabeth tripp: in the truth, we're living quite inauthentically.

00:34:02.050 --> 00:34:15.249 elizabeth tripp: because we're only revealing one aspect of ourselves that we think we need to be in order to be able to navigate somebody else's emotional states of being

00:34:15.310 --> 00:34:23.780 elizabeth tripp: somebody else's reactivity. They're they're things that are going on internally within them that they're projecting outwards

00:34:24.190 --> 00:34:26.759 elizabeth tripp: and something to remember.

00:34:26.790 --> 00:34:29.300 elizabeth tripp: Okay, something to keep in mind

00:34:29.310 --> 00:34:30.510 elizabeth tripp: is that

00:34:30.520 --> 00:34:35.610 elizabeth tripp: when somebody is angry, when somebody is upset

00:34:37.710 --> 00:34:39.769 elizabeth tripp: rather than judging them?

00:34:40.290 --> 00:34:44.189 elizabeth tripp: What if we looked at it as though they're paying.

00:34:44.620 --> 00:34:46.710 elizabeth tripp: is just crying out.

00:34:47.840 --> 00:35:00.662 elizabeth tripp: What if we looked at it as though that anger and that upset is pain actually crying like a little child would cry if they felt they didn't

00:35:01.130 --> 00:35:04.860 elizabeth tripp: feel understood. They felt all alone.

00:35:05.602 --> 00:35:08.210 elizabeth tripp: They felt, maybe rejected.

00:35:09.290 --> 00:35:14.950 elizabeth tripp: What if we can look at someone in our adult lives just like that when we

00:35:15.140 --> 00:35:16.600 elizabeth tripp: are a witness

00:35:16.870 --> 00:35:18.869 elizabeth tripp: to their reactivity.

00:35:19.590 --> 00:35:22.769 elizabeth tripp: How could that change? How we

00:35:22.850 --> 00:35:25.999 elizabeth tripp: then perceive their reactivity.

00:35:26.540 --> 00:35:28.590 elizabeth tripp: how we then

00:35:28.610 --> 00:35:36.659 elizabeth tripp: choose to be and do in the in the presence of that reactivity. If suddenly we start to see it as

00:35:37.370 --> 00:35:39.309 elizabeth tripp: a little boy or girl

00:35:39.480 --> 00:35:41.670 elizabeth tripp: who's crying out

00:35:41.880 --> 00:35:43.740 elizabeth tripp: to be understood.

00:35:43.760 --> 00:35:46.520 elizabeth tripp: to be loved, to be seen.

00:35:47.820 --> 00:35:53.830 elizabeth tripp: That is quite a significant shift, and if we could all invite that into our hearts.

00:35:54.431 --> 00:35:56.990 elizabeth tripp: and allow that to be

00:35:57.530 --> 00:35:58.660 elizabeth tripp: a

00:35:59.190 --> 00:36:10.389 elizabeth tripp: navigational sort of stance for ourselves, our our compass, and our journey, because it is truly a muscle we have to build when we are

00:36:10.770 --> 00:36:13.100 elizabeth tripp: designed right

00:36:13.130 --> 00:36:22.849 elizabeth tripp: to feel and sense life, and can easily, you know, determine when something doesn't feel comfortable for ourselves.

00:36:23.280 --> 00:36:33.110 elizabeth tripp: but obviously build the mental wherewithal or power to not make it mean. Our value has been jeopardized right?

00:36:33.630 --> 00:36:38.330 elizabeth tripp: Because when we do this all of a sudden, if we're feeling like, you know.

00:36:38.950 --> 00:36:50.123 elizabeth tripp: we're guilty. We're bad. We're then maybe frustrated and angry and upset. We can't do anything right, you know. Maybe we're feeling like, you know,

00:36:50.690 --> 00:37:04.039 elizabeth tripp: we're having to always work really hard to make sure they're happy, or that, you know, everybody feels like they can enjoy us, because, you know, we've got it all under control.

00:37:04.450 --> 00:37:10.649 elizabeth tripp: This can lead to a lot of feelings, of being drained and and overwhelmed.

00:37:11.280 --> 00:37:14.160 elizabeth tripp: And ultimately, when that starts happening.

00:37:14.690 --> 00:37:17.409 elizabeth tripp: what we are beginning to

00:37:17.520 --> 00:37:21.889 elizabeth tripp: recognize is that our body is taking the brunt

00:37:22.240 --> 00:37:24.160 elizabeth tripp: of our

00:37:25.450 --> 00:37:33.319 elizabeth tripp: choice to personalize somebody else's emotional state of being as something negative

00:37:33.550 --> 00:37:40.219 elizabeth tripp: towards ourself, as something that you know, jeopardizes our own value. We bring to the world

00:37:40.340 --> 00:37:42.090 elizabeth tripp: right? Because

00:37:42.510 --> 00:37:47.549 elizabeth tripp: now our body's telling us that it has been under

00:37:47.930 --> 00:37:53.399 elizabeth tripp: some sort of state of stress whenever we feel

00:37:53.580 --> 00:38:00.050 elizabeth tripp: drained or overwhelmed, or you know, exhausted.

00:38:00.200 --> 00:38:03.230 elizabeth tripp: it's a signal that there has been

00:38:03.560 --> 00:38:09.780 elizabeth tripp: a chronic stress that has gone on that has led to us to experience this condition.

00:38:09.990 --> 00:38:15.900 elizabeth tripp: And often when we're in a place within ourselves, and we're taking things very personally

00:38:16.280 --> 00:38:22.530 elizabeth tripp: that can create emotional states within us where we ourselves right

00:38:23.400 --> 00:38:37.189 elizabeth tripp: lose our ability to stay in a happy, higher, vibrational state, and move from state like a roller coaster up and down all the time.

00:38:37.450 --> 00:38:41.059 elizabeth tripp: And as we do that that can

00:38:41.270 --> 00:38:52.140 elizabeth tripp: definitely start to have a big impact on us physically. And so the emotional consequences are really poor. Health

00:38:52.560 --> 00:39:02.960 elizabeth tripp: are. You know us feeling as though we are not truly in our most vibrant, you know. State of vitality.

00:39:03.590 --> 00:39:06.380 elizabeth tripp: taking things personally all the time.

00:39:06.660 --> 00:39:09.400 elizabeth tripp: leads to us

00:39:09.450 --> 00:39:11.099 elizabeth tripp: in ourselves.

00:39:11.200 --> 00:39:24.490 elizabeth tripp: really feeling as though we're compromising our own value and our own worth leading to more and more changes in our health.

00:39:24.590 --> 00:39:27.680 elizabeth tripp: So we really want to be aware of that, that there's

00:39:27.770 --> 00:39:38.109 elizabeth tripp: a consequence, not only just in the fact that we are in our power, but then suddenly our health becomes affected, too.

00:39:38.730 --> 00:39:41.380 elizabeth tripp: and I've seen many people

00:39:41.400 --> 00:39:43.190 elizabeth tripp: who have come to me

00:39:43.200 --> 00:39:45.109 elizabeth tripp: who struggle

00:39:45.420 --> 00:39:46.540 elizabeth tripp: with

00:39:47.020 --> 00:40:02.180 elizabeth tripp: not taking. You know things personally. Excuse me with taking things personally and have had physical health issues that have been plaguing them like adrenal fatigue.

00:40:02.797 --> 00:40:11.759 elizabeth tripp: Like, you know, issues with their gastrointestinal tract like Ibs or chronic Crohn's, or.

00:40:11.950 --> 00:40:17.279 elizabeth tripp: you know, issues that show up with their thyroid or hormone imbalances.

00:40:17.980 --> 00:40:23.199 elizabeth tripp: All of these things can be linked back to

00:40:23.330 --> 00:40:29.809 elizabeth tripp: a point in time where we've personalized somebody's reaction to us

00:40:30.010 --> 00:40:45.770 elizabeth tripp: to negatively mean something about ourselves. And it's really important that we understand how our bodies are interplaying with this particular type of

00:40:45.930 --> 00:40:55.460 elizabeth tripp: behavior and recognizing that it actually has a way bigger impact than we can even recognize sometimes.

00:40:56.230 --> 00:41:00.010 elizabeth tripp: Because we can also see that

00:41:00.270 --> 00:41:12.499 elizabeth tripp: if we're in this emotional roller coaster chronically, there's never really any deeper sense of rest or a feeling of peace.

00:41:12.760 --> 00:41:22.150 elizabeth tripp: And ultimately, if we never give our ourself a chance, mentally and physically, to feel that way.

00:41:22.250 --> 00:41:27.869 elizabeth tripp: We're pretty much creating a more susceptible environment

00:41:27.950 --> 00:41:34.870 elizabeth tripp: for ourselves to get sick, to get run down to essentially, you know.

00:41:35.020 --> 00:41:38.780 elizabeth tripp: experience dis-ease. And

00:41:38.840 --> 00:41:42.950 elizabeth tripp: that is a really important point in tonight's

00:41:43.020 --> 00:41:45.470 elizabeth tripp: podcasts. So

00:41:46.640 --> 00:42:01.518 elizabeth tripp: another point, we want to get across is when we take things personally. So we've understood that we can recognize the point that we're doing, that we're starting to feel ourselves, maybe bad or guilty or angry or upset

00:42:02.210 --> 00:42:12.319 elizabeth tripp: in that situation. We recognize that the emotional consequence of that is now we're jeopardizing our health because over time, if we chronically do that.

00:42:12.330 --> 00:42:24.370 elizabeth tripp: we're gonna get sick. Some part of our body is going to start to react to us, taking things personally based off of somebody else losing their cool right.

00:42:24.580 --> 00:42:27.199 elizabeth tripp: But we also want to understand

00:42:27.720 --> 00:42:35.149 elizabeth tripp: how this affects us energetically, and what it's like when we take on somebody else's

00:42:35.150 --> 00:42:58.110 elizabeth tripp: energy, right? Because that can also happen when we take something personally, and we start to judge ourselves and start to compromise our own value, whereas it relates to somebody else's mood, somebody else's, you know, emotional state of being. So when we get back, we're gonna talk more about that. But right now we're gonna take a quick

00:42:58.790 --> 00:42:59.470 elizabeth tripp: like.

00:45:05.600 --> 00:45:35.249 elizabeth tripp: Are you looking for a community to call your home? Well, look no further. Join us over at the Inner Light tribe, to awaken to your heart and embrace your true power@ww.inner light Today we are waiting for you and are welcoming you. Hi! This is Elizabeth Trip, your host of nourish the soul. And tonight we're talking about our self worth

00:45:35.250 --> 00:45:40.130 elizabeth tripp: the true source revealed lesson. It comes from within.

00:45:40.140 --> 00:46:00.610 elizabeth tripp: But tonight we're realizing that often we can start to source our self worth from external circumstances, from how other people think about us, how other people treat us. And that's the moment we start to compromise our confidence and we give our power away.

00:46:00.610 --> 00:46:24.770 elizabeth tripp: And ultimately, as we do that our health, our physical body, starts to take the brunt of that, because we can then go on an emotional roller coaster ourselves. We can start to feel guilty, sad. We can feel frustrated and angry. We can start passing judgments against them and ourselves. And now we're in a space of overwhelm. We're feeling drained.

00:46:24.900 --> 00:46:34.029 elizabeth tripp: and we ourselves may be losing hope or feeling like what is going on in my life. Right? And we really want to

00:46:34.750 --> 00:46:36.050 elizabeth tripp: help you

00:46:36.290 --> 00:46:41.690 elizabeth tripp: up, level your personal power in these kinds of situations, because listen. Like I said.

00:46:41.810 --> 00:47:03.810 elizabeth tripp: family is going to happen. Relationships are gonna happen. Friends are gonna happen. Bosses are gonna happen. And they are going to in different points in their life. Have things going on and become reactive, get angry, get upset, not agree with you, you know. Pass an opinion on opinion on to you, maybe with more directness.

00:47:04.050 --> 00:47:08.270 elizabeth tripp: And can we stand in our own value?

00:47:08.530 --> 00:47:20.990 elizabeth tripp: Can we be able to own our worth because it comes from within us, not because of what we get from the outside world and the feedback that we receive from everybody else.

00:47:21.420 --> 00:47:33.670 elizabeth tripp: can we start to be able to really start to source our value from the light within our heart, and recognize what they have going on, has nothing to do with me.

00:47:33.790 --> 00:47:44.460 elizabeth tripp: because we all are sovereign, and have been given the ability to choose how we think and how we feel at any given moment. In time.

00:47:44.500 --> 00:47:50.280 elizabeth tripp: We have the ability to teach ourselves to respond and not to constantly react

00:47:50.440 --> 00:48:09.589 elizabeth tripp: the matter of choice, and a matter of pumping that muscle like we would at a gym when we go to, you know, start to transform our physique or get healthier. We want to start doing that with our mind, with our emotions, with our connection to our physical selves and realize. Yes.

00:48:09.660 --> 00:48:23.240 elizabeth tripp: we have also the gift of feeling and often recognizing when other people are off emotionally. But we don't necessarily have to jump to the conclusion that it's because of us.

00:48:23.360 --> 00:48:29.390 elizabeth tripp: our wrongness, our brokenness, our need of fixing, and then and or

00:48:29.530 --> 00:48:37.969 elizabeth tripp: shut down or get angry right? We want to start to break this pattern, and how we do that

00:48:37.990 --> 00:48:43.890 elizabeth tripp: is, we start to actually. And I'll reiterate this, recognize that when someone is angry

00:48:44.020 --> 00:48:46.890 elizabeth tripp: it's like a child crying out.

00:48:47.090 --> 00:48:49.810 elizabeth tripp: letting you know that they're hurt.

00:48:49.930 --> 00:49:00.880 elizabeth tripp: that they're in pain. And yes, it can feel uncomfortable. But if we can recognize this is just a child that doesn't know how to communicate healthily.

00:49:01.330 --> 00:49:06.490 elizabeth tripp: how they feel and what's going on for them. We have returned to our power.

00:49:06.540 --> 00:49:15.109 elizabeth tripp: We have just taken back our power to be able to reach into our center and find a space of peace.

00:49:15.140 --> 00:49:20.960 elizabeth tripp: Knowing, okay, do I know how to navigate a child who's hurt and upset?

00:49:21.190 --> 00:49:40.359 elizabeth tripp: And or is it even my responsibility to do that with this adult right? Because we are often faced with these kind of challenges within our own interpersonal relationships and dynamics. And certainly we can see this with, you know, our kids and teenagers, too.

00:49:41.240 --> 00:49:54.130 elizabeth tripp: But before I go on to the subject even more and dive into these personal power techniques and ways in which we can view these things. I want to briefly talk about the impact of taking on other people's energy.

00:49:54.320 --> 00:50:04.099 elizabeth tripp: because when somebody is upset and reactive, or in a mood that feels, you know, quite low, right? And they walk into a room.

00:50:04.150 --> 00:50:07.230 elizabeth tripp: and yes, we can naturally feel that

00:50:07.780 --> 00:50:32.399 elizabeth tripp: if we start to open up, and, you know, begin a dialogue with ourselves, thinking, you know. Oh, gosh! You know what what's wrong with that person, what happened? You know? What's going on. And then we begin to start to, you know, want to investigate or fix it. We're actually bringing forward their stuff.

00:50:32.660 --> 00:50:40.080 elizabeth tripp: and maybe we go up to them and approach them and say, Hey, you know, is everything. Okay? And then suddenly we get unloaded on.

00:50:40.160 --> 00:50:58.509 elizabeth tripp: Well, no, I had this awful terrible day, and I, you know, had this fight with my boyfriend, and then I, my boss, got mad at me, and all of a sudden they're just they're unloading everything onto us, and if we're not in an empowered place to understand how to hold

00:50:58.620 --> 00:51:09.540 elizabeth tripp: ourselves in a steady place. We can end up talking to them for hours, thinking we need to, you know. Give them all kinds of solutions to make them feel better.

00:51:09.550 --> 00:51:14.479 elizabeth tripp: and then we walk away from that situation, feeling like what

00:51:14.850 --> 00:51:23.059 elizabeth tripp: we may feel confused, overwhelmed ourselves, drained as though we've got the energy sucked out of us.

00:51:23.330 --> 00:51:27.980 elizabeth tripp: and we'll need to then rest and recover.

00:51:28.440 --> 00:51:33.020 elizabeth tripp: And then how fun was that experience? Right?

00:51:33.980 --> 00:51:46.109 elizabeth tripp: So we want to recognize that when we feel responsible for other people's feelings and their reactions, and how they're navigating the world as though it's something we need to fix or make better.

00:51:46.240 --> 00:51:55.690 elizabeth tripp: That's the moment we lose our power, and we start to energetically take on what they're going through, which then begins to wait us down, too.

00:51:56.080 --> 00:52:00.489 elizabeth tripp: and we want to start to see when you feel heavy and weighted.

00:52:00.620 --> 00:52:18.540 elizabeth tripp: We often compromise our health, our well-being, and make decisions with ourselves out of a disempowered place, not eating healthily, not exercising well, not really taking care of ourselves. Sleep being compromised. This can all stack up.

00:52:18.780 --> 00:52:26.009 elizabeth tripp: and this can ultimately create a person who's really themselves in a lot of pain and suffering.

00:52:26.140 --> 00:52:41.299 elizabeth tripp: and then can become extremely reactive to life, happening just normal, basic things like getting in a traffic jam or having to receive, you know, news that a project's you know, due today, not tomorrow.

00:52:41.810 --> 00:52:54.650 elizabeth tripp: And that's where, then, we get these really highly charged emotional types. You know, type of people who aren't in check with all this stress and are just in reactivity mode.

00:52:54.780 --> 00:53:09.000 elizabeth tripp: And what kind of contribution really is that to the world? For ourselves. No, nothing wrong with this again, because we want to remember that we always have the choice.

00:53:09.550 --> 00:53:13.170 elizabeth tripp: So in face of someone being angry.

00:53:13.710 --> 00:53:15.150 elizabeth tripp: what if

00:53:15.560 --> 00:53:30.240 elizabeth tripp: in complement. To recognizing this is just a child that ultimately is in an adult form that obviously has been hurt, that obviously has is in pain from feeling hurt

00:53:30.280 --> 00:53:38.579 elizabeth tripp: that. What if we could begin to start to see ourselves kind of projecting outward.

00:53:38.610 --> 00:53:47.910 elizabeth tripp: a light from our heart that allows for their cry out right of pain, of hurt, which can be

00:53:48.190 --> 00:53:56.859 elizabeth tripp: anger which could be upset, which could be, you know, you know, even like real, like irateness.

00:53:57.050 --> 00:53:59.760 elizabeth tripp: What if we could see ourselves just

00:53:59.950 --> 00:54:05.670 elizabeth tripp: in our steadiness, in our pause, in our ability to remember this is not

00:54:05.740 --> 00:54:09.189 elizabeth tripp: anything to do with me. They get to choose.

00:54:09.220 --> 00:54:22.279 elizabeth tripp: I don't get to choose for them. I may want this to be different. I may not want to experience or be the experiencer of this reactivity, but it's here and here on purpose.

00:54:22.930 --> 00:54:26.600 elizabeth tripp: can I grow a steadiness? I'm

00:54:26.800 --> 00:54:35.759 elizabeth tripp: steady and centered in this experience, and feel a light starting to form around us

00:54:35.970 --> 00:54:38.340 elizabeth tripp: and visualize

00:54:38.810 --> 00:54:45.459 elizabeth tripp: their anger and reactivity, just bouncing off and going in the opposite direction.

00:54:47.380 --> 00:54:50.149 elizabeth tripp: What if we could begin to do that just

00:54:50.420 --> 00:55:15.319 elizabeth tripp: on our own in our own quiet space in our own quiet time, so that we feel more equipped and confident as we maybe go about our life, and we may have someone who, we know generally comes across as moody or reactive, that we then have the tools or skills within us that we practice to be able to outplay this.

00:55:15.950 --> 00:55:39.730 elizabeth tripp: and this example is something that I do in my coaching sessions with my clients. I often give them, you know, a visual similar to this, that they can practice on their own, to start to build in the awareness that our light within our heart and our awareness to that and our presence to it can shift our whole world.

00:55:39.850 --> 00:55:47.140 elizabeth tripp: and we can actually, from that place, stand in a place of power within ourselves. Recognizing

00:55:47.160 --> 00:55:54.109 elizabeth tripp: what they say doesn't change the value I have. I'm still a light.

00:55:54.820 --> 00:55:57.080 elizabeth tripp: I can still shine.

00:55:57.460 --> 00:56:04.549 elizabeth tripp: My value comes from what I know is within me, and who I am

00:56:04.730 --> 00:56:10.589 elizabeth tripp: versus what somebody tells me I am, or how they see me.

00:56:11.280 --> 00:56:14.969 elizabeth tripp: because what if, how they see you is just a reflection of

00:56:15.430 --> 00:56:17.810 elizabeth tripp: how they see themselves.

00:56:18.630 --> 00:56:25.180 elizabeth tripp: and therefore then an indicator of how they're running their life.

00:56:25.560 --> 00:56:29.670 elizabeth tripp: not who you are on this life in this journey.

00:56:30.540 --> 00:56:33.369 elizabeth tripp: because in that place, then

00:56:33.760 --> 00:56:43.760 elizabeth tripp: we get to learn that our value is intrinsic to ourself, not to circumstance, not to anybody else.

00:56:45.120 --> 00:57:06.559 elizabeth tripp: So I hope that this jam packed episode, actually, I know it was really powerful and impactful for all of you. If you enjoyed this, please share it. Tell your friends and family about nurse the soul. We go live 6 Pm. Every Tuesday on Facebook Youtube and Linkedin and be coming to Podcasting platforms

00:57:06.870 --> 00:57:08.640 elizabeth tripp: soon near you.

00:57:08.710 --> 00:57:09.790 elizabeth tripp: All right

00:57:09.920 --> 00:57:15.229 elizabeth tripp: in closing Namaste, everyone. And I can't wait to see you next week.

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