Professionals & Animal Lovers Show

Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Facebook Live Video from 2022/10/19 - In LawLife and In FurrLife

Facebook Live Video from 2022/10/19 - In LawLife and In FurrLife


2022/10/19 - In LawLife and In FurrLife

[New Episode] In LawLife and In FurrLife


The audience will have a better understanding of the Guide Dog Foundation’s mission, and the power that a single individual can have in terms of making a difference in their community and helping animals and people alike.


Leslie H. Tayne is an award-winning financial attorney and author of Life & Debt. She is the founder and managing director of the Tayne Law Group, P.C., a law firm headquartered in Melville dedicated to debt solutions and alternatives to bankruptcy for individuals and businesses. Leslie has over 20 years of experience in the consumer and business financial debt solutions arena, including negotiations with large international banks and credit agencies for loans, lines of credit, credit cards, and student loanson behalf of clients.






Tune in for this heart-felt conversation at or watch the Facebook Livestream by Clicking Here.

Show Notes

Segment 1

Tommy and Val welcome their guest, award-winning financial attorney Leslie H Tayne. Leslie talks about her background in law, where she started her practice over 20 years ago. Leslie has been involved with the Guide Dog Foundation and America’s Vet Dogs. She is known as the puppy nurse because she has many puppies at a time. She explains what brought her to these foundations and how their mission inspires her.

Segment 2

Leslie shares that the foundation has high standards and often has to release dogs that don’t meet expectations for service dogs. She also tells Valerie and Tommy the different responsibilities of the dogs depending on their owner’s disability. The service dogs can do several tasks like pick things up, open doors, and give medical alerts. They begin the training at about four to six weeks old. Leslie breaks down the different levels of training and tells us what the service dogs in training should expect. Valerie asks Leslie if she has any pets of her own. Leslie has up to seventeen dogs in her home.

Segment 3

Leslie explains the difference between good debt versus bad debt. She says that student loans can be considered good debt because it has benefits. It can become bad debt when you fail to pay the fees and go into collections. She goes on to explain different situations in which you could have good debt that turns into bad debt. Valerie asks when a person should reach out to a financial attorney.

Segment 4

Leslie discusses ways pet owners can fall into debt from their pet’s needs. She encourages the listeners not to commit to a pet if they struggle financially. Leslie and Valerie give some helpful tips that can keep you from falling into debt. If you can’t avoid a pet, you can look into volunteer work like puppy raising. Leslie reiterates that there is no financial obligation as a volunteer.


00:00:32.630 --> 00:00:51.380 Valerie Heffron: Oh, no, I lost my co-host. Okay, Hi, everybody. Um. We lost Tommy D. I'm sure he'll be back momentarily. But in the meantime we're stuck with me. Um! So this is pals welcome to the professional and animal lovers show.

00:00:51.390 --> 00:01:19.379 Valerie Heffron: Uh, I am one of your host, Valerie Hefran, Tommy to me as our other host. We are joined today by a very special guest, who is a professional as well as an animal advocate, Leslie Tane, and we will be introducing her momentarily. Welcome back, Tommy to you. You're killing me. How you doing So Listen! So there's this button that like. Uh, says we're about to be streaming click got it, and if you don't click got it, but you click the little X.

00:01:19.390 --> 00:01:28.550 Tommy DiMisa: It knocks you out of the room.

00:01:28.560 --> 00:01:46.700 Tommy DiMisa: Just always say you got it, and then you don't get kicked out of the room I was. I was looking. I just gave those instructions out before the show to our desk. I don't know what happened. I wasn't listening, and I was looking at a spreadsheet to to to announce that This is the fifty eighth episode of the program that started

00:01:46.710 --> 00:01:54.119 Tommy DiMisa: mind of one animal advocate. Uh, look, you know I don't know what you said. Did you tell them the name of the show. Yet

00:01:54.130 --> 00:02:07.629 Tommy DiMisa: I did. I didn't get to our mission statement, though, so we're amplifying It says we want to amplify. But we are already. We're in amplification, mode, or amplifying the message that we believe the bond between animal lovers is incredibly strong.

00:02:07.640 --> 00:02:19.510 Tommy DiMisa: It mirrors that bond between pets, and I used to say pets and their owners, and I think that's what we say in the commercial here. But I think it mirrors that bond between pets and their pet parents, and I will say something to you today about

00:02:20.190 --> 00:02:30.280 Tommy DiMisa: um. I was on a phone call, and I was meeting with the new networking friend, and she has this little toy poodle, and the little toy poodle has, I know, that, like

00:02:30.340 --> 00:02:46.409 Tommy DiMisa: it hasn't, it's on the Instagram page, and um it's kind of funny, and we could talk about the Don't shop and all these different things and whatnot. But um, this poodle's hair is like this incredible hair. But I just you know

00:02:46.680 --> 00:02:52.629 Tommy DiMisa: I tell you that because I look down, and that's what was on my my notes to bring up for the show. But

00:02:53.090 --> 00:03:03.779 Tommy DiMisa: it's this situation in this scenario that I find myself in, that i'm more aware of things and conversations i'm having that are things that I would have never been aware of in the past, and it's

00:03:04.230 --> 00:03:15.700 Tommy DiMisa: just some of the stuff, I said. We'll kind of leave that out there. We can address some of that stuff later on. But we're building this network. It's it's happening. It's this community of people where professional people who

00:03:15.710 --> 00:03:35.600 Tommy DiMisa: our animal advocates. You know we're all not defined by just what we do as a job or a career we're defined as human beings and We have a lot of different interests and fifty-eight episodes into a thing that was an idea in Valerie's mind that is, now out here. We've built this network. We're continuing to build this network. So that everyone wins,

00:03:36.060 --> 00:03:37.690 Valerie Heffron: especially

00:03:37.700 --> 00:04:06.869 Valerie Heffron: the animals. And, by the way, one of the things that we talk about, too, is how each week we are learning, we're educating, and we are advocating, and the amount of people that have expressed an interest like my heart warms up because i'm seeing people reach out to me, saying, i'm really interested in getting more involved. I want to become more active in the world of animal advocacy like What should I do? Where do I start? And that is

00:04:06.880 --> 00:04:17.050 Valerie Heffron: tremendous, because really most of us walk around every day, and we're doing our thing. And we've got, you know, work like family life, pet life whatever, and the day was by.

00:04:17.060 --> 00:04:30.570 Valerie Heffron: But when you start to get a taste of this, and we saw it the other night at the Compassion awards, you know you, you, your eyes will become open, and you'll see opportunities to help the animals legislatively

00:04:30.580 --> 00:04:41.850 Valerie Heffron: going to a protest or demonstration getting to know your elected representatives, so that you can advocate for positive change. That's what this is also very much about, and

00:04:42.000 --> 00:04:57.170 Valerie Heffron: we will get to our guest more entirely sorry, Leslie, I promise myself, because I just got an urgent plea and message from one of something like a siren. When you have an urgent message like

00:04:57.490 --> 00:05:13.379 Valerie Heffron: we got an urgent plea and message from one of our Honorees, John D. Leonardo, of Long Island Humane Um, and this is a situation that he has been diligently working on. He's done several demonstrations already regarding

00:05:13.650 --> 00:05:32.730 Valerie Heffron: um the sloth encounters, which is a location in uh Islip that has been exploiting animals lots specifically. Um and I just want to read the details, because for those of you out there, especially in Long Island, New York, if you want to get involved and you want to make a difference,

00:05:32.740 --> 00:05:35.439 Valerie Heffron: Please go tomorrow.

00:05:35.870 --> 00:05:51.310 Valerie Heffron: Um. At noon, from from twelve to one Pm. At the Beth page equestrian center. You can bring your own signs. John's really great at having a lot of uh signage available to anyone who shows up.

00:05:51.320 --> 00:05:56.209 Valerie Heffron: But we really this is an urgent plea, because we're at the like the final straw

00:05:56.220 --> 00:06:14.150 Valerie Heffron: um, in terms of being able to successfully shut down this place, which is exploiting and abusing animals. Why, don't you? Can you give a little more call to that? Because, you know, this is not like a one time offender situation. Absolutely sure. Sorry I had the wrong glasses on this. Why did that in a broad stroke? But hold on, please. Okay.

00:06:14.650 --> 00:06:26.710 Valerie Heffron: This Thursday, October twentieth is International Slot Day, and, as expected, both encounters and notorious exhibitor, Larry Wallet plans to exploit them as prompts.

00:06:26.720 --> 00:06:38.230 Valerie Heffron: Please join. He made Long Island outside the backpage equestrian center to urge the public not to exploit loss, and to urge Wallick to send these babies to sanctuary. Um,

00:06:38.830 --> 00:06:54.600 Valerie Heffron: despite the Suba County Supreme Court, granting town of Iceland a temporary straining water against this illegal business while it is now calling the sensitive baby slots to busy parties and public events, and we need your help to get them

00:06:54.610 --> 00:07:17.129 Valerie Heffron: to shut him down and get these lost to sanctuary. Larry Wallace is on video electro shopping, a juvenile tiger named Shiva, and branding his own dog with an electric prod He's also wrapped up fifty citations from Federal authorities, countless local citations, and even received a six month suspension of his Usa. License in two thousand and thirteen.

00:07:17.140 --> 00:07:26.420 Valerie Heffron: So this goes on and on. You can find this on Long Island, Long Island, you mean um again. John de Leonardo is is a very

00:07:26.430 --> 00:07:44.500 Valerie Heffron: well known and revered animal advocate. He has managed to get laws past. He's managed to shut down. Uh, you know, surfaces. We can always count on John for support when it comes to the animals he saves tons. I can't even count how many animals he saved, and you know he's asking us to show up for him.

00:07:44.510 --> 00:07:50.790 Valerie Heffron: Uh, I can't be there tomorrow, but I I will do everything in my power to round up more people for him.

00:07:50.800 --> 00:08:12.730 Tommy DiMisa: So yeah, So I I just shared uh humane Long Islands website to this, you know, on Facebook, but they have a Facebook page to these very active on Facebook. Right? Look up, you may well, and John de Lenoro. And and again, I just want to say something, because if if you're new to this information and you're new to what we're talking about here, and I certainly was new to this,

00:08:12.740 --> 00:08:14.530 Tommy DiMisa: you know. Uh,

00:08:14.780 --> 00:08:44.619 Tommy DiMisa: think of it in terms of John's. Not a killjoy. John is not trying to put away the circus or put away sloth and calendars, because, you know, he's not a fun loving guy. In fact, he's got a great personality. I like John a lot. He's doing this to protect those who himself. He's doing this to protect the animals who cannot protect themselves from people who are exploiting the animal. So if you don't know about circuses, we could do that under the other show. I'm sure John will come back and tell us about that. But there's plenty of really cool circuses out there that don't have animals and the animals that are

00:08:44.740 --> 00:08:51.339 Tommy DiMisa: for us to do tricks and and silly nonsense. So all right. Well, anything else you want to say about tomorrow?

00:08:51.930 --> 00:09:01.880 Valerie Heffron: Um, no. I just really hope that people do get more involved, and if you can't be there like. I can't be there. Please just spread the message and encourage others.

00:09:01.890 --> 00:09:19.549 Valerie Heffron: Um, because that is unfortunately what it takes. Most change does not happen overnight, especially when it comes to shutting down a A. A a business that's exploiting animals and or changing legislation, or introducing new legislation doesn't happen quickly. So we need all hands on deck.

00:09:19.900 --> 00:09:37.799 Tommy DiMisa: Thank you, Valerie, for this public service announcement. Learn, educate, advocate, learn, educate, advocate, That should be like our little thing, Mantra, award, winning financial attorney. Leslie H. Team is the founder of managing director of the Tain Law firm, Pc. Based in New York. Her

00:09:37.810 --> 00:09:51.000 Tommy DiMisa: extensive expertise in debt solution and personal finance is regularly sought by top media sources. And I was just saying to Leslie when we were in our virtual green room, like I don't know if we've met each other here on the island on Long Island, or

00:09:51.010 --> 00:10:19.759 Tommy DiMisa: if I've just seen you on news twelve, a lot, and she said It's probably that she's been featured on news. Twelve Fox News, W. Abc. Radio, Cnbc. Cbs News News Day Consumer reports the list just goes on and on and on, and we're going to run out to show If I keep that we'll be at a break before I i'm seeing all the things that we had Leslie's been on Leslie, also on the animal advocacy side uh vet dogs and uh guide Dogs of America, or vet Dogs of America, and

00:10:19.770 --> 00:10:26.239 Tommy DiMisa: the Guide dog Foundation, Leslie. Welcome to pals! Welcome to the show. Good afternoon. How are you?

00:10:26.290 --> 00:10:28.240 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: Great? Thank you so much.

00:10:28.270 --> 00:10:51.919 Tommy DiMisa: Thanks for having me. I'm excited to be here. We're excited to have you, you know. Look, you know, like I said it upfront. You know we're multifaceted as human beings. We're not just what we do professionally Where? What we do philanthropically. How? That's a big word for you, Tommy. What we do philanthropically, What we do volunteering, so tell us a bit about your story. Do you want to take us through the the animal work you're doing, or your professional life? Wherever you want to start

00:10:52.250 --> 00:11:21.849 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: we we can um it either one. We can start on both. They're both extensive. So Um! I'll start out as my profession i'm an attorney uh I've been in practicing over twenty-five years in the air, consumer and business debt resolution and alternatives to bankruptcy. So I started my practice um over twenty years ago. Now, um really focusing in on consumer based debt, credit cards, student loans, um, and over the last um X amount a number of years. At this point we really

00:11:21.860 --> 00:11:45.659 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: focus a lot on business related debt, merchant cash advances, modification, negotiation, litigation of those type of debts a lot. Still, we do a fair amount of credit cards and and student loans uh as well considered an expert in credit and debt, and I am regularly featured on a number of um uh television programs across the United States at this point,

00:11:45.670 --> 00:12:04.130 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: and I've written a book also called Life and Debt. It's a best selling book, a a fresh approach to financial wellness. Um! It's a great book. It can be gotten on Amazon or otherwise. But um! Just talking about how debt is part of life, and um the sooner we embrace it and make it work for us. Uh the more uh

00:12:04.140 --> 00:12:11.889 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: we'll be with the financial ramifications of of debt, which is again um mostly part of our lives. So with that

00:12:11.900 --> 00:12:27.070 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: in my practice Um! We just backing up to to present day. We do bring a lot of dogs to the office. I've been involved with the guide Dog foundation out in Smith Town and America's vet dogs um for a number of years. Now

00:12:27.080 --> 00:12:57.049 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: I started that I'm. Looking for a project for my daughter uh my daughter's spot nuts, and we started volunteering now well over ten years, and at this point I probably raised a good one hundred dogs and um, so I get stopped a lot about training. People always want to ask me if i'm a dog trainer um and um. I just explain. This is my volunteer work, and um many times. I'm also known as the the the, you know, like the puppy, the puppy nurse, because I always have so

00:12:57.060 --> 00:13:20.300 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: so many puppies all the time. Um, and I've that's my sweet spot. I really love the puppies from these organizations. But as I notice what these organizations do they? They're fabulous organizations. I'm super passionate about their missions, and the guide dog foundation for the blind is for uh, those who are visually disabled. Um can apply the the dogs that we breed

00:13:20.310 --> 00:13:35.230 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: in-house um are given to those who are eligible for free. There's no charge, and america's vet dogs is for those who've been audibly discharged in the line of duty of a service. Members. Um and front line workers

00:13:35.240 --> 00:13:47.799 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: for um. The military who uh again have been uh injured in the line of duty. And And also these talks just completely change People's lives, so i'm really passionate, and they really excited to be here to talk about it.

00:13:47.810 --> 00:14:03.729 Valerie Heffron: Yeah, now, I'm so excited, so really quick, before I know we have to go to break. But we had a job at the Compassion awards the other night that's being trained. Uh. So there's a a mortgage company, one of the worst companies that sponsored our event counselor mortgage.

00:14:03.740 --> 00:14:17.289 Valerie Heffron: They are um two things they're paying for um adoption fees for people who like, if they're closing alone or closing on a house, or whatever and they want to adopt a dog or a cat or a rabbit. They'll pay for the fee,

00:14:17.300 --> 00:14:47.279 Valerie Heffron: but they're also now training a dog and want to become a therapy animal, and once he'd be, he's ready. Um Champ is going to go to a veteran who would like the therapy animal right? And and in contrast to what we do with that. So we don't take in any outside dogs. The organizations breed their own, and then um! So a lot of people do ask me that question. It's a good question. How can I get my dog involved in those organizations? And um, these two organizations don't take in the outside dogs.

00:14:47.290 --> 00:15:00.869 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: They' their own, and um, therefore we uh train them from very early on, and then they're matched with um somebody with a specific disability, and the dog skill set in order to make that uh happen

00:15:01.240 --> 00:15:03.230 Tommy DiMisa: so as value meant,

00:15:03.240 --> 00:15:33.229 Tommy DiMisa: we do have to take a quick break, but I just want to give a quick shout out, Because I you're quite a celebrity on the Tv. But you know the Ceo John Miller of those organizations who I know here on Long Island is uh John's all over the place. Right, Leslie, have you? You know You've It's all over the place. Yeah, closely with John. He's such a he's such a powerhouse nationally, probably internationally. But I know for sure, and actually he's all the place right. He is. He's great, and he's done such great work for the organizations, and i'm a board member for both. So I do work closely with

00:15:33.240 --> 00:16:02.059 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: John, and he's terrific, and I can't say enough good things and his leadership and Um has really um helped to grow the organization and expand our reach across the country. So we're really proud to have John as our leader. Yeah, for sure I it's funny. I I will go to break it a second, but i'll tell you the fact that your daughter uh did some of this work with for her, Bob. Mates Far, I think it's so special. My eleven year old one is all about the dogs, and uh, you know I

00:16:02.070 --> 00:16:31.039 Tommy DiMisa: I i'm always not that it's difficult to find great organizations that are working in the animal space, because there's many. But I think this is the one that that he should get involved with. So we'll have to talk about that. I just turned off all my other friends who run. No, we'll come back. We'll come back to all this, Les. We will pick up the conversation where where we were going, and really kind of dive into some of the work that you're doing, both professionally and obviously as a board member and and volunteer for these organizations. Be right back, pals.

00:16:34.440 --> 00:17:00.389 Are you a business owner. Do you want to be a business owner? Do you work with business owners? Hi, I'm. Steven, fry your small and medium sized business or Smb Guy and i'm the host of the new show always Friday. While I love to have fun on my show, we take those Friday feelings of freedom and clarity to discuss popular topics on the minds of Smbs today. Please join me at my various special guests on Friday at eleven Am. On Talk radio, Dot Nyc.

00:17:02.610 --> 00:17:09.250 Are you a conscious co-creator? Are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness,

00:17:09.260 --> 00:17:33.189 I'm Sam Leblitch, your conscious consultant, and on my show the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity, we will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen. Live at our new time on Thursdays, at twelve noon Eastern time That's the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. Thursday's twelve noon on Talk Radio Nyc:

00:17:38.250 --> 00:18:07.129 Are you on edge? Hey? We live in challenging edgy time. So let's lean in I'm. Sander, Bargeman, the host of the edge of every day, which airs each Monday at seven P. M. Eastern time on talk radio dot nyc tune in live with me and my friends and colleagues, as we share stories and perspectives about pushing boundaries and exploring our rough edges. That's the edge of every day on Mondays at seven P. M. Eastern time on talk radio, dot Nyc:

00:18:08.450 --> 00:18:20.750 You're listening to talk radio, Nyc: uplift, educate and power.

00:18:22.200 --> 00:18:23.270 You

00:18:24.860 --> 00:18:26.740 you,

00:18:28.690 --> 00:18:29.690 you

00:18:33.380 --> 00:18:34.260 you

00:18:37.980 --> 00:18:39.160 you,

00:18:41.820 --> 00:18:43.170 you

00:18:44.080 --> 00:18:59.179 Tommy DiMisa: and we're back the shows called professionals and animal over show or pals for short. I'm called Tommy D. For similar reasons. It's just better than say my whole name, Valerie, is here the visionary behind this whole project. We're on Leslie taney's here. Listen to this

00:18:59.190 --> 00:19:06.590 Tommy DiMisa: member of the Board of Directors for America's vet dogs. Remember Board of Directors for the Guide Dog Foundation for the blind

00:19:06.700 --> 00:19:35.009 Tommy DiMisa: Uh. N. Sls Law Services and civil legal services. Yeah, I was going to ask you that my mother used to work at. She was social worker. That really small world hang on type out we got. I would want to read the rest of it, and we'll go into that diversity task force for both of the organizations we just mentioned. This is an organization very close to my horse. In fact, i'm going to be meeting uh I don't see them on Sunday, Long Island against domestic violence. They have their um

00:19:35.020 --> 00:19:54.459 Tommy DiMisa: pet fashion show, uh, which was a puppy fashion show which was postponed because of weather. And obviously she told us, or the first thing, that she's a puppy razor for um future service. Dogs, Leslie, we're jazz to have you on the show, Val. Your mom used to work at on Don Natural Suffolk law services right? You were going to say,

00:19:54.470 --> 00:20:09.930 Valerie Heffron: Yeah, the the location in Hempstead Um. For for decades. But you know, I also want to mention that. Um, my husband uh, this is before we met, but he was trying to train a a dog um,

00:20:10.440 --> 00:20:33.740 Valerie Heffron: for he was part of the Lions Club, and I are. They associated with the Guide Dog Foundation. I think they do a lot of uh um fundraisers for both organizations extensively. Many, many of the lions clubs. Yeah, Okay. So there there was an affiliation. With that, he he ended up trying to do what you do, I guess, all the time, and he took home a puppy,

00:20:33.750 --> 00:20:47.079 Valerie Heffron: and you know, was training it. Um. But unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it. That particular um did not, I guess, like, pass the test, or whatever. But um,

00:20:47.180 --> 00:21:04.949 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: what's that? We call it? Release. They get many of them do get released for a lot of different reasons. Remember when you're giving a dog to somebody who's disabled. You want to make sure that the dog can perform, so our standards are super high when it comes to making sure that the recipient gets the best possible service animal.

00:21:04.960 --> 00:21:19.710 Valerie Heffron: So basically, although she didn't, you know, pass the muster, or whatever on that. Oh, you know, to become the actual therapy animal for the guidel foundation. Um! She was such a great dog and get this.

00:21:19.720 --> 00:21:49.689 Valerie Heffron: This is in the old days when people used to get News Day delivered right. I think some people still do like maybe ten, but she would every day go out and fetch the paper and bring it back rain, snow, everything so like no one had to go out to get the paper I was like. Oh, that's awesome, very smart dogs. You can teach them to do a lot. Yeah. Yeah. So what are the other types of things that they do? Um for those for the recipients of these dogs? What What do they do? Turn on lights, or what? What are they doing? Oh, so depending on

00:21:49.700 --> 00:22:17.960 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: on the on, the individual's needs? Um, you know they can. Um. They can pick pick things up open doors. They can do alerts, a medical alerts they could. Um uh, Again, it really is very specific to the individuals disabilities. And uh, that screened again very carefully. Uh, in the matching process with the dog, so that, uh, the dog is trained really well. So the training process as you started to speak about

00:22:17.970 --> 00:22:47.370 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: um is extensive. We start the training from about four to six weeks old, where they start to become socialized, and that's the first step, and very often those are puppies that I take out of the nursery after they're born, and we from their mom um they go into a home like mine, where we start to socialize them and get them familiar with a home environment and start to train them from um, you know, making on command which we can. I can do in one to two days, believe it or not, with a four or five,

00:22:47.380 --> 00:23:16.300 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: six week old puppy, and get them to sleep through the night comfortable in their crates eating, You know they're They're crate trained, and um they uh that's the beginning of the process of really just being comfortable with being touched and and held, and um and out for the first time in the world, and seeing things like an airplane for the first time, or a bird for the first time, and just teaching them to be really comfortable with their environment. And then the next um level training goes to a puppy razor

00:23:16.310 --> 00:23:46.269 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: who keeps the dog um anywhere up to about a year and a half uh when the dog gets recalled for formal training, and then the dog would get recalled for formal training with our trainers um at the Smith Town location, and there that dog would be assessed at that point again to determine. You know where that dog is going to be headed to type of service many times. Um, actually, we have a We have a relationship with the Federal Government, and my uh first dog actually went into Uh was taken by the Atf

00:23:46.280 --> 00:24:14.489 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: and went out to Arizona and became an accelerant sniffer for the atf, and she was well decorated out there. Um! And I have a great relationship with the handler, and they're actually on their second dog from the guide dog foundation that the Atf. Picked up um. So some of our dogs do end up in Federal service as well for um like, I said. In this case it was accelerate sniffing, but there are other um types of services that the dogs could go do. But

00:24:14.500 --> 00:24:44.469 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: um! So the training and the um determination. It's a very expensive process. It's between, uh, you know, fifty and eighty thousand dollars to train one of these dogs over the course of its lifetime, you know we depend solely on volunteers and donations. Um for uh for that, and we've been around a really long time now, and um have a very successful track record, and we continue to grow, and it's just such a fabulous organization. Everybody so dedicated and devoted not only to our

00:24:44.480 --> 00:24:48.169 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: but of course the dogs and their care as well.

00:24:48.890 --> 00:24:59.769 Valerie Heffron: I mean I I just completely love what i'm hearing, and I, of course, have so many questions. First of all, um like. Do you have your own personal pets, or

00:25:00.060 --> 00:25:30.020 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: I have a lot of dogs, So I have had up to seventeen dogs in my own home, and I know that sounds crazy. Um! But I had a meter. So again some of the dogs will go on what's called the breeder hold where we're identifying certain dogs with that we want to breed in the foundation. So those dogs go on, Breeder hold, and I have had two readers, and my first breeder had puppies, and she had nine puppies in her litter, and after she delivered those puppies, they came home and stayed with me along with a few

00:25:30.030 --> 00:25:58.670 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: other dogs, so I have had many, many dogs in my home, and as you talked about with the dogs that get released um, I once that breed a retire, and I I have kept that breeder. Um! I have a second breeder who's gonna have puppies this week. Um! She's in uh the foundation waiting to deliver those puppies any day. Now um! And then she'll come home, and then i'll have a couple of puppies at home, and then I have some that I've also been released from the program that went through training, and for one reason or another one had elbow dysplasia.

00:25:58.680 --> 00:26:27.689 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: Um, Um, yeah. So sometimes, you know, it happens in It happens, even in the best of the breeding process that sometimes things happen Um, where there's an allergy, or there's a fear on the part of the dog, or there's um some sort of a some sort of physical ailment like um, my one John Norton, that has a elbow. Dysphasia, and he had surgery for that. So um because so I end up keeping them as I raise them. I end up keeping them, and That's how I ended up with five dogs.

00:26:27.890 --> 00:26:45.350 Valerie Heffron: Yeah, so it's It's a lot of the reason I was asking that. By the way, it doesn't sound crazy to me it sounds like, but anyway, I don't know how long I've been anybody from the foundation. It's not. That's nothing compared to what. But the reason I was asking, I guess, is because I was curious about like.

00:26:45.360 --> 00:26:56.759 Valerie Heffron: Do you feel that that is um helpful to the training I'd imagine socialization wise. That's probably a good thing to have other animals in home. Um,

00:26:56.770 --> 00:27:25.490 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: or do you feel does that affect? Does that impact your training in any way or the the young toppies. I'm going to say um, I'm going to answer your question on a different level. So yes, my young puppies, when I get a six week. Old puppy that's come right out of the nursery that's never been outside, and is only been with its litter, you know. It's really comforting for that puppy that I have other older dogs, and those older dogs actually teach the puppy how to walk on a leash, because sometimes you'll put a leash on a six week old puppy and that puppy note doesn't know what to do.

00:27:25.500 --> 00:27:55.219 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: So when I put a leash on a puppy, and then i'd write. And so when I put a leash on a puppy at a bleach on an older dog, all of a sudden the puppy is following the older dog so very often. Yes, I do find it very helpful when i'm training the younger dogs. But now that I have a number of older dogs, it's really a little bit of pack mentality. But um, so I don't always. I don't take in for volunteer.

00:27:55.230 --> 00:28:04.569 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: This is any of the older dogs now. Just um just the younger dog, so I do find it helpful. Uh again, you have to be equipped if you are going to have

00:28:04.580 --> 00:28:32.610 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: These are fabulous dogs. They're really well trained, and people come to my house, and they're like, Wow! The dog is so well behaved. They don't, they don't park. They don't jump on people. They they know how to behave. Um. And so with that um. You know these are very well trained and well behaved dogs, and that does help the process when you have multiple dogs in one household. Yeah, I'd imagine so. I thought that, like my dog, Jobey was at our event last week, and I felt like he was

00:28:32.620 --> 00:29:00.669 Valerie Heffron: not only really well behaved, but I started getting all these pictures from people that were sending me from, you know, from their cell phones whatever. And apparently all these people were posing with my dog. I used to be like a chick magnet every time I had puppies I was out, or something. I'd be like Don't or my daughters, and they they would take these all these Instagram pictures with the puppies. I'm like they like. They constantly love the puppy. They're total, like

00:29:00.680 --> 00:29:30.660 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: total people magnets. And you know, with that said, You talk about socialization. So our socialization is very um um structured. I'm gonna say, because they're in training. So if they're wearing jackets Um, if you've ever seen a dog with a jacket or a coat on, that's a service animal. Those are animals that we ask the general public not to touch. So. Um I'm very appreciative. When people ask me, is it okay to touch your dog or pet your dog, and it's really a public service announcement that one should never let their children or otherwise pet any

00:29:30.670 --> 00:29:58.760 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: dog without asking the owner if it's okay, because you don't know the temperament of the dog, and certainly a a dog that is um being used for someone with a disability should never be interfered with ever. Those are working dogs. So we do try to educate the public a lot on on the etiquette with with that. So in terms of socialization. If the dog doesn't have the jacket on, then the dog is is socializing. But we're also very careful about greeting and socializing. Unleash.

00:29:58.770 --> 00:30:27.810 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: Um, you know, with our dogs. Remember that these dogs are supposed to ignore our distraction. So they're being trained to ignore humans and other animals. So um! We do take them into public spaces, so that they'll learn to not be distracted. Um! But when I have a dog out in public, I I still um no matter what. Do not allow anybody to um a pet or um in, you know, if they have a dog, and they have a dog on a leash, and they say, Can my dog greet your dog?

00:30:28.000 --> 00:30:33.079 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: You know, My, I do. I generally say no to that because

00:30:33.090 --> 00:31:02.920 Valerie Heffron: it's great that they ask. Yeah, because I remember we not too long ago. There was some kind of a little farmer's market thing going on, and I I saw I have to say hi to everyone with dogs, right? But um? I asked. The The couple was sitting down. The dog was on leash, and I said, Um, Oh, what people do always said, Is it okay? If I if I pet her? And they were blown away that I asked, and they were so thankful. And they actually said. You know what in a crowded area she gets very

00:31:02.930 --> 00:31:07.539 Valerie Heffron: skittish, and she's she's kind of if he has no problem. You know what I mean like,

00:31:07.550 --> 00:31:37.540 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: but I did the right thing, and and and as a dog owner, and in part of the foundation i'm so appreciative that people ask, Is it okay? And you're right when a dog is out socializing like that. If that dog's not used to being out, it could be stressed, and a stress animal can can act in a way that it doesn't normally behave. So it is important to understand. And as a dog owner, if you're taking your dog out into unfamiliar areas. The job could be stressed, and you may not even realize it that something could set them off that doesn't normally

00:31:37.550 --> 00:32:06.600 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: set them off. So with that said, You know my general position with dogs, even in my neighborhood, is that I don't allow my dogs to greet other dogs on leash, and um, you know I want them to behave in a particular way. So you know I continue the training um as they've had since they were puppies, and uh, that is, has bred me very well, behaved dogs. And so you've heard it here, because I know we have to take a break. But just remember, people

00:32:06.610 --> 00:32:14.139 Valerie Heffron: ask if it's okay, ask permission. You wouldn't go up to someone's baby stroller and just start picking up Someone's kid, right?

00:32:14.150 --> 00:32:32.050 Tommy DiMisa: Some people would. But that's a problem as a problem with human beings human. We want to show before humans are really the problem most of the time. All right, We do have to go to break before we go to break. I shared the guide dog uh foundation website. I shared American vet dogs um

00:32:32.060 --> 00:32:42.640 Tommy DiMisa: America's vet dogs. Just now. I want to share the website well on on Facebook while we go to break, because there's an event coming up uh Leslie tomorrow, I believe, for um dogs

00:32:42.650 --> 00:32:52.470 Tommy DiMisa: on the count walk. Maybe we could talk about that when we come back, and then I have some questions about debt and about being a puppy razor. Um! We'll be right back. This is pals.

00:32:53.860 --> 00:33:20.939 Are you passionate about the conversation around racism? Hi! I'm, Reverend Dr. Tlc. Host of the dismantled racism show which airs every Thursday at eleven Am. Eastern on top Radio Dot Nyc join me and my amazing guest. As we discuss ways to uncover dismantle and eradicate racism That's Thursday. At eleven o'clock they am on top radio. Dot. Nyc.

00:33:24.400 --> 00:33:50.039 Are you a small business trying to navigate the Covid? Nineteen related employment laws? Hello, I'm Eric Safer employment, log business, law, attorney and host of the new Radio Show employment law today on my show We'll have guests to discuss the common employment, live challenges. Business owners are facing during these trying times. Tune in on Tuesday, you think, from five Pm. To six Pm. Eastern time on talk radio on Nyc.

00:33:51.090 --> 00:33:52.170 Um,

00:33:55.700 --> 00:34:19.870 hey, everybody! It's Tommy deed and non-profit sector, Connecticut coming at you from my attic each week here on talk radio that nyc I hosted program philanthropy and focused non-profits impact us each and every day, and it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen: each week at ten A. M. Eastern standard time until eleven. A. M. Is from standing time right here on talk radio and Myc:

00:34:20.840 --> 00:34:30.359 You're listening to talk radio and Yc: at Www: Talk radio now, broadcasting twenty, four hours a day,

00:34:31.949 --> 00:34:32.929 You,

00:34:45.760 --> 00:34:46.939 you

00:34:51.830 --> 00:34:57.620 Tommy DiMisa: and we are back. This is where you can. I was gonna sing a song, but go ahead

00:34:57.800 --> 00:35:09.350 Valerie Heffron: even even better. I'm sorry. No, I'm kidding you. Alright, I just before I forget. I want to ask, where is the location of that event. It almost looks like a farm.

00:35:09.930 --> 00:35:27.359 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: Which event the guide Dog foundation event the one for tomorrow night. Yeah, where is that? Oh, that's in um uh No, that's at the um in that page. Heritage Club. No about this. It's a scrolling on the website it keeps,

00:35:27.460 --> 00:35:32.019 Tommy DiMisa: so i'll share it. I don't know what this form is. Leslie. Um,

00:35:32.040 --> 00:35:33.989 Valerie Heffron: yeah. Where's that?

00:35:34.070 --> 00:36:01.650 Tommy DiMisa: Can you see our screen? Oh, that's that's just a picture of a um of one of our dogs in uh training. That is, uh was at visiting a farm, but that that's not we. That farm is not related to the event. I'll find out about where that form is, and when you're back on Long Island we'll go to the farm, and at the very least, since i'm a board member of horse ability.

00:36:01.660 --> 00:36:09.309 Tommy DiMisa: Uh, we certainly can go out to horse ability to the form. But I will tell you, since you're bringing up forms our friend Um

00:36:09.870 --> 00:36:28.180 Tommy DiMisa: Eileen Shanahan texted me earlier today, and uh, she had mentioned that she's one of the Honorees, a canine companions event, which is uh they're honoring Eileen from Warrior Ranch foundation, and three veterans at the the end in New Hyde Park on November ninth. So

00:36:28.390 --> 00:36:33.289 Tommy DiMisa: who get the Pom bombs out? We're going to promote that, and if we can get um,

00:36:33.940 --> 00:37:03.189 Tommy DiMisa: perhaps we can get Don Alvarado from our canine companions. Who, Eileen is telling me is the contact we should speak to. Maybe we can get. Don't want to come on the show and talk about that before the ninth, and if we don't we'll have them come on and show and talk about what happened at the event. So either way we'll make it happen. I get a question about debt. So you know I I listen to a lot of people um in Robert Kiyasaki talks about rich that port that talks about good debt versus bad debt. So you know, if you want to talk to us about good debt. But there's something I want to tell you to Leslie.

00:37:03.200 --> 00:37:05.990 Tommy DiMisa: Last night I was at the New York City. Imagine awards,

00:37:06.320 --> 00:37:07.810 Tommy DiMisa: and one of the

00:37:07.830 --> 00:37:12.360 Tommy DiMisa: winners at the Imagine awards is a nonprofit called our Ip Medical Debt,

00:37:12.370 --> 00:37:42.360 Tommy DiMisa: and there's such a tragic situation. So many people are really in a bad spot from uh from medical debt. And look i'm in the employed benefits business. That's not what we're going to discuss now, but the way health care is managed in this country. It's certainly a challenge, and people in the really jammed up. Um. This particular organization goes out, and it buys that debt for pennies on the dollar, and then settles that debt for these uh for these individual people. So I thought maybe you could just weigh in on, and I'd say, I say all that, because i'd like to connect you with that order

00:37:42.370 --> 00:37:57.130 Tommy DiMisa: organization at some point. But i'd like to kind of hear if you want to play around about good debt versus bad that. And then also um. The merchant cash advances that you mentioned, because I always feel that those are really a bad situation for a lot of business owners. Can you speak to that?

00:37:57.390 --> 00:38:25.729 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: Sure. So the good debt versus bad that there's a lot of it. I wrote a lot about it in my book, Life and Debt. Um, but there is good debt, and there is bad debt that can become bad debt, and what ends up happening is if you can't pay it, Let's talk about student loans, for example. So you'd set out to take student loans. It's technically good debt because it's getting you There's a benefit to it. Uh, it has a low interest rate. It has deferments and other options for uh repayment,

00:38:25.740 --> 00:38:55.140 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: but Eventually, at some point you go to pay it. You start paying. You have to find some financial challenges, and you can't pay it, or you stop paying it, and then, all of a sudden it goes into collection. You could be sued. You can have your wages, garnish that good debt became bad debt, and That's the same with a lot of different financial products that are considered debt. A house can become bad debt if you no longer can afford it, or you bought you bought it, and the expenses exceed your ability to pay for it. Cars that you that also you set out to pay

00:38:55.150 --> 00:39:12.399 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: um on time, and then, all of a sudden you had some challenges and can't. So um the definition of good debt versus bed that really comes down to your um ability to manage the debt, pay the debt and effectively um continue with the obligations that you have to pay that debt Um! And with,

00:39:12.410 --> 00:39:20.210 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: and that causes a lot of problems, because the line does change, Even though some debts are considered fixed expenses like a car or a house,

00:39:20.220 --> 00:39:35.670 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: they really not fixed expenses, because as time goes on they expenses, change, gas changes, insurance changes, upkeep on homes change, and that has to be taken into consideration when taking on debt. Yeah, can I just ask you a quick question about

00:39:36.240 --> 00:39:39.250 Valerie Heffron: So at what point in time

00:39:39.540 --> 00:39:43.079 Valerie Heffron: should someone, let's say, reach out to

00:39:43.240 --> 00:39:49.199 Valerie Heffron: someone such as you or you someone who does what you do, and because

00:39:49.530 --> 00:39:54.839 Valerie Heffron: i'm thinking I I can't help. This is just how my mind works. I think of specific people who I know,

00:39:55.040 --> 00:40:14.370 Valerie Heffron: and you know, of course, hindsight being twenty twenty uh they should have probably reached out for help sooner, but like, for example, um, a couple who has a home uh and a couple of kids, and then, let's say the husband was the breadwinner loses his high income earning job.

00:40:14.380 --> 00:40:16.939 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: Uh, and then there is like,

00:40:17.210 --> 00:40:20.189 Valerie Heffron: you know. Okay? Well, we have X amount of dollars

00:40:20.210 --> 00:40:31.969 Valerie Heffron: in savings that will get us through to here. Assuming I can replace that income. You know what I mean, Like, I think people try to figure out their own solutions like,

00:40:31.980 --> 00:40:45.710 Valerie Heffron: Yeah. So is that the time to reach out to someone like you, or or like how much, How much time should you get like if I can survive for six months? Um, you know. Do I try to do that? Or do I call someone like you right away?

00:40:45.720 --> 00:40:55.310 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: So most people say to me, I wish I went to you nine months ago, so that's generally what happens when people come to me? So they look at me

00:40:55.320 --> 00:41:16.350 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: later as a last resort, the initial knee-jerk reaction is How long can like you said, How long can we make it on savings? How long can we go on credit? Should we sell things? Um, should we? You know there's a lot of knee, jerk, reactions to to um, to debt, and to the limitation of of funds and money, and it doesn't

00:41:16.360 --> 00:41:22.439 Valerie Heffron: Sorry I I think there's also like denial, and also like depression or or something like that.

00:41:22.450 --> 00:41:44.659 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: So there's definitely some. There's definitely an emotional impact to what happens in um in the loss of income or limitation of income, and there's a lot of trauma. And with trauma comes sometimes the inability to act. So there's a lot of psychological aspects of it, and i'm not a psychologist. I'm. A license attorney, but very often I've been known as a debt therapist, because there is a lot of

00:41:44.670 --> 00:42:03.649 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: lot of pieces to the and puzzle emotionally that go along with it, and making the decisions financially, which should be made more of a business decision, often get made emotionally. And that's where the mistakes are made. Here I am a um. I come in, and a lot of different phases. Ideally. I want to be on the phase of

00:42:03.660 --> 00:42:07.390 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: Uh-oh, I think we might. We are go. I can foresee a problem.

00:42:07.400 --> 00:42:35.930 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: Um, hopefully, things will change. But I will I at that point. That's what I want someone to consider me. That is not realistic. That just That's just not how human nature is. And in twenty-five years of doing this that's not what I see. What I end up seeing is a snowball of a um of uh tried all different options, and then they run out of money. So one of my goals is to help preserve the the savings and work through some of the financial issues and the dead issues

00:42:35.940 --> 00:42:52.949 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: in order to preserve the savings and assets as long as possible. Very often people will liquidate all their assets from savings retirement accounts, and they'll come to me when they're just about out of money, and say, now, what do I do? And if I could rewind the tape, I would give advice and say,

00:42:52.960 --> 00:43:14.199 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: Really, come to me before you take that money from the house before you take the retirement Monday before you go through your savings. That's the time to come. See me, even if you're not hiring me for long term debt resolution, you can come to me as a consult. In some cases it's free. In some cases, if it's extensive. There's a a fee for it. But with that said

00:43:14.210 --> 00:43:43.309 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: to do so really could make a break. Some of you are just some of the decisions that that an individual or a family or business owner has. Um, and I can end up saving. Uh, I can save a business. I can keep people above water, I can. There's a lot of lot of things that I can offer in terms of solutions and strategies to manage money and the limitation of money to avoid what will come from not being able to pay the bills which is litigation

00:43:43.320 --> 00:44:09.170 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: uh lawsuits, punishment of wages, pros, and bank accounts, loss of property. What loss of loss of income I mean to deplete your savings now, or your retirement savings now is generally not advisable, because most investments are down. It's not really the time to take out money or refinance your house and Jumbo alone. I just was talking to somebody last night at an event, and they would tell me It's it's six percent.

00:44:09.180 --> 00:44:32.429 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: I mean, that's just crazy. Just the two years ago we were a two percent. So it's not the time to refinance and pull money out. It's the time to put money into savings, and to look at different ways, to be creative. And sometimes it takes somebody like me, just to open your eyes to what could be and what the results could be by by making different decisions.

00:44:32.500 --> 00:44:40.389 Tommy DiMisa: That's great stuff. Yeah, we this is uh, we are going to go to break in a second, but I would just like to put something out there, because um,

00:44:41.380 --> 00:44:42.829 Tommy DiMisa: you know, I I

00:44:42.940 --> 00:44:49.729 Tommy DiMisa: graduate High School nineteen, ninety-six, and I went to Nassau College for a couple of years, and then kept my college career going after that. But,

00:44:49.740 --> 00:45:17.900 Tommy DiMisa: um! You know It's funny. Back in the day the credit card applications were all over campus. They were up on bulletin boards. You folks might not know what a bulletin board is. I was like a big piece of cork with like Push P in there. They would put like business cards, but you know they really pulled us in the the credit card. Companies really pull us in as young people, and you end up going. Oh, it's all right. It's a five hundred dollars credit line, and i'll pay it off, and then it's a two thousand dollar line, and you can, Max out the card when you know as you start to grow with these things,

00:45:17.910 --> 00:45:19.120 Tommy DiMisa: and you know, uh,

00:45:19.130 --> 00:45:44.749 Tommy DiMisa: but you can't. They can't do it anymore. They change the law on that, so they can't um market to students, you know where maybe we're peers, You know you and I I mean you remember these times Are you heard of that? You know I got a bottle of soda for a credit card. When I was in college I was about that that's all t-shirts, and

00:45:44.760 --> 00:45:52.630 Tommy DiMisa: this I I just think, if if if you're a consumer, which we all are, because in this capitalist society, that's how it works uh

00:45:52.640 --> 00:46:22.630 Tommy DiMisa: make a consideration. Paul is before you buy that thing, those sneakers, those machines, I, all my capitalist friends, are going to come after me for this one. But I think they just don't realize, like the the the ad agencies and the marketing companies are setting us up to buy more and more stuff. I'm gonna say to that. It really comes down to you. Control over yourselves and your own boundaries, and there's a lot of marketing to people these days, especially through social media. The key to knowing what you can buy is really through budgeting. And even though

00:46:22.640 --> 00:46:45.410 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: you know, even though it's a dirty word and a lot of people don't know how to do it, and understandable that they don't know how to do it again. In my book. Life and Debt. It talks about budgeting one hundred and one. Really, you can go old school and just write it down on a piece of paper. But knowing what comes in, and what you have available to spend money on, will allow you to be a more educated consumer and limit your exposure to potential debt.

00:46:45.420 --> 00:46:48.699 Tommy DiMisa: That's great stuff. Yeah. And and look,

00:46:48.710 --> 00:47:17.139 Tommy DiMisa: Maybe you don't need that thing. Why, don't you give it a day or two to figure out, if you need the thing that's what i'm going to put on that, cause cause i'm with you on the budgeting, Leslie. But when we got credit cards in our pocket sometimes that we have all this extend outstanding opportunity to to spend money it gets, and you see the tiny new thing Sometimes people still want it, and I don't think our kids, you know, know that enough, you know, and or you know what strike that? I know plenty of adults that don't get that So i'm not compulsive, and i'm i'm. I'm very strange. I'm so not shopper,

00:47:17.150 --> 00:47:28.860 Valerie Heffron: but I will say that um, I think budgeting in general, and one of the things I did love, whether you like him or hate him. But um! When I was in Florida I noticed that Governor Sand is signed

00:47:28.870 --> 00:47:58.319 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: a bill into law requiring students in high school to take it and pass a financial literacy course, and I think that is spectacular, and I really forget who did it as long as the financial literacy courses. Um, you know, actually teaching them. When I was in high school they I did have a financial literacy course that where we had a checkbook and we had um money that we had to spend. And um! It was a It was a a good course. Um, I can't say that it necessarily prepared me for the future

00:47:58.330 --> 00:48:28.319 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: because it was a one and done really honestly, it has to start in the home. It has to start when the kids are very young, and you take them to a store, and you start explaining to them what money is and how to buy things and what it means to use a credit card. You have to start educating your own children, family and otherwise, because that's where the habits come from, and that's where those habits get passed down. If you don't talk about money like many generations that preceded hours, didn't talk about it or teach it, then it it's going to

00:48:28.330 --> 00:48:58.290 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: something that becomes difficult. If your household is struggling, and you involve young children in financial decision making that will That will cause them to have some anxiety about money. So again, there's lots of ways to teach children and teach family members that even teach yourself how to appropriately budget. Learn to manage money, and I encourage you. If you're in a situation where you are not in charge of the money in your household that you learn about that life happens, and you can find yourself in a position where you now have to manage the money for whatever we

00:48:58.300 --> 00:49:18.440 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: know how to balance a checkbook, how to write a check, how to open an account, how to pay bills which bills you pay. I can't stress this enough. That one of the ways that you can, you can help yourself is by educating yourself on these things and doing it on a regular basis. Um is is the way to learn it and to manage it.

00:49:18.450 --> 00:49:29.480 Valerie Heffron: I know we have to go to break. But I don't know we we We We missed the break seven minutes ago, because with you what I want to say is that we really want people to apply these um

00:49:29.490 --> 00:49:42.769 Valerie Heffron: strategies, and by all means please get her book. If you don't know how to budget, because we want all animal lovers to be financially successful, so that they can donate and

00:49:42.780 --> 00:49:55.099 Tommy DiMisa: about animals in debt. So let's talk. If you don't, mind, we're going to talk about soon as we come back We're only going to play one commercial. We'll be right back, I promise. We're gonna take it right. Hurry back, Dylan, bring us back fast,

00:49:55.130 --> 00:49:56.020 you

00:49:56.550 --> 00:50:20.650 everybody. It's Tommy de the nonprofit sector can actually coming at you from my adding each week here on top radio dot Nyc: I host program the lambda main focus nonprofits in cocktails each and every day, and it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen: each week at ten Am. Eastern Standard time until eleven. Am. In the standard time. Right here on talk radio, dot at Myc.

00:50:21.150 --> 00:50:49.409 You may have many unanswered questions regarding your health. Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you have a desire to learn more about mental health, and enhance your quality of life? Or do you just want to participate in self understanding and awareness. I'm. Frank R. Harrison, host of Frank about health, and each Thursday I will tackle these questions and work to enlighten you. Tune in everyday Five Pm. On talk radio, Nyc: and I will be frank about help to advocate for all of us

00:50:55.570 --> 00:50:57.670 calling all pet lovers,

00:50:57.970 --> 00:51:20.659 avengers assembly on the professionals and animal lovers show, We believe, the bond between animal lovers is incredibly strong. It mirrors that bond between pets and their owners. Through this program we come together to learn, educate, and advocate. Join us, live every Wednesday at two P. M. At top radio, dot Ben Weisk,

00:51:22.180 --> 00:51:32.279 you're listening to talk radio. Nyc at Ww. Talk radio Andyc now broadcasting twenty, four hours a day

00:51:41.240 --> 00:51:42.089 you

00:51:45.950 --> 00:51:46.959 you

00:51:49.680 --> 00:51:50.910 you

00:51:52.030 --> 00:52:19.339 Tommy DiMisa: All right. Picture this Sicily One thousand nine hundred and thirty-two. No, forget that that's Sophia from Gold Bills Picture this. You get yourself jammed up You get yourself in some debt. You're an animal, lover, and you go. Who can I use? What's the right resource? Who's that attorney that can help me with this? And it's all about the animals? Well, The answer is Leslie Kane, author of Life and Debt. I just showed it on Amazon. Not that we're big supporters of Amazon. But how do you get away from them right? So that's you can get the book on Amazon. Leslie.

00:52:19.350 --> 00:52:21.860 Tommy DiMisa: Go right back where we were. Please continue.

00:52:21.870 --> 00:52:50.010 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: We were talking about um debt and and animals, and uh and penal. As for pet owners um, you could easily fall into um a cycle of financial challenges from the needs of your pet and um, while I stress very strongly that if you're having financial struggles that you try to negotiate with the vet um, you know, to pay some of the bills. Um, you know, being a pet owner is something to consider when you have some when you're having financial challenges in that

00:52:50.020 --> 00:53:20.010 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: if your pet needs um specific veterinary care. It can be very, very expensive. Um, and it's unfortunate uh that. That's the case. Um, I I always say that I I wish I could be like the guy out in Colorado, where I was a vet, and I could just open up and have a sliding scale, and whatever you could pay, you could pay uh to bring your pets in, so that they can get the care that they need. But, uh, with that said, You know where we live on Long Island. It's a very expensive area, and uh veterinary care is very expensive, but the needs of it.

00:53:20.020 --> 00:53:48.880 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: The animals are really important. So. Um! There are some not for profits and um and opportunities to get your pets help um, and be aware that if you're struggling financial, it's probably not the time to take on a pet, even a free pet. Um, because at some point in time they could any veterinary care. Um! And that could be very expensive. So just be prepared for something like that. I I do see sometimes clients that come to me with tremendous credit card debt from having to have paid for veterinary care.

00:53:48.890 --> 00:54:05.129 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: And unfortunately listen. I understand the needs of the animals is really important, and and as Pet Owners will go to any degree to make sure the animals are well cared for. Um, but be aware that it's not something to take on additional responsibility if you're having some challenges to begin with,

00:54:05.140 --> 00:54:23.870 Valerie Heffron: It's also just that I notice in general right um animal lovers, and especially people who are involved in um fostering, and you know, rescuing. And there's a lot of smaller rescues that are not really well funded. But the people with the biggest hearts

00:54:23.880 --> 00:54:53.850 Valerie Heffron: oftentimes will get themselves into some financial distress, because they're spending all this animal money on the animals, and not only that, not only their own, then they're sending donations to all these fundraisers all over the place, and it's hard. It's impossible. I mean like you. Of course you want to donate to every cause. How do you say no to an animal that needs surgery to an animal who, you know, got hit by a car, who, or to a woman who pulled in twenty cats from a a a college

00:54:53.860 --> 00:55:03.499 Valerie Heffron: that you know need to be have shelter or whatever it's very difficult. But that's back to the budgeting that comes in

00:55:03.510 --> 00:55:32.749 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: budgeting and emergency funds and putting away our pet fund. You can call it any fund you want, but being able to put money away um in a savings account in case your pet has specific needs is really important. Remember that if you can't afford a pet looking to volunteer like at the Guide Dog Foundation, or america's, vet dogs and puppy raising our Our animals are all all the vet care for our animals is paid for.

00:55:32.760 --> 00:56:02.639 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: You can have, and if you need boarding, if you're traveling. You need boarding. Um, you know we take would take the animal. We take the dog back um and place it in another volunteers home. You could be a temp. Also, If you want to have a pet, you don't have the budget. You can tempt dogs where we you go and take a dog for two weeks That needs a temp home, so you could get the benefit of having uh an animal in your home to love and care for, and and be there with, but without the financial responsibility. So there are volunteer opportunities. New York

00:56:02.650 --> 00:56:27.010 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: crew also on the is always looking for dog walkers. Um! I love that organization, too. There's lots of organizations that look for um. People who can come in and socialize with the animals, so you can get the best of both worlds, even if you can't afford to bring in an animal in your own home, and you're doing something great for someone else down the road. Who's going to need the services that those animals will provide?

00:56:27.020 --> 00:56:55.289 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: And you bring. That's I love that because people ask me all the time. How do you give up the dogs. How do you give the puppies back? So I look at it for so they're not my dogs. So uh I look at it. I don't look at it the same way anymore, and I do have a high volume and access to the the dogs. But with that said, I do get attached to them, and I love them so much. But and I kiss them and hug them, and hold them and play with them, and in the hopes that when they eventually get to the person that they are going to be taking care of

00:56:55.300 --> 00:57:17.229 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: that, they're gonna give that back to the person that that that the foundation I gave them will be the basis of the future that they give to the recipients of the dog and um you know it's it's It's an amazing process. Um! So you could be part of that. And you know we're always looking for volunteers, so that foundation nationwide.

00:57:17.640 --> 00:57:46.570 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: We are um, really. Mostly we have clients that come in all from all over the country. Um, but our uh physical location at this time is on Long Island. So. Um, you know, we can raise a dog in different areas. So even if you don't live on Long Island, there are opportunities to puppy raise, and in other areas. Um. But depending on where you live, I would recommend reaching out to the organizations and apply right online as a volunteer. And yeah, they'll screen you, but again

00:57:46.590 --> 00:58:01.679 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: it fight it. So when we tie it back into financially, there's no financial obligation as a volunteer. Well, it is your time, and um. Time is so is no way to put value on the time that you donate to any organization that could use your services.

00:58:01.690 --> 00:58:15.309 Leslie H. Tayne, Esq.: And if you can't afford to donate. That's understandable. But your time is so valuable in any of these organizations, even especially the ones that are not as well funded like you, said. The local shelters and the local places need need help too.

00:58:15.830 --> 00:58:45.819 Valerie Heffron: Lastly, I can't thank you enough for such great information on on both sides of the subject matter that we discussed, and all all I can say is, you know you're a pro um, and but for anyone out there who is listening or watching, and they want to get more involved. I mean, this is such a great way to do it and speak of money really quick. I just want to do a quick shout out to Barry's sister, who lives in Santa Fe, and who decided to donate a couple of tickets to our event because of her generosity. I was able to get people there who really wanted to be

00:58:45.830 --> 00:58:54.879 Valerie Heffron: there, but just couldn't really afford it right now. So thank you. Everyone for your generosity and your compassion, and your love for the animals.

00:58:54.890 --> 00:59:15.560 Tommy DiMisa: I think John de Leonardo just texted me while I was pulling up our final quote. So It's kind of ironic. He's the winner of our Gandhi award this year, and he was texting me uh about tomorrow's event. So shout out to John shout out to everybody that was at the awards, and then also about real quick Plug tomorrow, Beth Page, equestrian. Twelve noon here in Long Island.

00:59:15.570 --> 00:59:30.640 Valerie Heffron: Yes, and for more information. You can go to their Facebook Group page Long Island Humane

00:59:30.650 --> 00:59:37.799 Tommy DiMisa: at Pal Dash Show. Dot com will get you all sorted out so

00:59:37.850 --> 00:59:40.470 Tommy DiMisa: in his total commitment to non-violence.

00:59:40.570 --> 00:59:53.949 Tommy DiMisa: Johnny always included the animals by stating the greatness of a nation and it's. Moral progress can be judged by the way It's Animals are treated. Make it a great day, thanks

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