Mind, Body, Health & Politics

Thursday, May 16, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/05/16-Hacking the Fabric of Consciousness

Facebook Live Video from 2024/05/16-Hacking the Fabric of Consciousness


2024/05/16-Hacking the Fabric of Consciousness

[NEW EPISODE] Hacking the Fabric of Consciousness

“The mission of Mind Body Health & Politics is to expand consciousness, stimulate thought, enhance mental and physical health, and encourage community.” — Dr. Richard L. Miller

I’m thrilled to introduce Andrés Gómez Emilsson, co-founder of the Qualia Research Institute (QRI) – which is building a “science of consciousness to improve the lives of sentient beings.” Andrés holds a Master’s in Psychology from Stanford, focusing on computational models. He was also co-founder of the Stanford Transhumanist Association and first place winner of the Norway Math Olympiad. His passion, and the mission of QRI, is understanding the fabric of consciousness itself.

Early in our interview, Andrés advocates prescribing psychedelics for cluster headaches, which he says can be even more painful than amputation without anesthesia.

“LSD, DMT, and psilocybin mushrooms actually abort those headaches and prevent them for weeks at a time,” he notes, “in a way that seems much more effective and reliable than the best available medicines.”

Providing psychedelic access, Andrés says, could eradicate cluster headaches within 5-10 years with the right resources.

Another focus at QRI is developing technology to induce therapeutic psychedelic states without drugs. Andrés shared his work on a device using sound, light and vibration that can reportedly generate ketamine-like effects and emotional breakthroughs.

They are also collaborating with mathematicians to map DMT experiences with diagrams of hyper-dimensional spaces encountered by those who have taken the substance – trying to make sense of objects and properties people who take it have reported seeing.

Folks – this is consciousness research at the leading edge.

Andrés radiates enthusiasm for synthesizing psychedelics, computation and consciousness. He described his daily jhana meditation practice, a pleasurable absorption generating insights on improving bodily well-being. Although he is young, Andrés exemplifies the wise self-experimentation found in the elders featured in my recent book Psychedelic Wisdom.

Finally, Andrés articulates an ethical framework for integrating psychedelics and technology to reduce suffering worldwide. I’m inspired by Andrés’ vision and invite you to learn more through, as well as and their YouTube channel.

Tune in for this healthy conversation at

Show Notes

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4


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