The Conscious Consultant Hour

Thursday, January 4, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/01/04 - Nothing To Regret

Facebook Live Video from 2024/01/04 - Nothing To Regret


2024/01/04 - Nothing To Regret

[NEW EPISODE] Nothing To Regret

This week, on The Conscious Consultant Hour, Sam is pleased to welcome Serial Entrepreneur, International Speaker, and Nine-Time #1 Best-Selling Author Iman Aghay.

Iman is best known as the co-founder of Actionera, a platform that assists experts in building mobile apps to enhance their income and impact.

Iman has developed more than 150 online courses for coaches, authors, speakers, and program leaders. He has presented at over 1,000 live and virtual stages and is an early investor in over 160 tech and medical companies.

Iman's TEDx talk is one of the world's top-rated speeches, focusing on how to live a life with no regrets.

He continues to make an impact by assisting entrepreneurs in building businesses aligned with their life's purpose.

Tune in and share your questions and comments around living your fullest life on our YouTube livestream or on our Facebook page  

Tune in for this enlightening conversation at

Show Notes

Segment  1

Today's episode kicks off with Sam reading a blog post titled "The unstoppable evolution of consciousness." Explore Sam's blog at TalkRadio.Nyc/blog. We're delighted to have Serial Entrepreneur, International Speaker, and Nine-Time #1 Best-Selling Author Iman Aghay join us. Iman tells us more about his life in Tehran, and his move to Canada.

Segment 2

In 2009, Iman relocated to Canada just after the recession. The initial years proved challenging, inspiring him to embark on his entrepreneurial journey. Starting from scratch, he constructed his life by pursuing his passions. Iman shares insights into his TedEx Talk, where he, after a near-death experience, chose to focus on life instead of delving into the intricacies of his business operations.

Segment 3

Iman talks about regrets and how he makes it a point to live with none. He characterizes regrets as enduring choices, like the regret of not putting in sufficient effort. Although recognized as an online course creator, Iman is currently undergoing a significant transformation. Despite feeling fearful and fatigued, the most crucial emotion for him is excitement. He shares with the audience his strategies for managing the fear of failure.

Segment 4

Iman shares with the audience his enthusiasm for Action Era, his recent business venture. His connection with Sam began at The Evolutionary Business Council, an organization now owned by Iman, and he elaborates on what attracted him to it. For more information, you can visit or


00:00:46.320 --> 00:00:59.990 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: good afternoon. Good morning. Good evening. Welcome to that conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. Welcome to my first live show for 2024.

00:01:00.170 --> 00:01:26.849 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Oh, are you excited for the New Year? Here's wishing everyone a much better 2024 than we had 2023, and beyond. I am super excited about the guest. I'll have on my show well introduced to you shortly. First, of course, as I am doing now. My new tradition is to read a blog from a couple of years ago. And this particular blog post is entitled.

00:01:26.870 --> 00:01:30.479 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: The Evolution of consciousness is unstoppable.

00:01:30.870 --> 00:01:36.849 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I think this one is probably more true today than it was when I wrote it.

00:01:37.060 --> 00:01:51.209 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And this is what it says. It is easy to look at the world and to be sad. There are so many unsettling things happening. People seem to be more divided than ever before.

00:01:51.700 --> 00:01:55.009 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yet this is not the whole situation.

00:01:55.190 --> 00:02:01.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: There was something else going on at the same time something subtle yet profound.

00:02:02.010 --> 00:02:07.189 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and although it is not apparent, you can see signs of it everywhere.

00:02:07.620 --> 00:02:13.500 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: signs that people are becoming more aware and self conscious every day.

00:02:13.740 --> 00:02:24.529 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: More people are meditating than ever before. People are looking into more practices of healing and personal development than ever before.

00:02:24.830 --> 00:02:28.769 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: In fact. when you pay attention to the right things.

00:02:28.780 --> 00:02:32.799 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you will notice a flowering of consciousness.

00:02:33.510 --> 00:02:41.010 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It is not a movement or a new religion. There is no centralized organization in charge of it all.

00:02:41.750 --> 00:02:50.830 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: yet it is happening. Nonetheless. people are waking up to a new level of consciousness each and every day.

00:02:51.060 --> 00:02:53.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and as more people wake up

00:02:53.220 --> 00:02:58.920 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it creates an ever increasing wave of energy around the planet.

00:02:59.700 --> 00:03:07.150 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It is an unstoppable wave. a wave that will bring with it a new era for humanity.

00:03:08.260 --> 00:03:12.109 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: This does not mean there are no problems to deal with

00:03:12.720 --> 00:03:16.979 does not mean. Everything will be easy from now on.

00:03:17.140 --> 00:03:20.480 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: In fact, it actually means the opposite.

00:03:21.150 --> 00:03:28.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: As people realize what is truly going on in this world, there will be more challenges to deal with.

00:03:29.450 --> 00:03:40.309 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and as our collective consciousness shifts. we will be more mobilized into greater action. for we will care more

00:03:41.180 --> 00:03:47.340 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and be motivated more we will love more.

00:03:48.520 --> 00:03:52.250 This flowering of consciousness is inevitable.

00:03:52.410 --> 00:04:03.810 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it cannot be stopped. So each day. as more and more of us open up to the great inner work of self realization.

00:04:04.110 --> 00:04:08.100 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we will affect others by our mere presence.

00:04:08.710 --> 00:04:11.239 We do not have to say a word.

00:04:11.950 --> 00:04:19.909 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Actions will be, besides, the point. the frequency that is generated will be felt by all.

00:04:20.839 --> 00:04:30.539 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and those who are ready will entrain to its vibration. With each breath we breathe. We serve the world.

00:04:31.180 --> 00:04:37.439 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It may not be pretty along the way. yet that is only a temporary state.

00:04:38.290 --> 00:04:42.050 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Consciousness will always continue to evolve.

00:04:42.480 --> 00:04:47.089 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and each of us plays our own part in the great play.

00:04:48.460 --> 00:04:59.400 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So where in your life can you see greater understanding and compassion? How can you practice a more enlightened way to live.

00:05:00.880 --> 00:05:06.639 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So I wrote this almost 2 years ago. It was actually in in February of

00:05:06.880 --> 00:05:10.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: 21 or 2222,

00:05:12.370 --> 00:05:15.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it was an insight I got

00:05:15.790 --> 00:05:17.620 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: during a ceremony

00:05:18.780 --> 00:05:21.549 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: about, no matter how

00:05:23.640 --> 00:05:27.970 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: destructive the world may seem. no matter.

00:05:28.170 --> 00:05:38.720 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know who's in power, or what kind of torture or or horrible things might be happening in certain parts of the world.

00:05:40.460 --> 00:05:52.650 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that still there is this movement, this ongoing movement to greater and greater awareness, greater and greater understanding greater and greater consciousness.

00:05:54.520 --> 00:06:00.800 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And I and I saw it. It was like a wave of light traversing the globe.

00:06:02.290 --> 00:06:05.300 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and I've spoken to many different

00:06:05.640 --> 00:06:12.399 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: people who do different things, who are teachers. And and it's amazing how

00:06:12.450 --> 00:06:16.170 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: much the messages they have are all the same.

00:06:17.850 --> 00:06:29.059 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yes, there's a rocky road ahead of us. But what's on the other side of that rocky road is something amazing to behold.

00:06:29.420 --> 00:06:33.389 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and is something truly worth living for.

00:06:35.080 --> 00:06:37.790 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so I hold on to that dream

00:06:38.010 --> 00:06:41.250 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: of of the better world to come

00:06:41.800 --> 00:06:50.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: on those days when you know we get bombarded by all this bad news and all the violence in the world.

00:06:51.920 --> 00:06:57.770 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And II just hold on to that dream because II see it in lots of little ways.

00:06:58.350 --> 00:07:06.500 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I know many people who do who facilitate inner work, and and they're working around the globe

00:07:07.060 --> 00:07:14.739 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and the healing that is going on. And you know, having been at the Maps Conference earlier this year in Denver

00:07:14.780 --> 00:07:26.549 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and Rick Doblin, stating that their goal was to have a 0 net trauma world by 2027, or 2070,

00:07:28.410 --> 00:07:30.990 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I thought what a beautiful goal

00:07:31.760 --> 00:07:38.379 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that, with whatever new trauma we might be experiencing or healing enough of the old trauma

00:07:38.490 --> 00:07:40.020 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that it's a wash.

00:07:41.350 --> 00:07:54.119 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And I think, as more people and more organizations start leaning into that direction. that we're going to see. Amazing changes in this world

00:07:54.280 --> 00:08:02.459 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: may not be. What we expect may not be, you know, may not come about how we wanted it to come about.

00:08:04.260 --> 00:08:07.310 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but it's inevitable, and that's why this

00:08:07.550 --> 00:08:17.939 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: this blog post is the evolution of consciousness is unstoppable. and you can find it on talkradio dot Nyc slash, blog.

00:08:18.080 --> 00:08:25.729 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And if you like that writing and and you haven't yet gotten my book. Please feel free to check out

00:08:27.380 --> 00:08:33.229 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the everyday awakening on Amazon and and all major booksellers.

00:08:34.159 --> 00:08:49.430 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So now it is my pleasure to welcome to the show serial entrepreneur, international speaker. 9 time number one, best selling author and someone I am honored to call my friend Emanagai.

00:08:49.780 --> 00:08:51.149 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Aman is

00:08:51.590 --> 00:09:21.360 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Iman is best known as the Co. Founder of action era. A platform medicine assists experts in building mobile apps to enhance their income and impact. Imman has developed more than 150 online courses for coaches, authors, speakers, and program leaders has presented over 1,000, live in virtual stages, and is an an investor in over a hundred 60 tech and medical companies.

00:09:21.480 --> 00:09:30.649 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: His Tedx talk nothing to regret is one of the world's top rated speeches, focusing on how to live a life with no regrets.

00:09:30.820 --> 00:09:40.539 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: he continues to make an impact by assisting entrepreneurs in building businesses aligned with their life's purpose. Welcome to the conscious, consultant, Armand.

00:09:41.120 --> 00:09:44.589 Iman Aghay: Thank you very much, Sam, for having me here.

00:09:44.900 --> 00:09:47.289 Iman Aghay: and thanks for that intro

00:09:47.690 --> 00:09:57.320 Iman Aghay: when you are reading it. Of course I thought that you went to the you. You finish the the intro, and then you continue. Then

00:09:57.680 --> 00:09:58.580 Iman Aghay: it's

00:09:58.700 --> 00:10:02.789 Iman Aghay: always interesting and amazing to

00:10:03.470 --> 00:10:10.750 Iman Aghay: to hear all of those pieces of an intro, and thinking that every time every day

00:10:10.980 --> 00:10:14.440 Iman Aghay:  I wake up and don't

00:10:15.050 --> 00:10:33.550 Iman Aghay: think about any of those things absolutely, and I know exactly what you mean. Cause

00:10:33.550 --> 00:10:49.319 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: end of last year I got interviewed on on a couple of podcasts and they read my Bio and I'm listening to it, and it's like I rarely hear you rarely hear your own bio, right? And so do you hear the interest? Like, Wow, like I did all that stuff.

00:10:50.060 --> 00:10:50.880 Iman Aghay: Yeah.

00:10:51.330 --> 00:11:11.059 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: anyways, thank you very much for having me here. This is. It's gonna be a great next hour together. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. We. We've got a few minutes before break, and I usually like to give my audience a little bit of context. I do want to talk about your Tedx speech. But but I wanna give them a little context before that.

00:11:11.270 --> 00:11:20.540 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So you you're you're living in North America and in Canada and British Columbia. But but you're not originally from there, are you?

00:11:20.620 --> 00:11:30.080 Iman Aghay: No, I was. I was born and raised in Tehran in Iran. Then I moved to Vancouver when I was 25.

00:11:30.180 --> 00:11:35.930 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Wow! Did did you ever suspect, when you were a kid, that you would move out of Iran?

00:11:36.300 --> 00:11:43.790 Iman Aghay: I actually didn't suspect to move out of Iran when I was 24 until I was 24. In fact.

00:11:43.850 --> 00:11:59.209 Iman Aghay: when I decided to move to Canada the morning of the day that I woke up I didn't expect to move to Canada or want to leave Iran, and then by noon, my wife at the time, and I

00:12:00.200 --> 00:12:04.570 Iman Aghay: had a conversation we're like, shall I think about this for about an hour, and just

00:12:04.620 --> 00:12:07.669 Iman Aghay: just see if we want to. And then by night

00:12:07.800 --> 00:12:26.590 Iman Aghay: we just decided to move here and and 7 months later, I was here. Was there some instigating thing? Was there something that said, you know we've got to get out of here, or or was it just? There was an opportunity, and you decided to take the opportunity.

00:12:26.750 --> 00:12:41.360 Iman Aghay: Well, the opportunity was there for us from long before. My ex's parents were Canadian permanent residents since 2,004, and we never wanted to

00:12:41.400 --> 00:12:47.250 Iman Aghay: to take advantage of that or come in a state hearing in 2,008

00:12:47.380 --> 00:13:08.349 Iman Aghay:  There was a kind of a every 5 years in to renew your permanent residence card, so so kind of like in 2,008. Our immigration lawyer, like my my wife's parent, my ex parents immigration lawyer, contacted her and said, if you want to stay permanent residence, you have to come to Canada.

00:13:08.420 --> 00:13:13.719 Iman Aghay: And then we said, We we don't want to like. Of course we don't want to. Why would we want to? And then

00:13:13.830 --> 00:13:23.249 Iman Aghay: by noon we had the conversation like child was thinking about this for an hour, and then we thought about this. And then we're like, yeah, actually, we want to. And so

00:13:23.260 --> 00:13:25.459 Iman Aghay: But the reason

00:13:25.890 --> 00:13:29.060 Iman Aghay: which I'm not sure if we can fit it before the break.

00:13:29.170 --> 00:13:30.400 Iman Aghay: Is

00:13:31.110 --> 00:13:44.769 Iman Aghay:  We get used to the situation that we are in, Sam, right and in Iran we had a lot of strength

00:13:44.840 --> 00:13:50.459 Iman Aghay: that we had worked on. We have built a lot of connections and family and lots of other things

00:13:50.730 --> 00:14:17.109 Iman Aghay: what we didn't realize about. We didn't realize the threats. And so, when we thought about this for an hour, those threats were stronger than the strength we had. But in North America, whether all the weaknesses that we had to work on. And so, of course, we didn't want to move initially, because we love the strength. But then we looked at the list. The list of the weaknesses, and we're like.

00:14:17.210 --> 00:14:22.200 Iman Aghay: shall I work on these weaknesses and get the opportunities that come with it? And we said, Yes.

00:14:22.380 --> 00:14:24.850 Iman Aghay: and there we go. We came to Canada.

00:14:24.890 --> 00:14:26.570 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Wow! Wow!

00:14:26.720 --> 00:14:53.470 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Was now your your wife's, your wife's at the time's parents were already here. Your family was still. There. Were people surprised at your decision. No, actually, my wife's my! My ex parents weren't living here. So they came here. They stayed here for 45 days. They decided not to live here, and they went back. So they just had the permanent Residency card. There. My my ex

00:14:53.470 --> 00:15:13.879 Iman Aghay: father was a doctor, and and her mom was a physiotherapy. So they had amazing life in back home. And when they came here they realized that they're not gonna have that life here. And so they decided not to live. But legally they had the permanent residence card, I see, I see. So when you got there you actually had no family in Canada.

00:15:13.880 --> 00:15:24.820 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: No, we had no family, no connections, no friends. We started with that sort of from scratch. Wow! And and so was your family in Iran surprised that you made that jump?

00:15:25.470 --> 00:15:40.779 Iman Aghay: Yes, and yes, and it's kind of common for people who have the opportunity to leave the many of them do so. They knew it can be coming. But they weren't expecting

00:15:40.950 --> 00:15:58.689 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: right when it happened. Okay, okay, II wanna continue on that thread a little bit, but we're gonna take our our first break. I see loyal listener, Patty, as always, I love Patty. She's back home, and I guess in Tucson and listening in welcome, Patty, thank you for joining us. Let us know if you have any questions during the show.

00:15:58.840 --> 00:16:02.280 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And yeah. So

00:16:02.330 --> 00:16:17.320 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: please stay tuned. We're gonna be right back with my guest, Amana guy, co-founder of action era. And we're gonna dive into some deep topics talking about nothing to regret. We'll be right back

00:16:17.370 --> 00:16:18.450 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: after this.

00:18:34.160 --> 00:18:42.479 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and welcome back to the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. So, Amon. you come to to Canada

00:18:42.620 --> 00:18:51.169 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in in in 2,008, right, 2,009, and things didn't go quite as you expected, did they?

00:18:51.850 --> 00:18:55.120 Iman Aghay: No, they didn't. So

00:18:55.450 --> 00:19:07.389 Iman Aghay: I landed here March 2,009, and we're expecting that our money follows us, and it didn't. And the 2,009 was right after 2,008 recession

00:19:07.660 --> 00:19:24.800 Iman Aghay: when kind of were kind of people lost. A lot of people lost their jobs and lots of companies were just firing people or linking them off, and then nobody was hiring. And so we're applying for one job after another after another.

00:19:24.910 --> 00:19:33.069 Iman Aghay: And we ended up with, we end up with kind of not being able to get any jobs, and

00:19:33.460 --> 00:19:46.349 Iman Aghay: as every day was passing our money that we had with ourselves coming here kind of went lower and lower or lower, and we almost got to the place that we're almost becoming homeless. We're like 17 days away from

00:19:46.360 --> 00:19:59.469 Iman Aghay: not having the money to pay the rent and not being able to buy food. So  And that was when I decided to start my own business. You know. Sam.

00:19:59.580 --> 00:20:04.239 Iman Aghay: there is a point in life that there is a failure that you do not accept.

00:20:04.630 --> 00:20:15.260 Iman Aghay: and and that failure for me was sleeping on the street which was pretty low, actually, by the way, what it was I mean

00:20:15.550 --> 00:20:23.469 Iman Aghay: And so when I got to that point, they said, if you don't give it to me, I'll build it myself. You don't give me a job. I'll build it myself, and

00:20:23.530 --> 00:20:48.159 Iman Aghay: I started my company at the time, and I'm not gonna go to the details of that, because there's lots of things but and I got lucky, and 3 days later I found the first client who paid me $1,800, and that money paid for the rent of the month and bought us food, and next month I at the same client. Pay me another 1,800 bucks and

00:20:48.620 --> 00:21:13.640 Iman Aghay: and somebody else bought 800 bucks per month package, and my wife found the job and kind of like. But one thing I wanna point out that I think is kind of extraordinary is these clients you found we're paying you for something. You didn't even know how to do yet something. And then once they paid you and they said, Okay, now, I gotta figure out how to do this. And I think that that

00:21:13.910 --> 00:21:18.249 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: level of creative thinking is something we often bypass.

00:21:19.120 --> 00:21:25.049 Iman Aghay: Yeah, I think it's 2 things one creative thinking.

00:21:26.110 --> 00:21:29.939 Iman Aghay: the second one is taking the risk

00:21:29.990 --> 00:21:33.539 Iman Aghay: based on your knowledge of your abilities.

00:21:33.650 --> 00:21:39.919 Iman Aghay:  and I think the second one is even more important.

00:21:40.140 --> 00:21:50.879 Iman Aghay:  I've noticed over the years that I really rely on my ability on

00:21:50.890 --> 00:21:52.969 Iman Aghay: I'm doing what it takes.

00:21:53.360 --> 00:22:00.220 Iman Aghay: Always ask myself, are you willing to do what it takes to to do this. And and

00:22:00.370 --> 00:22:03.909 Iman Aghay: truly, honestly, I

00:22:04.010 --> 00:22:12.410 Iman Aghay: analyze what it takes, not just randomly saying, Yeah, II I'm willing to do what it takes without knowing what it is.

00:22:12.580 --> 00:22:28.779 Iman Aghay: And when I know what it is, I'll I'll consider them like, are you willing to do this? And if the answer is, yes, I'll take the risk. I'm actually right now. We're expanding action error. And it requires one of those risks. And

00:22:29.060 --> 00:22:58.579 Iman Aghay: couple of days ago I put that together, looked at the board I was like, am I willing to take this risk? And and I saw what it takes? And I said, yeah, you know, I'm willing to to do what it takes to bring this to reality. And so we are doing it. And I noticed that that happens quite often. Maybe maybe even at times, 3 times 4 times 5 times in the in in a year that we look at something. And

00:22:58.680 --> 00:23:25.559 Iman Aghay: I would take that risk based on what it takes. And and and of course, that keeps me on my toes. That doesn't create a comfortable, easy life, but also create something that I'm passionate and excited about, and and it's something that as long as it's aligned with my life for presence aligned with my with my excitement and passionate things I enjoy.

00:23:26.240 --> 00:23:30.229 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So I'm curious. How did you go from

00:23:30.560 --> 00:23:38.339 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: basically being less than a month away from being homeless. How did you manage to get land? A Tedx talk?

00:23:38.870 --> 00:23:41.489 Iman Aghay: Well.

00:23:41.580 --> 00:23:48.439 Iman Aghay:  You can look at one thing from 80 different points of view, and you. You

00:23:48.730 --> 00:23:51.500 Iman Aghay: kind of here. Different thing, so

00:23:52.130 --> 00:23:57.560 Iman Aghay: so many things.  The

00:23:59.110 --> 00:24:05.389 Iman Aghay: particulars of landing a Tedx talk is actually not as complicated as

00:24:05.430 --> 00:24:09.429 Iman Aghay: the message that was in my tech stock. So

00:24:10.800 --> 00:24:26.409 Iman Aghay:  for any Tedx talk you apply and you submit your you submit your proposal for your talk. You record the 2 min, Video, and you have a conversation with the speaking comedy, or whatever the process of that Tedx event is, and

00:24:26.440 --> 00:24:46.310 Iman Aghay: and they just select you now. Of course it helped me big time. That also. The organizers of the Tedx event knew me really, really well, and they were like, well, you know whether we want to actually come and speak? I had to go through the selecting process selection process again, anyways but

00:24:46.810 --> 00:24:53.629 Iman Aghay: but but they wanted me to speak at at the event. So I mean

00:24:53.940 --> 00:25:04.540 Iman Aghay: that that's one thing. But but what it took to get to that place and and come up with that message. Was actually more interesting because

00:25:04.550 --> 00:25:09.449 Iman Aghay: lot of people do their hebex talks related to something that has to do with their business.

00:25:09.640 --> 00:25:16.750 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And my Tedx stock had absolutely nothing to do with my business. My Tedx talk was

00:25:17.070 --> 00:25:18.600 Iman Aghay: was a message

00:25:18.910 --> 00:25:22.729 Iman Aghay: that was about life, and

00:25:22.880 --> 00:25:34.140 Iman Aghay: I learned that message, because when I was building my business. and when I thought that I figured it out one morning I woke up when I was believing internally.

00:25:34.160 --> 00:25:40.569 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And when I went to hospital doctors realized I've lost 60% of my blood.

00:25:41.560 --> 00:25:57.000 Iman Aghay: And when you lose 25% of your blood, you are at massive risk of getting a deadly heart attack. and I lost 60. I didn't have enough blood that they could even perform a surgery on me to stop the believing.

00:25:57.310 --> 00:26:07.919 Iman Aghay: So. They said. All we can do right now is give you blood, transfusion, and hope that that transfusion is faster than the blood that you're losing right now

00:26:08.150 --> 00:26:14.730 Iman Aghay: and hopefully tomorrow morning, if you're still here, we're going to consider doing a surgery if it makes sense.

00:26:15.330 --> 00:26:16.370 Iman Aghay: So

00:26:16.630 --> 00:26:21.140 Iman Aghay: they connected me to blood transfusion and

00:26:21.270 --> 00:26:34.529 Iman Aghay: I kind of found myself on my deathbed in a matter of many matter of a day, like just hooked up to a blood transfusion, waiting to see if I'm gonna die, or if I'm gonna survive

00:26:36.680 --> 00:26:48.300 Iman Aghay: And I started thinking about tomorrow and thinking about my funeral, said, if I die tonight you're gonna come to my feeling at all. And

00:26:48.720 --> 00:26:55.330 Iman Aghay: How are they going to remember me? It wasn't about how they are going to remember me as their perspective.

00:26:55.520 --> 00:26:57.389 Iman Aghay: It was more about

00:26:57.530 --> 00:27:00.179 Iman Aghay: what did I make of my life?

00:27:00.340 --> 00:27:01.420 Iman Aghay: And

00:27:01.630 --> 00:27:08.920 Iman Aghay: I realized that they're gonna come. And they're gonna say, Imam Imam was a nice guy. He was a web designer.

00:27:09.520 --> 00:27:38.789 Iman Aghay: and I just don't want to die a web designer. I actually never came. II didn't come to this role to be a designer. I came to this world to make a massive, positive impact in people's lives. And yet I, because I needed money I had gave in to designing websites, and I'm not a designer. Anybody knows that I have absolutely no no passion or or even talent around design

00:27:38.800 --> 00:27:44.639 Iman Aghay: and yet that's what I was doing at the time. I was just making money with with web design. So

00:27:45.080 --> 00:27:49.509 Iman Aghay: anyways, at that point, Sam, I realized that I have

00:27:50.100 --> 00:27:55.230 Iman Aghay: wasted my life. At that point I realized to that point I was alive, but I never lived.

00:27:55.690 --> 00:27:59.340 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I never lived through to my heart. I never lived through to my purpose.

00:28:02.270 --> 00:28:09.919 Iman Aghay: when I survived my deathbed I was released from the hospital the night before my 20 seventh birthday.

00:28:10.700 --> 00:28:27.350 Iman Aghay: which was the biggest birthday gift that I've ever received in my life, which was the rest of my life. And it was like the universe was saying, Hey, here is the rest of your life as a gift, and go and make something of this life. From this point forward. And

00:28:28.510 --> 00:28:32.569 Iman Aghay: then I started the journey on

00:28:32.880 --> 00:28:38.610 Iman Aghay: on the search for my purpose, because to that point I didn't even know what my purpose is. I just knew that

00:28:38.620 --> 00:28:54.369 Iman Aghay: III never lived through to my heart, but I didn't know what that purpose is. What that, what what I want right which is interesting, because right now, when I hold certain personal development programs from time to time.

00:28:54.760 --> 00:29:06.759 Iman Aghay: ask people, what do you want? And sometimes it takes us an entire day to pinpoint what it is that they want. Like we just some simply many people don't know their life or person, or what they want.

00:29:07.160 --> 00:29:11.009 Iman Aghay: And so that's a very interesting, very interesting thing.

00:29:11.380 --> 00:29:17.309 Iman Aghay: Yeah. But I started this. I went on a path of search for purpose. And

00:29:17.450 --> 00:29:21.660 Iman Aghay: and I thought, how how long did it take you to find your purpose?

00:29:23.100 --> 00:29:29.049 Iman Aghay:  about a couple of years.

00:29:29.280 --> 00:29:32.800 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but also that search never ends, because, yeah.

00:29:32.850 --> 00:29:35.389 Iman Aghay: your values can change.

00:29:35.440 --> 00:29:42.049 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Passion can change, and your and and when your values and passion change.

00:29:42.130 --> 00:29:51.989 Iman Aghay: then then the purpose can potentially change. Because if you're not passionate about what you are doing before, or if you are not,

00:29:52.080 --> 00:30:03.669 Iman Aghay: having following the same values. Then then, of course, things change. But one thing with the values. Just to be clear, because sometimes I say they send people say, what do you mean? Your values can change

00:30:03.680 --> 00:30:10.060 Iman Aghay: values normally don't change often as much as passion change. Passion can change often, but

00:30:10.100 --> 00:30:24.669 Iman Aghay: values change when something major happens in your life, particularly something traumatic and major happens in your life. For example, somebody is very like some of these.

00:30:25.230 --> 00:30:41.759 Iman Aghay: value is generating income, and then they have a loss in family, and suddenly their value becomes family or health or whatever. Right? So so values can change quite often, not not quite often, but like

00:30:41.880 --> 00:30:54.950 Iman Aghay: as a result of some major changes. And and it's a very deeper conversation. Yeah, yeah. And and I do want to touch upon that more. But just one question before we go to our next break, which is.

00:30:55.410 --> 00:31:03.670 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: how did you know what was the feeling that you had when you landed on your purpose? That it felt right?

00:31:04.100 --> 00:31:05.829 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And my objective is

00:31:05.920 --> 00:31:21.600 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to kind of. Give our audience a little bit of idea that if there's somebody listening and they're not quite sure what their purpose is that you know, it's kinda like, how do you recognize it? Once you land on it? And and again it might change, but at least for that moment, in time in your life.

00:31:23.180 --> 00:31:32.540 Iman Aghay:  The feeling is a feeling of excitement.

00:31:32.760 --> 00:31:47.559 Iman Aghay: But the problem with that is that there are lots of other things that can make you feel excited. So that wouldn't be necessarily the only thing that you can follow on just like, Hey, you know, I'm excited. So that's my purpose.

00:31:47.560 --> 00:32:02.819 Iman Aghay: so it's a combination of several things. Comp combination of? Is it aligned with your values? Is it aligned with your passion? Does it excite you? And also is it aligned with your eulogy, and which which is interesting because,

00:32:03.760 --> 00:32:13.240 Iman Aghay: one of the things that I started doing, I started having a living eulogy is like, how do I want to be remembered when I die like so? Because

00:32:13.290 --> 00:32:22.149 Iman Aghay: the the way I start looking alive is that every single day I'm writing the next page of my

00:32:22.390 --> 00:32:27.820 Iman Aghay: biography, autobiography. So I am writing my book as I live.

00:32:28.060 --> 00:32:36.120 Iman Aghay: And it's blank pages every single day is a blank page, and I get to write whatever I want. So if you.

00:32:37.070 --> 00:32:47.209 Iman Aghay: an ending in mind is that that that for me is my eulogies like how I want to be remembered. And again, it's not about people remembering me. It's about how I want to live my life

00:32:47.310 --> 00:32:50.030 Iman Aghay: more than anything else.

00:32:50.160 --> 00:32:52.060 Iman Aghay: but but

00:32:52.570 --> 00:33:00.179 Iman Aghay: over time I wrote several eulogies for myself and and and I made sure that what I'm doing today

00:33:00.840 --> 00:33:08.679 Iman Aghay: is how I want the final results be in line. And so every day I just write another chapter by living it.

00:33:09.390 --> 00:33:11.390 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Right? Beautiful, beautiful.

00:33:11.520 --> 00:33:24.350 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: beautiful. Okay, great. We. We've got a lot of stuff to dive into. I gotta take my next break and when we come back I wanna talk just a little bit about like where you've gotten to today.

00:33:24.350 --> 00:33:54.299 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: This idea of nothing to regret? Do you still have nothing to regret? And I do also wanna talk a eventually, by the end of the show about the Evolutionary Business council. Because that's something. I think that's important to both of us. So everyone, please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consult now awakening humanity. We do this every Thursday, 12 noon to one pm, Eastern time, right here on talk, radio, Nyc, all over social media and all the major podcasting platforms, and we'll be right back

00:33:54.310 --> 00:33:58.590 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: with my guest, Amanagai and my friend. In just a moment.

00:36:02.720 --> 00:36:04.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and welcome back.

00:36:04.840 --> 00:36:06.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So

00:36:08.640 --> 00:36:14.180 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so, Maan, you've experienced a lot of challenges in your life. A lot of changes.

00:36:17.210 --> 00:36:20.029 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Personal level on a business level.

00:36:20.260 --> 00:36:32.219 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And and and you had this experience. And and if anyone hasn't watched a man's Ted talk Tedxt talk, please go to Youtube and watch it. We'll make sure to include the the link in the show notes.

00:36:34.020 --> 00:36:37.460 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But still, do you not have anything to regret like?

00:36:37.480 --> 00:36:42.329 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And and how do you like keep yourself from having something to regret in your life.

00:36:43.410 --> 00:36:55.969 Iman Aghay:  I ask myself honestly like, if I die today like this is one of the questions I ask myself. If I die today, would I regret anything.

00:36:56.800 --> 00:37:02.360 Iman Aghay: and from time to time things come up. That I would regret. And again

00:37:02.910 --> 00:37:17.520 Iman Aghay: you. You always end up regretting certain things. But what we are talking about here is lifelong regrets we're not talking about. Oh, I regret not saying this word to this person.

00:37:18.410 --> 00:37:26.270 Iman Aghay: And and then, 2 days later, you forget we are talking about lifelong regrets, like, for example. working hard

00:37:26.580 --> 00:37:39.629 Iman Aghay: all your life and and not enjoying and not enjoying the moments, not living true to your life purpose, and getting to the end of your life, and realize that to that point you are only alive you never left

00:37:39.800 --> 00:37:52.959 Iman Aghay: we're talking about like lifelong regrets more than more than like. Oh, I regret not III regret having that Cheeseburger last night.

00:37:53.410 --> 00:38:08.439 Iman Aghay: And so and and and still like every day we are talking about like lifelong regrets. And myself. Is there anything that I would regret if I line today, and if I do

00:38:08.560 --> 00:38:21.139 Iman Aghay:  for whatever reason I say, what can I do to fix it now? What can I do to solve it today. What can I do to

00:38:21.470 --> 00:38:25.020 Iman Aghay: to remedy it and

00:38:25.720 --> 00:38:26.740 Iman Aghay: and then

00:38:26.820 --> 00:38:40.220 Iman Aghay: and then you take action, and certain actions are, gonna be extremely difficult, extremely difficult. You know me sound, for I think 6 years or 7 years, and

00:38:40.310 --> 00:38:46.209 Iman Aghay: in the last few years you have seen the ups and downs that I've gone through, and

00:38:46.440 --> 00:38:49.469 Iman Aghay: and many of those big

00:38:49.920 --> 00:38:53.200 ups and downs were because there was a regret.

00:38:53.360 --> 00:38:58.709 Iman Aghay: because I looked at it as like, if I don't do this.

00:38:59.220 --> 00:39:02.280 Iman Aghay: I'm going to regret something massively. And

00:39:02.350 --> 00:39:05.150 Iman Aghay: Sam sometimes also.

00:39:05.970 --> 00:39:08.950 Iman Aghay: there are certain things that you want to do

00:39:09.220 --> 00:39:14.220 Iman Aghay: and and and if you do, you regret

00:39:14.430 --> 00:39:16.250 Iman Aghay: so?

00:39:16.340 --> 00:39:24.579 Iman Aghay: So asking, that question stops you from from doing certain things that that you would regret.

00:39:24.610 --> 00:39:27.690 Iman Aghay: For the rest of your life. So

00:39:28.960 --> 00:39:35.069 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: sometimes regrets come from doing things, and sometimes they come from not doing, not doing things. Yeah, absolutely.

00:39:35.160 --> 00:39:43.040 Iman Aghay: Both. both require asking these questions like, which regret. what would you recommend when you die?

00:39:43.350 --> 00:39:44.980 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, yeah.

00:39:45.780 --> 00:39:48.930 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah. One thing about you that

00:39:49.030 --> 00:39:53.839 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: from the first time we met I was always fascinated about was.

00:39:55.250 --> 00:39:56.750 even if you.

00:39:57.270 --> 00:40:03.699 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: your lack of attachment with what you're doing, unless it's really something that's aligned.

00:40:03.890 --> 00:40:15.549 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And and I remember you saying that, like, you know, you could build up a business to be very successful and then drop it if it's not fun anymore, even though it's still generating income.

00:40:15.570 --> 00:40:27.700 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And and you're actually right now in the middle of a huge transition. Because people have known you for many years as like the online course creation guy, like, like you've trained.

00:40:27.900 --> 00:40:34.539 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know, 100 thousands of people on how to create online courses, how to build a successful business around it.

00:40:34.930 --> 00:40:46.029 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And now you're making this big shift like your focus. And that's and that's a hugely successful business for you. And now you're making this this big shift action era.

00:40:46.300 --> 00:40:48.130 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And I'm just curious.

00:40:48.760 --> 00:40:54.630 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know, like when you're you're you're making the decision to make this huge shift

00:40:54.790 --> 00:41:06.129 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: like, isn't it? Challenging to let go and and change something that you've put so much time and effort into. And it's doing well. And you're making a lot of money from it. And now you're like.

00:41:06.220 --> 00:41:09.970 I'm gonna do something else. And people like thinking, What are you crazy?

00:41:10.580 --> 00:41:20.170 Iman Aghay: Well, they're not wrong about that part. But but yes, it takes a crazy to do that really and and like, I mean, like it requires

00:41:20.190 --> 00:41:25.609 Iman Aghay: it. It requires a ton of

00:41:26.050 --> 00:41:38.710 Iman Aghay: self-restraint. It requires dealing with a lot of feelings of grief. It requires a lot of dealing with fear, massive fear, I mean.

00:41:39.020 --> 00:41:57.439 Iman Aghay: the last year I dropped to 7 figure companies because I wanted to get super focused on on the company that is barely making money and and of course anybody looks at it is like, what's wrong with you like. And I'm like, well.

00:41:57.870 --> 00:42:10.530 Iman Aghay: it's scary, it's complicated. But I have a vision. And so so you brought up fear. For a second II just wanna stop you because it it's something that's been in the conversation for myself lately.

00:42:10.860 --> 00:42:16.750 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: How do you deal with that kind, that level of fear? Because this isn't like tiny fear this is big fear.

00:42:18.340 --> 00:42:20.759 Iman Aghay: We go back to where I started.

00:42:20.890 --> 00:42:29.029 Iman Aghay:  I know I know what I'm building, and I'm willing to do what it takes to bring it to reality and

00:42:29.170 --> 00:42:32.750 Iman Aghay: and and I know the fear comes from my weaknesses.

00:42:32.880 --> 00:42:42.819 Iman Aghay: and and my my, and and and the way that you fix weaknesses is by doing what it takes to to to, to to turn them into strength.

00:42:43.070 --> 00:42:47.890 Iman Aghay: So if you look at sort analysis as WOT. Analysis.

00:42:47.900 --> 00:43:15.619 Iman Aghay: 2 things come from internal, and 2 things are external. Strengths and weaknesses, or internal and opportunities and threats are external. You can't do anything about opportunities and threats, but you can do something about your weaknesses and your strength, and always take the bet on myself instead of taking the bet on the on, on, on other, on other situations, other people, other things. So

00:43:15.800 --> 00:43:20.250 Iman Aghay: I look at it, and I'm like. if am I willing

00:43:20.290 --> 00:43:42.869 Iman Aghay: to to fix these weaknesses and turn them to strength, and and and as a result, take advantage of this opportunity, and if I'm not, which at many times I'm not that don't do it. And when I am, I go all in because I count on myself and and and I have as a result of this many times.

00:43:43.000 --> 00:43:59.820 Iman Aghay:  caused a major discomfort. Depression! Extra work! Not sleeping overnight and everything, and I'm fine with it, because when I look at the result of it. I'm like.

00:43:59.960 --> 00:44:18.099 Iman Aghay: yeah, you know what it was totally worth it. I lived through to my heart. I lived through to everything I wanted to do, you know. So I'm curious about something cause like you said you, you drop 2 7 figure businesses. Most people don't even get to do 1 7 figure business.

00:44:18.640 --> 00:44:22.300 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But I'm curious. What is it about action, Era?

00:44:22.420 --> 00:44:44.459 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Because I know it's not about the money for you, you know I know you well enough. You don't. You don't drop 2 7 figure businesses because because of the money of something else. What is it about this opportunity that you're working on that excites you so much that that would give you that level of confidence that, like no, I can put these things to the side, because I really want to focus on this.

00:44:49.760 --> 00:44:53.649 Iman Aghay: There is an internal site, and there is an external side.

00:44:53.900 --> 00:45:02.580 Iman Aghay:  I'll begin with the external side, because the external side matters to me. Very big time.

00:45:05.540 --> 00:45:06.790 Iman Aghay: we are

00:45:06.820 --> 00:45:10.270 Iman Aghay: in a time, Sam, where

00:45:12.860 --> 00:45:14.839 Iman Aghay: our next generation

00:45:15.890 --> 00:45:17.840 Iman Aghay: is getting distanced

00:45:18.450 --> 00:45:21.900 Iman Aghay: from very important knowledge

00:45:22.250 --> 00:45:24.170 Iman Aghay: of the previous generation.

00:45:25.610 --> 00:45:31.630 Iman Aghay:  if you look at 18 year olds 20 year olds 25 year olds

00:45:31.970 --> 00:45:52.490 Iman Aghay: they are spending their time on tick, Tock, Instagram, Facebook, not even a Facebook. They said, Facebook is for old people. And, by the way, I'm on Facebook all the time. But but but really like they they're spending their time watching tick, Tock and and Instagram reels and

00:45:52.580 --> 00:46:09.079 Iman Aghay: and those platforms benefit from entertaining people and keeping people on those platforms instead of educating them on things that they really need to be educated. They benefit from people's distractions, they make money

00:46:09.130 --> 00:46:14.469 Iman Aghay: by distracting people, and so action error

00:46:14.860 --> 00:46:22.470 Iman Aghay: as a platform that allows experts to create their own apps, to be heard, and to be seen and

00:46:22.500 --> 00:46:38.410 Iman Aghay: and and and get themselves in front of clients, and the clients are using at their phone are using their phones that the clients are looking at their phones, and the experts don't have the phone apps to be in front of their clients. So

00:46:39.150 --> 00:46:45.350 Iman Aghay: II have this massive fear of

00:46:45.730 --> 00:46:47.869 Iman Aghay: So where our world is going

00:46:47.970 --> 00:46:54.850 Iman Aghay: for our next generation, because our next generation is not getting the wisdom.

00:46:55.120 --> 00:47:02.349 Iman Aghay:  that they need to be able to maintain the consciousness of humanity.

00:47:02.480 --> 00:47:12.570 Iman Aghay:  and and I know a lot of us are working on that. But when you look around the room, the next generation is not sitting there.

00:47:12.760 --> 00:47:25.309 Iman Aghay: Yeah, it's the previous. It's it's the previous generation. It's 40 plus year olds who are sitting there. Yeah, and not talking about the future of the consciousness of the humanity, except that the future of the consciousness of humanity

00:47:25.440 --> 00:47:29.030 Iman Aghay: is not with 40 plus is with

00:47:29.150 --> 00:47:49.139 Iman Aghay: with with their 15 year olds and 16 year olds, and and and the and the 20 year olds that are distracted by stupid dances and you know, but but it it but they are distracted by int, by

00:47:49.280 --> 00:47:52.550 Iman Aghay: by non-educational entertainment.

00:47:52.690 --> 00:48:00.259 Iman Aghay: So why, why, I am focused on action. Error is because I want to create a platform

00:48:00.370 --> 00:48:04.910 Iman Aghay: that has the ability to give the tools

00:48:05.050 --> 00:48:06.990 Iman Aghay: to people who have that message

00:48:07.400 --> 00:48:11.100 Iman Aghay: and and and and prepare the road.

00:48:11.540 --> 00:48:13.359 Iman Aghay: For that.

00:48:13.860 --> 00:48:24.030 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: That's external external. So before you go into internal, we gotta take our last break. Come back. I want you to wrap up internal relatively quickly. So then we can talk about the Ebc, okay.

00:48:24.130 --> 00:48:33.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so everyone, please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consult now are awakening humanity, and we'll be right back with a Mona guy to wrap this all up for you.

00:50:35.790 --> 00:50:41.019 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: okay, man. So what's the internal reason why you're so excited about external?

00:50:41.350 --> 00:51:02.469 Iman Aghay: The internal is that I'm a very curious and open person to learn. And I wanna challenge myself all the time with the latest things. And even though I've invested in a lot of tech and medical companies. I've never been the CEO of one to continue building it and and expanding it. And so this is a fun challenge for me

00:51:02.470 --> 00:51:12.460 Iman Aghay: and and and I'm all in. And the reason that I close the other 2 businesses was because I wanted to be all in. So I'm all in

00:51:13.090 --> 00:51:16.250 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: gotcha gotcha. Thank you. Thank you.

00:51:16.420 --> 00:51:22.469 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant:  So I want to talk about the Evolutionary Business Council, because

00:51:22.850 --> 00:51:31.779 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: things have kind of evolved ever since I got involved, probably 7, 8, 9 years ago. In a way I never expected.

00:51:32.090 --> 00:51:33.180 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and

00:51:33.250 --> 00:51:57.899 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Teresa de Grobe, who who founded the organization after a a after bringing a bunch of her friends who are leaders in the transformational industry together and saying, You know, we should have an organization of transformational thought leaders. And they all looked at her and said, yeah, why don't? When are you gonna do that? And they all laughed. Cause you just told them about, you know, whenever you say something should be done, you should do it yourself.

00:51:58.380 --> 00:52:08.540 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And then how we met was through that organization. You came and you spoke at one of the deep dives that I was co-leading.

00:52:08.610 --> 00:52:11.610 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and now you're

00:52:12.520 --> 00:52:16.829 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: running it. Now you own it. Now, now that organization is yours

00:52:17.640 --> 00:52:23.019 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I'm and I'm curious. What was it about the organization

00:52:23.400 --> 00:52:27.219 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that made you kind of step up and say.

00:52:28.700 --> 00:52:39.589 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: this is something that on top of the 1,000,001 things that you're already doing. This is something that I want to to do and and and lead, and

00:52:39.930 --> 00:52:42.119 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know, and and take over

00:52:43.800 --> 00:52:47.600 Iman Aghay:  I think

00:52:49.590 --> 00:52:51.480 Iman Aghay: 2 things, one

00:52:52.010 --> 00:53:08.640 Iman Aghay:  It wasn't a place that the organization grew. Got to a really good place. And then things changed, you know, as things change, you know, passion change values change, all those things change

00:53:08.720 --> 00:53:10.190 Iman Aghay: and

00:53:10.450 --> 00:53:13.969 Iman Aghay: And the organization got to a place that

00:53:14.310 --> 00:53:16.670 Iman Aghay: Teresa just had the

00:53:16.680 --> 00:53:30.259 Iman Aghay: 2 options one option was, pass it on, and the other one was shutting it down, and she was seriously considering, she considering shutting it down. and and it came down to one conversation.

00:53:30.640 --> 00:53:42.040 Iman Aghay: If we want to pass it down to someone. Emon, you're the only person that will want to pass it down to. or or we're gonna shut it down. and Ebc.

00:53:43.050 --> 00:53:45.370 Iman Aghay: Meant so much to me

00:53:45.950 --> 00:53:49.790 Iman Aghay: because of how it gave me validation

00:53:50.070 --> 00:53:53.720 Iman Aghay: for for the work I was doing, Sam

00:53:54.330 --> 00:54:04.899 Iman Aghay: every day I before Ebc. Before being accepted in Ebc. Every day I saw myself that I'm a marketer, that I'm trying to bring heart to marketing to business. But

00:54:05.230 --> 00:54:20.409 Iman Aghay: is it really being seen? Is it really being understood? Is it? And and I always thought that it doesn't. And then Ebc accepted me. And I'm like, oh, no! People actually see that I'm doing some transformational work. And

00:54:20.440 --> 00:54:44.660 Iman Aghay: and I wanted to recreate that for other people, to have that feeling, to have a validation to have that place and and I just couldn't see Ebc to die and and the only way that I was willing to accept. It was if I knew that I have the most amazing support. And I talked to Teresa and

00:54:44.850 --> 00:55:08.090 Iman Aghay: and both of us said, If you are going to be involved. It makes sense. So if you had said No, I wouldn't own ABC today, and ABC would die really. You almost said I was running. Dvc, I don't run ABC. I just on ABC. But you are the one who is running ABC. And Laura Rubenstein, and so

00:55:08.500 --> 00:55:38.400 Iman Aghay:  If if you 2 were not involved, Ebc wouldn't be here. And of course, as you know, we went through a major transition much more challenging than we expected. And we are right now at a place that we have to go to the drawing board, and we gotta see okay, their next step, and the next Ebc is going to be this but

00:55:38.750 --> 00:55:47.249 Iman Aghay: but like we did, the transition finally got through it finally, yes, right? Finally we got through as a transition. Everything finished

00:55:47.500 --> 00:55:55.560 Iman Aghay: literally 10 days ago. And yeah. And so now we're we're on the journey, and so

00:55:55.690 --> 00:56:03.970 Iman Aghay: I can't wait to turn Ebc to the new playground for open-minded

00:56:04.080 --> 00:56:13.250 Iman Aghay:  conscious, transformational leaders who want to learn from one another and

00:56:13.300 --> 00:56:25.360 Iman Aghay: and share their methods with each other, and collaborate with each other, and grow and expand and create most amazing things in the world. And that kind of ties back to what you were just saying before

00:56:26.180 --> 00:56:38.709 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: about the younger generation, and about sort of preserving this knowledge and preserving the experience that those who are 40 plus have had

00:56:39.020 --> 00:56:45.470 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to be able to pass it on to the next generation, so that knowledge isn't lost. Yes.

00:56:45.700 --> 00:56:46.530 Iman Aghay: exactly

00:56:48.100 --> 00:57:12.230 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: wonderful. Well, Amon, it's been a true, true pleasure to have you on my show? A a. You know we were thinking, maybe having you on for my last show of last year. But that didn't work, and you said, Oh, but I could do the one of this year, and I thought perfect way to start off the year. So I really wanna thank you for taking the time out to to come on my show. It it

00:57:12.530 --> 00:57:16.319 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I am truly honored to be your friend. I'm truly honored to.

00:57:16.500 --> 00:57:26.830 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know, be involved with the Ebc with you, to be involved with action, era, and and and to just be in your world cause. I feel you're a wonderful example of

00:57:27.200 --> 00:57:31.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: how you can be both a good business person.

00:57:31.340 --> 00:57:41.349 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: You can be successful. You can make a lot of money, and you can still have heart, and you can still be conscious. You can still treat people as human beings.

00:57:41.730 --> 00:57:45.730 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And and you can basically have the best of both worlds.

00:57:46.410 --> 00:58:02.630 Iman Aghay: Thank you very much I really appreciate it, and I really enjoyed being on the show with you and doing the same interview. And and if people want to learn more about you, or learn about action, error. How should they reach out, or or where should they go?

00:58:02.840 --> 00:58:16.229 Iman Aghay: Well, about me? The best place is Emon Arguin Com. My life changes so much that space is actually there to keep posted. And then action error is

00:58:17.540 --> 00:58:28.229 Iman Aghay: is gonna probably in the footnotes. Yes, yes, so all the links will be in the notes and links to your Amazon author, page as well, since you have so many books that you're involved with.

00:58:28.350 --> 00:58:39.700 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So, man, thank you so much. I wish you all the best, for 2024 may be the best year ever I look forward to being on the adventure with you.

00:58:39.740 --> 00:58:43.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And I'm I'm very grateful for having you in my life.

00:58:43.840 --> 00:58:45.729 Iman Aghay: Thank you very much. It was great to be here.

00:58:45.750 --> 00:59:06.430 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Wonderful, thank you. And of course, thank you, my loyal listeners for tuning in every week scenario. Also, I'm sorry I didn't get to you your comment on the Facebook live stream. Thank you as well. I really appreciate all of my loyal listeners. Thank you for staying with me over the years. We've got some amazing shows in store for you this year. I'm already booked out until May.

00:59:06.510 --> 00:59:24.430 and of course we will be back next week at the same time, and don't forget to stay tuned for Frank. Show Frank about health later today, at 5 Pm. Eastern time, and of course, Friday, starting at 10 Am. Eastern with philanthropy and focus always Friday and intangify. And

00:59:24.440 --> 00:59:36.700 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: of course, next week we start off Tuesday evenings with the hard skills, with mirror branco, and we will be having more new shows coming on soon. So thank you all for tuning in. We will talk to you all next week.

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