Frank About Health

Thursday, May 23, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/05/23-Stage of Epilepsy: Comorbidities in Epilepsy

Facebook Live Video from 2024/05/23-Stage of Epilepsy: Comorbidities in Epilepsy


2024/05/23-Stage of Epilepsy: Comorbidities in Epilepsy

[NEW EPISODE] Stage of Epilepsy: Comorbidities in Epilepsy

Thursdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm (EDT) 


The audience will see how those suffering with Epilepsy can actually develop co-morbidities or the co-morbidities will influence seizure activity.

Continuing in the spirit of Mental Health Awareness Month, this episode of Frank About Health features Jeff Demitrack as his guests will discuss one of the stages of epilepsy which involves comorbidities and the impact that they have on your mental and physical health. The Key Co-Morbidities discussed will be Fibromyalgia and Diabetes.

Shelley Thiemann: Jeff Demitrack:

#stagesofepilepsy, #mentalhealth, #comorbidities

Tune in for this healthy conversation at

Show Notes

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4


00:00:33.590 --> 00:00:48.249 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody, and welcome to a new episode of Frank about health. If you are watching this show. It is Thursday, May 20, third, 2,024. However, in all transparency it is a pre-recorded show, and that is because of the nature of our guests.

00:00:48.270 --> 00:01:01.250 Frank R. Harrison: Very 2 interesting individuals, thanks to Jeff Demetrack, who have comorbidities in their lives which are actually influencing their epilepsy, and in some cases their epilepsy influences their comorbidity.

00:01:01.370 --> 00:01:18.759 Frank R. Harrison: So that being said, I definitely have to issue my disclaimers for this particular episode. There are gonna be stories and comments and narratives that are not the views of talk radio Nyc. Or Frank about health, but they are solutions that fit the individuals that will talk about their epilepsy story.

00:01:18.860 --> 00:01:35.909 Frank R. Harrison: and it is their choice whether it is, medically advised, or whether it is advised within family and friends that is there to inform all of you listeners and viewers out there as something to consider. If you also suffer from the types of epilepsy you're about to learn.

00:01:35.940 --> 00:01:40.180 Frank R. Harrison: These are not our ways of telling you what medications to take.

00:01:40.200 --> 00:01:49.910 Frank R. Harrison: If you wanted to go and view new solutions with your neurologist or your Pcp. Primary care physician. Also, one of our guests is in Canada.

00:01:50.010 --> 00:02:02.550 Frank R. Harrison: so I have to give you a little recommendation even on air. Shelley. There is a pharmacy in Vancouver marks marine pharmacy where I get my epilepsy medication by mail.

00:02:02.620 --> 00:02:07.239 Frank R. Harrison: and I don't know if you're familiar with them. But they were guests on my show a couple of years ago.

00:02:08.199 --> 00:02:23.120 Frank R. Harrison: They are affordable, and I believe they even offer medical cannabis. So we could talk about that offline. But the thing is is that I just am proud to bring another stage of epilepsy, podcast thanks to Jeff.

00:02:23.635 --> 00:02:36.219 Frank R. Harrison: And it's a stage that we really don't speak about often, but we infer which is about your comorbidities. Comorbidities can be mental health related. They can be physical health related.

00:02:36.240 --> 00:02:56.140 Frank R. Harrison: You're gonna learn about a case involving fibromyalgia. And you're gonna learn about a case involving diabetes type, too. But just wanna point out that the big lesson in the hour, and hopefully, Jeff, with the interviews you'll have with both our guests. We will learn which is the bigger trigger, the epilepsy. O, the core morbidity!

00:02:56.640 --> 00:03:00.630 Frank R. Harrison: So that being set, our first 2 guests are Shelley, Thiemann.

00:03:00.720 --> 00:03:02.349 Frank R. Harrison: and Lisa Goldman.

00:03:02.965 --> 00:03:03.410 Frank R. Harrison: correct.

00:03:03.410 --> 00:03:04.210 Lisa: Edmund.

00:03:04.600 --> 00:03:06.480 Frank R. Harrison: Good man, I apologize. Yeah.

00:03:06.480 --> 00:03:07.140 Lisa: Like a.

00:03:07.360 --> 00:03:12.741 Frank R. Harrison: Alright, but the thing is is that I welcome you both to Frank about health, and I think

00:03:13.130 --> 00:03:19.400 Frank R. Harrison: let's start with you, Jeff, in introducing each one, because I know you have been working with them through Instagram.

00:03:20.520 --> 00:03:42.159 Jeff Demitrack: Okay? Well, first, I'm gonna say, that May is a big month for awareness. It's mental health awareness month. And it's also brain tumor awareness month and at the later right now, actually, epilepsy awareness week, which is, you know, usually based around

00:03:42.160 --> 00:03:52.829 Jeff Demitrack: the fears and stigma surrounding epilepsy, and that is so important because also there is stigma surrounding mental health.

00:03:52.830 --> 00:04:05.810 Jeff Demitrack: There were mental illness as well. So, and you know, people with epilepsy are 3 to 5 times likely to be diagnosed with something like depression, anxiety

00:04:05.810 --> 00:04:24.543 Jeff Demitrack: where? And also suicide is also a risk as well. So yeah. And so our first guest is Shelley. And she has epilepsy as well as other diagnoses. And I'm sure that you know that is a difficult, the

00:04:25.080 --> 00:04:25.960 Jeff Demitrack: yeah. Well.

00:04:26.380 --> 00:04:48.619 Jeff Demitrack: yeah. Problem, of course. And you know. But she would know more about fibromyalgia and how the chronic pain and the the migraines, the headaches, the the stomach problems. You know how that affects her life, and you know, maybe sometimes trigger seizures first unmute yourself, Shelley, and then go on from there.

00:04:51.830 --> 00:04:53.549 Jeff Demitrack: Unmute yourself. Yeah.

00:04:59.380 --> 00:05:00.540 Shelley Thiemann: Hi, everybody!

00:05:01.812 --> 00:05:04.829 Shelley Thiemann: My name's Shelley. I'm from Canada.

00:05:04.850 --> 00:05:10.779 Shelley Thiemann: and we have a lot of different laws in Canada compared to the United States.

00:05:11.398 --> 00:05:14.670 Shelley Thiemann: My, I have a genetic form of epilepsy.

00:05:14.780 --> 00:05:22.020 Shelley Thiemann: So I was born with it. All 3 of my children have epilepsy. They're adults. They're in their mid thirties.

00:05:22.820 --> 00:05:30.499 Shelley Thiemann: and I had the type of epilepsy that you can't control with any kind of anti-convulsive medication.

00:05:30.850 --> 00:05:32.780 Shelley Thiemann: I've been through 12 of them.

00:05:33.000 --> 00:05:39.420 Shelley Thiemann: I suffered a 30 min status seizure coming off Capra in the hospital.

00:05:39.900 --> 00:05:47.330 Shelley Thiemann: and then I suffered another 7 min status seizure which caused extensive right side brain damage.

00:05:47.940 --> 00:05:54.669 Shelley Thiemann: and then on my hippocampus, I missing 90% of one side

00:05:54.820 --> 00:05:59.989 Shelley Thiemann: and on the other side to go in conjunction with brain tumor awareness month.

00:06:00.110 --> 00:06:06.779 Shelley Thiemann: I have a benign brain tumor wrapped around my hippocampus that they cannot operate on.

00:06:07.300 --> 00:06:12.909 Shelley Thiemann: So there's because it's generalized. My brain's messed up. There's nothing they can do about it.

00:06:13.140 --> 00:06:17.509 Shelley Thiemann: So when I heard over 12 years ago that

00:06:17.580 --> 00:06:24.229 Shelley Thiemann: there was no medication that was going to help me, that my next seizure was probably going to be my last.

00:06:25.045 --> 00:06:27.720 Shelley Thiemann: It was like, Oh, oh, okay.

00:06:27.920 --> 00:06:29.580 Shelley Thiemann: this is crazy.

00:06:29.660 --> 00:06:34.950 Shelley Thiemann: And the fact that I had just hit my early forties and hit Perry Menopause.

00:06:35.050 --> 00:06:37.150 Shelley Thiemann: And for a woman at that age

00:06:37.230 --> 00:06:47.799 Shelley Thiemann: with certain types of epilepsy. It goes crazy. All of a sudden. I went from having maybe one seizure a year from partying too much.

00:06:48.503 --> 00:06:50.679 Shelley Thiemann: We're not sleeping enough

00:06:50.780 --> 00:06:56.960 Shelley Thiemann: to having seizures like every single day, like absolutely crazy epilepsy.

00:06:57.020 --> 00:07:00.880 Shelley Thiemann: And then, because of the company I was working for.

00:07:01.292 --> 00:07:06.930 Shelley Thiemann: To be on long-term disability. You actually have to go through every single medication.

00:07:07.590 --> 00:07:18.230 Shelley Thiemann: And that causes stomach problems. All those benzos cause stomach problems. It cause brain fog. It caused brain damage coming off Capra.

00:07:18.590 --> 00:07:25.109 Shelley Thiemann: and it caused extreme nausea. I am nauseated every single day of my life.

00:07:25.960 --> 00:07:38.529 Shelley Thiemann: and when people say, How can you be nauseated every single day of your life? I'm like, trust me when you're sick with cancer or something. You're you're sick with nausea every day.

00:07:38.680 --> 00:07:39.490 Shelley Thiemann: add.

00:07:40.220 --> 00:07:40.770 Lisa: I am.

00:07:40.770 --> 00:07:53.289 Shelley Thiemann: I'm sick with nausea every day, and so that drops my weight. My weight was down to 80 pounds. My neurologist, said Shelly. If you don't gain weight. Your organs are gonna start to shut down.

00:07:53.580 --> 00:07:59.219 Shelley Thiemann: But I I I the smell of food made me sick. It would cause seizures.

00:08:00.270 --> 00:08:08.810 Shelley Thiemann: Then you're not sleeping that causes, seizures everything. I have probably 20 different triggers right now that cause seizures.

00:08:09.000 --> 00:08:16.940 Shelley Thiemann: And then, as soon as I go through a cycle, all sudden boom, fiber. Myology never had it before in my life.

00:08:17.450 --> 00:08:21.989 Shelley Thiemann: and I was driving back through the rock beautiful Rock Mount Mountains

00:08:22.090 --> 00:08:25.129 Shelley Thiemann: yesterday. It was about an 8 h drive.

00:08:25.716 --> 00:08:30.909 Shelley Thiemann: I woke up in the morning. I had what I call a flyer day.

00:08:30.990 --> 00:08:37.649 Shelley Thiemann: where it feels like somebody threw me out of a pickup truck doing about a hundred kilometers an hour

00:08:38.490 --> 00:08:40.140 Shelley Thiemann: American miles.

00:08:40.630 --> 00:08:49.880 Shelley Thiemann: and if if my body was so sore and all I could think was, I have to drive across 3 mountain ranges to get back home.

00:08:50.540 --> 00:08:55.820 Shelley Thiemann: and so I do. Alternative medicine in Canada for all of my

00:08:56.100 --> 00:09:04.140 Shelley Thiemann: treatment. I do medical cannabis which here is very legal in Canada. I advocated for it.

00:09:04.882 --> 00:09:09.710 Shelley Thiemann: I also advocated for legalization here in Canada as well.

00:09:10.430 --> 00:09:19.069 Shelley Thiemann: and try to educate our government senators on exactly what medical cannabis does for people with epilepsy.

00:09:19.990 --> 00:09:20.960 Shelley Thiemann: and so.

00:09:20.960 --> 00:09:24.443 Jeff Demitrack: And I'm sure that helps with the chronic pain, too. Right.

00:09:24.760 --> 00:09:36.479 Shelley Thiemann: A absolutely. I find that like on the benzos made all my teeth fall out. I don't know why, but also all my teeth fell out. I had beautiful teeth.

00:09:37.070 --> 00:09:43.100 Shelley Thiemann: and when they did the full extraction they gave me pills, and I can't take pills.

00:09:43.230 --> 00:09:48.890 Shelley Thiemann: So what I did is I took a high Thc topical cream

00:09:48.970 --> 00:09:55.569 Shelley Thiemann: and I it had Cvd in it as well. So you're getting rid of the pain. You're getting rid of the inflammation.

00:09:55.600 --> 00:10:06.660 Shelley Thiemann: and I just rubbed it on my face. That was the only thing I used for 2 weeks. When I went back to see my surgeon. He said that was the fastest he had seen anybody heal.

00:10:08.740 --> 00:10:11.639 Jeff Demitrack: But how? How does it affect your memory, though.

00:10:12.090 --> 00:10:18.630 Shelley Thiemann: My memory. I my memory is done because my hippocampus is your main memory center of your brain.

00:10:19.120 --> 00:10:26.469 Shelley Thiemann: and since that's gone, my my memory, since the status seizure is like

00:10:27.270 --> 00:10:28.230 Shelley Thiemann: God.

00:10:28.780 --> 00:10:29.550 Shelley Thiemann: Yeah.

00:10:29.550 --> 00:10:46.559 Jeff Demitrack: So you don't even have to worry about that, anyway. So well, you you were talking about your physical issues and how you, you might have stomach issues. You can relate to this as well, Lisa, you know, with the stomach issues and the how it impacts your epilepsy right?

00:10:46.560 --> 00:10:51.945 Lisa: Big time the met foreman that I take completely. Tears must not make up.

00:10:52.820 --> 00:11:03.270 Lisa: And like, she said, your nauseous in on that medication. So you don't wanna eat. And then, you know, you're not. You feel like you're not taking care of yourself. So

00:11:03.490 --> 00:11:08.120 Lisa: stressing anxiety kicks in and then poof! Seizure

00:11:09.670 --> 00:11:10.230 Lisa: that out.

00:11:10.230 --> 00:11:15.230 Jeff Demitrack: And have you ever had a diabetic seizure you on no.

00:11:15.500 --> 00:11:17.010 Lisa: - no.

00:11:17.010 --> 00:11:17.810 Jeff Demitrack: Diabetic.

00:11:19.288 --> 00:11:26.260 Lisa: No, I haven't. Thankfully. Mine only happened like right. The nocturnal seizures are

00:11:26.340 --> 00:11:28.140 Lisa: right when I fall asleep.

00:11:28.330 --> 00:11:34.700 Lisa: and it's just that. Haven't had one in the daytime or anything. They've just all been nocturnal.

00:11:35.710 --> 00:11:39.490 Jeff Demitrack: And how do you feel after a nocturnal season?

00:11:40.230 --> 00:11:43.119 Lisa: They're all grand malls, so

00:11:43.130 --> 00:11:43.925 Lisa: awful.

00:11:44.720 --> 00:11:45.050 Jeff Demitrack: Yeah.

00:11:45.050 --> 00:11:50.100 Lisa: The leg soar. The next day is just you just want to sleep.

00:11:51.500 --> 00:11:58.760 Lisa: and it's hard the anxiety kicks in, because then you're scared to fall asleep, you know you're like, I don't want to go to sleep, and I have to go to sleep.

00:11:59.290 --> 00:12:00.190 Lisa: so it's.

00:12:01.730 --> 00:12:17.229 Frank R. Harrison: Well, we're about to take our first break in a couple of minutes. So I wanna ask you a few quick questions, Lisa, and then in the next section, Shelley, I have a lot of questions that come from your story, and I am even coming with an interpretation as to what is driving your

00:12:17.770 --> 00:12:24.960 Frank R. Harrison: mental and neurological health. But, Lisa, are your epileptic seizures. I know you mentioned. They're nocturnal.

00:12:25.000 --> 00:12:30.709 Frank R. Harrison: But are they genetic in nature? Or was it based on a trauma to my, to your brain, rather.

00:12:31.210 --> 00:12:32.320 Lisa: Have a lot of

00:12:33.260 --> 00:12:34.290 Lisa: trauma

00:12:35.100 --> 00:12:40.709 Lisa: anxiety has been a big problem since I was a child. A lot of things happened.

00:12:41.720 --> 00:12:46.149 Lisa: so I mean my dad and brother do both have epilepsy.

00:12:46.280 --> 00:12:52.710 Lisa: but theirs are not notternal. Theirs are totally just at the drop of a hat. You know. They could go into some and

00:12:54.420 --> 00:12:57.690 Lisa: Both of them were on different medication. But

00:12:58.170 --> 00:13:02.080 Lisa: it's weird. I was like I thought I was in the clear and then

00:13:02.580 --> 00:13:05.550 Lisa: got that, Jean, and I was like oh, no.

00:13:06.550 --> 00:13:25.729 Frank R. Harrison: Incredible. Well, I I guess this is how I gonna identify with both of you. I also have genetically based epilepsy. But during a seizure that I had over 25 years ago, I ended up developing a temporal lobe lesion which has now given me a lifelong history of refractory partial seizures. Where did I take Kepra? For?

00:13:25.730 --> 00:13:51.540 Frank R. Harrison: I used to take another medication lamicto or Lamotrogen, the chemical name for my grand mal seizure activity. But after the last 20 years or so. I no longer needed them, because I no longer had those grand mal seizures. So maybe genetic epilepsy in some cases has a trigger to actually turn on at a certain age and then turn off at another. But I know that, Shelley, when we get back we'll talk about your type of genetic epilepsy, because.

00:13:51.660 --> 00:13:56.399 Frank R. Harrison: you know you did describe about your hippocampus at all could be genetically

00:13:56.540 --> 00:14:14.726 Frank R. Harrison: what has happened to your campus that could be triggering the seizures rather than having a genetic type of epilepsy. And then, Lisa, where I can relate to you, is, I was once prescribing that foreman. But the irony was is that one of the side effects was seizures, so I never took it, and I ended up

00:14:15.080 --> 00:14:20.870 Frank R. Harrison: raw. Well, it was that way for me because of my genetic and taking the other medications at the time.

00:14:21.160 --> 00:14:22.040 Lisa: Okay.

00:14:22.530 --> 00:14:23.329 Frank R. Harrison: Let me go!

00:14:23.330 --> 00:14:25.760 Jeff Demitrack: Another side effect is nausea, too? Right?

00:14:26.060 --> 00:14:28.429 Lisa: Big time. Big time.

00:14:28.710 --> 00:14:48.680 Frank R. Harrison: And of course, nausea. It could be a trigger of an aura. So either way, when we get back on this episode of Frank about health. We're gonna explore further the co morbidities of both Shelley and Lisa. When we return right here on talk radio, dot Nyc and on Youtube Linkedin Facebook and Twitch. We'll be back in a few.

00:17:01.250 --> 00:17:06.169 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody, and welcome back to a stage of epilepsy version of Frank about health.

00:17:06.200 --> 00:17:12.399 Frank R. Harrison: We're with our guests today, Shelley, Thiemann, and Lisa Goodman Shelley. You had just talked about a very

00:17:12.770 --> 00:17:17.119 Frank R. Harrison: intriguing, life-changing version of epilepsy that

00:17:17.310 --> 00:17:22.560 Frank R. Harrison: it sounds more to me that it was an aspect of neurological health that

00:17:22.690 --> 00:17:25.589 Frank R. Harrison: you you were born with? Was your hippocampus

00:17:25.680 --> 00:17:28.070 Frank R. Harrison: not fully developed since you were born?

00:17:28.150 --> 00:17:32.280 Frank R. Harrison: Or did that become injured as a result of an epileptic seizure

00:17:33.350 --> 00:17:34.707 Frank R. Harrison: after you unmute.

00:17:35.806 --> 00:17:36.399 Jeff Demitrack: Mute? Yeah.

00:17:43.180 --> 00:17:46.060 Shelley Thiemann: Doesn't like long fingernails for some reason.

00:17:48.378 --> 00:18:08.960 Shelley Thiemann: but but the it's funny because the neurologists are not really sure what happens. It it's just like, Oh, we're not sure what medication to give you to stop pure epilepsy. We're just gonna play a medication game. We're just gonna play a examination game with your brain, too, and see what happens.

00:18:09.530 --> 00:18:12.569 Frank R. Harrison: And when was your first seizure again as an infant, as a child?

00:18:13.570 --> 00:18:18.080 Shelley Thiemann: Interesting story. I grew up in the far Arctic of Canada

00:18:19.467 --> 00:18:25.670 Shelley Thiemann: my dad was with the Rcmp. So the locations that we were in. We're flying only

00:18:25.720 --> 00:18:29.029 Shelley Thiemann: so I used to faint as a child quite a bit.

00:18:29.370 --> 00:18:36.279 Shelley Thiemann: and I had asthma. I had asthma, so they were more worried about my asthma than my fainting team.

00:18:36.850 --> 00:18:43.900 Shelley Thiemann: and when I was around 9 years old and we moved down well, more south into Canada.

00:18:44.334 --> 00:18:51.379 Shelley Thiemann: It was hot, and they just kept saying, Well, you got low blood pressure. It's hot here.

00:18:51.780 --> 00:19:03.869 Shelley Thiemann: You're really tiny. Yeah, it's you just faint a lot. That was it. And they never really diagnose you. Cause I I'm 50, almost 53 now

00:19:04.120 --> 00:19:07.429 Shelley Thiemann: and back then. They didn't really diagnose you.

00:19:07.950 --> 00:19:15.440 Shelley Thiemann: And up here healthcare is free. But they still, unless you're having seizures. And I wasn't.

00:19:15.550 --> 00:19:19.749 Shelley Thiemann: I didn't have my first grandma seizure until I was 21 years old.

00:19:21.130 --> 00:19:24.529 Frank R. Harrison: And then when did the fibromyalgia be become diagnosed.

00:19:25.330 --> 00:19:28.179 Shelley Thiemann: Not till after my forties.

00:19:29.480 --> 00:19:42.390 Frank R. Harrison: Okay. So all in all, did you go through your young life and and younger adult years thinking you had epilepsy, or thinking you had all these other disorders with seizures on the side. What was your perspective?

00:19:42.470 --> 00:19:56.010 Shelley Thiemann: I I thought I had really bad asthma with the side touch of epilepsy once in a while. If I stayed out in the sun too long, or if I was drinking alcohol in the sun, so I avoid alcohol. I don't really use alcohol at all.

00:19:56.240 --> 00:20:08.369 Shelley Thiemann: and so and just avoid triggers. Obviously strobe lights, you know certain things that you know are obvious to epileptics that will trigger a seizure.

00:20:08.450 --> 00:20:16.999 Shelley Thiemann: But then I found, when I move I lived in Australia for 2 years and had one seizure in 2 years.

00:20:17.570 --> 00:20:35.650 Shelley Thiemann: and when I moved back to Canada within the first 3 days I was back in Canada. I smashed my face in, and, almost busting my nose, 2 black eyes got rushed to emergency. I'm pretty sure they thought my husband was trying to kill me.

00:20:35.730 --> 00:20:38.820 Shelley Thiemann: and which was not the case. And

00:20:39.370 --> 00:20:46.129 Shelley Thiemann: yeah, it was quite shocking. But after that my epilepsy just went crazy.

00:20:46.180 --> 00:20:55.559 Shelley Thiemann: and my one neurologist in Canada actually told me, well, if your epilepsy was so good in Australia, why don't you just move back to Australia.

00:20:56.470 --> 00:20:58.510 Frank R. Harrison: Environmental conditions basically.

00:20:58.510 --> 00:21:04.857 Shelley Thiemann: So I IA lot of the conditions where I live. It would be like similar to somebody living in Colorado.

00:21:05.250 --> 00:21:13.399 Shelley Thiemann: We we have a lot of warm winds that blow over the Rocky Mountains, and that air pressure change constantly all the time.

00:21:14.470 --> 00:21:16.799 Shelley Thiemann: Really messes with my brain.

00:21:16.930 --> 00:21:25.529 Shelley Thiemann: So when we have a really warm day in the winter, and the winds are blowing, my head wants to explode.

00:21:25.590 --> 00:21:28.099 Shelley Thiemann: and my epilepsy goes crazy.

00:21:28.960 --> 00:21:42.559 Jeff Demitrack: Yeah. And I think a lot of people can relate to this. So when it comes to air pressure or pressure storms coming in, you know, their epilepsy gets worse. People will have seizures, or can feel the pressure building up in their heads.

00:21:42.960 --> 00:21:54.659 Shelley Thiemann: Exactly like right now. The back of my head feels like somebody just dashed it in with a baseball bat. So you you you can feel it already back here, and then up the

00:21:54.720 --> 00:21:57.560 Shelley Thiemann: pains move all over my brain. It's

00:21:57.890 --> 00:22:00.989 Shelley Thiemann: it's bizarre. But you just take it day by day.

00:22:01.620 --> 00:22:15.020 Frank R. Harrison: So, Shelley, would you then say that it was the medications you were taking, coupled with the environment you were in that was influencing all of your various illnesses, from the fibromyalgia to the seizure, activity to the asthma.

00:22:15.740 --> 00:22:16.810 Shelley Thiemann: Probably

00:22:16.960 --> 00:22:18.440 Shelley Thiemann: that would be my guess.

00:22:18.820 --> 00:22:20.649 Frank R. Harrison: So then, all in all.

00:22:20.770 --> 00:22:32.740 Frank R. Harrison: you basically had live like this is mental health awareness month. One could say that for you, because your quality of life was very triggering because you were trying to manage all of these incidences

00:22:33.048 --> 00:22:42.289 Frank R. Harrison: based on where you were living. Also the perceptions you mentioned earlier people thought your husband was beating you up. That's the perception cause. They don't know what's happening with you internally.

00:22:42.861 --> 00:22:47.379 Frank R. Harrison: so that in itself can become. Would you say you have a form of Ptsd

00:22:47.530 --> 00:22:50.190 Frank R. Harrison: or any other kind of mental health issues that are

00:22:50.230 --> 00:22:52.739 Frank R. Harrison: prominent for those with epilepsy.

00:22:53.420 --> 00:23:05.010 Shelley Thiemann: Absolutely. And I think that I I tried to deal with Ptsd as best as I can, and like I said, the laws are different in Canada than they are in the United States.

00:23:05.812 --> 00:23:08.659 Shelley Thiemann: I cannot take antidepressants.

00:23:08.720 --> 00:23:12.250 Shelley Thiemann: They make me crazy like absolutely crazy.

00:23:12.660 --> 00:23:19.629 Shelley Thiemann: and I suffer every bad side effect from them. I've been microdosing still sibon for 5 years now.

00:23:19.970 --> 00:23:22.740 Shelley Thiemann: and the improvement in

00:23:22.940 --> 00:23:30.140 Shelley Thiemann: helping repair the brain receptors along with the Cbd because I do a full spectrum. Cbd, as well.

00:23:30.745 --> 00:23:36.969 Shelley Thiemann: So that's helping repair some of those receptors in my brain that have been damaged.

00:23:37.160 --> 00:23:45.709 Shelley Thiemann: And it's just really amazing how much psilocybin helps with the depression part of it.

00:23:45.900 --> 00:23:53.760 Shelley Thiemann: And I I don't really deal with depression, because it's it is just what it is each day.

00:23:54.700 --> 00:23:56.089 Frank R. Harrison: And so check it signs up.

00:23:56.090 --> 00:24:11.790 Jeff Demitrack: Well, here, let me just mention that, you know, having a diagnosis is very overwhelming and very anxiety provoking. And you said before, Lisa, that after having a seizure, you can you feel a lot of anxiety the next day, and you.

00:24:11.790 --> 00:24:13.140 Lisa: Oh, big time!

00:24:13.932 --> 00:24:19.967 Lisa: Go through the funk and the depression. It's like, here we go again, you know,

00:24:20.390 --> 00:24:21.400 Lisa: terrible.

00:24:22.278 --> 00:24:33.710 Lisa: and I mean the anxiety of it, you know, like I said, just so scared to go to sleep. But no one you have to, and I mean it's just a catch 22. It's. It's tough.

00:24:34.780 --> 00:24:35.130 Shelley Thiemann: Whatever.

00:24:35.130 --> 00:24:41.630 Jeff Demitrack: Have a lot of responsibilities. You have to go to you work, and you have a you're a mother as well.

00:24:41.630 --> 00:24:44.150 Lisa: I'm a stay at home, mom. I'm a stay at home. Mom.

00:24:44.150 --> 00:24:45.500 Jeff Demitrack: Oh, really! Oh, good! So.

00:24:45.710 --> 00:24:50.408 Lisa: A 15 year old. She's the best, and she's very supportive of Mom.

00:24:50.990 --> 00:24:59.090 Lisa: but it is hard, you know, not being able to drive. Pick her up from school. You know I've like that part of my life is just like zapped from me, and I'm like

00:24:59.270 --> 00:25:04.279 Lisa: I feel this big sometimes, and I mean, I know that's normal, but it's still hard.

00:25:05.200 --> 00:25:20.880 Frank R. Harrison: Hmm, Jeff. I was just gonna say that it seems as though that in both Lisa and Shelley's cases, because of the combination of their Co. Morbidity along with their epilepsy, they have definitely become advocates to the nth degree.

00:25:20.960 --> 00:25:40.280 Frank R. Harrison: and I mean, I'm hearing Shelly's case, and understanding that what is helping her the most at this time is medical cannabis, I mean. I know Canada has already been legalized with that for a decade now, or if not more. But here in the United States, where 24 States, now that I know of New York, was finally approved, I think last year after Covid.

00:25:40.280 --> 00:26:00.020 Frank R. Harrison: but the thing is is, I did do testing for cannabis back in 2016 in Seattle, Washington, because that was the only place that I could do testing at that time, and I was working with the Canadian marks marine pharmacy that I mentioned in order to keep my seizures under control while testing the cannabis. So I can understand the kinds of struggles that you, Shelley.

00:26:00.020 --> 00:26:08.667 Frank R. Harrison: had to undergo. Not just mental health, wise, and not just with your other disorders like Fibromyalgia, but it also.

00:26:09.377 --> 00:26:10.210 Jeff Demitrack: Thing, about about.

00:26:10.556 --> 00:26:23.709 Frank R. Harrison: Finish this thought. Finish this, thought Shelley. In terms of your advocacy work. Did you become more so an advocate because of cannabis, or was it for some other social issues related to regulating your health?

00:26:24.470 --> 00:26:34.316 Shelley Thiemann: No, it was more of so becoming an advocate for cannabis, because, having a genetic form of cannabis or doing form of epilepsy, I'm sorry

00:26:35.452 --> 00:26:40.580 Shelley Thiemann: and having to go through 12 forms of medication that absolutely destroyed my life.

00:26:40.890 --> 00:26:49.020 Shelley Thiemann: Why couldn't I have just gone on Cbd, first, like a full spectrum or like one to one thc.

00:26:49.340 --> 00:26:53.129 Shelley Thiemann: and just start that regiment right from the beginning.

00:26:53.350 --> 00:26:56.190 Shelley Thiemann: and never had the bad side effects.

00:26:56.330 --> 00:27:05.190 Shelley Thiemann: So I I think, with children, especially with children. They don't need to be taking those drugs. Those drugs are not good for people.

00:27:05.890 --> 00:27:21.169 Shelley Thiemann: and they've been proven that they're not good for people, and a lot of people's body rejects it, and a lot of people I speak with who have epilepsy, who come to my Instagram site to talk to me about it.

00:27:21.460 --> 00:27:22.480 Shelley Thiemann: and

00:27:22.540 --> 00:27:38.379 Shelley Thiemann: I mean go finding out that I couldn't take it benzos anymore. And I was gonna rely on medical cannabis for my epilepsy. I thought I was gonna die. I was terrified. I I was like, Oh, my gosh, I had! This is crazy.

00:27:38.680 --> 00:27:44.919 Shelley Thiemann: and just put all your faith into hopefully, I have the best

00:27:46.600 --> 00:27:55.640 Shelley Thiemann: you know, suppliers and stuff like that and keep it assisted in supply. Going to is a big deal as well. So

00:27:56.491 --> 00:28:00.370 Shelley Thiemann: that that's stress on top of it, too. So.

00:28:00.580 --> 00:28:01.799 Frank R. Harrison: Jeff, you were. Gonna say.

00:28:02.770 --> 00:28:24.570 Jeff Demitrack: Well, I was gonna say that when it comes to Cbd products, you have to find the right product, because, some are better quality than others. And you know. And also when it comes to Thc products, you know, you it's not for everyone. And sometimes it can be addictive, too.

00:28:25.450 --> 00:28:38.530 Frank R. Harrison: Right. Well, we're about to take our second break. But all this talk about cannabis and earlier met foreman, and not to mention about medications, whether they have worked or haven't worked, or whether you're still taking them or not.

00:28:38.620 --> 00:28:49.979 Frank R. Harrison: I think we're gonna focus that conversation plus explore a little bit more of Lisa's co-morbidity in the next segment. So please stay tuned right here on talk radio, Nyc, and on Facebook twitch

00:28:50.040 --> 00:28:52.700 Frank R. Harrison: Youtube and Linkedin, and we'll be back in a few.

00:30:53.970 --> 00:31:21.069 Frank R. Harrison: Everybody and welcome back. As I said before, we closed out. The second segment medications can definitely rule or hurt you, depending on the type of epilepsy that you have not necessarily hurt. That might be the wrong word here, but it could be just, not the right fit, because of the fact that if you have genetically based epilepsy, or if you have retractable epilepsy or worst case scenario, you have Lenox gastrol syndrome, or you probably like in Lisa's case have nocturnal seizures.

00:31:21.070 --> 00:31:30.780 Frank R. Harrison: or you're taking medication for other issues. Again, this is mental health awareness month. You could be taking antidepressants, antipsychotics, or even just mood stabilizers.

00:31:30.780 --> 00:31:54.030 Frank R. Harrison: and not to mention, if you're having diabetes, you could be taking metformin. So that, all being said, there's a combination of what is the right drug? Is it genetically prescribed for you or manufactured for you? Does it come from the right area? As I said, I prefer the medications from Canada? I think they actually make them manufacture, produce, and distribute all in the same country simultaneously.

00:31:54.030 --> 00:32:20.769 Frank R. Harrison: There's the interactions between medications. So I think we're going to devote this segment. And, Jeff, I'll need your help on this into determining what are the right medications depending on your type of epilepsy. And of course we want to really look at Shelly and Lisa's case closely. As a little backdrop. As I said, I have been through the gamut Dilantin, Tegretol, Gabapentin Depicote Limictal all the way up to Capra, and I'm only on Capra to this day

00:32:20.770 --> 00:32:45.380 Frank R. Harrison: got tested, for cannabis did not work for me, but it actually made me lots of weight, and as a result I was prescribed Metformin, and as a result I did not take medforming because I didn't wanna have more seizures. It was like going a vicious circle, but it was genetically based predominantly, and I am taking the pepper just to prevent the retractable partials. But otherwise I'm living a decent quality of life at this point, and I do know

00:32:45.380 --> 00:33:07.570 Frank R. Harrison: that when you are aware of what your core illness is, you can probably gauge what the right medication is, although I'm a proponent of medical cannabis. I wish it had worked for me, because I think it would also enable a curative or some kind of support for any of the anxiety disorders or any of the Ptsd reactions that you've probably experienced shelling.

00:33:07.900 --> 00:33:09.530 Frank R. Harrison: So that, all being said.

00:33:09.610 --> 00:33:18.370 Frank R. Harrison: Jeff, how would you want to give your overview of your life with epilepsy and your medications, and which ones have worked, and which ones haven't.

00:33:19.310 --> 00:33:43.850 Jeff Demitrack: Oh, that's a really tough, I mean, I always say that epilepsy is unique in every case, and when it comes to anti-convulsence, really, it depends on the person, because really you can have a bad reaction at any time to any medication. And I, in my case, I always say that you know anti-convulsance say, you're more dependent on them than you realize, you know, and when it count comes to Kepler.

00:33:43.850 --> 00:34:00.980 Jeff Demitrack: tried to get off of it a few times, but it really. I went into status epilepticus a couple times, trying to go off of it. So it really I feel like I'm on it for good, because really, anytime I've tried to go off of it. It seems like I'm dependent on it. My brain won't let me go off of it.

00:34:00.980 --> 00:34:06.179 Jeff Demitrack: So you know, that could be with other cases like when I was on Lamicto.

00:34:06.180 --> 00:34:36.119 Jeff Demitrack: you know, I just one day I just you know, it just stopped working. I went into a psychotic break it just you know that. That's how it is with some medications. You just have bad reactions to it, you know. And you know, there's a lot of behavioral changes as well sometimes with, you know, some of these medications that could be used, for you know, bipolar as well. So you know there are many anticipre also used for mental illness, so you know.

00:34:36.120 --> 00:34:37.280 Frank R. Harrison: And I told her one of it.

00:34:37.280 --> 00:34:41.950 Jeff Demitrack: Change chemically in your mind, in your brain. So hmm.

00:34:42.409 --> 00:34:49.159 Frank R. Harrison: So, Lisa, tell me what has been your stream of anti-convulsance? I mean, you're still taking that format as well. Right.

00:34:49.159 --> 00:35:00.039 Lisa: Yes, I take the capra from my seizures and metformin for the diabetes, and I mean they work, you know, like you have the side effects, though. Not

00:35:00.099 --> 00:35:06.709 Lisa: so much. Capra haven't had any problems with that. But Matt Foreman. Oh, yes, we'll tear your stomach

00:35:06.989 --> 00:35:09.279 Lisa: apiece. Yeah.

00:35:09.280 --> 00:35:14.359 Frank R. Harrison: In your case. Were you a candidate for those shots like Ozzy, or Wagovi, or Monjaro, or any of those.

00:35:14.360 --> 00:35:21.049 Lisa: He didn't. Even my doctor didn't bring that up. He he was just like, Here I'm head foreman. Let's see how it works, and I mean.

00:35:21.880 --> 00:35:24.648 Lisa: it takes about well for me.

00:35:25.910 --> 00:35:27.630 Lisa: It was a good month

00:35:27.740 --> 00:35:31.960 Lisa: for me to get kind of adjusted to it. Now there are days where it's just

00:35:33.220 --> 00:35:37.669 Lisa: it's back to square one. It my stomach's hurting the nausea.

00:35:37.690 --> 00:35:41.260 Lisa: Don't want to eat it. It's miserable.

00:35:41.770 --> 00:35:43.770 Jeff Demitrack: To find the right dose for it right.

00:35:43.770 --> 00:35:48.499 Lisa: For sure for sure. I started out only doing

00:35:49.250 --> 00:35:50.742 Lisa: 500 milligrams.

00:35:52.170 --> 00:35:53.647 Lisa: twice a day.

00:35:54.507 --> 00:36:04.922 Lisa: and levels were kinda getting okay, but he still wanted them to drop and is genetic. I have diabetes on both sides of the family, so parents have great jeans

00:36:06.110 --> 00:36:13.330 Lisa: and then bump me up to 1,000 milligrams twice a day, and it was terrible at first.

00:36:14.230 --> 00:36:16.680 Jeff Demitrack: So did it help you lose weight or.

00:36:16.870 --> 00:36:19.479 Lisa: Oh, I've dropped weight for sure.

00:36:20.200 --> 00:36:20.939 Lisa: I think.

00:36:21.497 --> 00:36:23.169 Jeff Demitrack: Benefit, there where.

00:36:23.400 --> 00:36:25.534 Lisa: It's a benefit. I mean, I wasn't

00:36:26.687 --> 00:36:36.500 Lisa: like, I said. It's genetic. It wasn't the way I was eating, cause I was doing like Keto Atkins, you know, even, for, like the seizures, wanted to see if that would help

00:36:38.405 --> 00:36:41.694 Lisa: But yeah, definitely dropped a good 25 pounds

00:36:42.757 --> 00:36:43.652 Lisa: for sure.

00:36:44.870 --> 00:36:49.419 Frank R. Harrison: So that being said, what is your A one? C levels? Now get this notice and decline. As a result.

00:36:49.420 --> 00:36:55.249 Lisa: Oh, oh, yeah, after doing the 1,000 milligrams twice a day, he was like, I want you under 7.

00:36:55.450 --> 00:37:03.790 Lisa: And in my next appointment. It was like 6.5, and I was like wanted it to keep dropping, you know. But definitely made a big difference.

00:37:04.530 --> 00:37:09.260 Jeff Demitrack: And have you seen an improvement in the technology when it comes to the sensors.

00:37:11.460 --> 00:37:12.550 Lisa: What do you mean?

00:37:13.090 --> 00:37:17.610 Jeff Demitrack: Oh, when it sensing your blood sugar, have you seen an improvement when it comes to the tech.

00:37:17.610 --> 00:37:19.095 Lisa: Oh, for sure!

00:37:19.910 --> 00:37:27.230 Lisa: I'm supposed to be taking it every day. Once I do slack. I do not do that every day, but just I can tell when days like

00:37:28.800 --> 00:37:41.700 Lisa: the blood sugar is like dropping. I'm not. The heart will start racing. I'll start getting a headache, and I'm like, I've gotta get something in my body, even if it makes me sick. You know. Gotta stay on top of that

00:37:42.780 --> 00:37:44.880 Lisa: awesome. I usually I'll usually.

00:37:44.880 --> 00:37:48.089 Jeff Demitrack: So you, you monitor your your blood sugar with your phone.

00:37:49.786 --> 00:37:53.929 Lisa: And no, I have the little prick stick thing that

00:37:54.950 --> 00:37:58.389 Lisa: you take, and you put the little tab in it. I do that. So

00:37:58.740 --> 00:38:01.529 Lisa: I haven't gotten that far up in my technology.

00:38:02.383 --> 00:38:02.926 Jeff Demitrack: Okay.

00:38:03.470 --> 00:38:10.560 Frank R. Harrison: Well, even though you mentioned, Lisa, that you were not a candidate for all those weight loss shots that they're offering out in the marketplace.

00:38:10.600 --> 00:38:15.519 Frank R. Harrison: Were you ever considering, or a candidate for medical cannabis? The same way Shelley has.

00:38:17.310 --> 00:38:20.169 Lisa: Was I considering it? Yeah.

00:38:20.210 --> 00:38:21.820 Lisa: Thought about it. But

00:38:22.997 --> 00:38:28.740 Lisa: I have tried it, and it didn't go over so well with me. It made me more

00:38:29.080 --> 00:38:33.880 Lisa: anxious, and I don't know if that was just mine playing tricks on me. But

00:38:34.410 --> 00:38:45.833 Lisa: didn't really work for me. I do take an anti anxiety medication to help with that cause, you know, as soon as I'm in the doctor's office, blood pressure is going nuts.

00:38:46.918 --> 00:38:52.509 Lisa: I think I'm just always scared. I'm like, what's the bad news now, you know, and just

00:38:52.710 --> 00:38:58.620 Lisa: but I take clonapin for that which is has an anti convulsion in it, too. So I'm like

00:38:59.490 --> 00:39:02.689 Lisa: I got that extra, you know, with Capra so

00:39:03.160 --> 00:39:03.690 Lisa: so like.

00:39:03.690 --> 00:39:05.520 Frank R. Harrison: Is that in your case.

00:39:05.720 --> 00:39:09.130 Jeff Demitrack: Very careful with the Clona PIN. You don't take it every day right.

00:39:09.130 --> 00:39:17.639 Lisa: No only if I'm having a panic attack, I mean, I can manage anxiety. I do. I do have my things that I do

00:39:18.660 --> 00:39:22.189 Lisa: reading, just trying to get out of my head, you know, and

00:39:22.280 --> 00:39:29.359 Lisa: or so take a nice bath. But only when I'm having that panic attack. That's my emergency, you know.

00:39:30.170 --> 00:39:31.960 Frank R. Harrison: Lisa, in your case.

00:39:31.990 --> 00:39:42.749 Frank R. Harrison: with respect to all of the disorders that you're going through in terms of well, not disorders, but rather the medications you're dealing with and reducing your weight and managing your diabetes.

00:39:42.930 --> 00:39:55.460 Frank R. Harrison: It seems as though your seizures are predominantly symptomatic of an of your main illness, which is diabetes. No one calls you an epileptic patient, do they?

00:39:56.720 --> 00:40:01.549 Lisa: No, they they well, they tell me the Monitor all I just said you don't. We don't

00:40:01.700 --> 00:40:04.830 Lisa: say epilepsy with you. You have a seizure, disorder.

00:40:05.730 --> 00:40:12.910 Frank R. Harrison: So it's like a Co. It's like with a post. It's like a post traumatic seizure disorder which we've talked about on the stroke.

00:40:13.100 --> 00:40:20.289 Lisa: Yeah, my seizure started 10 years ago, and I was diagnosed with diabetes 2 years ago.

00:40:21.180 --> 00:40:22.095 Lisa: so

00:40:23.980 --> 00:40:27.220 Lisa: as far as that's connected, could be. I have no idea.

00:40:27.820 --> 00:40:57.080 Frank R. Harrison: One was more dominant. And then, 10 years later, the other one took more dominance. So. But, unlike Shelley and myself, it's not genetically based, although you did say you have a sibling and a and your father with epilepsy. So maybe you're just triggered, or you have a predisposition to having seizures, but it looks as though that it's under control with Capra. And there is the question as to why you're still having no seizures. Maybe it's an interaction with the 2 medications you're taking.

00:40:58.260 --> 00:41:05.260 Lisa: Have no idea. I just started the met format like I said 2 years ago, I've been taking Capra for 10

00:41:07.360 --> 00:41:10.586 Lisa: I don't know I don't. I don't know if it's just

00:41:13.700 --> 00:41:19.160 Lisa: Can't explain it. They can't, really, either, so I'm I don't know

00:41:19.640 --> 00:41:21.340 Lisa: but it's a vicious cycle.

00:41:21.650 --> 00:41:21.960 Jeff Demitrack: It

00:41:22.826 --> 00:41:27.569 Jeff Demitrack: potential of you getting your license back. Have you ever been Caesar free long enough.

00:41:27.570 --> 00:41:30.039 Lisa: And the State of South Carolina, where I'm from.

00:41:30.380 --> 00:41:33.080 Lisa: If you go, sees her free for 6 months.

00:41:33.120 --> 00:41:34.800 Lisa: I mean you, you can drive.

00:41:35.300 --> 00:41:44.043 Lisa: But for me personally, there's always that thought in my head I'm like today is gonna be the day that one's gonna happen during the daytime.

00:41:45.480 --> 00:41:59.191 Lisa: But no, I mean even W. Going 6 months seizure free. I stay very local. I don't go far off, you know, and I let you know somebody know. Look, I'm fixing to go to the store, just so you'll know where I'm at, you know.

00:41:59.510 --> 00:42:01.039 Lisa: just taking precautions.

00:42:02.300 --> 00:42:29.849 Frank R. Harrison: Well, we're about to take our next break. But before we we do that we're we're gonna devote the next segment. Just wanna let everyone know to pretty much what all of our futures are with respect to advocating for our own epilepsy as well as Jeff. I just wanna wrap up that we've talked about several stages of epilepsy over the past year or so. We've done the auras. We've done mental health issues. We've done meditation we've talked about.

00:42:29.850 --> 00:42:36.130 Frank R. Harrison: Obviously. Now, co-morbidities. What would you say in the whole stages of epilepsy spectrum

00:42:36.250 --> 00:42:44.639 Frank R. Harrison: we either have missed out on speaking of, or what else do you think needs to be made aware to the listening and viewing audience out there.

00:42:46.290 --> 00:42:47.030 Jeff Demitrack: Well.

00:42:47.080 --> 00:43:09.929 Jeff Demitrack: I think when people have epilepsy, I keep emphasizing that a really they need to spread awareness about their case. They need to deal with their case in their own way. They need to figure out what medication is for them. They need to search the doctor. That is right for them.

00:43:09.930 --> 00:43:19.029 Jeff Demitrack: They need to search the treatment. That is right for them, and that might be an alternative treatment like Shelley searched out medical cannabis.

00:43:19.030 --> 00:43:22.458 Jeff Demitrack: So there is a many different

00:43:23.100 --> 00:43:42.249 Jeff Demitrack: aspects of the of the spectrum, because, you know, like we talked about, you know, migraines might be on the epilepsy spectrum a and, like Adhd, might be on the epilepsy, spectrum and autism. You know, they try to put all these things together. But really they're they're also unique in many ways. So.

00:43:43.110 --> 00:43:49.139 Frank R. Harrison: And then we're also living with any kind of brain illness, like epilepsy autism. Adhd, whatever

00:43:49.150 --> 00:44:18.740 Frank R. Harrison: you just have to internalize it all, be focused and aware of what it is and learn to advocate for yourself. With all the communities you deal with, especially the medical community. And when we return I wanna hear more, Shelley, about a lot of the differences in Canada that exist for people, especially after what you have been dealing with most of your life. So stay tuned as we conclude this episode of Frank about health right here on talk radio, dot Nyc and on all of our socials, and we will be back in a few.

00:46:22.550 --> 00:46:25.759 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody and welcome back. Okay. So, Shelley.

00:46:25.840 --> 00:46:31.050 Frank R. Harrison: I'd like to learn more about what you think. The key differences

00:46:31.170 --> 00:46:35.530 Frank R. Harrison: between Canada and the us are especially for those like us.

00:46:35.580 --> 00:46:38.009 Frank R. Harrison: living and treating our epilepsy.

00:46:39.420 --> 00:46:44.250 Shelley Thiemann: I think it's just honest education from neurologists now.

00:46:44.780 --> 00:46:51.359 Shelley Thiemann: And I find the Canadian neurologist 12 years ago, when I first said that.

00:46:51.450 --> 00:46:56.239 Shelley Thiemann: okay, well, I guess I'll try Cbd and see how it goes.

00:46:56.370 --> 00:47:06.639 Shelley Thiemann: Now, when most people think about people treating epilepsy with cannabis, the first thing they think about is, oh, you're just smoking joints.

00:47:06.700 --> 00:47:11.140 Shelley Thiemann: Well, that's the furthest thing from the truth. The amount of

00:47:11.290 --> 00:47:14.899 Shelley Thiemann: weed I actually smoke is very minimal.

00:47:15.298 --> 00:47:19.719 Shelley Thiemann: Because a lot of the products I use are in capsule form.

00:47:20.200 --> 00:47:21.240 Shelley Thiemann: And

00:47:22.950 --> 00:47:25.510 Shelley Thiemann: I really have no need to

00:47:25.590 --> 00:47:27.470 Shelley Thiemann: get high anymore.

00:47:27.570 --> 00:47:33.589 Shelley Thiemann: And I don't really do it recreationally anymore, because it's really not a need.

00:47:34.090 --> 00:47:42.839 Shelley Thiemann: And so it just really helps. And I think, when I first started advocating for the use of medical cannabis.

00:47:42.850 --> 00:47:56.070 Shelley Thiemann: it. There was no education out there on how much a person should dose with all the different types of epilepsy out there with childhood epilepsy, with just

00:47:56.330 --> 00:47:58.430 Shelley Thiemann: adult epilepsy

00:47:58.530 --> 00:48:10.050 Shelley Thiemann: like, it's a very scary thing to say, okay, well, yeah, I'm gonna try medical cannabis. Is it gonna work for me? Well, I I guarantee you for the first month. That's not going to.

00:48:10.370 --> 00:48:20.300 Shelley Thiemann: but just having an honest education and having somebody who's knowledgeable enough to educate you, on which

00:48:21.147 --> 00:48:27.620 Shelley Thiemann: gray market dispensary you should be using, because nothing that's legal in Canada

00:48:27.630 --> 00:48:30.050 Shelley Thiemann: works for my epilepsy.

00:48:30.190 --> 00:48:36.620 Shelley Thiemann: And this is something I'm still advocating my government for, because our Prime Minister is a

00:48:37.130 --> 00:48:38.040 Shelley Thiemann: well.

00:48:38.160 --> 00:48:39.050 Shelley Thiemann: well.

00:48:39.580 --> 00:48:57.730 Shelley Thiemann: I I I won't put out that word right now. Cause I I yeah, okay, yeah, hopefully, not in office for long, because even he can't run a drug program. But everything he's done, as far as legalization for the Canadian medical program has just been

00:48:58.090 --> 00:49:15.980 Shelley Thiemann: N, not helpful for anybody with epilepsy. So I mean, we have transdermal patches that are available with Cbd on them. So when somebody like Lisa super nauseated and she can't eat, and that's gonna affect her epilepsy because she can't keep her meds down and stuff like that.

00:49:16.521 --> 00:49:19.889 Shelley Thiemann: You can put a transdermal patch on

00:49:20.310 --> 00:49:29.239 Shelley Thiemann: and get your Cbd in you. So you're getting your meds in you and get your nausea under control.

00:49:30.060 --> 00:49:38.080 Shelley Thiemann: and then you can take a tincture of Thc underneath your tongue that you're going to keep there for a minute.

00:49:38.550 --> 00:49:54.399 Shelley Thiemann: and then you're gonna take some water with electrolytes, and that's gonna get your nausea under control. So I can take a capsule of a good one to one of us. Full spectrum Cbd. And a full spectrum. Tc, so it's got

00:49:54.510 --> 00:50:06.149 Shelley Thiemann: over 250 of the compounds of what makes cannabis fantastic is not just Cbd, it's not just THC. It's whole plant medicine.

00:50:06.480 --> 00:50:08.580 Shelley Thiemann: and it's knowing how to use it.

00:50:09.170 --> 00:50:11.009 Frank R. Harrison: It's a whole holistic approach.

00:50:11.230 --> 00:50:11.800 Frank R. Harrison: except.

00:50:11.800 --> 00:50:22.129 Shelley Thiemann: Exactly a, and that coincides with psilocybin at the same time. At first, when people were telling me about it, I thought that they took too many mushrooms, probably.

00:50:22.160 --> 00:50:32.189 Shelley Thiemann: but then they said, Give it a try. And so I start my predosing. And I was like, Oh, this is actually improving my mood.

00:50:32.738 --> 00:50:42.829 Shelley Thiemann: I'm actually feeling a lot better about life, and I mean every day is not all sunshines and roses. I mean, we all have bad days.

00:50:43.428 --> 00:50:45.340 Shelley Thiemann: But it gets rid of that

00:50:45.490 --> 00:50:53.800 Shelley Thiemann: depression, and I just wanna stay in bed and never get out of bed because my body hurts too much, or

00:50:53.900 --> 00:50:56.810 Shelley Thiemann: you know I had another seizure. My.

00:50:56.950 --> 00:50:58.000 Shelley Thiemann: no.

00:50:58.220 --> 00:51:00.370 Shelley Thiemann: you don't need to get up every day.

00:51:00.630 --> 00:51:01.000 Lisa: Right.

00:51:01.370 --> 00:51:07.990 Frank R. Harrison: The regimen you're taking right now, you find yourself more stabilized, even if you continue to have seizures.

00:51:08.640 --> 00:51:09.710 Shelley Thiemann: Absolutely.

00:51:11.900 --> 00:51:28.610 Frank R. Harrison: Alright, because I, I know, be before we got on the air you were talking about other solutions that might be available to those. Not that I'm advocating or recommending them, but I guess they're actually available more so in Canada, because I don't hear about it as much here in the United States.

00:51:29.050 --> 00:51:34.939 Shelley Thiemann: Well, well with my type of epilepsy, I think the hardest part is knowing that it's terminal.

00:51:35.490 --> 00:51:41.059 Shelley Thiemann: and knowing that is super scary for me and

00:51:41.070 --> 00:51:45.010 Shelley Thiemann: and just my quality of life, I have no quality of life.

00:51:45.190 --> 00:51:48.230 Shelley Thiemann: I spend 90% of my life in bed.

00:51:48.300 --> 00:51:50.570 Shelley Thiemann: I might look okay.

00:51:50.610 --> 00:51:52.300 Shelley Thiemann: But I'm not okay.

00:51:52.540 --> 00:51:57.560 Shelley Thiemann: And I'm really, really sick. And I have 3 beautiful grandchildren.

00:51:58.830 --> 00:52:00.000 Shelley Thiemann: But

00:52:00.130 --> 00:52:01.619 Shelley Thiemann: I it's just

00:52:01.790 --> 00:52:06.050 Shelley Thiemann: so hard just to even have them, because

00:52:06.150 --> 00:52:15.970 Shelley Thiemann: I'm scared. I'm gonna have a seizure, or else it's I. I know I'm gonna have a seizure because I deal with partial seizures still all the time.

00:52:17.480 --> 00:52:22.879 Shelley Thiemann: and it's all does. It? All has to do with hormones and perry menopause.

00:52:23.360 --> 00:52:30.220 Shelley Thiemann: And I don't see this ever getting better. My brain's never going to get better is progressively going to get worse.

00:52:30.740 --> 00:52:35.769 Shelley Thiemann: And in a pro in Canada we have a program called Made.

00:52:36.600 --> 00:52:41.929 Shelley Thiemann: and it's an assisted dying program for people with terminal illnesses.

00:52:42.300 --> 00:52:53.009 Shelley Thiemann: and fortunately my my epilepsy meets the criteria. But you still have to go through a counseling aspect of it.

00:52:53.120 --> 00:52:58.480 Shelley Thiemann: and I'm taking it one step further and going through a psychologist aspect of it.

00:52:58.550 --> 00:53:01.850 Shelley Thiemann: Because I want to make sure I'm making the right decision

00:53:01.880 --> 00:53:07.550 Shelley Thiemann: because a lot of the side effects from epilepsy medications are

00:53:07.600 --> 00:53:08.940 Shelley Thiemann: not good.

00:53:08.960 --> 00:53:10.010 Shelley Thiemann: I mean.

00:53:10.060 --> 00:53:19.420 Shelley Thiemann: people commit suicide. People think bad thoughts. I I've gone down some very, very dark tasks with some very very bad epilepsy nodes

00:53:20.590 --> 00:53:25.829 Shelley Thiemann: it. It was not good for my brain and my mental health at all.

00:53:26.270 --> 00:53:35.119 Shelley Thiemann: and so with me. I worked in palliative care as a nurse for years, and I want to be able to decide

00:53:35.160 --> 00:53:44.060 Shelley Thiemann: when it's my time. I want to be able to decide when my quality of life is that bad?

00:53:44.440 --> 00:53:50.009 Shelley Thiemann: That's it. I I can call my doctor and say, Okay, today's the day.

00:53:50.850 --> 00:53:59.510 Frank R. Harrison: So it is an actual in Canada. It is an actual law or regulation within the help profession to allow such a program.

00:53:59.850 --> 00:54:00.480 Shelley Thiemann: Yes.

00:54:01.110 --> 00:54:05.709 Frank R. Harrison: Interesting. I I mean what the way I look at it is that it is an option, and

00:54:05.950 --> 00:54:12.650 Frank R. Harrison: as the advocate of your own health. It's an option that if you feel that it is going to add value to your story, then

00:54:12.920 --> 00:54:20.820 Frank R. Harrison: I vouch for it. But I know that in the United States, with all the political system that we have here and the regulations

00:54:20.920 --> 00:54:28.650 Frank R. Harrison: on all levels of health care whether it's the technology, whether it's the medicines, whether it's the healthcare providers, the insurance companies.

00:54:28.910 --> 00:54:30.760 Frank R. Harrison: This would be something that would be

00:54:32.071 --> 00:54:42.250 Frank R. Harrison: against the law. I I proceed because I don't hear much about any support of this, unless it's really like terminal cancer or terminal something else something more tangible.

00:54:42.350 --> 00:55:03.249 Frank R. Harrison: you know. But it's controversial in nature, and I'm saying to everybody out there that this is an option that Shelley is looking into, and from what she's already told us all, including Jeff and Lisa, is that her family is aware of it, too. So there is a support system in place. There is a psychologist in place. You're obviously aware of the legal rights that you have, if you were to enact

00:55:03.300 --> 00:55:10.720 Frank R. Harrison: in that solution for you, and and therefore everyone should take a lesson from Shelley's example, and understanding

00:55:10.830 --> 00:55:15.610 Frank R. Harrison: that if something that you never dreamed was an option for how to treat your quality of life.

00:55:15.650 --> 00:55:20.400 Frank R. Harrison: but it is also medically and legally qualified, due to the circumstances.

00:55:20.480 --> 00:55:24.440 Frank R. Harrison: It's out there for you as as a food for thought.

00:55:24.600 --> 00:55:28.089 Frank R. Harrison: you know. But at the same time I just wish you well, shelly.

00:55:28.100 --> 00:55:30.539 Frank R. Harrison: in terms of whatever your

00:55:30.790 --> 00:55:34.290 Frank R. Harrison: future plans become, and it looks as though that, at least

00:55:34.410 --> 00:55:42.500 Frank R. Harrison: in the duration between now and that deciding date, that the cannabis has been predominantly working for you over

00:55:42.620 --> 00:55:45.549 Frank R. Harrison: the anti-convulsis that, safe to say.

00:55:46.216 --> 00:55:53.179 Shelley Thiemann: Oh, absolutely! And I'll continue to advocate for that, and I'll continue to educate people on that

00:55:53.370 --> 00:55:58.730 Shelley Thiemann: cause. I I'll never stop educating. I talk about cannabis, and it's benefits every single day.

00:55:59.380 --> 00:56:00.090 Shelley Thiemann: and

00:56:00.270 --> 00:56:01.100 Shelley Thiemann: my my.

00:56:01.100 --> 00:56:02.530 Frank R. Harrison: On your Instagram page.

00:56:02.740 --> 00:56:10.780 Shelley Thiemann: Yes, it is. And so please hit up my Instagram page. If you have any questions about anything I've talked about, hit me up. Send me a message.

00:56:11.050 --> 00:56:11.950 Shelley Thiemann: join.

00:56:12.760 --> 00:56:13.460 Frank R. Harrison: Lesson.

00:56:13.830 --> 00:56:15.340 Frank R. Harrison: Now, Lisa, how about you?

00:56:15.340 --> 00:56:35.659 Jeff Demitrack: So concerned about you, Shelley, just making sure that there is a you know no agenda being pushed upon you. And you know you, that you still know that life is a gift and that you you want to, you know, to live your life the best you can, and that you're searching for meaning. And so.

00:56:35.900 --> 00:56:49.549 Shelley Thiemann: I I think, being a palliative care nurse for so long, and watching people helping them through their final stages of life. When I was healthy. Was the greatest gift of all, because they taught you what the gift of life was.

00:56:49.680 --> 00:56:50.600 Shelley Thiemann: Truly

00:56:51.724 --> 00:57:02.049 Shelley Thiemann: so when you find out that your terminal was something I I I want to choose when my time is. I don't want epilepsy to decide that day for me

00:57:02.160 --> 00:57:13.810 Shelley Thiemann: and my husband to come home and find me that way. So in Canada this is something I thought that I I thought about this for like over 5 years. So this is not something I took lately.

00:57:13.990 --> 00:57:18.990 Shelley Thiemann: This is a matter of just personal health and personal choice.

00:57:20.150 --> 00:57:24.450 Frank R. Harrison: Okay. And so, Lisa, before I disappeared for a moment I was, gonna say.

00:57:24.450 --> 00:57:25.230 Lisa: Said, well, I.

00:57:25.230 --> 00:57:32.150 Frank R. Harrison: Jeff, you were saying something, and then, Lisa, I was going to ask about your future story with your epilepsy. So what did I miss.

00:57:33.670 --> 00:57:41.758 Lisa: I don't think you missed anything as far as I was listening to Shelley. She's amazing. I've loved hearing your story.

00:57:42.260 --> 00:57:50.549 Lisa: yeah, I share most of my stories on Instagram. My Instagram is Aphrodite, 1982.

00:57:50.770 --> 00:57:51.255 Lisa: And

00:57:52.120 --> 00:57:52.790 Lisa: yeah.

00:57:54.070 --> 00:57:55.270 Lisa: in case I don't.

00:57:55.602 --> 00:57:56.600 Jeff Demitrack: And on Lisa.

00:57:57.110 --> 00:57:59.020 Lisa: Oh, absolutely! I enjoyed it!

00:57:59.480 --> 00:58:00.380 Jeff Demitrack: Yeah, so

00:58:00.500 --> 00:58:01.130 Jeff Demitrack: discard.

00:58:01.810 --> 00:58:11.299 Frank R. Harrison: So, Jeff, in terms of your story, you have been basically having your stages of epilepsy Instagram following for the last couple of years since your book came out

00:58:11.350 --> 00:58:13.720 Frank R. Harrison: dating in the dark, or was it even before then.

00:58:14.680 --> 00:58:17.340 Jeff Demitrack: Yeah, it was 2,002 came out. Yeah. So.

00:58:17.960 --> 00:58:24.610 Frank R. Harrison: Okay. And so what? What are your plans going forward with regards to stages of epilepsy, the Instagram group that you have.

00:58:24.940 --> 00:58:31.729 Jeff Demitrack: Well, it's gonna be a busy year for me. But hopefully, I will come out with a book in 2,025. So

00:58:32.610 --> 00:58:34.900 Jeff Demitrack: our family and epilepsy.

00:58:35.610 --> 00:58:41.170 Frank R. Harrison: Okay, awesome. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think we're about the end of the show.

00:58:42.990 --> 00:58:51.439 Frank R. Harrison: I could be wrong. Give me a ping Logan to tell me how many more minutes I have left, because I just wanna wrap up by saying, first of all, Shelley

00:58:51.480 --> 00:58:53.749 Frank R. Harrison: like I echo what Lisa said.

00:58:53.980 --> 00:58:59.949 Frank R. Harrison: Basically, I, I look at your story as you definitely are a hero in your own right.

00:58:59.960 --> 00:59:01.160 Frank R. Harrison: You've had to.

00:59:01.690 --> 00:59:12.440 Frank R. Harrison: Incorporate genetic epilepsy with other kinds of illnesses. You, you discovered living in different environments, was actually helpful for you. You've become an advocate in your own right for

00:59:12.700 --> 00:59:16.320 Frank R. Harrison: options that you have to consider for you and your family.

00:59:16.940 --> 00:59:18.499 Frank R. Harrison: and at the same time

00:59:18.640 --> 00:59:23.070 Frank R. Harrison: one can say that even though you were born with genetic epilepsy.

00:59:23.080 --> 00:59:35.240 Frank R. Harrison: that it was the Co. Morbidities that defined you, and also made you become a fighter for what you've had to endure. Lisa. At the same time, your co-morbidities are what you manage to control.

00:59:35.390 --> 00:59:38.079 Frank R. Harrison: and simultaneously your seizures as well.

00:59:38.170 --> 00:59:58.990 Frank R. Harrison: I still have my own. You know, stoic reactions whenever a partial seizure is happening. But I take my capra and I'm come. So I think you're learning to live life as you are. And if there's any suggestions that I could give. Try to talk to your doctors to see if maybe those shots Osmic and everything.

00:59:59.230 --> 01:00:03.779 Frank R. Harrison: Oh, wait a minute. I'm getting the indication. We've gotta go alright Jeff.

01:00:03.800 --> 01:00:16.459 Frank R. Harrison: Jeff. Jeff. Thank you again for another episode of with involving stages of epilepsy, Frank, about health and ladies and gentlemen, I will be back next week with my third anniversary show or information to follow.

01:00:16.480 --> 01:00:21.249 Frank R. Harrison: Thanks for sent tuning into this show, and we will see you next week.

01:00:22.300 --> 01:00:23.189 Frank R. Harrison: 5 feet.

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