Always FreyDay

Friday, June 14, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/06/14 - The Next Generation of Leadership

Facebook Live Video from 2024/06/14 - The Next Generation of Leadership


2024/06/14 - The Next Generation of Leadership

[NEW EPISODE] The Next Generation of Leadership


This week on Always FreyDay, we’ll be chatting with Evan Rosenthall, the Director of Sales & Strategic Partnerships at Triton Benefits and HR Solutions. We’ll be talking about the health and benefits market, overcoming adversity, and stories about using these strategies to satisfy customers. You won’t wanna miss it!

Show Notes

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4


00:00:45.190 --> 00:01:01.400 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Well, Hello! Out there, planet Earth and Happy Friday. Hope everyone's excited for father's day, and to wish me a happy birthday on Monday. No pressure or anything. Yes, I started putting the age that I'm turning each year on the back of my softball jersey, 44 years younger. However, I decide to delude myself.

00:01:01.440 --> 00:01:13.140 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: However, today it's Friday, not Monday, and it's always Friday with me. Stephen Fry your Smb. Guy, I see. Why am I? Or in case you missed it. Smb. Stands for small and medium-sized business. For the last 20 years

00:01:13.140 --> 00:01:37.420 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: I have been a consultant for business leaders, a voice and a sounding board for their employees as well educating where I can, advocating on their behalf, I believe very strongly, people in sharing stories, providing perspective and creating connection. That's what I'm all about. So every single Friday you could find me here on talk radio, Nyc. Doing just that, lending what's left of my mind and my voice to this radio show. Right

00:01:37.420 --> 00:02:01.940 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: interview business leaders as well as their trusted advisors, the folks who help them out. One of the things that I've noticed over the years folks some of the best thought leadership for Smb's. It happens on Friday, the day of the week named after me. When we feel the freedom of the weekend coming. However, we're also anxious to start the weekend, these crucial pearls of wisdom. They're often overlooked. They're forgotten in favor of our fun activities, our softball and our freedom from work

00:02:01.950 --> 00:02:26.939 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: here on the show. We take advantage of that weekend freedom and clarity, and we like to discuss popular topics that are on the minds of business leaders. Once again the name of the show not just to play on words. My name, my last name. It means free in German. There is some deeper thought here, people. Yes, I'm in a softball mood in case you haven't figured it out, not only because I'm excited to play this weekend. We had the parade for my daughter's Softball League last night, and her team won the championship.

00:02:27.410 --> 00:02:34.610 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: So congratulations to the 12. You lady tigers as well as the 10, you and 8, you lady tigers. It was a tiger sweep

00:02:34.610 --> 00:02:57.560 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: for the spring. 2024 victories. Personally, I attribute the success of my daughter's team to the stellar team of Dad coaches and the stellar Dad Bob that tries to fit into one of the Jerseys that was accidentally ordered for one of the kids. I kid, I kid, but these girls, they're super talented, and we are just there for strategy, motivation, and obviously the occasional entertainment. Most of you who know

00:02:57.560 --> 00:03:20.120 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: me, and who have listened to me rant and rave like a lunatic here, you know that I like to play softball, and I talk about the League I'm a part of on a regular basis that said there are many fun sports analogies that can be made when you're talking about your personal and your business life, and it's a good thing that you can use softball and golf for many of them, because those are the sports that I spend the most time on, not to say that I'm good, but

00:03:20.120 --> 00:03:35.950 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: those are the ones that I tend to really know the most about, especially during the summer, considering that our championship win was this past couple weeks, and my crew of dad coaches that I hung out with last night congratulations again, Ricky and Frank. We all did a great job not to pat myself on the back, but

00:03:35.950 --> 00:03:53.370 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: the fact that this weekend is father's day, and who my special guest is today. I figured it would be appropriate for us to speak about the next generation of leadership. This is a topic that comes up all over the place, right? So not to put any sort of guardrails around it. But next generation leaders.

00:03:53.380 --> 00:04:08.109 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: a lot of times they're the individuals within the organization these days. Who can be anywhere from 21 to 38 years of age. Now they might not have a really extensive resume. They might not have formal leadership, experience, or things like that, but

00:04:08.120 --> 00:04:15.159 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: they demonstrate the qualities of a good leader, and they have leadership skills that align with your organizational values and goals.

00:04:15.160 --> 00:04:40.030 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: and the special guest who I have today. I know that he has been training for that from a young age, because the the person who has been working with him most intensely is somebody who has had a lot of years in the industry that he works in. And it's also his father. So we're gonna talk a little bit about that type of connection as well here, especially when you're talking about a family business. But talk is cheap. We're here on talk radio. Nyc, we don't want this to just be

00:04:40.030 --> 00:04:52.630 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: the goal here is let's use the insight that you get on the business landscape and create more impact on Monday morning. That's it. That's what we're about. It's far too often that the businesses I work with. I consult with, and even that my special guest consults with.

00:04:52.730 --> 00:05:16.990 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: They're focused on some type of product that's gonna change their life, fix all of their problems. Magic wand. They wave it. Everything is cool, and they make money, and they're excited and happy and successful. From there on out doesn't exist products change every single day and everything we do. You have to surround yourself with the right people That's what it's all about. Surround yourself with the right people, whether they're your employees, your advisors, strategic partners, whatever it is.

00:05:16.990 --> 00:05:24.750 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: put a process together that's going to help everyone achieve their mutual goals. You do that. The right products will be there when you need them, everything begins and ends with people.

00:05:25.000 --> 00:05:50.420 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: So in the spirit of surrounding yourself with you, with the right people, I've been excited to have this conversation for a while. Great show for you today. Our special guest is my friend, Evan Rosenthal. He's director of sales and strategic partnerships for Triton. Hr. Well, I'm not gonna say that I'm gonna say Triton benefits and Hr solutions. I'm so cause the website's Triton. Hr, I'm so used to saying that right. But if Evan's babyface looks looks like he's younger than me. That's because he is.

00:05:50.420 --> 00:06:02.230 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: He graduated from Drexel in 2,019, with a degree in marketing and entrepreneurship. He very quickly went into the group insurance industry, not only because of his personal interest in the space.

00:06:02.230 --> 00:06:27.230 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: but because he had an interest in his father's Steve's career. Steve Rosenthal is one of the most widely recognized leaders in the employee benefits and human resource industry. In 2,008. Steve's vision and leadership launched his 3rd successful Human Resources Outsourcing Company, Triton benefits and Hr. Solutions. Triton has become a large large success over the last 15 years, with its unique approach to employee benefits and Hr. Outsourcing

00:06:27.230 --> 00:06:45.030 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: in 2,007. Steve was named Human Resource, outsourcing superstar for the 3rd consecutive year by Hro. Today, before becoming CEO of Triton benefits and Hr. Solutions. He was the CEO pioneer of checkpoint, Hr. Built on the concept of empowering an Hr. Department with self-service tools.

00:06:45.030 --> 00:07:08.510 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Triton is built on a very similar present premise, but uses the latest technologies which enable companies and human resources departments to run more efficiently with an end to end solution. Steve has been a presence in the human capital management industry for longer than I've been in it which feels difficult to say these days, because I feel like I've been in it a very long time, and I've known him through one of my best family friends for a very long time.

00:07:08.700 --> 00:07:25.740 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: probably close to when Evan was a toddler, or in his little league, or whatever not so much the softball league that we're in nowadays. But I got to know Evan on the softball field. We played on the same team a few years back in these days, when we see each other at the field. We've been having some real fun shop talk along with his brother Corey, who's

00:07:25.740 --> 00:07:49.700 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: also playing in the League this year, and is getting into the same industry that the family likes to work in. So this year Evan stepped into a leadership role at Triton. After acquiring over a hundred new clients in a very short period of time. It has been great getting to know Evan over the years, and even more exciting to see him assume a leadership role at Triton, working alongside his father, who happens to be someone who I've looked up to in my industry a very long time.

00:07:49.700 --> 00:08:03.500 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: We're gonna talk about my favorite questions around movies, TV and music have no fear. People joining us today from Triton's headquarters in Sunny Woodbridge, New Jersey. Short trip up route 9 from my studio this morning, Evan. Welcome to the show baby at long last. You made it to my virtual world.

00:08:03.840 --> 00:08:06.090 Evan Rosenthal: Thank you, Steve. Thanks for thanks for having me.

00:08:06.600 --> 00:08:30.689 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: You were supposed to jump on with me last week, and we had an unexpected hiccup, which, as somebody who does live radio every week that happens all the time. It will undoubtedly happen to you in your new leadership role. I'm a big believer. 10%'s what happens to you, 90% what you do with it. I know you were trained by the best. Steve's a local hero of mine, and you've had the privilege of hanging with him for a long time. But we wanna hear about your journey. Let's talk a little bit about how you got where you are today.

00:08:31.820 --> 00:08:33.747 Evan Rosenthal: Yeah, absolutely. So.

00:08:34.419 --> 00:08:55.560 Evan Rosenthal: you know, I I went to school at at Drexel University down in Philadelphia. And I what attracted me there was. They have a co-OP program. So you're able to work internships co-ops while you're in school. So it's 4 quarters. It's not 2 semesters, and I was able to work a couple of co-ops while I was in in school as well.

00:08:55.560 --> 00:09:22.812 Evan Rosenthal: and I graduated, and and I had that experience on my resume. I didn't. I never wanted to go into the family business. I always wanted to do something on my own. I I had. I had a my last internship was at pen mutual life insurance, and I had some great people there. And and that's kind of really, when it got. It's a big company. It got me acclimated to the big corporate culture. And I was like, Hey, I wanna go work for Anetna united. I wanna go work on the carrier side and

00:09:23.160 --> 00:09:30.102 Evan Rosenthal: at the very, at the very last minute, you know, Steve said. Hey, why don't you give it a shot. Why don't you come here? Why don't you?

00:09:30.939 --> 00:09:31.759 Evan Rosenthal: you know.

00:09:31.910 --> 00:09:33.980 Evan Rosenthal: try to work for us. And and I said.

00:09:34.050 --> 00:09:58.300 Evan Rosenthal: Okay, but I said, I, you know. I want a path to something where I could do on my own something with with leadership, and we camp with a plan where I was able to work through each department I was able to start the bottom with customer service, go to benefits eventually go into sales, sold sold a couple of 100 accounts and just recently took took over leadership. And get get to work pretty closely to Steve, who

00:09:58.360 --> 00:10:00.939 Evan Rosenthal: I call the Michael Jordan of group benefits.

00:10:01.164 --> 00:10:14.235 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: And dad, and you're, you know, in the off time. But you know I'm not. I've been listening and hanging on every word you said. But ever since you, said Drexel in Philly, I I just I can't get the picture of Redding Terminal Market out of my head. I'm maybe it's just because I haven't eaten anything yet today. But

00:10:14.450 --> 00:10:39.359 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: but but yeah, this is, this is a fun conversation for me, Evan, because again, knowing Steve for a long time and looking up to him as somebody who's done a lot in the human capital management industry and done a lot with group benefits. It's very cool to have met you and played ball with you over these last couple of years, but to see you assume this role as as the next generation of leadership, and you know what kinds of massive monumental value someone like you

00:10:39.593 --> 00:10:44.260 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: could bring to the table with this. I hope you're as excited as I am, because I think it's awesome.

00:10:45.090 --> 00:11:02.419 Evan Rosenthal: Yeah, it. It's it's been fun. I can't. No, I I can't tell you how many times we spent at the dinner table at restaurants that I mean, we you just can't escape the business talk. It's it happens all the time. I feel like, you know, I just can never escape it, and that's kind of what's prepared me to. To. To get to this point.

00:11:02.420 --> 00:11:13.180 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: And a lot of times I like to stay away from the business talk where we're at. The softball field. Golf and softball are some of my biggest releases from work and from being a dad, which you know father's day is this weekend, too. But.

00:11:13.180 --> 00:11:36.190 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: man, when we do it, it's kind of fun we're talking about it. And it's funny. When Corey asked me, How do you know this lingo from the industry? It was just like, Oh, it's because when you were born, I was 1st getting started in the industry. That's probably why. But yeah, no, it's it's so much fun to talk with you guys about this stuff and and the fact that there's so much interest, and I don't want to say indoctrination from the success of the family. But it's just kind of. It's just kind of fun to see everything evolve the way that it has.

00:11:37.510 --> 00:11:52.949 Evan Rosenthal: Yeah, we we've we've we've been we've we've been fortunate. Have having Cory work at at a large payroll Provider payroll company right now. We kind of have the market cornered in a way. It's it's it's we we have some some good partners out there as well.

00:11:52.950 --> 00:12:06.425 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: I would say it's also gets some great experience cause I remember my days working for publicly traded corporate America. It's, you know. Look, I always have these feelings nowadays when it's publicly traded, everybody becomes a number, and it's hard to really customize thing with the best interest of the client at heart.

00:12:06.670 --> 00:12:30.709 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: But you know, it's it's still like there's some people who are gonna prefer these big, you know, high intensity, high volume vendors. And that's that's something that always happens. But I love being part of the privately held world. So I can customize things around clients. I know to a certain degree. You and Steve like being part of the privately held world. So you can customize things around the clients. But we're gonna have some fun talking about all of this stuff and more here today. We gotta take a quick break, but we

00:12:30.710 --> 00:12:43.720 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: we will be right back with Evan Rosenthal. He's the director of sales and strategic partnerships at Trinetta, Trinet, Triton. I'm gonna do that probably 2 more times. Just so, you know, Triton benefits and Hr. Solutions stay with us. People.

00:15:00.780 --> 00:15:30.390 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Welcome back everybody. It's Friday. It's always Friday, and it's me, Stephen Fry or Smb. Guy, not just me. We are chatting with a friend of mine, Evan Rosenthal. He's director of sales and strategic partnerships at Triton benefits and Hr. Solutions. Just so. I don't get a Freudian slip going there again, Evan, before we kick off the show. I do like to sit out by my fire pit, as I call it, and give a a quick perspective on some of the stuff we'll be talking about. I'll give you the birthday picture, even though there's no fire out there. But to think about this real quick

00:15:30.390 --> 00:15:43.540 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: leadership lessons learned from softball. This is something that I keep in mind routinely, and not to say that I'm always good at it, but because I like to drink and party a little bit, especially when we have the softball crowds together. But

00:15:43.600 --> 00:15:48.579 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: there's a big lesson to be learned in personal and business life. When you think to yourself.

00:15:48.660 --> 00:16:07.549 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: what am I gonna do? If the balls hit to me? It's something that I was talking about with the girls I was coaching. It's something I think about to myself, you know, when every single pitch, luckily for me, with our League, I'm a lot of times playing catcher, so the ball's not very often hit to me, but the more that you can answer questions like those without feeling like it's a fire drill

00:16:07.550 --> 00:16:21.170 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: the better off. You'll be right and kind of like, I said earlier on, even though the resume might be a little shorter, there might not be certain leadership experiences that are outlined being a C-level executive of a company.

00:16:21.290 --> 00:16:31.970 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Yep, I love the fact that the newer next generation of folks who are assuming leadership positions, especially someone like you who's been around some really great role models for a very long time.

00:16:32.070 --> 00:16:57.060 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: You have a lot to gain from being around somebody like like Steve like getting answers to questions that he's been through time and time again, and even getting some perspective from me here and there, like I feel like at the ripe old age of almost 44. I can answer a lot of things without feeling like it's I have to ask this person, or sound the alarm and bring in special people. But you know the the position that you're in the way that you went, you know, through every position

00:16:57.060 --> 00:17:09.399 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: at the company like from customer service through sales and up to the leadership. Position is is very important, and then, having the the help and the tutelage, if you will of someone like Steve is just

00:17:09.400 --> 00:17:27.070 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: phenomenal. But don't forget to think, before certain pitches that you throw out. What am I gonna do if the balls hit to me. The more you can answer that question the better off you're gonna end up being so, Evan, as we talked about this is the method part of the show. So what we'd like to talk about here is exactly what you guys are doing. And there's a lot of stuff that you guys have on the website.

00:17:27.069 --> 00:17:34.079 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: So I want you to make it clear with everybody. Exactly. What do you guys do? How do you do it? And how do you like to go to market for it? Let's go

00:17:36.230 --> 00:17:40.100 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: well 1st things I do need you to come off mute.

00:17:40.610 --> 00:17:42.697 Evan Rosenthal: I didn't realize I was muted with the commercial

00:17:42.930 --> 00:17:45.109 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Don't worry. It happens all the time.

00:17:45.429 --> 00:18:03.949 Evan Rosenthal: We we are. We're a benefit broker, and and we strive to offer that white glove service that a lot of some of the larger brokers or smaller brokers don't offer. We? We want to get into the benefit administration system. We want to make changes to it. We want to update the benefit module. So

00:18:04.110 --> 00:18:10.829 Evan Rosenthal: we and and we're doing that, we have a customer care center that's able to handle our employees calls as well.

00:18:11.235 --> 00:18:37.419 Evan Rosenthal: And on top of ha! Having some pretty great people in our account management department that that are able to to handle our clients. So we found a nice little niche where we're able to do a little bit more. The bigger brokers aren't gonna go into the payroll systems and make changes. We will, we don't. We don't have that liability like like they do and and we're we're able to do that. We. We've also adapted as as leadership as Hr directors. Cfos are. Gonna start, you know.

00:18:37.610 --> 00:18:42.840 Evan Rosenthal: coming from different generations, we we take, we, we utilize some

00:18:43.065 --> 00:19:09.699 Evan Rosenthal: online tool. So we have an online benefit tool. You get an instant quote. You go in. You type in how many employees you have, you type in where you're located and it pulls up all the carriers in area. So the Hr. Director, you know, May in the past they wanted to go schedule a formal call. Now they wanna lay in bed at, you know, 8 pm. And after they put their kids asleep and they wanna go on their phone and and look at benefit options. So it's a it's a it's a totally different game, and we do the same. On the payroll side, too. We just launched a a payroll tool

00:19:09.700 --> 00:19:24.880 Evan Rosenthal: where you're able to go in and and you can put in how many employees you have, what you're looking for exactly, and it'll spit out a ballpark quote, and and it'll actually recommend who we think's the best fit. So we we've a lot of it comes down to adapting and and making those those types of changes.

00:19:25.160 --> 00:19:27.760 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: So I like the way you just put that. So to be clear.

00:19:28.100 --> 00:19:41.530 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Triton's not really processing payroll per se with their own engine, like they will have a lot of know how, and a lot of experience within the industry for that space. But you'll partner with various vendors to to deliver the solution to the client.

00:19:42.040 --> 00:19:57.320 Evan Rosenthal: We'll we partner with vendors. We, we have a implementation team that will go in and they'll actually help implement the the, the payroll solutions. I mean, it's it's from dual maintenance to data validation. It's it's complete, full service. What what we offer. It's completely different than it. What any other brokers doing.

00:19:57.620 --> 00:20:17.049 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: So I love the way that you frame that because somebody who's worked in the human capital management industry for over 20 years. At this point. Payroll is something that in my travels very often will get commoditized, as will health benefits right? You felt that already, in the time that you spent in this space, and it nothing drives me crazier than that, because this is

00:20:17.130 --> 00:20:43.510 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: very often a strategic discussion. But 1st and foremost, it's a people discussion and people. Discussions to me are like they should never be commoditized because people shouldn't be commoditized. So yes, a lot of times people are looking for a can you help me save 1020% on my on my payroll processing, as I've said in previous shows, like I have conversations like that all the time I care about. I I, my ideal clients, are the ones that really care about their employees and wanna deliver the best

00:20:43.510 --> 00:20:51.549 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: possible outcome to them and to the people who they're serving. And you know the kind of sentiments that you guys guys shared with me

00:20:51.550 --> 00:21:00.820 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: really being able to take some of that burden off of their shoulders so that their people can be freed up. To do the things that they're that we're really trying to do is is a big thing to me. So

00:21:00.830 --> 00:21:01.730 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Brother.

00:21:02.310 --> 00:21:04.099 Evan Rosenthal: Yeah, it. Yeah, 100%.

00:21:04.580 --> 00:21:09.380 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Payroll, payroll, compliance, wise again. These these are things that kind of get

00:21:09.390 --> 00:21:29.760 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: glossed over and and commoditized out there in the industry. It's like things that you need to do. But also you have to. You have to. Kinda wanna do it the right way also. And that's something where again, like some some people is like, Yeah, no matter what they can, they can do it themselves. I'll designate one person to his jack of all trades at the companies to wear all the hats, the type of solution that I've seen you guys provide.

00:21:29.760 --> 00:21:55.300 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: It's it's so much more hand holding and so much more comprehensive. And it's it's looking at things like a partner instead of a vendor. And again, like I, those are sentiments that I talk about every day. And you know, you guys being able to communicate that across to like, you know, these days, that's that's big to me. So in your new role as a leader of this company. I I hope you really take that to heart, cause I I love those types of sentiments, and I feel like they get glossed over on our industry a great deal.

00:21:55.840 --> 00:22:04.524 Evan Rosenthal: Yeah, we we want to take that consultant role. And we want to be that trusted advisor. And and we we want them to come, come to us, you know, if they're looking for

00:22:05.135 --> 00:22:18.444 Evan Rosenthal: another payroll solution. If they're looking for Hr. We want to kind of be that quarterback where they can come to us, and we can. We can then figure out what's the best solution. We want to be that trusted advisor to them, and and and guide them. We don't want

00:22:18.740 --> 00:22:32.620 Evan Rosenthal: I mean, it happens all the time as you alluded to where people come and they'll they'll want to buy on price and that's always gonna happen. But we want people to see the value that that we bring from the implementation to the service that we have to the cobra administration to the account managers and

00:22:32.861 --> 00:22:48.770 Evan Rosenthal: in our compensation model. We we try to keep everybody close, kind of like a family business we want, you know, our sales reps account managers tied to the account. We want. We. We want them touching the the the client, multiple times, not just showing up at renewal. You know. That's probably one of the biggest things that that we see is

00:22:49.059 --> 00:22:51.689 Evan Rosenthal: you know, broker that just shows up once a year at renewal.

00:22:51.690 --> 00:22:52.090 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Absolutely.

00:22:52.090 --> 00:22:53.809 Evan Rosenthal: Try to do the the complete opposite.

00:22:54.340 --> 00:23:08.569 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Yeah, absolutely. And that's again, it's like, it's indicative of a lot of folks who've been in the industry for a long time, is they? They get the plan in place, and they're almost afraid to show up until you know. Talk about renewal or whatever, because they don't wanna upset the apple card, and they don't wanna mess up residual income.

00:23:08.570 --> 00:23:33.530 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: And I've always kind of had like a counter culture type of opinion of that. It's like should be touching the client anywhere from one to 4 times a year, depending on what their, what their comfort level is with it, or even more frequently, if they really want you to, especially if you're in the consultative capacity. Let's take that another step further, right? Because if we look at the the softball jerseys that we like to rock this year. I sponsored a team this year, even though it's not the one that I'm on. I I love having an engaged peo type

00:23:33.530 --> 00:23:58.449 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: type of Jersey, and you have the Triton jerseys this year. But you guys also, you guys, Logan, the engineer says, I don't want to be touched. Thanks. I like my personal space, but he's got some kind of my drop-ins. But the the professional employer organization space, the one that I work in full time. So something that comes up in in your world, too, that you guys get asked about from clients, and it's, you know, been a part of Steve's world

00:23:58.450 --> 00:24:23.289 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: for a long time. It's been a part of your travels thus far. There's plenty of benefits working in the Peo space. So, and this kind of leads in a little bit to the madness for me, anyway, is, you know, you guys are at that point where you've developed an awesome consulting model. And along the way you've you've embedded yourselves well with certain providers to really like. Make sure that you have somebody at the ready to go to and and kind of really help along with certain things. But

00:24:23.410 --> 00:24:53.240 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: you know nowadays, even even to the point where you guys have a peo, you have 7 star. 7 Star Hr. As a peo. That's part of the the family of companies, so to speak. But it's also like you recognize that you can't be pushing a particular product at 1 point down down people's throats. They need to be able to have an Rfp. Process almost like a good fiduciary practice, where they look at a couple of different options, and you could really make make the right recommendation for them. It sounds a little crazy, but it's to me that's the way to do it. It always has been.

00:24:54.080 --> 00:25:15.962 Evan Rosenthal: Yeah, it. It wasn't always like this, I mean. And and you probably know best a couple of years ago, even when I was just getting into industry. It was like peo versus, you know, employee benefits. It was completely, you know. It was. It was like, we gotta pull them off a peo. We we can't. They can't go that route, and we've kinda a lot of the a lot of the po's out there have have embraced the broker community and realize, hey, we gotta work with these guys.

00:25:16.200 --> 00:25:41.690 Evan Rosenthal: they're the ones that have the closest relationship to their clients. We need to embrace that. And and they pay a very competitive Rev. Share. And it's it's sometimes more lucrative for us because it doesn't clog up our team. We're able to give it to Adp and or whoever the payroll company might might be. And you know whether they hold onto the business for a little bit, or they give it back. You know, however, it works out. We we just it. It could be a good fit.

00:25:41.690 --> 00:25:44.470 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Or engage Peo, and thank you for your referral this week. I do appreciate.

00:25:44.470 --> 00:25:46.900 Evan Rosenthal: Or in or engage. That was my, that was that was what I meant to say.

00:25:47.710 --> 00:25:48.380 Evan Rosenthal: Okay.

00:25:48.380 --> 00:26:10.240 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: I do appreciate that. But no, it's it's 1 thing, Evan, that that became very clear to me in, you know, especially in the last decade of doing business is where where I was growing up, and I was being trained, a lot of it being product knowledge and putting the gun together and taking it apart, as you know, the more I'll say, the older I get, but the more the more vintage I get. I like to, you know, delude myself even further, but

00:26:10.240 --> 00:26:19.219 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: the more vintage I get. There's a lot of people. The circle gets smaller and smaller as time goes on who like to play in this space. There's a lot to be said from

00:26:19.220 --> 00:26:38.173 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: the idea of cooperation, which I don't know. If I I picked up that word somewhere. I made it up myself. I don't know if I made it up myself. I want trade market, but but cooperation! There's so much more to be kind of made from that mentality in that kind of head space, because there's a lot of people who might be perceived as competition. And there's a lot of times. There's ways that everybody works together.

00:26:38.570 --> 00:27:01.920 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: But it's the idea of strategic partnership is big nowadays, and I know that's something that you've been embracing personally. And you've you've rolled out a number of programs within the company with Cpas and with other shops, and all of that to, you know, to really bring the best possible solution to the table. And that's that's very big for me. Even when you're a solo assassin, mercenary practitioner producer as an insurance folk. Right?

00:27:01.920 --> 00:27:09.940 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: You need to have the right team of people behind. You. And you guys have a great team of folks at the company. But also the strategic partnerships can be very exponentially powerful.

00:27:10.900 --> 00:27:13.180 Evan Rosenthal: It's it's great. It's always great to have options

00:27:13.482 --> 00:27:28.889 Evan Rosenthal: you just don't want too many where that circles too big. And you, you can't feed it. You wanna be a really really good partner to a couple of other really good partners that are good partners back. So you wanna you wanna keep that circle tight, and and monitor it. See? See how the you know

00:27:28.930 --> 00:27:34.740 Evan Rosenthal: how how we're working together and always evaluate it. That's kind of what what I've been able to do these last last couple of months.

00:27:34.740 --> 00:28:04.639 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: I couldn't agree more. I've dealt with a lot of trusted advisors in the past who have blanketed their their clients with 20 different proposals for things that they're looking at is when I look at the human capital management space and the way I'm situated and the way even folks like you were situated. It's like, Yeah, I have. Let's call it 3 options. I don't like more than 3 to 5 bullet points, because I'm an adult Adhd guy, and it just drives me crazy. But you know it's here's a publicly traded vendor. Here's a newer to the street vendor with the crazy, upbeat technology. And here's 1. That

00:28:04.640 --> 00:28:14.879 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: kind of middle of the road privately held very flexible, not publicly traded. Can custom designed a solution. And it's more of kind of the process of selection there to me.

00:28:16.310 --> 00:28:28.820 Evan Rosenthal: Yes, yes, go go going through and and evaluating. See where, see? See what's the right fit having a good arsenal of partners that that you that you can give something to and trust and trust that they're gonna do a good job. The last thing you wanna do is

00:28:29.090 --> 00:28:33.350 Evan Rosenthal: is, refer somebody in and and have them ruin it for us. So you know we we.

00:28:33.350 --> 00:28:33.890 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Yes.

00:28:33.890 --> 00:28:41.409 Evan Rosenthal: Tight. We we want to trust the you know the the vendors that we're working with so pretty pretty good at it, with with a couple of vendors out there.

00:28:41.490 --> 00:29:05.189 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: There's a lot of costs and analytics behind the world of group health insurance. And we're gonna take a break. But we'll be right back with this kind of line of discussion. But every business owner, Evan, I've ever dealt with. They love the idea of saving time and money. What I like about the way I'm situated these days, and the way that you're situated is we altogether can all be part of the growth strategy for these businesses. And when you take it back to looking at the costs, like when I see testimonials like this.

00:29:05.190 --> 00:29:13.610 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: yeah, it speaks volumes like, yeah. Triton looked at our stuff, and they were able to help us save $80,000 on what we were doing, and provide better service all at the same time.

00:29:13.610 --> 00:29:28.900 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Those are powerful stories, and then when you can translate that into helping the company grow and expand, moving forward, it becomes even better. We gotta take this break. We'll be right back with Director of Sales at strategic partnerships. Evan Rosenthal. He's with Triton benefits and Hr. Solutions. Stay with us.

00:31:34.770 --> 00:31:57.929 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Welcome back to always. Friday with me, Stephen Fry, your Smb. Guy, we are chatting with Evan Rosenthal. He's director of sales and strategic partnerships at Triton benefits and Hr. Solutions. You know I'm talking a lot here on the show, Evan, and it's because it's a topic that's so near and dear to my heart, and I feel like we're on. We're in the dugout just kind of jabbering like we normally would. But I'm gonna try to shut the hell up in this segment and let you talk about the madness of the industry because

00:31:57.940 --> 00:32:21.810 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: I've seen a lot of it. I know you've seen a lot of it in the short period of time that you've been been playing in the space. But you know the madness part of the show here, Evan, this is the artistic, observational part, the stories that we have from the field, no subject to taboo anything goes. And again I started to allude to some fun madness before where Steve's family of companies, you guys own a Peo 7 Star Hr, that was started out of Texas.

00:32:21.810 --> 00:32:42.490 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: And yet you guys recognize, especially nowadays that there are, you can't just be completely product driven, showing up one particular solution and throwing it in front of people. You have to be able to go through an Rfp. Process. Good fiduciary practices tell them the why and where and all of that of you know behind where you're gonna recommend that folks go to. So that's that's 1 thought. The other thought is that.

00:32:42.490 --> 00:32:43.250 Evan Rosenthal: Is, that.

00:32:43.850 --> 00:33:08.330 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: People in finance and insurance a lot of times don't understand finance and insurance, which is a scary thing for me to see, you know. So when you talk about the standard brokers that come to people's minds where they set, they put something in place for for the client, and then they kinda disappear, and you never hear from them again, like until the renewal times. It's it's it. Kinda just makes me makes me sad a little bit, cause. Not only is it, you know it means you're not really doing the client justice.

00:33:08.380 --> 00:33:33.680 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: There are also other opportunities for revenue generation money savings, streamlining of other services and in general fun type of growth discussion that you could have if you stay in touch with them. But enough about my crap. Let's let's let Evan talk to us a little bit about the madness that you've seen in the field, and everything from customer service and analytics of benefits and sales to being in a leadership role these days. Let's hear it, baby.

00:33:34.870 --> 00:33:42.580 Evan Rosenthal: So I I feel like that. A lot of the a lot of the stories probably come from being out in the field as as a seller and doing open enrollments. So

00:33:43.473 --> 00:33:47.039 Evan Rosenthal: I'm gonna one of the most recent ones that that that happened was

00:33:47.363 --> 00:34:09.370 Evan Rosenthal: we were. We were conducting an open enrollment I was in Carney, New Jersey, at a company that they do laundry, and they they pick up the laundry for hotels, and they bring it into their facility. It's a couple of football fields wide long, and they they. So they do laundry, and they send it back to the hotel. So new client we're doing their open enrollment.

00:34:09.370 --> 00:34:22.030 Evan Rosenthal: And I, you know, I decided that you know, as a sales rep, I wanted to go there with a benefit rep. I wanted to do do the open enrollment together. So it was a big company. And next thing you know we're we've come in with with like

00:34:22.030 --> 00:34:28.699 Evan Rosenthal: 30 40 boxes of pizza we're going through. We're going through the open enrollment. You have some English speakers, some Spanish speakers.

00:34:28.699 --> 00:34:48.160 Evan Rosenthal: and we didn't really get through. There was a couple of sessions that we didn't really get through what we had to in the morning session in the afternoon session. So they asked for a night session to come back. It's a it's a a 24 7 operation. So we came back. We came back at 7 Pm. We're there like 7 to to 10 Pm. But we're winding for for a little bit

00:34:48.420 --> 00:35:10.020 Evan Rosenthal: As the pizzas got delivered, and in the midst of that a the Hr director was like, Hey, do you guys have, like another Spanish speaker that could help sign up the the the employees, you know, we just have you. And we were using like an Hr admin that happened to speak Spanish. So we have, like 2 of us that are kind of doing it, but I'm really helping helping the admin do it. So

00:35:10.050 --> 00:35:13.750 Evan Rosenthal: is this door. Dasher comes in and he drops off the pizzas.

00:35:13.750 --> 00:35:15.110 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: And you feel.

00:35:15.110 --> 00:35:34.990 Evan Rosenthal: He. He was speaking Spanish and I I just thinking quick and just being on the flight, I said, what are the chances? You know that you know you. You speak Spanish like fluently. And he did. And I, I said, What do you? What are you doing later? And he goes. He goes just working. Doordash, I said, what do you make over the course of like 3, 4 h? Tell me what he makes.

00:35:35.010 --> 00:35:45.910 Evan Rosenthal: I said. I'll I'll give you give him a little bit more than what he makes, I said. I'll give you this bigger tips as well. I need you to come back here. I'm gonna teach you a benefit administration tool employee navigator. I go. I'm gonna teach it to you.

00:35:45.910 --> 00:35:47.170 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Unbelievable. Yeah.

00:35:47.460 --> 00:36:06.659 Evan Rosenthal: So I need you to sit next to me, and and I'll I'll I'll help you. But I need you to be a 3rd person. Help help me enroll some of these these Spanish speakers, and go through the benefits. That's important. You want people to understand what they're buying, especially with the Spanish, especially with the Spanish speakers. Sometimes they don't understand, they don't they? It's it's a barrier, and they don't understand fully what they're buying. So to have 2 bodies there in addition to myself.

00:36:06.987 --> 00:36:13.162 Evan Rosenthal: You know I had. I had 2 of them on each side of me, and we're going through it. I'm enrolling people. They're enrolling people. And

00:36:13.760 --> 00:36:39.189 Evan Rosenthal: it it was. It was really successful. We got everyone enrolled that that night that we had to. I stay there a little bit later. And I I'm I'm still friends with the guy, friendly with with a guy who who did that so maybe future openros. We we bring him back. But that was that was a time that was within the last couple of months, where where we're pretty resourceful and and had to get the job done, and it's just just do it. Just get it done

00:36:39.570 --> 00:36:40.700 Evan Rosenthal: And and we did it.

00:36:40.700 --> 00:37:04.560 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: I I would agree. That's a fantastic story. I wasn't expecting that, believe it or not, and I'm I'm happy to hear that you said, you know what like. Come back a little later, because that means everybody else still got their pizza, and they didn't get cold. Sitting on the side of where you just pulled them straight in to help with employee navigator. So that's huge. That's dude that is totally resourceful and definitely applaud you for it. That's and that's listen, man, like being a leader.

00:37:04.560 --> 00:37:15.809 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: And this is, you know, something that comes up with with the talk radio. Nyc station. A lot is uplift, educate and empower. That's something that dude like. That's a huge leadership lesson that takes

00:37:15.900 --> 00:37:34.109 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: people who are in leadership and management, which I always have a big kinda difference between the 2. But that's something that people more vintage than you are still struggling to learn. So you'll think of how cool that guy must have felt when he's like, Yeah, you could actually help me do this benefit enrollment meeting. Come on in and help these people get get their health benefits.

00:37:34.300 --> 00:37:35.290 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: He's like I could do that.

00:37:35.290 --> 00:37:51.899 Evan Rosenthal: Yeah, he! He he got. He got a great dinner out of it. I I brought pizza back for the evening shift, and I I said, whatever you want, I'll get. You got got him! He it was. It was a good setup. I I I almost wanted to bring him in for our client service team here. But for other reasons he he couldn't.

00:37:52.160 --> 00:38:19.589 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: You know, it's funny. It's like I was looking around that I've done shows about this type of stuff, even even in the last couple of months. You know. What? What do people look at in a next generation? Leader, since we're kind of dancing around that topic today. And one of the things on the list that I had looked at was offering an emerge offering emerging leaders program which I always think something like that. And a mentorship thing is is good, no matter what, but that almost brings it to a whole other level. It's like, Hey, this dude delivers pizza. It's like he's an emerging leader. Why the hell? Not.

00:38:20.260 --> 00:38:34.555 Evan Rosenthal: Exactly. Yeah. And that that's that's that's just one example. You know, like we, we have other ones, such such as whether it's you know, Cha. Chasing a deal. We we were working with a large group that we were trying to bring on as a client. It was a

00:38:35.282 --> 00:38:54.740 Evan Rosenthal: an I center down in Tampa, Florida. We we realized that the other broker was local. And we we actually, we we tried to schedule time with the group. She wouldn't. And I took a different approach. Where? Where? I said, Hey, we're actually gonna be in the area tomorrow. Are you around for lunch. We weren't in the area we were in Woodbridge, New Jersey.

00:38:54.740 --> 00:39:11.127 Evan Rosenthal: and she took she took our meeting. I hopped on a flight we went with a partner of ours, and and and we covered his costs. I didn't think his company would flew him down us to we we went down for maybe like 18 h we we we had lunch with her, and

00:39:11.580 --> 00:39:14.623 Evan Rosenthal: explain her what we did. And and next thing you know

00:39:14.910 --> 00:39:26.480 Evan Rosenthal: you know, she thought that we were just passing by the area, and we we actually went out of our way to go down there to just chase a deal. And so whatever it is, whether it's it's on the prospect side client side. It's just

00:39:26.970 --> 00:39:34.459 Evan Rosenthal: speaking outside of box doing stuff different that that other people aren't, and and and trying to, you know, get get more clients that way.

00:39:34.460 --> 00:40:03.670 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: So you know, working in my my roles that were publicly traded corporate America. Like, yeah, I've definitely done the oh, yeah, I'm gonna be in your neighborhood tomorrow, but it was more like I was at an office at 30 Second and Broadway, and they were like downtown. That's you know. That's that. That's a cool position to be able to to be able to execute on that quickly. And you know, I'm sure you got plenty of folks down there. I know Steve's got a place in Florida as well, but you know, if you, if you'd ever need something to, you know, kinda piggyback, a trip like that. Let me know. I got all kinds of friends everywhere, so we I could always introduce you to some of my crazy people.

00:40:04.240 --> 00:40:09.390 Evan Rosenthal: Absolutely. It's the Po. Capital of the world. So lot lots of lot, lots of business down there.

00:40:09.540 --> 00:40:29.449 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Yup, Yup, lots and lots of business down there. So you know, going back to that right like. So the the Peo world like you'd said then that's something a piece of madness that I've come across as well like where some of the traditional thinking about it is that again, it's it's competition to people who work in the in the health producer, health insurance broker type of community. And

00:40:29.450 --> 00:40:59.200 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: that's where a lot of my referrals come from. So that's I know that's not the case. Right? It's just being able to position the conversation the right way and to leverage each other's strengths like, you know, know what each other's, you know. Shortfalls. I don't like to call them weaknesses, but the things that the other things that are not necessarily a strength in the industry like, but being able to leverage everyone's best parts as strategic partners, and in a united front is always huge to me like, it seems like you guys agree at this point, and I'm looking forward to doing more of it together for sure.

00:40:59.200 --> 00:41:26.999 Evan Rosenthal: Yeah, you you have. You have a lot of people out there where? Where they wanna they're not thinking about the right fit. They're thinking, you know who to? Who took them out to a happy hour, who took them to a Rangers Playoff game? Who took them to a suite? And it it it really, you know, that's great. All that stuff's awesome. But it really should come down to what's the right fit? What are they looking for when it comes to Hr. When it comes to onboarding, when it comes to recruiting what are their needs, and and addressing those needs and and and finding the right fit. You're gonna keep them happy, and you're gonna keep them for as a client for a lot longer.

00:41:27.440 --> 00:41:41.950 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: You know, one of the other things about becoming a next generation leader, Evan, that I saw was establishing collaborative leadership circles. And that's that's also again, not just the strategic partnership discussion, which is, you know, also a big part of the execution.

00:41:42.020 --> 00:42:09.399 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: But being able to, as as you have been within the organization, someone who's worked in all the different parts of the organization. Now, you're taking on more of a leadership role, maybe, together with the emerging leadership idea and the collaborative leadership circles. There's opportunities to really work with some of the the folks even younger than you. If there are any in the organization that can get working with you and really like be noted as an emerging collaborative leader, both inside the company and out. Those are like fun discussions to me.

00:42:09.890 --> 00:42:14.140 Evan Rosenthal: Yeah, I do. I do some, some some work with Drexel my old school, and.

00:42:14.140 --> 00:42:14.590 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Rate.

00:42:14.841 --> 00:42:26.929 Evan Rosenthal: They they have, you know, the leadership program. And so I I try to mentor some of the younger kids there and do some virtual classes. Not not a professor, but I'll you know. Hop on, and and help a couple of my old professors and

00:42:27.173 --> 00:42:38.810 Evan Rosenthal: you know. Try try to. You know, a lot of these these kids are coming out of school, and they have some great ideas. And they just, you know, kind of wants want to bounce some ideas off other people, see? See some get some input on on their ideas.

00:42:38.810 --> 00:42:49.470 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: I've done more work as of late, with more local schools in the Jersey side. But most my wife and I, and a whole bunch of my cousins went to the University of Maryland, and I don't know if you and I had ever talked about this, but

00:42:49.470 --> 00:43:13.269 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: in a similar fashion to you with the way you started doing some work at Drexel. I, one of my. My 1st job was through the Maryland small business incubation program. You make a proposal to the university, they accept it. You get university office space resources, phone lines, copy machines, all of that jazz. And I was part of a company that had 8 people and was built up to 35 by the time I left, and that type of experience was one of the marinating.

00:43:13.280 --> 00:43:25.849 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: you know, kinda core memories from inside out, if you will, of how to really get into this industry and to be somebody who can make a difference, and who can see the difference almost imminently with the the entrepreneurs and the small medium sized businesses.

00:43:26.500 --> 00:43:45.660 Evan Rosenthal: Yeah, I'll tell you 1. One of the one of the greatest things about Drexel and their entrepreneurship program was you're able to work with a real company, and similar similar to how you just described. They'll they'll they'll pair 4 to 4 to 6 of us, to a company. There'll be a real problem. And we actually have to work and and address the program the problem, and then,

00:43:46.537 --> 00:44:02.340 Evan Rosenthal: present it to the Cfo Hr. Director, owner and whether they take. That's another issue. But it was just really, really cool to be able to get real life experience. And that's my encouragement to, you know all the younger folks out there. It's that real world experience is is so valuable.

00:44:02.340 --> 00:44:13.669 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Yeah, sometimes there's no substitute for that. We gotta take a break. Well, it's great stuff, Evan. We'll be right back with Evan Rosenthal. He's the director of sales and strategic partnerships at Triton. Benefits and Hr. Solutions. Stay with us. People.

00:46:21.070 --> 00:46:44.389 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Welcome back to always Friday with me, Stephen Fry, your Smb. Guy, we are chatting with my man, Evan Rosenthal. He is the director of sales and strategic partnerships at Triton benefits and Hr. Solutions. Evan, love the conversation. I feel like I need to have you on again. Like many other folks I talked to because we're almost out of time. And yes, you should probably consider doing your own show. You have a great presence and a great great, deep voice like me. So.

00:46:44.510 --> 00:47:05.319 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: But we could talk about making one of the offices at Triton office, at the Triton office and Woodbridge, a podcast studio, we could really knock it out together. But enough of that. This is the message part of the show Evan. This is from weekend insight to Monday impact. That was the idea when I started the show. That's the idea that we like to kind of embody here when we have these discussions giving everybody some type of.

00:47:05.590 --> 00:47:14.030 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: you know, some type of little sound bite over the weekend that they could really remember and put into action. Come Monday, and just to throw a few things out there.

00:47:14.690 --> 00:47:18.829 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: putting together benefits and delivering that experience to the staff

00:47:18.970 --> 00:47:42.659 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: is a C-level decision. It's a company-wide decision. It can be a very strategic decision. And a lot of times, you know, like we've discussed along the way, it's something that can get commoditized and just like, look at. Oh, this is a couple of dollars cheaper fine throw, you know. Do it, and throw it in a drawer until next year. You know, you really wanna involve the senior, the senior folks at the company, and make sure that they're able to relay messages effectively to the folks who work for them.

00:47:42.660 --> 00:48:00.630 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: and be able to administer things really effectively, and if you don't have the wherewithal to do that within your organization, don't feel, don't, don't worry. You're not alone. There's a lot of folks out there who help with that, including Evan and the team at Triton, Hr. With their strategic partnerships, including me, Stephen Fry, from engaged Peo. There you go.

00:48:00.630 --> 00:48:01.330 Evan Rosenthal: About it.

00:48:01.550 --> 00:48:11.699 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: But enough of me jabbering on again, Evan, drop some sound bites on everybody for the weekend, so that we can really get them to remember something after they have their softball and golf like I intend to do.

00:48:12.140 --> 00:48:16.789 Evan Rosenthal: Yeah. So i i 1 of the things I I learned from

00:48:17.216 --> 00:48:23.990 Evan Rosenthal: Steve, our CEO, and and that carried on from my grandfather was the customer is always right.

00:48:24.190 --> 00:48:28.519 Evan Rosenthal: It doesn't matter the situation. The customer is always right, and

00:48:28.620 --> 00:48:30.489 Evan Rosenthal: we strive here also

00:48:30.530 --> 00:48:59.639 Evan Rosenthal: treat all clients the same, regardless of size. We have a service model that we plug in, and you want to treat them all the same. You don't want to service certain ones different ways and the other ones other ways. You want to streamline it all in one way, and and and be able to treat everyone the same. So that's probably the most important thing that that I've learned is is is the customers the most important part of the business, and you want to keep them happy. And and you know, keep that service level.

00:48:59.870 --> 00:49:12.760 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: I would also, you know, take it a step further to from the janitor to the CEO type of discussion. You know everybody should be treated with respect. We're all people right, and that's that's something that I've I've seen.

00:49:12.760 --> 00:49:30.280 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: I've seen a lot of over the years where it's like, oh, this, this person's in one position. They get treated differently, and no like different size companies. The same with my type of business models. If the company has hundreds of employees, or if they have 5 employees, they get the same service model that we intend to deliver to everybody.

00:49:32.010 --> 00:49:41.610 Evan Rosenthal: Yeah, yeah, a lot of times we don't. We don't see that. I mean you. You see, some brokers out there that that might neglect the smaller groups.

00:49:41.910 --> 00:49:53.870 Evan Rosenthal: We'll we'll write startups down to 2 employees and we'll we'll go all the way up to to some of the largest hotel chains in the world. So there's no, there's no you know. Every everyone gets the same service that we offer.

00:49:54.240 --> 00:49:59.729 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: And that's something that I notice a lot, too. Is that they?

00:50:00.430 --> 00:50:23.060 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Yeah, they yeah. Again, treating people with a different type of service model. Like the the companies that have 5 employees that are newer to the party, they become the companies that have 200 employees, the being part of the growth strategy again. Everyone wants to save time and money, man like, I'm in a position you're in a position these days where not only could you help them save time and money and ease the pain of administration. But

00:50:23.060 --> 00:50:36.719 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: you can be part of the growth discussion, too. It's like I love the companies that start out in very entrepreneurial ventures with 2, 5, 10 employees, you know. Sometimes it's enough to drive you crazy, but then they become the ones with 200 300 employees. And you're part of the growth story.

00:50:37.290 --> 00:50:51.550 Evan Rosenthal: Yeah, one of one of one of my newest sales reps he. He was in in the Recy electronic recycling business before. And he just had a company come in that was doing something similar to what he did with electronics.

00:50:51.864 --> 00:51:00.409 Evan Rosenthal: but with farming waste. And for him he he. He was geeking out over it. He thought it was the it was. It was the coolest thing. So it's

00:51:00.440 --> 00:51:10.016 Evan Rosenthal: being able to have a passion in this case it it worked out really well. He was able to relate to this group and and the the owner, and talk his language. But it's it's

00:51:10.440 --> 00:51:17.500 Evan Rosenthal: you know, just just being able to to help them. Help help out our groups and like, like I go back to the beginning. Be that advisor to them.

00:51:17.930 --> 00:51:41.929 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: The headquarters of Triton is in Woodbridge, New Jersey. I know you guys have presence all over the country. But I I'm a Central Jersey guy. You're a central Jersey guy. Steve's a central Jersey guy. I know you've you spent some time around the urban areas, and I'm jealous these days because I have the house and the kids and the lawn to take care of and everything. But if you know, people are what we've talked about today like you being in a in a leadership position with Triton, helping your clients through

00:51:41.930 --> 00:51:55.819 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: with any and all things human, capital management oriented, and especially being a good resource and a quarterback, if you will, on the benefit side, where can they find you? How can they reach out to you? Give everybody some contact information. And then we're gonna bring things home. Baby.

00:51:56.470 --> 00:52:11.173 Evan Rosenthal: Yeah, so trident, you could look up trident benefits a lot of times if you we have a killer marketing team. So if you look up group benefit broker. We're usually the 1st one up there, sponsored and organically. Our, our you could reach us

00:52:11.480 --> 00:52:33.839 Evan Rosenthal: directed our phone number (732) 602-2410, and we're a full service broker. We we work all throughout the country. If it's a a large enough group or a group that needs that service. Even. It's not that large. We'll we'll go out there and do the open enrollment in person. If there's issues with with the current we'll we'll we'll fly out there. We'll help them. We'll we'll do whatever it takes.

00:52:33.840 --> 00:52:36.380 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Yeah, he's in the neighborhood. Don't worry people. He's always in the neighborhood.

00:52:36.780 --> 00:52:48.689 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: I love it, Evan, before we let you go for the day we are gonna revisit the answers to my questions that I love to ask everybody who I've ever interviewed. Who's your favorite movie or TV show character? What's your favorite movie or TV show?

00:52:48.690 --> 00:53:12.730 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: What's your favorite musical instrument? And who's the artist? You'd like to hear play it? And I loved all of your answers. So without further ado, your favorite movie character is Ricky Bobby from Talladega knights, you know, when I think about folks who give me, answers Evan. And I think about sometimes how closely related it can be to what they do and how they do it, and all that fun. I want you to just listen to this little excerpt from Imdb on Ricky Bobby.

00:53:12.730 --> 00:53:37.170 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: number one Nascar driver, Ricky Bobby, stays atop the heap, thanks to a packed with his best friend and teammate. But when a French formula, one driver makes his way up the ladder, his talent and devotion are put to the test. You know what you're you're you're up the ladder at this point, and you're you're in a leadership position. So your talent, devotion, how you react to things or respond to things if you will. I like respond better than react. Yeah, they're gonna be put to the test. Baby things are unexpected. They happen.

00:53:37.170 --> 00:53:39.759 Evan Rosenthal: If if you're not first, st you're last, Ricky, Bobby.

00:53:40.078 --> 00:54:04.319 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Exactly. Exactly so. Time to win some deals together, baby. So you said, your favorite movie is American sniper, and I like the idea of the sniper approach. Compared to the shotgun approach, especially in our industry. It's a little bit more targeted, right? But Chris Kyle, navy seal right his pinpoint accuracy. It saves countless lives on the battlefield, and turns him into a legend back home with his family after 4 tours of duty.

00:54:04.320 --> 00:54:22.089 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: He finds that it's the war he can't leave behind right? It's kind of like you and me not not able to leave the Hdm. Industry behind, and we're talking about it on the field. But we're having fun with it. So it's it's it's fine these days, right? So American sniper that idea. I love it so I haven't seen the movie yet. Talk to me. What? What spoke to you about it?

00:54:23.742 --> 00:54:31.719 Evan Rosenthal: The precision involved with it. It's it. I I really. I relate everything to what I do just the precision it.

00:54:31.920 --> 00:54:34.590 Evan Rosenthal: It's hard to explain, but the precision is the biggest thing.

00:54:34.940 --> 00:54:54.929 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Yeah, no, I agree. Because and and to me very often, that's getting to know the people as opposed to memorizing a product list and rifling it out there, because to me, when people do that, it's a shotgun effect, and you just see what falls and latch onto it when you get to know the people you build rapport, you collect some information, and then you fire a shot right between the eyes. Yes, that's the sniper rifle effect.

00:54:55.260 --> 00:55:22.439 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: So you said your favorite musical instrument, and the artist you'd like to hear play. It was the trumpet and Timmy Trumpet who I associate, and you associate with the mets. I didn't realize he was an Australian dude. I'm like sitting and reading about him and everything. But but yeah. Timmy attended a mets game and met Edwin Diaz, relief pitcher, telling him that he was officially a Mets fan for life, and during a game the following day Timmy performed the intro song at Cityfield when Diaz entered. So

00:55:22.440 --> 00:55:35.750 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: pretty, pretty, awesome, love? The answer, love the fact that you gave some great stories from Drexel. And again, I'm starving. So it made me think of writing Terminal Market. Evan. I'm so happy that we were able to finally do this. It won't be the last time. Thank you so much for joining me here today, really appreciate it.

00:55:36.310 --> 00:55:41.769 Evan Rosenthal: Thanks. Thanks for having me on, Steve. I appreciate it, and I I promise you I'll get a new picture. I'll get a new Linkedin picture before the next one.

00:55:42.004 --> 00:56:06.419 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: No, I I don't. I. People have promised me a lot of that. I don't believe you until I see it. But Co. Coming up next week. We're gonna interview my my new friend, Lawrence Anthony. He's a business coach, and don't worry, even though he has 2 1st names. You can trust him, very trustworthy guy. But and he actually asked a bunch of his compadre some questions about movies, TV and music, too. So I'm extra interested in him until then. Thank you for joining us on no ways. Friday. We hope you gain some weekend insight to make a Monday impact.

00:56:06.420 --> 00:56:18.879 Steven Frey @alwaysfreyday @smbguy: Have a great weekend, a happy father's day. Don't forget to wish me a happy birthday on Monday, if you see me, or out there in the virtual world or the real world. Have a great weekend, and we'll we'll see you next week. Friday 11. Am. Here on talk radio, Myc, bye, bye, everybody.

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