This week, on The Conscious Consultant Hour, Sam is pleased to welcome Certified EFT Practitioner, Positive Psychology Coach, NLP Master, and Hypnotherapist, Karen J. Stultz.
Karen grew up being a people pleaser, and self-doubter, filled with regret, anxiety, resentment, and who was very unhappy.
For years Karen studied and became certified in most areas of coaching. She learned that coaching, although awesome, didn't work well when someone was in pain, emotional or physical, and felt that there had to be faster ways to feel better.
Being an out of the box kind of person, Karen took parts of everything she learned, and put them into an Awesome Life Success system, and Heart Energy Techniques to feel better both emotionally and physically, and to move forward with Joy.
She calls this system "Heart Energy Techniques," or HET for short. With her Awesome Life Success system, Service, Based-Heart Centered, Solopreneurs eliminate anxiety, guilt, and regret around money, and create a path to achieve and live the lifestyle they want.
Tune in and share your questions and comments about how to live a more successful life on our YouTube livestream or on our Facebook page.
On this episode of The Conscious Consultant Hour, Sam is joined by Certified EFT Practitioner, Positive Psychology Coach, NLP Master, and Hypnotherapist, Karen J. Stultz. They will be discussing her work and some of the techniques she uses in her practice. As always, Sam starts by reading from one of his blog posts. The one he reads is entitled, “Connection and Community Are The Antidote To Violence.” To read this blog and more content from Sam, please visit for more details. Afterward, we are given a formal introduction to Karen and finish off the segment by introducing what is to come in this episode.
After the first break, we return to Sam and Karen discussing how she got into the world of healing and coaching. Karen explains that she was going through many personal life events and realized that she did not want to live with any regrets. From there Karen asked herself what she should do with her life to ensure that she didn’t live in regret. From a news segment she saw on television, she found the world of coaching, did more research, got certifications, and continued down this path until it all clicked for her.
Moving along in the discussion, Sam asks Karen about what moment she had decided to use the research and learnings to become a coach, not only for her personal life but also for other people. They dive deeper into more about the psychological aspect of the coaching and what Karen has learned over the years as a former people pleaser and former self-victim, as in she has been playing the victim in certain situations. As the segment finishes up, Karen shares more in detail about Hard Techniques and having a “toolbox” of things you may need in your day-to-day life and some of the results from those techniques.
As the episode comes to a close, Sam and Karen wrap up by talking about Karen’s podcast called “The Awesome Life” and why she decided to call it that. She goes on to explain that the word “awesome” is an acronym that stands for Awareness, Wellness, Environment, Spirit, Organization, Money, and Enjoyment. Karen dives deeper into each of these meanings and why she picked those topics for her acronym. To learn more about Karen and her work, please visit for more information.
00:00:29.560 --> 00:00:42.320 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Good afternoon, my conscious co-creators welcome to another edition of the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity, and as my loyal listeners can tell
00:00:42.320 --> 00:01:07.689 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: my voices, and that at 100%. Today I do have a bit of a chest cold. However, the show must go on so I will continue to bring you the best show that I can. We've got a wonderful guest today, and we will carry on forward. But please, just I beg your indulgence. As my voice is not as strong as it usually is.
00:01:08.070 --> 00:01:13.159 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so let me start off with my blog, so I can get to introducing my guest.
00:01:13.570 --> 00:01:15.530 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: My blog today
00:01:16.030 --> 00:01:23.010 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: is entitled, Connection and Community are the antidote to violence.
00:01:25.240 --> 00:01:27.640 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What is the cause of violence?
00:01:27.990 --> 00:01:30.439 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Why do people hurt each other?
00:01:31.030 --> 00:01:33.709 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: The answer is not so simple
00:01:34.230 --> 00:01:37.369 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: for it. It is not about the action.
00:01:38.040 --> 00:01:45.280 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We sometimes think that if someone hurts a person with a gun, the answer is to get rid of the gun.
00:01:45.790 --> 00:01:49.700 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and while not making guns easy to obtain, may help.
00:01:49.790 --> 00:01:52.009 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: That is only part of the answer.
00:01:52.350 --> 00:01:58.959 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: for someone is truly set on hurting another, they will find something else to use instead.
00:01:59.400 --> 00:02:03.520 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: The answer lies not in focusing on the symptom
00:02:03.790 --> 00:02:05.579 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the act of violence.
00:02:06.130 --> 00:02:10.840 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It lies in the underlying motivation of the person.
00:02:11.870 --> 00:02:14.610 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Why do they want to hurt someone?
00:02:15.230 --> 00:02:19.509 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What is it that is causing them to commit such an act?
00:02:20.450 --> 00:02:21.370 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yes.
00:02:21.560 --> 00:02:24.550 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: hurt people do hurt people.
00:02:25.430 --> 00:02:28.600 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: yet there is more to it than just that.
00:02:29.560 --> 00:02:32.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: for happy people do not hurt people
00:02:32.220 --> 00:02:35.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: content. People do not hurt people.
00:02:35.810 --> 00:02:39.229 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: satisfied people do not hurt people.
00:02:39.800 --> 00:02:41.550 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and most of all.
00:02:41.640 --> 00:02:44.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: people who are connected to people
00:02:45.010 --> 00:02:46.390 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: do not hurt people.
00:02:48.000 --> 00:02:51.360 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What causes most of the violence in the world?
00:02:51.820 --> 00:02:57.589 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It comes from a profound lack of connection with oneself
00:02:57.810 --> 00:02:59.150 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and others
00:02:59.820 --> 00:03:05.599 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: from the unrecognized and unprocessed pain and sadness
00:03:05.760 --> 00:03:08.470 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: one experiences in life.
00:03:09.150 --> 00:03:16.119 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: For when we are hurt and angry and sad, and have no way to deal with it.
00:03:16.170 --> 00:03:17.530 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We lash out
00:03:18.810 --> 00:03:23.739 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: sometimes. All it takes is to have one good friend to talk to.
00:03:24.370 --> 00:03:28.969 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: or a community that we feel safe enough in to share our pain.
00:03:29.710 --> 00:03:32.300 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: maybe even a loved one
00:03:32.360 --> 00:03:35.750 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: who we know is there for us in our time of grief.
00:03:36.920 --> 00:03:39.849 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yet when we have no one to turn to.
00:03:39.960 --> 00:03:42.380 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: no one to listen to us.
00:03:42.440 --> 00:03:44.760 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: no one to help us.
00:03:45.090 --> 00:03:46.899 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we feel trapped.
00:03:48.050 --> 00:03:51.820 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we are trapped by our own internal struggle.
00:03:52.600 --> 00:03:56.899 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and the only thing we can imagine that will help us feel better
00:03:57.070 --> 00:04:01.540 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: is to inflict the same pain onto someone else.
00:04:02.920 --> 00:04:05.229 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Of course, that doesn't help
00:04:06.190 --> 00:04:09.230 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: inflicting pain onto someone else
00:04:09.540 --> 00:04:12.010 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: only creates more pain.
00:04:14.210 --> 00:04:18.379 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And and that is when we choose to end ourselves.
00:04:18.519 --> 00:04:22.029 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: because we can see no way to find relief.
00:04:22.990 --> 00:04:27.869 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: The real challenge in our world is to find a way to help people
00:04:27.960 --> 00:04:30.730 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: from ever getting to that point.
00:04:31.510 --> 00:04:34.549 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to find a way to come together.
00:04:34.940 --> 00:04:37.360 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: even in our alienation.
00:04:37.620 --> 00:04:42.440 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to learn how many other people feel the exact same way.
00:04:43.430 --> 00:04:44.670 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Connection
00:04:44.790 --> 00:04:46.270 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and community
00:04:46.540 --> 00:04:47.890 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: are the antidote.
00:04:48.880 --> 00:04:56.659 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yet connection and community can only be formed when we are learning to connect with ourselves.
00:04:56.920 --> 00:05:00.269 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when we stop running away from how we feel
00:05:01.400 --> 00:05:06.820 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when we know that there is real, that there really is someone out there who cares?
00:05:07.530 --> 00:05:12.919 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: The cure for violence is the same cure for everything.
00:05:13.710 --> 00:05:15.360 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It is love
00:05:15.860 --> 00:05:18.110 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: pure and simple.
00:05:19.460 --> 00:05:20.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and when we
00:05:21.020 --> 00:05:23.779 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: learn to truly love each other.
00:05:24.150 --> 00:05:26.310 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We will care about each other.
00:05:26.810 --> 00:05:31.449 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and when we care about each other we connect with each other.
00:05:32.190 --> 00:05:36.540 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: then no one has to feel alone and isolated.
00:05:37.300 --> 00:05:40.069 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Instead of acting out of pain.
00:05:40.620 --> 00:05:45.260 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we can cry and release the sadness that underlies it.
00:05:46.920 --> 00:05:50.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: When we all feel safe enough to cry.
00:05:51.890 --> 00:05:53.120 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we will stop
00:05:53.250 --> 00:05:55.100 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: hurting each other.
00:05:56.690 --> 00:05:59.670 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Do you feel isolated and alone?
00:06:00.250 --> 00:06:03.090 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Are you running away from your pain?
00:06:03.710 --> 00:06:05.840 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Can you find someone
00:06:05.900 --> 00:06:07.160 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: anyone
00:06:07.230 --> 00:06:10.229 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you feel safe enough to talk to about it.
00:06:12.130 --> 00:06:13.090 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So
00:06:13.430 --> 00:06:16.949 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I wrote this blog post a couple of years ago.
00:06:18.370 --> 00:06:21.759 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it was after one of the
00:06:22.270 --> 00:06:24.010 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: mass shootings
00:06:24.170 --> 00:06:25.000 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: which
00:06:25.150 --> 00:06:26.650 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in this country
00:06:27.120 --> 00:06:29.769 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: are becoming all too common.
00:06:32.010 --> 00:06:33.200 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And
00:06:34.580 --> 00:06:35.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it
00:06:35.690 --> 00:06:38.229 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it's really such a
00:06:39.040 --> 00:06:41.870 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: polarizing subject, because
00:06:44.250 --> 00:06:48.769 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: a lot of people will point to. Well, we need more gun legislation.
00:06:48.960 --> 00:06:52.730 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I agree like there's no need to carry such a
00:06:52.740 --> 00:06:54.679 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: deadly weapon around.
00:06:55.490 --> 00:07:00.250 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But that's not really getting to the cause that's focusing on this symptom
00:07:03.240 --> 00:07:07.310 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it. And it's what we do in society in general.
00:07:07.630 --> 00:07:10.870 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: at least in this society. Here in the United States.
00:07:11.530 --> 00:07:14.310 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we spent way too much time
00:07:15.180 --> 00:07:17.400 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: focusing on symptoms.
00:07:18.630 --> 00:07:20.450 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: focusing on what
00:07:21.110 --> 00:07:24.310 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: right in front of us that we can legislate
00:07:25.810 --> 00:07:27.810 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: some way around it.
00:07:28.190 --> 00:07:31.710 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: instead of really looking at the true cause.
00:07:32.640 --> 00:07:34.310 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What's underneath
00:07:34.770 --> 00:07:36.039 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: this symptom.
00:07:37.210 --> 00:07:39.670 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and inevitably with violence.
00:07:40.150 --> 00:07:43.390 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: unless it's being committed by somebody
00:07:43.600 --> 00:07:45.340 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: who is truly.
00:07:45.760 --> 00:07:47.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: mentally ill.
00:07:48.540 --> 00:07:53.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But even if they are mentally ill, you've got to ask the question, how did they become mentally ill?
00:07:54.540 --> 00:08:01.579 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It's usually not all genetics. There's always an environmental component to it.
00:08:04.900 --> 00:08:07.290 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So again, it comes down
00:08:07.470 --> 00:08:11.100 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to what is the underlying cause of violence.
00:08:14.170 --> 00:08:19.019 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it's always the same. At least I've found it's always the same.
00:08:22.770 --> 00:08:27.600 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It is a lack of being able to deal with
00:08:27.930 --> 00:08:29.930 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: deep pain.
00:08:33.850 --> 00:08:38.860 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I mean, we've seen the stories. They've made them all into Hollywood movies
00:08:38.940 --> 00:08:44.689 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: of these crazy serial killers, and what awful childhoods they have!
00:08:45.450 --> 00:08:50.000 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Rarely. I don't think I've ever heard any story
00:08:51.720 --> 00:08:55.200 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: where somebody did something so horrible
00:08:55.620 --> 00:08:59.329 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that came from a truly loving family
00:08:59.440 --> 00:09:03.550 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and loving environment, where there was no abuse and no pain.
00:09:07.850 --> 00:09:10.180 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So if we want to stop
00:09:10.590 --> 00:09:15.949 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the senseless violence that's happening all over our world.
00:09:19.470 --> 00:09:21.489 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it's not about
00:09:23.110 --> 00:09:28.160 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: putting up walls and barbed wire fences and
00:09:28.230 --> 00:09:29.889 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: taking away
00:09:31.940 --> 00:09:35.169 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: all different kinds of things.
00:09:36.580 --> 00:09:37.510 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: You know
00:09:38.220 --> 00:09:41.140 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the gun happens to be a very efficient
00:09:41.620 --> 00:09:44.279 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: machine for inflicting pain.
00:09:44.560 --> 00:09:47.510 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but if someone doesn't have access to a gun.
00:09:47.550 --> 00:09:51.610 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: they'll use a hammer. They'll use something else.
00:09:52.640 --> 00:09:56.829 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: If they're really intent on causing pain and violence.
00:09:56.900 --> 00:09:59.549 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: they will find a way to do it.
00:10:00.080 --> 00:10:12.250 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: This doesn't mean we should make it easy for them to to get on, to speak, to get a hold of something that they can use to inflict pain on a large number of people easily, and of course not.
00:10:16.670 --> 00:10:18.840 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But what it does mean is
00:10:18.970 --> 00:10:21.959 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: if we focus on the real issue.
00:10:23.050 --> 00:10:25.370 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: on what's really causing them
00:10:25.760 --> 00:10:30.570 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to become the kind of person who would do something like that.
00:10:32.450 --> 00:10:35.609 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: That is a much more powerful way
00:10:36.150 --> 00:10:38.860 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: of approaching the issue in the challenge.
00:10:43.160 --> 00:10:44.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And I just wonder.
00:10:45.810 --> 00:10:49.189 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I really wonder, what kind of world
00:10:49.500 --> 00:10:51.289 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: would we be living in
00:10:52.940 --> 00:10:58.609 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: if we really looked at issues like violence from that perspective?
00:11:00.390 --> 00:11:02.799 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: How would we show up differently.
00:11:06.370 --> 00:11:08.270 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it doesn't matter
00:11:08.360 --> 00:11:12.510 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: whether we're a politician or a housewife, or a
00:11:12.900 --> 00:11:19.020 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: a middle manager in some corporation, or an entrepreneur, or a bus boy or a
00:11:19.950 --> 00:11:22.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: an Uber driver.
00:11:22.700 --> 00:11:25.960 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It doesn't matter what we do for a living.
00:11:27.280 --> 00:11:29.050 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What matters is.
00:11:30.330 --> 00:11:35.060 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: how do we show up as a human being in whatever role we have.
00:11:38.040 --> 00:11:40.300 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and if we all just show up
00:11:40.420 --> 00:11:43.169 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: a little bit more compassionately.
00:11:43.670 --> 00:11:45.950 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: a little bit more
00:11:47.560 --> 00:11:48.950 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: consciously.
00:11:49.410 --> 00:11:51.529 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in everything we do
00:11:52.750 --> 00:11:55.219 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: from how we raise our children
00:11:55.620 --> 00:11:58.920 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to, how we treat strangers on the street.
00:12:01.200 --> 00:12:03.569 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to how we treat the homeless.
00:12:05.970 --> 00:12:07.510 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We just showed up
00:12:08.810 --> 00:12:10.699 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: with more concern.
00:12:13.490 --> 00:12:14.770 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I wonder
00:12:16.300 --> 00:12:18.340 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: different the world could be.
00:12:21.460 --> 00:12:22.520 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So yeah.
00:12:23.140 --> 00:12:27.610 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in my opinion, it's connection and community
00:12:28.190 --> 00:12:30.599 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that are the antidote to violence.
00:12:32.560 --> 00:12:35.310 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I'll be curious to know what you think.
00:12:36.030 --> 00:12:40.540 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so please feel free to comment on the live stream
00:12:40.900 --> 00:12:45.650 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: course. You can always send me an email at Sam at the Conscious
00:12:46.390 --> 00:12:48.949 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: That's my blog post for this week.
00:12:49.080 --> 00:12:59.310 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: which you can always find my blog, slash blog as well as on my personal branded website, the conscious, consultant com.
00:12:59.810 --> 00:13:00.640 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So
00:13:00.990 --> 00:13:02.990 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: all writing
00:13:04.100 --> 00:13:05.160 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: hope that
00:13:05.500 --> 00:13:07.480 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: mean something to you.
00:13:07.996 --> 00:13:12.689 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So now it is my pleasure to welcome to the show
00:13:12.720 --> 00:13:21.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: certified E of T. Practitioner, positive psychology, coach, Nlp. Master and hypnotherapist, Karen Stalts.
00:13:21.370 --> 00:13:46.650 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Karen grew up being a people pleaser, a self-douder filled with regret anxiety. Resentment who was very unhappy for years Karen studied and became certified in most areas of coaching. She learned that coaching, although awesome, didn't work well when someone was in pain, emotional or physical, and felt that there had to be faster ways to feel better.
00:13:46.880 --> 00:14:03.790 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Being an out-of-the-box kind of person, Karen took parts of everything she learned, and put them into an awesome life success, system and heart energy techniques to feel better, both emotionally and physically, and move forward with joy.
00:14:04.290 --> 00:14:09.339 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: She calls her system the heart, energy techniques, or HET. For short.
00:14:09.480 --> 00:14:10.409 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: with her
00:14:10.550 --> 00:14:26.590 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: awesome life, success, system, service-based, heart-centered solopreneurs, eliminate anxiety, guilt and regret around money and create a path to achieve and live the lifestyle they want. Welcome to the conscious consultant hour. Karen.
00:14:26.950 --> 00:14:30.239 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Thank you so much for having me, Sam. This is.
00:14:30.460 --> 00:14:33.170 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I can't even express how
00:14:33.240 --> 00:14:35.710 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 happy I am to be here with you again.
00:14:36.500 --> 00:14:39.709 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Thank you, thank you. It's a pleasure to have you on the show.
00:14:39.780 --> 00:14:44.999 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Quick! Shout out to loyal listener, Patty. I see she's listening on the live stream.
00:14:45.492 --> 00:15:01.270 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So, Karen, you know what? I I wanted to, kinda you know. Give the audience a little bit of your background and stuff. But before we do that, let's take a quick break. And so when we come back well, plenty of time. And so when we come back from break. I'd love for you to just talk about
00:15:01.490 --> 00:15:19.959 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: what motivated you to get into this work. You know. How did you decide to to study all of these different modalities become a coach and and and a mentor to people. And and what was it that really brought you to that place? Okay.
00:15:20.080 --> 00:15:25.394 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Oh, I I I'd be happy to share that. Do you have about? Oh, 7 or 8 h.
00:15:27.060 --> 00:15:31.040 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we'll take the reader's Digest condensed version of that. Okay.
00:15:31.480 --> 00:15:32.590 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Sounds good.
00:15:32.840 --> 00:15:42.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Awesome. So everybody, please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious, consultant hour awakening humanity, our guest the hours, Karen stealth.
00:15:42.900 --> 00:15:44.730 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and we will be right back
00:15:44.780 --> 00:15:46.399 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in just a moment.
00:18:03.800 --> 00:18:08.749 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And welcome back to the conscious, consultant hour awakening humanity.
00:18:09.268 --> 00:18:12.699 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We're speaking this hour with Karen. So, Karen.
00:18:12.860 --> 00:18:24.529 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I I would love to hear like, how did you start to get into all this stuff, learning about healing and coaching, and all these different modalities? What was it that kind of got you started on this path.
00:18:25.941 --> 00:18:29.288 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Thanks so much, Sam. Actually, you know it is
00:18:30.080 --> 00:18:32.940 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I I didn't grow up this way. I did not
00:18:33.270 --> 00:18:36.770 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 feel I felt like everything was inside of us.
00:18:36.890 --> 00:18:44.699 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and it was up to us we were responsible people, and we needed to learn. And you know, all this other stuff is just woo! Woo! That's all there is to it.
00:18:45.500 --> 00:18:46.790 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And
00:18:47.565 --> 00:18:52.800 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I didn't, you know, discount it. I just didn't care. And
00:18:53.910 --> 00:18:56.370 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 when I was around 50,
00:18:56.810 --> 00:19:06.529 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 my I left my home, my husband, my job, and moved in with my parents to take care of them.
00:19:07.285 --> 00:19:16.209 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 That was not leaving for good. There was no anger or anything involved. As a matter of fact, I I went to my husband and I said, Look.
00:19:16.650 --> 00:19:20.120 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I've done some soul searching my parents.
00:19:20.240 --> 00:19:25.909 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 the would have to go into a nursing home, which is something I could not live with.
00:19:26.380 --> 00:19:29.289 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 It was simply me. I could not live that
00:19:29.580 --> 00:19:34.369 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 with the idea about my parents, who had been married for 68 years.
00:19:34.700 --> 00:19:36.519 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 might be in a nursing home
00:19:36.860 --> 00:19:37.930 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 separated.
00:19:38.550 --> 00:19:44.970 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So I said, All right. The only option is to have me leave my home
00:19:45.060 --> 00:19:46.240 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 in Maine
00:19:46.830 --> 00:19:51.790 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and my husband, and move into their home in another state.
00:19:52.470 --> 00:19:55.139 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I told my husband I
00:19:55.350 --> 00:19:57.180 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I hope you'll stay with me.
00:19:57.580 --> 00:19:58.440 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 But
00:19:59.040 --> 00:20:00.929 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 at this moment, in time
00:20:01.880 --> 00:20:06.680 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 this is what I have to do, so I can live without regret.
00:20:08.170 --> 00:20:16.440 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and, thank goodness he did stay with me, so it's all good. But in any case I moved in with them, and I saw my mom, who
00:20:16.480 --> 00:20:17.719 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 had been
00:20:18.700 --> 00:20:20.120 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 very positive.
00:20:20.640 --> 00:20:22.980 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 irritatingly positive
00:20:23.470 --> 00:20:25.169 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 to the point that
00:20:25.370 --> 00:20:27.389 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 her kids could do no wrong.
00:20:27.460 --> 00:20:31.499 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 She painted a pretty picture. Her family was perfect.
00:20:32.030 --> 00:20:36.990 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I'm saying, no, that's not the case. So I kind of discounted a lot.
00:20:37.320 --> 00:20:38.410 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and
00:20:39.170 --> 00:20:43.100 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I saw her now in her final years.
00:20:44.340 --> 00:20:46.450 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 living with a lot of anger
00:20:47.200 --> 00:20:49.909 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 lot of regret, lot of resentment.
00:20:51.130 --> 00:20:52.520 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and
00:20:52.540 --> 00:20:54.139 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I thought, No.
00:20:54.630 --> 00:20:57.439 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 no, this is not the way to live.
00:21:00.220 --> 00:21:03.760 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 You don't want to dive with a lot of anger and resentment.
00:21:04.220 --> 00:21:11.379 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and what can I do, and I realized that if I didn't do something and I didn't do something right away.
00:21:11.580 --> 00:21:12.560 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 that
00:21:13.850 --> 00:21:16.130 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I was going to be the same way
00:21:17.130 --> 00:21:19.470 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 because my husband had retired.
00:21:19.590 --> 00:21:21.879 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I was living with my parents.
00:21:22.280 --> 00:21:23.690 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and
00:21:25.120 --> 00:21:28.119 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I knew that when I went back home
00:21:28.160 --> 00:21:34.559 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 with my husband, retired. If I went back to a JOBI would have a lot of anger and resentment
00:21:34.750 --> 00:21:36.680 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and frustration.
00:21:36.880 --> 00:21:53.979 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I call up my husband. Say, how are you doing? Oh, this great. We're out having a good time out on the deck by the lake, enjoying each other's company with friends. And I'm saying, and I'm here with my parents and another state. Alright, yes, I would live with a lot of resentment and regret. So
00:21:54.370 --> 00:21:56.060 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 something had to change.
00:21:56.490 --> 00:22:05.179 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I am not a religious person by any means, but I I remember it totally where
00:22:05.190 --> 00:22:09.349 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I just sat down in the living room at my parents house and started crying.
00:22:09.570 --> 00:22:17.109 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I said, I don't know what I can do. I'm not a trained caregiver. I know nothing. I'm just
00:22:17.280 --> 00:22:19.530 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 doing the best I can.
00:22:19.610 --> 00:22:20.830 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 but I cannot
00:22:21.070 --> 00:22:27.949 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 live with regret and die with regret. I have to do something. But what?
00:22:29.560 --> 00:22:32.370 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And then I sucked it up and said, Okay.
00:22:35.540 --> 00:22:38.909 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I can't sit here crying. I have. I have 2
00:22:40.200 --> 00:22:41.100 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 people in there.
00:22:41.100 --> 00:22:41.919 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Like a lot.
00:22:41.920 --> 00:22:48.959 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Care for, so you know. Deal with it, and I look down, and I open up a magazine. Just
00:22:49.890 --> 00:22:55.049 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 open it up, and they're in the magazine was the next big thing in
00:22:55.640 --> 00:22:56.920 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 in the
00:22:57.290 --> 00:23:00.880 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 employment, so to speak, was coaching.
00:23:02.490 --> 00:23:06.010 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I said, Well, that's kind of interesting.
00:23:06.380 --> 00:23:08.159 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and guess what
00:23:08.560 --> 00:23:13.889 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I can do it online. I can learn online and get certified.
00:23:14.220 --> 00:23:17.509 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And this is at the time of dial up Internet.
00:23:17.770 --> 00:23:19.380 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So it was a little.
00:23:19.500 --> 00:23:21.559 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 This is back in 2,001.
00:23:23.000 --> 00:23:30.470 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And I said, Okay, so I can. I can. I can do that if nothing else. If I do nothing else.
00:23:31.310 --> 00:23:38.279 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I need to find out what is going on inside of me, so that I can be happy
00:23:39.840 --> 00:23:41.120 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and
00:23:41.200 --> 00:23:43.039 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 feel feel good.
00:23:43.730 --> 00:23:44.870 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So
00:23:44.900 --> 00:23:49.700 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 that's where it started. And then the universe. The next day
00:23:50.710 --> 00:23:57.249 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 we're watching the today show and guess what the father of coaching is being interviewed on the today show.
00:23:57.865 --> 00:24:11.079 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And it happened to be the school that I was looking at the day before, and I thought, All right, this is a sign. This is a sign I need to look at this a little bit more closely, and coaching was wonderful. I knew I didn't need
00:24:11.100 --> 00:24:12.385 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 psychiatry.
00:24:14.310 --> 00:24:19.619 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I did not need years of therapy. I didn't believe that it took years of therapy. I
00:24:19.760 --> 00:24:22.849 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I wanted to be able to do things more quickly.
00:24:23.580 --> 00:24:26.109 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 more easily, more gently.
00:24:26.550 --> 00:24:30.790 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And if that meant a long time. Okay, but
00:24:31.460 --> 00:24:32.300 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 but
00:24:32.420 --> 00:24:33.980 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 incremental steps.
00:24:35.400 --> 00:24:36.460 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So
00:24:37.950 --> 00:24:51.540 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 after the coaching and I got certified in in all realms of coaching, and I thought, coaching is great. This is wonderful. Instead of 20 or 40 years, I can get the same result in a couple of years.
00:24:52.410 --> 00:24:58.130 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 But, dang it, I am not feeling all that grand right now.
00:24:59.030 --> 00:25:02.089 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and if I'm not feeling good right now.
00:25:02.190 --> 00:25:06.700 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I am not making the best of all of my learnings.
00:25:07.310 --> 00:25:09.580 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I can't take it in because I'm hurting.
00:25:11.510 --> 00:25:12.100 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So
00:25:12.390 --> 00:25:18.600 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 what else can I do? That is a little bit faster, a little bit easier, a little bit gentler to
00:25:19.390 --> 00:25:21.840 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 to feel good without taking
00:25:21.950 --> 00:25:22.910 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 drugs.
00:25:23.750 --> 00:25:28.040 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 without taking antidepressants and tranquilizers and and things.
00:25:28.980 --> 00:25:30.020 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And
00:25:30.300 --> 00:25:33.300 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 so I started researching there and
00:25:33.550 --> 00:25:36.809 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 found eft. And
00:25:37.280 --> 00:25:38.472 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 then I learned
00:25:39.430 --> 00:25:42.819 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 about a school of hypnotherapy that I could. I?
00:25:42.970 --> 00:25:47.979 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 It was great. It was the first accredited college of Hypnotherapy in the country.
00:25:48.487 --> 00:25:52.250 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And I am! That's where I got my degree
00:25:52.910 --> 00:26:01.729 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and went into eft and then into neural linguistic programming, and became a master there, and
00:26:01.890 --> 00:26:04.689 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 just started searching out whatever
00:26:05.010 --> 00:26:06.270 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I could find.
00:26:06.270 --> 00:26:10.210 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So how long was that process? From when you saw that first
00:26:10.240 --> 00:26:14.429 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: article about coaching till you got all these certification.
00:26:14.729 --> 00:26:18.020 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Oh, I got lots of certifications, but I was still working.
00:26:18.320 --> 00:26:19.639 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:26:19.640 --> 00:26:28.979 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Working on myself. It is a a lifelong process. So I my my philosophy is, when you stop learning, you start to die.
00:26:28.980 --> 00:26:31.059 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, yeah, I agree, I agree.
00:26:31.060 --> 00:26:38.810 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Stop growing, and then then it's all over. So I'm still. I'm still learning, improving along the way.
00:26:38.890 --> 00:26:40.310 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So it
00:26:40.550 --> 00:26:45.520 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 yeah, it's it wasn't until 2,018, though that it all clicked.
00:26:45.943 --> 00:26:56.966 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Okay, no, because I'm I'm just curious in terms of the timeline, like, you're getting all these certifications you're learning about pro coaching eft, nlp.
00:26:58.020 --> 00:27:01.589 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and what was happening with your parents at that same time?
00:27:01.870 --> 00:27:13.839 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Like, were they continuing to decline? Was it getting more difficult, like like I'm just wanted to see the juxtaposition of you're learning all this stuff, but you're still having to deal with your aging parents.
00:27:14.282 --> 00:27:15.167 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Well, actually,
00:27:16.420 --> 00:27:27.450 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 it was only 4 years with my parents, so it was a total of 5 years, but 2,000. I've moved over with them in 2,000, and then 2,001. I started this
00:27:28.570 --> 00:27:31.150 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 process, and
00:27:31.720 --> 00:27:37.150 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 it allowed me to be more calm with them and
00:27:37.410 --> 00:27:41.670 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 find ways of toning down one of the
00:27:43.990 --> 00:27:47.289 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 lifesaving mantras that I was taught
00:27:48.100 --> 00:27:50.350 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 by Thomas Leonard, who was
00:27:51.060 --> 00:27:53.817 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 the father of coaching supposedly
00:27:56.560 --> 00:28:00.649 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 He was asked one time. What do you do with a difficult coaching client?
00:28:02.360 --> 00:28:08.799 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And his answer was, Well, just remember at this moment, in time
00:28:08.910 --> 00:28:10.560 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 they're doing the best they can.
00:28:10.970 --> 00:28:13.260 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And this moment in time is all we have.
00:28:14.130 --> 00:28:15.550 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 That's all we have.
00:28:15.650 --> 00:28:18.779 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So at this moment, in time, they're doing the best they can.
00:28:18.820 --> 00:28:21.469 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So I turned it around for me
00:28:22.260 --> 00:28:26.930 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 so that I could forgive myself. I could find more peace and recognize
00:28:27.770 --> 00:28:30.550 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 that when I started losing it with my folks.
00:28:31.550 --> 00:28:34.619 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Let's say, Karen, don't beat yourself up.
00:28:36.080 --> 00:28:38.150 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 You're doing the best you can
00:28:38.860 --> 00:28:43.099 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 at this moment in time, even if it's clear that you're not.
00:28:44.980 --> 00:28:53.679 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And that was the second part of what Thomas Leonard said, even if it at this moment, in time, they're doing the best they can, even if it's clear that they're not.
00:28:55.130 --> 00:28:57.630 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So I turned that to me and said.
00:28:58.290 --> 00:29:00.859 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Okay, now I have a choice.
00:29:01.990 --> 00:29:03.209 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Now I have a choice.
00:29:03.320 --> 00:29:05.099 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I can continue
00:29:06.020 --> 00:29:09.409 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 being upset with myself being upset with others.
00:29:10.050 --> 00:29:16.269 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 or I can say at this moment, in time, they're doing the best they can. And now we have a choice. How are we going to change?
00:29:20.020 --> 00:29:21.590 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And we always have choice?
00:29:22.110 --> 00:29:30.559 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So it really helped me take care of my folks a little bit better. Did I? Did I lose it. Oh, yeah.
00:29:32.030 --> 00:29:35.660 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Did the frustration level get really high? Oh, yes.
00:29:35.950 --> 00:29:36.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Me!
00:29:36.690 --> 00:29:42.120 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And so that's when I started looking into positive psychology.
00:29:42.710 --> 00:29:43.370 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Dutch.
00:29:43.690 --> 00:29:44.676 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And other
00:29:46.280 --> 00:29:48.200 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 other things that I can
00:29:48.890 --> 00:29:50.709 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 say. All right, Karen.
00:29:52.280 --> 00:29:54.969 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 They are doing the best they can
00:29:56.200 --> 00:29:57.280 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 be gentle.
00:29:57.870 --> 00:29:59.120 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 be kind.
00:30:00.180 --> 00:30:02.680 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and all you can do
00:30:02.770 --> 00:30:03.780 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 is
00:30:04.020 --> 00:30:06.730 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 do the best that you can to help them
00:30:07.050 --> 00:30:08.350 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 on their journey.
00:30:10.060 --> 00:30:10.940 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So.
00:30:12.300 --> 00:30:19.849 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Well, okay. So course, I have a bunch of follow up questions to that. But we do have to take another break.
00:30:20.573 --> 00:30:23.750 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So when we come back, I'd love to hear
00:30:24.840 --> 00:30:26.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when you
00:30:27.290 --> 00:30:32.319 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: decided to sort of make that switch from using all this stuff just to help yourself
00:30:32.590 --> 00:30:34.549 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to using it to help other people.
00:30:35.340 --> 00:30:36.539 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Sounds like a plan.
00:30:36.790 --> 00:30:47.530 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Awesome. So everyone, please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consult hour awakening humanity. We do this every Thursday 12 noon to one pm, Eastern time
00:30:48.240 --> 00:30:57.630 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: right here on Talkradio, NYC. And all over social media, and we'll be right back with our guest, Karen Stelz, in just a moment.
00:33:03.220 --> 00:33:04.570 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And welcome back.
00:33:05.050 --> 00:33:06.610 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So, Karen,
00:33:07.540 --> 00:33:14.140 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so you you learned all this stuff, and and I kind of relate, because it was a similar thing I learned a lot of
00:33:14.180 --> 00:33:15.870 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: healing techniques
00:33:15.970 --> 00:33:22.839 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: initially was for my own healing. Not that I ever thought in a million years I would use it to help other people.
00:33:22.860 --> 00:33:24.929 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But then there was that one workshop
00:33:25.030 --> 00:33:45.059 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: where you know, you learn some new technique, and you get paired up with someone else who's in the workshop, and you you work together, and I help this woman to release a condition she had from the time she was a child, and the light bulb went off, and it was like, Oh, I can use this, not just for myself, but to help other people.
00:33:45.450 --> 00:33:50.590 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so I'm curious. What was that moment for you. When did you decide
00:33:50.600 --> 00:33:57.539 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that? Oh, this isn't just to help me deal with my parents. I can use all this stuff to help other people.
00:33:58.460 --> 00:34:01.750 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Well, actually, I thought that almost immediately.
00:34:02.130 --> 00:34:05.130 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 because with the coaching that is
00:34:05.170 --> 00:34:06.359 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 with the coaching
00:34:06.909 --> 00:34:21.840 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I thought, this will be my new realm, and thank you for asking that, Sam so I immediately started getting the neighbors to practice coaching on and and whatnot, and my parents were
00:34:22.659 --> 00:34:24.649 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 very loving, just like
00:34:24.820 --> 00:34:31.860 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 very fortunate like you say I'm not ready to go out and do any mass shooting, because I had wonderful parents a wonderful life.
00:34:32.270 --> 00:34:33.676 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and they
00:34:35.260 --> 00:34:38.389 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So everything had to work around them.
00:34:38.929 --> 00:34:46.310 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 But my thought was for my future. When I go back to my husband I needed to be an entrepreneur.
00:34:46.570 --> 00:34:49.450 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 but I still wasn't sure about myself.
00:34:49.590 --> 00:34:51.110 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I was still
00:34:51.940 --> 00:34:57.989 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 anxious about my abilities, and, thank goodness, while I was with my parents I had
00:34:58.630 --> 00:35:01.710 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 the support of my brother, who
00:35:03.447 --> 00:35:07.710 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 for a time, part of that time he was in the same state
00:35:08.245 --> 00:35:15.920 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 about an hour and a half away, and then he moved to California, but he was still there for me always.
00:35:15.920 --> 00:35:16.350 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Hmm.
00:35:16.350 --> 00:35:20.370 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And and just knowing that I had that other person
00:35:20.390 --> 00:35:26.869 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 for support. Understanding we're we both wanted the same things for our parents.
00:35:27.250 --> 00:35:28.180 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So
00:35:28.520 --> 00:35:30.649 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 that was a huge thing.
00:35:32.000 --> 00:35:41.169 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 but I knew when I came back home I would need to or I wanted to. I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I wanted to create that coaching career.
00:35:42.630 --> 00:35:45.559 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 However, what I found was that
00:35:45.930 --> 00:35:47.749 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 just like in myself.
00:35:49.120 --> 00:35:50.779 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 there's something missing.
00:35:50.990 --> 00:35:54.560 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I am not a psychologist. I didn't want to go through
00:35:55.060 --> 00:36:04.940 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 the the psychology of it all. I just knew in my heart that it didn't have to be as hard. It simply did not have to be
00:36:04.970 --> 00:36:06.460 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 so hard
00:36:07.090 --> 00:36:18.659 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 we could find a way to feel better, more quickly, so we could look at things and start looking at ourselves and take responsibility for ourselves and accept that
00:36:19.410 --> 00:36:23.770 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 at this moment. In time we're doing the best we can, even though it's clear we're not.
00:36:24.000 --> 00:36:24.730 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Hmm.
00:36:25.220 --> 00:36:25.900 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So
00:36:26.240 --> 00:36:32.929 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 we have a choice. Do we want to really do what the best we can, and and enjoy life? Because.
00:36:33.020 --> 00:36:36.050 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 my my philosophy there is that
00:36:36.770 --> 00:36:40.560 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 we all have the same purpose purpose in life.
00:36:40.610 --> 00:36:43.109 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 We're all put here on this earth
00:36:43.330 --> 00:36:45.420 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 to enjoy life.
00:36:45.690 --> 00:36:49.209 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 to be happy, to be free, to be prosperous.
00:36:49.920 --> 00:36:51.729 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 This is our purpose.
00:36:52.730 --> 00:36:56.740 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and as a a reform people pleaser.
00:36:57.180 --> 00:37:02.520 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I have to admit, sometimes I sink back into that people pleasing upon occasion.
00:37:03.080 --> 00:37:05.994 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 But as a reform people pleaser.
00:37:06.840 --> 00:37:07.830 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I it's
00:37:09.810 --> 00:37:11.699 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 it. It is free
00:37:11.930 --> 00:37:15.370 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 to be able to be yourself and be proud of yourself.
00:37:15.650 --> 00:37:19.220 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 because if you are feeling it in your heart. And I had to
00:37:19.780 --> 00:37:24.749 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 use these techniques kind of to open up my heart
00:37:26.460 --> 00:37:27.929 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 to allow
00:37:28.310 --> 00:37:29.280 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 the
00:37:29.510 --> 00:37:32.359 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 pain to come in so I could look at it
00:37:32.550 --> 00:37:34.119 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and release it.
00:37:34.500 --> 00:37:35.630 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Hmm, hmm.
00:37:37.210 --> 00:37:38.429 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And just
00:37:39.670 --> 00:37:41.530 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 recognize that
00:37:42.800 --> 00:37:44.660 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 everyone is human
00:37:44.910 --> 00:37:46.690 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and everyone is divine.
00:37:48.770 --> 00:37:53.280 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And we kind of lost sight of that divine.
00:37:54.070 --> 00:37:55.880 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:37:56.550 --> 00:38:01.730 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah. In today's world, with all the craziness going on, it's easy to do that, isn't it?
00:38:02.700 --> 00:38:09.469 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Oh, my, yes, I've gone down the tubes more than once, but the one thing that has always helped is
00:38:10.840 --> 00:38:13.549 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 well, number one, we do have a choice.
00:38:13.840 --> 00:38:17.329 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and to recognize that we are powerful, and
00:38:17.520 --> 00:38:19.860 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 whatever choice we make
00:38:21.100 --> 00:38:24.790 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 is is one that we have to take responsibility for.
00:38:25.060 --> 00:38:26.380 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 With that said
00:38:26.780 --> 00:38:29.060 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 we could also change that.
00:38:30.290 --> 00:38:34.220 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 If we so desire. As you were reading your blog.
00:38:34.270 --> 00:38:38.350 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 the thing that popped up into my mind was trading places
00:38:38.730 --> 00:38:44.220 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 with Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd from what in the seventies or eighties.
00:38:44.230 --> 00:38:45.560 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And
00:38:45.610 --> 00:38:49.420 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 it it is true, if we start
00:38:49.780 --> 00:38:52.209 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 treating people with the respect
00:38:53.590 --> 00:38:54.320 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 that
00:38:54.500 --> 00:38:59.280 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 not necessarily what they deserve, but treating people with respect.
00:38:59.510 --> 00:39:03.500 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Following Golden Rule again, that's been popping in my head a lot.
00:39:03.790 --> 00:39:09.130 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 The Golden Rule is kind of been forgotten, and I don't know how many people
00:39:10.020 --> 00:39:16.759 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 even know about it now. But basically, the Golden Rule is, treat others as you would like to be treated.
00:39:18.950 --> 00:39:20.310 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And if we
00:39:20.410 --> 00:39:24.670 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 want to be treated with respect. We need to give respect.
00:39:25.380 --> 00:39:28.980 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 If we want to be loved, we need to give love
00:39:29.660 --> 00:39:32.300 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 not only to others but to ourselves.
00:39:34.100 --> 00:39:35.420 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Feeling in
00:39:36.640 --> 00:39:39.349 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I was talking to somebody the other day
00:39:39.490 --> 00:39:41.600 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 who said that
00:39:41.970 --> 00:39:44.330 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 they just didn't feel that
00:39:44.840 --> 00:39:51.180 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 they could do any self care. They had to care about everybody else. They couldn't. They couldn't care about themselves.
00:39:52.790 --> 00:39:54.630 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 But if you look at it.
00:39:55.500 --> 00:39:57.740 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 shift that perspective a little bit.
00:39:57.850 --> 00:40:00.470 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 When you change your perspective, you change your truth.
00:40:00.770 --> 00:40:03.340 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and if you can change your perspective
00:40:04.540 --> 00:40:06.940 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and open yourself to the possibility
00:40:07.280 --> 00:40:07.950 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 that
00:40:09.580 --> 00:40:11.050 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 self care
00:40:11.190 --> 00:40:12.750 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 is self-love.
00:40:13.690 --> 00:40:17.090 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And you can't really love others until you love yourself.
00:40:17.350 --> 00:40:18.050 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Do
00:40:20.310 --> 00:40:24.919 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 so. That is the the learning journey, trying to open up
00:40:25.240 --> 00:40:28.580 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and and recognizing. When when I started off.
00:40:29.310 --> 00:40:33.519 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 people would say, Well, Karen, you're treating yourself like a victim.
00:40:34.190 --> 00:40:35.170 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I thought.
00:40:35.520 --> 00:40:37.439 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Oh, I'm not.
00:40:37.660 --> 00:40:39.479 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I'm no victim.
00:40:39.580 --> 00:40:43.519 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I stand up for myself when I need to the rest of the time.
00:40:43.650 --> 00:40:55.510 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Yeah, I I don't necessarily stand up for myself. But it it's okay. Yeah. You know, you do it in the right time, and when the time is right, I'll stand up for myself. And yeah.
00:40:57.320 --> 00:40:58.450 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And it.
00:40:58.660 --> 00:41:02.759 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Sam, it took oh, probably 4 years.
00:41:03.170 --> 00:41:06.230 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 4 years before. All of a sudden
00:41:07.340 --> 00:41:08.130 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I said.
00:41:08.990 --> 00:41:12.629 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Oh, my gosh! I've been playing the victim!
00:41:14.850 --> 00:41:16.220 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Oh, wow!
00:41:17.235 --> 00:41:19.130 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Been doing! I'm not a victim.
00:41:19.230 --> 00:41:23.650 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I don't feel like a victim, but I sure have been playing the victim.
00:41:24.270 --> 00:41:26.969 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 It's been serving me real real well.
00:41:28.050 --> 00:41:36.650 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I'm I'm wondering we we just got a few minutes before the next break. If you can tell us about how did you come up with your heart energy technique.
00:41:37.402 --> 00:41:41.229 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and what it's designed to really help people with.
00:41:41.760 --> 00:41:44.280 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Oh, thank you. Yeah, it
00:41:44.830 --> 00:42:12.270 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 right now. Okay, great. Yeah. The hard energy techniques is nothing new. It's basically taking everything that I've learned along the way all of the energy techniques, all of the eft. Nlp, hip, hypnotherapy energy, essential oils and putting them together in a unique way that will serve the individual based on your unique needs.
00:42:12.270 --> 00:42:12.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Hmm.
00:42:13.310 --> 00:42:20.490 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And that is something else. I've always felt you need to have a toolbox, a toolbox of things
00:42:21.110 --> 00:42:22.850 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 to to really
00:42:23.590 --> 00:42:26.599 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 feel good. But it's nothing new.
00:42:26.620 --> 00:42:29.789 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and the fact is, there is nothing new in this world.
00:42:29.810 --> 00:42:35.420 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 even us talking on. Zoom. This is nothing new. It's just somebody took
00:42:36.132 --> 00:42:46.339 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 iron ore out of the ground created a computer through the years and the technology. Somebody was inspired. They came up with an idea. They followed through with it.
00:42:46.730 --> 00:42:47.780 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And
00:42:48.640 --> 00:42:50.270 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 that's basically
00:42:50.980 --> 00:42:56.173 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I like to make my own things my own unique ways. And there we go.
00:42:56.520 --> 00:43:03.389 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And and what kind of results have you seen working with people with your heart, energy, technique.
00:43:03.940 --> 00:43:10.562 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Oh, well, I had a fellow who came in with anger issues due to a
00:43:11.740 --> 00:43:13.359 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 traumatic brain injury.
00:43:14.660 --> 00:43:16.909 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And I said, you know I've never
00:43:17.570 --> 00:43:24.074 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 done. I don't even know what a traumatic brain injury is. I need your doctor's approval, and fine, fine, fine, fine! Fine!
00:43:24.480 --> 00:43:28.859 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And he came in, and I said, Well, we'll set up about
00:43:28.930 --> 00:43:32.129 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 10 sessions. We'll do 10 sessions
00:43:32.200 --> 00:43:33.740 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and of
00:43:34.620 --> 00:43:39.529 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 the hard energy techniques, and we'll see where it goes. And I'm not going to guarantee a thing.
00:43:40.300 --> 00:43:40.980 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But.
00:43:41.190 --> 00:43:46.620 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 We'll see where it goes, he said. Karen. You're my last resort. And, by the way, I don't believe in anything that you're talking about.
00:43:47.620 --> 00:43:48.130 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I don't.
00:43:48.130 --> 00:43:50.069 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I don't believe in any of this stuff.
00:43:50.220 --> 00:43:58.600 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I said. That's perfect. Don't believe in it. Just be aware and allow the a and awesome life success.
00:43:59.402 --> 00:44:01.330 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Be aware and allow.
00:44:01.800 --> 00:44:06.409 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and we'll see where it goes. He came back to me on the fourth session, and he said, Karen, I don't.
00:44:07.580 --> 00:44:09.280 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I don't need this today.
00:44:09.490 --> 00:44:15.110 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I am feeling so great. People are seeing such a huge difference in me at work.
00:44:15.140 --> 00:44:17.960 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 My anger issues are pretty much
00:44:18.420 --> 00:44:19.820 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 gone. I said.
00:44:20.050 --> 00:44:21.040 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 really.
00:44:21.844 --> 00:44:23.700 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and he said, Yeah.
00:44:23.750 --> 00:44:27.670 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I only came in today because I want to know what you did to me.
00:44:28.020 --> 00:44:28.750 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Okay.
00:44:30.160 --> 00:44:32.240 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 well, you did the work.
00:44:32.940 --> 00:44:34.290 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 You did the work.
00:44:34.950 --> 00:44:37.219 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 We did the hard energy techniques.
00:44:37.230 --> 00:44:39.860 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 but you were open and allowing
00:44:40.140 --> 00:44:43.439 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 for change to happen. And
00:44:44.150 --> 00:44:46.199 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 so he yeah, he
00:44:47.360 --> 00:44:49.779 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 got together with his wife.
00:44:50.660 --> 00:45:01.386 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 He kept his job, which he was on the verge of losing because of his anger issues. And he's now living a wonderful life in Florida. So it's
00:45:02.330 --> 00:45:04.920 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 good. I also had somebody with
00:45:05.370 --> 00:45:08.470 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Tmj. She kept
00:45:08.550 --> 00:45:11.870 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 biting her teeth at night, and
00:45:12.160 --> 00:45:13.219 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 we got
00:45:13.390 --> 00:45:20.940 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 that taken care of. She discovered that she hadn't gotten over some of her anger issues with an ex-husband
00:45:23.030 --> 00:45:23.950 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 so
00:45:24.140 --> 00:45:29.710 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 very powerful stuff. And just just the other day somebody was doing a
00:45:30.730 --> 00:45:40.140 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 project. She's she's an executive producer, and she does a lot of this stuff, but she's opening up her own school, and she had to start advertising herself.
00:45:40.280 --> 00:45:42.579 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So we did a quick 5 min
00:45:42.730 --> 00:45:44.640 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 technique. And
00:45:44.860 --> 00:45:46.370 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 she said, Oh, my gosh.
00:45:46.470 --> 00:45:47.810 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I could do this.
00:45:48.040 --> 00:45:49.380 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I can. This is
00:45:50.540 --> 00:45:52.340 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 this is so cool. No problem.
00:45:53.560 --> 00:45:54.240 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Cool.
00:45:54.420 --> 00:45:59.400 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: awesome, alright! Well, it's time for us to take our last break. Believe it or not.
00:45:59.874 --> 00:46:03.589 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Time flies when you're having such great conversations.
00:46:03.650 --> 00:46:05.809 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So when we come back
00:46:06.180 --> 00:46:17.009 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I just wanna talk a little bit about how to have an awesome life. Your podcast is called awesome life. Podcast. So I'm assuming that means you're an expert on having an awesome life. So maybe.
00:46:17.310 --> 00:46:20.798 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Guests certainly are like Sam Leibowitz.
00:46:21.380 --> 00:46:29.319 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So let's maybe give our our audience some little tips. You know some little things about how they can have an awesome life. Okay.
00:46:29.320 --> 00:46:30.390 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Sounds, great.
00:46:30.390 --> 00:46:43.860 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Awesome. So please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consult. Now. Our awakening humanity will be right back with our guest, Karen stilts to wrap it all up, and to let you know how to have an awesome life. Stay with us.
00:48:52.370 --> 00:49:00.417 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Okay? Karen. So tell us, I'm curious. First of all, why did you call your podcast. The awesome life podcast.
00:49:01.010 --> 00:49:05.249 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And how do we what what can we do to have a more awesome life.
00:49:06.020 --> 00:49:10.080 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 You know, awesome is a very overused word.
00:49:10.190 --> 00:49:11.820 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and
00:49:12.490 --> 00:49:14.390 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I like to feel awesome.
00:49:15.126 --> 00:49:18.833 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I think most people do want to feel awesome. So
00:49:19.220 --> 00:49:25.850 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 being the left brain analyst, the person that I am. Often.
00:49:26.510 --> 00:49:28.470 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I thought, what
00:49:28.770 --> 00:49:32.490 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 what does awesome really mean?
00:49:33.075 --> 00:49:39.879 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And we have our definitions in the dictionary and whatnot. But I thought, How does that apply to our life? And I thought.
00:49:41.290 --> 00:49:43.529 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Okay, first of all.
00:49:43.990 --> 00:49:45.580 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 let's make it an acronym.
00:49:45.640 --> 00:49:50.160 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Alright. So the A is for awareness and allowing.
00:49:51.130 --> 00:49:58.740 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and when we are allowing ourselves to be aware of what's going on around us, another word for this would be mindfulness
00:50:00.794 --> 00:50:12.410 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 mindful of what's going on around you, being aware what are the circumstances used to drive me crazy, especially back with my my folks again. One of the caregivers that we
00:50:12.740 --> 00:50:15.629 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 had come in while I
00:50:15.690 --> 00:50:16.870 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 took a break.
00:50:19.230 --> 00:50:22.880 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 called me up and said, Your mom just walked into the closet.
00:50:23.680 --> 00:50:25.620 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I said, Huh.
00:50:27.400 --> 00:50:29.650 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 that doesn't sound right.
00:50:29.650 --> 00:50:30.320 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Room.
00:50:30.320 --> 00:50:35.920 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I said, Well, what? What was going on? She said, I don't know. I came down and I saw her in the closet.
00:50:37.480 --> 00:50:39.690 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I thought.
00:50:39.780 --> 00:50:40.920 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Okay.
00:50:41.700 --> 00:50:45.139 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 what? There, there's something more going on here.
00:50:45.250 --> 00:50:46.880 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 What are the other things?
00:50:48.160 --> 00:50:50.450 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 She said. No, your mom is just crazy.
00:50:50.650 --> 00:51:02.120 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and and that's all there is to it. So when I came back I thought about it, and I and I looked at the situation, and my mom got up in the middle of the night, and she went to the closet.
00:51:03.280 --> 00:51:05.610 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and she wanted a closet, because
00:51:06.370 --> 00:51:08.319 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 there's a light in the closet.
00:51:08.930 --> 00:51:13.989 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and without the light in the closet. She couldn't see the thermostat on the other wall
00:51:14.090 --> 00:51:16.290 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 to turn up the heat because she was cold.
00:51:19.100 --> 00:51:21.079 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Nothing wrong there
00:51:21.400 --> 00:51:22.090 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 just.
00:51:22.200 --> 00:51:33.649 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 She wasn't just walking into the closet filled with I mean you. You couldn't number one. The closet was so full, so, looking at the big picture, what are the other possibilities?
00:51:36.042 --> 00:51:38.449 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And then allowing those.
00:51:38.600 --> 00:51:48.909 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 because we are each unique and each doing the best we can, so we can allow them and accept them. We can reject them. We can just let it go.
00:51:49.100 --> 00:51:50.140 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Whatever.
00:51:51.250 --> 00:51:52.330 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Then
00:51:52.720 --> 00:51:54.840 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 we also need to feel healthy
00:51:54.890 --> 00:51:58.630 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and alive and feel well, both mentally and physically.
00:51:58.950 --> 00:52:02.020 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And that's what the W. Is, is for wellness.
00:52:03.160 --> 00:52:07.140 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 both mental and physical, and that came in because I
00:52:07.220 --> 00:52:12.234 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I was sitting I I was in a kind of Malays of
00:52:12.850 --> 00:52:15.120 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I felt like I'd had a lobotomy.
00:52:17.040 --> 00:52:21.230 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I wasn't happy. I wasn't sad. I wasn't anything. I was just flat line.
00:52:21.230 --> 00:52:21.790 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Hmm.
00:52:21.790 --> 00:52:27.139 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And I used everything in my toolbox to get out of it. This is not my choice.
00:52:27.300 --> 00:52:28.920 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Everything I tried
00:52:29.080 --> 00:52:37.800 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 nothing was working. My husband came out to me. I can see it all now. I was sitting outside in nature, trying to absorb that
00:52:37.910 --> 00:52:42.289 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 it wasn't working, and my husband came out almost in tears, and he said.
00:52:42.790 --> 00:52:45.290 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I wish there was something I could do for you.
00:52:46.110 --> 00:52:47.170 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And I
00:52:47.210 --> 00:52:50.690 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 yeah, I wish that was the case, too, but
00:52:52.650 --> 00:52:56.019 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I don't know what to do. And I thought, this is no way to live
00:52:56.670 --> 00:53:00.999 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 flat line. You gotta. You gotta have your ups and downs and happiness and.
00:53:01.450 --> 00:53:03.283 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Sadness, anyway.
00:53:05.120 --> 00:53:08.149 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I went in and I sat down. And I
00:53:09.170 --> 00:53:10.040 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 8.
00:53:11.740 --> 00:53:14.620 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I said, I don't want to live this way.
00:53:15.360 --> 00:53:18.720 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And all of a sudden, behind me
00:53:18.740 --> 00:53:21.349 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I heard a man's voice, and, mind you, I'm
00:53:21.620 --> 00:53:23.340 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 sitting up against a wall.
00:53:23.740 --> 00:53:27.600 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I heard a man's voice, and he said, great fruit juice.
00:53:28.020 --> 00:53:29.750 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I said, Excuse me.
00:53:31.130 --> 00:53:37.030 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and he said, grapefruit juice, and I thought, Well, I have some grapefruit juice in the refrigerator for my friends.
00:53:37.500 --> 00:53:38.889 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Vodka and grapefruit.
00:53:40.460 --> 00:53:41.900 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and I took a drink.
00:53:42.020 --> 00:53:43.049 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I was back.
00:53:44.870 --> 00:53:45.830 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 I was fine.
00:53:46.400 --> 00:53:54.539 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 everything change. And I realized at that point, yes, nutrition has a lot to do with our wellness, both mental and physical.
00:53:55.830 --> 00:53:57.790 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 so wellness.
00:53:57.870 --> 00:54:01.439 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and then our environment, who we surround ourselves with?
00:54:01.810 --> 00:54:05.250 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Do we live in clutter? Do we live with negativity?
00:54:05.630 --> 00:54:07.499 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Do we live with positivity?
00:54:08.100 --> 00:54:12.990 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Do we live with joy. What and who do we surround ourselves with?
00:54:13.990 --> 00:54:18.010 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And then, right in the center of awesome. It's s for spirit.
00:54:18.800 --> 00:54:21.649 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 universe, God, goddess.
00:54:21.700 --> 00:54:23.259 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 whatever you call
00:54:23.840 --> 00:54:26.739 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 the overall energy of this world
00:54:27.360 --> 00:54:28.910 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 spirit.
00:54:29.180 --> 00:54:32.320 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and if we are aware and allow
00:54:33.300 --> 00:54:35.190 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 spirit to speak to us.
00:54:35.420 --> 00:54:37.230 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 it feels a whole lot better.
00:54:38.840 --> 00:54:52.820 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And then organization. Something I continuously work on. Organization just makes things a lot more calmer, more peaceful, because you know where things are. You know who you're dealing with. You know how to operate your radio show, you know.
00:54:53.887 --> 00:54:55.860 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And then money.
00:54:56.260 --> 00:54:59.789 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 because in our world today we have to operate with money.
00:54:59.960 --> 00:55:07.270 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Money provides not only our security, which is imperative, our our heat clothes, food.
00:55:07.920 --> 00:55:09.469 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 roof of our head.
00:55:10.340 --> 00:55:15.770 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 but it also helps provide for our enjoyment, and
00:55:15.820 --> 00:55:20.450 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 money does not make you a worse person when you have a lot of it.
00:55:21.220 --> 00:55:22.240 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Money
00:55:22.380 --> 00:55:28.290 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 just allows you to become a better person of who you are, because you can give more to others.
00:55:28.290 --> 00:55:33.279 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, I like to say, money just makes you more of who who you already are.
00:55:33.280 --> 00:55:33.770 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Yeah.
00:55:33.770 --> 00:55:39.339 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So if you're a kind person you'll just be more kind. If you're stingy person, you'll just be more stingy.
00:55:39.640 --> 00:55:42.070 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Exactly exactly.
00:55:42.450 --> 00:55:51.110 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 And then the final E, and awesome stands for enjoyment and fun. And in my world enjoyment and fun are number one.
00:55:51.220 --> 00:55:54.770 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 So the a of allowing and
00:55:54.950 --> 00:55:59.299 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 awareness, and the e of enjoyment and fun
00:56:00.030 --> 00:56:07.329 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 every minute of every day, if things are not enjoyable, if they're not fun, and Heaven knows they aren't.
00:56:08.380 --> 00:56:09.250 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 They are tall.
00:56:09.250 --> 00:56:10.367 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: All the time,
00:56:11.120 --> 00:56:12.950 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Find a way
00:56:13.530 --> 00:56:15.350 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 so that you can
00:56:15.710 --> 00:56:22.980 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 feel better about it. Find it if you're in a job that you're not happy with. That's okay.
00:56:24.260 --> 00:56:41.929 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Wonderful. Well, Karen, unfortunately we have to leave it there running out of time. I could conversation with you all day. If if our audience would like to learn more about you. Learn more about the work that you offer. Where can they go? How can they get in touch with you?
00:56:42.240 --> 00:56:52.310 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 You know I would love to talk to anybody who is curious about what they can do and just come to Karen forward slash! Let's talk.
00:56:52.420 --> 00:57:08.650 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 and let's get on the calendar. There's no obligation for that, and and see where you are. We find out where you are where you want to go, and if I'm the right person for you, or or come and and connect on Linkedin and Facebook, Karen J. Stalts.
00:57:09.100 --> 00:57:12.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And that's STUL TZ.
00:57:12.690 --> 00:57:13.470 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 See.
00:57:13.920 --> 00:57:24.605 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Wonderful ken. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your schedule to come on the show today. It's been a pleasure having you. I think you're doing wonderful work, and
00:57:25.130 --> 00:57:28.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I look forward to hearing more about it in the future.
00:57:29.330 --> 00:57:38.271 Karen Stultz -1-207-200-4335 Yeah, thank you so much, Sam. Really appreciate it. And I hope that you're feeling better. I I know this is not easy either. So hopefully. It was a little fun.
00:57:38.560 --> 00:57:59.751 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yes, absolutely. Thank you so much. And of course, thank you, my loyal listeners, for tuning it every week. Without you there is no show. So I appreciate each and every one of you. If you got any value out of this show, please share it with your friends, your family, your colleagues, you know, help us spread the word so that more people can have access to this information.
00:58:00.160 --> 00:58:04.549 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Thank you all for tuning in. We will speak to you all next week.