Thursdays 11:00am - 12:00pm (EDT)
The audience will discover how everyday expressions, beliefs, and behaviors unintentionally perpetuate racism.
Join Rev. Dr. TLC, as she invites back to the show Ricky Wade, cofounder of the American Redneck Company. He is an advocate for ending race in America which is the biggest offender of racism. He believes that if more folks understood the detailed history of "Race," they would recognize the multilayered ways in which racism shows up on a daily basis. In their time together they will take a look at how "race" conditions people to respond differently; the "Karen Effect"; colorism, and more.
TikTok: RickyWadeARC
Facebook: End Race in America
App: RickyWadeARC
Tune in for this important conversation at or watch the Facebook Livestream by Clicking Here.
00:00:47.980 --> 00:01:04.540 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Hello, and welcome to the dismantle racism. So i'm your host, the river, Dr. Tlc. That goal of this show is to uncover, dismantle and to eradicate racism. We really do want to create a world where racial equity is the norm.
00:01:04.540 --> 00:01:14.510 You know we've been talking about race and racism in this country for years, and sometimes I will watch all clippings of things from the nineties and from the eighties.
00:01:14.640 --> 00:01:30.170 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and I find myself thinking we are still trying to address some of the same issues. And then we wonder, does it really matter? And that's a question that often comes up when people are talking to me. Is it possible for us to dismantle racism?
00:01:30.490 --> 00:01:35.700 Why are we still blind to some of the same things that we've been talking about.
00:01:36.990 --> 00:01:47.690 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Is it important what I do? And my answer is, Yes, because we still need to continue to uncover racism in this country.
00:01:47.730 --> 00:01:55.210 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: There are people when racism is staring them straight in the face, cannot see it, but the more we press the on.
00:01:55.320 --> 00:02:04.590 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: the more we continue to help them see things as they are, the more they will be.
00:02:04.830 --> 00:02:07.420 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: the more more aware they will become.
00:02:08.180 --> 00:02:10.060 I'm often reminded
00:02:10.180 --> 00:02:20.760 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: of a conversation that I had with with my children's father years ago, and it was a conversation that we had over and over and over again.
00:02:21.820 --> 00:02:33.230 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and one day I remember when tensions were not as high, and we were simply just driving along, and I asked him a question that seemed like it wasn't relevant
00:02:33.830 --> 00:02:37.010 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: to this conversation we've been having for years.
00:02:37.860 --> 00:02:49.190 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and it started out as one thing, and it ended up circling back to the thing that we have been having a conversation about over time. Now what was relevant was
00:02:49.760 --> 00:03:02.480 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: my attitude was different, and I started the conversation from a different place. and I was able to hear him differently. And then hopefully, he was able to hear me differently.
00:03:02.740 --> 00:03:07.850 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: So sometimes when we're having conversations about race and racism.
00:03:08.150 --> 00:03:15.660 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: even though their conversations we've had repeatedly sometimes is really about the timing
00:03:16.740 --> 00:03:17.770 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: tone
00:03:18.180 --> 00:03:21.690 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and the opportunity that presents itself.
00:03:21.870 --> 00:03:31.380 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: So, as you listen to today's show, I want you to think about things that you've heard in the past, and maybe we'll cover some things that we've talked about before.
00:03:31.500 --> 00:03:36.110 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: But try to listen with new insight. with new understanding.
00:03:36.770 --> 00:03:47.870 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and to see how you can walk away from this show, deciding that there's one thing that you will do differently. because we uncover a lot of kernels on this show.
00:03:47.890 --> 00:03:55.930 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: But the idea is to go beyond the uncovering, the educating to the place where we could say Little by little
00:03:56.050 --> 00:04:04.860 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: we will dismantle racism. We will start to speak a new language. we will start to open our minds to new ideas.
00:04:04.950 --> 00:04:15.040 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: So today on the show I want to invite you as always. Please send in your comments. Even if you're listening after the show, send in your comments because
00:04:15.050 --> 00:04:16.890 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: it's the way that we
00:04:17.200 --> 00:04:30.840 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: know what you're interested in. Know what you're thinking. Know how to address these issues on our next show. It's a way of us also understanding. Who else should we invite to be on this show? What type of conversation would you like to see?
00:04:31.000 --> 00:04:49.840 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: But it's also our way of learning, because just because we're the ones on here talking about these issues doesn't mean that we can't grow in the conversation. So I want to invite you to leave your comments. Ask your questions. I also want to invite you to go to sacred
00:04:49.840 --> 00:05:05.260 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: You'll find out more information about me. You'll know how to contact me to talk about your concerns, your questions around the topics that we tackle on this show. You'll also find out ways in which I can help you
00:05:05.260 --> 00:05:21.390 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: privately, or with your organization, want to invite you. I'm really excited. It's coming up on one year since the release of my book. So if you haven't gotten it yet, I want to remind you to please get a copy of the book, you will be
00:05:21.420 --> 00:05:30.340 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: blessed and encouraged to continue in this sacred intelligence journey of faith to dismantle racism.
00:05:30.620 --> 00:05:45.940 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Now I want to invite us to do what we always do is to less find the time to breathe our way into the conversation. I always invite you to do that because we don't realize most of us how shallow we are breathing.
00:05:46.000 --> 00:05:53.590 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: particularly when we're overwhelmed, and when the conversation is tense, so I like to invite us into the sacred
00:05:55.160 --> 00:06:05.720 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: in special place of breathing in and calming our nerves and our emotions. so that we can here
00:06:05.840 --> 00:06:10.620 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: with a different ear. So join me if you will, I invite you to close your eyes
00:06:11.140 --> 00:06:20.970 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and to center yourself. If you're seated, I invite you to begin by feeling your feet supported by the floor.
00:06:22.310 --> 00:06:24.110 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: filling your legs.
00:06:24.230 --> 00:06:28.260 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: your buttocks supported by the chair or the couch
00:06:28.410 --> 00:06:29.890 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: that you're sitting on.
00:06:31.480 --> 00:06:36.220 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: If you're outside, it's even better so that you can ground yourself and the earth
00:06:36.600 --> 00:06:38.680 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: be connected with nature.
00:06:39.370 --> 00:06:44.550 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: but just begin to breathe in and out.
00:06:46.510 --> 00:06:49.190 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: try to take some really deep breaths in
00:06:49.250 --> 00:06:51.350 and and out, because again
00:06:51.900 --> 00:06:54.460 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: our breathing sometimes is very shallow.
00:06:55.820 --> 00:07:01.160 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: So we don't get the oxygen traveling through our months that we need to travel through.
00:07:03.050 --> 00:07:06.130 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: so breathe in and out.
00:07:08.070 --> 00:07:13.570 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: connecting you with your sacred source, whatever that is for you.
00:07:14.580 --> 00:07:17.020 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: connecting you with divine wisdom.
00:07:19.090 --> 00:07:22.760 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: connecting you with the guide of your understanding.
00:07:24.750 --> 00:07:26.260 connecting you with
00:07:26.320 --> 00:07:29.320 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: source and nature
00:07:31.530 --> 00:07:33.280 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: just breathe in
00:07:34.890 --> 00:07:36.080 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: account.
00:07:37.230 --> 00:07:47.220 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: connecting you with your sacred intelligence. that part of you that helps you to manifest your greatness.
00:07:47.470 --> 00:07:51.100 while simultaneously helping others to manifest their great
00:07:55.210 --> 00:08:00.000 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: breathe in and out, just connecting with who you are.
00:08:01.470 --> 00:08:03.760 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: understanding your purpose.
00:08:05.080 --> 00:08:10.020 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: connecting with your full potential, whether you've reached it or not.
00:08:11.200 --> 00:08:14.840 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: but understanding that you are meant for more.
00:08:16.960 --> 00:08:19.530 Whatever your role is.
00:08:20.980 --> 00:08:24.350 there's something that you can do to dismantle racism
00:08:26.300 --> 00:08:31.870 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: even as you are encouraging others. uplifting others.
00:08:32.960 --> 00:08:37.169 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: teaching others, motivating, others, inspiring others.
00:08:40.549 --> 00:08:42.700 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: So just connect with your power.
00:08:44.300 --> 00:08:47.070 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: breathing in and out.
00:08:50.160 --> 00:08:52.730 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: trusting that what you do matters.
00:08:54.560 --> 00:08:59.480 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: trusting that you will find the answers to your next step
00:09:01.920 --> 00:09:05.990 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: you will find resolutions to your problems.
00:09:07.600 --> 00:09:10.820 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: You will find clear if you take your your confusion
00:09:14.040 --> 00:09:16.660 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Now we then and out.
00:09:17.440 --> 00:09:21.500 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: given gratitude for yourself. and where you are
00:09:23.580 --> 00:09:26.520 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: in this journey of dismantling racism.
00:09:29.610 --> 00:09:36.650 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and give gratitude for all those for walking alongside you. supporting you.
00:09:39.260 --> 00:09:42.630 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: And now give gratitude for all who came before you.
00:09:47.260 --> 00:09:49.320 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Now, just take a deep breath in
00:09:50.500 --> 00:09:55.820 and slowly exhale it out, recognizing that the power of one
00:09:56.360 --> 00:09:58.850 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: contributes to the power of community.
00:10:04.520 --> 00:10:05.630 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: And now
00:10:06.910 --> 00:10:11.050 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: we say, and so it is a she.
00:10:12.500 --> 00:10:17.910 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: And then and when you're ready you can open your eyes.
00:10:21.040 --> 00:10:31.360 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: I always feel feel so great myself after I do that, because it is a way again of preparing me for the conversation as well.
00:10:31.420 --> 00:10:37.930 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and it's a way for me to acknowledge my role in dismantling racism.
00:10:38.010 --> 00:10:51.260 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: but to acknowledge that each and every one of you who take the time to listen to the show to my guest who come on the show to the people who help me produce the show that all of us are working together
00:10:51.470 --> 00:10:53.070 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: to dismantle racism.
00:10:53.230 --> 00:10:54.590 and we're showing up
00:10:54.610 --> 00:11:12.960 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: for purpose and for a reason. So today on our show, i'm so excited because i'm bringing back one of my guests, Ricky Wade. He was here before where we talked about the American Redneck Company. He's here today because we're gonna continue this conversation on ending race in America.
00:11:13.410 --> 00:11:24.410 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: More, we're gonna have more conversations around the ways that racism shows up on a daily basis. Because I think that often people think we're just making stuff up
00:11:25.350 --> 00:11:33.220 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: that we're playing the race card. and I always say the whole deck is is built around race. Right
00:11:34.730 --> 00:11:41.650 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: separation exists in this country, and it exists on so many levels, and race is one of them.
00:11:42.320 --> 00:11:47.140 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and there's a next intersectionality between race and other
00:11:47.300 --> 00:11:49.130 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: isms in this country.
00:11:49.380 --> 00:12:01.590 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: so we must take a look at it. We must take a look at how this race show up even in the language that we use. How are we conditioned to respond differently, based on
00:12:01.790 --> 00:12:12.400 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: how we define people race racially how to terms like Karen. perpetuate racism. What is the current effect?
00:12:12.940 --> 00:12:16.270 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: We've talked about colorism, multiple times on the show.
00:12:16.370 --> 00:12:18.060 We will get to that today
00:12:18.800 --> 00:12:21.160 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: we're going to be talking about a bunch of things.
00:12:21.360 --> 00:12:29.150 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: so I would absolutely love you for you to put your comments in the chat on Facebook live or Youtube
00:12:29.290 --> 00:12:31.030 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: reach out to us.
00:12:31.370 --> 00:12:48.170 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: But I want to welcome back Ricky Wade. He'll join us after the break he's a driven visionary who's focused on re-humanizing America, which we talked about on the previous episode. If you didn't see, it goes back to february night, go back and take a listen to that
00:12:48.170 --> 00:13:04.770 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: for the past 12 years he's worked for the government in capacities where he's had to interact with many law enforcement and political organizations. So he has an inside school. On all of that. He's also worked with corporate America, but his organization
00:13:04.850 --> 00:13:16.030 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: is called in Race in America, American Redneck Company. Actually, if you want to go and look up his site. But he's really about how do we, in
00:13:16.150 --> 00:13:27.440 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: this word in this social construct of race? It's a tall task. and sometimes the ways in which we identify and to find people
00:13:27.760 --> 00:13:30.700 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: are based on this social construct.
00:13:31.410 --> 00:13:38.940 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: They're actually pros and cons to even having the word black, white, Latin, etc. Etc.
00:13:41.040 --> 00:13:43.940 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Well, what do we do when we use those words?
00:13:44.320 --> 00:14:03.320 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Do we use them to celebrate? Do we use them to harm? So today. We're going to be talking a little bit more about that. We are actually going to take a break, and when I come back i'm going to Welcome, Ricky, way to the show. This is the dismantle racism show. I'm your host, the Reverend Dr. Tlc. Will be right back.
00:14:06.720 --> 00:14:26.130 Are you a business owner? Do you want to be a business owner? Do you work with business owners? Hi! I'm, Stephen Fry your small and medium-sized business or Smb guide, and i'm the host of the new show always Friday. While I love to have fun on my show, we take those Friday feelings of freedom and clarity to discuss popular topics on the minds of Smbs today.
00:14:26.280 --> 00:14:32.490 Please join me and my various special guests on Friday at 11 am. On talk radio and Nyc.
00:14:34.930 --> 00:15:00.820 Are you a conscious co-creator. Are you in a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness? I'm Sam Leibowitz your conscious consultant, and on my show the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity, we will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen. Live at our new time on Thursdays, at 12, noon, Eastern time. That's the conscious consultant Hour awakening humanity.
00:15:00.820 --> 00:15:05.230 Thursday's 12 noon on talk. Radio. Nyc.
00:15:10.470 --> 00:15:39.010 Are you on edge, hey? We live in challenging edgy time. So let's lean in. I'm Sandra Bardman, the host of the edge of every day, which airs each Monday at 7 P. M. Eastern time on talk, radio and Nyc. Tian in live with me and my friends and colleagues, as we share stories and perspectives about pushing boundaries and exploring our rough edges. That's the edge of every day. On Mondays at 7 P. M. Eastern time on top radio and Nyc.
00:15:39.150 --> 00:15:40.110 Russia.
00:15:40.650 --> 00:15:41.770 And
00:15:41.940 --> 00:15:47.470 you're listening to talk radio, Nyc: uplift, educate and power.
00:15:48.540 --> 00:15:49.780 The
00:16:02.540 --> 00:16:03.170 Oh.
00:16:17.970 --> 00:16:27.250 we are back with the dismantle racism. Show my guest today, is Ricky way, Ricky. Welcome back to the show. I'm so excited to have you today.
00:16:27.670 --> 00:16:31.550 Ricky Wade: Thank you, Dr. Tlc. Please be back. I appreciate you having me.
00:16:32.080 --> 00:16:41.330 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: so I have to start out. My My first question is, how are you doing? Because I know that you just came back from Ghana and Zambia. So do you have any jet like?
00:16:41.520 --> 00:16:56.790 Ricky Wade: No, not anymore. That that first couple of days back it. It. It is tough to recover sometimes, but I've had about a week. I am very pleased with the trip. I'm very pleased with the experience, so no, i'm perfectly fine and grateful grateful for what I got to experience and see
00:16:57.340 --> 00:16:59.230 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Right? Well, good. So
00:17:00.040 --> 00:17:13.060 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: I know that we want. We're gonna talk about race in America. You have just gone to the motherland, her motherland people there who look like you.
00:17:13.240 --> 00:17:14.300 and I wanted
00:17:14.310 --> 00:17:23.170 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: start by saying, Talk to me a little bit about your experiences there, because often I know that even when we, as people of color, go
00:17:23.230 --> 00:17:42.720 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: to you know other places, we're first seen as American, and so so sometimes the race piece becomes almost second nature. Tell me a little bit about your experience there, and how it helps you one to see yourself
00:17:42.740 --> 00:17:46.340 as a person who shares the same skin tone, and then
00:17:46.630 --> 00:17:48.130 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: 2,
00:17:49.570 --> 00:18:03.220 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: how it might compare to what you see here. Now. Now, mind you, I realized I asked you 2 questions, and i'll probably to to follow up with something that you say. But I would. I ask it that way, so I don't forget.
00:18:03.330 --> 00:18:04.310 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Talk about
00:18:04.640 --> 00:18:16.950 Ricky Wade: no problem. Thank you for that. So Ghana. First, because by chronological order I went there first before Zambia. It was my third time in Ghana, and I have many personal ties there. My mom was actually born in Ghana.
00:18:16.950 --> 00:18:31.880 Ricky Wade: My grandmother still lives there, or has moved back there since my great grandmother, my all My, a a bunch of Uncle's cousins aunts. They're all there, so I have personal ties to Ghana and the area across, and which is the capital of Ghana and the area around there.
00:18:32.030 --> 00:18:47.840 Ricky Wade: so being that my my family's from there I actually buy Ghanaian law qualify for guinea and citizenship. You just need at least one grandparent that is, from that is a getting in citizen where I have multiple as well as my mother.
00:18:47.840 --> 00:19:05.220 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: So the first time I went there was when I was 14. Didn't really understand what I was seeing, as well did get to sleep in some of the houses that my cousin slept in. It helped me to appreciate what we have here in America versus overseas like middle class here is much different than middle class over there.
00:19:05.240 --> 00:19:24.110 Ricky Wade: and then my second time, and 2,018. I got to see my grandfather for the second time. I saw my first time when I was 14, and how fortunate because he ended up passing away about a month and a half later. So my grandfather and this is going to be very interesting to a lot of people is full blooded Lebanese. There is a very
00:19:24.110 --> 00:19:28.470 Ricky Wade: pro a pronounced Lebanese population and Ghana people, who.
00:19:28.600 --> 00:19:36.140 Ricky Wade: my immigrated from there from Lebanon many years ago so my grandfather, always full blooded. Lebanese was born in Ghana, born in a crop.
00:19:36.210 --> 00:19:55.390 Ricky Wade: and then this third time being that the older you get, the wiser you get in some of the more experiences that experience I've had. I I got to get a more full experience, not just within the city of a crowd, but many of the outskirts where my grandmother currently lives, where the meeting my cousins and my aunt lives.
00:19:55.590 --> 00:20:14.500 Ricky Wade: So while I was there I got to meet with a gentleman. His name is James, and i'm gonna mess up his last name, so i'm not going to try. But I kept calling him James, who's running for office there, and lo and behold! Running for politic political office and gone as much like America cost it cost money. But James had watched our previous show.
00:20:14.500 --> 00:20:25.020 Ricky Wade: James and his wife, and they explained at length we had breakfast. It was James, his wife, and my grandmother and I had breakfast together and explain the impact that race
00:20:25.020 --> 00:20:40.160 Ricky Wade: the race practices that originated in America, how they're impacting Ghana now, how they're impacting West Africa, including practices such as and I I I know i'm gonna make some people mad, but chemically, chemically altering your hair
00:20:40.160 --> 00:21:08.540 Ricky Wade: in a tip to assimilate, so that practice had come back from America to Ghana, or the practice of bleaching one skin to try to the pure, lighter, and more accepted. And the the the wife who, who just an amazing lady was so passionate about our cause, and stop the practice of calling ourselves black, which is also an in infected parts of affected parts of Africa, that
00:21:08.540 --> 00:21:20.460 Ricky Wade: it the the the humanizing effect she sees with her son, who will be playing soccer. They call it football there, but automatically to defer the ball to a kids lighter than him in in times when he shouldn't have
00:21:20.470 --> 00:21:30.120 Ricky Wade: so amazing to see firsthand experience how our crusade, although I call it in, I say we're ining race in America is actually having an effect
00:21:30.140 --> 00:21:45.260 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: in Ghana. So yeah, you know. So I just want to just pause there for a second because we we we this goes back to what we do matters right, because people are always watching us, and people watch America very carefully. In fact.
00:21:45.350 --> 00:21:57.420 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: what I didn't really know was that Hitler's whole anti-semitism was actually a result of him watching what happened in about race in Mississippi.
00:22:01.590 --> 00:22:05.730 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: So they explain it like how
00:22:05.880 --> 00:22:23.150 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Hitler and the Nazi sent researchers to the United States during the Jim for that very. That's right. That's right. So so so that is the point that I'm. I'm. I'm trying to make here is that he indeed was watching right, watching all of what was happening
00:22:23.150 --> 00:22:34.550 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: in Mississippi right? And I say specifically, Mississippi, because i'm a Mississippi, and there was a lot that was going on right. And so what people have to understand is that
00:22:34.700 --> 00:22:44.140 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: when folks are looking at us. They're looking at the ways in which we handle things, and they also make assumptions about who we are when we show up.
00:22:44.280 --> 00:22:58.840 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: When we, as people of color people identify as black or not in in in the sense of ending race. You know they are already making assumptions. I had a a little sister when I was in graduate school, who's
00:22:58.840 --> 00:23:05.680 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Chinese? And she told me that her mother said to her, When you go to America, don't talk to black people
00:23:05.760 --> 00:23:07.980 Ricky Wade: that that's common. Yes.
00:23:08.000 --> 00:23:16.360 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: yeah. So what's happening? And here's another conversation for you and I to have, and I would love to have it with your me and family
00:23:16.550 --> 00:23:26.280 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: that there are ways in which people, particularly folks, our folks who come from Africa or other countries that are of color.
00:23:27.410 --> 00:23:30.950 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: When they come here. They make a distinction between being
00:23:31.160 --> 00:23:46.100 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: African and black, and and actually almost look down on us. Someone asked me to have a show about that, and I haven't found the right person to have that conversation with. But I don't know that you and I can have it.
00:23:46.320 --> 00:24:05.450 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: I I I definitely agree with that. But in the work that I do on dismantling racism, Sometimes the hardest people for me to talk to about racism in America, or those people who come from other countries because they'll say, Well, you all are just lazy, or you all of blah blah blah! Or they. They
00:24:05.450 --> 00:24:10.450 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: They believe that their discrimination is based on because they are farner.
00:24:10.890 --> 00:24:27.690 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and i'm like No, it may be some of it is, but it's also just by the nature of the color of your skin so, but back to you because we could this one I could get off on on these deep conversation together. So tell me more about then
00:24:27.950 --> 00:24:57.950 Ricky Wade: your experience there, and your understanding. Then absolutely 3 things I definitely want to hit on before I do, and that's immigration, Nazis and and other countries, for instance, India. So immigration wise. My mother came over here when she was 10 years old, and the way I saw her as an immigrant from Ghana interactive people she dealt with all the same racism and hardship and intersectionality that you you've discussed many times as anybody born here. In fact, she will tell you she's American
00:24:57.950 --> 00:25:03.820 Ricky Wade: with Dundee and lineage, because she follows our belief of ending race. In America, however, she was able to bring that
00:25:03.840 --> 00:25:21.350 Ricky Wade: first hand experience, African culture, and speak at schools and speak at school, board meetings and and and an open forum in churches to share share that culture. So it really depends on who you are. But I have seen the people, the kind, I will say which country they're mostly from. They're from a particular country who to look down on us
00:25:21.350 --> 00:25:35.150 Ricky Wade: because you're a black American. Secondly, just the quick thing about the Nazis of Of all the things you said, one of the things that's pointed out in the book cast by Isabel Wilkinson is the race rule of 1% of slavery.
00:25:35.220 --> 00:25:38.500 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Black was too extreme for them
00:25:38.610 --> 00:25:45.910 Ricky Wade: to the Nazis. They even said, we can't use this rule, because that will make everyone Jewish. And then a third hand.
00:25:46.030 --> 00:25:54.440 Ricky Wade: like the the top you were in. You mentioned earlier originated from India. Well, when Martin Luther King went to India, he was introduced as a fellow
00:25:54.440 --> 00:26:15.980 Ricky Wade: untouchable for the cast that is identified as untouchable as the lowest and lowest level. So it's worldwide. It's the worldwide effect. People are watching us do it. They're watching how, as I said in the last time we met. The hierarchy of race works. Black is at the bottom, and it and it and it translates to almost everywhere. You go
00:26:15.980 --> 00:26:41.850 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: so back to Ghana for an instant. So I I just because now you know you you start up stuff when you were saying all that you're absolutely right, that it translates everywhere you go, and even when people will say, but we don't have race here. Yeah, you do. Because why is it always the lighter skin people or on the TV shows who are advertising the billboards and all that. So you have it there. I do want to say kudos to your mother for understanding
00:26:43.050 --> 00:26:53.110 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: how racism shows up. But here's what I also want to point out, because again, there's always an intersectionality we look at. There's certain
00:26:53.270 --> 00:26:54.410 immigrants
00:26:54.490 --> 00:27:02.380 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: in this country when they come they're treated very differently in the dark.
00:27:03.060 --> 00:27:22.870 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Say that again. The Government treats them differently too. Exactly. Exactly. And so so I I kudos to your mother for understanding that it it wasn't just about being an immigrant. It was about being an immigrant who had the darker. Now I don't know what your mother looks like, but
00:27:22.870 --> 00:27:29.870 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: she's 11, so she's a little bit lighter than I am, but I know we got a a break coming up but one quick note, on Zambia.
00:27:30.050 --> 00:27:48.400 Ricky Wade: I had never been to Zambia, and that was the most eye-opening experiences 2 people I ran at you, one gentleman from London, who and and share, share. Share my skin. Tone heard what we're doing, and he immediately wanted to sign on, because he it that that that that we have spiritually energy. Wise
00:27:48.420 --> 00:27:54.040 Ricky Wade: people get it as soon as I hear the truth, and if we have enough time there's another man who
00:27:54.080 --> 00:27:57.720 Ricky Wade: it's, it's. It almost takes a few minutes to explain that
00:27:58.010 --> 00:28:04.700 Ricky Wade: he's the kind of personality that if it was 300 years ago he would have been one of the conductors of the Underground railroad.
00:28:04.720 --> 00:28:22.860 Ricky Wade: and we have people like that right now who are putting themselves on the line, even even if they don't have to. His name is John, by the way, who I met in Zambia, is putting his his self at risk to save others in. If we have time to get talk about that I certainly like to.
00:28:22.980 --> 00:28:42.100 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: I think that every day we put ourselves there are lots of people who are putting themselves on the line, and one of the things that I often say to people who don't look like me is it's important for you to know the other people who are doing this work, because otherwise it feels like we're in a silo. But every day
00:28:42.100 --> 00:28:47.690 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: I I I had a colleague the other day who to share with me. She's on a business meeting.
00:28:47.930 --> 00:29:05.420 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and they're having a conversation, and they started the conversation around. What happened? They were. They were applauding that this year more people watch the women in March. Madness, right? And they some good days so.
00:29:05.420 --> 00:29:17.640 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: But to her credit, what she did in this business business meeting where they're trying to applaud. You know that women are, you know, are are are finally being seen.
00:29:17.660 --> 00:29:21.580 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and she. as a woman who doesn't look like me.
00:29:22.140 --> 00:29:27.060 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: she said, and the other piece that we have to take a look at is the difference
00:29:27.210 --> 00:29:30.930 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: differences between how those 2 young ladies were treated.
00:29:30.930 --> 00:29:47.980 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and so I applaud her that even though this business meeting wasn't about that, since you're getting ready to talk about women being in the forefront, she said. Hey, here it is. Look at the intersectionality, and she said, I don't know what that will mean for me. Business wise. But I had to speak up.
00:29:47.980 --> 00:30:06.280 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: That's what I want. The listening audience to know when we talk about dismantling racism. It's the day to day things that we can do to make people aware of how race shows up, and then just to offer a teachable moment, because that's what she did in that moment. But, Ricky, we do have to take a break.
00:30:06.280 --> 00:30:10.420 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and we will be right back with the dismantle races show. Stay tuned.
00:30:11.930 --> 00:30:26.270 Are you passionate about the conversation around racism? Hi! I'm Reverend Dr. Tlc. Host of the dismantle racism show which airs every Thursday at 11 a. M. Eastern on talk, Radio and Nyc
00:30:26.270 --> 00:30:38.820 join me and my amazing guest as we discussed ways to uncover dismantle and eradicate racism. That's Thursdays at 110'clock a. M. On talk, radio and nyc
00:30:41.240 --> 00:31:09.240 in a post- movement world. You may have many unanswered questions regarding your health Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you have a desire to learn more about mental health, and enhance your quality of life? Or do you just want to participate in self-understanding and awareness. I'm. Frank R. Harrison, host of Frank about health and each Thursday. I will tackle these questions and work to enlighten you. Tune in every 3 day. 5 P. M. On talk radio and Nyc and I will be frank about how to advocate for all of us.
00:31:14.520 --> 00:31:38.540 Hey, Buddy, it's Tommy Dee, the non-profit sector connector coming at you from my attic each week here on talk radio and Nyc. I hosted program for a lamp of game. Focus non-profits in cocktails each and every day, and it's my focus. To help them, amplify their message and tell their story. Listen each week at 10 a. M. Eastern standard time until 11. A. M. Is from standing time right here on talk radio and Myc.
00:31:39.640 --> 00:31:47.760 You're listening to talk radio and Yc. At Www: talk radio and livec now broadcasting 24
00:31:48.170 --> 00:31:50.170 a day.
00:31:50.690 --> 00:31:51.680 The
00:31:56.920 --> 00:31:57.550 her
00:32:12.090 --> 00:32:24.280 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: we're back with the dismantled racism. Show My guest today is Ricky Wade and Ricky before the break. We were talking about your experiences in Ghana and Zambia. I want to give you an opportunity to continue those
00:32:24.280 --> 00:32:43.780 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: because I asked you some questions, and then, of course, you said the things that we've we got into our back and forth, which is absolutely great. Right? That's what a conversation is all about, but want to give you an opportunity to go back and to share some more of your your learnings, particularly in comparison to
00:32:43.780 --> 00:33:00.800 Ricky Wade: how we see race in America, and how you want to end up race in America absolutely. So I Won't Belabor the point about me, saying, calling someone black or white is wrong, increase the separation that God never intended for there to be. So i'll. I'll pause that for a second. The way you
00:33:00.930 --> 00:33:17.590 Ricky Wade: exercise meditation just like in the beginning of your show. There's another exercise. I encourage your viewers and everybody watching this to consider, and i'm looking out in the woods right now if you were to ever go out into nature and just pure nature, the trees, the grass, the the way God created it.
00:33:17.590 --> 00:33:24.310 Ricky Wade: and look around and get that feeling and see how it looks. There's you can understand that 200 300 years ago
00:33:24.330 --> 00:33:30.720 Ricky Wade: That's how it looked like that very clear picture in the same way that people alive today.
00:33:30.720 --> 00:33:54.010 Ricky Wade: and their their attitudes and their personalities and their motivations exist at 2 and 300 years ago. So if you think about the people you know now who, 300 years ago, how would this person have treated you, based on how they look, or how they? How you look! Would they have participated in slavery? Would they have turned the blind eye? Would they have if they were in a position of
00:33:54.010 --> 00:34:12.510 Ricky Wade: of being treated like a slave. What they have tried to escape? Would they have submitted? Would they have turned you in for trying to escape? Or would they have showed the courage to stand up to a entire, an entire society, right the courage to put themselves in their families and their livelihoods, and sometimes their lives at risk.
00:34:12.750 --> 00:34:17.580 Ricky Wade: One thing I look for in people today is the sense of empathy.
00:34:17.750 --> 00:34:23.710 Ricky Wade: Empathy that they don't necessarily have to have. Those are the people I believe, would have
00:34:23.750 --> 00:34:28.690 Ricky Wade: been conducting the Underground Railroad. So I mentioned John, so i'm in Zambia.
00:34:28.900 --> 00:34:45.219 Ricky Wade: and and i'm. I'm working. So I won't get into why I was. I was there, but I was there interacting with people and interacting society. And I meet this, this pre preacher, his name, his his name is John. He explained how he was getting people from a dangerous situation
00:34:45.400 --> 00:34:59.590 Ricky Wade: to a safer situation across international and international lines, and putting himself at risk to in to do so, getting himself away from his family. So when I see that type of empathy, and of course, when I told him what I was doing, he was all for it
00:34:59.590 --> 00:35:13.570 Ricky Wade: which continues to energize me. I I share this to say that although there are people who would exercise still to you, poorly based on your skin tone based on your signed gender. What have you?
00:35:13.680 --> 00:35:28.060 Ricky Wade: There are good people out there, and there are way more good than bad, and people like that like Yes, people like James and Ghana. Those people inspire me. So that's one of the ways i'm able to keep going. So before I forget.
00:35:28.140 --> 00:35:36.410 Ricky Wade: I sent you an email a couple of days ago, a link to Jim Crow laws, and if you, as a viewer haven't looked at these.
00:35:36.600 --> 00:35:50.310 Ricky Wade: please do so, because one thing you're going to find that is common for every state that had their own Jim pro loss almost all of them had. You cannot marry if you're black.
00:35:50.590 --> 00:35:54.730 Ricky Wade: The there's no way that any of these laws could have existed without race
00:35:54.800 --> 00:35:57.640 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: like that. That is the foundation of
00:35:57.800 --> 00:36:01.510 Ricky Wade: of the putting people down of the oppression
00:36:01.570 --> 00:36:05.240 Ricky Wade: that I think those laws exist right now. They're just not spoken.
00:36:05.320 --> 00:36:15.750 Ricky Wade: And right hopefully we can get into some of that. But a lot of those same things that were written on paper or written on State laws, or written in Federal laws 50 years ago. They're being practiced right now.
00:36:15.930 --> 00:36:26.810 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Well, well, I I I think, Ricky, we we have to get in into it, because, like we can't, cause show go so quickly. We could say hopefully, we'll get into it. But, like I do want to go back to something that you just said
00:36:27.840 --> 00:36:38.610 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: in in terms of they're more of us than them like. I always think there's a story in in the Bible that's that's really like Awesome, where God is actually speaking through
00:36:38.830 --> 00:36:54.280 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: a well profit is is, is speaking to one of his sisters, and the assistant looks out and he's all these are. These are me folks out there. Just tear them apart. And basically the prophesies, they're more of us than there are them, because because
00:36:54.280 --> 00:37:08.170 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: when you talk about going out here to Nature to kind of think about that the ancestors and the people who came before I always, in my meditations, try to have us to think about the people who are supporting us, and I believe
00:37:08.170 --> 00:37:19.700 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: that we bring those people who came before us into the circle. Because you're absolutely right. Those are the people who give us strength, so they're more of them than there are
00:37:20.020 --> 00:37:24.270 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: of the people who want to do harm, and and and and
00:37:24.510 --> 00:37:31.270 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: what I even think about my life, and some of the people who have extended a hand to me.
00:37:31.350 --> 00:37:49.120 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Some of the people who support me even in the neighborhood that I live in have been predominantly. People who don't look like me. They show up, and they do the job that they are supposed to do. Just because this is the job that they're supposed to do. They're not treating me differently, based on that.
00:37:49.120 --> 00:37:55.210 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: And so I have to give gratitude because I do a gratitude journal several times a week, if not every day
00:37:55.800 --> 00:38:13.490 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: for the people who show up. So I want to encourage our listeners that when dismantling racism becomes overwhelming for you to give gratitude for the people who who are showing up now, and the people in the past who showed up. So that's one thing. But, secondly, let's get into
00:38:14.240 --> 00:38:17.280 whether it be the Jim Crow laws, or how
00:38:17.590 --> 00:38:22.960 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: how racism shows up every day. I want to make sure that we're talking about that.
00:38:23.020 --> 00:38:42.630 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and I want to make sure that we specially leave time for this conversation around Karen. It may come in the next after the next break. But let's talk about the day to day. How is it showing up day to day? What are those practices, whether they are related to Jim Crow or otherwise? You're showing absolutely. So take it back to the
00:38:42.630 --> 00:39:01.770 Ricky Wade: nature practice that I just said if I were to empathize with somebody of my skin tone 300 years ago, and how they were treated in the hardships that existed, and I would say, be sitting right in front of that person like hey, do you like being treated like this? I'm pretty confident the answer would be something. No?
00:39:01.770 --> 00:39:15.640 Ricky Wade: And I asked, Which would you rather be call black, or human, or black, or American? I don't think anybody enjoyed being called Black back then, and it was just a matter of the of that force acceptance of, instead of being called my name, I got to be called the Black Guy.
00:39:15.960 --> 00:39:21.930 Ricky Wade: I went to a military college in Charleston, South Carolina. Not that long ago. I'm not that old.
00:39:21.930 --> 00:39:36.990 Ricky Wade: but I but re recent enough to remember that when I got there all I want it to be called was my name, and I asked at at Link. Stop calling me the black guy. I think I have an understanding of why that exists. As I said in our last meeting
00:39:36.990 --> 00:39:48.650 Ricky Wade: being called black was not meant as a compliment. There's a reason. Everything with a negative connotation is black in the Bible, even in the Bible. Black is bad, and white is good, but i'm supposed to say, i'm a black person. I'm: okay.
00:39:48.810 --> 00:39:50.320 Ricky Wade: So in doing so
00:39:50.440 --> 00:40:15.750 Ricky Wade: you start to realize that every time there's an arbitrary decision or subjective rule or arbitrary rule, it typically goes against you. and I remember I graduated early. It had nothing to do with writing the yearbook, but instead of being called my name in the yearbook i'm referred to as the nice black guy. That's a true story. I still have a your book. I got a second copy just to prove it. And another way Race gets practice right now, like in corporate America.
00:40:15.750 --> 00:40:33.400 Ricky Wade: when I am trying to get people hired. And in this intersectionality comes into this. I worked in a job where my job was finding jobs for other people period, and and I don't know if I was willingly blind or just didn't see it, but it took the first 13 months to finally see like. Wait a minute.
00:40:33.420 --> 00:40:50.650 Ricky Wade: Most of the people that are unemployed and come in here, and are the first delayed off, and the hardest to find jobs, for when they look like Dr. Tlc. And it was one particular lady that looked like my wife. So I brought this to the attention of my leadership internally, and they were like, yeah, you're just now seeing that.
00:40:50.860 --> 00:40:51.980 Ricky Wade: Oh, that's awful.
00:40:52.040 --> 00:41:07.440 Ricky Wade: There were companies that would. And I think I said this last time point like, Tell me not to send any black people. There was a process of procedure of now marking that company as somebody we're not going to deal with. However, somebody would go behind me on market and and work with them and send them who they want. There were companies that
00:41:07.870 --> 00:41:16.230 Ricky Wade: almost outright express that they didn't want to work with me because of my skin tone. So people of lighter skin would go work with that company, although that was against company policy.
00:41:16.260 --> 00:41:18.980 that practice still happens. There are people.
00:41:19.170 --> 00:41:21.900 Ricky Wade: and I know one particular person. I will not say their name
00:41:21.990 --> 00:41:31.840 Ricky Wade: that is, in law enforcement right now in South Carolina and this guy, and we'll get into the current effect in a second. But use the
00:41:31.850 --> 00:41:36.310 Ricky Wade: the societal rules that no matter what.
00:41:36.540 --> 00:41:41.160 Ricky Wade: If you don't know me or him, you're going to assume the worst in me and the best to him
00:41:41.190 --> 00:41:47.400 Ricky Wade: to to get the get the best way to commit honor violations and and got away with it.
00:41:47.980 --> 00:41:54.630 Ricky Wade: and i'm again, i'm trying not to be too specific. The third thing i'm going to say, because I understand we got a break coming up
00:41:55.280 --> 00:42:10.810 Ricky Wade: working with law enforcement. There have been multiple times when i'm showing up to a law enforcement entity, and I am looking for whatever suspect there they're describing whatever. Try to find a perpetrator, whatever crime. Oh, it was just this random black guy.
00:42:11.130 --> 00:42:27.690 Ricky Wade: When I, upon a little more research, I found out there there was no black guy involved, regardless of how you define black, but it's so easy for people to say and then accept that kind of that kind of practice, that kind of blame, that kind of that kind of a ending
00:42:28.010 --> 00:42:31.320 Ricky Wade: versus versus research and the truth. So.
00:42:31.710 --> 00:42:36.780 Ricky Wade: race racist practice this working against this because it was meant to it, was meant to
00:42:37.340 --> 00:42:46.840 Ricky Wade: keep you down. If you're black period. Maybe not hurt you as bad if you're called anything else. But if you're black Race was meant to pre keep you down. That's why I say we should not be calling each other there
00:42:47.300 --> 00:42:58.190 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: right and so, Ricky. There, there's this whole conversation around, whether we should use it or not. Right? I think I think part of the issue is for me.
00:42:58.390 --> 00:43:08.170 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Is that for me? I see, being a black woman, as I define myself, or woman of African descent. I say pride.
00:43:08.220 --> 00:43:25.850 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and I think the the problem is that a lot of people don't take it Friday, and my pride isn't based on because I think i'm better than blah blah. But it's because because that very thing that you said that they've always tried to push us down with it. I'm like No, I know why I am. I know my resilience.
00:43:25.850 --> 00:43:36.200 Ricky Wade: I know what I've been able to experience as, and I love my culture, I' to.
00:43:36.280 --> 00:43:45.110 Ricky Wade: I can't allow race to separate me, and somebody like John, who I talked about earlier, is that what I do? I cannot use race to dismantle racism.
00:43:45.220 --> 00:44:01.560 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: It so I get that I get your perspective on that. And why? That's important for me. It's often important, though, to speak in racial tones, because it helps people to do something to do 2 things: One.
00:44:01.560 --> 00:44:09.670 I think it helps people to see that if you are of a particular racial category based on social construct that you can do this work
00:44:09.870 --> 00:44:19.150 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and 2, I think that it opens people's eyes, and so I use it to discuss it, because it then it opens your eyes to make people understand
00:44:19.150 --> 00:44:32.310 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: how it is showing up on a daily basis. How, before I even open my mouth when I enter a room, you've already judged me based on this concept of race. Right? So from me often it's about
00:44:32.540 --> 00:44:37.280 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: the teachable part of it as well. And and again, like I, said.
00:44:37.300 --> 00:44:39.420 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: I honor who I am.
00:44:39.760 --> 00:44:41.170 because
00:44:41.250 --> 00:44:53.210 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: of how the world has treated me to say that i'm the opposite of who I know. I First and foremost I know i'm a child of God. So whenever I enter into a space to teach.
00:44:53.500 --> 00:45:03.850 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: to preach, or whatever it is that's what comes for my spiritual self. So I can teach from this place of this. But
00:45:03.970 --> 00:45:16.540 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: we teach people from where they are as well right. But I totally respect this idea of of ending race in America, and hopefully in ending it
00:45:16.820 --> 00:45:28.840 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: we will end racism. Now, there's something else you said, but I know we have to take a break. And when we come back we're actually going to talk about how the current effect is one of those ways in which
00:45:29.090 --> 00:45:42.410 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: racism shows up daily right? People are not even aware of, and conscious that they're actually perpetuating racism when they say she was a Karen, we'll be right back to this mental racism. Show.
00:45:45.270 --> 00:46:09.200 Hey, Buddy, it's Tommy Deed and non-profit Sector connector coming at you from my attic each week here on top radio and Nyc: I hosted program for land, but in focus non-profits in cocktails each and every day, and it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen each week at 10 a. M. Eastern standard time until 11. A. M. Is from standing time right here on talk radio, dot Nyc.
00:46:10.190 --> 00:46:37.990 In a sports movement world. You may have many unanswered questions regarding your health. Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you have a desire to learn more about mental health and enhance your quality of life? Or do you just want to participate in self-understanding and awareness I'm Frank R Harrison, host of Frank about health and each Thursday I will tackle these questions and work to enlighten you. Tune in everyday 5 P. M. On talk radio and Nyc. And I will be frank about help to advocate for all of us.
00:46:41.500 --> 00:47:11.790 Are you a conscious Co-creator? Are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness? I'm. Sam Liebridge, your conscious consultant. and on my show the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity, we will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen. Live at our new time on Thursdays, at 12 noon, Eastern time. That's the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. Thursday's 12 noon on talk radio. Nyc.
00:47:16.170 --> 00:47:26.110 You're listening to talk radio Nyc: at Ww: talk radio and Yc. Now broadcasting 24 h a day
00:47:47.930 --> 00:48:02.080 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: we are back with the dismantled racism. Show my guest today is Ricky Wade, of the American Redneck company and in race in America. Ricky, I know that we want to talk about the Karen effect, and we will.
00:48:02.190 --> 00:48:05.620 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: But I just want to take this moment to actually thank you
00:48:05.700 --> 00:48:12.650 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: for the work that you do, because you you you know you mentioned there are people out here every day putting their life on the line
00:48:12.810 --> 00:48:20.110 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: to do this work, and I know that a multiple ways that you put your life on the line. But as a man
00:48:20.210 --> 00:48:23.870 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: who share this who shares the same skin tone that I do.
00:48:24.430 --> 00:48:27.380 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: I know that it's not easy for you to show up
00:48:27.590 --> 00:48:38.190 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: things of world. and when you show up. There's already a target on your back. but you're also showing up to talk about something that's very critical.
00:48:38.460 --> 00:48:48.630 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and I don't want us to miss this, because people often think that they have to be like a Dr. King to be out here doing this work.
00:48:49.370 --> 00:48:53.390 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: But Dr. King Didn't do what Dr. King did by himself. It took
00:48:53.620 --> 00:49:08.420 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: millions of other people doing the work that they do. They are people with boots on the ground. So I just want to thank you for being on this journey with me, because I feel like anybody who's doing this work. We're on a journey together.
00:49:08.550 --> 00:49:19.620 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and for honoring what the call is on your life right now to do this work because you could have chosen to say life is already difficult enough for me. I got enough going on over here.
00:49:20.410 --> 00:49:21.620 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: I'm not doing it.
00:49:21.900 --> 00:49:28.660 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: but you're showing up. So I just want to thank you. Thank you, Dr. Tlc. But as we know, you're the one leading the charge I am
00:49:28.660 --> 00:49:44.710 Ricky Wade: of following your lead and in your wake of it. So I appreciate you. I've call. When people ask me about you. I call you a modern civil rights leader, and that is accurate, and I can back that up. And if you Haven't read her book, please please read Dr. Tlc's book. It is very, very I.
00:49:44.710 --> 00:50:14.710 Ricky Wade: One of the things that Dr. King did very well. He empowered a lot of people of all different skin tones to join along with them, which is what I am doing, which is why i'm so against calling someone wide or black, because that was meant for people to not join in together. So. And to do that I don't ignore skin to. I'm not color blind. I see color. I just say I see it more accurately than most people. What we came up with an alternative to race, and it's a skin tone scale 0 through 10. You yourself, in my opinion would be about a 6.
00:50:14.710 --> 00:50:36.420 Ricky Wade: That would be about a 7 Michael Jordan, 9 or 10. Stefan Stefan Curry be about a 5 Anderson cooper, 0 George Clooney like a 2 or 3. It depends on your perspective. It's so. It's more accurate than race in a in a little, a lot less divisive. So that's why I encourage people to use when race is necessary. But of course, if I needed to describe you, I would just say, Dr. Tlc.
00:50:36.420 --> 00:50:59.960 Ricky Wade: Or you could say you way for an American Redneck Company. That's rather specific. So, secondly, it helps address the colorism aspect, because, as we have discussed racism and colorism, or almost the same thing. One has just has to use race to, to to have an effect, but we can enforce the same evils, or or put a stop to the same evils of racism just by using word use of colorism.
00:51:00.120 --> 00:51:24.490 Ricky Wade: For instance, when you, if you're going to file in an equal employment, opportunity, complaint. You have the right to check racism or colorism or both, but they encompass the same thing, because the the better part about colorism say, if somebody is just a little bit lighter than us like a 5, and decide to do some awful things, because i'm about a 7. Well, racism wouldn't hold that person accountable. And i'm saying this from an experience
00:51:24.490 --> 00:51:44.020 Ricky Wade: colorism. What? So we don't need race to enforce getting rid of racism. We could use colorism, get rid of race and still accomplish the same thing. So you're saying something really interesting, because, you know, there's some people who don't even understand how color isn't works, they don't understand it.
00:51:44.020 --> 00:51:58.170 Ricky Wade: So getting into the Karen effect. First of all, I don't like when people call others Karen, there's a Karen who she actually commented on on my post when I talked about when I posted about this meeting.
00:51:58.170 --> 00:52:07.410 Ricky Wade: I want to remove that as the name and I've come up with an alternative call on crows, and that is somebody who knows that. Hey? If I don't like Ricky
00:52:07.410 --> 00:52:30.650 Ricky Wade: and I call the police like in the central Parks scenario with the Bird Watcher, and I call the police to see there's a black man trying to hurt me. I know that's going to work against that person. That person is a pro, not a Karen, or in it till was lied on. And it was known that if I, that person, told that lie, then people would believe her, and not in material that was taken advantage of system. So, instead of
00:52:30.650 --> 00:52:45.200 Ricky Wade: calling calling it a Karen, call it a crow. But the definition is the same. Somebody who knows that society is working against that person for their gender or their skin tone, or what have you? And then, taking advantage of the societal rules to then
00:52:45.340 --> 00:53:03.510 Ricky Wade: put it, put, exert their their pressure, exert their evil on that individual. It's happened to me at the citadel that happened to me in corporate America. It happened to me in the work I do now, and each time it was either it was always somebody of a lighter skin tone, but not always somebody that would call themselves white.
00:53:03.910 --> 00:53:08.530 Ricky Wade: You see that person could well black and still do the same thing.
00:53:08.950 --> 00:53:19.240 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: That's right. You you're saying something really important, and I know we're gonna run out of time. It just a few minutes. I want to say something else about this this Karen effect, though, too. So it's interesting.
00:53:19.240 --> 00:53:31.030 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Funny story. I was at a protest after George Lloyd was murdered, so that part wasn't funny. But I was at protest, and this woman that I know named Karen, came up and introduced herself to my children. It's Karen.
00:53:31.030 --> 00:53:53.650 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: So when my children got back in the car, and they're talking about the protest, because they were very few people of color at this protest. And so they're talking about it, and they said, and she had a nice to to come up and introduce herself as Karen. I see, because her name is Karen right, but you see the danger in doing that right? So there's the humor. But there's a danger. But the other thing about saying
00:53:54.240 --> 00:53:59.440 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: the Karen you're the that person is a Karen is because it also takes the onus off of
00:53:59.440 --> 00:54:19.200 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: other people, and they believe you have a Garrett chauvin who murdered right right? So what what they're doing is they'll say I would never do that. So I have an exercise that I do when i'm teaching people in my dismantling racism course that's called. I am Amy Cooper.
00:54:19.200 --> 00:54:33.010 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: because Amy Cooper didn't leave her home that day to think that she was going to do that. This is the person consider herself a progressive and blah blah blah blah! Right? So the danger, though, is that we also don't look at how deep
00:54:33.080 --> 00:54:48.830 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: racism runs in this country, and the reason why those crows, as you call them, can respond. The way that they do is because they've been taught that this is what you do in this country, and so to see. Karen means that you're blaming
00:54:48.850 --> 00:54:53.810 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: her. Not that she isn't responsible, because she is responsible for her.
00:54:53.930 --> 00:55:01.850 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: But you're not looking at the deeper
00:55:01.850 --> 00:55:21.000 Ricky Wade: Jim Crow. Laws. That's why I use the word pro. Now, there's not that many people named pro, but we can assign this properly instead of an innocent person named Karen, who's trying to do the right thing, now gets looked down upon. Let's call these people who do the wrong thing. They're crows and stop and stop the negative connotation with the name Karen, because there's some good
00:55:21.130 --> 00:55:28.360 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: That's right. There's some there. There's some. There's some good Karen out there, and we need to look at the system itself
00:55:28.440 --> 00:55:36.280 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: right? Because because if we get into history, white women have been really trained
00:55:36.440 --> 00:55:42.360 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: in a way to to fear people who look like us, and to say, oh, wait a minute, just like, but in material
00:55:42.660 --> 00:55:47.680 Ricky Wade: right. I I have to speak up for not just a Karen that I know but
00:55:47.680 --> 00:56:16.990 Ricky Wade: a a several people who I think they would have oversaw the underground relatives, real as well. There, there's there's there's several ladies that come to mind that meet that description of white women. If, as you define it, however, they're very good people in they've overcome. I'm not. I'm not saying that right, because I the other person I was thinking of. Sorry. I certainly don't think that all white people, that what I my point that I am trying to make in our 30 s that we have left Here
00:56:16.990 --> 00:56:19.970 is is my point that I want to make is this.
00:56:20.880 --> 00:56:31.100 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: and that is historically those women who've been lumped in that group. There's a way that they've been socialized to respond
00:56:31.150 --> 00:57:01.150 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: to us as people with a dark queue. And it because that's why so many of our men have been Lynch, but, Ricky, of course we're ending the show in the middle of this dynamic discussion. But we all come back. Oh, okay, so exactly. So if people want to get in touch with Ricky, you can get in touch with him on social media. His organization is called the American Redneck Company, which we talked about the last time on the show. Everything will be listed, of course.
00:57:01.150 --> 00:57:12.900 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: with how you can get in touch with them, Ricky. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. I'm sorry that we have to end to show it on such a a conversation, but we knew that this would happen. I I appreciate you.
00:57:13.300 --> 00:57:20.760 Ricky Wade: Thank you. Dr. Tlc. Brian, Angie Karen, Chris and Teacher Mary. Thank you all very much. I know you're watching. So Thank you.
00:57:20.950 --> 00:57:43.230 Rev. Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you to all the listeners for being on the show. We do appreciate you. Please do go to sacred to learn more about me, and please stay tuned for the conscious consultant hour with Sam. Leave it with where he helps you to walk through life with the greatest of ease enjoy. Be well be safe. Be encouraged until next time, Bye. For now.