Nourish the Soul

Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/08/27-Resonating Wellness: The Body's Journey Through Sound

Facebook Live Video from 2024/08/27-Resonating Wellness: The Body's Journey Through Sound


2024/08/27-Resonating Wellness: The Body's Journey Through Sound

[NEW EPISODE] Resonating Wellness: The Body's Journey Through Sound


Here are the key takeaways your audience will get

- Understanding Sound Healing: Insights into how sound vibrations impact the body, mind, and spirit.

- Healing Benefits: The physical, emotional, and energetic benefits of incorporating sound therapy into wellness practices.

- Mind-Body Connection: Exploration of the deep connection between sound, emotional well-being, and physical health.

- Spiritual Awakening: How sound can be used as a tool for deeper spiritual awareness and inner transformation.

Tune in to dive into the relationship between sound and the body, exploring how sound healing nurtures your well-being on every level—physical, emotional, and spiritual. 

Using tools like crystal bowls, tuning forks, the gong, and vocal toning to name a few, we'll discuss with the Maestro Rev. Brien Egan CRM, CKRM, CHT a Master Healer and Spiritual Teacher, how sound affects the body on a cellular level to open the heart and restore balance. 

Tune in this Tuesday 8/27 on Nourish The Soul Talk Radio Show & Podcast at 6 pm EST on Talking Alternative Broadcasting as Brien dives into the spirituality of resonance and sound and the body and the benefit of integrating healing frequencies into your daily routine.

Join us for a heartfelt conversation on the transformative power of sound.

Tune in for this empowering conversation at

Show Notes

Segment 1

Elizabeth starts the show by introducing her guest, the Maestro Rev. Brien Egan. She shares a brief overview of his background and how he’s a Master Healer and Spiritual Teacher. She also adds how Brien has dedicated his life to spirituality and has focused his work on his children. Brien discusses his spiritual journey and what brought him on this path of healing. He explains that his sister had a major influence on him due to her disability. Brien’s sister was unable to walk or talk, so they would use sounds to communicate, which would be a start of Brien working with sound healing. 

Segment 2

Returning from the break, Elizabeth shares with her audience that our bodies were designed on a soul level to help us remember who we are. Brien continues to discuss the importance of breath work and how it helped him on his healing journey. He also shares how he found the reiki methods and what they did for him. Brien's mission is to create an environment where children can start from this spiritual awakening and don’t have to go through all the obstacles to get there. Elizabeth asks Brien if he believes our body, mind, and soul are different or interconnected. He responds by saying, “All is mind” and that our mind is our creator. Elizabeth also looks for Brien to explain how he thinks sound affects the body with his background and expertise. 

Segment 3

Elizabeth shares a quote that says we can experience sound through more than just the ears but also our bodies. Brien explains that “sound is the light we cannot see, and light is the sound we cannot hear.” He also adds that sound allows people to open up on a deeper level and experience their emotion on a higher frequency. Elizabeth asks Brien what is the origins of chanting and the effects of its ritual. 

Segment 4

In the last segment, Elizabeth asks Brien to help her understand how breath and sound are connected. She asks him to elaborate on how it affects our well-being. If you would like to learn more about Brien Egan you can find him at the Sound Healing Conservatory. You can find online training and conferences through his website. 


00:00:00.060 --> 00:00:28.606 elizabeth tripp: The struggle out of your wellbeing, and really feel what it's like to be in the presence of feeling healthy and happy in life. Well, I'm Elizabeth Tripp. I'm your host of nurse, the soul, talk, radio, show, and podcast. And this is your opportunity tonight to really sit back, relax, and go on a journey of self discovery.

00:00:29.090 --> 00:00:56.900 elizabeth tripp: So without further ado, I would like to welcome to you a very special guest. I'm going to tell you all a little bit about this guest. He's got quite an impressive resume, let me tell you. He's been teaching and practicing Reiki Rakuki. Holy fire, and Karuna Reiki be specific for over 22 years.

00:00:56.940 --> 00:01:06.669 elizabeth tripp: He's a certified special education teacher and has done energy work and taught Reiki to children and families throughout

00:01:06.870 --> 00:01:30.520 elizabeth tripp: summer because he created these amazing camps that he's run. He's also an author, a certified hypnotherapist, a chronic energy worker, a crystal ball, sound healer, an eft practitioner, a quantum touch practitioner, a Sedona method practitioner, a Chakra cleansing teacher, a key gong teacher.

00:01:30.730 --> 00:01:34.919 elizabeth tripp: and a Maestro Shaman of the Shebibo lineage of Peru.

00:01:35.100 --> 00:01:54.259 elizabeth tripp: Wow, and an ordained minister from the new Life Church. And you know this special guest also has a degree, a bachelor's in psychology and a minor in special education, and he is the director of the Sound Healing Conservatory.

00:01:54.400 --> 00:02:00.030 elizabeth tripp: Welcome, Brian, thank you so much for being on the show this evening.

00:02:02.240 --> 00:02:03.610 brien.egan: Thank you so much, Elizabeth.

00:02:03.960 --> 00:02:07.489 brien.egan: I'm I'm really grateful to be here. I'm grateful to share some time with you.

00:02:08.080 --> 00:02:26.309 elizabeth tripp: Yeah, I am, too. And you know, I just know that reading your resume and sharing it. You are a wealth of wisdom, and it's completely obvious that you have dedicated your life to spirituality and understanding the energetics of spirituality and life

00:02:26.640 --> 00:02:43.809 elizabeth tripp: as well as you know. You have this passion, it seems, for kids, and I want to hear just briefly from you before we dive into the resonance of wellness and the body and the journey of sound a little bit more about your journey, and how you got here today.

00:02:45.831 --> 00:02:50.189 brien.egan: Like my origin story. Is that what you're looking for? Something like that? Okay.

00:02:50.190 --> 00:02:51.040 elizabeth tripp: Yeah, yeah.

00:02:51.530 --> 00:02:52.440 brien.egan: So

00:02:53.280 --> 00:02:54.770 brien.egan: wow! Alright.

00:02:55.510 --> 00:02:57.749 brien.egan: how much time we have on this?

00:02:59.890 --> 00:03:05.969 brien.egan: so I I just taught a reiki one class over the weekend and I always try to explain that and talk to that

00:03:06.240 --> 00:03:14.109 brien.egan: talk to that effect to my class, and explain how my journey brought me here to understand and be able to

00:03:14.130 --> 00:03:18.319 brien.egan: work with people at different levels of their being, you know. Yeah. And so

00:03:18.865 --> 00:03:27.500 brien.egan: it really all all started with with my sister. And so my sister was born with a rare genetic disorder called lessencephaly.

00:03:28.720 --> 00:03:31.735 brien.egan: which means smooth brain in Latin, and it is

00:03:34.640 --> 00:03:37.390 brien.egan: Her presence in my life

00:03:37.490 --> 00:03:40.240 brien.egan: really made me see people as a whole.

00:03:40.580 --> 00:03:54.639 brien.egan: you know, and that there are no distinctions. And then we are all working towards towards oneness. And so my goal as a small child was to find ways to connect with her that weren't the traditional methods and ways of connecting with people.

00:03:54.710 --> 00:04:11.600 brien.egan: you know. She couldn't walk or talk she was, she would make sounds. And so this was my 1st introduction to sound healing where I would make sounds and hum with her, and make sounds with her back and forth. And this was our communication method. It didn't really have a full name, but it was it was being this, you know.

00:04:11.980 --> 00:04:12.825 brien.egan: and

00:04:14.820 --> 00:04:23.379 brien.egan: and I wanted to see what was beyond that shell, you know, because it was almost like she was trapped in her body, you know, and she couldn't fully express, because of

00:04:23.680 --> 00:04:26.090 brien.egan: the conditions that she was born into.

00:04:26.360 --> 00:04:28.209 brien.egan: So when I was

00:04:28.990 --> 00:04:32.499 brien.egan: in in the story I was raised Catholic, I think when I was

00:04:32.570 --> 00:04:33.760 brien.egan: 12

00:04:36.290 --> 00:04:38.729 brien.egan: I saw the unsolved mysteries episode

00:04:38.750 --> 00:04:40.950 brien.egan: about Edgar Casey right and.

00:04:41.600 --> 00:04:57.500 brien.egan: So cool. That's really interesting. I was like such an amazing thing. He was like 77% accurate, like one of the most renowned psychics in the world, you know, really neat, and I was like, Oh, that's cool, you know. And then I grew up in New Jersey. So I kind of fell that away in my brain, you know. And then when I was 15,

00:04:58.040 --> 00:05:14.720 brien.egan: I had a really intense spiritual experience, and I wanted more answers, and we moved to Virginia Beach, and I didn't know Edgar Casey's are was in Virginia Beach, and we came to visit, and we were here visiting just for a week, and I was roller blading down the beach, and I ended up at the Heritage, the bookstore down there

00:05:14.730 --> 00:05:15.335 brien.egan: and

00:05:16.150 --> 00:05:27.700 brien.egan: They told me about the are, Casey, and I was like, Oh, my gosh, you have to take me there! And so I made my mom drive me down to the are, and I walked around the campus, and I got to do the psychic test and and get like a little mini tour

00:05:27.710 --> 00:05:34.790 brien.egan: and the bookstore people like I bought. I bought a few crystals and they they gave me a copy of There is a river

00:05:35.391 --> 00:05:47.470 brien.egan: which is his life story, and I started reading it. And I was just like, Wow, because he did all these things through hypnosis and through self hypnosis, you know, and through like training the mind to go within.

00:05:47.540 --> 00:06:02.231 brien.egan: And so this really pushed me on my path. And and then we moved here officially, and I made my mom, take me out there because they have the largest metaphysical bookstore and bookstore largest, largest metaphysical library in the world.

00:06:02.620 --> 00:06:14.990 brien.egan: that you can access, you know, next to the Vatican, of course you know which is locked away. But for the commertage. If you were thinking of Dr. Strange right, like all the different, you know, like, yeah.

00:06:15.710 --> 00:06:16.330 brien.egan: So

00:06:18.890 --> 00:06:21.265 brien.egan: yeah. So really cool

00:06:22.190 --> 00:06:31.999 brien.egan: beginning. And then I stumbled into breathwork. My dad was reading a book about Edgar about deepak chopra quantum healing.

00:06:32.450 --> 00:06:35.069 brien.egan: and in quantum healing kind of like

00:06:35.120 --> 00:06:38.200 brien.egan: took the book from my dad and quantum healing

00:06:39.255 --> 00:06:41.780 brien.egan: showed me the mind-body connection.

00:06:41.850 --> 00:06:43.520 brien.egan: you know it showed me

00:06:43.650 --> 00:06:44.570 brien.egan: what

00:06:46.340 --> 00:06:48.540 brien.egan: what becomes from

00:06:49.440 --> 00:06:50.610 brien.egan: our thoughts

00:06:50.960 --> 00:06:52.390 brien.egan: connected to our breath.

00:06:52.530 --> 00:06:54.289 brien.egan: and a big piece in that book

00:06:54.310 --> 00:06:55.907 brien.egan: they talk about.

00:06:58.080 --> 00:07:22.562 brien.egan: the Meninger Foundation in Oklahoma. And so the Meninger Foundation. They did a lot of bio feedback testing and studies. You know, this was the nineties. So there wasn't a lot of information everywhere, you know. You can't just like tap a button and have, like the compendium of every book ever written about breath work right. That's it. Just didn't exist, you know, like I felt like I was. You know there was. There was nothing. It was like the desert, you know. If you were to think of that spiritually, you know.

00:07:23.020 --> 00:07:31.709 brien.egan: so I really had to kind of like things just showed up for me, and I'm super grateful for that, because it's made it easier to notice them when they show up. Now.

00:07:31.710 --> 00:07:32.430 elizabeth tripp: That makes sense.

00:07:32.430 --> 00:07:37.009 brien.egan: You know what I mean, because we're so surrounded by those things all the time. It really gave me a good like

00:07:37.300 --> 00:07:46.510 brien.egan: like, oh, this is okay. This is what you're trying to show me, you know. So I finished the quantum healing book, and I was like, thirsty for more

00:07:46.901 --> 00:08:03.769 brien.egan: spiritual information. But I didn't have a lot to go on like I said I was raised Catholic. I went to the church when I was 14, and I really tried to give it my all like I went there on my own like a 14 year old kid. Going to church is like you know, like in a Catholic church, where it's like, you know, and they still had like once a month they would do Sunday masses in Latin. Still, you know, like it wasn't.

00:08:03.770 --> 00:08:04.410 elizabeth tripp: Wow!

00:08:04.410 --> 00:08:08.570 brien.egan: Back in the nineties, you know, like there wasn't. Things have changed now, you know. But yeah.

00:08:08.760 --> 00:08:12.840 brien.egan: but they but I could feel it in the place.

00:08:12.860 --> 00:08:19.259 brien.egan: but I couldn't feel it from the pulpit always, you know, and and there was a lot of weird things. And so I was like. I don't know if that's what I'm looking for, you know, and.

00:08:19.260 --> 00:08:19.760 elizabeth tripp: Yeah.

00:08:19.760 --> 00:08:28.110 brien.egan: Seeing all these other possibilities, and wanting to know more about the psychic connection and the way things were, you know, really pushed me in those directions, you know.

00:08:28.160 --> 00:08:29.539 brien.egan: Yeah. And so

00:08:31.090 --> 00:08:32.669 brien.egan: I was

00:08:34.450 --> 00:08:38.369 brien.egan: in a random bookstore in Pennsylvania.

00:08:39.130 --> 00:08:48.180 brien.egan: And I well, actually, right before that, my my story here the I was at the Community college that I I I went to.

00:08:48.960 --> 00:08:49.860 brien.egan: and

00:08:50.480 --> 00:09:18.469 brien.egan: I walked through one of the book stacks and I look over. And one of the books was it? Said Swami. And I was like, Oh, that's neat! What is that, you know? Like I heard the word Swami, and I knew Swami Rama, and it was like his life story. So the Meninger Foundation, one of their big like bringing into the the metaphysical world, was with the bio feedback stuff was was their studies with Swami, Rama, Swami. Rama started the Himalayan Institute, and their headquarters is up in Pennsylvania, like north northeastern Pennsylvania

00:09:18.550 --> 00:09:39.860 brien.egan: and but they're, you know, obviously headquarters is in India. But so Swami Rama was raised by the Himalayan masters. He was picked as a llama like or like as a chosen, you know, like he is. He is a reincarnation of someone at a very young age, and he was brought into the mountains and the masters taught him everything from like birth till you know. So he was like a living master.

00:09:40.080 --> 00:09:40.660 brien.egan: And

00:09:41.990 --> 00:09:50.650 brien.egan: the so I I dealt. I dove into that book because it was a big foundation in the deepak chopper book, and I was like, Oh, this is great! And then I made my way to

00:09:51.960 --> 00:10:05.440 brien.egan: We were in Pennsylvania in New Hope, Pennsylvania. I went to this random bookstore, and I look over to my right, and there's a book, it said, the path of fire and light. And I was like, oh, that's the Internet, said Swami Rama. And I was like, Oh, that's that's for me, and I took that one, and I like

00:10:05.500 --> 00:10:07.279 brien.egan: devoured that book, and.

00:10:07.280 --> 00:10:07.900 elizabeth tripp: Yeah.

00:10:07.900 --> 00:10:12.779 brien.egan: And and so the book, the the subtitle in the book is advanced Techniques of Pranayama.

00:10:12.860 --> 00:10:21.180 brien.egan: And if you're familiar with Pranayama Pranayama is the breath work. It's the deep practices of the Yoga Yogic Yogic Breath work that

00:10:22.760 --> 00:10:26.109 brien.egan: help you to heal everything.

00:10:26.750 --> 00:10:27.110 elizabeth tripp: Yeah.

00:10:27.110 --> 00:10:30.460 brien.egan: To really like fully embody every part of you.

00:10:31.040 --> 00:10:41.600 brien.egan: And so I. I spent a a great deal of time studying that and doing those practices and like, I said, I kind of pushed off from Catholicism and Christianity a little bit, so I was like.

00:10:42.410 --> 00:10:54.259 brien.egan: You know, and like there were so many weird things in the Catholic Church, was not the cool thing to do, you know, and there was bad things happening there, you know, they were redeeming themselves, you know, and so or trying to, and

00:10:54.370 --> 00:10:59.439 brien.egan: in that I I really came to an understanding of like. There's other ways to do these things.

00:11:01.480 --> 00:11:03.020 brien.egan: So so

00:11:03.040 --> 00:11:10.169 brien.egan: what I was really trying to to understand in my learnings of all of this was, how do I incorporate

00:11:10.200 --> 00:11:15.799 brien.egan: what was going on there with the Catholic Church, with what's happening here with now that I'm learning about Hinduism, you know, like.

00:11:15.800 --> 00:11:16.180 elizabeth tripp: Neat.

00:11:16.180 --> 00:11:30.950 brien.egan: And and the Yogic tradition? And how do they fit together? Do they fit together? What is this, you know? And I I think when I was 20 years old I read, Jesus lives in India. Have you ever seen that book? It's a profound book it's and and there's there's a grave in India for Jesus, and for Moses.

00:11:31.370 --> 00:11:33.069 brien.egan: And there is a Mount Sinai

00:11:33.100 --> 00:11:38.099 brien.egan: in India. There's a lot of it. It was a really cool book, like somebody did a full study on it.

00:11:38.110 --> 00:11:46.450 brien.egan: and on what was involved with all of those deeper histories and the ascended masters that came from them.

00:11:47.050 --> 00:11:47.920 elizabeth tripp: Wow!

00:11:48.870 --> 00:11:51.650 brien.egan: So let's see, where are we at the story?

00:11:51.960 --> 00:11:58.480 elizabeth tripp: Well, Brian, I just yeah. I want to kind of circle back around. Then we're gonna take a quick break, because what I'm hearing is.

00:11:58.590 --> 00:12:18.460 elizabeth tripp: you know, you grew up with a sister that obviously had her own unique needs. And you know the way in which you communicated through sound right was very important to you to be able to understand her, and it kind of like opened you up on your journey. As you moved about and visited these different places from New Jersey to Virginia Beach to New Hope

00:12:18.720 --> 00:12:45.179 elizabeth tripp: all these different kinds of coincidences that were leading down a path for you to begin to remember yourself, to awaken to yourself through the journey of sound breath, the body, the mind, and the way they interplay, which I think is amazing. And so we're gonna take a quick break. And then when we get back, we'll continue down this story and even getting to know more about

00:12:45.210 --> 00:12:48.140 elizabeth tripp: sound resonance in the body. Sound good.

00:12:48.450 --> 00:12:49.080 brien.egan: Awesome.

00:12:49.790 --> 00:12:50.440 elizabeth tripp: Perfect.

00:12:50.660 --> 00:12:51.290 brien.egan: Thanks.

00:14:49.340 --> 00:14:50.730 elizabeth tripp: Welcome.

00:15:04.960 --> 00:15:20.689 elizabeth tripp: Welcome back! I am just so excited to be here. I'm chomping at the bit, as you can tell. But this is nurse. The soul, talk, radio, show, and podcast your place to awaken to the sacred wisdom of your body. Yes.

00:15:20.700 --> 00:15:41.939 elizabeth tripp: Do you know that your body has been designed on a soul level to help you. Remember who you really are. And today I have a fascinating guest, quite a scholar in the world of energy spirituality. This is Brian Egan, Brian. Thanks for being here, and just make sure you unmute yourself and

00:15:42.200 --> 00:15:50.430 elizabeth tripp: tell us this last end of your tale. We're so interested in how you landed here today, obviously in Virginia Beach.

00:15:50.430 --> 00:15:50.910 brien.egan: Yeah.

00:15:50.910 --> 00:15:52.600 elizabeth tripp: Town. Yeah. So again.

00:15:52.600 --> 00:15:56.190 brien.egan: Some more, some more quick pieces to kind of wrap it together.

00:15:57.280 --> 00:16:04.869 brien.egan: yeah. So you left off with the breath work. So the breath work really put me into like this really deeper space of understanding myself

00:16:04.880 --> 00:16:05.600 brien.egan: and

00:16:06.600 --> 00:16:10.160 brien.egan: and it created for me a miracle, healing situation and.

00:16:10.160 --> 00:16:10.700 elizabeth tripp: Hmm.

00:16:10.700 --> 00:16:21.190 brien.egan: After it happened. I dove into Reiki and I wanted to know the why I'm like, why did that happen? Why did I just miraculously heal something of myself. You know I had a tumor in my body, and it went away.

00:16:21.470 --> 00:16:21.960 elizabeth tripp: Whoa!

00:16:21.960 --> 00:16:23.669 brien.egan: I started doing chronic breath work

00:16:23.770 --> 00:16:27.710 brien.egan: and like focusing it towards healing instead of just

00:16:27.820 --> 00:16:31.430 brien.egan: being in this immense, powerful feeling of this energy flowing through me.

00:16:32.217 --> 00:16:48.570 brien.egan: So I it directed me right into Reiki and the Reiki methods like we mentioned Raku Key. Holy fire! All those things! So Raku Key is where you involve the breath more dynamically and more powerfully in your reiki work. And so it's the. It's

00:16:48.680 --> 00:16:59.620 brien.egan: of the Reiki stories and pieces and parts. It's more of a ancient Tibetan form and and piece of the pieces of the Reiki story, you know, if you're familiar with it at all.

00:16:59.780 --> 00:17:00.410 elizabeth tripp: Yeah.

00:17:00.680 --> 00:17:20.076 brien.egan: But yeah, so so it's been really great. So after that, I started leading kids, summer camps, we started doing cause my vision. And that's what we're I'm sitting in right now, actually, at our school. Our our vision was my vision was to create, and our vision now with my wife is was to create a

00:17:20.780 --> 00:17:23.430 brien.egan: an environment for people to grow into that in themselves.

00:17:23.430 --> 00:17:23.890 elizabeth tripp: And.

00:17:23.890 --> 00:17:31.652 brien.egan: And to be able to find that center and start from that place instead of starting in all the other places. We end up starting at right? So,

00:17:33.760 --> 00:17:35.479 brien.egan: so, yeah. So our our big.

00:17:35.480 --> 00:17:35.970 elizabeth tripp: Beautiful.

00:17:35.970 --> 00:17:45.269 brien.egan: To teach that to children and to teach that to adults. And and I've been teaching Reiki for like I said, 22 years and all the different things. And so within the past.

00:17:45.700 --> 00:17:51.859 brien.egan: It's been 5 years now that I've been practicing the Ikara, which are the medicine songs of the Shapibo tribe from Peru.

00:17:53.504 --> 00:17:57.900 brien.egan: So I don't like to put on titles and things, but, like my.

00:17:57.990 --> 00:18:00.509 brien.egan: the shaman who taught me, you know.

00:18:01.160 --> 00:18:03.099 brien.egan: called me a maestry shopman as well.

00:18:03.570 --> 00:18:03.990 elizabeth tripp: So

00:18:04.410 --> 00:18:10.339 brien.egan: Maestro, you know, means like, like, almost like music. And so it just incorporates the musical aspect, you know. So

00:18:10.810 --> 00:18:14.711 brien.egan: talk about the resonance and what you're leading towards with who you're talking about.

00:18:16.050 --> 00:18:26.300 brien.egan: Resonance has always been a thing like I said when I was a small child, and I would hum back with my sister, and we would find little harmonies and the movement of sound that we would make together.

00:18:26.370 --> 00:18:47.459 brien.egan: I could always feel that so when it came time to take my breath and use it to make sound for healing first, st instead of for singing first, st you know, like like when I meet other sound healers. It's always like, well, were you a musician first, st or were you a sound healer first? st You know. What angle did you come at it from, you know. Yeah, cause I try to come at it from all angles.

00:18:47.460 --> 00:18:59.869 brien.egan: So it's a different perspective. You know what I mean. Like, some people are really more musicianship with like this is a gig that I'm doing, whereas this is a healing situation that we're creating and holding a sacred space for for people to

00:19:00.020 --> 00:19:02.249 brien.egan: heal themselves through resonance.

00:19:02.900 --> 00:19:06.030 elizabeth tripp: Beautiful. Wow! That's so powerful.

00:19:06.030 --> 00:19:14.680 brien.egan: Yeah. Cause as healers. What we're what are we doing? All healing is self healing. So we're we're never really healing anybody. You know, people are healing themselves.

00:19:15.344 --> 00:19:22.789 brien.egan: So we're holding a higher space and holding a space for them to blossom into the fullness of what they are.

00:19:23.100 --> 00:19:33.950 elizabeth tripp: Hmm! I love that being the light for them to see themselves in whatever darkness they may be feeling, they're in right. And being that guide. Wow! Well, 1st off.

00:19:34.380 --> 00:19:55.990 elizabeth tripp: it's amazing that you healed a tumor that you had. So I just wanna you know, highlight that wasn't like a small thing that you shared, and that's amazing, and how you are so connected to your body. It just reminds me of how powerful our bodies are, and how really, truly, they are this just the greatest technology we've been given.

00:19:55.990 --> 00:20:07.849 elizabeth tripp: And I want to ask you, I kind of brought this angle in a little more, deeper right off the bat, and I know that me and you resonate which I love this word for this kind of talk tonight, because

00:20:07.850 --> 00:20:21.449 elizabeth tripp: speaks to the power of vibration and frequency and manifestation, and bringing people together. So we resonate on the same philosophies and principles. But do you believe that our mind and body and soul are separate.

00:20:21.480 --> 00:20:25.660 elizabeth tripp: Or do you think that they're actually one and interconnected.

00:20:27.600 --> 00:20:28.980 brien.egan: That's a

00:20:29.160 --> 00:20:35.839 brien.egan: an interesting topic. I think that they are, I think. Well, at the core of everything. All is mine.

00:20:36.190 --> 00:20:43.600 brien.egan: So our mind is the Creator, but our mind isn't just located in our brains. You know our mind is our whole self

00:20:43.860 --> 00:20:44.960 brien.egan: from that angle.

00:20:45.020 --> 00:20:51.110 brien.egan: you know. And so it's how we are able to visualize, conceptualize, become whatever it is that we are

00:20:51.370 --> 00:20:53.990 brien.egan: pointing ourselves towards with our intentions.

00:20:55.150 --> 00:20:56.530 brien.egan: It's very

00:20:57.155 --> 00:21:07.564 brien.egan: in in recent years, in the past 3 or 4 years I've delved into more magical understandings and practices. Because at the core of all of these deep, esoteric

00:21:08.490 --> 00:21:16.240 brien.egan: religious down to the spiritual, down to the deeper, esoteric beginnings. It's all coming from these same

00:21:16.723 --> 00:21:26.140 brien.egan: secret, you know, like like the movie, the secret, you know, like a level understandings of we, we do what we, what we put out there is what we're creating

00:21:26.460 --> 00:21:28.139 brien.egan: and our words.

00:21:28.840 --> 00:21:31.249 brien.egan: our our thoughts in action.

00:21:31.570 --> 00:21:40.019 brien.egan: you know, and our actions come from our words and from things we write down, from the things we become, you know, so the more that we can sink ourselves into that.

00:21:40.210 --> 00:21:41.080 brien.egan: and

00:21:41.660 --> 00:21:52.060 brien.egan: heal the parts of us that that linger in in pain and the past, the more that we can be fully present in our now and and really claim the best part of our life that we can.

00:21:52.320 --> 00:21:54.130 brien.egan: you know. And so that's what I try to teach

00:21:54.150 --> 00:21:55.459 brien.egan: with all of this work.

00:21:56.230 --> 00:22:09.470 elizabeth tripp: Amazing. Wow! Really powerful. Because what you're speaking about is that as everything is mind right, that our thoughts are actually a resonance and a frequency and a vibration and being that we're in this

00:22:09.700 --> 00:22:20.210 elizabeth tripp: temple, this body right, that houses this mind, we could assume that what we think affects how we feel, and even our well-being.

00:22:20.320 --> 00:22:27.030 elizabeth tripp: And I'm curious, from all of your sort of studies and your journey, and the work you do.

00:22:27.100 --> 00:22:43.209 elizabeth tripp: How do you see that sound affects the body, and not just in that kind of, you know, makes you feel good and brings you sort of that calm, but also, maybe even on a deeper cellular level. If if you could take us into that space we'd I'd love to hear it.

00:22:43.480 --> 00:22:51.109 brien.egan: For sure. Interesting, actually, that you said that and I saw when you made the post earlier about about what we're going to talk about and stuff and

00:22:51.790 --> 00:22:53.130 brien.egan: earlier today.

00:22:53.370 --> 00:23:02.519 brien.egan: maybe it was last night. It doesn't matter on on in a in a Facebook group that I'm in of like international sound, healing people and stuff, and people that do sound healing all the time. And you know, like

00:23:02.900 --> 00:23:06.720 brien.egan: somebody made a post and said, Well, we don't have any verified.

00:23:06.820 --> 00:23:07.869 brien.egan: you know, like

00:23:08.190 --> 00:23:13.870 brien.egan: peer-reviewed scientific journal entries of how sound is really affecting us.

00:23:14.040 --> 00:23:14.720 elizabeth tripp: Nobody.

00:23:14.720 --> 00:23:23.489 brien.egan: It does all the time. It's it's it's sound is so prolific that we don't give it the credence that it really deserves.

00:23:23.490 --> 00:23:24.030 elizabeth tripp: Totally.

00:23:24.492 --> 00:23:25.417 brien.egan: Like when

00:23:25.930 --> 00:23:29.080 brien.egan: Here's another angle to that, I guess, to think about.

00:23:29.180 --> 00:23:35.090 brien.egan: If you think of the Chakra system right? Always talk about how they align with the elements. Right? So the root is like the earth.

00:23:35.310 --> 00:23:37.170 brien.egan: the sacral is like water.

00:23:37.490 --> 00:23:39.689 brien.egan: the solar plexuses fire.

00:23:39.830 --> 00:23:42.090 brien.egan: the heart is air.

00:23:43.010 --> 00:23:46.810 brien.egan: It's the now. It's everything at once, right? But then

00:23:46.910 --> 00:23:51.629 brien.egan: but then spirituality gets a little weird with it. They're like, well, the rest of them are ether

00:23:51.970 --> 00:23:56.080 brien.egan: right, because we're just going up into the other, into the into the higher realms, right.

00:23:56.520 --> 00:23:57.389 brien.egan: And so

00:23:58.030 --> 00:24:07.669 brien.egan: I feel like ether is a safe word to say. Infinity right? But we just don't have an answer yet. Right? Science hasn't come to accept it as something bigger.

00:24:07.780 --> 00:24:08.420 brien.egan: So

00:24:10.010 --> 00:24:12.069 brien.egan: and this one I'm claiming this one. So

00:24:12.110 --> 00:24:20.720 brien.egan: everybody out there, if you want to come, talk to me about it. You come, talk to me about it so, for it makes sense, you know, so elementally. If we were breaking these things down.

00:24:21.140 --> 00:24:22.350 brien.egan: the throat

00:24:23.660 --> 00:24:25.570 brien.egan: should be sound right? Because remember.

00:24:25.570 --> 00:24:26.160 elizabeth tripp: Making sound.

00:24:26.160 --> 00:24:29.860 brien.egan: Through it of the Chakras, but we don't think of sound as an element.

00:24:30.050 --> 00:24:30.740 brien.egan: But Sam.

00:24:30.740 --> 00:24:31.570 elizabeth tripp: Own.

00:24:31.900 --> 00:24:34.840 brien.egan: Sound is the vibration that light

00:24:35.470 --> 00:24:37.599 brien.egan: creates our whole self with.

00:24:37.600 --> 00:24:38.240 elizabeth tripp: Hmm.

00:24:38.240 --> 00:24:38.799 brien.egan: Does that make sense.

00:24:39.222 --> 00:24:41.759 elizabeth tripp: Oh, totally yeah. So like, we're.

00:24:41.760 --> 00:24:44.059 brien.egan: As if if sound weaves are going this way.

00:24:44.420 --> 00:24:46.869 brien.egan: Light rays are coming straight through them.

00:24:47.140 --> 00:24:50.139 brien.egan: projecting to us what our reality is.

00:24:51.330 --> 00:24:53.830 elizabeth tripp: I mean total.

00:24:54.420 --> 00:25:13.469 brien.egan: Right? So so I I know there's plenty of science to back, anyway. But of of those things right. Everything is vibration. All of our atoms are, are vibrating molecules all the time, so the resonance that we hold is always changing and shifting our cells change dramatically, instantaneously by our thoughts.

00:25:13.470 --> 00:25:27.409 brien.egan: but by our emotions, by our state of being, by the place and the aspects of ourself that we hold in resonance. And so when we hold things right. We're stopping the flow of the now, because the now is always changing right.

00:25:27.410 --> 00:25:28.370 elizabeth tripp: Hmm.

00:25:28.370 --> 00:25:35.950 brien.egan: So the more that we can let go of the things that we hold on to. This is where the Buddhist idea of non attachment comes from right.

00:25:35.950 --> 00:25:37.549 elizabeth tripp: Traumas and stuff, or like.

00:25:37.550 --> 00:25:46.470 brien.egan: But past joys, too, you know we can't just let go of the bad things we can let. We have to let go of the good things, too, because then even better things can show up.

00:25:46.550 --> 00:25:55.469 brien.egan: you know. And so, thinking about it like that, when we hold on to a good thing, we usually strangle it to death right? So it's a matter of, you know, like.

00:25:55.470 --> 00:25:56.150 elizabeth tripp: So, yeah.

00:25:56.150 --> 00:26:00.820 brien.egan: Matter of like being able to let things go and let them blossom and grow on their own in that kind of an angle.

00:26:00.840 --> 00:26:01.755 brien.egan: Yeah,

00:26:03.210 --> 00:26:03.930 brien.egan: yeah.

00:26:04.470 --> 00:26:05.110 brien.egan: wow.

00:26:05.110 --> 00:26:19.899 elizabeth tripp: That's really neat, because one thing that you know, I was looking up before we started was that, you know, sound was really the Creator in expression like it was the way in which the Creator expresses itself.

00:26:19.990 --> 00:26:26.229 elizabeth tripp: And if you're saying that our throat, Chakra, is really the emblem of sound right and our speech. Then.

00:26:26.230 --> 00:26:28.390 brien.egan: Element. I'm claiming that as an element.

00:26:28.390 --> 00:26:30.339 elizabeth tripp: Element, an element.

00:26:30.340 --> 00:26:40.600 brien.egan: Right, like where we say, like elements like 5, element theory, 4. Element theory of like Chinese medicine. Those kinds of things like like, take it up the higher notches to the higher 3. So you have sound for the throat.

00:26:40.600 --> 00:26:41.200 elizabeth tripp: Yeah.

00:26:41.410 --> 00:26:49.590 brien.egan: For the 3rd eye, which processes sunlight and is our regulating for our circadian rhythms. You know this is our. This is light.

00:26:49.700 --> 00:26:54.529 brien.egan: right? And then this is direct astral, spiritual fire connection with our crown

00:26:54.930 --> 00:27:02.489 brien.egan: get direct connection with spirit, you know just simple things, but but things that we don't think of in such a profound way that need to be thought of in that way.

00:27:02.890 --> 00:27:14.890 elizabeth tripp: Yeah. And I think you completely answered the question in terms of Do you think the mind and body and soul are interconnected? And I'm hearing yes, and so

00:27:14.980 --> 00:27:21.710 elizabeth tripp: on that note. Let's take a quick break, and when we get back I have some more really fun questions to keep asking.

00:27:21.890 --> 00:27:23.309 elizabeth tripp: so we'll take a break.

00:27:23.760 --> 00:27:24.350 brien.egan: Awesome.

00:29:27.450 --> 00:29:42.820 elizabeth tripp: Welcome back. I am so excited to be chatting with Ryan Egan. He is really a wealth of wisdom and knowledge. When it comes to spirituality, energy, work, sound breath work.

00:29:42.940 --> 00:30:07.690 elizabeth tripp: And I found this quote, and I wanted to read it before we dive in. I have a couple more really inquisitive questions. For you. The quote is, if we accept that sound is vibration, and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears, but through every cell in our body.

00:30:07.750 --> 00:30:12.470 elizabeth tripp: This was Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, and based off of our last

00:30:12.600 --> 00:30:13.820 elizabeth tripp: segment

00:30:14.190 --> 00:30:26.239 elizabeth tripp: you've been sharing that, you know. You really feel that the mind, body, and soul, are connected and interplaying, and even a full expression of what we could consider the Creator source right?

00:30:26.350 --> 00:30:27.410 elizabeth tripp: And

00:30:27.430 --> 00:30:40.129 elizabeth tripp: if sound, let's say our speech, or even as we hum or chant, is an expression of creation and action. You know. How does sound even our voices, like toning or chanting or singing.

00:30:40.220 --> 00:30:54.970 elizabeth tripp: affect our own connection to source? Right? Because I know so many cultures, ancient cultures, and even, you know, indigenous cultures. They love singing, they love chanting. And I'm curious to hear your your opinion on this.

00:30:56.410 --> 00:30:58.290 brien.egan: Thanks. Yeah. So the

00:30:59.967 --> 00:31:02.452 brien.egan: so I'll I'll give you

00:31:08.620 --> 00:31:09.599 brien.egan: one of my.

00:31:10.420 --> 00:31:14.099 brien.egan: this is my quote. I'm I'm again more things I'm claiming

00:31:17.640 --> 00:31:19.659 brien.egan: sound is the light. We cannot.

00:31:22.340 --> 00:31:23.250 brien.egan: C.

00:31:23.710 --> 00:31:24.150 elizabeth tripp: Right.

00:31:24.150 --> 00:31:26.030 brien.egan: And light is the sound

00:31:26.160 --> 00:31:27.450 brien.egan: we cannot hear.

00:31:28.000 --> 00:31:34.379 brien.egan: I've had a number of experiences, direct experiences where I have

00:31:34.930 --> 00:31:36.030 brien.egan: made

00:31:36.380 --> 00:31:38.020 brien.egan: lights turn on

00:31:38.370 --> 00:31:42.469 brien.egan: and fluctuate and get brighter based on my toning.

00:31:43.340 --> 00:31:43.730 elizabeth tripp: When.

00:31:43.730 --> 00:31:47.800 brien.egan: And I make sound with my voice, and this is a way more physical expression

00:31:47.810 --> 00:31:55.429 brien.egan: and like direct. You could see it immediately. Then, like doing the messages with water, where, like Dr. Emoto, where, like.

00:31:55.430 --> 00:31:56.200 elizabeth tripp: Can we see?

00:31:56.200 --> 00:32:19.790 brien.egan: Vibration, because everything is vibration right? And so inside of ourselves, which our bodies, which are 80, at least 80% water right? All those things we are that vibration. So the vibration that we hold and our vibration isn't just the sounds we make. It's not just the feelings that we hold. It's everything about us, you know. We show up as our vibration, but we don't always just. We don't just carry around

00:32:19.850 --> 00:32:22.699 brien.egan: the good stuff we carry around our traumas, too, you know.

00:32:22.700 --> 00:32:23.100 elizabeth tripp: To us.

00:32:23.100 --> 00:32:26.390 brien.egan: Negative vibrations are also affecting our reality, and so.

00:32:26.390 --> 00:32:26.710 elizabeth tripp: This is.

00:32:26.710 --> 00:32:31.520 brien.egan: Creates dis ease, and these disorders of the self. And when these

00:32:33.830 --> 00:32:40.269 brien.egan: cacophonies of self, or like misalignments, when disharm, that when when things aren't lining up harmonically.

00:32:40.270 --> 00:32:41.230 elizabeth tripp: Yeah, so.

00:32:41.230 --> 00:32:42.299 brien.egan: We create

00:32:42.790 --> 00:32:44.300 brien.egan: disorder and things.

00:32:44.300 --> 00:32:45.209 elizabeth tripp: Like a part.

00:32:45.210 --> 00:32:54.549 brien.egan: Right, and cells can't hold their their vibratory alignment right? Because we're not holding our vibratory alignment.

00:32:54.810 --> 00:32:55.509 elizabeth tripp: Those cells.

00:32:55.510 --> 00:32:56.420 brien.egan: Do that.

00:32:56.840 --> 00:32:58.100 brien.egan: So the

00:32:58.980 --> 00:33:15.859 brien.egan: the medicine songs of the Ikaro that I sing that I learned from the Shaman the Shapiva Shaman was their indigenous practice for healing, and so they incorporate medicine work into it. But it's it's really about sound.

00:33:16.120 --> 00:33:29.890 brien.egan: you know. The shapibo are. They use like ayahuasca in their practices. But it's not about the ayahuasca, so like when when the townspeople go to receive, they don't go there to go drink. Ayahuasca, you know, like the Americans are running off and doing, you know.

00:33:29.890 --> 00:33:31.440 elizabeth tripp: You think they.

00:33:31.440 --> 00:33:32.960 brien.egan: The the Shaman

00:33:33.510 --> 00:33:34.600 brien.egan: uses it

00:33:34.800 --> 00:33:39.399 brien.egan: to enhance the vibration and the vibrational quality of the healing that they are embedding.

00:33:39.400 --> 00:33:40.139 elizabeth tripp: Into the people, that.

00:33:40.140 --> 00:33:40.600 brien.egan: They work.

00:33:40.600 --> 00:33:41.540 elizabeth tripp: Interesting.

00:33:41.540 --> 00:33:44.480 brien.egan: Most most of the healing work is done through song.

00:33:44.964 --> 00:33:56.009 brien.egan: The Icaro that I was learning, and all the different ickro that I learned and how to write them myself. It's really about in training the self and retraining the self through repatterning.

00:33:56.330 --> 00:33:56.970 elizabeth tripp: And by.

00:33:56.970 --> 00:34:01.709 brien.egan: Holding that higher vibration, and just like with a ricky session. You know, you're holding a field.

00:34:01.980 --> 00:34:04.119 brien.egan: and the person does all the healing work.

00:34:04.130 --> 00:34:08.559 brien.egan: because you show them that there's a higher field to what they're sitting in.

00:34:08.610 --> 00:34:18.439 brien.egan: You know what I mean? Yeah, like, they're sitting in that pain spot or those pain points in our body, or whatever it is, they will compress you and keep you from actualizing into your full self.

00:34:18.670 --> 00:34:48.580 brien.egan: And a lot of times. Those are held points from things we held against ourselves, you know, if you're familiar with Louise Hayes work, you can heal your life. Those kinds of things where she creates and gives you charts on the mind, body connections, and how those things interlace and interplay. This is really like this is what's the core of this, you know, it's it's us understanding that our emotions affect our body, that the sounds we're around affect our body. You know, if we go into like an industrial environment, and it's all real, loud, abrasive.

00:34:48.870 --> 00:34:54.350 brien.egan: like confining sounds. Then that's what we kind of hold as our being.

00:34:54.480 --> 00:34:59.919 brien.egan: you know. So like sound quality of the world and environment that you're in is actually really important.

00:35:00.488 --> 00:35:12.681 brien.egan: That's why people use binaural beats to study better. And they use all these different other ways of like the sopecial frequencies and the different ways, you can play different harmonics and sounds. Why,

00:35:13.250 --> 00:35:16.129 brien.egan: When Bach has been

00:35:17.160 --> 00:35:25.559 brien.egan: played in certain ways, and certain symphonies of of box that that and Mozart, and all those things you

00:35:25.700 --> 00:35:34.960 brien.egan: feel the full effect of what they created, because their pieces, and their orchestral piece, or their orchestral pieces, excuse me, were so

00:35:35.180 --> 00:35:37.819 brien.egan: well organized and harmonic.

00:35:37.960 --> 00:35:40.208 brien.egan: You know this is why they call the

00:35:40.780 --> 00:35:50.629 brien.egan: What do they call the the person leading the orchestra a maestro? Right? They're the one leading what's happening because they understand the full piece of what they built.

00:35:50.790 --> 00:36:06.340 brien.egan: You know they understand all the little nuances to it, and how this one will create this feeling and this effect, you know, and that's what that's what the shaman do in the indigenous cultures. You know, they have not lost like the their technology is, is in a lot of ways way more advanced than ours, because they understand.

00:36:06.340 --> 00:36:07.240 elizabeth tripp: Understand it.

00:36:07.240 --> 00:36:12.150 brien.egan: At a cellular at an atomic level. Okay? And even beyond that, you know, into the.

00:36:12.150 --> 00:36:12.510 elizabeth tripp: Yeah.

00:36:12.510 --> 00:36:13.360 brien.egan: Levels of it.

00:36:13.740 --> 00:36:42.530 elizabeth tripp: Yeah. So what it sounds like to me. And what you're describing is that there's this kind of space held within these very, you know beautiful traditions that you've learned, and that what happens is through sound. Someone can open up on a deeper level within themselves and reach into and maybe become present to a pain or an emotional, you know, sort of suffering. They've been going through and through the journey of sound on a deeper level

00:36:42.530 --> 00:36:58.210 elizabeth tripp: release that, let it go, and then recreate a new harmony within their body and essentially discover health which sounds like it's the act of a creator in action itself. Yeah.

00:36:58.210 --> 00:37:01.050 brien.egan: Co-creating with God. That's what sound is. Right.

00:37:01.170 --> 00:37:09.740 brien.egan: So if it's coming up from the heart space where we're in direct connection with the fullness of our now rising above that would be to be able to help create it right.

00:37:09.740 --> 00:37:10.160 elizabeth tripp: Hmm.

00:37:10.160 --> 00:37:24.200 brien.egan: So as we step into those parts of ourselves, that's what we're doing, you know, like you're doing right now with the talk, you know like this is, you're spreading this vibration of positivity, of spirituality, of understanding these higher forms so that people can move into them

00:37:24.370 --> 00:37:27.110 brien.egan: and and assume those spaces as well.

00:37:27.720 --> 00:37:28.040 elizabeth tripp: So.

00:37:28.040 --> 00:37:30.640 brien.egan: Doing is like soul keepers, you know.

00:37:31.010 --> 00:37:38.433 elizabeth tripp: It is. I love that that's really cool. So I have this other question for you. I have so many. But

00:37:39.190 --> 00:37:43.230 elizabeth tripp: You know the mantra. Oh, you know, we hear that.

00:37:43.230 --> 00:37:43.760 brien.egan: And I.

00:37:43.760 --> 00:38:04.839 elizabeth tripp: I think it's like a new age. It's been new age, like Yoga came out, you know. The East came to the west, and we all know we go to Yoga class, and we say, Oh, right! But really what I understood it to be, and I want to hear you what you know, in terms of what you understand. It's the sound of the universe. So

00:38:05.080 --> 00:38:12.790 elizabeth tripp: is that true? And does chanting, it really affect us on some sort of physical, level, emotional, level and spiritual level.

00:38:13.130 --> 00:38:18.259 brien.egan: Yeah, and I'll look. I'll I'll give you a little example, too, in here. Okay, so

00:38:20.290 --> 00:38:24.760 brien.egan: 1st thing, I was just teaching a a toning class recently, actually, and

00:38:24.830 --> 00:38:29.499 brien.egan: a big piece of the part that I taught was was using the album or the Om.

00:38:29.500 --> 00:38:30.240 elizabeth tripp: Hmm.

00:38:30.240 --> 00:38:30.814 brien.egan: So.

00:38:31.560 --> 00:38:37.549 brien.egan: but to answer your question directly. Yes, it is, and in Hinduism.

00:38:37.898 --> 00:38:43.810 brien.egan: It is seen as the sound that created the universe. And if you look at every creation story.

00:38:44.070 --> 00:38:45.690 brien.egan: they all begin.

00:38:46.040 --> 00:38:47.429 brien.egan: God spoke.

00:38:47.990 --> 00:38:49.079 elizabeth tripp: There be light.

00:38:49.080 --> 00:38:49.760 brien.egan: There was no light.

00:38:49.760 --> 00:38:50.680 elizabeth tripp: Right until.

00:38:50.680 --> 00:38:53.390 brien.egan: It was vibrated out with sound.

00:38:53.870 --> 00:38:54.309 elizabeth tripp: And a cat.

00:38:54.310 --> 00:38:55.740 brien.egan: The light that was.

00:38:55.880 --> 00:38:57.880 brien.egan: Does that make sense so like.

00:38:57.880 --> 00:38:58.540 elizabeth tripp: Really.

00:38:58.540 --> 00:39:04.819 brien.egan: So like all these things that it's embedded. We just don't realize it. We've like, we've let sound just be music. You know what I mean.

00:39:04.820 --> 00:39:05.220 elizabeth tripp: Anyone.

00:39:05.220 --> 00:39:07.249 brien.egan: Background because it is the background.

00:39:07.980 --> 00:39:08.410 elizabeth tripp: I mean.

00:39:08.410 --> 00:39:10.450 brien.egan: Is the space that we exist in.

00:39:11.510 --> 00:39:14.510 brien.egan: It's the space that we act in and through.

00:39:15.480 --> 00:39:18.089 elizabeth tripp: So everything is sound, vibration, resonance.

00:39:18.090 --> 00:39:28.080 brien.egan: It is if everything's vibration right and which it is all of our cells, all of our atoms, all of our subatomic particles. They're just vibrating potentialities that happen when we put our attention on them

00:39:28.360 --> 00:39:29.160 brien.egan: right.

00:39:29.690 --> 00:39:30.910 elizabeth tripp: Totally. Yeah.

00:39:30.910 --> 00:39:33.389 brien.egan: Attention is our intention right? And so.

00:39:33.390 --> 00:39:33.770 elizabeth tripp: Things.

00:39:33.770 --> 00:39:37.139 brien.egan: Sync up. And that's what we're creating is what we want, right?

00:39:37.250 --> 00:39:40.095 brien.egan: And what we're calling forward. So

00:39:41.350 --> 00:39:49.499 brien.egan: Where was it going with that the the ohm. Okay. So when I taught the Ohm, I unpacked it. We spent an hour and a half learning. Ohm.

00:39:50.160 --> 00:39:50.690 elizabeth tripp: Wow!

00:39:50.690 --> 00:39:57.669 brien.egan: Being the sound of crude in the universe. Well, because because there's parts to it, right? So there's the

00:40:05.970 --> 00:40:07.350 brien.egan: do you hear how that moved.

00:40:07.520 --> 00:40:08.220 elizabeth tripp: Hmm.

00:40:08.220 --> 00:40:33.009 brien.egan: How my voice kind of fluctuated with it. The fluctuation is the fullness of the breath combining with the sound right? And so when people go home. They always end with real quick. You gotta give that some sound, you know a lot of the times in in shamanic tradition and in Hinduism often they'll they come back to that. The sound for the crown you do the sound for each Chakra is usually.

00:40:33.010 --> 00:40:33.360 elizabeth tripp: Yeah.

00:40:33.360 --> 00:40:34.559 brien.egan: Some kind of a hum.

00:40:34.780 --> 00:40:41.080 brien.egan: and in Shamanism one of the 1st things they teach singing is to create your own hum.

00:40:41.770 --> 00:40:42.250 elizabeth tripp: Hmm.

00:40:44.230 --> 00:40:47.709 brien.egan: it's your own way to fluctuate the vibrations

00:40:47.870 --> 00:40:48.420 brien.egan: that makes sense.

00:40:48.420 --> 00:40:49.440 elizabeth tripp: So.

00:40:49.440 --> 00:40:50.040 brien.egan: So.

00:40:50.650 --> 00:40:51.690 brien.egan: so yeah. So we

00:40:54.680 --> 00:40:56.000 brien.egan: we did the

00:40:56.350 --> 00:40:59.115 brien.egan: First, st and then we did the

00:41:00.770 --> 00:41:13.889 brien.egan: so it's not just Om. Usually when they pronounce it, or you. Sometimes you'll see it written a or you'll see it a OM. Because and so this will just take this to a different direction. You you're familiar with Wayne Dyer.

00:41:14.140 --> 00:41:16.160 elizabeth tripp: Yes, yes, we are.

00:41:16.160 --> 00:41:16.610 brien.egan: Darling.

00:41:16.610 --> 00:41:18.440 elizabeth tripp: Meditation, the more.

00:41:18.440 --> 00:41:29.909 brien.egan: The meditation right? So his his offer, his manifesting meditation. Right? So secrets to manifesting your destiny. It was a has a on book tape. I listened to it in my car for like 5 years. So

00:41:30.490 --> 00:41:37.459 brien.egan: there's there's a part in it where he goes through, and he teaches you the and then at the end of the day you do all.

00:41:38.330 --> 00:41:38.930 elizabeth tripp: Yeah.

00:41:38.930 --> 00:41:39.899 brien.egan: Kind of steal.

00:41:39.900 --> 00:41:40.680 elizabeth tripp: Oh!

00:41:40.680 --> 00:41:49.230 brien.egan: Seal the whole day's worth of spell that you did for yourself to create right and to let it release it out to the universe.

00:41:49.680 --> 00:41:58.730 brien.egan: So the sound that he talks about is the sound for God in every culture, in every word, for God has in it.

00:41:59.101 --> 00:42:06.148 brien.egan: Is the sound we make when we put nothing on our voice, we just make it. That's why the doctor says, say, right, you're saying.

00:42:06.500 --> 00:42:15.619 brien.egan: they're not putting any fluctuation. You're not changing the way your voice patterns or anything like that. So so to start? Ohm, not just ohms!

00:42:20.420 --> 00:42:21.510 elizabeth tripp: wow.

00:42:21.690 --> 00:42:27.750 brien.egan: So what we taught was to do it through a full breath. So your own should be like 30 to 40 seconds long.

00:42:28.220 --> 00:42:31.440 brien.egan: And I'll I'll give you an example when we come back from the break.

00:42:31.830 --> 00:42:39.859 elizabeth tripp: Oh, yeah, love, thanks for being on point with that. So, guys, we'll be right back and we'll continue this fascinating conversation. Thank you.

00:42:40.320 --> 00:42:40.910 brien.egan: Thanks.

00:44:45.600 --> 00:45:10.290 elizabeth tripp: Welcome back to nurse the soul, talk radio show. And podcast I'm your host, Elizabeth Tripp. And I'm talking with Brian Egan today a powerhouse of knowledge and wisdom on sound resonance, energy, frequency, vibration, manifestation, so much more. We're getting into a pretty pretty awesome conversation, and we left off about

00:45:10.370 --> 00:45:15.250 elizabeth tripp: oh, and what I'm hearing is that there's an oh!

00:45:15.270 --> 00:45:17.479 elizabeth tripp: And in fact, it

00:45:17.650 --> 00:45:28.400 elizabeth tripp: invites the breath when we fully experience the nature of it, to be able to embody the power of it. So, Brian, tell us more, and be sure to on mic yourself than you do.

00:45:31.730 --> 00:45:35.489 brien.egan: So thank you for that. Yeah. So the

00:45:35.590 --> 00:45:38.179 brien.egan: yeah. And you said that so perfectly they. So

00:45:38.710 --> 00:45:39.790 brien.egan: the

00:45:39.870 --> 00:45:43.809 brien.egan: the Aha part of it inspires the Om.

00:45:44.360 --> 00:45:44.750 elizabeth tripp: Win.

00:45:44.750 --> 00:45:48.110 brien.egan: And that word inspire means in spirits. Right? So.

00:45:48.110 --> 00:45:48.570 elizabeth tripp: And spear.

00:45:48.570 --> 00:45:53.409 brien.egan: That's what it comes from. So it's we we bring in spirit into this space.

00:45:53.410 --> 00:45:54.389 elizabeth tripp: Oh, wow!

00:45:54.390 --> 00:46:05.110 brien.egan: So right and so different levels of self, so that the is our resonance from our heart that moves our crown. Oh, is usually our root sound that we start with.

00:46:06.524 --> 00:46:07.160 brien.egan: So

00:46:09.100 --> 00:46:17.340 brien.egan: what I taught and like. I said, I, I spoke, and we we I taught how to do the Ohm in a full way. It's about 30 to 40 seconds, so I'm going to do one for you.

00:46:17.850 --> 00:46:18.680 elizabeth tripp: So.

00:46:19.560 --> 00:46:22.589 brien.egan: What it will do is it will create

00:46:22.600 --> 00:46:23.330 brien.egan: a

00:46:27.210 --> 00:46:28.380 brien.egan: a

00:46:30.770 --> 00:46:32.400 brien.egan: like it. It creates

00:46:32.510 --> 00:46:34.886 brien.egan: what's the word? I can't think of the word

00:46:37.670 --> 00:46:40.169 brien.egan: like a harmonic, but a higher harmonic.

00:46:41.040 --> 00:46:42.779 brien.egan: It creates a

00:46:46.940 --> 00:46:47.654 brien.egan: Sorry

00:46:48.840 --> 00:46:52.899 elizabeth tripp: Yeah, no like a resonance or frequency, like we're talking like we're talking about.

00:46:53.150 --> 00:46:56.410 brien.egan: Overtone overtone. That's the word I was looking for. Okay, I got it.

00:46:57.180 --> 00:47:04.389 brien.egan: So have you ever heard of overtone singing? It's when, like the monks, or like the have you ever heard of Tubin throat singing where the.

00:47:04.605 --> 00:47:04.820 elizabeth tripp: So.

00:47:04.820 --> 00:47:10.639 brien.egan: The really deep the the Mongolian monks will do the really deep chanting, and it will create

00:47:10.700 --> 00:47:13.149 brien.egan: 2 sounds at the same time.

00:47:13.699 --> 00:47:20.139 brien.egan: So it'll create the initial sound, and the initial sound will create the higher sound or the lower sound.

00:47:20.140 --> 00:47:20.880 elizabeth tripp: Down to it.

00:47:20.880 --> 00:47:23.080 brien.egan: Depending on which way you're going with the sound.

00:47:23.280 --> 00:47:50.359 brien.egan: So I've had some really cool moments where I've been able to create 3. So like they'll create the 2 sounds, and then a 3rd one will kind of fit in between them and show up at the same time. So it's almost like I've split my voice into 3 different ways. I've had a weird moments where, like with the planet crystal balls, where, like it sounds like a symphony, is joining me. It's pretty neat. So it's it's it's about tapping into those other levels just with our vibration, you know, and being aware of that. So so I'll give you the example. Alright. So

00:47:51.325 --> 00:47:51.930 brien.egan: just

00:47:53.220 --> 00:47:56.980 brien.egan: everybody. Just take a second focus into yourself and listen.

00:48:35.670 --> 00:48:36.500 elizabeth tripp: Wow!

00:48:37.240 --> 00:48:37.860 brien.egan: So.

00:48:38.480 --> 00:48:39.180 brien.egan: yeah.

00:48:39.310 --> 00:48:40.799 elizabeth tripp: That was very powerful.

00:48:41.050 --> 00:48:43.560 brien.egan: Yeah, just a quick, simple

00:48:45.520 --> 00:48:46.620 brien.egan: one thing.

00:48:46.950 --> 00:48:47.730 elizabeth tripp: Yeah.

00:48:47.730 --> 00:49:00.050 brien.egan: But what it does is it creates a whole spiral through your whole self to help you reharmonize. That's why it's so powerful right? And that's why it is that source connection. Bring us directly back to the infinite, you know.

00:49:01.660 --> 00:49:02.430 brien.egan: yeah.

00:49:03.190 --> 00:49:10.308 elizabeth tripp: Wow. So this being our last segment, I have this one last question to ask you, and then I have

00:49:11.870 --> 00:49:16.130 elizabeth tripp: a little bit of time to also hear about how you know people

00:49:16.480 --> 00:49:33.010 elizabeth tripp: globally could connect with you. I have a global audience that I know will be watching this, or we tuning into the replay as well as local. So we'll we'll get some time at the end to talk about that. But you speak about breath so powerfully. So

00:49:33.190 --> 00:49:58.110 elizabeth tripp: I want to understand myself, and I'm sure other people do breath and sound seem to be so powerfully connected. And they kind of like they're they're partners, in a sense. And so can you tell us more about their partnership, and what effect, when we partner them together and and work them more synergistically, breath and sound, breath and vibration. How it affects our wellbeing.

00:49:59.250 --> 00:50:00.630 brien.egan: Yeah, definitely.

00:50:03.880 --> 00:50:06.970 brien.egan: So what's the 1st thing we do when we're born?

00:50:08.010 --> 00:50:08.930 elizabeth tripp: We cry.

00:50:09.270 --> 00:50:10.790 brien.egan: Well, before we cry.

00:50:11.130 --> 00:50:12.190 elizabeth tripp: Do we breathe?

00:50:12.340 --> 00:50:13.639 elizabeth tripp: We took a breath.

00:50:13.640 --> 00:50:15.299 brien.egan: We take that breath in right cause, we.

00:50:15.300 --> 00:50:16.189 elizabeth tripp: Yeah, yeah.

00:50:16.190 --> 00:50:17.190 brien.egan: It right.

00:50:17.190 --> 00:50:18.120 elizabeth tripp: Yeah, 1st thing.

00:50:18.120 --> 00:50:20.930 brien.egan: We do is we breathe, and then we cry, or or.

00:50:20.930 --> 00:50:21.340 elizabeth tripp: Yeah.

00:50:21.340 --> 00:50:22.369 brien.egan: Not everybody does almost.

00:50:24.290 --> 00:50:27.279 brien.egan: But then it's the last thing we do before we die.

00:50:27.280 --> 00:50:28.250 elizabeth tripp: Hmm.

00:50:28.250 --> 00:50:28.840 brien.egan: Ruth.

00:50:29.770 --> 00:50:37.510 brien.egan: You know. And it's it's it's that core connection to everything we do. And it's so core that just like sound.

00:50:37.560 --> 00:50:38.830 brien.egan: it's just the background.

00:50:39.260 --> 00:50:42.020 brien.egan: We don't pay attention to it. We let it

00:50:42.030 --> 00:50:44.730 brien.egan: rule us, we let it

00:50:45.211 --> 00:50:49.578 brien.egan: be our way to deal with anxiety without even knowing it. We let it.

00:50:49.890 --> 00:50:50.660 elizabeth tripp: Hmm.

00:50:50.660 --> 00:50:57.279 brien.egan: Let it dictate how our sound shows up, based on the quality of the breaths that we take. Does that make sense.

00:50:57.820 --> 00:50:58.360 elizabeth tripp: Yeah.

00:50:58.360 --> 00:51:01.259 brien.egan: More that we can sync up and

00:51:01.710 --> 00:51:06.869 brien.egan: sink into our breath, and the harmonics that we make with our voice.

00:51:07.030 --> 00:51:11.569 brien.egan: the more that we can fully express, and let those things out into the world.

00:51:12.685 --> 00:51:13.240 elizabeth tripp: So.

00:51:13.240 --> 00:51:17.180 brien.egan: They are, they are intimately intertwined. We can't make sound without breath.

00:51:17.590 --> 00:51:19.760 brien.egan: but the quality of both

00:51:20.460 --> 00:51:23.400 brien.egan: show us the quality of our health.

00:51:24.421 --> 00:51:28.568 brien.egan: one of the sound healers that I've worked with internationally known.

00:51:29.910 --> 00:51:32.480 brien.egan: Wayne, Perry, he wrote. The

00:51:33.880 --> 00:51:35.860 brien.egan: sound medicine is his book.

00:51:35.970 --> 00:51:49.909 brien.egan: and really amazing amazing gentleman. He does this vocal analysis where he will take your voice, and you'll tone for him, and you'll make some sounds and speak, and he will show you this vocal analysis chart that like gives you health reports on yourself.

00:51:49.980 --> 00:51:57.800 brien.egan: and how things are showing up in your experience just by based on the frequency and the pitches, and the way that you hold your voice when you speak.

00:51:58.410 --> 00:51:59.190 elizabeth tripp: People speak.

00:51:59.190 --> 00:52:07.790 brien.egan: Quietly, and some people are very loud, and they're bringing your face. And they're really like drawing in the energy, or they're pulling it out. You know, we've all experienced those kinds of people, right? So.

00:52:07.790 --> 00:52:08.770 elizabeth tripp: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:52:08.770 --> 00:52:11.859 brien.egan: So, yeah, so it it's how we kind of, you know.

00:52:12.340 --> 00:52:14.759 brien.egan: dictate our flow, based on our our

00:52:15.000 --> 00:52:22.010 brien.egan: our everything. You know our harm, our harmony of self is how we show up, and that shows up in our voice, shows up in our breath, shows up in everything we do.

00:52:22.460 --> 00:52:43.880 elizabeth tripp: Yeah. So let's say, people are interested in because you, you have so much knowledge. And I'm assuming you have some forces or some opportunities or something where people can connect you. Do you do anything online? Or is it all more the preference, like a more hands on one on one experience or group like setting, or both. Could you tell us about that?

00:52:43.880 --> 00:52:50.149 brien.egan: Of those things. Yeah, for sure, definitely, all those things. Through the sound healing conservatory we are doing.

00:52:50.576 --> 00:53:03.029 brien.egan: I've done online trainings with people in Europe, people in California. And we're in Virginia and people in Pennsylvania all over the country. We've done international conferences online with people all over the world. Europe.

00:53:03.460 --> 00:53:05.230 brien.egan: North America, South America.

00:53:05.360 --> 00:53:08.350 brien.egan: Asia. So it's a matter of

00:53:08.600 --> 00:53:10.430 brien.egan: drawing everybody together

00:53:10.690 --> 00:53:23.789 brien.egan: and getting everybody into those places. But yeah, I I definitely offer things online through the sound healing conservatory. So my website for that is the sound And we're going to be offering more courses through that soon. I have a course where you can get your own set of sound bowls.

00:53:23.830 --> 00:53:40.050 brien.egan: and I teach you how to use them how to use the sound with them, how to use your voice with them, how to connect into them at different levels spiritually, to make it into your practice or your healing practice. You know it could be your your job. It could be something that just helps you rebalance your life.

00:53:40.200 --> 00:53:56.179 brien.egan: I do individual sessions with people coaching, counseling, spiritual counseling. All different types of of work and sessions. I do distance, energy, healing sessions. I've gone online with people all over the world. Different. You know different settings, different different needs, you know.

00:53:56.320 --> 00:54:14.459 elizabeth tripp: Beautiful sound healing conservatory is the website to go to, and then we have 2 min to go, and I know you can answer this question. So I wanted to. Ask you have it right here? What

00:54:14.560 --> 00:54:16.399 elizabeth tripp: do you believe?

00:54:16.430 --> 00:54:22.470 elizabeth tripp: The meaning of life truly is, what do you believe it is from your perspective?

00:54:22.470 --> 00:54:22.970 brien.egan: Meeting.

00:54:22.970 --> 00:54:28.719 elizabeth tripp: You've been the meaning. Yeah, what do you believe the meaning of life is, I'm ending my shows with these kind of

00:54:29.190 --> 00:54:31.689 elizabeth tripp: damn questions to see what. My!

00:54:31.940 --> 00:54:33.409 elizabeth tripp: I guess we'll come up with.

00:54:33.410 --> 00:54:39.820 brien.egan: Well, you know, in in magic and in all spiritual work the goal is enlightenment, right.

00:54:39.820 --> 00:54:40.150 elizabeth tripp: Yeah.

00:54:40.150 --> 00:54:42.039 brien.egan: And enlightenment isn't about

00:54:43.500 --> 00:54:55.709 brien.egan: leaving the planet, you know, like they say, like like Ezekiel like he he walked with God, and he was not right, and he so he just left. He didn't need to stay here anymore. Right? And so, essentially

00:54:56.049 --> 00:55:07.920 brien.egan: or in in the Buddhist tradition, the Dog's Chen Meditation, rainbow, light body. You're creating this this vessel to take with you into another place. But really the truth to it is once you gain that

00:55:08.020 --> 00:55:11.179 brien.egan: that mastery over self to the fullest that you can.

00:55:11.590 --> 00:55:14.479 brien.egan: Your goal is to help everyone else get there, too.

00:55:14.740 --> 00:55:19.649 brien.egan: And so it's about helping us all raise as one heart and one harmony.

00:55:19.880 --> 00:55:20.630 brien.egan: That's my main.

00:55:20.630 --> 00:55:21.430 elizabeth tripp: Wow!

00:55:21.850 --> 00:55:23.090 elizabeth tripp: Wow!

00:55:23.160 --> 00:55:27.820 elizabeth tripp: Thank you, Brian. On that note we're going to end the show on that

00:55:28.120 --> 00:55:39.170 elizabeth tripp: powerful message. Thank you so much. You have been an amazing guest. I hope we can do this again, and I send you all all my blessings. Thank you. Take care, everyone.

00:55:39.170 --> 00:55:46.109 brien.egan: I have. I have a have a show coming up, too. It's going to be called harmonically now with Maestro Bryan, and it will be on ethereal

00:55:46.320 --> 00:55:48.010 brien.egan: So TV show.

00:55:48.140 --> 00:55:54.459 brien.egan: we'll be interviewing people talking about harmonics in reality. And all these things. And I think maybe you should be on there, too, and we'll talk about that.

00:55:54.950 --> 00:55:55.300 elizabeth tripp: Personally.

00:55:55.300 --> 00:55:56.380 brien.egan: Pretty cool. Yeah.

00:55:56.380 --> 00:55:58.070 elizabeth tripp: Send us the links. Okay?

00:55:58.230 --> 00:55:59.670 brien.egan: Okay, I will. Awesome.

00:55:59.670 --> 00:56:03.149 elizabeth tripp: Alright! Perfect! Alright! Take care, everyone! Good night!

00:56:03.570 --> 00:56:04.270 brien.egan: Have a great day.

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