Join Sam and Itzhak as they discuss about indigenous wisdom and what it has to contribute to today’s world!
This week, on The Conscious Consultant Hour, Sam welcomes Shamanic Teacher, Healer, Speaker, Community Activist, and Author, Itzhak Beery.
Itzhak Beery is an international leading shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist, and author of three Amazon bestseller books. Born in an Israeli Kibbutz, he had a fine art career and owned an award-winning boutique Ad agency in New York City. A midlife crisis led to his shift from a skeptical atheist and business executive into a passionate believer, aligned with his life purpose.
Since 1995, Itzhak has bridged the spiritual and practical wisdom his indigenous and Western teachers entrusted to him. He was initiated into the "Circle of 24 Yachaks of Imbabura" by his Quechua teacher in Ecuador and Amazonian Kanamari Pajè in Brazil.
Itzhak is the founder of ShamanPortal.org, The Andes Summit, and co-founder of the New York Shamanic Circle, he is on major global spiritual centers faculties. Itzhak received the 'Ambassador for Peace Award' from The Universal Peace Federation and the UN.
00:00:30.220 --> 00:00:39.940 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: good afternoon, my conscious co-creators. Welcome to another edition of the conscious consultant hour. Awakening humanity.
00:00:40.390 --> 00:00:44.870 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: I am very very pleased that you are all here with me today.
00:00:44.950 --> 00:01:00.670 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: If you might notice I might not have my usual energy today. I got to be a little careful. Talking had a little dental surgery yesterday, so my mouth is not what it normally is. So you know i'm gonna rely a lot on my guest today to do most of the talking.
00:01:00.680 --> 00:01:06.339 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: But first, of course, I'm going to get to a little section for my book everyday Awakening.
00:01:06.540 --> 00:01:16.749 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and of course you can always find it@everydayawakeningbook.com. And it's really quite interesting that this happens to be
00:01:16.840 --> 00:01:20.210 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: the section of the book for today.
00:01:20.730 --> 00:01:25.880 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: because I just wrote another blog post without looking at this one
00:01:26.450 --> 00:01:27.990 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: of the same title
00:01:28.600 --> 00:01:38.060 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and on the same topic. And this this section is called All of Life is lived in the present moment
00:01:39.490 --> 00:01:51.739 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: living in the future is easy. We do it some. We all do it. Sometimes we look forward to an event or a goal, and allow it to consume our intention until that special day arrives.
00:01:51.860 --> 00:01:56.819 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Then the future is here. We have made our goal or accomplishment.
00:01:56.850 --> 00:02:00.390 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Now what do we do we set another goal.
00:02:00.560 --> 00:02:05.899 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: which is all fine and dandy, unless it keeps us from living. In the present moment.
00:02:06.180 --> 00:02:11.220 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: when we live in the present moment we can still march towards our goals.
00:02:11.760 --> 00:02:14.470 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: yet we are more aware of our steps.
00:02:14.500 --> 00:02:20.410 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: We see more of our surroundings. We feel more of the wind on our face.
00:02:20.920 --> 00:02:25.590 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: When we are truly being present to our lives, we are fully engaged.
00:02:25.860 --> 00:02:29.120 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: We pay attention to the here and now.
00:02:29.520 --> 00:02:33.290 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: when we live in the future. We put off our enjoyment.
00:02:33.330 --> 00:02:35.210 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: we delay happiness.
00:02:35.360 --> 00:02:39.780 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: we forego our peace, and live as if we are constantly running.
00:02:40.320 --> 00:02:44.290 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: not an external running, but an internal running.
00:02:44.910 --> 00:02:47.749 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: We are always longing for the next big thing.
00:02:47.870 --> 00:02:51.110 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: the next shiny object, the next promotion.
00:02:51.720 --> 00:02:53.499 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: When we are present
00:02:53.560 --> 00:02:56.500 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: we are living our lives to the fullest.
00:02:57.050 --> 00:03:06.560 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: We are happy, sad, joyful, terrified, anxious, and much more, and we feel all of it.
00:03:09.700 --> 00:03:13.450 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: We feel it deeply in our whole body.
00:03:13.860 --> 00:03:17.240 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: This can be scary and exhilarating
00:03:17.480 --> 00:03:20.360 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: mostly, though it is just
00:03:20.440 --> 00:03:24.310 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: what it feels like to be alive.
00:03:24.820 --> 00:03:30.090 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: We can share our presence with those we love in a manner that truly serves.
00:03:30.130 --> 00:03:33.989 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and we can revel in the moments that make us feel amazing.
00:03:35.030 --> 00:03:39.040 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: It is all here waiting for us in the present moment.
00:03:40.070 --> 00:03:43.499 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: How can you be more aware of the present moment.
00:03:43.720 --> 00:03:48.180 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Can you see what you do to take yourself out of presence?
00:03:48.910 --> 00:03:57.720 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: You know it's really quite interesting because I I wrote another blog post, and you can find it on talk radio that Nyc.
00:03:58.200 --> 00:04:02.419 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: literally the same name, but very different content. But I guess
00:04:03.130 --> 00:04:06.110 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: it's just an important reminder.
00:04:06.890 --> 00:04:09.899 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and for me it it comes up more and more
00:04:10.430 --> 00:04:12.639 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: the importance of being present.
00:04:12.870 --> 00:04:14.760 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and I really feel
00:04:15.540 --> 00:04:22.440 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: it's one of those things that's most challenging today, because there's so many things to take us out of presence.
00:04:23.760 --> 00:04:25.890 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and at the same time
00:04:26.360 --> 00:04:31.069 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: it is one of the most powerful places to be to be truly present.
00:04:32.370 --> 00:04:34.940 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: not very comfortable many times.
00:04:35.260 --> 00:04:38.000 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: because oftentimes things are going on that
00:04:38.230 --> 00:04:39.780 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: don't feel so good
00:04:39.810 --> 00:04:41.480 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: that aren't very comfortable.
00:04:44.570 --> 00:04:50.809 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: But when we take ourselves out of presence for those things. Then we take ourselves out of presence for everything else.
00:04:51.920 --> 00:04:56.540 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: And then we don't really enjoy our lives. We're not really fully here.
00:04:58.370 --> 00:05:06.259 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: so it's it's sort of a catch 22. We can't pick and choose what? To be present to and what not to be present to.
00:05:06.560 --> 00:05:11.990 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: because the more we take ourselves out of presence, the more it becomes a habit, the more which is not present.
00:05:12.380 --> 00:05:18.380 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: And with our cell phones and technology, and the space and speed of things. Today
00:05:19.390 --> 00:05:22.610 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: everything is is running so fast
00:05:22.680 --> 00:05:26.960 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: we're so distracted. We get out of presence at a drop of a hat.
00:05:28.560 --> 00:05:33.980 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: so I guess that's why I feel it's so important that we really spend some time
00:05:34.650 --> 00:05:36.790 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: focusing on being present
00:05:38.240 --> 00:05:43.249 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: on undoing all the pain and her and trauma we've had.
00:05:44.860 --> 00:05:48.300 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: so that those voices in our head can calm down.
00:05:48.900 --> 00:05:52.549 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and we can truly be here right now
00:05:53.160 --> 00:05:54.780 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: in this moment.
00:05:56.000 --> 00:06:01.900 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: whether it's with another person like a guest on a show, or whether it's just with ourselves.
00:06:04.170 --> 00:06:08.140 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: because the past is already gone, the future Hasn't happened yet.
00:06:08.310 --> 00:06:13.120 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and all we have is this present moment.
00:06:15.090 --> 00:06:18.580 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: And so i'm just going to ask my listeners.
00:06:18.980 --> 00:06:24.270 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: As you listen to this episode. Be really present to the conversation.
00:06:24.920 --> 00:06:26.820 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: be present to the breaks
00:06:26.880 --> 00:06:29.409 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: be present when the theme music plays
00:06:29.900 --> 00:06:31.650 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: be present to.
00:06:31.730 --> 00:06:34.960 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: How does my voice sound different than it normally does
00:06:35.080 --> 00:06:37.899 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: be present to how my guests voice sounds.
00:06:38.570 --> 00:06:40.340 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Let's just take this
00:06:40.770 --> 00:06:41.440 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: this
00:06:41.800 --> 00:06:43.629 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: little bit of time.
00:06:44.090 --> 00:06:50.000 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and let's just use it as an opportunity to practice being present.
00:06:50.310 --> 00:06:54.790 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and then hopefully, you can carry that forward into the rest of your life.
00:06:56.190 --> 00:07:11.239 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: So that's the all about presence. All of life is lived in the present moment from my book, Everyday Awakening. And if you haven't gotten it yet, please make sure to go to everyday awakening book.com, and pick it up.
00:07:11.500 --> 00:07:14.009 Okay.
00:07:14.350 --> 00:07:21.550 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Now it is my extreme pleasure to welcome back to the show, because he's been on the show before
00:07:21.990 --> 00:07:29.549 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: a shamanic teacher. Healers speaker community activist and and three-time best-selling author. It's a
00:07:29.870 --> 00:07:47.479 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: it Suck is an international shamanic, a leading shamanic teacher. He's a healer, a speaker, and he and he was born in Israel on a kibbutz, and he had a fine art career in a war, and owned an award winning boutique AD agency in New York City.
00:07:47.720 --> 00:07:57.539 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: A midlife crisis led to his shift from a skeptical atheist and business executive to a passionate believer aligned with his life, person, purpose.
00:07:57.610 --> 00:08:09.070 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Since 1995 its act has bridged the spiritual and practical wisdom his indigenous and Western teachers entrusted to him. He was initiated into the circle of 24.
00:08:09.450 --> 00:08:11.050 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Yes.
00:08:11.130 --> 00:08:13.059 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: yeah, Chakas of
00:08:13.290 --> 00:08:20.089 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: in Babubra by the Quetta teacher in in Ecuador and the Amazonian
00:08:20.150 --> 00:08:50.039 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Kanamari Paje in Brazil, he's the founder of Shamanic portal.org the andy summit then co-founder of the new York shamanic circle. And if you're in New York City and you're into anything shamanic, you know it's a he's on a major global spiritual center faculty. He's received the Ambassador for Peace, award from the Universal Peace Federation and the UN. Welcome back to the Conscious consultant. Now, right. Thank you very much for having me
00:08:50.050 --> 00:08:50.900 back.
00:08:51.340 --> 00:08:58.230 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: It's it's a pleasure. It's a pleasure it it you. You have so much
00:08:58.240 --> 00:09:18.830 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: beautiful wisdom to share with people. I I couldn't think of any anyone better, and and also just to let you know. Last week I had on Steven Gray, who was the editor of the book, and how psychedelics can help save the world, and he puts on a a plant medicine conference in Vancouver. So we got a theme running here.
00:09:20.320 --> 00:09:33.320 Itzhak Beery: Well, you know, I I actually like very much what you're talking about being in the moment, and one of the things that I think is so important. You know. I just came back from the Amazon. I was there for in Ecuador for a month.
00:09:33.590 --> 00:09:35.650 Itzhak Beery: and I brought a group there.
00:09:35.830 --> 00:09:41.930 Itzhak Beery: and one of the things that we did this time, which was very different than the other troops that I took people in.
00:09:42.430 --> 00:09:44.329 Itzhak Beery: is it I?
00:09:44.410 --> 00:09:46.360 Itzhak Beery: We try not to do much.
00:09:46.670 --> 00:09:48.319 Itzhak Beery: We try to be
00:09:48.390 --> 00:09:50.210 Itzhak Beery: in the moment.
00:09:51.940 --> 00:09:52.830 Itzhak Beery: breathe
00:09:54.270 --> 00:09:55.130 Itzhak Beery: the
00:09:55.720 --> 00:09:58.930 Itzhak Beery: be with the river for the trees.
00:09:59.280 --> 00:10:00.539 Itzhak Beery: and that plan
00:10:00.790 --> 00:10:03.950 Itzhak Beery: how the things happened in the way they turn out to be.
00:10:04.620 --> 00:10:09.559 Itzhak Beery: And it was a huge difference, because people.
00:10:09.600 --> 00:10:12.680 Itzhak Beery: the nervous system come down.
00:10:12.940 --> 00:10:15.980 Itzhak Beery: and they became more receptive
00:10:16.190 --> 00:10:22.040 Itzhak Beery: for the medicine, for all the other healing medicine and for the teaching that the
00:10:22.250 --> 00:10:23.930 Itzhak Beery: the shamans were giving.
00:10:24.590 --> 00:10:27.899 Itzhak Beery: But it was a beautiful way of.
00:10:28.080 --> 00:10:32.590 Itzhak Beery: you know. Explain what what you are talking about about being in the moment.
00:10:33.240 --> 00:10:36.889 Itzhak Beery: and I think that one of the things that is so different
00:10:37.240 --> 00:10:41.310 Itzhak Beery: between indigenous people and our society
00:10:41.870 --> 00:10:44.650 Itzhak Beery: is being in the moment. Yes.
00:10:44.760 --> 00:10:45.810 Itzhak Beery: and
00:10:46.140 --> 00:10:49.080 Itzhak Beery: I think it is so important to
00:10:49.270 --> 00:10:49.980 Itzhak Beery: a
00:10:50.440 --> 00:10:52.680 Itzhak Beery: protect the indigenous
00:10:52.700 --> 00:10:53.780 Itzhak Beery: wisdom
00:10:54.730 --> 00:10:56.870 Itzhak Beery: to remind us
00:10:57.590 --> 00:11:06.800 Itzhak Beery: that not everything has is Facebook Twitter, Not everything is about money, it's not. Everything is about achievement.
00:11:06.950 --> 00:11:08.360 Itzhak Beery: It's about being.
00:11:08.610 --> 00:11:09.430 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Yes.
00:11:09.570 --> 00:11:17.320 Itzhak Beery: and when you are there, in the mountains or in the in the forest, in the jungle.
00:11:17.860 --> 00:11:19.790 Itzhak Beery: you really understand that.
00:11:20.710 --> 00:11:23.289 Itzhak Beery: But you also understand, like a
00:11:23.370 --> 00:11:31.099 Itzhak Beery: many people from our culture, is coming there to help them to to breathe them into.
00:11:31.480 --> 00:11:35.400 Itzhak Beery: And this is the clash of cultures in many ways, because
00:11:35.850 --> 00:11:38.469 Itzhak Beery: our culture is all about planning
00:11:38.680 --> 00:11:41.470 Itzhak Beery: all about planning into the future.
00:11:41.740 --> 00:11:47.019 Itzhak Beery: If we do that, then we will do that. If we do that we will have more, and then.
00:11:47.930 --> 00:11:53.129 Itzhak Beery: and i'm not saying that this is bad. But i'm saying that there is a conflict
00:11:53.410 --> 00:12:01.560 Itzhak Beery: between we. We were in the psychopathy Osikoya tribe in agriculture in Ecuador.
00:12:02.020 --> 00:12:08.740 Itzhak Beery: and they they really appreciate their being in the moment
00:12:09.950 --> 00:12:14.129 Itzhak Beery: they will hunt when they need they will fish when they need
00:12:14.500 --> 00:12:18.040 Itzhak Beery: they will sit and chat and laugh and
00:12:18.560 --> 00:12:22.660 Itzhak Beery: do nothing, and in our in our mind it sounds like
00:12:22.770 --> 00:12:26.709 Itzhak Beery: they're wasting their time. They could have done something better right.
00:12:26.970 --> 00:12:29.480 Itzhak Beery: but for them it it is about
00:12:29.540 --> 00:12:31.750 Itzhak Beery: the joy of life
00:12:32.090 --> 00:12:43.680 Itzhak Beery: being in the moment or being in with life, with the trees being part of the
00:12:44.970 --> 00:12:46.710 Itzhak Beery: matrix of the universe.
00:12:46.750 --> 00:13:00.310 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: You know it was interesting. I I've been to Ecuador, not for a plant medicine journey just just for a vacation, and we did get a chance to to go into the Amazon a little bit.
00:13:01.320 --> 00:13:06.889 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and when you can not just like walk through the jungle, but really pay attention.
00:13:06.950 --> 00:13:12.629 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: It is so alive with the insects and the birds and the animals.
00:13:13.370 --> 00:13:19.190 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and when you can really just be in the present moment, and feel all that
00:13:19.220 --> 00:13:26.509 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: as a fellow city dweller in New York City. It can almost be overwhelming how much life there is.
00:13:26.920 --> 00:13:30.470 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and and I found it quite fascinating that
00:13:32.330 --> 00:13:37.849 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: it's not that uncommon that people go down either to Ecuador or Peru or Columbia.
00:13:38.020 --> 00:13:40.579 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and they do so, a plant, medicine ceremony.
00:13:40.610 --> 00:13:43.089 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: And it's actually too much for them.
00:13:43.890 --> 00:13:46.900 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: because we're so used to this almost
00:13:46.940 --> 00:13:49.959 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: sterile environment that's not
00:13:50.150 --> 00:13:53.190 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: teeming with life the way it is in the jungle.
00:13:53.780 --> 00:13:56.730 Itzhak Beery: What I said that's the difference between the
00:13:57.040 --> 00:14:03.750 Itzhak Beery: doing plant medicine in the Amazon, and do it in a basement in Brooklyn or some other places.
00:14:03.920 --> 00:14:05.300 Itzhak Beery: because
00:14:05.510 --> 00:14:08.659 Itzhak Beery: what you are experiencing is the
00:14:08.710 --> 00:14:12.640 Itzhak Beery: the fullness of life, the fullness of the universe, the fullness of
00:14:13.010 --> 00:14:14.079 Itzhak Beery: the matrix.
00:14:14.160 --> 00:14:17.189 Itzhak Beery: the connection, the deep connection that you have with
00:14:17.340 --> 00:14:18.250 Itzhak Beery: with nature.
00:14:18.530 --> 00:14:19.770 Itzhak Beery: and so
00:14:20.430 --> 00:14:22.510 Itzhak Beery: vision or
00:14:22.960 --> 00:14:26.969 Itzhak Beery: the experience is is a full experience.
00:14:27.150 --> 00:14:28.380 Itzhak Beery: It's not.
00:14:28.420 --> 00:14:35.309 Itzhak Beery: Then also, you don't go after the ceremony, and you hail a taxi and go home.
00:14:35.510 --> 00:14:39.760 Itzhak Beery: You stay. You stay in the environment of that, you
00:14:40.090 --> 00:14:41.550 Itzhak Beery: you continued
00:14:41.810 --> 00:14:43.100 Itzhak Beery: to
00:14:43.870 --> 00:14:47.229 Itzhak Beery: to process that with nature.
00:14:47.660 --> 00:14:50.570 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: right? Right? And it makes for a very
00:14:50.640 --> 00:14:53.550 Itzhak Beery: different experience. Absolutely.
00:14:53.750 --> 00:14:54.690 Itzhak Beery: Yeah, yeah.
00:14:54.920 --> 00:15:04.009 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: okay. So let's take our first break, and when we come back i'd like to maybe have you share with the audience a little bit of
00:15:04.040 --> 00:15:04.820 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: what
00:15:04.840 --> 00:15:16.580 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: you know really has been. You've learned from the indigenous elders, especially recently, that you think is important for people to know today, because.
00:15:16.710 --> 00:15:19.950 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: you know one of the things I think people often forget is
00:15:20.220 --> 00:15:36.849 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: these indigenous cultures have been around a long, long time longer than modern society, and there is a lot of rich wisdom in there, but because they're not quote unquote, technologically advanced.
00:15:36.860 --> 00:15:45.359 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: we tend to discount that until we really listen to it. And then we find out that, like oh, my God! That actually is brilliant. Okay, it's a
00:15:45.870 --> 00:15:47.919 Itzhak Beery: absolutely thank you.
00:15:47.930 --> 00:16:16.560 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Wonderful. So you're listening to the conscious consult now are weakening humanity. We do this every Thursday, 12 noon to one Pm. Eastern time, even after I go get an implant put in my mouth right here on talk radio that Nyc. And 10 am. On Wednesdays like on Kmt and Palm Springs, California. I do see loyal listener Paddy, on the livestream tuning in and sharing. Thank you, Patty, and we will be right back with our guest. It's a theory in just a moment.
00:16:19.920 --> 00:16:39.310 Are you a business owner? Do you want to be a business owner? Do you work with business owners? Hi! I'm. Steven Fry, Your small and medium-sized business or smb guide and i'm the host of the new show always Friday, while I love to have fun on my show. We take those Friday feelings of freedom and clarity to discuss popular topics on the minds of SMS today.
00:16:39.480 --> 00:16:45.669 Please join me at my various special guests on Friday at 11 am. On talk radio and Nyc.
00:16:48.130 --> 00:16:54.530 Are you a conscious co-creator? Are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness.
00:16:54.590 --> 00:17:18.419 www.TalkRadio.nyc: I'm. Sam Leibowitz, your conscious consultant, and on my show, the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity, we will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen. Live at our new time on Thursdays at 12 noon, Eastern time. That's the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. Thursday's 12 noon on talk radio and Nyc.
00:17:23.670 --> 00:17:28.770 Are you on edge, hey? We live in challenging edgy time. So let's lean in.
00:17:28.780 --> 00:17:52.199 www.TalkRadio.nyc: I'm Sandra Bardman, the host of the edge of every day, which airs each Monday at 7 P. M. Eastern time on talk, Radio and Nyc. Tian in live with me and my friends and colleagues as we share stories and perspectives about pushing boundaries and exploring our rough edges. That's the edge of every day on Mondays at 7 P. M. Eastern time on top radio and Nyc.
00:17:52.330 --> 00:17:53.300 Russia
00:17:53.850 --> 00:17:54.950 www.TalkRadio.nyc: the
00:17:55.130 --> 00:18:00.590 you're listening to talk radio, Nyc: uplift, educate in power
00:18:01.770 --> 00:18:02.980 the
00:18:11.260 --> 00:18:12.180 different.
00:18:21.610 --> 00:18:23.220 the
00:18:24.180 --> 00:18:25.050 you
00:18:34.100 --> 00:18:46.410 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and welcome back to the conscious consult. Now awakening humanity. We're speaking this hour with it's a theory author of the Gift of Shamanism and several other books on Shamanism.
00:18:46.520 --> 00:18:52.449 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: It it's up. You've been working with indigenous elders for probably longer than anyone I know.
00:18:52.520 --> 00:18:58.750 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: What have you learned from the indigenous elders over the years that's really
00:18:59.050 --> 00:19:04.819 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: helped you to deal with everything that we have to deal with today in the modern world.
00:19:07.450 --> 00:19:14.639 Itzhak Beery: Well, I think that one of the things that I learned from them is that we separate between spirituality
00:19:14.820 --> 00:19:15.740 Itzhak Beery: and
00:19:15.910 --> 00:19:17.490 Itzhak Beery: the materialism
00:19:17.530 --> 00:19:19.650 Itzhak Beery: or our survival.
00:19:19.880 --> 00:19:21.539 Itzhak Beery: And for them it's all one.
00:19:21.820 --> 00:19:27.430 Itzhak Beery: and they're not. They don't. Look at the
00:19:27.480 --> 00:19:31.839 Itzhak Beery: our spiritual or emotional being as a separate from
00:19:31.910 --> 00:19:33.570 Itzhak Beery: our physical.
00:19:33.650 --> 00:19:35.720 Itzhak Beery: but it's all one
00:19:35.880 --> 00:19:53.959 Itzhak Beery: erez agmoni. And I think one of the things that is so important in their tradition is to make sure that you have the next fish that you have, the next food, that you are safe, that your community is your community, not just you. One
00:19:54.030 --> 00:19:59.440 Itzhak Beery: is all safe and and and happy.
00:20:00.020 --> 00:20:06.790 Itzhak Beery: so they have a one. Another thing that is so important is is that they have a
00:20:07.380 --> 00:20:09.399 responsibility
00:20:09.690 --> 00:20:13.149 Itzhak Beery: for for their own well-being.
00:20:14.100 --> 00:20:16.760 Itzhak Beery: but also for their community.
00:20:17.160 --> 00:20:25.980 Itzhak Beery: erez Agmoni, and that the idea of with community sharing responsibility for each other, that you are not
00:20:26.060 --> 00:20:30.559 Itzhak Beery: feeling alone, that you are not separate, that you are not going to get
00:20:30.810 --> 00:20:34.769 Itzhak Beery: are hungry, or you are not going to be left alone.
00:20:34.800 --> 00:20:40.220 Itzhak Beery: But there is a there is a a tribe or family that take care of you.
00:20:40.360 --> 00:20:45.759 Itzhak Beery: and I think that one of the things that I mean our biggest disease in in our
00:20:45.940 --> 00:20:50.109 Itzhak Beery: Western culture is a separate that believe in separation.
00:20:50.320 --> 00:20:55.489 Itzhak Beery: They believe that that I can do it. But I don't really give a them about what you do.
00:20:55.620 --> 00:21:03.429 Itzhak Beery: and that the idea is that we are all in it together, and are my well-being
00:21:03.450 --> 00:21:05.379 Itzhak Beery: depend on your well being
00:21:05.430 --> 00:21:14.919 Itzhak Beery: right, and my well-being depend on if I can have the fish and the yoka to eat.
00:21:15.230 --> 00:21:20.030 Itzhak Beery: and then I can share it with other people, too, or we can all share at the same time.
00:21:20.420 --> 00:21:24.540 Itzhak Beery: So it's it's a it's a it's a clash of cultures in many ways.
00:21:24.700 --> 00:21:29.110 Itzhak Beery: Their their culture, the indigenous country is about sharing.
00:21:29.590 --> 00:21:31.600 Itzhak Beery: It's about
00:21:32.610 --> 00:21:46.299 Itzhak Beery: what maybe a Republican party will say, that is a it's a Socialist Socialist culture, and our culture is about. You know how much I can get for myself
00:21:46.410 --> 00:21:49.539 Itzhak Beery: and without regards to others.
00:21:49.850 --> 00:21:52.840 Itzhak Beery: and so that that gives
00:21:52.890 --> 00:21:54.460 Itzhak Beery: them
00:21:54.500 --> 00:22:01.010 Itzhak Beery: such a strength and emotional physical and spiritual strength.
00:22:01.500 --> 00:22:05.350 Itzhak Beery: And again, you know, they don't separate between spirit
00:22:05.770 --> 00:22:07.300 Itzhak Beery: and material.
00:22:07.320 --> 00:22:09.770 Itzhak Beery: It's all the same.
00:22:10.010 --> 00:22:13.299 Itzhak Beery: And like when I, when I was asking them, you know, like the
00:22:13.620 --> 00:22:16.689 Itzhak Beery: we in we teach Shamanism.
00:22:16.930 --> 00:22:20.539 Itzhak Beery: based on some kind of
00:22:20.600 --> 00:22:21.900 Itzhak Beery: belief system that
00:22:22.630 --> 00:22:23.380 they
00:22:23.770 --> 00:22:26.620 Itzhak Beery: it might be different, you know that
00:22:27.230 --> 00:22:28.730 Itzhak Beery: but for them
00:22:31.280 --> 00:22:36.970 Itzhak Beery: they they, they, they live in between the world.
00:22:38.010 --> 00:22:41.490 Itzhak Beery: They live in the physical and
00:22:41.630 --> 00:22:45.280 Itzhak Beery: and an unseen world. They live in
00:22:45.330 --> 00:22:49.629 Itzhak Beery: harmony of that in in relationship to that.
00:22:49.750 --> 00:22:51.229 Itzhak Beery: So nature.
00:22:51.630 --> 00:22:53.220 Itzhak Beery: the physical world.
00:22:53.400 --> 00:23:07.910 Itzhak Beery: erez Agmoni and the spirit world, the the star people, the the the 3 people, the animal people. They are interwoven into their life. It's not separate. It's not like. They have to work here 150
00:23:07.940 --> 00:23:10.779 Itzhak Beery: to create, to create.
00:23:11.490 --> 00:23:13.810 Itzhak Beery: build a house here.
00:23:13.980 --> 00:23:19.009 Itzhak Beery: and then they will pray here. It's all together.
00:23:19.610 --> 00:23:23.890 Itzhak Beery: and I think that that makes a huge difference in
00:23:24.610 --> 00:23:25.190 Itzhak Beery: in
00:23:25.290 --> 00:23:30.370 Itzhak Beery: the well-being or the consciousness of a person, because
00:23:31.080 --> 00:23:32.790 Itzhak Beery: when you do something.
00:23:33.180 --> 00:23:36.110 Itzhak Beery: if you can, if you can hold that
00:23:37.720 --> 00:23:41.740 Itzhak Beery: it's not just the physical aspect of what you're doing.
00:23:41.780 --> 00:23:44.760 Itzhak Beery: There is also emotional and spiritual.
00:23:45.080 --> 00:23:46.020 Itzhak Beery: Oh.
00:23:47.370 --> 00:23:49.720 Itzhak Beery: and unseen, what we call spirit
00:23:49.810 --> 00:23:52.120 The
00:23:52.280 --> 00:23:55.190 Itzhak Beery: then, then you become more whole
00:23:55.730 --> 00:23:57.190 Itzhak Beery: as a human being.
00:23:57.980 --> 00:24:10.330 Itzhak Beery: and and I think that you you probably agree that we we all feel very separated from the physical part of us. I mean, how many people have so much
00:24:10.380 --> 00:24:14.850 Itzhak Beery: material when they are so poor in in the soul department.
00:24:15.390 --> 00:24:20.959 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: in in the soul, or even in emotion. In in some ways I see it kind of as
00:24:21.620 --> 00:24:26.050 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: it it. It's a clash of of different models of physics.
00:24:26.180 --> 00:24:37.029 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: So much of the Western world, the way it's made is based on the Newtonian model of physics, that everything is made up of discrete, separate little particles.
00:24:37.500 --> 00:24:42.120 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: but that's an outdated mode of reality. The more we learn
00:24:42.160 --> 00:24:45.260 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: about quantum mechanics and
00:24:45.270 --> 00:25:03.110 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and and around the truly physics of the really th a tiny things it's not discrete little particles. It's, actually waves, and it's actually not separated. It's connected. And now they've been doing experiments that show that you know
00:25:03.120 --> 00:25:10.949 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: a a a particle spinning in one direction here 1 million miles away can spin in the same direction, and they get entangled.
00:25:11.180 --> 00:25:12.140 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and that
00:25:12.160 --> 00:25:20.300 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: you know that this universe, everything is much more interconnected, is much more connected on a quantum level
00:25:20.400 --> 00:25:27.960 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: than ever before. And it and it's sounds like from what you're saying is the indigenous cultures never lost
00:25:28.210 --> 00:25:33.300 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: that sort of mindset. That sort of way of being
00:25:33.480 --> 00:25:38.340 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: that developed thousands who knows how many thousands of years ago.
00:25:39.260 --> 00:25:44.690 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: And and while we've sort of lost that because of supposed.
00:25:45.050 --> 00:25:48.250 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: you know, quote unquote science.
00:25:48.780 --> 00:25:58.600 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and and we haven't, caught up with the newer science which actually takes us back to what these indigenous cultures have known for thousands and thousands of years.
00:25:58.720 --> 00:26:03.700 Itzhak Beery: Yes, absolutely. That's exactly right. And I think that that is why
00:26:04.250 --> 00:26:06.149 Itzhak Beery: it is so important
00:26:06.350 --> 00:26:07.669 Itzhak Beery: for all of us
00:26:08.260 --> 00:26:11.170 Itzhak Beery: to help preserve indigenous cultures
00:26:11.270 --> 00:26:13.130 Itzhak Beery: in its origin
00:26:13.770 --> 00:26:18.450 Itzhak Beery: in the jungles, in Ecuador, in whatever countries
00:26:19.920 --> 00:26:21.899 Itzhak Beery: or in the mountains.
00:26:22.210 --> 00:26:24.260 Itzhak Beery: any indigenous cultures.
00:26:25.250 --> 00:26:29.970 Itzhak Beery: and they are today, they are under so much pressure to become us.
00:26:30.050 --> 00:26:30.900 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Yeah.
00:26:30.930 --> 00:26:41.549 Itzhak Beery: And the more we understand that what we give them is might be a technical solutions to issues.
00:26:41.850 --> 00:26:44.510 Itzhak Beery: But we are reaping them off
00:26:44.540 --> 00:26:48.339 Itzhak Beery: from their their way of
00:26:48.400 --> 00:26:51.499 Itzhak Beery: being way of seeing. And I think that it will be
00:26:51.720 --> 00:26:53.980 Itzhak Beery: quite a sad world
00:26:54.540 --> 00:26:56.410 Itzhak Beery: to have a
00:26:56.900 --> 00:27:02.209 Itzhak Beery: our world believe in what we believe. Yeah, and not have it any other model.
00:27:02.230 --> 00:27:04.740 Itzhak Beery: Yeah, look at it. It's reality
00:27:04.940 --> 00:27:09.010 Itzhak Beery: because their reality, from my point of view, being
00:27:09.080 --> 00:27:11.200 Itzhak Beery: with them for quite a while
00:27:11.560 --> 00:27:14.449 Itzhak Beery: is, is more human.
00:27:14.740 --> 00:27:18.420 Itzhak Beery: it's more, it's it.
00:27:18.630 --> 00:27:22.070 Itzhak Beery: it more true, or
00:27:22.270 --> 00:27:24.879 Itzhak Beery: it's it's more whole.
00:27:25.060 --> 00:27:29.509 Itzhak Beery: Yeah, we give them version of reality that isn't truly
00:27:29.660 --> 00:27:30.690 Itzhak Beery: truly
00:27:30.870 --> 00:27:32.670 disconnected.
00:27:33.110 --> 00:27:39.189 Itzhak Beery: And no wonder we have so much a conflict in our society today, because
00:27:39.250 --> 00:27:46.219 Itzhak Beery: there is no self-responsibility there is no sharing. There is no no compassion, no empathy.
00:27:46.330 --> 00:27:48.929 Itzhak Beery: And actually all of those
00:27:49.150 --> 00:27:53.000 Itzhak Beery: one of those qualities is considered
00:27:53.040 --> 00:27:56.999 Itzhak Beery: not much or not not a good thing to have.
00:27:57.330 --> 00:27:59.780 Itzhak Beery: So Yes, so I think that
00:28:00.150 --> 00:28:04.560 Itzhak Beery: our interest in the Western society today
00:28:05.150 --> 00:28:09.920 Itzhak Beery: is to keep those people who still carry different
00:28:10.220 --> 00:28:13.210 Itzhak Beery: a role, different, a way of
00:28:13.400 --> 00:28:17.169 Itzhak Beery: being or thinking or model for life
00:28:17.530 --> 00:28:19.110 Itzhak Beery: as much as possible.
00:28:19.410 --> 00:28:20.469 Itzhak Beery: because that's it
00:28:20.570 --> 00:28:23.219 Itzhak Beery: for me. If you're talking about about hope.
00:28:23.760 --> 00:28:24.980 Itzhak Beery: that's the hope.
00:28:25.270 --> 00:28:28.559 Itzhak Beery: because our culture.
00:28:28.770 --> 00:28:30.730 Itzhak Beery: it's a dead end. Culture.
00:28:31.160 --> 00:28:37.069 Itzhak Beery: Yeah, really, there's no other way to look at it like we are pushing and pushing
00:28:37.100 --> 00:28:38.140 Itzhak Beery: forward
00:28:38.700 --> 00:28:47.050 Itzhak Beery: on a technological or on the separation. But we are. We Don't have any solutions for society?
00:28:47.780 --> 00:28:53.979 Itzhak Beery: Really that and the only model we have is the indigenous cultures
00:28:54.320 --> 00:28:56.420 Itzhak Beery: we still carry some of it.
00:28:57.160 --> 00:28:58.610 Itzhak Beery: and the struggle
00:28:58.640 --> 00:29:01.410 Itzhak Beery: in the last 27 years that I go there.
00:29:01.700 --> 00:29:03.849 Itzhak Beery: I can see that every year
00:29:04.070 --> 00:29:05.859 Itzhak Beery: there is less and less.
00:29:07.970 --> 00:29:10.160 Itzhak Beery: I mean
00:29:10.760 --> 00:29:11.770 Itzhak Beery: listenless
00:29:13.710 --> 00:29:16.209 Itzhak Beery: people who wants to fight for it
00:29:16.540 --> 00:29:18.720 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: in the indigenous people.
00:29:19.080 --> 00:29:22.099 Itzhak Beery: because they really want what we have.
00:29:22.280 --> 00:29:25.259 Itzhak Beery: They really want the cars we have.
00:29:25.410 --> 00:29:34.450 Itzhak Beery: and they want to have the the houses we have. They want to have the society, we have the money. We have all all the other stuff, but they don't understand 150,
00:29:35.310 --> 00:29:37.630 Itzhak Beery: but with that they are
00:29:38.490 --> 00:29:40.000 Itzhak Beery: robbing themselves
00:29:40.260 --> 00:29:44.000 Itzhak Beery: from their spirit from their well-being.
00:29:44.160 --> 00:29:51.700 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Yeah, yeah. So it's kind of like they get seduced by the modern conveniences and the modern comforts.
00:29:52.340 --> 00:30:03.400 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: which is understandable, because you know who wants to struggle all the time. But again, it's, I think, like most of us, not valuing what we already have.
00:30:03.810 --> 00:30:09.810 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: And and and yeah, that would. It would be a shame to to lose these cultures that give us this
00:30:09.830 --> 00:30:12.389 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: different perspective on life.
00:30:13.220 --> 00:30:17.450 Itzhak Beery: Absolutely, yeah. And and I think there is also a
00:30:19.700 --> 00:30:22.030 Itzhak Beery: Our role as teachers
00:30:23.180 --> 00:30:26.219 Itzhak Beery: of shamanic or indigenous world
00:30:26.640 --> 00:30:30.510 Itzhak Beery: is to bring that message
00:30:30.560 --> 00:30:34.810 Itzhak Beery: to the people who are interested in that, because
00:30:35.190 --> 00:30:37.960 that's that's the only hope we have
00:30:38.090 --> 00:30:39.450 Itzhak Beery: of a sharing
00:30:39.870 --> 00:30:41.250 Itzhak Beery: compassionate
00:30:41.300 --> 00:30:44.110 Itzhak Beery: society that is based on
00:30:44.340 --> 00:30:52.120 Itzhak Beery: well-being of others as a well-being of yours. Yes, and it's it's not necessarily
00:30:52.700 --> 00:30:58.479 Itzhak Beery: only learning how to journey or to to speak to spirit.
00:30:58.740 --> 00:31:01.690 Itzhak Beery: It's it's really more about
00:31:01.980 --> 00:31:03.749 Itzhak Beery: the whole concept
00:31:04.430 --> 00:31:07.450 Itzhak Beery: of indigenous societies.
00:31:07.480 --> 00:31:13.589 Itzhak Beery: The guarantee that they have for the the community the members of a community.
00:31:13.870 --> 00:31:15.569 Itzhak Beery: And that's spirituality.
00:31:15.610 --> 00:31:16.580 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Yeah.
00:31:16.630 --> 00:31:23.620 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: yes, okay, we we need to take a a quick break when we come back. I would love to.
00:31:23.810 --> 00:31:34.429 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: maybe just touch upon sort of the the plant medicine work because it's become so popular, but really sort of the context of
00:31:34.750 --> 00:31:40.570 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: of plant medicine work within indigenous culture, because I think a lot of people sometimes they think of it as just
00:31:40.610 --> 00:31:51.349 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: going to get some big healing, and they don't really understand the the cultural context of doing this work from the in the indigenous cultures, and then
00:31:51.450 --> 00:32:03.639 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and then we'll we'll. We'll we'll kind of take it from there a little bit. Okay, it's like awesome. So everyone please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consultant now, and we'll be right back in just a moment.
00:32:05.170 --> 00:32:19.510 www.TalkRadio.nyc: Are you passionate about the conversation around racism? Hi! I'm, Reverend Dr. Tlc. Host of the Dismantle Racism show which airs every Thursday at 11 a. M. Eastern on talk, Radio and Nyc
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00:32:34.670 --> 00:33:02.489 www.TalkRadio.nyc: In that post movement world. You may have many unanswered questions regarding your health. Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle. Do you have a desire to learn more about mental health and enhance your quality of life? Or do you just want to participate in self-understanding and awareness. I'm. Frank R. Harrison, host of Frank about health and each thursday I will tackle these questions and work to enlighten you tune in every 3 day. 5 P. M. On talk, radio and Nyc. And I will be frank about help to advocate for all of us.
00:33:07.770 --> 00:33:31.860 Hey, Buddy, it's Tommy, deed and non-profit Sector connector coming at you from my attic each week here on talk radio and Ny: Z. I hosted program a lamp of game focus non-profits in cocktails each and every day, and it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen each week at 10 a. M. Eastern standard time until 11. A. M. Is from standing time right here on talk radio, Dot: Nyc.
00:33:32.880 --> 00:33:43.370 You're listening to talk radio and Yc: at Www: Talk radio and live Scene: now broadcasting 24 h a day.
00:33:43.500 --> 00:33:44.800 you
00:33:52.640 --> 00:33:53.230 you
00:33:53.280 --> 00:33:55.760 Okay.
00:33:56.000 --> 00:33:57.650 Okay.
00:33:58.570 --> 00:33:59.430 you.
00:34:08.400 --> 00:34:24.439 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: So so it's a: By some accounts there are like, just in New York City. There are hundreds of plant medicine ceremonies going on in any given weekend. I mean. There's probably thousands of them going on across the country
00:34:25.030 --> 00:34:32.300 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and psychedelics have become very popular, that the new hot thing and in health and wellness.
00:34:32.780 --> 00:34:39.909 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: But the indigenous cultures kind of treat these medicines in a. In a slightly different way, Don't they?
00:34:40.040 --> 00:34:42.269 Itzhak Beery: Yes. So
00:34:42.310 --> 00:34:47.850 Itzhak Beery: one other thing that is so important to understand that is, that plant medicine is used as medicine.
00:34:48.409 --> 00:34:50.500 Itzhak Beery: It is used
00:34:50.580 --> 00:34:51.659 Itzhak Beery: mostly
00:34:52.630 --> 00:34:59.050 Itzhak Beery: for the Sharman to journey to find out what the the health issue of the client.
00:34:59.500 --> 00:35:03.679 Itzhak Beery: It was not usually it not given to anyone.
00:35:04.030 --> 00:35:07.279 Itzhak Beery: it only given to the client, if
00:35:07.570 --> 00:35:10.120 Itzhak Beery: the issue is in the stomach
00:35:10.580 --> 00:35:19.890 Itzhak Beery: and the quality of the I' ayahuasca, or Nat, him, or whatever David is called
00:35:20.070 --> 00:35:25.519 Itzhak Beery: is that it's a antibacterial antibiotic and antiparasite.
00:35:25.630 --> 00:35:33.230 Itzhak Beery: So the idea of drinking ayahuasca is really more about changing the ph in the stomach
00:35:33.420 --> 00:35:36.009 Itzhak Beery: or bringing back good health.
00:35:36.290 --> 00:35:39.960 Itzhak Beery: and so that that that's the idea originally.
00:35:42.490 --> 00:35:43.999 Itzhak Beery: It is also
00:35:46.980 --> 00:35:48.330 Itzhak Beery: being done
00:35:48.360 --> 00:35:53.739 Itzhak Beery: married in very differently, with many different tribes.
00:35:53.890 --> 00:35:55.170 Itzhak Beery: you know, and I
00:35:55.240 --> 00:35:56.370 Itzhak Beery: I had this
00:35:56.400 --> 00:35:59.879 Itzhak Beery: fortune to doing it in.
00:36:00.000 --> 00:36:04.220 Itzhak Beery: you know, in a few different tribes, and I can see the differences between them.
00:36:06.040 --> 00:36:08.669 Itzhak Beery: But I really like
00:36:09.570 --> 00:36:17.229 Itzhak Beery: the the way. It was done by the Psychopath or Sequoia people in the Aguaric River, in Ecuador.
00:36:18.250 --> 00:36:24.930 Itzhak Beery: and also by other shamans from the
00:36:24.950 --> 00:36:26.550 Itzhak Beery: of Ecuador
00:36:27.610 --> 00:36:28.390 Itzhak Beery: and
00:36:29.450 --> 00:36:30.450 Itzhak Beery: there
00:36:31.280 --> 00:36:33.420 Itzhak Beery: purpose of Ayahuasca.
00:36:33.670 --> 00:36:34.939 Itzhak Beery: All the
00:36:36.140 --> 00:36:38.850 Itzhak Beery: he is not to have visions.
00:36:40.900 --> 00:36:42.399 Itzhak Beery: Their purpose of
00:36:42.820 --> 00:36:47.250 Itzhak Beery: taking it is to open your heart to reconnect
00:36:47.330 --> 00:36:51.950 Itzhak Beery: with the cosmos or with the being.
00:36:53.560 --> 00:36:57.650 Itzhak Beery: or with the the greater matrix of the world.
00:36:58.030 --> 00:37:03.140 Itzhak Beery: because they believe that only then, when your heart is open
00:37:03.710 --> 00:37:09.820 Itzhak Beery: and you are able to open it, to receive or to meet those beings
00:37:11.370 --> 00:37:12.950 Itzhak Beery: on the other side.
00:37:13.410 --> 00:37:15.530 Itzhak Beery: then healing can happen.
00:37:15.830 --> 00:37:16.759 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Hmm.
00:37:17.600 --> 00:37:19.049 Itzhak Beery: It is
00:37:19.290 --> 00:37:24.510 Itzhak Beery: fundamentally different than what people in the basements of Brooklyn are doing.
00:37:24.620 --> 00:37:25.430 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Yeah
00:37:26.580 --> 00:37:32.409 Itzhak Beery: people in here. They are waiting for God to give them
00:37:32.580 --> 00:37:34.319 Itzhak Beery: instructions.
00:37:37.050 --> 00:37:41.409 Itzhak Beery: The people in the Amazon understand that it's not about instructions
00:37:41.740 --> 00:37:46.480 Itzhak Beery: it's about. If you are able to open yourself up to receive it
00:37:46.520 --> 00:37:49.589 Itzhak Beery: to be part of the universe.
00:37:49.710 --> 00:37:51.169 Itzhak Beery: Yeah, because
00:37:51.650 --> 00:37:54.359 Itzhak Beery: all healing can only happen
00:37:54.460 --> 00:37:56.200 Itzhak Beery: when you accept that
00:37:56.390 --> 00:37:58.000 Itzhak Beery: that you can. You can
00:37:58.260 --> 00:38:02.660 Itzhak Beery: open yourself up without fear, without any limitation.
00:38:03.010 --> 00:38:05.189 Itzhak Beery: And you can see this being
00:38:05.290 --> 00:38:06.779 Itzhak Beery: the sublime beings.
00:38:07.570 --> 00:38:09.609 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Yes.
00:38:09.760 --> 00:38:12.569 Itzhak Beery: so it's fundamentally different
00:38:13.020 --> 00:38:14.900 Itzhak Beery: from what they
00:38:14.950 --> 00:38:22.299 Itzhak Beery: psychotherapy psychotherapies, Shermanic psychotherapy. So is is pushing now.
00:38:23.790 --> 00:38:26.039 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: It's. It's really more of a
00:38:26.190 --> 00:38:30.800 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: a spiritual healing as opposed to an emotional. Or physical. Healing
00:38:30.860 --> 00:38:33.530 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: it. It. It's a a
00:38:34.080 --> 00:38:37.270 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: a reconnection back to
00:38:37.480 --> 00:38:40.249 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: that greater part of ourselves in a way.
00:38:41.170 --> 00:38:49.749 Itzhak Beery: Well, we never. We never was disconnected right. So so the idea is to remind yourself
00:38:50.500 --> 00:38:52.380 Itzhak Beery: that you can go on that
00:38:52.520 --> 00:38:54.609 Itzhak Beery: translucent vines
00:38:54.750 --> 00:38:57.759 Itzhak Beery: and climb up into the heavens
00:38:58.030 --> 00:39:00.909 Itzhak Beery: and meet those beings
00:39:01.010 --> 00:39:09.020 Itzhak Beery: and become part of it again. So it's a reconnection. It's reconnection of our connection to nature.
00:39:09.250 --> 00:39:16.409 Itzhak Beery: When you are connection to connected to nature, then your well-being is intact
00:39:16.630 --> 00:39:27.610 Itzhak Beery: mit ctl and it's not about understanding what your mommy did to you or your daddy did to you. It's not about the traumas that you are experiencing. It's not about all of that stuff, one
00:39:27.790 --> 00:39:30.520 Itzhak Beery: it's about. How can you open yourself up?
00:39:32.650 --> 00:39:34.549 Itzhak Beery: I become one with
00:39:34.870 --> 00:39:36.279 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Yeah, and
00:39:37.470 --> 00:39:38.290 Itzhak Beery: the
00:39:38.490 --> 00:39:39.319 Itzhak Beery: they
00:39:39.460 --> 00:39:47.390 Itzhak Beery: we talked about earlier. But the difference between what we learn from them. We learn from them that we are never really were separated
00:39:47.420 --> 00:39:53.889 Itzhak Beery: right that we are part of the trees. We are part of the animals. We are part of the clouds. We are part of
00:39:54.530 --> 00:39:55.709 all.
00:39:55.770 --> 00:39:57.639 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and they are all part of us
00:39:58.010 --> 00:39:59.359 Itzhak Beery: absolutely
00:40:00.650 --> 00:40:02.669 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: right, and that's why it's.
00:40:02.940 --> 00:40:20.790 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: You know it's not being our brother's keeper. We're actually being our own keeper. When we take care of each other we're actually taking care of ourselves, and that's I mean to me like this is one of the big lessons of Covid is that one person's health is everybody's health.
00:40:21.100 --> 00:40:22.189 Itzhak Beery: That's right.
00:40:22.840 --> 00:40:23.729 Itzhak Beery: That's right.
00:40:24.600 --> 00:40:28.219 Itzhak Beery: and you know when they but when they had covered over there they.
00:40:28.270 --> 00:40:34.259 Itzhak Beery: you know, the very first thing they did. They went, and they caught a lot of plant medicine, and
00:40:34.440 --> 00:40:39.999 Itzhak Beery: and they cooked it, and they shipped it to every person in the tribe
00:40:40.430 --> 00:40:56.519 Itzhak Beery: erez agmoni they didn't just do it for their families, because they understood that if one person gets sick everybody gets sick right now they immediately they cooked a lot of not ayahuasca, but different different plans, 250,
00:40:56.940 --> 00:41:02.019 Itzhak Beery: and then they went and shipped it all over the river.
00:41:02.120 --> 00:41:03.729 Itzhak Beery: because
00:41:03.980 --> 00:41:10.279 Itzhak Beery: it was a very important for them that everybody would be strong, not just their families right?
00:41:10.340 --> 00:41:11.140 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Right.
00:41:11.270 --> 00:41:18.220 Itzhak Beery: which is so different than what we have. You know that's that's exactly what we are we are talking about here.
00:41:18.290 --> 00:41:19.490 Itzhak Beery: but I think that it's.
00:41:20.130 --> 00:41:20.950 Itzhak Beery: But
00:41:22.210 --> 00:41:23.859 Itzhak Beery: the planned medicine
00:41:23.910 --> 00:41:25.559 Itzhak Beery: industry now
00:41:26.860 --> 00:41:27.790 Itzhak Beery: is
00:41:27.810 --> 00:41:31.710 Itzhak Beery: for me. Personally, I think it's a little dangerous.
00:41:31.780 --> 00:41:34.299 Itzhak Beery: because because
00:41:34.450 --> 00:41:37.370 Itzhak Beery: it's devoid of the ceremony.
00:41:37.600 --> 00:41:39.299 Itzhak Beery: the devoid of the
00:41:39.330 --> 00:41:45.590 Itzhak Beery: the natural habitat that those plant medicine were actually created. And
00:41:45.980 --> 00:41:50.120 Itzhak Beery: And so there's no no fire. There's no smoke.
00:41:50.280 --> 00:42:01.560 Itzhak Beery: there is no candles. There is no frog singing or cicadas singing, and there is no moon in sun or moon or stars.
00:42:02.280 --> 00:42:04.429 Itzhak Beery: It is synthetic.
00:42:04.580 --> 00:42:08.610 Itzhak Beery: Yeah. And in many ways it's exactly what we
00:42:09.960 --> 00:42:11.529 Itzhak Beery: do. As a culture.
00:42:11.860 --> 00:42:13.430 Itzhak Beery: We are a colonialist.
00:42:13.520 --> 00:42:18.399 Itzhak Beery: we take, we go to a places. Did we take what what we think? We're good for us?
00:42:18.560 --> 00:42:24.829 Itzhak Beery: We we the extract the spiritual and emotional
00:42:24.850 --> 00:42:27.430 Itzhak Beery: make up of of the of the plants.
00:42:27.710 --> 00:42:35.330 Itzhak Beery: Then we bring it into a into a hospital setting. It is so ridiculous
00:42:35.470 --> 00:42:37.840 Itzhak Beery: it's so inhuman.
00:42:38.820 --> 00:42:42.940 Itzhak Beery: So I you know I'm I'm not saying that they are not
00:42:42.970 --> 00:42:44.660 Itzhak Beery: people. Don't get results.
00:42:45.670 --> 00:42:47.809 Itzhak Beery: but it's it's very different
00:42:47.860 --> 00:42:57.740 Itzhak Beery: than what the indigenous people intended, and what the indigenous people use until today.
00:42:59.010 --> 00:43:06.060 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Right? Right? Yeah, it it's in a way we've artificialized. What was something that was very natural.
00:43:06.590 --> 00:43:10.430 Itzhak Beery: Yes, because the people who are doing it. And I,
00:43:10.650 --> 00:43:13.410 Itzhak Beery: I happen to meet some of those
00:43:14.040 --> 00:43:16.590 Itzhak Beery: people. Are they? They are scientists.
00:43:16.970 --> 00:43:20.949 Itzhak Beery: They're not scientists of nature scientists.
00:43:21.190 --> 00:43:23.629 Itzhak Beery: And so they they extract.
00:43:23.830 --> 00:43:28.819 Itzhak Beery: They're more interested in the molecules and them and and the formulas.
00:43:29.310 --> 00:43:31.180 Itzhak Beery: Then, in the experience
00:43:31.290 --> 00:43:36.160 Itzhak Beery: they forget that human being are not formulas.
00:43:36.690 --> 00:43:40.380 Itzhak Beery: Human being are part of nature, of oneness.
00:43:40.560 --> 00:43:45.910 Itzhak Beery: right? Which is what happened when you're when you are doing it in a ceremonial way.
00:43:46.010 --> 00:43:52.549 Itzhak Beery: you receive back your your humanity. You are reconnecting yourself with humanity so.
00:43:52.950 --> 00:43:54.850 Itzhak Beery: and not just with humanity.
00:43:55.610 --> 00:43:56.259 Itzhak Beery: with
00:43:56.460 --> 00:43:59.170 Itzhak Beery: all those beings that are up there.
00:44:00.370 --> 00:44:03.819 Itzhak Beery: Yes, I don't know if you've you've done that. But
00:44:04.520 --> 00:44:05.490 Itzhak Beery: it is
00:44:06.480 --> 00:44:08.119 Itzhak Beery: one of the most
00:44:08.260 --> 00:44:10.640 Itzhak Beery: beautiful experience that you can have
00:44:10.710 --> 00:44:14.280 Itzhak Beery: is to reconnect to those being
00:44:14.300 --> 00:44:17.729 Itzhak Beery: the sublime being that are in the cosmos.
00:44:18.040 --> 00:44:20.559 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
00:44:20.630 --> 00:44:25.229 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: And and to not just connect to them, but feel that
00:44:25.630 --> 00:44:32.450 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: you are part of them. And they're part of you to have that experience when there's that lack of separation
00:44:32.600 --> 00:44:36.120 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: where you know to the core of your being
00:44:36.280 --> 00:44:37.200 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: that
00:44:37.230 --> 00:44:41.029 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: we're not alone. We're not separate. We we're not.
00:44:42.140 --> 00:44:44.020 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: We're not on our own.
00:44:44.420 --> 00:44:49.100 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: So W. With that, let let's take our last break, and when we come back
00:44:49.350 --> 00:44:49.959 some.
00:44:50.080 --> 00:45:02.400 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: maybe you can give us some some prognostication. Maybe you can let us, from what you've learned from the indigenous elders and and some of the visions, maybe, that they've had of
00:45:03.080 --> 00:45:05.739 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: what's happening, and where are things going
00:45:05.760 --> 00:45:08.009 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: because a lot of people are very concerned.
00:45:08.470 --> 00:45:27.169 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: I'm: Sure. Yeah. Okay. So thank you. It's like everyone. Please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consultant now awakening humanity. We do this every Thursday. 12 noon to one Pm. Eastern time right here and talk radio. Dot, Nyc. And 10 am. On Kmt and California.
00:45:27.260 --> 00:45:33.429 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and if you missed any part of the show you can always catch the replay on talk radio down and Nyc. And you can always
00:45:33.440 --> 00:45:48.279 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: find us on all the podcasting platforms. Apple Google Stitchers Spotify, Pandora, iheart radio. We're everywhere that you can find a podcast, and we will be right back and to finish things up with its Akbiri in just a moment.
00:45:51.370 --> 00:46:15.449 Hey, everybody! It's Tommy Deed a non-profit sector connector coming at you from my attic each week. Here on top radio and Nyc, I hosted program for land, but in focus nonprofits impact us each and every day, and it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen: Each week at 10 a. M. Eastern standard time until 11 a. M. Is from standing time right here on talk radio and Myc
00:46:16.350 --> 00:46:44.099 www.TalkRadio.nyc: in a post- movement world. You may have many unanswered questions regarding your health. Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you have a desire to learn more about mental health, and enhance your quality of life? Or do you just want to participate in self-understanding and awareness? I'm. Frank R. Harrison, host of Frank about health, and each Thursday I will tackle these questions and work to invite you tune in every Thursday 5 P. M. On talk radio. And Nyc. And I will be frank about help to advocate for all of us.
00:46:47.630 --> 00:46:54.020 Are you a conscious co-creator? Are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness.
00:46:54.080 --> 00:46:57.410 www.TalkRadio.nyc: I'm. Sam Leibowitz, your conscious consultant.
00:46:57.420 --> 00:47:17.899 and on my show, the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity, we will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen. Live at our new time on Thursdays at 12 noon, Eastern time. That's the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. Thursday's 12 noon on talk radio. Nyc.
00:47:22.290 --> 00:47:32.210 You're listening to talk radio and Yc: at Ww: talk, radio and Yc: now broadcasting 24 h a day.
00:47:41.800 --> 00:47:43.819 Okay.
00:47:44.060 --> 00:47:45.520 Okay.
00:47:46.700 --> 00:47:47.509 you
00:47:56.570 --> 00:48:14.529 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and welcome back to the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. I hope you've been enjoying this conversation with my old dear friend. It's a very he's a truly special and and truly someone I I I a door, which is why I've had him come back on the show so many times.
00:48:14.540 --> 00:48:24.210 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: So it's with everything going on these days with climate change and the the war and the
00:48:24.340 --> 00:48:26.640 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: the division that we have.
00:48:27.820 --> 00:48:37.270 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: What have the the indigenous elders been saying? Wh! What do they see where you know. Where do they see things going from? Here
00:48:38.440 --> 00:48:41.780 Itzhak Beery: in the Andes? They have
00:48:42.960 --> 00:48:45.459 Itzhak Beery: this prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle.
00:48:45.520 --> 00:48:54.009 Itzhak Beery: I think we talked about it. Maybe other times. The the prophecy says that the
00:48:54.670 --> 00:48:56.170 Itzhak Beery: for a
00:48:56.630 --> 00:49:04.230 Itzhak Beery: that we are entering, or we already entered a new Pachakouti, a new period of time of 500 years.
00:49:04.600 --> 00:49:08.019 Itzhak Beery: so they they measure time in period of 500 years.
00:49:08.060 --> 00:49:13.279 Itzhak Beery: The last 500 years was the occupation of
00:49:13.330 --> 00:49:16.000 Itzhak Beery: of South of South America
00:49:16.410 --> 00:49:26.780 Itzhak Beery: by the Spaniard and other European people, and that's the 500 years of colonialism and of occupation.
00:49:27.090 --> 00:49:29.590 Itzhak Beery: It is a the
00:49:30.140 --> 00:49:37.010 Itzhak Beery: the 500 years of the a setting of the masculine energy in the world
00:49:37.260 --> 00:49:41.680 Itzhak Beery: we are entering now. We actually entered that in 1,993,
00:49:42.170 --> 00:49:47.959 Itzhak Beery: where it's the new particularly. It's a new period of time
00:49:48.070 --> 00:49:50.669 Itzhak Beery: where the Eagle and the Condol
00:49:50.730 --> 00:49:57.470 Itzhak Beery: eagle that represented the the North, and the contour that represent the South
00:49:57.500 --> 00:50:05.279 Itzhak Beery: we'll fly in the same sky in dance of cooperation, harmony, and peace, and it's a time of returning
00:50:05.310 --> 00:50:08.890 Itzhak Beery: return of the feminine energy into the world.
00:50:09.850 --> 00:50:16.200 Itzhak Beery: We are now in the beginning of that of 500 years of the return of the feminine energy.
00:50:16.640 --> 00:50:17.529 Itzhak Beery: and
00:50:17.720 --> 00:50:21.899 Itzhak Beery: as with every change of period.
00:50:22.090 --> 00:50:24.470 Itzhak Beery: there is a lot of strife.
00:50:25.010 --> 00:50:26.120 Itzhak Beery: war.
00:50:26.350 --> 00:50:35.380 Itzhak Beery: or the the old regime trying to hold on to what they what they believe that they they they own or deserve.
00:50:35.730 --> 00:50:37.680 Itzhak Beery: And so that's what we see.
00:50:37.730 --> 00:50:42.149 Itzhak Beery: We see a lot of people like our previous
00:50:42.190 --> 00:50:43.220 Itzhak Beery: President.
00:50:43.330 --> 00:50:47.360 Itzhak Beery: with all the dictators around the world.
00:50:47.500 --> 00:50:48.760 Itzhak Beery: There are
00:50:48.950 --> 00:50:57.759 Itzhak Beery: scratching their the walls with their fingernails trying to hold on to a system that doesn't work anymore.
00:50:57.940 --> 00:51:04.859 Itzhak Beery: Yeah, we can see that that they? And that's one of the reason you can be optimistic.
00:51:04.930 --> 00:51:16.849 Itzhak Beery: You can see that there are more and more women now in in place of power. There are more more feminine energy within men who are, you know, demonstrated by our
00:51:16.950 --> 00:51:18.229 Itzhak Beery: current President.
00:51:18.480 --> 00:51:23.620 Itzhak Beery: There are speaking to that side of ourselves, the feminine part of ourselves.
00:51:24.320 --> 00:51:27.260 Itzhak Beery: But there is a lot of resistance of
00:51:27.320 --> 00:51:28.560 Itzhak Beery: the old
00:51:28.880 --> 00:51:34.109 Itzhak Beery: all the regime all the way of thinking. It's a it's really old way of thinking.
00:51:34.130 --> 00:51:47.819 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: really, and and you know it. It still surprises me to this day how, even in Israel, which has been one of the most progressive liberal countries for so many years, has recently elected
00:51:48.040 --> 00:51:52.889 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: not not just nuts and yahoo. But but he created such a conservative
00:51:53.050 --> 00:51:56.069 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: backwards government
00:51:56.400 --> 00:52:02.249 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: that that hasn't been in Israel in in in decades, ever ever
00:52:02.300 --> 00:52:13.120 Itzhak Beery: erez agmoni. And and it's like what's happening. How can that happen? You know? Well, but you also the counterpoint, for that is all the movement. Yeah.
00:52:13.140 --> 00:52:15.499 Itzhak Beery: there is demanding
00:52:15.870 --> 00:52:18.060 Itzhak Beery: return to humanity.
00:52:18.280 --> 00:52:19.979 Itzhak Beery: So so that
00:52:20.110 --> 00:52:24.109 Itzhak Beery: I mean, this is exactly what we're talking about. It's it.
00:52:24.370 --> 00:52:37.950 Itzhak Beery: It is the pool and push between the old regime that wants to keep its power. They want to keep the hard age, muscularity, or the
00:52:37.960 --> 00:52:47.410 Itzhak Beery: the people who are more like indigenous people, which is more the feminine energy. Yeah. And I think that that's really where the where we are now.
00:52:47.470 --> 00:52:51.009 Itzhak Beery: and our role is in the spiritual community
00:52:51.170 --> 00:52:54.740 Itzhak Beery: is to give more voice to the feminine.
00:52:54.800 --> 00:52:56.460 Itzhak Beery: more
00:52:56.720 --> 00:52:59.500 Itzhak Beery: for indigenous values.
00:53:00.060 --> 00:53:04.640 Itzhak Beery: for the spiritual aspect of the indigenous people.
00:53:05.170 --> 00:53:12.299 Itzhak Beery: not not the churches, not the synagogue, and that is but for the human values. It
00:53:12.320 --> 00:53:17.519 Itzhak Beery: right, that separation, the understanding that you understand that we are all one.
00:53:17.640 --> 00:53:21.339 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Yeah, I've had this this feeling for a while that
00:53:22.770 --> 00:53:35.049 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: we really need to come together to meet the challenges that we're going to be facing in the future. That, like Covid, was just sort of the first wake up, call. It was the first sort of worldwide challenge.
00:53:35.250 --> 00:53:38.240 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: but that there are others coming down the pike.
00:53:38.280 --> 00:53:49.249 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and what they're calling us to is they're calling us to come together. It's calling us to take care of each other, and that only by working together are we really going to get through this
00:53:49.460 --> 00:53:50.629 Itzhak Beery: Absolutely.
00:53:51.010 --> 00:53:51.879 Itzhak Beery: And that's
00:53:52.130 --> 00:53:54.550 Itzhak Beery: in in a way
00:53:55.230 --> 00:54:01.340 Itzhak Beery: indigenous way of of seeing it, that that that gives me hope
00:54:01.560 --> 00:54:05.679 Itzhak Beery: that give me a sense of all right. So
00:54:06.870 --> 00:54:11.589 Itzhak Beery: this person is is a terrible person. He's doing terrible things, but you know.
00:54:11.650 --> 00:54:14.150 Itzhak Beery: you know it is not going to last very long
00:54:14.170 --> 00:54:18.670 Itzhak Beery: in many ways. It for me it's very pathetic.
00:54:18.710 --> 00:54:21.819 Itzhak Beery: Yeah, in that man
00:54:22.410 --> 00:54:25.990 Itzhak Beery: in a place of power could not recognize
00:54:26.370 --> 00:54:29.080 Itzhak Beery: that they have a bigger mission in life.
00:54:29.100 --> 00:54:33.239 Itzhak Beery: Then, to separate other people to
00:54:33.980 --> 00:54:52.570 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: right? Exactly. Exactly. Well, it's like we. We only have a little bit time left, and I do want to give you a chance to talk about the New York Shamanic circle, the Andy Summit. Once you let people know what you have going on, and how people can reach out to you and find you.
00:54:53.220 --> 00:54:58.270 Itzhak Beery: Well, my website is my name. Com. It's a beery com.
00:54:58.390 --> 00:55:02.520 Itzhak Beery: There's a lot of listing there of all kind of event that I do.
00:55:02.570 --> 00:55:10.059 Itzhak Beery: The Andy summit will be in June, in Amaru, a century in Mindu.
00:55:10.190 --> 00:55:12.310 Itzhak Beery: in Ecuador.
00:55:12.330 --> 00:55:16.190 Itzhak Beery: It will be a gathering of shamans, and you're welcome to come.
00:55:16.550 --> 00:55:18.220 Itzhak Beery: and I
00:55:18.280 --> 00:55:23.120 Itzhak Beery: I take people on trips and workshops around the world.
00:55:23.260 --> 00:55:25.070 Itzhak Beery: I'm going to be in
00:55:25.470 --> 00:55:28.580 Itzhak Beery: Israel, London.
00:55:28.630 --> 00:55:38.400 Itzhak Beery: I was at home in Colorado in Wisconsin, so it the year is very busy.
00:55:38.630 --> 00:55:48.939 Itzhak Beery: and I welcome people to come and learn indigenous way of of healing and practices, and
00:55:49.290 --> 00:55:50.359 it
00:55:50.480 --> 00:55:53.839 Itzhak Beery: I believe that the that's the way to
00:55:54.450 --> 00:56:08.780 Itzhak Beery: and reconnect the nature and reconnect to the one is we connected to to your own power as a healer? Because I do believe that we are all healers right. We are. There is no one person who is a healer, and you're not one.
00:56:08.790 --> 00:56:18.559 Itzhak Beery: We are all healers. We are all shamans who are all born with that with that DNA that allow us to survive.
00:56:19.090 --> 00:56:20.139 Itzhak Beery: And so
00:56:20.250 --> 00:56:30.789 Itzhak Beery: I think that our survival is by which is the most important thing. Right is is recognizing the beauty of each of us
00:56:31.180 --> 00:56:32.800 Itzhak Beery: as a healer.
00:56:33.060 --> 00:56:33.950 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Hmm.
00:56:34.250 --> 00:56:37.290 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Yes, absolutely absolutely.
00:56:37.330 --> 00:56:49.560 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Thank you. Well, thank you so much. It's a for taking time out of your schedule to come on the show today. I really appreciate you. I appreciate the work that you do, and the the perspective and the and the
00:56:49.570 --> 00:57:04.589 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: the access that you give people to these, not just to the ceremonies and rituals, but to the actual culture, because sometimes I feel we we tend to extract things from the context of the culture, and then it loses a lot of its meaning.
00:57:05.070 --> 00:57:09.219 Itzhak Beery: Yes, and I think that is so important what you are talking about, because
00:57:09.440 --> 00:57:11.479 Itzhak Beery: you can't really learn
00:57:11.600 --> 00:57:20.410 Itzhak Beery: cultures spirituality if you are not engaged in this in the ceremonial part of it.
00:57:20.420 --> 00:57:43.489 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Umhm. And again, you can find out more on his website. Which is it.com? Which is it? Z. H a k, b, e, R. y.com, and that will be in the show notes. So make sure you you take a look at talk radio that Nyc. And show should be posted there over the weekend so that you can get all the information.
00:57:43.500 --> 00:57:50.220 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Thank you again, my brother. It's a pleasure, seeing you best of luck with all your travels. I hope I can join you on one of these
00:57:50.230 --> 00:58:18.389 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: adventure sometime, and i'll I'll keep my eyes open. I I I have a busy year ahead of me as well. So, and thank you, my loyal listeners for tuning in every week without you. There's not a show. I hope the the the show was okay. I know a little bit different energy than I usually have, because i'm still recovering. Next week i'll be back to my old cell. So thank you all for tuning in Don't. Forget later today. There's Frank Harrison and his show, Frank, about health.
00:58:18.400 --> 00:58:36.129 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: and tomorrow our business shows philanthropy and focus, and always Friday, and next week Sandra is taking a little bit of a hiatus just for this month. So the edge of every day we'll just be having reruns until the end of the month, and then we'll have new shows again in March.
00:58:36.140 --> 00:58:39.930 Sam Liebowitz | www.TheConsciousConsultant.com: Thank you all for tuning in. We will talk to you all next week.