Planet Pakalolo

Thursday, August 19, 2021
Facebook Live Video from 2021/08/19 - Cannabis as Medicine

Facebook Live Video from 2021/08/19 - Cannabis as Medicine


2021/08/19 - Cannabis as Medicine

[NEW EPISODE] Cannabis as Medicine

There are many people interested in Cannabis and the need for education on how to access it medically for both adults and pediatrics is greater than ever before. 

In addition, there is also a need for advice on growing and making your own medicine.  Who do you turn to?  Our special guest has a son with intractable epilepsy, who had failed all treatments and was seizing multiple times per hour.

Visiting Planet Pakalolo this week is Dr. Jennifer Anderson, MD, CCFP, Family Physician & Cannabinoid Specialist.  Dr. Anderson knew the outlook was dire, and decided to try CBD treatments for her son.  After 1 dose of CBD, the results she saw were very dramatic. 

Over the past 4 yrs, Dr. Anderson has committed to helping other kids who have failed all options explore cannabinoids and have seen amazing results.  She now works to advocate, educate and advise on cannabinoids to patients, colleagues and industry. 

Tune in for this crazy conversation at or watch the Facebook Livestream by Clicking Here.

Show Notes

Segment 1

Starting off today’s episode, Jonny introduces his guest for this week Dr. Jennifer Anderson, MD, CCFP, Family Physician and Cannabinoid Specialist. He explains that she works to advocate, educate, and advise on cannabinoids to patients, colleagues, and industry. Because she is a consultant specifically for cannabinoids, Dr. Anderson elaborates, she finds that other physicians are more likely to refer their patients to her rather than just having them go directly to the dispensary. Dr. Anderson explains that, in Canada where she lives and works, when a patient comes to her, she says she bills the government and the government pays her, and that there are very few services that fall outside government services. Thus, when patients come to her for cannabinoid consultations, they are covered by the government and her patients do not need to pay her. Switching subjects, Dr. Anderson explains that there are a lot of unknowns in the future of medical cannabinoid use.

Segment 2

Returning to the break, Jonny reviews aloud something that Dr. Anderson wrote to describe her practice. This serves as a segway for Jonny to ask about how exactly Dr. Anderson’s practice works. She explains how and when she got involved in her practice, and how she currently runs her practice. She talks about how she only takes patients with referrals, and the kinds of patients that she does see. With every patient, she goes through the process of exploring different avenues, including microdosing, to try to get the result that they need. Dr. Anderson explains how her position as a consultant is important because it keeps a patient’s physicians in the know about everything the patient is using, including cannabinoids, so that Dr. Anderson, the patient, and their other doctors all can work together to make the treatment plan safe and effective. However, Dr. Anderson does talk about how she does receive some hate from certain physicians who are not open to cannabinoid use in medicine. 

Segment 3

Dr. Anderson never thought she would be where she is today, but she has a story that completely changed her view on cannabinoids. Dr. Anderson explains that her young son has multiple disorders and has various atypical seizures that were extremely difficult to treat. For example, he couldn’t sleep, she describes, because he had a specific disorder that made him have seizures as soon as he tried. Eventually, after going through many options and dealing with many obstacles, Dr. Anderson was able to get access to hemp oil without THC in it for her son to try. Miraculously, once her son tried the hemp oil, he was able to sleep through the night without any seizures. She kept giving him the hemp oil, and it continued to be effective until, unfortunately, her son had a relapse. However, Dr. Anderson discovered with a colleague that she just needed to dose the hemp oil milligrams per kilo her son weighed, and once she did that, her son’s seizures went away again.

Segment 4

After the last break, Dr. Anderson talks about how she’s blown away by the way the perception around cannabis has changed. She also talks about how she tries to connect her and her son’s face to medical cannabis use, because she feels that people need to realize how cannabis is actually helping people. Shifting to a new topic, Dr. Anderson emphasizes how important her work is to her, and how amazing she feels to be able to help people like her son. Jonny then asks if there is any advice Dr. Anderson can give for people who live in the United States. Dr. Anderson answers, giving the names of various physicians who may be able to help. Then Jonny thanks Dr. Anderson, and Dr. Anderson lets us know where to find her on her website,, and she says that she is also on instagram as confessionsofasingledoctormom.


00:02:53.370 --> 00:02:58.170 Jonny Tsunami: And here we are folks i'm Johnny tsunami, and this is blended pato low low.

00:02:58.200 --> 00:03:02.070 Jonny Tsunami: For those of you who don't know taco low low is hawaiian slang for.

00:03:02.100 --> 00:03:03.030 Jonny Tsunami: crazy tobacco.

00:03:03.360 --> 00:03:13.920 Jonny Tsunami: Also, known as marijuana but this show is about removing the crazy out of cannabis, by taking away the stigmas the stereotypes and taboos connected to this illustrious plan.

00:03:14.430 --> 00:03:25.590 Jonny Tsunami: Today we talked about cannabis and medicine with a very special guest Dr Jennifer Anderson md family physician and cannabinoid specialist Jennifer welcome to the show.

00:03:27.990 --> 00:03:29.880 Jonny Tsunami: Oh Jen you're on mute.

00:03:31.230 --> 00:03:32.550 Jen Anderson: Thank you so much for having me.

00:03:33.750 --> 00:03:37.620 Jonny Tsunami: My pleasure so little background on Jennifer here.

00:03:38.490 --> 00:03:54.510 Jonny Tsunami: You know, over the past four years, Dr aniston is committed to helping other kids with failed all options exploring cannabinoids and have seen amazing results she now works to advocate educate and advise on cannabinoids to patients colleagues and the industry.

00:03:56.340 --> 00:04:05.430 Jen Anderson: Yes, I do that, yes, i'm from Canada, so my family physician here and for the last five years due to some personal sort of.

00:04:05.970 --> 00:04:18.480 Jen Anderson: Experience with cannabis, I have become an advocate for kids here and we've also just had a lot of change in our lives in Canada, which has helped us to move cannabis ahead in the medical fields.

00:04:19.050 --> 00:04:27.630 Jonny Tsunami: So let's talk a little bit about Canada versus the US since you're ahead of us on that realm tell us a little bit about what's going on in Canada, with cannabis.

00:04:28.260 --> 00:04:48.990 Jen Anderson: yeah so i'm in Canada we've been able to prescribe marijuana for medical purposes for quite a few years that law has sort of evolved over the time well the last 10 years and in we had some new laws that made recreational cannabis.

00:04:50.010 --> 00:04:58.320 Jen Anderson: Legal and so from that time things have kind of gotten up even a lot better for those who use marijuana for medical purposes.

00:04:58.950 --> 00:05:05.430 Jen Anderson: Prior to that you know everyone was a little bit worried about what happens when you let a whole country have marijuana illegally.

00:05:05.790 --> 00:05:17.130 Jen Anderson: And you know, none of us really knew what was going to happen there was a lot of skepticism even about whether or not there would be a need for medical marijuana but actually what happened is quite the opposite.

00:05:18.060 --> 00:05:30.180 Jen Anderson: I think that people because they were able to just go and access whenever they needed at dispensaries they started approaching their physicians and wanting to use things medically which has put a lot of.

00:05:31.230 --> 00:05:37.260 Jen Anderson: Pressure on physicians to know something about cannabis and to actually get more educated.

00:05:37.950 --> 00:05:46.830 Jen Anderson: and try to figure out what to do with these patients and as we've learned more about cannabis and you know the drug interactions.

00:05:47.370 --> 00:05:58.590 Jen Anderson: The new studies coming out regarding epilepsy and and a lot of anecdotal uses for cancer autism, and I mean there's tons of people that are using for chronic pain.

00:05:58.890 --> 00:06:13.020 Jen Anderson: physicians have had to answer you know why they will or will not support their patients, and you know and that's forced them to really try to integrate their medicine with cannabis so it's interesting.

00:06:13.650 --> 00:06:24.060 Jonny Tsunami: yeah and that's probably one of the regular battles that you've had to deal with from when you got into this moving forward to present day, having to constantly validate what you do right.

00:06:24.870 --> 00:06:33.660 Jen Anderson: Definitely yeah and you know I think my practice was a little bit different i'm a consult only practitioner practitioner.

00:06:34.170 --> 00:06:44.340 Jen Anderson: Which means that i'm a family doctor who has a special interest in cannabis and helping other doctors and patients integrated into their care safely.

00:06:44.850 --> 00:06:53.760 Jen Anderson: And so, because I really pushed forward the the idea of being a consultant, I found that the physicians around me.

00:06:54.030 --> 00:07:04.290 Jen Anderson: have given me sort of the opportunity to help them, but also, they would rather refer their patients to me, then, have their patients go down the street to a dispensary.

00:07:04.770 --> 00:07:20.340 Jen Anderson: And you know prior to five six years ago, most physicians in this space were basically seeing patients on the corner, you know, some were charging a fee, or you know they're kind of seeing them outside of their.

00:07:22.050 --> 00:07:36.090 Jen Anderson: Primary physicians you know world so now, where I am you know I offer it as a consultant service, so we can help integrate cannabis into that.

00:07:37.110 --> 00:07:44.250 Jen Anderson: The primary care physicians plan, and I can be as involved as they want I can take care of all the authorizations.

00:07:44.550 --> 00:07:52.110 Jen Anderson: I can help that physician tried to navigate cannabis, with their patients and because it's in Canada it's all covered under our health system.

00:07:52.380 --> 00:08:03.630 Jen Anderson: And we just build government, so you know the patient gets to use the cannabis, they get to use it safely and they get to still be joined with their family physician, who knows what's going on.

00:08:04.680 --> 00:08:13.020 Jonny Tsunami: So when they get billed is that something that happened immediately once the country went.

00:08:13.650 --> 00:08:27.030 Jonny Tsunami: federally approval or was there a little bit of like a process to when eventually the healthcare companies came on board and said yeah you could you could write this off or you can include us in that wasn't an overnight thing or has it been a gradual process.

00:08:27.810 --> 00:08:37.140 Jen Anderson: Well, in Canada, our government actually pays for our health care so it's not insurance companies like it is mostly in the states so.

00:08:37.770 --> 00:08:47.940 Jen Anderson: When a patient comes to me I bill I live in manitoba so that's a province I bill managed over health in manitoba help cuts me a check for.

00:08:48.300 --> 00:09:02.220 Jen Anderson: The work that i've built them for and the patients don't pay anything, there are services that are outside of regular care where patients can go and choose to pay for services, but there are very few.

00:09:03.330 --> 00:09:08.550 Jen Anderson: What happens with cannabis is that because i'm just a family doctor that.

00:09:09.960 --> 00:09:16.830 Jen Anderson: You know happens to specialize or have more of an interest in it, I just build the government for a consult.

00:09:17.130 --> 00:09:24.780 Jen Anderson: And you know that patient doesn't pay for anything they go to their doctor their doctor bills, the government for that visit.

00:09:25.050 --> 00:09:34.710 Jen Anderson: You know that they send a console to me, I see the patient I build the government for the console and I, you know, right up my letter back to the primary care physician.

00:09:35.040 --> 00:09:42.510 Jen Anderson: And sort of tell them our plan and everything and then I follow the patient and just build is it to the government, so does that make sense.

00:09:42.660 --> 00:09:50.880 Jonny Tsunami: yeah I mean great too because it's like you know that's not what happened not in the US that's not what we're doing so that knowledge.

00:09:51.930 --> 00:10:02.040 Jen Anderson: yeah so I mean, I think we have higher taxes and that helps to pay for that the other thing that's happened is that so medical cannabis in Canada is not covered by our pharma care.

00:10:02.670 --> 00:10:11.010 Jen Anderson: But there's a lot of insurance companies that are recognizing that it's actually worth it to cover it because it's getting people off ben's those off opioids.

00:10:11.880 --> 00:10:25.740 Jen Anderson: And I mean if we just look at my case alone, which I know we'll talk about I have a child epilepsy that was in hospital 90% of the time we were in icu we were taking ambulances, we were in and out in and out.

00:10:26.760 --> 00:10:27.870 Jen Anderson: For most of his life.

00:10:28.890 --> 00:10:35.880 Jen Anderson: After using cannabis, we haven't been in a hospital for three years, so the cost savings to the system is huge.

00:10:36.570 --> 00:10:45.630 Jen Anderson: So you know when we're talking about insurance covering cannabis, it not only helps you know put people back to work if it's for chronic pain.

00:10:46.470 --> 00:11:00.690 Jen Anderson: Or you know help helps kids like my son, but also it helps those parents, because now, the kids aren't in hospital all the time and they pass and actually work, so you know there's so many things that go into whether or not.

00:11:01.380 --> 00:11:09.420 Jen Anderson: You know, cannabis should be funded, but I think that the pros are out outweighing the cons and a lot more insurance companies are hopping on board.

00:11:10.170 --> 00:11:18.900 Jonny Tsunami: that's a very hot topic to is using it for pain management, because typically in the past, as you said it was ben's those it was opioids and those things.

00:11:19.350 --> 00:11:24.630 Jonny Tsunami: have been really plaguing and i'm not sure of those statistics in Canada, but in the US.

00:11:25.320 --> 00:11:39.390 Jonny Tsunami: They are it's it's a pandemic in and of itself, because the doctor has always been conditionally used to saying take this prescription for this kind of pain so it's really nice to see cannabis to kind of come in and shift and perhaps grab that market share.

00:11:40.350 --> 00:11:53.010 Jen Anderson: It definitely is I actually I also work in emergency and I work in hospital and a busy rural Center here and there are so many chronic pain patients that come in daily.

00:11:53.340 --> 00:12:01.410 Jen Anderson: A lot of them are with chronic abdominal pain related to diabetes when guests increases lots of them are chronic pain related to injuries.

00:12:01.740 --> 00:12:12.240 Jen Anderson: And a lot of them are off work, and you know they rely on their opioids and they come in and out in and out and a lot of times you know, because my hospital has been very supportive of me and my work.

00:12:12.660 --> 00:12:19.290 Jen Anderson: I will say, do you want me to come follow you up plan and we can try exploring cannabis and most of the patients look at me.

00:12:19.590 --> 00:12:24.060 Jen Anderson: And they start crying and they say you know what I really wanted to, but I didn't have a physician that would help me.

00:12:24.570 --> 00:12:33.060 Jen Anderson: And so I start working with these patients and I literally see their er visits dropped substantially and they a lot of them.

00:12:34.050 --> 00:12:39.870 Jen Anderson: are coming to me on opioids fentanyl patches you know, some of them are our cancer patients but lots of them are just.

00:12:40.320 --> 00:12:48.570 Jen Anderson: You know, patients with chronic back pain related to some injury, you know and they're off work well, I take them or fibromyalgia that's another big one.

00:12:48.840 --> 00:12:58.920 Jen Anderson: You know I take them I start working with them, I usually put them on a regular daily dose of CBD and then I add in some micro dosing of thc because that's legal here and.

00:12:59.730 --> 00:13:06.390 Jen Anderson: And they come off their opioids I tell them okay do not come off your opioids I don't want you going into withdrawal.

00:13:06.870 --> 00:13:18.120 Jen Anderson: And then you know know Joe three months later, they come in, they give me other opioids and say i'm off of them, I never want these again and sometimes i'll say well just go take those to your pain doctor.

00:13:18.600 --> 00:13:25.260 Jen Anderson: You know that it's incredible It really is it gives people their life back and they go back to work, it is so rewarding.

00:13:25.740 --> 00:13:35.490 Jonny Tsunami: that's that's amazing to even hear that people can do that, because we all know that the opioids can be something that's really hard to get rid of, and it starts like you said with something very.

00:13:37.380 --> 00:13:43.920 Jonny Tsunami: very basic it's so I sprained my ankle or you know I hurt myself at work, and you know it starts on a very little tiny.

00:13:44.550 --> 00:13:54.480 Jonny Tsunami: insignificant thing and then It evolves into something bigger and you had mentioned pharma care, and I think that's also something when you think about how pharmaceutical companies have a lot of power.

00:13:54.780 --> 00:14:04.500 Jonny Tsunami: Especially in the US we're one of only two countries in the world that allow televised publications of pharmaceutical drugs, the other one being the Netherlands that.

00:14:05.520 --> 00:14:14.610 Jonny Tsunami: pharma care has a very strong hold in the US, and I think that that's something that we have to battle being cannabinoid or cannabis people, and you know what are your thoughts on that.

00:14:15.900 --> 00:14:26.010 Jen Anderson: Like yeah I mean we don't have as much here our pharmaceutical companies aren't allowed to interact with doctors, you know just because of conflict of interest.

00:14:27.360 --> 00:14:36.900 Jen Anderson: But definitely you know one thing that is emerging, is the pharmaceutical companies getting into the cannabinoid space and making pharmaceuticals.

00:14:37.530 --> 00:14:52.680 Jen Anderson: Which is a whole different topic and it's I mean it's great but it's got a lot of negative aspects as well if we just look at at the dialects which was made by gw pharmaceuticals for kids you know it is a plant based.

00:14:53.910 --> 00:15:02.580 Jen Anderson: Can absolutely product that's been studied through studies funded by pharmaceutical companies for kids with LG s interface.

00:15:03.450 --> 00:15:13.380 Jen Anderson: And it's been great in in that it's put cannabinoids into the light and actually you know, made a lot more physicians look at it, because there's a published study for it.

00:15:13.800 --> 00:15:20.100 Jen Anderson: But the truth is that once we start having these pharmaceuticals, all of a sudden we're only allowed to prescribe them.

00:15:20.820 --> 00:15:23.730 Jen Anderson: Whereas we know cannabis is so much more complex.

00:15:24.480 --> 00:15:32.400 Jen Anderson: You know, cannabis has so many other things in the plan there's more cannabinoids there is terrapins and flavonoids everything working together.

00:15:32.700 --> 00:15:42.270 Jen Anderson: To have whatever effects we want for that patient so being just bound to one specific product is a bit difficult, sometimes, because if the child doesn't.

00:15:42.840 --> 00:15:53.700 Jen Anderson: respond to that, then in lots of cases they're not allowed to try anything else so there's a lot of unknowns in the future as to what's going to happen with pharmaceuticals.

00:15:54.660 --> 00:16:04.590 Jonny Tsunami: Well i'll tell you what we already went through 15 minutes that's how quick that was so we already are touching upon some really important stuff and when we come back after this short break.

00:16:04.830 --> 00:16:09.480 Jonny Tsunami: we're going to talk a little bit more about the business end of how you work in your firm and your consulting and.

00:16:09.810 --> 00:16:25.440 Jonny Tsunami: Being a doctor and helping not only your own children, but all these other children as well, so Dr Jennifer Anderson on planet taco lolo we're going to take a little break when we come back we'll get a little bit deeper okay everybody talk radio nyc coming right back.

00:18:41.010 --> 00:18:51.000 Jonny Tsunami: And we're back this is planet bako low low and i'm here with Dr Jennifer aniston Anderson all the way out in Jennifer aniston you're interviewing oh my God.

00:18:51.390 --> 00:19:03.600 Jonny Tsunami: No Jennifer Anderson all the way out in Canada family physician telling us some really amazing things about how she uses cannabis, in her consultative practice as a family doctor.

00:19:03.960 --> 00:19:07.830 Jonny Tsunami: I just want to read a little something that you had wrote back in 2019.

00:19:08.310 --> 00:19:16.290 Jonny Tsunami: It is unreasonable to think that a busy family physician psychiatrists or neurologist could keep up to date in this exciting bug evolving field.

00:19:16.560 --> 00:19:25.440 Jonny Tsunami: As a family physician who specializes in cannabinoid medicine, it is my hope to provide education and advising based on the latest research and experience.

00:19:27.390 --> 00:19:28.380 Jonny Tsunami: So, Dr.

00:19:30.390 --> 00:19:32.100 Jen Anderson: describes my practice very well.

00:19:32.790 --> 00:19:44.310 Jonny Tsunami: that's why we did it we're right here and now why don't we get a little bit into the practice and and tell me a little bit of the business behind how you work as your day to day operations.

00:19:45.390 --> 00:19:59.550 Jen Anderson: yeah so I work out of a Center called NGOs, a health here in winnipeg where I live, and there's two other physicians there one of them, Dr shelley Turner she does a lot of opioid.

00:20:00.480 --> 00:20:11.010 Jen Anderson: antagonists therapy, as well as cannabinoid therapy and there's two other family docs that do a blend of cannabis, as well as just family medicine.

00:20:11.820 --> 00:20:20.790 Jen Anderson: I came into the practice last year and brought my sort of consult practice there being the main one that that looks after kids.

00:20:21.090 --> 00:20:35.550 Jen Anderson: And my practice, you know I take patients only by referral and I helped to work with pediatric neurologist pediatric rheumatologist as well as oncologists and psychiatrists I have quite a lot of.

00:20:36.150 --> 00:20:55.800 Jen Anderson: Have a referral base and I help them navigate that cannabinoids for patients who have pretty much failed other therapies, so you know epileptic patients that have failed at least two to three anti epileptics autistic kids that are just not doing well on on any therapies.

00:20:58.200 --> 00:21:12.300 Jen Anderson: kids with different types of cancers, you know, helping them with both symptomatic and tumor reducing cannabinoid therapy and trying to keep up to date with you know the various strategies that are being used and studied.

00:21:13.530 --> 00:21:18.660 Jen Anderson: yeah, and so I see my patients and a consult and decide whether or not you know they're.

00:21:19.470 --> 00:21:28.650 Jen Anderson: interested in exploring cannabis, if they are we set the goals of care and what their expectations are and try to agree on.

00:21:29.460 --> 00:21:39.900 Jen Anderson: A three to six month plan of what we're going to do and what we hope to accomplish and it's my hope within the three to six months to decide whether or not that he should you know.

00:21:40.260 --> 00:21:54.840 Jen Anderson: is going to be successful in using the cannabis, for whatever we're trying to use it for and if they're not then we decided, you know, maybe cannabis this isn't the right thing for them, and so, with every patients I kind of go through that same process.

00:21:55.590 --> 00:22:08.670 Jen Anderson: So that it's not pressuring thing you know me and the patient explore lots of different avenues we try different types of products we try micro dosing into in different things just to see if we can get the result that we want.

00:22:09.420 --> 00:22:14.640 Jonny Tsunami: So you said referral based is there a reason why you prefer to use referrals.

00:22:16.410 --> 00:22:32.100 Jen Anderson: I think, when I look at how traditional medicine is you know we as a family Doc look after our patients needs as a whole, I think that it's important to start to try to incorporate cannabis into that picture.

00:22:32.790 --> 00:22:43.380 Jen Anderson: I think that having patients feel like they can't tell their family doctor what they want, or what their primary care physician what they want, if they are looking for cannabinoids.

00:22:44.520 --> 00:22:51.390 Jen Anderson: I think that results in a breakdown in communication and a breakdown in the relationship between the physician and the physician.

00:22:52.260 --> 00:22:58.800 Jen Anderson: You know, and then what happens is that the patient just goes down the street and get something from the dispensary and uses it on the side.

00:22:59.100 --> 00:23:13.470 Jen Anderson: And meanwhile that patient could be on your friend could be on lots of different medications and have that outcomes because nobody's you know, helping them with trying to minimize the harm that could happen with cannabinoids so you know.

00:23:13.920 --> 00:23:21.180 Jen Anderson: My choice to just be that consultants was made to try to integrate cannabis into regular care.

00:23:21.660 --> 00:23:37.110 Jen Anderson: and try to help other physicians see what it was doing for their patients and see that there was you know, a method to using it, and that there were reasons why we need to care about it being incorporated into that physicians care.

00:23:38.310 --> 00:23:44.730 Jen Anderson: yeah so it's been well received and actually the physicians around me would read a lot of them rather.

00:23:45.270 --> 00:23:59.820 Jen Anderson: send them to me because they know they're going to get a letter back and they know that i'm going to follow them weekly, monthly and send them regular updates and we develop a therapeutic relationship, you know between everybody involved with that patient.

00:24:00.510 --> 00:24:13.860 Jonny Tsunami: yeah it's so and that's something that's kind of keeps repeating where I feel like you've created a unique position within the healthcare space where you've acted as like a conduit between the patient and the system.

00:24:14.550 --> 00:24:18.450 Jonny Tsunami: yep and that's one thing that's a really important thing.

00:24:19.260 --> 00:24:32.100 Jen Anderson: yeah you know, and I know we're going to get into sort of talking about my story, but I think that when we do I can kind of you know that will also help to show why I feel that it's so important.

00:24:32.550 --> 00:24:48.750 Jen Anderson: Just having been through the experience myself and not been being able to you know use it within the constraints of my regular health care, you know that's that's hard and it's definitely needs to change.

00:24:49.470 --> 00:24:50.880 Jonny Tsunami: So that being said.

00:24:51.960 --> 00:24:59.760 Jonny Tsunami: On a day to day, what do you find to be some of the issues or problems that you have to handle and deal with specifically with what you're working with.

00:25:01.770 --> 00:25:11.280 Jen Anderson: I think there's a lot of misconceptions when being you know patients need to continue to pay to see me, which is not true so.

00:25:12.240 --> 00:25:19.560 Jen Anderson: that's a big criticism I get that I have to address all the time just reinforcing that the model that I have.

00:25:20.550 --> 00:25:24.330 Jen Anderson: You know there's a lot of misconceptions about the research.

00:25:24.930 --> 00:25:37.110 Jen Anderson: Involving cannabis and and a lot of physicians, I just wanted to shut down anything that we say about cannabis, but not realizing that research is actually evolving rather quickly right now and.

00:25:37.350 --> 00:25:46.920 Jen Anderson: You know, we weren't even able to research, cannabis before, because it was illegal, so you know it's got all this political background that contributes to where we are today.

00:25:47.220 --> 00:25:57.810 Jen Anderson: And I think that a lot of the medical field don't realize that and once they do, though, they're very much open yet to discussing it and.

00:25:58.770 --> 00:26:06.450 Jen Anderson: yeah so those would be the main the main things that I come across the other one being patients who really want to.

00:26:06.810 --> 00:26:20.790 Jen Anderson: to explore cannabis and their doctors are just saying no, no, no, you know I will take some patients depends on what the story is, but you know, for instance kids with epilepsy that I failed everything in the past.

00:26:21.630 --> 00:26:29.280 Jen Anderson: You know, they would come and message me through my website and say, can you please help us because our doctor won't support us, and yet the idea.

00:26:29.730 --> 00:26:41.970 Jen Anderson: And so on a case by case basis, I will you know, look at that case and and try to maneuver and figure out what to do with it, but thankfully that's a whole lot less now because where I live.

00:26:43.980 --> 00:26:51.420 Jen Anderson: pediatric neurology pediatric hematology and oncology have actually sent me letters saying you know what we're not going to.

00:26:51.780 --> 00:27:00.240 Jen Anderson: authorize cannabis we're comfortable with how you manage the kids so we're just going to send the referrals to you, and you can help co manage this piece of their their care.

00:27:00.600 --> 00:27:05.760 Jen Anderson: And so now these kids don't have to come to me they actually can go to their doctor they'll refer them.

00:27:06.060 --> 00:27:11.700 Jen Anderson: And so that's a huge obstacle that we've overcome and a lot of it has been because i've been.

00:27:12.030 --> 00:27:19.980 Jen Anderson: writing letters back and tell, even if they haven't referred the kids I will write them a letter and say okay your patient approached me they want you, as part of their care.

00:27:20.310 --> 00:27:23.550 Jen Anderson: You know, they want you updated and this is what we've decided to do.

00:27:23.910 --> 00:27:41.040 Jen Anderson: And so they've watched that there's a method to what we're doing there's a dose per kilo that we're using there is endpoints that we're using you know and we're using very objective data, whether it be seizures per day or whatever it is to try to get solid outcomes.

00:27:42.060 --> 00:27:46.560 Jen Anderson: You know so it's built a lot of trust in that in this model um.

00:27:46.680 --> 00:27:56.280 Jonny Tsunami: physician kickback maybe go me a little bit of that, I mean if you have any maybe stories kind of stick out where you've had kickback you know if you can touch upon that a little bit.

00:27:57.660 --> 00:28:03.990 Jen Anderson: yeah definitely less now, but I have had physicians call and remote my staff.

00:28:05.280 --> 00:28:07.140 Jen Anderson: unnecessarily just.

00:28:08.400 --> 00:28:17.640 Jen Anderson: Because a patient has asked for a referral or something right, and there are a lot of older physicians that just aren't open to.

00:28:19.590 --> 00:28:33.660 Jen Anderson: learning about anything new and they're not open to incorporating cannabis into their practice because they're used to the war on drugs they're used to you know canada's being a bad thing you know, but then it's changing and it's much better now.

00:28:34.650 --> 00:28:47.610 Jonny Tsunami: yeah and that's another thing it kind of just POPs in my head, too, is that it's that war on drugs or that kind of conditioning that they've been into and maybe doctors in general don't want to share their patients.

00:28:48.780 --> 00:28:58.890 Jonny Tsunami: You know they don't want to go to someone else be like well i'm the person that has all the answers to your problems, and then they find out that that may not be the case, then that can be threatening.

00:28:59.820 --> 00:29:10.260 Jen Anderson: I yeah I do see that I see a lot of physicians stubborn in what they want to do with their patients and not really willing to look outside the box.

00:29:11.370 --> 00:29:21.330 Jen Anderson: The way i've overcome that in my own practice is that I mean team almost full time emerged work, as well as hospital work, and so, in doing that.

00:29:22.050 --> 00:29:28.650 Jen Anderson: Everything I do with cannabis is basically because i'm passionate about it, I don't use it to pay my bills.

00:29:29.040 --> 00:29:36.330 Jen Anderson: And I completely have kept it all separate so that I am really just here for the patients, you know and i'm here to help educate.

00:29:36.570 --> 00:29:49.140 Jen Anderson: And a lot of this goes back to my own story and feeling like I just want to make a difference, I want other patients to have an easier time and I want to help facilitate that and I want to be part of this.

00:29:51.120 --> 00:30:01.320 Jen Anderson: what's happening with cannabis, I want to put forward a new way of dealing with it, and a new way of interacting with patients and incorporating it with with this type of model.

00:30:02.850 --> 00:30:03.480 Jen Anderson: So yeah.

00:30:04.350 --> 00:30:11.010 Jonny Tsunami: yeah well that's absolutely beautiful because, like what we try to do on the show is to really bring in people that are.

00:30:11.400 --> 00:30:20.820 Jonny Tsunami: Not just what you would consider to be the typical cannabis, whatever usually, when we think cannabis either they're the cultivator or you know something basically.

00:30:21.360 --> 00:30:33.390 Jonny Tsunami: directed can directly connected to cultivating or raising the plant itself and there's all these other ancillary businesses and opportunities now where people like yourself have come in and said no there's more to this plant.

00:30:33.690 --> 00:30:41.700 Jonny Tsunami: than just what it's been considered in the past it's about breaking those taboos, which is definitely what you're doing so we're going to take a little break.

00:30:41.910 --> 00:30:49.530 Jonny Tsunami: And then, when we come back we're going to go more into the personal side and Dr Anderson is gonna be able to share this how she's been able to use this amazing therapy.

00:30:49.830 --> 00:31:04.290 Jonny Tsunami: For not only just children that she works with but her own, so this is a beautiful story i'm very excited that she's here so we're gonna take a little break we come back planet taco Lola will go another round with Dr Jennifer Anderson talk radio nyc.

00:33:35.040 --> 00:33:43.590 Jonny Tsunami: All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're back its planet bako low and i'm here with Dr Jennifer Anderson flying all the way in from manitoba Canada.

00:33:43.920 --> 00:33:50.730 Jonny Tsunami: taking us to a little bit of the different side of how we should be looking at cannabis as medicine so.

00:33:51.600 --> 00:34:01.110 Jonny Tsunami: Dr Jennifer Thank you very much for coming in and sharing with us today, and I really want to get into this segment because it's about how you really.

00:34:01.470 --> 00:34:14.040 Jonny Tsunami: came into doing what you want to do, and why you serve the people, that you serve, because this is probably one of them, one of my favorite parts of who you are as an individual and what really attracted me to want you to come on to the show.

00:34:15.480 --> 00:34:26.160 Jen Anderson: yeah I definitely did never ever thought that I would be a physician they gave marijuana to kids if you told me that 10 years ago I would have said you were crazy.

00:34:27.060 --> 00:34:40.980 Jen Anderson: But you know my story just makes me even more passionate about it, so I have a nine year old now, who is a twin and in 2016 he started.

00:34:41.670 --> 00:34:56.100 Jen Anderson: His seizures got out of control, he does have cerebral palsy intractable epilepsy, he was a donor twin and twin twin transfusion syndrome and so he was born with his whole brain develops abnormally due to a lack of blood flow so.

00:34:57.240 --> 00:35:02.130 Jen Anderson: You know, we struggled with him the first couple years thinking that he was having seizures and.

00:35:02.700 --> 00:35:10.170 Jen Anderson: He would wake up, at all times of the night with shrieking and different types of things and I kept going to the neurologist and saying I think he's seizing.

00:35:10.470 --> 00:35:21.960 Jen Anderson: You know, it took a really long time for them to diagnose it and he was finally diagnosed with electrical status epilepsy and sleep, which basically meant that, when he went to bed, he was seizing all night till he woke up.

00:35:23.310 --> 00:35:38.730 Jen Anderson: And then he progressed to have vomiting seizures he had lots of different drop seizures turning blue just lots of a typical seizures and at one point he was he just 20 2016 in the spring, just started.

00:35:40.020 --> 00:35:51.120 Jen Anderson: Just in a downward spiral ended up in icu his vomiting seizures caused aspirations so then he ended up with chronic lung disease and he would go to icu and need bypass just for a cold.

00:35:51.540 --> 00:36:03.990 Jen Anderson: And so we spent almost all summer of 2016 in hospital and, at times, he was in icu unresponsive for days on no medication so suitably he was seizing in retrospect, but in a in case.

00:36:05.370 --> 00:36:13.950 Jen Anderson: fall of 2016 I am I been divorced for a year, just so I was just on my own with my three kids and working.

00:36:15.150 --> 00:36:23.970 Jen Anderson: As a family Doc running a practice doing some obstetrics doing er hospital and my son was in hospital the time so I had to quit my practice.

00:36:24.330 --> 00:36:35.190 Jen Anderson: And I just moved to just working er at that time and basically my son was at home and they just said, do you want him resuscitated you know, because we were basically getting home calling an ambulance and going back.

00:36:35.610 --> 00:36:47.160 Jen Anderson: And so, at that time I realized that this was serious we weren't really going to have that much more time, given the fact that everybody with epilepsy has a chance of having sudden unexpected death and epilepsy.

00:36:47.430 --> 00:36:56.160 Jen Anderson: Which means they can just suddenly die from a seizure, so if you're seeing all the time, then your chance of dying is higher, so you know at that time I voice my.

00:36:57.630 --> 00:37:06.090 Jen Anderson: The fact that I had wanted to try cannabis, but my neurologist at the time they basically said, you know what it might work, but we can't help you you got to go find a family doctor.

00:37:06.330 --> 00:37:10.470 Jen Anderson: who is an expert in epilepsy and cannabis and you know we can't help you do that either.

00:37:10.770 --> 00:37:21.810 Jen Anderson: So basically go find a unicorn and tell us when you do because oh yeah you can't give it to him it's illegal unless you have a prescription So this was in 2016 was pre legalization of recreational.

00:37:22.440 --> 00:37:31.320 Jen Anderson: very hard and at that time, one of my friends had been using a product called charlotte's web for her son.

00:37:32.220 --> 00:37:39.330 Jen Anderson: which was hemp and at that time no one was really you know aware of of hemp being under our cannabis act.

00:37:39.690 --> 00:37:52.110 Jen Anderson: And so you know she brought this bottle over and she's like you want to try it and I said sure like I don't know I paid $200 for this little bottle and I gave him one drop on a Friday night and he hadn't slept for years.

00:37:52.470 --> 00:38:00.810 Jen Anderson: In any case, I gave him one job and he slept the whole entire night and I thought that was a bit weird I never actually thought that this was going to work like just.

00:38:01.200 --> 00:38:15.330 Jen Anderson: You know, I was actually a doctor that did not accept patients that wanted cannabis I just started a practice and, like i'm not going there like i'm it might work for some people, but i'm not going to incorporate it into my you know, and so I was pretty skeptical.

00:38:16.350 --> 00:38:22.470 Jen Anderson: But then the next day he had seizures and then so that was a Friday night Saturday night I gave him another drop, and he slept the whole night.

00:38:22.950 --> 00:38:30.720 Jen Anderson: And then I thought that was a little bit strange but Sunday he still had some seizures and then I gave him another drop on the Sunday night.

00:38:30.990 --> 00:38:43.830 Jen Anderson: And he slept again and actually I brought him to daycare on Monday morning and they looked at him and they they said you just look different he looked alive and I looked at him and I realized like he just slept for three nights straight so even that.

00:38:45.180 --> 00:38:54.180 Jen Anderson: was huge for him and he actually looked alive, he had sparking his eyes, we hadn't changed anything else he was still on broke acid closes out and capra.

00:38:54.870 --> 00:39:06.600 Jen Anderson: You know, but he was alive and he was he was interacting and so on the Tuesday I called neurology and like oh my gosh like he's sleeping all night he's not seizing he he looks like a different kid and and.

00:39:06.960 --> 00:39:14.100 Jen Anderson: The reception was not great, it was basically who's prescribing it for you, you have to stop it until you get someone to.

00:39:14.430 --> 00:39:19.800 Jen Anderson: And I said Well, this is hemp like it's not even it doesn't have any thc really in it and so.

00:39:20.070 --> 00:39:30.990 Jen Anderson: Anyway, they were very strict you know you have 48 hours pretty much because your colleague go find someone to help you so I went to the top of pizza palliative I went to the top of pizza oncology.

00:39:31.350 --> 00:39:37.680 Jen Anderson: And I just said, please help me, you know, can you guys, please help like you guys are looking after these kids that have failed everything right so.

00:39:37.950 --> 00:39:42.720 Jen Anderson: But the answer was no i'm sorry Jen like we know it's helping but we're not willing to even go there right now.

00:39:43.170 --> 00:39:52.080 Jen Anderson: And so I was just at the very end, I didn't know what to do, and one of my colleagues in a marriage another family Doc was just like i'll help you she goes obviously this is really helping.

00:39:52.350 --> 00:39:59.730 Jen Anderson: So she didn't even know kind of what to do, but she tried to do whatever and so at that point, you know at least we didn't have to worry about it.

00:40:00.660 --> 00:40:08.400 Jen Anderson: And so, the more we used it, the more his seizures just started to dissipate and you know, in the spring of 2017.

00:40:08.730 --> 00:40:14.040 Jen Anderson: You know, he was doing super well and then he actually started having a relapse so he started having.

00:40:14.280 --> 00:40:22.260 Jen Anderson: Turning blue and like he'd started having cyclic vomiting seizures in the car and i'd have to stop in the middle of traffic run around grab lot of his car seat.

00:40:22.560 --> 00:40:25.500 Jen Anderson: And he just be vomiting and seizing in the middle of the street.

00:40:25.800 --> 00:40:35.520 Jen Anderson: And we bring them into er like over and over just during this one month and he'd be turning blue and neurology would load him with this or that and I just started thinking all this isn't working.

00:40:36.060 --> 00:40:46.200 Jen Anderson: But then, at that time I got put in touch with a doctor from Quebec who had been working with cannabinoids and we went out for dinner, and I just said, look I don't even know like.

00:40:47.460 --> 00:40:51.990 Jen Anderson: I don't know what i'm doing and I don't know if this is going to work and he he basically.

00:40:52.410 --> 00:41:01.620 Jen Anderson: Reduced it in milligram per kilo for my son sweet and we put it through this D tube because it made more sense, it was going straight into the stomach and and that.

00:41:01.860 --> 00:41:10.980 Jen Anderson: And went you know within a day all of the seizure stopped and he was back to being fantastic and so at that point, I realized that there was something.

00:41:11.850 --> 00:41:21.990 Jen Anderson: There was some like mechanism and there was a way to work with cannabis it wasn't just you know random you know try this or that or this dose or that dude.

00:41:22.470 --> 00:41:25.170 Jen Anderson: Because, obviously we did something that had an effect.

00:41:25.710 --> 00:41:35.130 Jen Anderson: So, in any case, one of the clinics and where I live, came out to my rural community and they basically stopped me and they're like, can you please come and see the skins because.

00:41:35.460 --> 00:41:41.040 Jen Anderson: You know no cannabis doctor wants to see these kids and I literally said to them, this was sort of.

00:41:41.640 --> 00:41:49.260 Jen Anderson: I didn't know what to say, and I said no i'm not going to be the product for kids like my kid I can do with my kid but I don't want to be responsible for any other kids.

00:41:49.620 --> 00:42:00.600 Jen Anderson: And you know that sat with me for a few months and I felt really bad and I didn't know how to reconcile that and I finally just thought you know what I can't do that to other parents i'm a physician and I had.

00:42:01.080 --> 00:42:08.760 Jen Anderson: A horrible time getting it for my own son, and so I started seeing intractable epileptic kids who had failed everything.

00:42:10.560 --> 00:42:20.220 Jen Anderson: This summer spring sorry fall of 2017 and I saw dramatic changes there's a couple of kids that had been around the world looking for treatments.

00:42:20.580 --> 00:42:28.980 Jen Anderson: For genetic conditions, I never knew existed and my approach with those kids was you know let's just treat them all and see what happens right.

00:42:29.310 --> 00:42:39.630 Jen Anderson: Very much Dr michelin's approach, but I didn't even know who he was at the time, you know just to treat treat all the kids and you know, not just the kids with jermaine it's not just the kids without yes.

00:42:40.380 --> 00:42:49.230 Jen Anderson: But because we don't even know what causes the seizures right, but a seizure as a seizure, you know, so I just figured my backgrounds physiology I thought well.

00:42:49.860 --> 00:42:51.240 Jen Anderson: I mean it's got to work for most of them.

00:42:51.690 --> 00:43:03.180 Jen Anderson: And so that's what I did, and I started dosing them, you know milligrams per kilo based on the studies that were available from Israel, which happened to be sort of what we're using now so way back five years ago.

00:43:03.420 --> 00:43:09.270 Jen Anderson: I was doing some kids and from my own son I realized that dosing it two to three times a day was more effective.

00:43:09.600 --> 00:43:21.840 Jen Anderson: than dosing it once a day, and so I had this sort of algorithm that I would use, and I would you know start them at this dose move them, so this stone and and go from there and it had very objective data what I was following.

00:43:22.260 --> 00:43:30.270 Jen Anderson: In any case, that's how I started my practice and they just kind of escalated and just snowballed so I started getting kids with cancer kids with.

00:43:30.630 --> 00:43:41.640 Jen Anderson: autism and, at the very beginning, they weren't consults that you know patients their patients that had failed everything, so I documented sort of everything that they tried, you know and basically made a.

00:43:42.600 --> 00:43:50.820 Jen Anderson: Like my documentation is basically they failed everything, so the colleagues can come after me because these kids are dying, you know so anyways.

00:43:51.300 --> 00:44:00.480 Jen Anderson: That sort of over the years, people started consulting and then that's kind of fallen away so now all the kids in my Community really most of them have a way to get a console.

00:44:01.680 --> 00:44:11.610 Jen Anderson: So my son know the first year, probably for the first two three years his seizures dropped by half, and like 50% year after year, so.

00:44:12.450 --> 00:44:19.200 Jen Anderson: His hospitalizations drop that much as well, and now as of September we've been three years with no hospital visits.

00:44:19.530 --> 00:44:27.300 Jen Anderson: And so, that means like no hospital visits procedures and actually we didn't have one hospital visit for because he did split his head open.

00:44:27.990 --> 00:44:37.920 Jen Anderson: ID fell and he got a little gash so now, I can say we haven't been back, we went there and actually the emerge doctors and nurses, they recognize them and they're like where have you been i'm like well.

00:44:38.850 --> 00:44:49.770 Jen Anderson: Cannabis like my kid my kid doesn't doesn't cease anymore right, so I mean he does, but he doesn't CS Lewis, he was he still has a couple of seizures here and there, and was stressors but.

00:44:50.070 --> 00:44:56.730 Jen Anderson: He is doing fantastic he started walking again he's you know starting to eat again and.

00:44:57.390 --> 00:45:06.210 Jen Anderson: yeah and and His story has allowed us to start to roll out, he was the first kid in my community that actually was able to have is cannabis in school.

00:45:06.630 --> 00:45:14.430 Jen Anderson: And through that process we developed a protocol so that, when the other kids I was seeing you know wanting needed their cannabis and schools.

00:45:14.760 --> 00:45:25.860 Jen Anderson: I basically said well this school divisions doing this, so we can just do that over here and we started just duplicating it and so now, where I live, you know there's already a precedent and so.

00:45:27.120 --> 00:45:31.320 Jen Anderson: You know it's way easier to integrate cannabis into the the kids.

00:45:32.250 --> 00:45:39.990 Jen Anderson: Regular medications at school and that's exactly how we've been treating it it's like amoxicillin it's like whatever the office takes it it gets.

00:45:40.620 --> 00:45:56.010 Jen Anderson: dosed whenever the child needs it and yeah, which is actually we are the only ones in Canada doing that because i'm actually on a board of bunch of advocates and educators and physicians across Canada that are working to try to help.

00:45:57.150 --> 00:46:04.950 Jen Anderson: kids have cannabis in schools and so we're actually looking at our model to try to replicate that in other parts of the country.

00:46:05.430 --> 00:46:12.420 Jonny Tsunami: That is the mean what a story, I mean it's like your son has become a spokesperson for.

00:46:12.810 --> 00:46:23.130 Jonny Tsunami: For for the Community, and when you really think about the way that you went about it, where it was it was a last resort, it wasn't like somebody who's like oh it's the prayer and the answers to everything.

00:46:23.490 --> 00:46:29.430 Jonny Tsunami: No it's just an option that we've been putting on the wayside, that I want to consider because I don't have any other.

00:46:29.820 --> 00:46:39.330 Jonny Tsunami: Things available to me and to me that's what resonates in that story that you told me, which I think is super powerful and obviously it's made a difference because it's brought.

00:46:39.600 --> 00:46:48.900 Jonny Tsunami: All these other amazing positive things in your professional life and by helping all these kids that that's that's absolutely great we're going to take a little break.

00:46:49.350 --> 00:47:04.680 Jonny Tsunami: And when we come back we're going to talk to Dr Jennifer aniston again and and close it out with that it's been an absolute amazing time so far so let's take a little break this is planet pocket low low low talk radio dot nyc see in a little bit.

00:49:35.400 --> 00:49:46.530 Jonny Tsunami: Alright crew is Johnny tsunami i'm back here planet pato low low a less taboo view here with Dr Jennifer aniston all the way out in Canada.

00:49:46.800 --> 00:49:58.770 Jonny Tsunami: talking to us about some really amazing things that cannabis can do with medicine and how it can change people's lives, especially people that were really close to her so Dr Jennifer Thank you so much for being on the show.

00:49:59.940 --> 00:50:00.540 Jen Anderson: Thank you.

00:50:01.290 --> 00:50:09.150 Jonny Tsunami: Now the last kind of segment, we like to talk about kind of message the opportunity that that we bring to people.

00:50:09.870 --> 00:50:18.690 Jonny Tsunami: within the Community the cannabis community and the opportunities that are out there for people that are either advocates and susie's lovers professionals are looking to be professionals.

00:50:18.960 --> 00:50:29.220 Jonny Tsunami: And someone like you, I think that there's a very strong message that you put out there, one of the messages that really touched my heart was we build better.

00:50:29.730 --> 00:50:38.160 Jonny Tsunami: So I wanted to talk a little bit about that, and maybe you can you know expand upon that whole movement that you're you know, working with.

00:50:40.860 --> 00:50:42.510 Jen Anderson: yeah no I am.

00:50:43.980 --> 00:50:49.950 Jen Anderson: i'm just blown away by how things have changed in the last few years, I think that.

00:50:51.600 --> 00:50:58.560 Jen Anderson: You know my approach to try to integrate cannabis into regular medical care has started to really.

00:50:59.610 --> 00:51:00.120 Jen Anderson: Take.

00:51:01.200 --> 00:51:06.270 Jen Anderson: Take hold here anyways, but I also you know really believe that putting.

00:51:07.590 --> 00:51:11.520 Jen Anderson: faces to cannabis is really important, you know, and I do.

00:51:12.480 --> 00:51:18.780 Jen Anderson: I don't hesitate to sort of put my my face and my son's face there because I feel like a lot of times when people are.

00:51:19.020 --> 00:51:24.960 Jen Anderson: are discussing cannabis and laws or where whether they believe or don't believe in it, they don't see the faces.

00:51:25.230 --> 00:51:38.820 Jen Anderson: You know, and these faces I see everyday faces of kids with you know terminal cancers yeah you know families that are dealing with kids with autism, and you start them on cannabis and all of a sudden they're able to function in the classroom.

00:51:39.630 --> 00:51:51.000 Jen Anderson: You know, families like mine, with kids that are seizing all the time, you know and and I feel like when we start to show those faces and put faces to cannabis, you know.

00:51:51.540 --> 00:51:58.830 Jen Anderson: People start to listen and and realize that it's not the typical people that you would think using cannabis.

00:51:59.280 --> 00:52:12.150 Jen Anderson: it's kids it's elderly you know, the amount of people I have overnight me that use cannabis, for their arthritis and they go dancing right they're awfully opioids you know they're not falling their own CBD email they're.

00:52:12.510 --> 00:52:24.480 Jen Anderson: There they're doing fantastic um you know so it's there's a lot of stigma associated with cannabis and who we think is using it, but yeah yeah.

00:52:24.780 --> 00:52:29.970 Jonny Tsunami: That was a big movement for me as well and, being an advocate you know tattooed guy.

00:52:30.810 --> 00:52:34.470 Jonny Tsunami: With the beard and all this and it's like Well, I can still have a very.

00:52:34.770 --> 00:52:47.880 Jonny Tsunami: Intellectual conversation with amazing people and be able to talk about the benefits outside of just sitting in the backyard and lighting up a joint, which is not necessarily a bad past time but there's a lot more.

00:52:48.690 --> 00:53:00.750 Jonny Tsunami: around it so lots of our Sir surrounding it, and revolving around it, one question I had for you, because this is just something personal for me, is where do you get your source of power from because it's like.

00:53:01.290 --> 00:53:16.170 Jonny Tsunami: You know you got divorced you got separated, you have these kids you have to deal with a lot of that everyday craziness that's going on, you know popping out of the car going on to the other side of the car trying to stop my son computing I gotta bring into that weird.

00:53:17.040 --> 00:53:24.300 Jonny Tsunami: I mean, I know already women are powerful, but where do you get your source of power from because you are an unstoppable force.

00:53:25.980 --> 00:53:40.050 Jen Anderson: You know I, I think, at the very early on, I decided that I could sit here and be really upset and everything or I could focus all that energy into helping others, and I know that sounds like something anybody would kind of, say, but.

00:53:40.470 --> 00:53:50.850 Jen Anderson: For me that's made a huge difference because I find that when I focus myself outward and I try to find solutions for the problem rather than just sitting here.

00:53:51.150 --> 00:53:59.670 Jen Anderson: and doing about it, I feel like that helps me and actually my journey with my patients has actually really helped heal me.

00:54:00.060 --> 00:54:20.370 Jen Anderson: And I do find in the cannabis Community there is more of a Community there is even amongst physicians and patients, we we work together we truly do, and I am 100% for my patients and my patients feel that I am you know there to help them.

00:54:21.570 --> 00:54:29.910 Jen Anderson: And so you know, working with the families i've noticed how much trauma those families have that is similar to my own and.

00:54:30.540 --> 00:54:39.840 Jen Anderson: I really feel rejuvenated actually when I can work with them, I won't say i'm not exhausted, after a long day because I do find that exhausting.

00:54:40.200 --> 00:54:57.420 Jen Anderson: But doing things like this and getting the word out there we're working on a documentary that should come out in spring, you know talking at the emmys talking to physicians I find that just helps me get motivated to to help more people.

00:54:58.350 --> 00:55:07.170 Jonny Tsunami: I think you might be a cyborg because every time I mean you know you were the middle of helping a patient or somebody I called you and I was like Oh, we got the show in a few minutes.

00:55:07.740 --> 00:55:17.490 Jonny Tsunami: And you were still helping someone and then you ran over and you sit down and you're glowing and it's like i'm like where's she must be she might not be human I don't even know because.

00:55:17.880 --> 00:55:23.580 Jonny Tsunami: The amount of energy that you bring in the way that you talk about people and how you feel about your practice.

00:55:24.060 --> 00:55:33.750 Jonny Tsunami: I mean, one of the things that with doctors it's it hasn't happened used to be they came to your House, there was a family physician and it's shifted away from that.

00:55:34.350 --> 00:55:44.520 Jonny Tsunami: So it's like me it's such a good feeling, to know that someone like you, is not just doing it for a paycheck they're doing it because they're vested in themselves.

00:55:45.150 --> 00:55:56.280 Jonny Tsunami: their family and their patients that That to me is like you can't touch that that's untouchable that's really something special phenomenal It really is, I commend you on it.

00:55:57.150 --> 00:56:08.430 Jen Anderson: Well, thank you yeah I really you know I work in a rural communities, so I came from a practice where I would deliver someone's baby I would be the pediatrician I would be the family doctor the family.

00:56:08.730 --> 00:56:22.830 Jen Anderson: I would take care of them in hospital i'd be in emerged when they came into their so you know that really well rounded care and i've carried that through you know, because a lot of people in my rural community, which happens to be a very religious Mennonite community.

00:56:23.220 --> 00:56:26.550 Jen Anderson: You know I have become the cannabis doctor and this.

00:56:26.880 --> 00:56:35.280 Jen Anderson: In this rural community and they come in through emerge and a lot of them know that I that we're cannabis friendly now and I actually want to get stickers that say.

00:56:35.520 --> 00:56:43.830 Jen Anderson: Cannabis inclusive and put them on the doors of the hospital so because you know people feel that they can have a you know, a conversation about it and.

00:56:44.130 --> 00:56:54.090 Jen Anderson: Patients they get admitted to the hospital we're one of the first hospitals in Canada, where I did cannabis consultant hospital, you know the hospitalist will call me, can you come see this patient okay like.

00:56:54.450 --> 00:57:01.920 Jen Anderson: Oh, they don't want to feel like they want you know they want to explore cannabis, can we do that yeah you know i've worked with local pharmacies that will deliver it's the hospital.

00:57:02.310 --> 00:57:10.890 Jen Anderson: You know, and just tried to find that rural type of family care that you're talking about right, because I think that's how we can serve us our patients the best.

00:57:11.760 --> 00:57:24.750 Jonny Tsunami: So what about now I mean you're in Canada we're in the US, do you do you have any people in the US, that you would recommend for anybody who's listening who might have children at home that are suffering or you know, or if there's anybody out there.

00:57:25.830 --> 00:57:27.210 Jen Anderson: You mean for physicians.

00:57:27.870 --> 00:57:35.280 Jonny Tsunami: For physicians and for you know, like what you're doing with people and how you're helping now I mean, is there any kind of option like that new us.

00:57:36.180 --> 00:57:45.930 Jen Anderson: Well, I do know, Dr your body Goldstein who's been you know fantastic she is one of the first physicians to see kids in the States and she runs the data centers.

00:57:46.860 --> 00:57:58.020 Jen Anderson: i've had the honor of speaking with her and she's helped me with a few of my cases, you know, but she is amazing, and I know that anybody that sort of can can get.

00:57:58.530 --> 00:58:09.120 Jen Anderson: Care through one of her centers is probably in a very good place Dr Bridget Williams, as also becoming a friend and she also runs some clinics as well and.

00:58:10.110 --> 00:58:14.160 Jen Anderson: You know, so those two positions are ones that I personally have interacted with.

00:58:14.850 --> 00:58:21.360 Jen Anderson: But i'm sure there's other ones, a lot of the docs that you know do cannabis, a lot of them, you know, have been sort of.

00:58:21.720 --> 00:58:36.360 Jen Anderson: shy about what they do and I was like that the first few years and it just came to a point where I was like hey i'm all in i'm 100% doing this, like me, or hate me, you know i'm just gonna go 100%.

00:58:36.720 --> 00:58:40.740 Jonny Tsunami: yeah and, if you want to, if you want to own it you got to be a proponent and that's what it is.

00:58:41.760 --> 00:58:51.600 Jonny Tsunami: And that's what it takes if we're going to break that taboo, which is what we like to do on planet pocket low low, then we need to be around people such as yourself that are willing to throw themselves on the chopping block and say hey listen.

00:58:52.230 --> 00:58:56.430 Jonny Tsunami: i'm living proof that this is this is something that can make a change well.

00:58:57.300 --> 00:59:10.860 Jonny Tsunami: Let me tell you that was a powerful hour and I was really happy and excited that you were able to come on today's show Dr Anderson has been a great time i'm really happy that we were able to talk, is there any outlets that we can reach you if anybody wants to reach out to you.

00:59:12.000 --> 00:59:22.620 Jen Anderson: um yeah so I have a website, Dr Jennifer Anderson cannabis md and I welcome any you know anybody messaging through that website, I will be trying to post more blogs on there.

00:59:23.340 --> 00:59:36.270 Jen Anderson: But and make it more of a central hub, I also am on instagram at confessions of a single doctor mom, which is something I started that was more therapeutic for me, a long time ago, but it's just evolved into being a cannabis communities so.

00:59:36.780 --> 00:59:40.410 Jonny Tsunami: Beautiful I have I checked that out one already so awesome listen.

00:59:40.770 --> 00:59:54.210 Jonny Tsunami: folks it's another one in the books, Dr Jennifer aniston Thank you so much for coming out i'm Johnny tsunami, this is planet pocket low low next week we'll be interviewing Dr or sorry I just had my doctor and i'm still in DR zone.

00:59:54.570 --> 01:00:03.180 Jonny Tsunami: Albert Bashar rashard and his daughter Isabella rashard owner of GEO matt sustainable energy for cannabis plants so.

01:00:03.510 --> 01:00:17.100 Jonny Tsunami: folks it's been a pleasure, I can't wait to see you next week, thank you, everybody for listening and have a great evening Glenn at Parker low low less taboo view on talk radio dot n y C Thank you everyone good night.

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