Frank About Health

Thursday, January 25, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/01/25 - D.I.D. You Know He Has Dissociative Identity Disorder?

Facebook Live Video from 2024/01/25 - D.I.D. You Know He Has Dissociative Identity Disorder?


2024/01/25 - D.I.D. You Know He Has Dissociative Identity Disorder?

[NEW EPISODE] D.I.D. You Know He Has Dissociative Identity Disorder?

Thursdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm (EDT)          


The audience will hear a unique story of a fully integrated D.I.D. system that is both brave and self-reported for the purpose of educating the listeners of a condition that someone can thrive from with all the support from close personal friends and colleagues.  Additionally, a clinical discussion of the disorder will be provided for complete understanding of the condition to provide real understanding and show the resources available to seek treatment.

For the first time in Frank About Health History, this episode will provide both a personal case history of Dissociative Identity Disorder along with a medical correspondent segment providing insightful discussion of a misunderstood psychiatric condition that has been misrepresented in traditional media and portrayed in a negative light.

Logan Pethtel's personal journey in living with this condition is both courageous and insightful.  It has already been said that he is brave and a hero to many who have not yet benefited from the integration process.  His comparison of Endogenic and Traumagenic systems provides the basis for the clinical discussion that Karen Ross and Dr. Marissa Harris have towards the end of the program.

#mentalhealth, #DID

Tune in for this healthy conversation at

Show Notes

Segment 1

Frank introduces his guest, Talk Radio engineer Logan Pethtel who struggles with Dissociative Identity Disorder or D.I.D. Frank mentions how the clinical disorder is not properly portrayed in the media. Logan is here to share insight on the disorder and teach others how to manage there it. Logan shares his anxiety about giving control to someone else behind the scenes so he can guest on the show. Frank and Logan discuss how both of their conditions are unique in the sense that it’s not tangible you can’t touch it. For Logan, D.I.D. is so different with every case that it is hard to treat it. Clinically, D.I.D. is a mental health condition where one lives with two or more separate identities. 

These personalities control your behavior in different ways. It affects your ability to deal with reality. Logan explains that not all D.I.D. stems from trauma. He breaks down the two primary systems that are most common in the community.

Segment 2

In this segment, Logan tells his story about living with D.I.D.Logan shares his traumatic experiences and discloses that his family was partly the cause. As a child, Logan suffered from undiagnosed ADHD. He talks about an incident where he injured his teacher during an episode. He explains how his mother’s abusive relationship added to the fracture of Logan’s psyche. Logan shares with Frank that as a young child,  he would go through emotional blackouts. He would check out, and by the time he returned to reality, a great time had passed. Logan talks about the third alter in his system that happened around the time he was thirteen. Logan also discusses his experience in college and how he struggled with work/life balance which set off a fourth altar in the system. 

Segment 3

Coming back from break, Logan explains that each altar of the system is a different experience. You can have different gender Identities, sexual preferences, ages, or races. The list goes on. Logan also mentions CORE, a personality that is like a robot that can alarm Logan when he is in distress. He shares his journey with D.I.D. and how he had to acknowledge his symptoms in order to get control of his condition. Frank asks Logan if he was diagnosed by a doctor and if he ever had a hospital stay. Logan explains that he discovered it through a good support system and a family friend. Logan and Frank go on to discuss the media’s interpretation of D.I.D. and how it’s not always authentic. Logan tells Frank that he could not fully accept himself and understand himself until he met his friends in college, who allowed him to be himself. There is no medication that is strictly treating D.I.D., says Logan. Frank mentions the importance of educating people on the condition, and he praises Logan for his resilience. 

Segment 4

Karen Ross is the cohost every first Thursday of the month. She sits down with psychotherapist Marrisa Harris to discuss the clinical condition D.I.D. Marrisa gives insight into her background and expertise in trauma and D.I.D. She has been in the field of mental health and forensics for over 25 years. The clinical definition of D.I.D is a fragmentation of the identity. Ultimately, the body dissociates from thoughts, memories, or emotions. Marrisa shares five symptoms to look for in a D.I.D. patient. Karen asks Marrisa if genetics can play a part in the condition. Marrisa explains that there isn’t a lot of evidence related to genetics. She also clarifies the term “parts” and what it means to have two or more parts of ourselves. Karen asks Marrisa to give her feedback on Logan’s interview. Frank encourages his listeners to research D.I.D. to have a better understanding of the condition. 


00:00:20.090 --> 00:00:28.090 Frank R. Harrison: Hey, everybody! It is January 20, fifth, 2024, and welcome to what I consider

00:00:28.390 --> 00:00:33.500 Frank R. Harrison: a pivotal show. one that I have tried to explore

00:00:33.520 --> 00:00:46.089 Frank R. Harrison: in dealing with epilepsy and covid and all the other issues I've talked about over the last 2 years, but this is one that I have been looking to treat with kid clubs, with professionalism.

00:00:46.150 --> 00:00:51.319 Frank R. Harrison: with all standards of ethics. hipaa privacy issues to be considered

00:00:51.380 --> 00:00:56.950 Frank R. Harrison: as well as also being considerate of who I consider a member of my professional family.

00:00:57.220 --> 00:01:02.380 Frank R. Harrison: Today's guest is Logan Pethel. He has been the engineer

00:01:02.660 --> 00:01:09.760 Frank R. Harrison: on Frank about hell for probably 60 episodes. Now, maybe maybe 50 or so episodes, I would say.

00:01:09.920 --> 00:01:12.290 Frank R. Harrison: because it started around last spring, I believe.

00:01:12.640 --> 00:01:17.149 Frank R. Harrison: But the thing is is that he's here today as my guest.

00:01:17.600 --> 00:01:27.280 Frank R. Harrison: Why? Because if those of you have seen his appearance on always Friday, a few months ago. he was

00:01:27.570 --> 00:01:43.849 Frank R. Harrison: talking about a story of his involving dissociative identity, disorder traditionally known as multiple personality disorder. And we have seen those characters in TV shows and movies and other kinds of situations, and

00:01:43.950 --> 00:01:46.440 Frank R. Harrison: most of the time they are portrayed, as

00:01:47.610 --> 00:01:48.640 Frank R. Harrison: you know.

00:01:48.680 --> 00:01:51.719 Frank R. Harrison: interesting people, just to say the least.

00:01:51.870 --> 00:01:54.379 But why? I consider Logan

00:01:54.560 --> 00:02:00.190 Frank R. Harrison: being part of this show, and being an educator of the disorder is because

00:02:00.200 --> 00:02:02.379 Frank R. Harrison: he is living his life with it

00:02:02.530 --> 00:02:05.910 Frank R. Harrison: and his 16 altars. I believe.

00:02:06.780 --> 00:02:08.429 Frank R. Harrison: I believe it's 16

00:02:08.449 --> 00:02:21.460 Frank R. Harrison: mensa mensa give or take, but they're fully integrated. They know each other very well. They communicate with each other. When one altar takes over the others, watch and live and experience what's going on.

00:02:21.660 --> 00:02:31.419 Frank R. Harrison: We're gonna learn all about that story later on in the show as well as for those of you out there who know people living with this, who need direction and guidance.

00:02:31.480 --> 00:02:35.800 Frank R. Harrison: or, better enhance their quality of life as they're currently living with it.

00:02:36.050 --> 00:02:47.790 Frank R. Harrison: He's going to help you out with that as well. It is a story, and as such I can talk about in this first segment of Frank, about health. the clinical disorder that it's labeled as.

00:02:47.920 --> 00:02:52.790 Frank R. Harrison: but for the remaining 45 min of the show you're gonna get an education.

00:02:53.230 --> 00:02:59.260 Frank R. Harrison: And in some cases it might be entertaining. But it's definitely something that I'm looking forward to learn from.

00:02:59.610 --> 00:03:04.639 Frank R. Harrison: and, thanks to Karen Ross, who was my guest last week. she will close the show

00:03:04.860 --> 00:03:20.809 Frank R. Harrison: with an interview that she is conducted with a psychiatrist very familiar with the clinical disorder that it is the treatments, the modalities, the concerns for people who are trying to prevent any kind of dysfunction in their lives or in their families or friends lives.

00:03:20.870 --> 00:03:43.900 Frank R. Harrison: and that, I think, will be one for the books, as I call it, one for the medical books, where, hopefully, I, with this platform. will be able to provide additional education to psychiatric students, medical students, or even any other kinds of therapists out there that are advocating for this particular, as they call it, disorder.

00:03:44.100 --> 00:03:53.370 Frank R. Harrison: As such I must issue my disclaimer. There are always going to be concerns that any of the dialogue that I have to day with Logan

00:03:53.630 --> 00:04:05.349 Frank R. Harrison: could bring about controversy or a sense of hipaa violation. Trust me, he is the patient, and he has granted all permission of discussion of his

00:04:05.580 --> 00:04:26.599 Frank R. Harrison: life with did or dissociative identity disorder. I am doing all of my due diligence to provide information on this content, and if there is controversy or concerns, be aware, these are not the views of talk radio, dot, Nyc. Or of Frank about health, but rather an opportunity for people to learn.

00:04:26.620 --> 00:04:41.199 Frank R. Harrison: and I hope we will learn well today about associative identity disorder. So that being, said, Logan, welcome to the show that you produce every week. It is,

00:04:41.370 --> 00:04:44.109 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: certainly strange to be here.

00:04:44.250 --> 00:04:46.100 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: not entirely unwelcome.

00:04:46.720 --> 00:04:51.459 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I've been looking forward to this for a while, but it's

00:04:51.540 --> 00:04:54.960 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: It's still a bit of an oddity to be on this side of the engineering board.

00:04:56.820 --> 00:05:05.339 Frank R. Harrison: What would you? What would be your reason? Why? It feels odd, because you are more of the receiver rather than the producer? Or is it because of your

00:05:05.420 --> 00:05:07.759 Frank R. Harrison: condition? It feels

00:05:07.860 --> 00:05:12.719 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: odd to be on the other side of the engineering board, because

00:05:13.320 --> 00:05:14.990 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: at this moment, in time

00:05:15.530 --> 00:05:24.139 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I'm not in control of any of the behind the scenes stuff. And I'm leaving my job in someone else's hands. So it's that anxiety of

00:05:24.980 --> 00:05:31.170 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: oh, I hope this goes well, because I'm not in control of it. but

00:05:31.540 --> 00:05:32.740 Frank R. Harrison: the same

00:05:32.860 --> 00:05:34.610 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: engineer for the day.

00:05:35.790 --> 00:05:36.950 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Hi, Phoebe.

00:05:38.000 --> 00:05:45.250 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: the engineer for the day is my best friend and roommate. Emily who is also the

00:05:45.940 --> 00:05:48.589 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I would say, second in command of talk, radio

00:05:49.110 --> 00:05:49.910 Frank R. Harrison: right

00:05:50.130 --> 00:05:54.199 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC:  sam's right hand man, as it were.

00:05:54.540 --> 00:05:58.740 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: and I know for a fact that she knows what she's doing, so I don't have to worry

00:05:58.920 --> 00:06:00.699 Frank R. Harrison: too terribly much

00:06:01.530 --> 00:06:16.480 Frank R. Harrison: right, I guess. What we can say is that especially as you've been living your life with this particular disorder. What you need to feel, even when you have that sense of loss of control when you're normally on the other side of the things here at the network

00:06:16.560 --> 00:06:20.810 Frank R. Harrison: that you're among family, you're among a support system.

00:06:20.950 --> 00:06:29.369 Frank R. Harrison: And I gather that's probably what you've had to learn through therapeutic means, or even while growing up with this condition. Correct?

00:06:29.960 --> 00:06:31.550 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Yeah, it's

00:06:33.020 --> 00:06:35.690 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: not having a brain to yourself is,

00:06:37.160 --> 00:06:41.159 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: certainly something you have to get used to. I will say.

00:06:41.950 --> 00:06:44.460 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: and I just want to issue

00:06:44.870 --> 00:06:48.200 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: my own little disclaimer here that so

00:06:49.780 --> 00:06:55.550 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: as much as I'm going to be talking about my case and giving insights on how

00:06:56.100 --> 00:07:00.760 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: my particular type of system works. Every

00:07:00.860 --> 00:07:07.929 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: did system is different, not just in how they're formed, but in how they're able to handle communication between each other.

00:07:08.420 --> 00:07:12.369 Frank R. Harrison: No 2 cases are identical, which is what makes this such a

00:07:13.560 --> 00:07:14.900 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: difficult

00:07:15.000 --> 00:07:26.209 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC:  neurological condition. I didn't want to use the word disorder or disease cause it's not. Condition is the better word. Yes, I agree.

00:07:26.550 --> 00:07:37.850 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I. This neurological condition is very hard to detect and treat. because every single system in the world

00:07:38.070 --> 00:07:40.389 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: will present differently

00:07:43.000 --> 00:07:44.100 Frank R. Harrison: interesting.

00:07:44.150 --> 00:08:00.849 Frank R. Harrison: Now, you know, you know, I've been talking on my show forever about epilepsy, and what has always made it a stigma is because it's about electricity in the brain. It's nothing organic that you can touch or whatever. But in this case what you've got is a similar pathology.

00:08:00.900 --> 00:08:07.459 Frank R. Harrison: It's it could be electrical, or it could be just intangible to touch, taste, smell, whatever the

00:08:07.480 --> 00:08:21.650 Frank R. Harrison: the analogies or descriptions are, but your behavioral patterns shift that it could be mind-blowing for your audience. Anyone who you deal with on a daily basis is what I mean by your audience in this case.

00:08:21.760 --> 00:08:28.909 Frank R. Harrison: you know. But what I'm amazed at is that when I met you again, I'm thinking. 6, 8 months ago, whenever it was.

00:08:29.690 --> 00:08:33.809 Frank R. Harrison: I would have never known. because until you told me.

00:08:33.890 --> 00:08:39.049 Frank R. Harrison: that's when I discovered it, which means you obviously have learned the right

00:08:39.210 --> 00:08:42.880 Frank R. Harrison: dynamics, methodologies.

00:08:42.909 --> 00:09:01.230 Frank R. Harrison: The right attitudes to present yourself in, especially when you know you've got all these other alternate alternative personalities communicating with you at the same time. And I guess that's a discipline unto itself. So that is something that I'm sure the frank about health audience is, gonna wanna learn.

00:09:01.290 --> 00:09:06.859 Frank R. Harrison: And I'm devoting the third segment to a complete education on your whole integration.

00:09:07.230 --> 00:09:08.150 Frank R. Harrison: Now.

00:09:08.250 --> 00:09:14.209 Frank R. Harrison: I don't know how soon we have before our first break. But I have to do my due diligence to everyone out there

00:09:14.520 --> 00:09:23.510 Frank R. Harrison: and put my psychology hat on and do a description of what did is clinically, because most of the show is going to be devoted

00:09:23.530 --> 00:09:46.010 Frank R. Harrison: to Logan's story. Everyone ever heard of the movie. Logan's Run. No, we're not doing that here, but we're talking about Logan's story because he does serve, in my view, as a role model for people who were living with very interesting pathologies. Where in this case there is no cure, so he has shown how you can live with something

00:09:46.180 --> 00:09:47.390 Frank R. Harrison: productively.

00:09:47.400 --> 00:09:55.149 Frank R. Harrison: even with what is considered a condition or a disorder. But that is what this show has been trying to advocate for the last 2 years

00:09:55.480 --> 00:09:57.749 Frank R. Harrison: how to take your condition, own it.

00:09:57.940 --> 00:10:02.129 Frank R. Harrison: share it with the world, and make everyone learn from it. So

00:10:02.330 --> 00:10:10.450 Frank R. Harrison: here comes right here at Nyu Langone. Health. my little moment with dissociative identity disorder. So I'm going to share the screen

00:10:12.000 --> 00:10:14.970 Frank R. Harrison: and get to the rights.

00:10:25.120 --> 00:10:25.910 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Frank.

00:10:29.690 --> 00:10:31.599 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Well, it appears we

00:10:33.040 --> 00:10:37.579 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: we may have misplaced Frank somewhere in the web of the Internet.

00:10:40.690 --> 00:10:43.959 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC:  I was not prepared for this

00:10:52.200 --> 00:10:53.290 Frank R. Harrison: ready.

00:10:54.930 --> 00:10:59.079 Frank R. Harrison: so, as I was about to say in terms of did.

00:10:59.120 --> 00:11:07.170 Frank R. Harrison: Here we are at Nyu Langone. Health. It is a medical school as well, so I'm going to give a medical education on did.

00:11:07.220 --> 00:11:16.799 Frank R. Harrison: But if you bear with me, I'm gonna be reading from my phone again. I'm not a psychiatrist I don't pretend to be, and I want to be able to give the respect to Logan

00:11:16.810 --> 00:11:28.409 Frank R. Harrison: And describe his disorder with articulate quality as well as full representation. Because, again, what I'm gonna read is the opposite of what Logan currently lives with.

00:11:29.050 --> 00:11:30.930 Frank R. Harrison: So did.

00:11:32.280 --> 00:11:37.560 Frank R. Harrison: or formerly called multiple personality. Disorder is a mental health condition.

00:11:37.710 --> 00:11:53.410 Frank R. Harrison: If you're living with it, it means you have 2 or more separate identities. These personalities control your behavior at different times. Each identity has its own personal history, traits, likes and dislikes. It can lead to gaps in memory and hallucinations.

00:11:53.680 --> 00:12:06.710 Frank R. Harrison: Dissociative identity, disorder used to be called multiple personality, disorder or split personality disorder. It's one of several dissociative disorders, and they affect your ability to connect with reality.

00:12:06.990 --> 00:12:09.590 Frank R. Harrison: Others include depersonalization

00:12:10.460 --> 00:12:20.129 Frank R. Harrison: or derealization, disorder and dissociative amnesia. I am glad to say, as I'm sure Logan will explain later. He does not suffer from those traits.

00:12:20.250 --> 00:12:28.440 Frank R. Harrison: That's why it is safe to know that having did is something you can live with, and at the same time something people can learn from

00:12:29.190 --> 00:12:42.089 Frank R. Harrison: it only affects 1% of the population. So it's not very common. and while people may see people with hallucinations and depression and anxiety, and other common mood disorders that people portray.

00:12:43.290 --> 00:12:48.190 Frank R. Harrison: it sometimes can be a reflection of did. and in other cases not

00:12:48.540 --> 00:13:00.160 Frank R. Harrison: the only commonality with did is that it originates due to a trauma. The trauma could be a physical one. It could be Ptsd regulated.

00:13:00.230 --> 00:13:08.639 Frank R. Harrison: It could have been based on being in a car accident and suffering a head injury. We will learn more about. If there was such a case with Logan

00:13:08.820 --> 00:13:18.809 Frank R. Harrison: simultaneously. I'm interested to learn, and I think Karen is on the road trying to discover if there's a genetic basis in it, and we will learn from her later on in the show.

00:13:19.310 --> 00:13:27.040 Frank R. Harrison: so that, all being said, I'm not going to talk any more of the negative attributes of it, that is, for people who are looking for treatment.

00:13:27.100 --> 00:13:42.750 Frank R. Harrison: I just wanted to explain to everyone that this is an interesting psychiatric condition that can affect behavior and mood and quality of life. But we're going to learn throughout the rest of the show how Logan has been living a high quality of life with it.

00:13:43.170 --> 00:13:45.349 Frank R. Harrison: So, Logan, did I do you service?

00:13:46.310 --> 00:13:51.989 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Yeah, there's just one thing I want to clarify real quick that that sure entry didn't really

00:13:52.040 --> 00:13:54.970 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: touch upon not all

00:13:55.310 --> 00:14:00.400 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: dissociative identity disorder systems are formed through trauma.

00:14:01.470 --> 00:14:04.010 Frank R. Harrison: Okay, there is a

00:14:06.510 --> 00:14:07.899 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: there is a big

00:14:08.430 --> 00:14:13.069 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: divide in the did community

00:14:13.640 --> 00:14:18.570 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: between the 2 type, the 2 primary types of systems.

00:14:18.730 --> 00:14:26.970 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: There are the trauma genic systems which are what you just described, formed through some kind of physical or mental or emotional trauma.

00:14:27.790 --> 00:14:29.820 Frank R. Harrison: Okay, then there are

00:14:29.890 --> 00:14:33.890 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: endogenic systems which are much more of a like.

00:14:35.650 --> 00:14:43.600 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: much more of a discussion to have on Sam's show where they're more like you open your mind to the possibility of

00:14:43.650 --> 00:14:49.219 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: being more than what you are, and it creates or lets in

00:14:50.160 --> 00:14:54.730 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: personalities and memories that are floating free.

00:14:56.480 --> 00:15:05.979 Frank R. Harrison: Very interesting. Wow! Now is that meaning that the individual that is already predisposed to being a did patient

00:15:06.020 --> 00:15:10.360 Frank R. Harrison: is welcoming the altars, to come in and actually

00:15:10.690 --> 00:15:14.420 Frank R. Harrison: pivot their lifestyle to welcome altars into their world.

00:15:14.450 --> 00:15:16.020 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Yep, that is

00:15:16.350 --> 00:15:20.620 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: another term for alters in an endogenic system, is Tulpa.

00:15:21.410 --> 00:15:26.610 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I don't know if you've ever heard of Tulpa Mansi, but it's the manifestation of

00:15:27.020 --> 00:15:31.650 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: a separate identity for sake of handling

00:15:31.770 --> 00:15:33.659 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: different situations.

00:15:35.230 --> 00:15:38.090 Frank R. Harrison: Very nice, I mean, I know I've heard of people.

00:15:38.290 --> 00:15:46.750 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Endogenic systems are more practisers of tulpomancy. whereas trauma genic systems are more. You know.

00:15:48.250 --> 00:15:56.430 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: my brain was damaged, and it split off in several directions to become what it is.

00:15:57.590 --> 00:16:00.269 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I, personally am a trauma genic system.

00:16:01.150 --> 00:16:02.120 Frank R. Harrison: Okay?

00:16:02.220 --> 00:16:08.300 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: But I've met a couple of endogenic systems in my time as a did educator on social media.

00:16:09.860 --> 00:16:20.909 Frank R. Harrison: Very nice, very nice. By the way, are you considering discussing your condition with on Sam show? Because I think you should at some point.

00:16:21.200 --> 00:16:25.609 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: potentially, I just have to see if Sam wants me to do it at some point.

00:16:26.180 --> 00:16:34.420 Frank R. Harrison: Sure, sure, hopefully, the way that this show comes across to the listeners and viewers out there.

00:16:34.610 --> 00:16:46.079 Frank R. Harrison: it it may warrant it so. I'll have my fingers crossed on that one. II see we're 1 min to break. So, ladies and gentlemen, for the remainder of the show. Once we return from this first break

00:16:46.170 --> 00:16:51.649 Frank R. Harrison: we are going to hear Lo Logan's story. and we are going to learn about his life

00:16:51.880 --> 00:17:00.569 Frank R. Harrison: with his altars, and he's going to educate us all on living a high quality of life with dissociative identity disorder.

00:17:00.910 --> 00:17:04.970 Frank R. Harrison: So everyone please stay tuned right here on talkradio dot Nyc.

00:17:05.040 --> 00:17:12.920 Frank R. Harrison: As well as on all of our socials, Facebook Twitch, Linkedin and Youtube. And we'll be back in a few.

00:19:25.690 --> 00:19:29.760 Frank R. Harrison: welcome back everybody as we've already just talked about. In the first segment.

00:19:29.850 --> 00:19:44.759 Frank R. Harrison: This episode is about living life with dissociative identity disorder pretty much in the ways I've always tried to explain living life with epilepsy. But this is an interesting condition, because it can completely manifest

00:19:45.090 --> 00:19:52.340 Frank R. Harrison: your whole life on many levels, from personal to professional to just connecting with others, and

00:19:52.350 --> 00:20:15.290 Frank R. Harrison: I gather, if anything, being an epilepsy, patient or or living my life with epilepsy. That's once one sense of management that I can relate to Logan on, but I still have a lot to learn from his story. So this segment is totally devoted to his story. So, Logan, you mentioned in the last segment that you are based in a trauma genic system.

00:20:15.820 --> 00:20:18.329 Frank R. Harrison: Would you feel comfortable in explaining

00:20:18.350 --> 00:20:25.680 Frank R. Harrison: what that trauma was, or even just what category it followed and how it manifested your condition.

00:20:26.660 --> 00:20:28.480 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Okay?

00:20:28.830 --> 00:20:34.090 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: a. This is going to get very personal. And

00:20:34.120 --> 00:20:40.540 Frank R. Harrison: I know again, if you feel comfortable in discussing it, I'm entirely comfortable explaining it. I've explained it. Okay.

00:20:40.810 --> 00:20:44.490 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I'm just gonna say that I know that my

00:20:44.850 --> 00:20:50.900 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: mother and potentially siblings are listening to this episode. and they are

00:20:52.040 --> 00:21:00.710 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: not a major cause, but at least a contributor to some of the trauma I experienced growing up just because

00:21:01.510 --> 00:21:06.720 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I'm going to be completely frank with you here. My family is a dumpster fire.

00:21:08.540 --> 00:21:17.830 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Wh, okay, now, I guess that's the way they've lived their life, or did they deal with use, or

00:21:19.080 --> 00:21:22.299 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: they've been trying their best to get better, but

00:21:22.790 --> 00:21:28.580 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I have had to cut contact with so many of them, just because there is no hope of them changing at all.

00:21:28.770 --> 00:21:30.850 Frank R. Harrison: But that's not what we're here to talk about.

00:21:31.650 --> 00:21:32.980 Frank R. Harrison: right? Right?

00:21:33.160 --> 00:21:34.040 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: So

00:21:36.400 --> 00:21:40.469 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: when I was younger, like preschool age.

00:21:41.480 --> 00:21:44.560 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I had undiagnosed Adhd.

00:21:45.760 --> 00:21:51.499 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: which led to a lot of hyperactivity and fits of anger

00:21:52.730 --> 00:21:56.689 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: which I'm diagnosed. Adhd, in a child

00:21:58.560 --> 00:22:01.249 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: can do. It comes a trigger.

00:22:01.480 --> 00:22:02.290 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Yeah.

00:22:02.660 --> 00:22:06.539 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I one of the very first instances of

00:22:06.640 --> 00:22:08.240 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: an altar forming

00:22:09.510 --> 00:22:16.269 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: was the fact that I don't remember doing this. but at some point in preschool

00:22:16.740 --> 00:22:20.679 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I was put in time out for some reason or another.

00:22:21.080 --> 00:22:30.420 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: and I'm not proud to admit this, but I took the time out chair. and I won it across the room and put my teacher in the hospital.

00:22:31.700 --> 00:22:32.880 Frank R. Harrison: Wow!

00:22:33.090 --> 00:22:36.289 Frank R. Harrison: That was the first time that a

00:22:38.250 --> 00:22:46.339 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: fracturing of my Psyche happened that led to what would eventually become one of the first altars.

00:22:47.290 --> 00:22:48.670 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: so it can happen

00:22:48.870 --> 00:22:51.189 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: any time for any reason.

00:22:52.000 --> 00:22:56.070 Frank R. Harrison: right. whether childhood or adulthood.

00:22:56.770 --> 00:23:03.830 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC:  that it really kicked up around the time I turned 7 or 8

00:23:04.040 --> 00:23:05.130 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: when

00:23:05.330 --> 00:23:08.980 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: my mother got into a particularly

00:23:09.310 --> 00:23:11.259 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: abusive relationship.

00:23:12.110 --> 00:23:21.559 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC:  not just for her, but for everyone around her. she's thankfully out of that relationship now. And I couldn't be prouder

00:23:23.020 --> 00:23:29.269 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: because I know relationship relationships can be very difficult to one see and to get out of

00:23:29.990 --> 00:23:30.800 Frank R. Harrison: right.

00:23:32.100 --> 00:23:34.730 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: But that's a topic for a whole nother episode.

00:23:35.730 --> 00:23:41.300 Frank R. Harrison: Well, I've I've actually touched upon that in the area of narcissism. But I gather that's what your mother was exposed to.

00:23:41.420 --> 00:23:43.150 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Yeah,

00:23:43.720 --> 00:23:44.480 Frank R. Harrison: okay.

00:23:45.190 --> 00:23:56.979 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: But that's when that same fracture of my psyche that formed in preschool kind of started to take more of a malleable shape.

00:23:57.390 --> 00:24:00.279 Frank R. Harrison: There would be interest of just

00:24:00.620 --> 00:24:03.620 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: emotional, raw, emotional

00:24:05.050 --> 00:24:12.740 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: output that would happen. And then I blank and I wouldn't know what happened.

00:24:14.300 --> 00:24:15.550 Frank R. Harrison: Wow!

00:24:16.550 --> 00:24:19.350 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Complete emotional blackouts.

00:24:20.680 --> 00:24:21.490 Frank R. Harrison: huh?

00:24:22.170 --> 00:24:27.630 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Formed as a trauma response to physical and mental abuse.

00:24:28.240 --> 00:24:30.010 Frank R. Harrison: It's like you were checking out.

00:24:30.170 --> 00:24:31.609 Frank R. Harrison: yeah, entirely.

00:24:31.900 --> 00:24:36.210 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: That's where the dissociation of dissociative identity disorder comes from.

00:24:36.720 --> 00:24:46.379 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: You. Can just you just completely check out, and by time you check back in, everything could have changed, and it could have been 13 h since last you looked

00:24:47.500 --> 00:24:49.159 Frank R. Harrison: right right.

00:24:52.130 --> 00:24:58.830 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: though not every alter in a trauma genic system forms because of a type of trauma.

00:24:59.690 --> 00:25:05.970 Frank R. Harrison: Sometimes they'll just form to perform specific tasks that the rest of the brain isn't handle isn't

00:25:06.460 --> 00:25:13.630 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: equipped to handle at that point in time. For example, the third

00:25:13.720 --> 00:25:18.510 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: alter in the system, we believe, formed around the time I was 13 years of age

00:25:19.350 --> 00:25:22.620 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: years ago. So.

00:25:23.390 --> 00:25:24.360 Frank R. Harrison: okay.

00:25:24.650 --> 00:25:29.260 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC:  Youtube would have been in its infancy. Yeah.

00:25:31.920 --> 00:25:34.380 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: yeah, I would have been around for like 6 years at that point.

00:25:35.650 --> 00:25:36.460 Frank R. Harrison: Hmm.

00:25:37.460 --> 00:25:42.100 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I decided to try my hand at Content creation for the first time.

00:25:43.170 --> 00:25:54.260 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: and everyone I knew liked the side of me that was candid and happy. Go lucky, and

00:25:55.050 --> 00:25:59.689 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: you know, rah! Rah! Beat up the bad guy from content creation.

00:25:59.810 --> 00:26:08.230 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: and that right kind of split off from the rest of my my mind to take its own form, to dedicate itself to being that

00:26:08.490 --> 00:26:09.450 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: frontman.

00:26:09.970 --> 00:26:13.939 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: That's very front man you're talking to right now.

00:26:15.950 --> 00:26:24.199 Frank R. Harrison: Interesting. So it's your protector, the protector part making sure that your brain, which had done all this splitting off.

00:26:24.280 --> 00:26:30.670 Frank R. Harrison: was trying to maintain the pieces so you can still function at as maximum capacity that you can.

00:26:30.730 --> 00:26:37.000 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: There is actually a whole discussion about roles in a did system that's part of the education segment

00:26:37.690 --> 00:26:43.570 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: that I will get into with you later. But there's like host host protectors.

00:26:45.810 --> 00:26:47.750 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: guardians, littles.

00:26:49.480 --> 00:26:59.550 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: like there are so many different possible roles that someone can take in a system, and the roles can change and shift, depending on how someone views their mental

00:26:59.700 --> 00:27:00.600 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: escape.

00:27:01.890 --> 00:27:02.730 Frank R. Harrison: Sure.

00:27:03.070 --> 00:27:03.960 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: But yeah.

00:27:04.510 --> 00:27:07.590 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: fast forward to college.

00:27:08.090 --> 00:27:10.470 Frank R. Harrison: Where I met

00:27:10.880 --> 00:27:16.349 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Emily and all of my other super close friends that I have now.

00:27:16.410 --> 00:27:18.730 Frank R. Harrison: whether they were in person or over the email.

00:27:20.060 --> 00:27:23.439 Frank R. Harrison: right? I keep looking over to the side. My cat's on the counter.

00:27:24.040 --> 00:27:33.230 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC:  During college

00:27:33.260 --> 00:27:37.350 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I had a very hard time with

00:27:37.490 --> 00:27:39.420 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: work-life balance.

00:27:41.610 --> 00:27:45.680 Frank R. Harrison: right? Which most of us do, especially in college.

00:27:45.780 --> 00:27:56.430 Frank R. Harrison: Yeah, in your case, I'm sure, was more. I went to college for multimedia video production. So I had to dedicate a good portion of my time and my mental energy

00:27:56.540 --> 00:28:05.880 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: to making animations or editing videos, or setting up live audio rigs or things of that nature.

00:28:06.550 --> 00:28:09.519 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: But at the same time I was getting

00:28:09.800 --> 00:28:21.419 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: fresh into dungeons and dragons during college. so I had a whole renewal of my appreciation for that. For the first time since I was like

00:28:22.040 --> 00:28:25.029 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: 5 or 6 years old when I played second edition.

00:28:25.820 --> 00:28:26.730 Frank R. Harrison: Yes.

00:28:27.160 --> 00:28:35.530 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC:  So another altar formed during college.

00:28:36.090 --> 00:28:46.390 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: and that was when we started realizing before this point we hadn't even considered the possibility that we might be a d id system.

00:28:47.470 --> 00:28:49.540 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Wow! This shot fights by.

00:28:50.180 --> 00:29:14.730 Frank R. Harrison: I know, I know, but I mean we can still well, how about that? Let's use this as a pause moment, because I'm already formulating my questions. But my questions are actually gonna lead you right into the integration of your personality. And what makes you have a high quality, high functioning lifestyle at this point. So if you wanted me to go through my whole story. We'd need 3 or 4 episodes

00:29:15.040 --> 00:29:22.220 Frank R. Harrison: exactly like all of a sudden, we're creating Logan story, the mini-series

00:29:22.450 --> 00:29:39.699 Frank R. Harrison: who knows? That might be possible. But, ladies and gentlemen, just please stay tuned. I was gonna show Hilton stuff, and whatever. But you know what this in itself speaks for, what Frank about health has been about. So just look at our pretty faces during the next commercial break, and we'll be back. Stay tuned.

00:31:39.420 --> 00:32:07.989 Frank R. Harrison: hey, everybody, and welcome back for those of you who just heard my commercial. I would like to give another kudos to Logan Bethel, for helping me produce that commercial for those of you who remember me saying in a post covid world, well, you know, forget Post Covid, we're in a new world. It's a New Year, but that whole show, I mean that whole commercial could not have been produced as fine-tuned and focused and as articulate. If it wasn't for Logan, considering the many times we went through editing and all that stuff. But

00:32:08.150 --> 00:32:29.410 Frank R. Harrison: you know what I'm really trying to say, Logan, that even if you are living with U did like, I say, for those living with epilepsy, it is a gift, in a way, because it makes you more precise in your talents, it makes you more gifted in the way you contribute your content creation, or even just the way you communicate. And so for that reason I thank you and your alters for

00:32:29.500 --> 00:32:36.949 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: being you. So continue sharing your story. Alright. So I'm gonna skip ahead a little bit.

00:32:37.140 --> 00:32:41.799 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: There are 17 of us, and if I tried to label all of them, we'd be here for years.

00:32:42.470 --> 00:32:43.770 Frank R. Harrison: Okay.

00:32:44.470 --> 00:32:45.690 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: So

00:32:48.100 --> 00:32:59.300 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: the most like standout ones that happened were the ones that formed during my own unhealthy relationships.

00:33:01.160 --> 00:33:03.819 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: And

00:33:04.550 --> 00:33:11.739 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: possibly the most like excellent example of trauma genic system

00:33:11.810 --> 00:33:15.670 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: that I have was the formation of core.

00:33:17.000 --> 00:33:25.330 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: or the thing about did systems is that every alter in them can be so

00:33:25.400 --> 00:33:27.889 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: incredibly different. Different

00:33:28.350 --> 00:33:35.150 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: gender identity, sexual preferences. ages. races.

00:33:36.870 --> 00:33:37.640 Frank R. Harrison: Hmm.

00:33:39.260 --> 00:33:41.970 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Like, for example. here

00:33:42.250 --> 00:33:44.290 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: is an android.

00:33:45.950 --> 00:33:48.250 Frank R. Harrison: Wow, it completely

00:33:48.340 --> 00:33:50.629 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: work. Dedicated Robot

00:33:51.820 --> 00:34:01.130 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: that formed when I was working as a customer, care, representative with a particular company

00:34:02.290 --> 00:34:08.360 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC:  and core formed sort of as a stress monitor.

00:34:09.860 --> 00:34:12.610 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I'm not good at handling

00:34:12.639 --> 00:34:13.989 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: customer care.

00:34:15.460 --> 00:34:24.620 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Okay? And I was stressed out all the time, and I was stressed out to the point that I actually had an appendicitis scare

00:34:25.400 --> 00:34:34.320 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: because I was stressed out enough that my body was actively rejecting existence and core form to basically be like

00:34:35.610 --> 00:34:38.659 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: stress levels, abnormal cease activity.

00:34:41.130 --> 00:34:44.350 Frank R. Harrison: Well. now, when you just

00:34:44.639 --> 00:34:48.389 Frank R. Harrison: quote in core, was that core doing it? Or did you

00:34:48.650 --> 00:34:52.969 Frank R. Harrison: say, were you speaking on his behalf. I was speaking on its behalf.

00:34:54.510 --> 00:35:11.859 Frank R. Harrison: So that that is a process of integration you're at. You're actually able to work together. That's the whole peep. That's the whole thing that did. Patients or people living with the condition are are trying to do when there's really, really no cure. It's a matter of getting all your pieces together again. Right?

00:35:12.700 --> 00:35:13.520 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: So

00:35:14.450 --> 00:35:22.570 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I wanna give. I wanna take this moment to give a little bit more insight into how systems can

00:35:22.890 --> 00:35:25.330 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: integrate using this as a segue.

00:35:26.100 --> 00:35:28.500 Frank R. Harrison: right? Right?

00:35:28.690 --> 00:35:30.260 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: My personal

00:35:30.310 --> 00:35:34.089 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: use or my personal journey with integration.

00:35:34.310 --> 00:35:38.250 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: was acknowledging that I had DID

00:35:40.550 --> 00:35:43.610 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: learning as much as I could about it.

00:35:44.280 --> 00:35:45.520 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: and then

00:35:47.170 --> 00:35:50.710 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: crafting and re crafting our own

00:35:50.890 --> 00:36:00.339 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: internalized mental scape where everyone can freely wander about and just have their own lives inside of our little brain bubble.

00:36:01.140 --> 00:36:01.970 Frank R. Harrison: Right?

00:36:04.140 --> 00:36:08.049 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: My personal interior mentalscape

00:36:08.200 --> 00:36:12.090 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: is. I'm sure you've seen images around of those like

00:36:12.180 --> 00:36:18.820 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: steampunk style airships with like where it's like a Viking boat with a blimp on it.

00:36:19.030 --> 00:36:20.550 Frank R. Harrison: Yeah, it's one of this.

00:36:21.870 --> 00:36:27.399 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: It's one of those, and there's a peg on the helm at the front end for

00:36:27.470 --> 00:36:29.540 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: every single one of the altars.

00:36:31.650 --> 00:36:33.100 Frank R. Harrison: Interesting!

00:36:34.200 --> 00:36:44.239 Frank R. Harrison: Was it a doctor that described your condition to you? Were you having a hospital? Stay when you realized the condition you were living with. How did you finally discover that?

00:36:44.440 --> 00:36:46.980 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Funny enough. I discovered it

00:36:47.340 --> 00:36:51.410 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: through having a good support network of friends

00:36:51.770 --> 00:36:53.250 Frank R. Harrison: and

00:36:53.710 --> 00:37:01.300 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC:  a family friend was actually like, yeah, a lot of what you're going through sounds like this. You should look into it.

00:37:01.440 --> 00:37:09.679 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: And I started looking into it, and you know all the symptoms started lining up the emotional blanking

00:37:10.160 --> 00:37:12.270 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: the, you know.

00:37:12.890 --> 00:37:16.940 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: restless nights or 2 restful nights, the

00:37:17.140 --> 00:37:27.199 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC:  the ability to split my attention as cleanly as I could. It all kind of led to

00:37:27.920 --> 00:37:30.649 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: me, realizing I had did

00:37:33.570 --> 00:37:35.210 Frank R. Harrison: interesting.

00:37:36.080 --> 00:37:39.060 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Something I want. Something I would like to say

00:37:41.200 --> 00:37:43.790 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: about did is that

00:37:45.130 --> 00:37:49.249 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: don't trust media interpretations.

00:37:49.990 --> 00:37:57.670 Frank R. Harrison: every media interpretation of a dissociative identity disorder system

00:37:57.870 --> 00:38:03.470 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: that you see with a grain of salt. There were a few good examples out there.

00:38:03.910 --> 00:38:05.710 Frank R. Harrison: but

00:38:05.870 --> 00:38:16.509 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: most of them are not great. The first example that comes to mind of good representation of how it handles is Marvel's moon night.

00:38:17.870 --> 00:38:18.550 Hmm.

00:38:19.150 --> 00:38:26.579 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: moon. Night is a superhero with dissociative identity, disorder, and 3 different altars, one of whom is

00:38:26.600 --> 00:38:29.910 Frank R. Harrison: a tulpa of the Egyptian god Kanshu

00:38:32.010 --> 00:38:34.970 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Tristan. It's handled very well.

00:38:36.420 --> 00:38:39.480 Frank R. Harrison: and I hope it gets renewed for a season, too. But that's neither here nor

00:38:40.050 --> 00:38:48.109 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: a bad example of dissociative identity. Disorder being displayed in media is the movie split.

00:38:49.850 --> 00:38:55.569 Frank R. Harrison: I don't even remember that movie. When did that come out? I'm not entirely sure when it came out, but I know that it's

00:38:55.830 --> 00:39:06.670 Frank R. Harrison: a Jekyll and Hyde type movie where the guy has did and doesn't know it. And one of his altars is this big Scary serial killer.

00:39:07.660 --> 00:39:10.330 Frank R. Harrison: It's it's it's bad.

00:39:10.670 --> 00:39:16.790 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I'm pretty sure it's it split. Came out in 2,016, really, that recent.

00:39:17.130 --> 00:39:19.510 Frank R. Harrison: -Oh! I see

00:39:19.540 --> 00:39:22.149 Frank R. Harrison: I see interesting

00:39:22.440 --> 00:39:26.530 Frank R. Harrison: again, it must have must have been noticed.

00:39:26.550 --> 00:39:30.640 Frank R. Harrison: Pretty sure split was made by I'm not Shamelon.

00:39:32.310 --> 00:39:37.470 Frank R. Harrison: If I remember correctly, I might be confusing. That was something else. But

00:39:37.810 --> 00:39:40.990 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: yeah. media interpretations

00:39:41.110 --> 00:39:44.020 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: tend to utilize the

00:39:44.610 --> 00:39:53.359 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: stigma, and the scariness of you don't know what you're doing when your altars are out front to use it as a fear factor in

00:39:55.350 --> 00:40:00.840 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: horror movies and serial killer movies and things of that nature.

00:40:01.490 --> 00:40:02.300 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: But

00:40:03.330 --> 00:40:05.820 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I'm sick of seeing the condition demonized.

00:40:06.840 --> 00:40:17.310 Frank R. Harrison: Well, yeah, I mean, I'm it's unfortunate, but that's what sells. And that's why, if if anybody's ever gonna really do a significant justice of media interpretation.

00:40:17.460 --> 00:40:22.669 Frank R. Harrison: it should be done, whether it's documentary style, or whether it's done by a doctor

00:40:22.710 --> 00:40:25.859 Frank R. Harrison: or psychiatrists, or whether it's done by

00:40:26.080 --> 00:40:37.929 Frank R. Harrison: someone like yourself who is integrated and understands it and can mirror it to the right actors, and the right director, and so forth, and so on. So who knows? Maybe you've just already earmarked

00:40:37.990 --> 00:40:45.650 Frank R. Harrison: a project of your own for the future. I would be lying if I said I hadn't been thinking about it. I've also been thinking about

00:40:46.240 --> 00:40:51.460 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: making a video game surrounding the idea of dissociative identity disorder.

00:40:52.060 --> 00:40:56.370 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: And, you know, putting it on steam for free. It's

00:40:56.660 --> 00:41:03.860 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: very early stages, but it'd be a good introductory method to teach people

00:41:04.040 --> 00:41:10.059 Frank R. Harrison: all about the condition, and to hopefully start removing the negative stigma around it.

00:41:10.850 --> 00:41:26.009 Frank R. Harrison: Right now, prior to your integrative process, did you suffer symptoms like seizures, or severe depression or suicidal ideation, because you didn't know what was going on, or or were you able to somehow cope with all of that

00:41:26.610 --> 00:41:31.609 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: seizures? No. I am lucky enough that

00:41:31.640 --> 00:41:35.850 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: never in my life, as I'd say, knocking on the wooden table.

00:41:36.280 --> 00:41:42.440 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Never in my life have I had a seizure of any sort. I am

00:41:42.840 --> 00:41:45.119 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: thankful to be able to say that.

00:41:45.920 --> 00:41:46.889 Frank R. Harrison: Yeah.

00:41:47.200 --> 00:41:50.189 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: However, the depression, the

00:41:50.770 --> 00:41:52.870 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: suicidal ideation.

00:41:53.690 --> 00:41:57.379 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: the just feeling like I was alone and

00:41:57.580 --> 00:42:02.490 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: quite frankly, feeling like I was a psycho, because

00:42:02.870 --> 00:42:05.599 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: there was no good educative material

00:42:06.510 --> 00:42:10.289 Frank R. Harrison: on, did that. I had read it

00:42:10.320 --> 00:42:14.449 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: readily available at my fingertips. as you know.

00:42:16.190 --> 00:42:18.329 Frank R. Harrison: knee high, little Logan.

00:42:19.200 --> 00:42:21.269 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: to understand

00:42:23.590 --> 00:42:25.680 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: what like

00:42:27.020 --> 00:42:34.350 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: what I was going through, and I really couldn't explore it until I got into a place where I was free from

00:42:35.560 --> 00:42:43.720 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: my. I don't like using this word, but free from my shackles of my little secluded

00:42:45.060 --> 00:42:48.230 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC:  rural hometown.

00:42:49.140 --> 00:42:55.890 Frank R. Harrison: where I grew up separated from most of the people in the city, and only really saw people in the city when I went to school.

00:42:56.790 --> 00:42:57.620 Frank R. Harrison: Right?

00:43:00.430 --> 00:43:05.120 Frank R. Harrison: I can understand the feeling of of restriction limitations being boxed in.

00:43:05.310 --> 00:43:10.510 Frank R. Harrison: But when I got to college and met all these wonderful people that have

00:43:10.610 --> 00:43:13.079 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: changed my life for better or worse.

00:43:13.430 --> 00:43:14.810 Frank R. Harrison: mostly for.

00:43:15.880 --> 00:43:23.159 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Yeah. I was able to explore myself and open myself up to

00:43:23.920 --> 00:43:25.380 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: exploring

00:43:26.660 --> 00:43:28.030 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: all of this

00:43:28.090 --> 00:43:31.940 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: in a way that was healthy and inclusive.

00:43:33.070 --> 00:43:37.989 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Emily. Actually, I believe, somewhere around here

00:43:38.170 --> 00:43:41.299 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: has a notebook where she was actually

00:43:41.580 --> 00:43:52.899 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: case studying did through me, and was theorizing where? What situation arose, where each of the altars had formed.

00:43:53.730 --> 00:43:56.160 Frank R. Harrison: I don't know where that notebook is.

00:43:56.460 --> 00:44:00.399 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: and I'm not about to go hunting for it. But

00:44:00.710 --> 00:44:02.179 Frank R. Harrison: right it was a.

00:44:02.320 --> 00:44:05.549 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: It was interesting to be a case study by my best friend.

00:44:07.660 --> 00:44:15.589 Frank R. Harrison: Yes. yes. interesting, because at that same time it became part of your integrative roadmap.

00:44:15.860 --> 00:44:16.690 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: Yes.

00:44:17.360 --> 00:44:23.630 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: being able to understand and empathize with others that were forming

00:44:24.390 --> 00:44:27.359 Frank R. Harrison: as chunks of my brain

00:44:28.590 --> 00:44:33.179 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: that eventually teamed up. And.

00:44:34.390 --> 00:44:37.520 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: you know. got the airship flying

00:44:38.560 --> 00:44:44.879 Frank R. Harrison: right? Right? I totally understand, you know III think also in terms of

00:44:45.470 --> 00:45:06.150 Frank R. Harrison: the whole nature of making friends with your altars is still amazing to me, and I know you've already touched upon it. How you've been able to through therapy I know you've you've shared with when we do our host meetings. You've shared that you go to a therapist, and I gather you're taking medication as well to keep yourself regulated right.

00:45:06.810 --> 00:45:11.310 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: There is actually not a good medication for strictly

00:45:12.300 --> 00:45:18.599 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: treating dissociative identity disorder. I had this discussion with my primary care, doctor.

00:45:19.070 --> 00:45:20.140 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: that

00:45:20.740 --> 00:45:29.010 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: the best way to handle and to treat did is to treat other underlying mental health

00:45:29.190 --> 00:45:38.130 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: conditions like anxiety. Adhd.  depression.

00:45:38.450 --> 00:45:39.739 Frank R. Harrison: things like that

00:45:40.330 --> 00:45:50.889 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: contributing factor. You're treating the side effects, the comorbidities per se. Yeah, you're treating the comorbidities. But the actual condition itself.

00:45:51.140 --> 00:45:56.420 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: People have not found a dedicated treatment plan

00:45:56.510 --> 00:45:58.210 Frank R. Harrison: for it. Aside from

00:45:58.230 --> 00:46:02.940 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: therapy, some people use meditation. Some people use holistic medicine.

00:46:03.640 --> 00:46:04.470 Frank R. Harrison: right?

00:46:05.500 --> 00:46:07.019 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: I think that's the right word.

00:46:09.390 --> 00:46:15.299 Frank R. Harrison: yeah, or holistic healing, you know, like energy, healing, combination of meditation

00:46:15.390 --> 00:46:18.659 Frank R. Harrison: herbs. Maybe, you know, in such a

00:46:19.290 --> 00:46:40.089 Frank R. Harrison: exactly exactly. II know. Believe it or not. Some of those things have been used like even music therapy for maintaining and seizure control, so I can relate to it. But II you know what I'm not. I'm not kidding. I think that either. We need to have another episode to really explore more about your life with. Did maybe a month from now, or whenever and live.

00:46:40.090 --> 00:46:52.369 Frank R. Harrison: you know, like at a Hilton which is my creative brain working right now, but at the same time, because we have a special commentary coming up in the next segment with Karen Ross and a psychiatrist

00:46:52.370 --> 00:47:03.860 Frank R. Harrison: who is an expert. We're gonna become a little bit like Cnn. Now, for the first time in Frank about health history. So I wanna say to everybody, we're about to take a commercial break, and when we come back I'll have closing thoughts.

00:47:03.860 --> 00:47:16.540 Frank R. Harrison: But then we're gonna close out the show with Karen Ross, who's remote right now with a psychiatrist who will really give you further the understanding of the condition of

00:47:17.000 --> 00:47:29.989 Frank R. Harrison: dissociative identity disorder. But, Logan, you inspire me. I have to tell you that if I haven't already told you, you know. So from the aspect of removing stigmas, and at the same time welcoming

00:47:30.220 --> 00:47:32.839 Frank R. Harrison: people with such personality traits

00:47:32.870 --> 00:47:51.519 Frank R. Harrison: into our ecosystem, which is called life right because we are gifted in different ways. It's just most people who don't suffer from it don't understand that. And I think it's our job, especially in your position, that we it just. We have to re educate people, especially in this coming year.

00:47:51.540 --> 00:47:56.930 Frank R. Harrison: The station motto is, Uplift, educate, empower, for a reason, and I am

00:47:56.980 --> 00:48:02.470 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: very glad to have been able to contribute to that with my own personal experience

00:48:03.140 --> 00:48:07.800 Logan Pethtel | Engineer @ TalkRadioNYC: absolutely was a lot easier and a lot smoother than I was expecting it to be?

00:48:08.990 --> 00:48:14.680 Frank R. Harrison: Oh, yeah. And as as you have heard from me, and I'm sure that Sam will one day tell you.

00:48:14.750 --> 00:48:19.859 Frank R. Harrison: That's how we met. It was through a mutual friend who knew that I was living my life with

00:48:20.060 --> 00:48:22.770 Frank R. Harrison: crazy seizures, and I was considering cannabis

00:48:22.790 --> 00:48:33.600 Frank R. Harrison: which did not work for me. I did try it. But the thing was is that it was creating a lot of confidence issues and other kinds of things. But when I turned it into a platform.

00:48:33.950 --> 00:48:36.430 Frank R. Harrison: My life has changed tremendously. So

00:48:36.630 --> 00:48:45.349 Frank R. Harrison: if anything, we're in the right group right now, and I know it's time for commercial break. So just everyone stay tuned, we'll be back in a few.

00:50:53.620 --> 00:51:00.019 Frank R. Harrison: thank you very much, Karen, for that interview. I have just learned even more than what Logan just presented over the last hour.

00:51:00.040 --> 00:51:09.980 Frank R. Harrison: Ladies and gentlemen, please research this condition. What I've taken away from Logan's story and his whole integrative process is only the beginning.

00:51:10.000 --> 00:51:13.740 Frank R. Harrison: I am seriously considering having him come back at some point in the next

00:51:13.930 --> 00:51:38.010 Frank R. Harrison: month, maybe 6 weeks, to really get more into how his life is with his alters. I'd like to meet a few of them, for example, if if that is doable, Logan, I wouldn't wanna put your health at risk in any way. But II would like at the same time to show the world out there, the viewers and listeners that, having dissociative identity, disorder, or having epilepsy, is

00:51:38.200 --> 00:51:39.580 Frank R. Harrison: not by choice.

00:51:39.630 --> 00:51:49.060 Frank R. Harrison: but it is a liveable lifestyle. If it is done right, treated right, respected right with the right support system

00:51:49.130 --> 00:51:55.409 Frank R. Harrison: he mentioned earlier about growing up at a Dumpster dumpster fire. Well, we all really choose our own families ultimately.

00:51:55.560 --> 00:52:24.180 Frank R. Harrison: So I think, talk radio. Dot. Nyc has become a core family for both of us, and ladies and gentlemen. Thank you again for this particular just staying tuned for this particular episode. I know, we're we're doing a real integration with all of you out there watching to really have commentary live reactions. This is a story that needs to be told even more. So we will continue Logan's story in a later show. But,

00:52:24.520 --> 00:52:35.489 Frank R. Harrison: I just wanna say, stay tuned for our next episode on the first of February, when I'm here again with Karen Ross in Chicago, at the Double Tree, Hilton and

00:52:36.440 --> 00:52:55.479 Frank R. Harrison: that's it. Well, you know. Thank you for paying attention. Oh, yes, tomorrow Slater shows we start with philanthropy and focus with Tommy D. We go with Stephen Fry's always Friday. We close out the week with Intangi and Matthew Asbell next Tuesday, Mira Branku, and the hard skills. And then, after next Thursday, with

00:52:55.490 --> 00:53:12.400 Frank R. Harrison: a Sam Leibowitz and the conscious consultant hour, I will be live from Chicago with Karen Ross that all being said, thanks for being here today. Thank you, Logan, again, for all that you do, even behind the scenes, and thank you, of course, to Emily as well, and I'll see you next week. Take care

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