The Hard Skills

Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/06/11 - Navigating the Complex Healthcare System Labyrinth, with Frank R. Harrison

Facebook Live Video from 2024/06/11 - Navigating the Complex Healthcare System Labyrinth, with Frank R. Harrison


2024/06/11 - Navigating the Complex Healthcare System Labyrinth, with Frank R. Harrison

[NEW EPISODE] Navigating the Complex Healthcare System Labyrinth, with Frank R. Harrison

Tuesdays: 5:00pm - 6:00pm (EST)                              


What complex changes are happening in the healthcare sector and how does that affect patient, provider, and organizational success? In this episode we talk with Frank R. Harrison about the rapid post-pandemic changes experienced by hospitals, opportunities and challenges with technologies, including AI, and navigating the labyrinth of the system. 

Using New York City as an example, we will look at their current hospital systems and show the pros and cons of being vertically integrated or acquired through traditional M&A Activity. We'll also explore which systems serve different needs best, how to succeed within those challenging environments as a patient, provider, or leader, and the complexity that impacts outcomes. Equipped with an MBA from the Fordham Gabelli School of Business concentrating in Global Marketing, Finance and International Management, and Master of Arts Psychology and Neuroscience and a Certificate in Public Health Advocate through Cornell University and the New York State Department of Health, Frank R. Harrison has 30+ years of experience, including executive roles spanning the Financial Services, Entertainment, and New Media industries. His Business experience coupled with his health training has led to healthcare ventures, advocacy programs and media platforms to illustrate his research and desire to strive for social change one person at a time, bringing it to life through his podcast, Frank About Health. He also has a healthcare platform a division of his new venture Health-E-Media, Inc.


Business Site:



 Podcast Site:

#Frankabouthealth, #healthcare, #healthemedia, #leadership, #healthcareleadership

Tune in for this empowering conversation at

Show Notes

Segment  1

In this episode of The Hard Skills, Dr. Brancu is joined by Frank R. Harrison from Talk Radio.NYC’s Frank About Health. They will be discussing the current hospital systems and show the pros and cons of being vertically integrated or acquired through traditional M&A Activity amongst other similar topics. To start the episode, Dr. Brancu asks Frank what he is most excited to talk about during their time together. They finish the segment with Frank’s answer and start the dive into the world of healthcare and Frank sharing his motivation to be a healthcare advocate. 

Segment 2

After the first break, we return to Frank and Dr. Brancu discussing how Frank does not take part in a passive role of leadership in his healthcare advocacy. Specifically they discuss what a passive role looks like and what it means. Frank goes on to explain how he applies his advocacy practices in real situations along with an understanding of patient-level access and navigation from a psychological point of view. 

Segment 3

Moving forward in their discussion, we return to Dr. Brancu asking Frank some of the industry trends regarding patient level access and navigation. Frank goes on to share some of the numerous things he looks out for in his advocacy, like how up to date a hospital’s technology is. Frank also goes on to explain nuance, horizontal, and vertical integration and how it applies to their main topic of conversation. After a quick malfunction, Dr. Brancu finishes the segment by sharing some of her comments she has gathered over the course of the interview. 

Segment 4

As the episode comes to an end, Dr. Brancu and Frank wrap up their conversation by discussing what kind of signs patients pick up when deciding or finding a healthy systeml, other than the ones they have already talked about. Dr. Brancu goes on to ask where Frank gets his creativity for developing his media for advocacy with his podcast, Frank About Health, along with a recent documentary he just filmed and a website launch and what the future holds for him. To learn more about Frank’s work, please visit or for more details. Also be sure to check out Frank’s show, Frank About Health every Thursday ay 5 pm EST on Talk Radio.NYC


00:00:49.040 --> 00:01:18.248 Mira Brancu: Welcome welcome to the hard skills show where we discuss how to develop the nuanced hard skills meaning the most challenging soft skills needed to make a real impact through your leadership. I love when we get started. Those of you who are watching live right now are, gonna see the recording of the video when our guest already starts bopping to the music. Because I love this music, it's always great when our guests enjoy it as much and get me moving. So thank you, Frank.

00:01:19.080 --> 00:01:43.159 Mira Brancu: Good to have you on the show. I'm your host, Dr. Mirabu. I'm a leadership consulting and coaching psychologist, founder of the Towerscope Leadership Academy and associate professor, a psychology today columnist, author of the Millennials Guide to Workplace politics and had my own leadership career before transitioning to helping teams and high achieving women navigate their leadership complexities.

00:01:43.290 --> 00:01:46.399 Mira Brancu: Thank you for joining us today on our journey.

00:01:46.700 --> 00:01:53.290 Mira Brancu: Now, the question that we're answering today is what complex changes are happening in the healthcare sector.

00:01:53.470 --> 00:01:58.620 Mira Brancu: And how does that affect patient provider and organizational success

00:01:58.720 --> 00:02:12.310 Mira Brancu: in this episode? We talk with Frank R. Harrison about the rapid post pandemic changes experienced by hospitals, opportunities, and challenges with technologies, including AI and navigating the labyrinth of the system.

00:02:12.430 --> 00:02:17.459 Mira Brancu: This is a really good topic for season 4 is focus on navigating complexity.

00:02:17.800 --> 00:02:22.950 Mira Brancu: Now, before I introduce you to our guest today, I do have a really big announcement.

00:02:23.180 --> 00:02:33.360 Mira Brancu: So, Frank, you're here to hear my big announcement, too. We will be opening our doors again in a few weeks for our next cohort in the Towerscope Leadership Academy.

00:02:33.650 --> 00:02:48.279 Mira Brancu: We're building a community of high achieving growth. Minded leaders looking to expertly navigate today's complex workplace dynamics within disrupted industries and make a greater impact. So today's episode is all about that.

00:02:48.400 --> 00:02:57.200 Mira Brancu: If you wanna learn more about our Leadership Academy, you can apply and check us out at go tower,

00:02:57.510 --> 00:03:00.149 Mira Brancu: and click on Leadership Academy.

00:03:00.750 --> 00:03:16.700 Mira Brancu: Okay. Now, without any further ado, I'm excited to introduce our special guest today. Frank R. Harrison, equipped with an Mba. From the Fordham, the Belly school of business, concentrating in global marketing, finance and international management.

00:03:16.910 --> 00:03:30.229 Mira Brancu: and a master's of arts in psychology and neuroscience, and a certificate in public health advocacy through Cornell University and the New York State Department of Health. Frank R. Harrison has 30

00:03:30.760 --> 00:03:31.770 Mira Brancu: plus

00:03:31.780 --> 00:03:36.169 Mira Brancu: years of experience, including executive roles

00:03:36.210 --> 00:03:38.219 Mira Brancu: spanning financial industries.

00:03:38.230 --> 00:03:39.660 Mira Brancu: entertainment.

00:03:39.730 --> 00:03:42.540 Mira Brancu: and new media media industries.

00:03:42.770 --> 00:03:45.370 Mira Brancu: His business experience.

00:03:45.540 --> 00:03:47.799 Mira Brancu: coupled with his health training.

00:03:47.990 --> 00:03:52.400 Mira Brancu: has led to these really interesting healthcare ventures

00:03:52.470 --> 00:03:55.689 Mira Brancu: and advocacy programs and media platforms.

00:03:55.950 --> 00:04:07.250 Mira Brancu: all for the purpose of illustrating his research and interest and desire to strive for social change. One person at a time, especially through the healthcare sector. He has

00:04:07.310 --> 00:04:10.070 Mira Brancu: a really interesting healthcare platform. Health

00:04:10.290 --> 00:04:11.400 Mira Brancu: e

00:04:11.420 --> 00:04:17.260 Mira Brancu: We will show you that later, if you're watching, and we will spell it out

00:04:17.300 --> 00:04:26.350 Mira Brancu: as well. This is a division of his new venture, Health, E. Media Incorporated. And he brings these ideas to life through his Podcast

00:04:26.420 --> 00:04:39.330 Mira Brancu: which by the way, his Podcast is frank about health which happens to also be a sister, podcast, so I call it brother, podcast a sister. Podcast, it sounds better on talk, radio.

00:04:39.710 --> 00:04:41.030 Frank R. Harrison: Podcast flew, it.

00:04:41.470 --> 00:04:43.345 Mira Brancu: Catherine. Okay, great

00:04:44.130 --> 00:04:46.230 Mira Brancu: on talk radio, dot Nyc.

00:04:46.320 --> 00:05:02.747 Mira Brancu: And he airs at the same time. But on Thursdays, so if you're already available at this time. Go hop on over on Thursday, and listen to him as well to hear about his commentary on the healthcare sector and the complexities that

00:05:03.310 --> 00:05:12.640 Mira Brancu: He and his guests base all the time right? So he welcomed me so warmly on his show last year when I started with talk radio, Nyc.

00:05:12.650 --> 00:05:20.909 Mira Brancu: and now it's come full circle. Nearly a year later we're continuing the conversation on my show. So welcome, welcome, Frank.

00:05:20.910 --> 00:05:26.630 Frank R. Harrison: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Mira. Let me tell you literally, not just on Frank, about health. But

00:05:26.710 --> 00:05:28.829 Frank R. Harrison: when I saw your very 1st show.

00:05:29.120 --> 00:05:34.779 Frank R. Harrison: and I got hooked onto music right there and then, but every other subsequent show afterwards.

00:05:34.980 --> 00:05:39.449 Frank R. Harrison: I just found myself literally getting another education.

00:05:39.670 --> 00:05:41.870 Frank R. Harrison: Now I have already.

00:05:41.960 --> 00:05:46.930 Frank R. Harrison: I believe, been self-educating. When I've been living through the pandemic, as we all have

00:05:47.030 --> 00:05:53.829 Frank R. Harrison: at the same time, while doing now 3 years of frank about health every time I have a guest on the phone happen? Well, on Zoom, rather.

00:05:54.020 --> 00:06:08.069 Frank R. Harrison: I all of a sudden find that I've learned something new about myself through what the work I've been doing and what they've added through the conversation that allowed me to even enhance whatever work I'm doing on the side, but make it better.

00:06:08.220 --> 00:06:08.800 Frank R. Harrison: you know. So.

00:06:08.800 --> 00:06:09.620 Mira Brancu: That's awesome.

00:06:09.620 --> 00:06:11.869 Frank R. Harrison: What I love about the podcast platform

00:06:12.580 --> 00:06:15.230 Frank R. Harrison: is that it is like virtual school.

00:06:15.360 --> 00:06:18.049 Frank R. Harrison: And when I saw that you had tower scope.

00:06:18.100 --> 00:06:26.639 Frank R. Harrison: I thought to myself. I wonder how I could sign up to be part of it. But I gather you have to have a lot of credentials, and you have to be in a career track

00:06:26.680 --> 00:06:36.900 Frank R. Harrison: that is actually serving the role of a leader in whether it's a healthcare organization or an organization itself that probably deals with social change, correct.

00:06:37.593 --> 00:07:01.470 Mira Brancu: A little bit. Thanks for asking because that's a really good question. So in order to qualify for the telescope Leadership Academy. It is women centered. It doesn't, Ju. We don't just accept women, but you have to be willing and open to talking and engaging with us about experiences of women navigating these systems. Most of them do have

00:07:02.180 --> 00:07:20.470 Mira Brancu: leadership roles internal to an organization right? Where they're in some kind of a formal leadership role, but not all of them. Some of them have navigated leadership and are stepping out of it. And what like sort of a pathway for what does this mean? To be an informal leader, or to lead without the formal position?

00:07:20.590 --> 00:07:24.679 Mira Brancu: Right? Because you can lead in any space, and some of them

00:07:25.137 --> 00:07:39.322 Mira Brancu: might end up even owning their own companies right? And navigating other systems, multiple systems. And they have kind of similar experiences. So for those of you who are interested. You could just go online, go

00:07:39.670 --> 00:07:53.180 Mira Brancu: leadership academy. And there's all the criteria and lots of questions that you can ask yourself to see if you might be a good fit. So Frank. Thank you for asking. I appreciate, in case people are wondering like who would be a good fit. So

00:07:53.200 --> 00:07:54.519 Mira Brancu: thank you. Now, everybody.

00:07:54.520 --> 00:07:59.429 Frank R. Harrison: By default, by watching your podcast every week. I've been taking my my notes, as you always say.

00:07:59.610 --> 00:08:01.570 Mira Brancu: That's right. That's what I was. Gonna say.

00:08:01.570 --> 00:08:06.979 Frank R. Harrison: I think it was part of the inspiration for how I developed healthy media over the past 6 months.

00:08:06.980 --> 00:08:12.360 Mira Brancu: Oh, Frank, you are the kindest person ever. So everyone. Are you ready for Frank?

00:08:12.370 --> 00:08:15.759 Mira Brancu: Let's get started. Get out your pens, everyone

00:08:15.920 --> 00:08:31.729 Mira Brancu: and paper. Okay, if you're like me, I'm old school pen paper. Right? Okay. But if you use a device to take notes, that's okay. Use your device. Reflect deeply. Take your notes, identify at least one small change that you can pull out of what Frank will share today

00:08:31.770 --> 00:08:34.010 Mira Brancu: to develop your hard skills muscle.

00:08:34.717 --> 00:08:37.642 Mira Brancu: Okay, so let's get into it.

00:08:38.240 --> 00:08:42.859 Mira Brancu: I'm curious like, what are you most excited to teach people today?

00:08:44.350 --> 00:08:51.480 Frank R. Harrison: Well, I would have to say I'm most excited about like what Sam says on his show, creating awakenings.

00:08:51.730 --> 00:08:52.060 Mira Brancu: Another.

00:08:52.060 --> 00:08:54.639 Frank R. Harrison: Words. When we were all going through Covid.

00:08:54.860 --> 00:08:58.450 Frank R. Harrison: I was the only one in my family, because we were all

00:08:58.630 --> 00:09:01.959 Frank R. Harrison: confined together for about 5 months here in New York State.

00:09:02.180 --> 00:09:05.090 Frank R. Harrison: but I was the only one already looking for.

00:09:05.210 --> 00:09:09.290 Frank R. Harrison: Who are the resources, or what are the resources I need to look for in terms of

00:09:09.380 --> 00:09:13.240 Frank R. Harrison: treatments, vaccines. When they were finally released.

00:09:13.310 --> 00:09:21.470 Frank R. Harrison: I was one of those individuals without getting political that listened to our governor at the time Andrew Cuomo every single day.

00:09:21.640 --> 00:09:26.409 Frank R. Harrison: as he was putting every restriction on the city and on the well, basically on the State.

00:09:26.500 --> 00:09:42.199 Frank R. Harrison: you know. And I was also ironically, one of the 1st victims to have Covid a week after the city shut down. So, watching how I went through that, and then trying to prevent my family from catching it, considering my father was also recovering from

00:09:42.280 --> 00:09:46.990 Frank R. Harrison: prostate cancer. I didn't want to be the cause of something more

00:09:47.110 --> 00:09:50.129 Frank R. Harrison: terminal. If you know what I mean. But that being said

00:09:50.340 --> 00:09:52.000 Frank R. Harrison: by default.

00:09:52.180 --> 00:09:53.570 Frank R. Harrison: out of necessity.

00:09:53.650 --> 00:10:06.569 Frank R. Harrison: I found myself just creating this organizational structure in my mind. How can I work through. As you've said, the labyrinth of the uncertainty of how are we going to survive this pandemic? How long is it going to last?

00:10:06.680 --> 00:10:09.330 Frank R. Harrison: What resources do we need that we don't have.

00:10:09.380 --> 00:10:24.109 Frank R. Harrison: you know, I mean ironically. At the same time, the birth of new technologies like Zoom came about for everything, teaching, learning, having reunions with friends, even working so forth, and so on. So

00:10:24.440 --> 00:10:27.869 Frank R. Harrison: I think it was the 13th of March 2021,

00:10:28.260 --> 00:10:35.609 Frank R. Harrison: No. 2,020, before we got shut down the week later, where I bought my 1st Google Chromebook. I was already prepared

00:10:35.790 --> 00:10:39.140 Frank R. Harrison: to be on the cloud with everyone for anything.

00:10:39.430 --> 00:10:42.580 Frank R. Harrison: you know, so I guess I always had the foresight.

00:10:42.690 --> 00:10:46.770 Frank R. Harrison: And when we were all faced with the unknown element of COVID-19,

00:10:47.330 --> 00:10:48.250 Frank R. Harrison: I just

00:10:48.390 --> 00:10:52.679 Frank R. Harrison: went vigilant and did everything that I could to just use this

00:10:52.940 --> 00:10:59.300 Frank R. Harrison: piece of meat loaf up here. That's something someone told told me the other day, so I'm just reiterating that. But

00:10:59.480 --> 00:11:00.830 Frank R. Harrison: use this to

00:11:01.280 --> 00:11:11.259 Frank R. Harrison: actively and incentivize myself to get stuff done. So that being said, what am I interested in making people aware of

00:11:11.320 --> 00:11:13.450 Frank R. Harrison: today? Which was your question.

00:11:13.450 --> 00:11:14.020 Mira Brancu: Yeah.

00:11:14.650 --> 00:11:28.069 Frank R. Harrison: Own your mind, own your needs and feelings. Don't think oh, wait a minute. I should be feeling this way. Oh, no! That Covid will disappear soon, or whatever the circumstance may be.

00:11:28.190 --> 00:11:34.490 Frank R. Harrison: everyone has to advocate for themselves in healthcare period, pandemic or no pandemic.

00:11:34.590 --> 00:11:43.440 Frank R. Harrison: and especially if you are dealing with a chronic illness. It could be a mental health illness, or it could be a physical cancer diabetes, whatever it might be.

00:11:43.740 --> 00:11:47.170 Frank R. Harrison: Most people seem to have from my observation

00:11:47.210 --> 00:11:49.359 Frank R. Harrison: the view that the doctor knows best

00:11:49.770 --> 00:11:54.879 Frank R. Harrison: well that may be so based on their credentials, their research, experience, so forth and so on.

00:11:55.040 --> 00:11:55.880 Frank R. Harrison: But

00:11:56.140 --> 00:12:01.410 Frank R. Harrison: you are going to someone to help you manage a better way of life.

00:12:01.560 --> 00:12:03.610 Frank R. Harrison: when, whether you have an illness or not.

00:12:03.720 --> 00:12:09.750 Frank R. Harrison: But you can never take a passive role you have to interchange with that individual

00:12:09.900 --> 00:12:11.819 Frank R. Harrison: and work together

00:12:11.900 --> 00:12:15.079 Frank R. Harrison: for the cause of maintaining your healthcare.

00:12:15.320 --> 00:12:18.499 Frank R. Harrison: And most people, I don't think, learned

00:12:18.810 --> 00:12:23.510 Frank R. Harrison: how to do that. I think it was the pandemic that forced me to do that.

00:12:23.720 --> 00:12:28.730 Frank R. Harrison: But I'm not. Everybody. And most people still to this day, even post pandemic.

00:12:28.990 --> 00:12:31.640 Frank R. Harrison: have resorted back to some of those old ways.

00:12:31.900 --> 00:12:35.780 Frank R. Harrison: so I, however, have become even more vigilant.

00:12:35.780 --> 00:12:38.154 Mira Brancu: Yeah, I mean, I I wonder

00:12:38.980 --> 00:12:49.529 Mira Brancu: if this is also generational, because you know those of us who are older, and especially even like my parents. Generation you you're

00:12:49.760 --> 00:12:51.690 Mira Brancu: you were taught to

00:12:51.900 --> 00:12:54.969 Mira Brancu: trust your doctor. Not ask questions.

00:12:55.150 --> 00:13:02.610 Mira Brancu: you know. Go, you know, once a year for your checkup all, all of those things right? But I think it's gotten

00:13:02.910 --> 00:13:04.360 Mira Brancu: so complex

00:13:04.370 --> 00:13:10.789 Mira Brancu: right now that even doctors are finding it challenging to track

00:13:11.020 --> 00:13:14.139 Mira Brancu: everything that's happening because

00:13:14.320 --> 00:13:30.427 Mira Brancu: they don't. They're not all in the same system, right? Even sometimes when they're in the same sort of medical record system, it can be hard to track who saw what for when? And you know that kind of thing about about a patient that you all share. But if you're going to different

00:13:31.780 --> 00:13:33.319 Mira Brancu: Medical professionals!

00:13:33.680 --> 00:13:55.320 Mira Brancu: It it across different systems. It is your responsibility to be tracking, you know what so and so said. But this it, you know. And here's the medications I'm taking, and that kind of thing. Because you're gonna get a lot of questions from your doctors about this. Anyway, when you visit, and I don't think a lot of you know folks from, you know, the older generation, including me.

00:13:55.330 --> 00:14:10.919 Mira Brancu: we're necessarily taught to do that right? Because I think things were a little bit simpler in terms of like how many doctors you went to see, and how many clinics there were available, and how many specialties there were. So I really appreciate this

00:14:11.180 --> 00:14:23.867 Mira Brancu: not taking a passive role. I'm curious for you. Was there a time that you took a more passive role where you like. Was there a formative moment in your own personal journey, where you realized

00:14:24.620 --> 00:14:26.000 Mira Brancu: I need

00:14:26.150 --> 00:14:29.360 Mira Brancu: to be much more active in my healthcare advocacy.

00:14:29.410 --> 00:14:30.949 Mira Brancu: and tracking.

00:14:31.270 --> 00:14:40.770 Frank R. Harrison: That time was definitely covid, but I guess I already had the prerequisite, because, being an epileptic, I've been taking care of my healthcare since I was 16 years old.

00:14:40.830 --> 00:14:44.409 Frank R. Harrison: so I already had the impetus or the incentive.

00:14:44.450 --> 00:14:46.840 Frank R. Harrison: But it wasn't as big as it's become.

00:14:46.880 --> 00:14:48.590 Frank R. Harrison: Yeah. I guess maybe

00:14:48.690 --> 00:15:04.450 Frank R. Harrison: the experience of being an epileptic, as I've indicated on Frank about health has been a gift for me, because it was the seed that allowed me to germinate my own entrepreneurial leadership style in creating healthcare organizations over the past 15 years, I would say by now.

00:15:04.450 --> 00:15:30.329 Mira Brancu: Yeah, absolutely. So. When we come back we're nearing an up, add break. And you're listening to the hard skills with me, Dr. Mira Branco and our guest, Frank R. Harrison. When we come back, I'd really like to sort of explore. What does it mean to not take a passive role. What does that look like? I think people with chronic illnesses have done this better than those of us who are new to this concept? Right? So would love to dig into that.

00:15:30.776 --> 00:15:55.060 Mira Brancu: We air on Tuesdays at 5 pm. Eastern for the hard skills, Frank, with Frank about health airs on Thursdays at 5 pm. Eastern but today, if you would like to join our online audience and ask any questions that we can answer in real time right now, if you're listening right now, find us on Linkedin or And we will answer your questions. We'll be right back with our guest in just a moment.

00:18:07.520 --> 00:18:23.189 Mira Brancu: Welcome back to the heart skills with me, Dr. Mirabu and our guest today, Frank R. Harrison, of Frank, about health and we just got a twitch, comment, Frank, from cerebral wind.

00:18:23.260 --> 00:18:27.800 Mira Brancu: Who says, Whoa! Another crossover, I suspect. Maybe you know each other. Maybe.

00:18:28.906 --> 00:18:34.603 Frank R. Harrison: I, I, I yeah, you look familiar. Of course we see each other absolutely.

00:18:35.010 --> 00:18:36.960 Mira Brancu: Well, nice to meet you. I love that name.

00:18:36.960 --> 00:18:39.920 Frank R. Harrison: Academically, we both studied neuropsychology. So.

00:18:39.960 --> 00:18:42.959 Mira Brancu: Nice, nice love it, and I love the name Cerebal wind

00:18:43.020 --> 00:18:45.634 Mira Brancu: that makes sense for, nor psychologists.

00:18:46.070 --> 00:18:46.750 Frank R. Harrison: You say.

00:18:46.750 --> 00:18:48.032 Mira Brancu: All right. So

00:18:48.650 --> 00:19:02.260 Mira Brancu: let's talk about you. We ended with this sort of idea of don't take a passive role in your healthcare. People with chronic illness know this a little bit better than the rest of us. So I'm curious to hear from you. What does that mean

00:19:02.500 --> 00:19:05.749 Mira Brancu: about not taking a passive role. What does it look like? Frank?

00:19:06.050 --> 00:19:12.920 Frank R. Harrison: In my again, all from observation. What it looks like is that everyone perceives

00:19:12.950 --> 00:19:15.740 Frank R. Harrison: that the healthcare system consists

00:19:15.870 --> 00:19:21.910 Frank R. Harrison: of doctors, nurses, technicians, Emt workers hospital administrators.

00:19:22.200 --> 00:19:27.980 Frank R. Harrison: But it's as if the patient isn't part of that equation. The patient is more like a customer

00:19:28.050 --> 00:19:30.600 Frank R. Harrison: or a client, and when

00:19:30.750 --> 00:19:35.419 Frank R. Harrison: I don't know if it's like you said it could be an intergenerational process. Where.

00:19:35.490 --> 00:19:42.639 Frank R. Harrison: when you go in as a patient, and you know, when you're a child, you really resist going to the doctor. You don't want that shot, or whatever it is that you may need.

00:19:42.660 --> 00:19:49.609 Frank R. Harrison: But when you're an adult, and you're really in charge of your own health, care for your loved ones, for your career, for yourself.

00:19:50.100 --> 00:19:54.610 Frank R. Harrison: you have to assume the self-imposed leadership role

00:19:54.980 --> 00:19:56.190 Frank R. Harrison: of patient.

00:19:56.270 --> 00:20:07.799 Frank R. Harrison: Now I know that there are possibly doctors and nurses and other professionals watching the show right now, and they have just as much of a valuable leadership position in treating the patient.

00:20:07.960 --> 00:20:12.629 Frank R. Harrison: But there has to be an understanding that I again, that I've seen, that has worked for me.

00:20:12.740 --> 00:20:16.740 Frank R. Harrison: where the patient, along with the medical practitioner.

00:20:17.260 --> 00:20:21.960 Frank R. Harrison: are creating their own team where the case happens to be you the patient.

00:20:22.350 --> 00:20:26.799 Frank R. Harrison: But when an individual is taking a least passive role.

00:20:26.860 --> 00:20:31.399 Frank R. Harrison: they're able to talk about themselves, not in so much in 3rd party language.

00:20:31.490 --> 00:20:37.149 Frank R. Harrison: but they're able to say, Okay, we've already seen from previous test results. I mean, I'm giving a pseudo example.

00:20:37.890 --> 00:20:40.379 Frank R. Harrison: We've already seen from previous test results that

00:20:40.440 --> 00:20:43.329 Frank R. Harrison: the size of this mass has increased.

00:20:43.340 --> 00:20:54.870 Frank R. Harrison: But I've already tried these following prescriptions, and it doesn't seem to be working. However, I found out there's this other possible alternative. Can we together determine if it is suitable for my treatment

00:20:55.410 --> 00:21:02.289 Frank R. Harrison: versus? What do you mean? It didn't work. What am I going to do? Am I going to die soon? I mean, that's an extreme case.

00:21:02.520 --> 00:21:08.389 Frank R. Harrison: But a lot of people who are in the middle of that spectrum that I just illustrated

00:21:08.700 --> 00:21:17.649 Frank R. Harrison: end up feeling confused and don't know what to do. And they're and they're reaching out and talking to friends and family, who also don't know what to do.

00:21:17.800 --> 00:21:23.099 Frank R. Harrison: and therefore the way I say that they can learn what to do

00:21:23.190 --> 00:21:25.879 Frank R. Harrison: is to just feel fueled enough

00:21:25.930 --> 00:21:36.870 Frank R. Harrison: by the anxiety they might feel to go into any technology that currently generates any healthcare information. You're looking for. Obviously, artificial intelligence is number one there

00:21:36.950 --> 00:21:41.500 Frank R. Harrison: or watch podcasts that are health oriented where people like me.

00:21:41.600 --> 00:21:46.670 Frank R. Harrison: I'm basically an individual that has done research in the field of psychology.

00:21:46.820 --> 00:21:51.729 Frank R. Harrison: But I treat every healthcare situation from a psychological point of view.

00:21:52.100 --> 00:21:58.780 Frank R. Harrison: And therefore, when I'm dealing with even today, just 2 h ago, and I don't mind saying this on your show

00:21:58.840 --> 00:22:03.289 Frank R. Harrison: I was with at the Pro Mudder Cancer center of NYU. Langone. Health

00:22:03.600 --> 00:22:08.319 Frank R. Harrison: watching my father get evaluated for his ongoing cancer treatment.

00:22:08.410 --> 00:22:12.880 Frank R. Harrison: and there appeared to be a metastasized mass on his rib.

00:22:12.910 --> 00:22:14.660 Frank R. Harrison: but it's under control

00:22:14.890 --> 00:22:27.240 Frank R. Harrison: yet. When we were told about it yesterday, it was not told in the right way. And then I went doing all my research ironically, I thought, it's perfect for this particular show. Knowing I was going to be your guest today.

00:22:27.360 --> 00:22:34.280 Frank R. Harrison: And I basically asked the doctor all the questions that I knew my father nor my mother could ask.

00:22:34.420 --> 00:22:37.710 Frank R. Harrison: and I got every answer within 5 min.

00:22:38.190 --> 00:22:42.309 Frank R. Harrison: Well, 10. But the thing is is that

00:22:42.380 --> 00:22:48.430 Frank R. Harrison: I went out of there excited rather than feeling in despair. Oh, no! Another challenge.

00:22:48.790 --> 00:22:49.200 Mira Brancu: Yeah.

00:22:49.200 --> 00:22:51.819 Frank R. Harrison: And do about that? No, no, I said.

00:22:51.880 --> 00:22:55.849 Frank R. Harrison: let me advocate for this situation. Go into crisis management mode.

00:22:56.020 --> 00:23:00.679 Frank R. Harrison: use the technology that has been presented to us, and I give Covid credit for that.

00:23:00.690 --> 00:23:12.229 Frank R. Harrison: because we had high rollouts on everything, including the Mrna vaccine, which I do believe works. But again. That's my opinion. I'm not imposing that on anyone who doesn't believe in the vaccine.

00:23:12.240 --> 00:23:20.749 Frank R. Harrison: Yet what I really am saying is that today's healthcare system in order to bridge that intergenerational divide

00:23:21.420 --> 00:23:30.780 Frank R. Harrison: is being bridged together through technology through AI, through the information that is out there, people just need to feel

00:23:30.890 --> 00:23:38.949 Frank R. Harrison: incentivized by their own fear, anxiety, confusion, they it's the navigating complexity, right? But

00:23:39.480 --> 00:23:45.009 Frank R. Harrison: taking care of yourself, which most people learned somewhere along the line not to do

00:23:45.680 --> 00:23:46.080 Mira Brancu: Yeah.

00:23:46.080 --> 00:23:47.850 Frank R. Harrison: The issues are, it's relative.

00:23:48.240 --> 00:23:48.790 Mira Brancu: Yeah.

00:23:49.410 --> 00:23:54.919 Frank R. Harrison: When it comes. You can't do anything in your life without having at least a respectable quality of life.

00:23:55.090 --> 00:24:03.240 Frank R. Harrison: you know. So health is Number one in my book, and that's why I would say, to take a least passive role, start engaging

00:24:03.350 --> 00:24:08.190 Frank R. Harrison: in your own healthcare like the way you engage in your career

00:24:08.200 --> 00:24:10.059 Frank R. Harrison: the way you engage

00:24:10.110 --> 00:24:11.710 Frank R. Harrison: with family and friends.

00:24:11.960 --> 00:24:17.050 Frank R. Harrison: You know it's there are the emotional dysregulation that occurs when you're dealing with

00:24:17.440 --> 00:24:38.099 Frank R. Harrison: potentially facing your mortality. But knowledge is power. Once you have the information that you can work with you, just look at it as a journey and not a final destination, and I think that's kind of what goes on in our minds unconsciously, especially when you're already disarmed with not having the accurate information and potentially

00:24:38.200 --> 00:24:44.210 Frank R. Harrison: the healthcare professional is not communicating in the way you need to be. Then you know, you need to get your information.

00:24:44.520 --> 00:24:47.479 Mira Brancu: Yeah, I I really appreciate. There's

00:24:47.500 --> 00:24:52.568 Mira Brancu: there's a lot of empowerment here. That you're speaking to, you know. And

00:24:53.110 --> 00:24:56.964 Mira Brancu: I'm thinking about a lot of things here. One is.

00:24:57.980 --> 00:24:59.110 Mira Brancu: that

00:24:59.320 --> 00:25:00.780 Mira Brancu: it it. It

00:25:01.230 --> 00:25:04.880 Mira Brancu: makes me think about my father-in-law who gets really nervous

00:25:05.010 --> 00:25:07.730 Mira Brancu: whenever he sees

00:25:08.130 --> 00:25:09.829 Mira Brancu: something in his medical chart

00:25:09.890 --> 00:25:13.680 Mira Brancu: that could be scary, but he doesn't ask

00:25:13.840 --> 00:25:27.239 Mira Brancu: in appointments. And then we follow up and we say, Okay, what did you find out from the doctor, and he's like, I don't know. What did you ask the doctor. I didn't. Right. And so sometimes it's just because.

00:25:27.330 --> 00:25:28.440 Mira Brancu: are

00:25:28.460 --> 00:25:36.579 Mira Brancu: either our upbringing about like. No, you can't push back, you know, or ask anything. It's disrespectful, or whatever, or

00:25:36.830 --> 00:25:55.520 Mira Brancu: because our anxiety is getting the better of us, and we can't think straight in the moment, because we're so nervous, and I've been in that situation where I was just so nervous about a procedure, but I could barely respond to the questions or keep track of what they were telling me. And what you're sharing, is there? There are times when

00:25:56.000 --> 00:26:02.269 Mira Brancu: we're not in that, you know, anxious head space where we could advocate for ourselves. And it's very empowering.

00:26:02.661 --> 00:26:14.279 Mira Brancu: And in those situations you come to the doctor, and you say, I've been tracking these symptoms. I've been trying this here's what I've learned. And now I need help. What do you think

00:26:14.310 --> 00:26:29.180 Mira Brancu: I'm telling you? Doctors appreciate that so much because it's data that they don't have. And my doctor has said many time like, Wow, you took great notes. Thank you. Right. So when I'm in a good head space, I can do that

00:26:29.370 --> 00:26:35.369 Mira Brancu: in other situations, if you're undergoing a procedure, and you're really nervous about it. And you know you're going into it. Nervous.

00:26:35.390 --> 00:26:43.469 Mira Brancu: Bring an advocate like Frank was saying. He serves as an advocate to his parents right like he serves as the extra brain

00:26:43.630 --> 00:26:47.319 Mira Brancu: in case just in case you can't think straight in the moment.

00:26:47.550 --> 00:27:03.789 Mira Brancu: Either way is fine, but you are adding your voice into the discussion, and most doctors appreciate having more information instead of less, because that makes them feel better equipped to answer your questions or to help you right.

00:27:03.790 --> 00:27:20.669 Frank R. Harrison: Right. I mean, as a matter of fact, to echo what you said, a lot of them have gone to 8 years of medical school and fellowship, training and residency training, and and God knows what else. But they were students once before, when they get an individual patient asking the right questions. It's like positive feedback. They know what they're doing.

00:27:20.850 --> 00:27:35.880 Frank R. Harrison: So I guess maybe that was part of what motivated me to really advocate, not just for myself or advocate for my family during covid. But even now, with my father's cancer, and just yesterday advocating for my cousin, who we're now looking for daycare facilities, for, you know.

00:27:35.930 --> 00:27:45.650 Frank R. Harrison: just allowed me to understand that health care is so confusing to everyone because they call it an industry, or they call it a profession. But it's both and more.

00:27:45.840 --> 00:27:48.190 Frank R. Harrison: you know, and when you're a patient

00:27:48.560 --> 00:27:54.229 Frank R. Harrison: that's an industry unto itself, you know. But I think both of us being blessed with

00:27:54.490 --> 00:27:56.260 Frank R. Harrison: psychology, education.

00:27:56.300 --> 00:28:05.229 Frank R. Harrison: we learn to think more strategically than probably most. I mean, I know that you have more relationships in the in the industrial, organizational realm.

00:28:05.350 --> 00:28:07.829 Frank R. Harrison: but at the same time having worked

00:28:07.960 --> 00:28:14.150 Frank R. Harrison: for Citibank and Sony music, and and even now, in creating my own enterprise.

00:28:14.410 --> 00:28:21.629 Frank R. Harrison: I have to think that way, too, to at the same time understand what the healthcare need is for what I'm providing.

00:28:21.780 --> 00:28:25.940 Frank R. Harrison: So I think, by default, like I said, Covid was a catalyst for me.

00:28:25.960 --> 00:28:37.949 Frank R. Harrison: but it already took my existing skills and integrated them together over time. And thanks to technology, it has allowed me to really grow this platform. And of course, thanks to the many guests I've had, including yourself.

00:28:38.250 --> 00:28:43.089 Frank R. Harrison: there's no way I could have continued doing the advocacy if I found myself

00:28:43.320 --> 00:28:48.889 Frank R. Harrison: limited with the information, or even the issues that were important for all of us to know.

00:28:49.240 --> 00:28:50.120 Mira Brancu: Yeah, absolutely.

00:28:50.600 --> 00:28:54.430 Mira Brancu: So we're reaching another ad break

00:28:54.850 --> 00:28:58.790 Mira Brancu: when we come back after the ad break, we we just went through

00:28:59.470 --> 00:29:19.079 Mira Brancu: what you can think about in terms of patient level advocacy right at the individual level. What do you have that's within your control that you need to know about in order to navigate a highly complex system. How can you empower yourself or bring in an advocate to help you, and feel empowered to navigate the complex system

00:29:19.090 --> 00:29:26.620 Mira Brancu: when we come back from the ad break. What I'd like us to move from is that patient, level or patient-centered focus

00:29:26.760 --> 00:29:33.860 Mira Brancu: to let's talk about industry trends right? What are you tracking? You're an Mba, right? What are you tracking

00:29:34.416 --> 00:29:54.970 Mira Brancu: around healthcare access for patients and providers around different systems, and how they're set up to help patients. I'm curious about that organizational level. Trend. Next, you're listening to the hard skills with me, Dr. Mayor Branu and our guest, Frank R. Harrison. We air on Tuesdays at 5 pm. Eastern, and we'll be right back in just a moment.

00:31:55.550 --> 00:32:03.149 Mira Brancu: Welcome. Welcome back to the hard skills with me, Dr. Mirabu and our guest today, Frank R. Harrison.

00:32:03.410 --> 00:32:07.039 Mira Brancu: all right. So we just

00:32:07.730 --> 00:32:11.389 Mira Brancu: talked about the patient level access and navigation.

00:32:11.640 --> 00:32:18.610 Mira Brancu: Let's talk about what makes it easier or harder for patient access and navigation

00:32:18.970 --> 00:32:25.020 Mira Brancu: at the organizational level. What industry trends are you tracking currently around this.

00:32:25.020 --> 00:32:31.400 Frank R. Harrison: Well overall, especially since I had been motivated to advocate for my immediate family.

00:32:31.470 --> 00:32:34.649 Frank R. Harrison: I was looking at 3 particular trends up front.

00:32:34.770 --> 00:32:37.929 Frank R. Harrison: 1st of all reputation of the hospital system.

00:32:38.330 --> 00:32:39.620 Frank R. Harrison: Second of all.

00:32:39.790 --> 00:33:08.100 Frank R. Harrison: how technologically up to date are they? Because we were seeing a technological revolution during the pandemic across the board with your mobile phone, with your computer, with just even the way you would order and live by Uber. You know, among other things that had them Instacart, because we couldn't go outside to shop. So we were ordering everything through Instacart. Now that being said, I looked at the various hospital systems, including the one that I've been affiliated with most of my life.

00:33:08.110 --> 00:33:10.220 Frank R. Harrison: which is NYU. Langone health.

00:33:10.250 --> 00:33:25.729 Frank R. Harrison: I also looked at Mount Sinai. I looked at Bellevue Hospital, part of New York City's H. And H. System, health and hospital system, and I also looked at other individual hospitals that for specialty care services that ironically ended up being purchased by Mount Sinai.

00:33:25.790 --> 00:33:29.429 Frank R. Harrison: So when I started seeing that activity going on.

00:33:29.770 --> 00:33:38.520 Frank R. Harrison: I wanted to stick with what what already was working for me, but also because of the Covid pandemic and the uncertainties that were going on.

00:33:38.710 --> 00:33:45.180 Frank R. Harrison: Mount Sinai was really getting up there in terms of being the 1st to issue. I think it was the moderna vaccine.

00:33:45.450 --> 00:33:48.460 Frank R. Harrison: And then, weeks later, the Pfizer vaccine.

00:33:48.580 --> 00:33:56.309 Frank R. Harrison: So that's where I got my 1st 2 shots at Mount Sinai. But, as I said, most of my doctors, especially at the epilepsy center.

00:33:56.450 --> 00:34:05.429 Frank R. Harrison: have been affiliated with Nyu Langone. That's where I did my my thesis, my master's thesis on the and the relationship between epilepsy and mental health.

00:34:05.650 --> 00:34:11.439 Frank R. Harrison: and therefore the one other aspect of why I was preferring them is because they were also a teaching hospital.

00:34:12.130 --> 00:34:15.130 Frank R. Harrison: I know that Mount Sinai in particular.

00:34:15.600 --> 00:34:19.769 Frank R. Harrison: has a teaching hospital, but there doesn't seem to be the connection.

00:34:19.780 --> 00:34:21.049 Frank R. Harrison: The way that

00:34:21.250 --> 00:34:28.279 Frank R. Harrison: the hospital system at Nyu was an outgrowth of your practical experience that you were learning in Med school.

00:34:28.690 --> 00:34:34.269 Frank R. Harrison: In this particular case it seems as though that Mount Sinai was just trying to expand its reach.

00:34:34.370 --> 00:34:51.250 Frank R. Harrison: and they had a relationship with a school of medicine that they either acquired outright or probably already had. But they just didn't have the academic experience the way they had expertise in certain specialties like cardiology or even in neurology.

00:34:51.610 --> 00:35:00.280 Frank R. Harrison: So when I looked at those 2 systems, I already said, up front. I'm not looking at the public. So public health system, because they don't like insurance.

00:35:00.340 --> 00:35:05.639 Frank R. Harrison: They also triage you to death, even if you all you need is a Tylenol for a headache.

00:35:05.780 --> 00:35:11.489 Frank R. Harrison: and I just thought we're in the middle of a pandemic. If I'm going to do telehealth, that's another trend I'm looking at.

00:35:11.630 --> 00:35:16.690 Frank R. Harrison: I want to do it with a system that is equipped for it. And and yu was right there up front.

00:35:16.920 --> 00:35:22.469 Frank R. Harrison: So I guess again looking at the trends was all as a matter of necessity.

00:35:22.620 --> 00:35:26.459 Frank R. Harrison: But as we got out of the pandemic, and as I launched Frank about health.

00:35:26.540 --> 00:35:28.679 Frank R. Harrison: I started really zoning in

00:35:28.700 --> 00:35:41.259 Frank R. Harrison: on at least those 2 systems, because, as I said now, Sinai was very good during the pandemic, and Nyu Langone was very good for maintaining my condition with epilepsy and helping my father through his cancer.

00:35:41.600 --> 00:35:45.940 Frank R. Harrison: So I'm not saying that you have to choose one or none.

00:35:46.180 --> 00:35:58.079 Frank R. Harrison: You can go diverse if you need to sort of like, it's an investment in your life. So you want to expand your portfolio where you're going to have the right doctors for the right treatment. And also when I do look

00:35:58.580 --> 00:36:02.960 Frank R. Harrison: the patient, I mean, I'm sorry. The the doctor's experience.

00:36:03.110 --> 00:36:05.990 Frank R. Harrison: What medical school did they go to? Are they published?

00:36:06.340 --> 00:36:17.099 Frank R. Harrison: Have they won awards, you know? Where is it that they're also possibly bringing in their interns to attend your session and learn

00:36:17.200 --> 00:36:23.239 Frank R. Harrison: about your case and what that's happened to me about 4 times that I can think of, and when they do I'm excited.

00:36:23.320 --> 00:36:26.550 Frank R. Harrison: I feel like that. We're going to talk about my health, but you're going to learn something.

00:36:26.870 --> 00:36:27.810 Frank R. Harrison: So

00:36:28.734 --> 00:36:32.300 Frank R. Harrison: by default, because of my personality and the way I approach health care

00:36:32.780 --> 00:36:38.450 Frank R. Harrison: most of the quality of care I seek for myself and my family is at Nyu Land health.

00:36:38.630 --> 00:36:44.650 Frank R. Harrison: and that's because I know that when I'm getting treated I'm also learning, and they're learning something.

00:36:44.990 --> 00:36:47.529 Frank R. Harrison: because that is the kind of hat

00:36:47.620 --> 00:36:55.949 Frank R. Harrison: that I think makes anyone feel comfortable, especially when they're faced with the the duress of. Oh, I have a condition that could be fatal if it's not treated on time.

00:36:56.190 --> 00:36:58.129 Frank R. Harrison: Mount Sinai has

00:36:58.330 --> 00:36:59.520 Frank R. Harrison: clusters

00:36:59.830 --> 00:37:12.139 Frank R. Harrison: of good work in some departments and questionable work in others. And so, going back in my rolodex of the corporate structures of things like, I learned a lot in the music industry.

00:37:12.190 --> 00:37:14.489 Frank R. Harrison: there came the concept of vertical, and

00:37:15.310 --> 00:37:24.139 Frank R. Harrison: to this horizontal integration horizontal integration in layman's terms is like everyone is a family, and they all deal with each other collectively.

00:37:24.450 --> 00:37:27.949 Frank R. Harrison: That's not always smart, though in is in a world like healthcare.

00:37:28.230 --> 00:37:30.900 Frank R. Harrison: you know, so vertical integration

00:37:31.070 --> 00:37:41.949 Frank R. Harrison: is pretty much where I mean, I can give you the actual corporate definition. I think that the listeners out there, especially if they're not in healthcare, should know what that means. Let me just do that for a second

00:37:42.900 --> 00:38:05.679 Frank R. Harrison: vertical integration refers to a model where a company controls or owns multiple stages of the production, distribution and supply chain of its products or services within a single industry. Now, when I can relate that definition to the music industry, I could tell you time, Warner, at the time it was known as time. Warner is a vertically integrated company. That means Hbo and

00:38:06.080 --> 00:38:18.240 Frank R. Harrison: and Time, Inc. And all the other Warner Music group at the time they had their own profit centers, their own presidents, their own doing business to the mothership. The mother company, time, Warner

00:38:18.590 --> 00:38:28.929 Frank R. Harrison: Sony, music entertainment at the time was what I would say, horizontally integrated because they would work with Sony pictures and Sony electronics to promote the same product.

00:38:29.010 --> 00:38:36.640 Frank R. Harrison: So if you had a movie coming out on Columbia pictures, Columbia or epic records would put out the soundtrack, and then they make a game out of it.

00:38:36.780 --> 00:38:39.540 Frank R. Harrison: if it was like a spider-man movie, for example.

00:38:39.970 --> 00:38:44.460 Frank R. Harrison: So therefore, there's nuances and horizontal integration.

00:38:44.820 --> 00:38:46.570 Frank R. Harrison: But when layoffs occur.

00:38:46.990 --> 00:38:49.719 Frank R. Harrison: the horizontally integrated companies are the 1st to go.

00:38:50.330 --> 00:38:53.920 Frank R. Harrison: the vertically integrated companies. You can spin them off.

00:38:54.130 --> 00:39:01.799 Frank R. Harrison: make some of them go public, make some of them end up being invested by another private company, a media company in that example, or

00:39:01.820 --> 00:39:15.580 Frank R. Harrison: they might centralize on their biggest profit center and become a new parent company by default, but still continue to promote the main revenue driver, and that being said, NYU. Langone, health

00:39:16.070 --> 00:39:21.519 Frank R. Harrison: became vertically integrated when it was originally horizontally integrated.

00:39:21.790 --> 00:39:25.649 Frank R. Harrison: When Mount Sinai continued to just acquire

00:39:25.850 --> 00:39:29.949 Frank R. Harrison: hospitals that were losing money, and they wanted to bring them in on their budget line.

00:39:30.310 --> 00:39:34.439 Frank R. Harrison: and I don't know for the New York City area. This is what I'm focusing on.

00:39:35.180 --> 00:39:43.049 Frank R. Harrison: It's not always foolproof. If you watch the news out there. There's this talk about closing. Beth is real hospital. And now

00:39:43.410 --> 00:39:53.139 Frank R. Harrison: delaying the closing for whatever reason that's going on. That's because Beth Israel has a legacy on its own. But when it was acquired by Mount Sinai they were losing money.

00:39:53.370 --> 00:39:58.199 Frank R. Harrison: So there's questionable issues going on behind the scenes that I'm unaware of

00:39:58.300 --> 00:40:01.889 Frank R. Harrison: that does not give me the sense that they're focused on my healthcare needs.

00:40:02.410 --> 00:40:08.609 Frank R. Harrison: So I want to look at the vertically integrated company that maintains some of its legacy.

00:40:09.010 --> 00:40:14.810 Frank R. Harrison: and in this case, as I said, the legacy at Nyu Langone was its hospital system.

00:40:15.040 --> 00:40:18.030 Frank R. Harrison: I noticed about 10, maybe 12 years ago.

00:40:18.290 --> 00:40:21.980 Frank R. Harrison: when an alumnus from NYU. Named Kenneth Langone

00:40:22.090 --> 00:40:23.300 Frank R. Harrison: outright

00:40:23.590 --> 00:40:27.159 Frank R. Harrison: rebranded the NYU. Medical Center.

00:40:27.590 --> 00:40:31.260 Frank R. Harrison: It became the equivalent of someone

00:40:31.480 --> 00:40:33.320 Frank R. Harrison: taking ownership of it.

00:40:33.360 --> 00:40:36.819 Frank R. Harrison: but with a philanthropic level of thinking.

00:40:36.890 --> 00:40:39.680 Frank R. Harrison: Now, in other words, healthcare

00:40:39.810 --> 00:40:47.349 Frank R. Harrison: basically is about the human being. There's a lot of empathy involved. There's a lot of mortality rates to consider. There's

00:40:47.420 --> 00:40:49.330 Frank R. Harrison: issues of advocacy right?

00:40:49.420 --> 00:40:53.429 Frank R. Harrison: You can't turn a human being in their healthcare problems into

00:40:53.650 --> 00:40:54.630 Frank R. Harrison: a product

00:40:54.840 --> 00:40:56.180 Frank R. Harrison: or a service.

00:40:56.270 --> 00:41:02.770 Frank R. Harrison: It it just doesn't work. You're dealing with the intangible and intangibility of a human being's life.

00:41:03.290 --> 00:41:06.830 Frank R. Harrison: So that's the way he took all of his own money.

00:41:07.190 --> 00:41:11.650 Frank R. Harrison: Well, whatever bucket of money he had to give to the University.

00:41:11.960 --> 00:41:15.459 Frank R. Harrison: rebranded as the NYU. Langone health system.

00:41:15.740 --> 00:41:18.870 Frank R. Harrison: and therefore the University.

00:41:22.400 --> 00:41:41.930 Mira Brancu: Hey, folks? Just so, you know. We were worried about Frank's visual which kind of froze, and we lost his visual. If you're watching this live, or if you're gonna watch this later and unfortunately we were worried that once we lost his visual we would lose his

00:41:41.930 --> 00:41:53.606 Mira Brancu: audio as well, and we were hanging on tight. I was really nervous. We're typing in the background. And unfortunately, yes, we did lose Frank and his audio. It his system crashed.

00:41:54.200 --> 00:42:10.780 Mira Brancu: maybe speaking of vertical integrations. And so we're hoping to get him back soon. But in the meantime let me make some comments about some of the things that he was sharing, because I like to put some pull some threads through his ideas.

00:42:11.150 --> 00:42:14.410 Mira Brancu: So number one

00:42:14.480 --> 00:42:17.530 Mira Brancu: is that he was describing to us

00:42:17.580 --> 00:42:19.780 Mira Brancu: how to think through

00:42:20.020 --> 00:42:31.959 Mira Brancu: which hospital might be right for you, or hospital system, or set of systems and which may include clinics. And what's super interesting is when you know

00:42:32.556 --> 00:42:33.980 Mira Brancu: how it's set up.

00:42:34.286 --> 00:42:53.170 Mira Brancu: Not just about reputation. But like, is there technology up to date? That was a really interesting thing to think about. You know. What do you notice when you walk into the system? Right? Does it feel like they're up to date. Are you using an electronic medical system, for example? That's an up to date thing to look for right? And the second.

00:42:53.230 --> 00:43:02.950 Mira Brancu: that that I really pulled out of this in from a patient's perspective, but also from a positive, healthy, healthcare perspective.

00:43:03.110 --> 00:43:05.589 Mira Brancu: Is is it a teaching and research hospital?

00:43:06.291 --> 00:43:10.140 Mira Brancu: Many times. Teaching and research hospitals

00:43:10.540 --> 00:43:12.800 Mira Brancu: are focused on staying up to date

00:43:12.840 --> 00:43:17.339 Mira Brancu: on what works best for patients. Now, as compared to

00:43:17.717 --> 00:43:30.590 Mira Brancu: in the past, you know, 20 years ago the research was was useful, but it might not be useful now. It might not apply to some things. Now we've done so much new research these days.

00:43:30.670 --> 00:43:54.710 Mira Brancu: So that's why it's really important, right? So teaching and research hospital. Hello, Frank, welcome back. I'm glad you were able to join us and you know, I'm just recapping a little bit about what you shared. Okay, so let me sort of close that out. We're gonna go to an add break after I sort of recap and then wait. We have Frank back for his final commentary. So

00:43:55.180 --> 00:44:02.050 Mira Brancu: One of the things that, I think was is especially interesting when you're looking at whether it's a teaching and research hospital or not.

00:44:02.450 --> 00:44:06.270 Mira Brancu: Is is it learning oriented?

00:44:06.550 --> 00:44:08.360 Mira Brancu: So it sounds

00:44:09.145 --> 00:44:16.860 Mira Brancu: similar. But it's different. Because I've worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs. I can tell you that in about 2012

00:44:16.920 --> 00:44:26.380 Mira Brancu: they made this massive shift based on Amy Edmondson's research on teaming and psychological safety, where she found that er systems

00:44:27.270 --> 00:44:38.499 Mira Brancu: healthcare systems that focused on a learning organization set of principles with psychological safety and continuous improvement processes.

00:44:38.590 --> 00:44:59.569 Mira Brancu: It helped the patients, but it also helped the providers do better and enjoy their work, and it was a team based model. And so they went from teaching only to everyone, learning, not just imparting information, but everyone learning. And it's a patient centered model as well.

00:44:59.970 --> 00:45:10.809 Mira Brancu: So I really appreciated, Frank, that you brought that into the picture as well. When we come back after the add break. I want to sort of pull all of this together around like

00:45:11.364 --> 00:45:21.075 Mira Brancu: if if we're not all Mbas and we can't figure out if there's like a vertical integration, horizontal limit integration? Was there emergent acquisition?

00:45:21.730 --> 00:45:39.869 Mira Brancu: what can we tell? What are the signals in our environment? Right? Are there signals? I think you have an answer to that, and then moving into like, what's next for Frank Harrison. So you're listening to the hard skills with me, Dr. Mirabu Frank is back, and he'll be back right after these messages

00:45:40.810 --> 00:45:41.490 Mira Brancu: day.

00:47:45.050 --> 00:47:50.939 Mira Brancu: Welcome. Welcome back to the hard skills with me. Dr. Mayor Broncu and our guest, Frank R. Harrison.

00:47:50.990 --> 00:48:18.840 Mira Brancu: our poor, wonderful engineer in the background is so frustrated right now because they stress tested this yesterday to make sure that they didn't lose Frank and it happened anyway, the crash happened. You know what though? We're talking about navigating complexity and technology is by far adding the most complexity to our systems. So it's all good. You know, this. This is what we lean into right. This is the thing.

00:48:18.840 --> 00:48:25.860 Frank R. Harrison: I have to just say I was so engaged in everything I was saying about Ken Langone. Did that even come across, or was it cut off.

00:48:26.200 --> 00:48:29.720 Mira Brancu: We heard everything. We just lost your visual

00:48:30.420 --> 00:48:31.310 Mira Brancu: okay? And then.

00:48:31.310 --> 00:48:35.970 Frank R. Harrison: And I came back. It was a matter of watching me disappear, and then I came back, and we just wrapped up.

00:48:36.180 --> 00:48:36.770 Mira Brancu: Yeah.

00:48:37.180 --> 00:48:39.510 Frank R. Harrison: Good, so it wasn't like a gap of no communication.

00:48:39.510 --> 00:48:50.967 Mira Brancu: No, no, no, there's there wasn't. Yeah, there was information. And then I I mean, I filled in a little bit again a gap when we you were trying to get back in. So it's all good. Let's talk about

00:48:51.740 --> 00:48:54.149 Mira Brancu: How how do patients

00:48:54.330 --> 00:48:57.080 Mira Brancu: pick up the signs of like a

00:48:57.825 --> 00:49:16.140 Mira Brancu: healthy system. Whether it's vertical integration horizontal. You started mentioning, like you notice that they bring in their interns. You notice that the reputation is good. You notice that it's technology is up to date. Right? Are there any other signs that patients can look for? With a healthy system.

00:49:16.570 --> 00:49:39.419 Frank R. Harrison: Well, 1st go in, as I said, totally armed with information about the doctor, you are seeing whether it's again their research experience, their their do they teach for Nyu's hospital system at the same time, also, when you're meeting this doctor, are they giving you a good bedside manner? Are they giving you feelings of. Well, wait a minute. That's not appropriate to ask.

00:49:39.660 --> 00:49:46.300 Frank R. Harrison: Believe it or not. This is when your intuition is supposed to be adhered to, because you're talking about your own life, your own health.

00:49:46.560 --> 00:49:52.360 Frank R. Harrison: If you don't feel good about that person, for whatever reason, even if they're fully credentialed.

00:49:52.390 --> 00:49:57.119 Frank R. Harrison: you have the right to say, I will see someone else about my condition. But thank you for your time.

00:49:57.750 --> 00:50:01.949 Frank R. Harrison: People can feel confident about making that choice, because it's about your healthcare.

00:50:02.230 --> 00:50:05.580 Frank R. Harrison: you know you don't have to ask permission to make a choice of a doctor.

00:50:05.600 --> 00:50:09.900 Frank R. Harrison: especially if God forbid! You have a condition that could be fatal if it's not treated in time.

00:50:10.130 --> 00:50:11.250 Mira Brancu: Yeah, absolutely.

00:50:11.810 --> 00:50:14.719 Frank R. Harrison: I would say the thing to look out for is, listen to your gut.

00:50:14.720 --> 00:50:15.430 Mira Brancu: Yeah.

00:50:16.140 --> 00:50:31.949 Frank R. Harrison: And you know where I learned that from by watching Ray's anatomy during the pandemic I watched all 15 seasons at that time, and I almost feel like that motivated me to contact Sam, to restart Frank about health cause. I had been with the network in 2,016 for like 3 months or 4 months.

00:50:31.960 --> 00:50:35.480 Frank R. Harrison: but with the zoom technology that he was introducing at the time.

00:50:35.570 --> 00:50:39.780 Frank R. Harrison: I was just saying, I want to relaunch the show, and I was only going to talk about Covid. But

00:50:39.790 --> 00:50:41.619 Frank R. Harrison: everything else grew out of that.

00:50:41.620 --> 00:50:43.580 Mira Brancu: Yeah, it is. It is.

00:50:44.000 --> 00:50:44.370 Frank R. Harrison: Go ahead!

00:50:44.370 --> 00:50:46.384 Mira Brancu: Yeah, it is true. I mean,

00:50:48.400 --> 00:50:56.139 Mira Brancu: well, you studied neuropsychology right? And so did I. And so when Frank says, Listen to your God.

00:50:56.380 --> 00:50:58.480 Mira Brancu: I there is a

00:50:58.880 --> 00:51:01.589 Mira Brancu: scientific mechanism to what happens

00:51:01.610 --> 00:51:04.039 Mira Brancu: when your brain picks up on

00:51:04.320 --> 00:51:07.970 Mira Brancu: so many subtle signals that you're that's not

00:51:08.881 --> 00:51:14.059 Mira Brancu: consciously being processed by your frontal lobe as something that makes sense

00:51:14.541 --> 00:51:24.379 Mira Brancu: right? Your frontal lobe makes sense of a lot of things. But it isn't processing. Every input that is coming into your brain. But there are other mechanisms

00:51:24.440 --> 00:51:32.530 Mira Brancu: like your amygdala that is firing right when you're getting nervous about something, and you don't know why.

00:51:32.970 --> 00:51:33.560 Frank R. Harrison: Right.

00:51:34.090 --> 00:51:44.399 Mira Brancu: Trust it. There's a reason you have that in your brain, and it is to pick up on other things that you might not be able to make sense of. That's your gut right there, that's your gut.

00:51:44.400 --> 00:51:50.800 Frank R. Harrison: And also for me. When my hypothalamus is overacting, I get a warm sensation in my stomach.

00:51:50.800 --> 00:51:51.680 Mira Brancu: Fascinating.

00:51:51.680 --> 00:51:53.419 Frank R. Harrison: You? Why did you say.

00:51:53.560 --> 00:51:55.200 Mira Brancu: I said, fascinating!

00:51:55.200 --> 00:51:57.350 Frank R. Harrison: That warm sensation. It's not hunger.

00:51:57.510 --> 00:52:00.209 Frank R. Harrison: It's saying this doesn't feel right

00:52:00.240 --> 00:52:04.320 Frank R. Harrison: or this feels great. I should take a chance on this.

00:52:04.760 --> 00:52:12.639 Frank R. Harrison: you know, and that's worked for me across my whole career. Most of the jobs, actually, all of the jobs that I've ever had did not come from a recruiter.

00:52:12.650 --> 00:52:21.210 Frank R. Harrison: They came from the people I knew. They came from default conversations that had nothing to do with. Why, I had met the person to begin with, and I walk out of there and ask for my resume.

00:52:21.280 --> 00:52:31.869 Frank R. Harrison: You know that in itself led me on the path that has led me to now where I am, so I always go where the not. I don't want to say where the wind blows, but I go where my gut takes me.

00:52:32.080 --> 00:52:36.840 Frank R. Harrison: and when I find that everything is working except the technology problems we have

00:52:37.610 --> 00:52:39.820 Frank R. Harrison: is working. And there's a nice flow.

00:52:39.930 --> 00:52:43.440 Frank R. Harrison: I know it was meant to be, or it's what I need to be focused on.

00:52:43.630 --> 00:52:45.265 Mira Brancu: Yeah, absolutely. So.

00:52:46.340 --> 00:52:52.280 Mira Brancu: This is a great setup, Frank, for us to talk about. Why you're putting together

00:52:52.340 --> 00:52:54.520 Mira Brancu: all of this media stuff.

00:52:54.620 --> 00:53:05.750 Mira Brancu: Frank, about health health. E. Media, you did a documentary recently. What is motivating this creation? Where is your gut taking you next.

00:53:06.540 --> 00:53:12.249 Frank R. Harrison: Well, it all happened around the fall of last year after the fires in Maui.

00:53:12.750 --> 00:53:22.189 Frank R. Harrison: and I found myself calling the people at Hilton, where I have, and A deal with them a sponsorship deal that I'd never been able to put forth

00:53:22.330 --> 00:53:24.089 Frank R. Harrison: as quickly as I'd liked.

00:53:24.150 --> 00:53:36.179 Frank R. Harrison: But the thing is is that I called the people in Maui, and I asked them, what? What attempts are going on to try to help rebuild or raise money for the displaced people, and so forth, and so on.

00:53:36.270 --> 00:53:42.759 Frank R. Harrison: So I was invited in December to go to a meeting at the location in Las Vegas, where

00:53:42.830 --> 00:53:46.329 Frank R. Harrison: I and another partner have done this deal with them.

00:53:46.380 --> 00:53:49.690 Frank R. Harrison: and they had given us an opportunity

00:53:49.870 --> 00:53:53.939 Frank R. Harrison: to put forward frank about health to their management.

00:53:54.300 --> 00:54:00.550 Frank R. Harrison: the actual podcast platform. But I said, I couldn't do the podcast without talk radio. Nyc.

00:54:00.740 --> 00:54:03.439 Frank R. Harrison: so I said, Let's do this.

00:54:03.790 --> 00:54:07.309 Frank R. Harrison: They gave me a nice stipend to put together.

00:54:07.947 --> 00:54:13.369 Frank R. Harrison: A documentary that I would present to Hilton management in 2025.

00:54:13.670 --> 00:54:29.200 Frank R. Harrison: But I have to get my grassroots audience, so I'm hoping to launch it on my new website that launches in about 4 weeks, 6 weeks, whenever everything is logistically coordinated and grow that audience throughout the rest of the year, and then go to Hilton

00:54:29.280 --> 00:54:41.880 Frank R. Harrison: in January and present, not just frank about health, but also the documentary and my new website, healthy media, so that we can now monetize all these properties and use some of the profit

00:54:42.090 --> 00:54:55.780 Frank R. Harrison: or the fundraising activities like for the people of Maui, or maybe even raise money for not scholarship, but for medical research, or like. If there are new cures for things being tested, or rather new

00:54:55.810 --> 00:54:58.480 Frank R. Harrison: tests for possible cures like cancer.

00:54:58.720 --> 00:55:10.809 Frank R. Harrison: maybe provide through a healthy media, my company, a trust or grant to help do the medical research. So it is my corporate background that is working and driving and motivating all of this.

00:55:11.520 --> 00:55:15.959 Frank R. Harrison: but it is also at the same time my ongoing show, Frank about health.

00:55:16.110 --> 00:55:27.790 Frank R. Harrison: that at the end of June will be 122 episodes, and so, therefore I put together a documentary of the key guests that I've had major influence on the evolution of the show. You were one of them.

00:55:27.930 --> 00:55:33.760 Frank R. Harrison: And at the same time, what I'm hoping is that when Hilton finally becomes involved.

00:55:34.490 --> 00:55:41.660 Frank R. Harrison: opportunities could abound besides fundraising, for example, streaming our shows from talk radio, Nyc.

00:55:41.710 --> 00:55:43.070 Frank R. Harrison: On their internal

00:55:43.200 --> 00:55:44.349 Frank R. Harrison: Hilton Channel.

00:55:44.580 --> 00:55:46.890 Frank R. Harrison: They, Hilton, as a brand.

00:55:46.990 --> 00:55:51.110 Frank R. Harrison: was very much involved in the vaccines, or very much involved in Covid.

00:55:51.190 --> 00:55:55.729 Frank R. Harrison: the Hilton brands in New York City turned into essential worker hotels.

00:55:55.780 --> 00:55:59.689 Frank R. Harrison: and I had originally done my pilot for Frank about health in one of them.

00:56:00.060 --> 00:56:03.600 Frank R. Harrison: and basically they were interested in seeing

00:56:03.670 --> 00:56:11.859 Frank R. Harrison: that we could do a covid podcast to help people during the mandates that ironically were lifted when I launched frank about health.

00:56:12.030 --> 00:56:18.890 Frank R. Harrison: So I ended up coming back with the Frank about health brand rather than the initial brand that I had targeted at that point.

00:56:19.560 --> 00:56:38.950 Mira Brancu: Amazing and and and just just so I can sort of note that we have 1 min to the ending, and I don't want to forget to make sure that people see and hear about these different websites that you have. So you have Frank Rarison with 2 right.

00:56:38.980 --> 00:56:41.150 Mira Brancu: There is the health

00:56:41.780 --> 00:56:49.869 Mira Brancu: hyphen, e hyphen, which sounds like is continuously being updated right.

00:56:49.870 --> 00:56:52.870 Frank R. Harrison: It is, but it's at the same time a play on healthy.

00:56:53.250 --> 00:56:54.370 Mira Brancu: Yeah, healthy.

00:56:54.390 --> 00:57:10.620 Mira Brancu: Yeah. And so, and then you have your Youtube playlist, which will be in the show notes. For folks to be able to access. So thank you so much. We really appreciated having you on the show today.

00:57:10.620 --> 00:57:30.280 Mira Brancu: Audience, what did you take away? And more importantly, what is one small change that you can implement this week, based on what you learned from Frank? Share it with us on Linkedin, at Mirabu or Frank R., so we could share you on. We're also on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Twitch all over the place.

00:57:30.320 --> 00:57:38.630 Mira Brancu: But Linkedin is where I live online. And that's where Frank is among other places and where I will respond.

00:57:38.810 --> 00:57:41.049 Frank R. Harrison: And I want to make a few closing comments.

00:57:41.050 --> 00:57:42.480 Mira Brancu: Yeah, absolutely.

00:57:42.480 --> 00:57:52.719 Frank R. Harrison: Today's episode of Frank about health. We're going to have 2 people, Phyllis Quinlan and Jennifer Greg. So we're going to talk about leadership and dignity in the healthcare workplace.

00:57:53.220 --> 00:58:04.020 Frank R. Harrison: Inviting you to make an appearance if you can. If you can't, you can't. That's okay. But I wanted to just kind of do that as our crossover, even though that was not your original intention.

00:58:04.020 --> 00:58:04.390 Mira Brancu: Awesome.

00:58:04.390 --> 00:58:13.819 Frank R. Harrison: Wanted to answer your other question that you asked me before, and the motivation. As I said, I'm being led in that direction. But if it wasn't for partnering with Hilton.

00:58:14.060 --> 00:58:22.239 Frank R. Harrison: I think I would not have the impetus fueled by the commercial aspect of healthcare. It is an industry in some respects, after all.

00:58:22.640 --> 00:58:23.390 Mira Brancu: Absolutely.

00:58:23.390 --> 00:58:39.099 Frank R. Harrison: You for inviting me so we could promote all of the ongoings, not just of our shows, but also of that upcoming documentary. And, like, Mira said. Healthy media will actually launch around July sometime in tandem with the release of the documentary. Once it's finally edited.

00:58:39.250 --> 00:58:49.830 Mira Brancu: Excellent, very exciting. So we'll leave on that note. Thank you, Frank, for being with us. Thank you. Talk radio, dot. Nyc, have a great rest of your day, wherever you're tuning in from bye all.

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