Elizabeth Tripp is a Wisdom Keeper of The Way of The Heart, a Transformational Coach, and Channel of Light who is based in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Elizabeth guides lightworkers, thought leaders, healers, and spiritually curious women and men to deepen their self-love by opening their hearts and connecting more deeply with their bodies. 

Elizabeth believes the heart and human body are the answer to our life struggles and the solution to remembering who we really are and our purpose for being on Planet Earth.   Whether it is a physical health issue, a financial challenge, a family or relationship problem, Elizabeth is passionate about guiding others to return home to the sacred wisdom of our heart and the power of our body so we get to the source of what is paining us and we free ourselves from it. 

Elizabeth believes the secret to deepening our self love starts with believing we deserve to—that we are worth it. She teaches others that every human being is a Divine Creator. She believes the choices we make each day shape our well-being and carve out our life path, and when we choose to slow down and become present to the story we tell about who we are and the life we live, we learn to be the light—a Source of joy, magic, and miracles. 

With her unique capacity for sensing and understanding the feelings of others, as well as her ability to channel and communicate with Divine energies like Ascended Masters and Archangels, Elizabeth serves as a bridge between the spirit world and her community. Elizabeth’s life’s calling is to bring joy, peace, and hope to each person she meets, and her mission is to guide others to live with an open heart. 

Elizabeth is the founder and owner of ElizabethTripp.com, a transformational coaching practice, and the Inner Light Tribe, an online community, where lightworkers, thought-leaders, transformational coaches and healers return home, connect and awaken their hearts, and embrace their true power. 

Nourish the Soul
Secrets To Growing A Worldwide Tribe…



Elizabeth Tripp