Nourish the Soul

Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/08/13-The Story You Tell Comes Alive--In Your Body

Facebook Live Video from 2024/08/13-The Story You Tell Comes Alive--In Your Body


2024/08/13-The Story You Tell Comes Alive--In Your Body

[NEW EPISODE] The Story You Tell Comes Alive--In Your Body


The audience will learn that the answers to their greatest life struggles are right in front of them—within their own bodies. They’ll discover how the stories they tell about themselves shape their well-being. When stuck in a negative narrative, it’s the body that bears the impact.

Did you know that every cell in our body hears every thought we think and every word we say? And our cells react to our story creating a shaping our well-being.

We are powerful beings, but more often we forget that and fall victim to a storyline about ourselves and our lives that is negative and unhealthy. It time to change this, and learn how to open up to the power of our heart so we reclaim our power, deepen our self-love and transform our health

Tune in for this empowering conversation at

Show Notes

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4


00:00:45.250 --> 00:01:00.640 elizabeth tripp: Hello and welcome to nurse the soul, talk, radio show, and podcast are you ready to awaken, to true well being and unlock a deeper understanding of yourself.

00:01:01.320 --> 00:01:11.589 elizabeth tripp: Truly it is time to feel good in your body, and shift out of the struggle and into ease when it comes to your well-being.

00:01:11.600 --> 00:01:39.340 elizabeth tripp: So I invite you listeners tonight to relax and enjoy. Let's go on an extraordinary journey of self discovery, because nurse, the soul talk, radio show, and podcast is here to awaken you to the sacred wisdom of your body. I'm Elizabeth Tripp, your host. And today, we're going to talk about a very important and powerful subject.

00:01:39.730 --> 00:01:43.960 elizabeth tripp: Can our mindset make us sick?

00:01:44.610 --> 00:02:04.290 elizabeth tripp: Well, before we dive into this subject, let's take a moment to get present, and you know, I tell you this, each episode that we do these live solo talks. It just means getting present. Being present means we are operating from our heart

00:02:04.650 --> 00:02:28.489 elizabeth tripp: the truth of ourselves the true nature of who we are, these omnipresent creative beings. Here, in these bodies, these sacred temples come to this life experience. Right we call journey of earth to learn and grow, we can really step into the power of the present. So let's put our hand on our chest.

00:02:28.940 --> 00:02:33.730 elizabeth tripp: and I'm going to talk to you just a little bit before we do a deep breathing.

00:02:33.790 --> 00:02:42.790 elizabeth tripp: How do you come into this breath? So what you're gonna do is you're gonna begin to breathe in through your nose to the count of 4,

00:02:43.150 --> 00:02:50.450 elizabeth tripp: and as you exhale out with a count of 4 or longer, if it feels right, you're going to make just a

00:02:50.510 --> 00:02:51.620 elizabeth tripp: huh

00:02:51.640 --> 00:02:56.389 elizabeth tripp: nice sighing sound, so we'll do it once together.

00:02:56.470 --> 00:03:07.230 elizabeth tripp: And then, as you drop in after our one round, you're gonna do that at your own cadence, your own rhythm, while you listen to my voice.

00:03:07.510 --> 00:03:18.595 elizabeth tripp: So let's start together, breathing in count to 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, letting it all go sighing it out.

00:03:20.070 --> 00:03:26.680 elizabeth tripp: 3, 4. Good job! Continue that breath as you drop into your heart

00:03:26.700 --> 00:03:28.899 elizabeth tripp: and affirm this to yourself.

00:03:29.290 --> 00:03:33.490 elizabeth tripp: I am now connected to the light of my heart.

00:03:34.460 --> 00:03:36.299 elizabeth tripp: and this light within me

00:03:36.680 --> 00:03:40.610 elizabeth tripp: is now in the driver's seat of my experience.

00:03:42.010 --> 00:03:48.959 elizabeth tripp: I'm ready to see what I need to see. I'm ready to let go of what I need to let go of.

00:03:49.870 --> 00:03:54.690 elizabeth tripp: and I am ready to integrate what is necessary for me

00:03:54.980 --> 00:03:58.820 elizabeth tripp: to walk on the path of my highest good

00:03:59.160 --> 00:04:00.220 elizabeth tripp: right now.

00:04:04.050 --> 00:04:07.830 elizabeth tripp: and I want to read a beautiful quote by Lao Tzu.

00:04:09.160 --> 00:04:10.540 elizabeth tripp: simplicity.

00:04:10.810 --> 00:04:13.430 elizabeth tripp: patience, compassion.

00:04:14.130 --> 00:04:18.269 elizabeth tripp: These 3 are your greatest treasures.

00:04:19.370 --> 00:04:25.030 elizabeth tripp: simple in action and thoughts, you return to the source of being

00:04:25.810 --> 00:04:28.969 elizabeth tripp: patient with both friends and enemies.

00:04:29.280 --> 00:04:32.810 elizabeth tripp: You accord with the way things are

00:04:33.500 --> 00:04:35.969 elizabeth tripp: compassionate towards yourself.

00:04:36.340 --> 00:04:41.359 elizabeth tripp: You reconcile all beings in this world.

00:04:42.890 --> 00:04:47.759 elizabeth tripp: so feel free to just open your eyes.

00:04:47.780 --> 00:04:49.689 elizabeth tripp: returning from that

00:04:49.850 --> 00:05:05.650 elizabeth tripp: deep connection to your heart, center the light within yourself that all of us have. Everybody has a beautiful light within themselves. It's just a matter of believing you do, deciding you do, and getting in touch with it.

00:05:06.410 --> 00:05:10.310 elizabeth tripp: So we want to dive into tonight's subject.

00:05:11.100 --> 00:05:19.920 elizabeth tripp: What is mindset? Let's start with that. Because tonight's radio show is about, can our mindset make us sick.

00:05:20.070 --> 00:05:26.429 elizabeth tripp: So let's get really present to you in exploring. What does the word mindset really mean?

00:05:27.340 --> 00:05:43.530 elizabeth tripp: So I did a lot of research before I did this radio show tonight, this podcast because it's just a really powerful topic. And the kind of you know, journey, we're going to go on tonight is really

00:05:43.530 --> 00:06:10.190 elizabeth tripp: gonna bring probably a lot up for a lot of us. And there's gonna be points within the show where there may be, you know, just differences in opinion. And that's okay. So we want to understand our mindset and where it comes from. So when I did some research, I looked at a couple of different definitions out there, and something that I really felt resonated was, you know, one. It's an established set of attitudes held by someone.

00:06:10.980 --> 00:06:14.049 elizabeth tripp: I also came across this definition

00:06:14.480 --> 00:06:19.459 elizabeth tripp: a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself.

00:06:19.730 --> 00:06:30.250 elizabeth tripp: and I think both of these are really great in understanding mindset, so they can really help us get a you know, a firm grip and understanding of what a mindset is.

00:06:30.590 --> 00:06:38.410 elizabeth tripp: So the next question I wanted to kind of bring to the table with everyone is, where does our mindset come from?

00:06:39.070 --> 00:06:50.199 elizabeth tripp: And through the work that I do, you know, as a a transformational coach as a spiritual teacher and a mentor for those on their journey of life.

00:06:50.570 --> 00:07:00.879 elizabeth tripp: I've come to understand that a mindset is really like the definition I shared above a true collection of our beliefs, our attitudes, our perceptions.

00:07:00.890 --> 00:07:20.639 elizabeth tripp: You know the opinions that we hold of ourselves in our world. They they create our mindset, and they can be influenced by many factors. So what I've seen is the biggest influencer or influencers are really our environment.

00:07:21.030 --> 00:07:38.679 elizabeth tripp: and that pertains to. You know our home life, whether that be where we were brought up our upbringing. The kind of you know values that we have within our family dynamics. And then within our social and cultural environment. So

00:07:38.990 --> 00:07:50.940 elizabeth tripp: what do socially and culturally, we, as a society, hold to an importance or feel there is a value of, or, you know, deem as measures of good and bad, or right and wrong.

00:07:51.180 --> 00:07:53.070 elizabeth tripp: as well as

00:07:53.130 --> 00:07:59.129 elizabeth tripp: past experiences, especially past promise.

00:07:59.130 --> 00:08:16.009 elizabeth tripp: I have observed and watched out of all of the sessions that I've done hundreds of sessions with people, and, you know, really getting to the bottom of, and the root cause of their, you know, physical aches and pains, and the things that are painting them in life.

00:08:16.010 --> 00:08:29.219 elizabeth tripp: I have found that our mindset has been very much influenced by our past traumas, by the past experiences that we've gone through that have changed us.

00:08:29.290 --> 00:08:31.279 elizabeth tripp: that have really

00:08:31.580 --> 00:08:49.569 elizabeth tripp: change the way we perceive ourselves in a negative way, and a better way to even say, that is an opinion we hold of ourselves that really separates us from the truth of our heart, which, as we move through these episodes, you're really starting to get a clearer and clearer understanding of.

00:08:50.050 --> 00:08:53.180 elizabeth tripp: So that's where our mindset comes from, and

00:08:53.460 --> 00:08:58.299 elizabeth tripp: bottom line for tonight's podcast and today's show is that you know

00:08:58.470 --> 00:09:03.350 elizabeth tripp: how we perceive ourselves in our world. It is our mindset.

00:09:03.360 --> 00:09:05.789 elizabeth tripp: our perception is everything.

00:09:05.920 --> 00:09:10.329 elizabeth tripp: And listen. You know there is no right

00:09:10.330 --> 00:09:34.850 elizabeth tripp: or wrong way of viewing something according to our heart, and that's the perception I come from. But what there is is a hundred 1 million or infinite 1,000,000,000,000,000 gazillion ways of understanding. Something. So perception is unique, and there can be so many different ways of viewing something that

00:09:34.850 --> 00:09:40.431 elizabeth tripp: you know, we could similarly see. Say, Okay, yes, I agree. I see it this way.

00:09:40.800 --> 00:09:46.180 elizabeth tripp: But because we have had different upbringings with different parents.

00:09:46.250 --> 00:09:56.370 elizabeth tripp: Perhaps we've lived culturally in the same country. Or you know, we have socially and culturally the same values around life, or the way we view and understand certain things.

00:09:56.390 --> 00:10:14.890 elizabeth tripp: you'll still find differences in the way that we may perceive something, and that is true across the board among all individuals, because no one individual has brought up by the same parents, or had the same exact life experience. Well.

00:10:15.250 --> 00:10:19.760 elizabeth tripp: they have, you know, gone from childhood to adulthood.

00:10:19.790 --> 00:10:47.030 elizabeth tripp: so that makes perception really unique, and something to really highly consider when we talk about, can our mindset make us sick? Right? And how our past really influences our perception, and how our cultural and social environment are heavily influencing that as well. Because it it's really multi-factorial. So it's it's a pretty interesting subject.

00:10:47.760 --> 00:10:48.830 elizabeth tripp: so

00:10:49.400 --> 00:11:05.919 elizabeth tripp: what I really want to hone in on before we start to talk about as we go deeper into mindset and getting into the subject of what is a victim mindset. And what is an empowered mindset? I really want to

00:11:06.060 --> 00:11:23.429 elizabeth tripp: address that when we go through, you know past experiences, because that's a part of what shapes our mindset. And they're traumatic. And they they make an imprint on us. Mentally and emotionally.

00:11:23.940 --> 00:11:44.760 elizabeth tripp: that often this is where we start to develop a mindset where we can feel like a victim rather than feeling empowered by life or empowered within ourself, that life is happening for us and through us

00:11:44.760 --> 00:11:57.180 elizabeth tripp: right? Because that's a bigger and more expanded mindset right? And when we look at mindset and where it comes from, and what it means.

00:11:57.650 --> 00:12:02.959 elizabeth tripp: a lot of us. In fact, all of us have been through

00:12:03.080 --> 00:12:10.950 elizabeth tripp: different types of traumatic events, whether that be collective, right? Mostly. Everybody has been through 9, 11

00:12:11.170 --> 00:12:23.110 elizabeth tripp: and if you're you know, at the age of, let's say you know at least you were 8 or 9 or 6, or 7, and remember that event in 2,000 and one.

00:12:23.600 --> 00:12:44.020 elizabeth tripp: And so that's a collective trauma right that has possibly left some sort of emotional imprint or mental imprint on you right? And we don't process these things. And we don't, you know, actually, give ourselves the space to see how they may have affected us right.

00:12:44.090 --> 00:12:45.750 elizabeth tripp: They can

00:12:46.260 --> 00:12:51.839 elizabeth tripp: cause us to create opinions about ourself and the world

00:12:51.880 --> 00:13:04.700 elizabeth tripp: that really speaks to a limited perception of ourselves and reality. And we're going to get to know, you know, what that kind of mindset is, and and

00:13:04.750 --> 00:13:24.150 elizabeth tripp: explore it, and how it affects us on a mental and physical level. Really, how it impacts our wellbeing because even our childhood traumas, you know, and speaking of more of a personalized perspective, have a huge huge impact on

00:13:24.270 --> 00:13:32.949 elizabeth tripp: the way in which we understand ourselves. And just to give, you know, an example, right? You know, we go through something

00:13:33.320 --> 00:13:51.320 elizabeth tripp: where maybe as a kid, we get spanked by a parent, and in that we feel afraid and scared. And now we make the opinion right that you know. I I'm not safe in my home. I'm afraid of my parent or my mom or dad right?

00:13:51.410 --> 00:13:53.240 elizabeth tripp: We now feel

00:13:53.280 --> 00:14:05.849 elizabeth tripp: slighted and and even perhaps more helpless than we did before that event happened which can change our whole reality, and how we see and understand our world thereafter. So.

00:14:06.160 --> 00:14:13.870 elizabeth tripp: whether it feels small or big to you that example in terms of the way it could leave a traumatic impact on us.

00:14:13.890 --> 00:14:30.020 elizabeth tripp: It for some can create a perception of life that, totally, you know, changes their whole paradigm moving forward. So we're gonna take a quick break and dive even further into this after we get back.

00:16:45.740 --> 00:16:53.739 elizabeth tripp: Are you ready to awaken to true well-being, and unlock a deeper understanding of yourself?

00:16:53.820 --> 00:17:22.659 elizabeth tripp: Well, through engaging with you listeners and transformative storytelling and interviews with thought leaders and way showers around the world. I invite you to go on the experience that occurs when you get present to your body the well being that starts to emulate from you when you slow down and come out of your head and into your heart.

00:17:22.660 --> 00:17:33.289 elizabeth tripp: Because, did you know that your body is designed on a soul level to help you remember who you really are. Welcome back

00:17:33.410 --> 00:17:37.659 elizabeth tripp: we are talking about. Can your mindset make you sick?

00:17:37.780 --> 00:17:39.020 elizabeth tripp: Because

00:17:39.050 --> 00:17:44.010 elizabeth tripp: I know that a lot of us right can often

00:17:44.170 --> 00:17:46.880 elizabeth tripp: struggle with, you know.

00:17:47.270 --> 00:18:14.229 elizabeth tripp: aches and pains and dis ease and illnesses that come and go, or continue to kind of brag on, and it can feel pretty rough and tough sometimes, or even just as we age staying in good health, be one of those things that really starts to, you know, weigh heavily on us, and I want to empower you all to take back the authority you have over your body over your health, over your wellbeing.

00:18:14.230 --> 00:18:38.839 elizabeth tripp: and really our mindset, the perception we hold about ourselves, and reality is the key. And we're learning that our mindset actually is a collection of, you know, our upbringing, our past traumas, the things, the incidents that we've been through that have caused us, maybe pain or hurt as well as the social and cultural norms and environment. We're used to

00:18:38.840 --> 00:18:54.010 elizabeth tripp: right. They all influence our perception how we see ourselves. And before we switched we were talking about, you know, just some examples like, Hey, we get spanked as a kid, and that moment can change us for the rest of our lives.

00:18:54.020 --> 00:19:23.270 elizabeth tripp: because from a happy go, lucky child, to all of a sudden feeling like, you know, I'm not safe that you know I've done something wrong or bad, and I have to be on the defense, or, you know, be on eggshells. Our whole life changes right, and when we live through that view we can start to accumulate different opinions that create our perception, that limit our power, that actually help us feel more helpless.

00:19:23.470 --> 00:19:34.750 elizabeth tripp: and, you know, more terrified or scared, and then, that can create a whole new set of emotions like anger and resentment and fury or rage.

00:19:34.770 --> 00:19:44.729 elizabeth tripp: So these things all stack up on each other. So we're going to talk a little bit more about that tonight as we start to get into. You know the difference between

00:19:44.930 --> 00:20:05.359 elizabeth tripp: a victim mindset, an empowered mindset and how they influence our health, because the story we tell it comes alive in our body. It does. And we're going to learn a lot more about that as we travel through the nourish the soul. Podcast

00:20:05.400 --> 00:20:12.010 elizabeth tripp: but what is a victim? Mindset, you know, because it is something that we, as a culture

00:20:12.480 --> 00:20:40.370 elizabeth tripp: and as a society are actually very used to just giving you example. You know, if we look at our political environment right now. We have 2 political parties really on live television during these debates that are quite literally pointing fingers at each other, name calling and blaming and making the others wrong. For things that

00:20:40.410 --> 00:21:07.490 elizabeth tripp: perhaps in a system are just broken, that we need to get more present to. You know versus not taking that responsibility and essentially saying, well, because you didn't do this, or you said you would, didn't. And this isn't working for us right? Policies and laws. Yes, I get it. That's the truth of it. But what if it's just something that is fundamentally breaking down? That

00:21:07.490 --> 00:21:26.880 elizabeth tripp: if indeed we took more responsibility of and for we could actually make bigger changes, but that would mean our mindset would have to change. Our perception would have to change, and we would have to change how we understand each other and politics and our world.

00:21:27.080 --> 00:21:28.659 elizabeth tripp: So can that happen?

00:21:28.980 --> 00:21:31.600 elizabeth tripp: I hope so. I hope so.

00:21:31.860 --> 00:21:35.806 elizabeth tripp: Because what is the victim? Mindset? Right?

00:21:36.590 --> 00:21:49.010 elizabeth tripp: truly, it's when we feel like we don't have any control over our life, and we make others, you know, the reason for our frustration and

00:21:49.220 --> 00:22:01.580 elizabeth tripp: our anger. If you just get present to that right? We can think about a time, possibly within our own life where we have done that right. It's not really about looking out and thinking about others. But

00:22:01.690 --> 00:22:28.210 elizabeth tripp: it's getting self aware and present to ourselves. Where have we played the victim right, and made another person responsible for how we feel right. I am completely definitely guilty of that, and guilty in the most positive way. Because without a victim mindset, I would have never have gone on the journey of empowering myself.

00:22:28.210 --> 00:22:47.010 elizabeth tripp: of changing my life. So there was a necessary need for that kind of perspective that I held but it became outdated at a certain point. Because a victim mindset generally, when we're holding this kind of point of view where you know

00:22:47.220 --> 00:23:01.240 elizabeth tripp: we are. We don't have the control. The circumstances control us. You know. It's others versus you know us that are creating or causing our problems right? They're sliding us, or you know, and making us wrong.

00:23:01.240 --> 00:23:25.490 elizabeth tripp: We tend not to take responsibility, and we often think or say, you know, these are. These things are out of my control. If only they changed right. Or if this were different, right, then things would get better. Right. So when we're in this mindset, we often feel like, no matter what we do right? We we can really very rarely

00:23:25.490 --> 00:23:36.620 elizabeth tripp: prove, unless it's if the circumstance itself changes, or if someone else changes right versus being responsible for ourselves. And so an example of that is, you know.

00:23:36.680 --> 00:23:47.440 elizabeth tripp: I can't succeed. My boss is always against me right and you know, or we could say nothing I do will ever change this situation.

00:23:47.750 --> 00:23:56.029 elizabeth tripp: We can think about that and say to ourselves, You know how how often have we ourselves even thought that way. And it's very easy to do, because

00:23:56.370 --> 00:23:59.109 elizabeth tripp: if we grow up in a home environment

00:23:59.600 --> 00:24:07.170 elizabeth tripp: where our parents have socially and culturally also been used to, you know. A kind of

00:24:07.621 --> 00:24:30.809 elizabeth tripp: way of life where it is somebody else's fault, or it is somebody else's responsibility, for you know the way things should be versus your own, or that you're always to blame, or that that you know everybody else is out to get them as a kid. You're gonna start to kind of

00:24:31.250 --> 00:24:52.579 elizabeth tripp: funge this kind of talk and dialogue. You know, my mentor, many years ago said to me. You know, every thought we have in our mind has been planted there like a seed. Every thought we have is has been planted within us from somebody else. And Whoa! When I heard that I was

00:24:52.650 --> 00:25:09.119 elizabeth tripp: really blown away, and it made me think a lot. So our upbringing has a huge impact on this. You know, this victimization that we can carry, and our cultural and social environments, you know, because

00:25:09.130 --> 00:25:29.470 elizabeth tripp: who's ever been exposed to, you know, or been in a partnership where we we kind of put the blame on our partner for how we feel and the way things are going in the household, or the relationship. And we say, You know, you're making me feel this way, or you're the cause of why I'm so angry and upset, or because you did this, you know.

00:25:29.520 --> 00:25:46.118 elizabeth tripp: It makes me now feel like I'm not heard or important, or nobody cares right. These are things that I've seen definitely in my practice happen between partners, or even between parents and children. You know.

00:25:46.870 --> 00:25:55.419 elizabeth tripp: I'm not going to go to this place insert wherever because my kids never behave, but they always act up. They ruin it for me.

00:25:55.490 --> 00:26:18.790 elizabeth tripp: you know, or I'll never lose weight, because my, you know, family is always sabotaging me. I've heard this from clients before, and it's a way of really placing the responsibility on somebody else to be a certain way in order for us to feel like we can achieve or have our result right. And

00:26:19.590 --> 00:26:22.009 elizabeth tripp: it's a way of actually

00:26:22.020 --> 00:26:27.069 elizabeth tripp: saying to ourselves, you know, we don't really have any power. You know that

00:26:27.150 --> 00:26:44.740 elizabeth tripp: everything in life, circumstantially is more powerful than we are, so there's no will for us to really believe that anything could be different, and that is a telltale sign of a victim. Mindset. You know, a victim. Mindset, too, also

00:26:44.740 --> 00:27:12.249 elizabeth tripp: anticipates negative outcomes. Right? So they may say. Things like, why, bother, you know. It never works out, anyways, or you know, the the market's only gonna get worse. So what's the point of investing? I'm gonna lose all my money. So the future hasn't occurred. But they've already projected out in this in this mindset that it's it's not gonna work out

00:27:12.250 --> 00:27:16.379 elizabeth tripp: that, you know it's going to be, you know, sort of this doom and gloom.

00:27:16.590 --> 00:27:23.659 elizabeth tripp: And so as we get present to this, we're starting to really hear the the fundamentals that make up this mindset

00:27:23.720 --> 00:27:28.260 elizabeth tripp: people in this mindset and trust me, I've been there. They often

00:27:28.300 --> 00:27:45.509 elizabeth tripp: complain without solution. You know, they just ruminate. And they say, you know this is wrong. This is bad because of this person and that. And you know all of these, you know existential things that are happening. But there's no real drive to maybe make a change like

00:27:45.530 --> 00:27:57.890 elizabeth tripp: you could suggest a therapist. You could suggest meditation, you could suggest, you know, going for walks, and they'll often find reasons why they can't accomplish this. And they really believe

00:27:57.890 --> 00:28:20.539 elizabeth tripp: that others have it easier than them. And they may say, Well, they succeed at their, you know, weight loss, or their their business, or that in their partnership, because they haven't faced the same challenges as me. And so there's this focus on others having it better themselves. And trust me, I've thought that way, too.

00:28:21.276 --> 00:28:48.319 elizabeth tripp: But there's also, when you're hearing a victim, mindset a clear dwelling on the past, you know experiences where people wrong them, or you know they were slighted, and that really stops them from moving forward, and you can hear it in like. I can't trust anyone because of what's happened to me before, or it's impossible for me to let go or move on, because it's never worked out in the past, or it was too difficult.

00:28:48.350 --> 00:29:01.710 elizabeth tripp: So I'm giving you the language, and we're going to take a quick break. And when we get back, we're going to start talking about how this all affects our health and our well-being.

00:31:04.690 --> 00:31:13.019 elizabeth tripp: Welcome back. Did you know the answers to our greatest struggles are in plain sight.

00:31:13.240 --> 00:31:31.370 elizabeth tripp: They are right here within our bodies. The greatest technology we've ever been given. And I truly believe when we get present to our body and we drop into our heart, we can find the sole solution to anything.

00:31:31.370 --> 00:31:45.580 elizabeth tripp: So tonight we're talking about. Can our mindset make us sick? And the truth is, yes, in my opinion, right in the way that I perceive life, and how I think about life.

00:31:46.099 --> 00:32:05.319 elizabeth tripp: Because I believe that the way we understand ourselves in our world. It has a huge impact on our physical body, because our temple experiences everything. Our bodies go through every stage of our life, from

00:32:05.320 --> 00:32:26.119 elizabeth tripp: baby to toddler, to preschool to elementary beyond high school. You know you can follow the trajectory there, but it goes through everything, and it hears everything we think and say. And we've been talking about. You know the the signs of a victim mindset. And, you know, being really authentic with you.

00:32:26.290 --> 00:32:28.629 elizabeth tripp: I've definitely been

00:32:28.730 --> 00:32:48.176 elizabeth tripp: one of these people, and still today, in my present life I actively, am, you know, aware of my word choices of the dialogue I'm having with people of the way in which I may want to misplace my emotional, you know,

00:32:48.750 --> 00:33:02.050 elizabeth tripp: swings, or the ways in which my emotions can arise from me on somebody else like my partner, or you know my friends or my family, and I have to do what I call like a self check from my heart and say, You know.

00:33:02.080 --> 00:33:28.309 elizabeth tripp: Elizabeth, what's really going on here? What's the deeper. Why, to the way that you're feeling. And what is it that you're telling? What's the story that you have that's creating this? Because it comes alive within our body. And so let me tell you a little bit more about this, right? Because we're starting to really become now conscious of the victim mindset language, right?

00:33:28.490 --> 00:33:55.769 elizabeth tripp: Because when we're in that kind of language, like, you know oh, if they had just, you know, told me what to do. I wouldn't be in this situation right? Things wouldn't be that awful if somebody had just, you know, given me what I needed I wouldn't be, you know. You know, out of luck right now, and not able to do it, and is necessary. Right? So I'm just giving you broad examples of the way that it sounds.

00:33:55.770 --> 00:34:13.969 elizabeth tripp: But basically, what we're starting to see is like when we talk this way. You know, we have no power. And we're saying we don't have any control over our life. Right, you know. If people just listen to me, then they would actually see that my advice is valid, and

00:34:13.969 --> 00:34:24.210 elizabeth tripp: they would then avoid all this heartbreak, but because they don't, you know. I then have to hear all their complaining. That's another victim. Kind of mindset

00:34:24.350 --> 00:34:31.305 elizabeth tripp: opinion there, right? Because what we're saying is like, you know, life isn't happening, you know.

00:34:31.969 --> 00:34:52.160 elizabeth tripp: For me. It's happening to me, and certainly not through me, meaning that our words aren't our wand right, or our thoughts aren't things so without that, as a foundation or a way in which we can perceive life, we can feel helpless and scared and then angry. Right?

00:34:52.540 --> 00:34:57.221 elizabeth tripp: So this can really really cause quite a bit of

00:34:58.420 --> 00:35:25.290 elizabeth tripp: anger and upset and anxiety, and that can really cascade quite a bit of physical things. So how does a victim mindset impact our health and well-being, you know, on on a deeper level? Well, one thing is that I'm speaking about is all this anxiety, all of this anger, all of this frustration that induces what is called chronic stress.

00:35:25.920 --> 00:35:31.160 elizabeth tripp: right and chronic stress. If if you're not aware of. This

00:35:31.260 --> 00:35:42.359 elizabeth tripp: has a ripple effect on our mental and physical well-being. So I'm going to tell you the 6 ways in which that a victim. Mindset can really affect us physically

00:35:42.460 --> 00:36:06.669 elizabeth tripp: when we see ourselves as a victim, and we experience this chronic stress, you know, which is induced by chronic anxiety, worry, resentment, right? Nobody's listening, nobody cares. I'm not important. I can't do this. It won't work out, you know. It's it's not possible. These are victim, mindset type language. This keeps our body in a heightened state

00:36:06.680 --> 00:36:15.530 elizabeth tripp: of stress response, right? And when we're always in a constant stress response, that over time

00:36:15.590 --> 00:36:22.229 elizabeth tripp: can really weaken our immune system. That's our primary defense to, you know, foreign.

00:36:22.350 --> 00:36:26.949 elizabeth tripp: you know, viruses and bacteria. And that makes us

00:36:27.010 --> 00:36:31.769 elizabeth tripp: way more susceptible to infection, to illness

00:36:31.880 --> 00:36:38.960 elizabeth tripp: and developing chronic conditions. So that's the 1st way that we can link our mindset

00:36:39.200 --> 00:36:44.009 elizabeth tripp: 2, right? The way in which it actually affects our body.

00:36:44.713 --> 00:36:53.239 elizabeth tripp: You know. Another way is that ongoing stress from a victim mindset can physically manifest, as you know.

00:36:53.320 --> 00:37:05.760 elizabeth tripp: tension in the body, you know, really tight or tense shoulders. A lot of you know, maybe tighter, tense upper, lower back, or, you know, really tense neck

00:37:07.330 --> 00:37:14.179 elizabeth tripp: Even today, when I was tuning into my body, and feeling more tenseness in my neck and shoulders.

00:37:14.490 --> 00:37:30.799 elizabeth tripp: I came from a perspective that I will offer you tonight as we continue this from my heart, non judgmental place, and simply said, You know, what body are you trying to tell me? And it just kind of rose up to

00:37:30.800 --> 00:37:52.820 elizabeth tripp: just let go and enjoy life more, to just let yourself have more fun and enjoy. And I could feel just opening up and realizing that and recognizing that sometimes we can take things a little more seriously than they need to, and that that tension can build up there. From that stress I could start to just let that go.

00:37:53.510 --> 00:38:09.569 elizabeth tripp: But ongoing stress, if not addressed in a simple way, just like that, can lead to fatigue and even digestive issues. Or what can develop, then, into chronic pain. Right? Everybody. Take a second and just get

00:38:09.910 --> 00:38:20.229 elizabeth tripp: present with themselves. Do you have any of these symptoms happening? Any tension, any fatigue, any digestive issues.

00:38:20.280 --> 00:38:24.159 elizabeth tripp: any pains that have been chronic and not alleviating.

00:38:24.640 --> 00:38:26.900 elizabeth tripp: Well, they can

00:38:26.990 --> 00:38:49.780 elizabeth tripp: stem from a opinion that we're holding of ourselves that is really limiting, and really not of the truth of who we are, and can put us in a mental or emotional state that makes us feel more helpless, as though we're out of control and have no power, and our body is really just trying to tell us this, and

00:38:49.940 --> 00:39:07.329 elizabeth tripp: that can be difficult if we're in a victim mindset, because victim. Mindsets often lead to that hopelessness if left unchecked. You know feelings of depression of, you know, developing into more bigger health

00:39:07.797 --> 00:39:29.760 elizabeth tripp: disorders that you know. Maybe that person then only feels like a medication would be something that would support them, so that can then even slow down or snowball into dependency. And finding even more of that joy or satisfaction in life on their own right

00:39:29.950 --> 00:39:39.160 elizabeth tripp: victim. Mindsets, too, can physically disturb our sleep cycles, and, let me tell you, sleep is so important.

00:39:39.310 --> 00:39:58.729 elizabeth tripp: so, so, so important. So if we have constant negative thoughts, and we're always in a negative mindset, it can really, 1st keep us up at night. Right? Keep us kind of whirling and twirling, and not being able to really settle in and allow for a deeper, fuller, more relaxation

00:39:58.880 --> 00:40:23.760 elizabeth tripp: and lack of sleep can really again affect our immunity, which is our real as our primary line of defense, you know, against all of the the different kinds of bacteria or viruses in our world, different things, foreign things that can come into the body. And if this perpetuates right, it can have a major impact on our health, right? As well

00:40:23.760 --> 00:40:41.060 elizabeth tripp: as when we're in these mindsets where people are out to get us. They're sliding us. It's their fault, right. It's not me, it's them. How could it be? Me? You know they're not taking responsibility. They're not listening, you know. They're the ones not making the change right?

00:40:41.060 --> 00:41:03.690 elizabeth tripp: This leads to very unhealthy coping mechanisms, because we're putting, you know, all of our you know, sort of weight on somebody else having to change in order for us to feel okay in order for us to feel happy in order for us to feel content right? And we can even see we can do that

00:41:03.830 --> 00:41:21.370 elizabeth tripp: onto our bodies right. If our body was a certain way. If, when you know, if I could only lose the weight which is possible, because I always mess up just giving more examples here. Right? This can really lead to things like wanting to check out from all this heaviness.

00:41:21.580 --> 00:41:40.440 elizabeth tripp: right? Just wanting to maybe cope by overeating or drinking, or maybe even getting, you know, kind of sucked into, you know, video games, or just binging on the television or scrolling on your phone right?

00:41:40.860 --> 00:41:42.640 elizabeth tripp: These things can

00:41:42.750 --> 00:41:51.190 elizabeth tripp: really take us out of presence of our emotional and mental states of being and leave things unprocessed

00:41:51.882 --> 00:41:57.570 elizabeth tripp: and unprocessed mental and emotional. You know, stories right

00:41:57.780 --> 00:42:06.860 elizabeth tripp: actually are the cause of our dis ease. It's the way that our bodies then start to say, Hey.

00:42:07.290 --> 00:42:21.430 elizabeth tripp: I'm really fed up with this mindset you're having about yourself in your life. And, in fact, there's something more you need to see here about yourself that needs to change that needs to transform.

00:42:21.510 --> 00:42:39.510 elizabeth tripp: So it's a significant wake up. But what a negative mindset or victim mindset does is it can often impair healing, even, you know, if there is a motivation to heal, and we've come out of that constant complaining right?

00:42:40.140 --> 00:42:59.009 elizabeth tripp: the the way that the negative, you know, mindset is been set up, actually slows down the body's ability to heal. And it it really, you know, makes it a lot slower to recover and more difficult. So it's just

00:42:59.170 --> 00:43:15.439 elizabeth tripp: files on. And that's not really what I want for all of you. And certainly why I feel like this subject is so, so, so powerful, because it is really common in our world to.

00:43:15.500 --> 00:43:16.293 elizabeth tripp: you know.

00:43:16.870 --> 00:43:26.919 elizabeth tripp: feel like, you know, other people are at the fault for how we are feeling, or that you know our

00:43:27.160 --> 00:43:57.010 elizabeth tripp: cultural circumstances right now are you know more, have more power and influence over our, you know, ability to be able to make money or have a healthy relationship, or, you know, be able to have a healthy, healthy, and happy family. Those those can really create. If we believe them a lot of stress on our families. And so we're gonna talk when we get back from this break.

00:43:57.010 --> 00:44:00.889 elizabeth tripp: more about how to shift our mindset into an

00:44:00.930 --> 00:44:05.460 elizabeth tripp: powered one, so that we can have better health. So let's take a quick break.

00:46:12.470 --> 00:46:20.630 elizabeth tripp: Welcome back. Thank you for joining me tonight we're talking about. Can our mindset make us sick?

00:46:20.780 --> 00:46:29.330 elizabeth tripp: And we're starting to really explore the inner workings of you know the perception we hold of ourselves and our world, and how it affects

00:46:29.330 --> 00:46:52.080 elizabeth tripp: our bodies. Right? It can, you know, disturb our immune system, it can create actual physical tension and pain in our body. It can often cause, you know, digestive issues as well as it can really affect our overall outlook and our ability to deal with challenges right?

00:46:52.080 --> 00:47:15.210 elizabeth tripp: And often, when things come up or show up, you know, it can feel like another thing that is just, you know, weighing us, or bringing us down, or or keeping us imprisoned in life, or trapped right? Those are all key, you know. Language for thinking about what affected mindset is. And, to be honest, I see a lot of people

00:47:15.390 --> 00:47:33.939 elizabeth tripp: holding this paradigm for themselves, and I see them also suffering with a lot of, you know, issues with their body physically, whether that's you know, weight issues, or it could be you know.

00:47:34.180 --> 00:47:49.329 elizabeth tripp: pains in their shoulders, neck or back to, you know actual conditions that develop like heart disease or diabetes, or having been diagnosed with depression. There's nothing wrong with these things right? Because

00:47:49.660 --> 00:47:51.599 elizabeth tripp: what if everything

00:47:51.990 --> 00:48:08.949 elizabeth tripp: in our life to include, you know the circumstances we're facing as a collective right now, our political environment, our economic environment. Just the world in general has been chosen by us right for us

00:48:09.260 --> 00:48:24.579 elizabeth tripp: for a greater purpose, for a positive reason. You know. What if everything. You know, our parents, that we grew up with the home environments that we, you know.

00:48:24.880 --> 00:48:50.040 elizabeth tripp: lived in the, you know, upbringing that we went through all the traumas, and I know I'm not minimizing the traumas that we can have as individuals. But what if we hired people to actually play a role in our life and experience these things that, yes, can absolutely cause us hurt and can absolutely

00:48:50.040 --> 00:49:00.430 elizabeth tripp: create pain? For us. But what if they have a reason, and a and a very powerful reason, that

00:49:00.500 --> 00:49:01.290 elizabeth tripp: if

00:49:01.380 --> 00:49:06.759 elizabeth tripp: from a greater perspective, that light within our heart wants us to

00:49:06.990 --> 00:49:32.100 elizabeth tripp: wake up and see something about ourselves, that without this experience, this trauma, this challenge, this painful event, these, you know, this landscape of our of our world. Right now, we wouldn't see that they're actually such a necessary part of putting the puzzle together for us, understanding who we truly are, because

00:49:32.190 --> 00:49:49.719 elizabeth tripp: if we are wanting to come from the heart in this conversation tonight, and opening ourselves up to a non judgmental space, a space where we don't conclude, right or wrong, where we don't say there's good or bad, where we just accept

00:49:49.860 --> 00:50:09.989 elizabeth tripp: that this is what it is that this has happened, or this is happening. So rather, it being somebody else's fault, or they're to blame. What if we could invite a perspective within ourselves that says, Okay.

00:50:10.170 --> 00:50:19.899 elizabeth tripp: what is this truly for what does this have to teach me? What is the lesson that I'm here to learn?

00:50:20.100 --> 00:50:29.199 elizabeth tripp: What is it that I'm here to discover or understand about myself much deeper than I have

00:50:29.260 --> 00:50:36.100 elizabeth tripp: that could empower me to walk in more of an aligned truth of myself.

00:50:36.170 --> 00:50:41.620 elizabeth tripp: right within the heart of myself. Right?

00:50:42.270 --> 00:50:43.870 elizabeth tripp: So that is a

00:50:44.000 --> 00:50:57.759 elizabeth tripp: totally different mindset than a victim, mindset, right? Everything happens for a positive purpose. Everything has been designed for us by us to learn and grow

00:50:57.790 --> 00:51:02.350 elizabeth tripp: right. That is a totally different mindset, that

00:51:02.760 --> 00:51:08.530 elizabeth tripp: our thoughts and our feelings are what we have control over.

00:51:08.610 --> 00:51:25.650 elizabeth tripp: That's a completely different mindset, and that if we think negatively, and if we have emotions that are, you know what we call quote unquote, negative, that they're here actually to help us see what's on the other side of that

00:51:25.920 --> 00:51:30.019 elizabeth tripp: that is truly here for us to embody

00:51:30.230 --> 00:51:43.159 elizabeth tripp: right, that there's no wrong to any of it, that they're here actually to help us evolve in our own understanding of ourselves.

00:51:43.340 --> 00:52:00.629 elizabeth tripp: That is a completely different mindset. That means everything has a right to exist. That means everything has a positive purpose, and that kind of mindset can transform anything, because when it comes to our health

00:52:00.960 --> 00:52:03.569 elizabeth tripp: there's a lot more peace.

00:52:03.770 --> 00:52:05.220 elizabeth tripp: Here's a lot more

00:52:05.360 --> 00:52:06.780 elizabeth tripp: centeredness.

00:52:06.910 --> 00:52:10.119 elizabeth tripp: There's a self responsibility

00:52:10.530 --> 00:52:21.940 elizabeth tripp: meaning that we are taking responsibility for our mindset, for our perception. And we're saying rather, it being somebody else's fault.

00:52:22.010 --> 00:52:31.650 elizabeth tripp: It's actually the way in which we are interpreting them, their reaction or response, their choices. They're making

00:52:31.770 --> 00:52:32.740 elizabeth tripp: right

00:52:33.160 --> 00:52:36.219 elizabeth tripp: in our own perspective.

00:52:36.250 --> 00:52:50.569 elizabeth tripp: So that means that it always comes back to us that we are the driver, that we are the one that is experiencing everything through us rather than things happening

00:52:50.690 --> 00:52:51.900 elizabeth tripp: to us.

00:52:52.150 --> 00:52:58.649 elizabeth tripp: so that takes a mental strength and willingness to open up to.

00:52:58.660 --> 00:53:00.660 elizabeth tripp: But when we do.

00:53:01.040 --> 00:53:29.950 elizabeth tripp: it completely transforms our wellbeing, because we now have a mindset or perception of life that empowers us to see that when we go through a challenge that when we face a you know circumstance, that is is definitely difficult, because we're not denying these things won't happen, and that they are, but that we now have a place to stand upon for

00:53:29.950 --> 00:53:31.990 elizabeth tripp: ourselves. That helps us

00:53:31.990 --> 00:53:40.319 elizabeth tripp: be more elevated in the crowd of what is more normally accepted.

00:53:40.540 --> 00:54:09.409 elizabeth tripp: And that way, then we aren't as affected right? And that truly, then allows for us to make more intentional decisions about the direction we want to go. You know how we want to lead our life ultimately, how we want to take care of ourselves, right? Our families, where we want to put our focus and all of these things combined allows for a more

00:54:09.410 --> 00:54:16.970 elizabeth tripp: present and heart open you to be journeying in your life. Okay?

00:54:17.050 --> 00:54:19.509 elizabeth tripp: And when the heart is operating

00:54:19.910 --> 00:54:21.100 elizabeth tripp: they're

00:54:21.190 --> 00:54:22.830 elizabeth tripp: can't be

00:54:22.940 --> 00:54:35.689 elizabeth tripp: chronic illness and disease all the time there can be ebbs and flows of things that come in, but with a heart that can look through itself

00:54:36.180 --> 00:54:51.764 elizabeth tripp: with a willingness to see the deeper. Why, there can always be a solution. There can always be a knowing that we are on the path that is necessary for us to learn and grow.

00:54:52.310 --> 00:55:04.710 elizabeth tripp: So the keys in this podcast tonight is that when you come from this empowered mindset right that it makes you stronger, it makes you more confident.

00:55:04.790 --> 00:55:10.329 elizabeth tripp: especially with practice. In when you know things happening, you always say, Okay.

00:55:10.420 --> 00:55:15.240 elizabeth tripp: what is the deeper? Why, to this you can be in the driver's seat.

00:55:15.680 --> 00:55:18.659 elizabeth tripp: Key 2. Then there's always a solution.

00:55:18.950 --> 00:55:37.670 elizabeth tripp: And e 3. That means that what you have control over then is yourself, how you think, and how you feel, and what kind of perception that creates for yourself. It's nobody else's responsibility to do that for you but your own right.

00:55:37.790 --> 00:55:53.199 elizabeth tripp: And that's how we actually change our health. And that's how we start to shift the way that our body actually experiences our life, because one thing will always stay constant.

00:55:53.200 --> 00:56:12.159 elizabeth tripp: and that is, there will always be challenge. There will always be difficulty, and there will always be things that will stretch the edges of ourselves, and they can be within our own physical health and wellbeing, and they can be outside in our circumstance. But we have the power to decide

00:56:13.190 --> 00:56:26.990 elizabeth tripp: what has power over us, and we have the authority within ourselves, through our ability to control our thoughts and our feelings, to direct our focus wherever we want, so

00:56:27.280 --> 00:56:43.620 elizabeth tripp: that in itself actually is in a nutshell. What my podcast tonight was all about, can our mindset make us sick? You listen this to this from beginning to end, you'll know. The answer is yes, and you'll actually get

00:56:43.740 --> 00:56:59.959 elizabeth tripp: a path forward, and how to embody a healthier and a more empowered mindset. So tune in next week. I actually have a very special guest, I'm excited to announce, and I can't wait to see you all. So thank you so much, Namaste.

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